Anal sex: New neighbors teach a couple new things about themselves

: New neighbors teach a new things about themselves

First, I should say that Oceanbreeze Court is several hundred miles away from the nearest ocean. It is a cul de sac in an upscale development on the east side of a medium-sized Midwestern city. Kelly, my wife, and I bought a house there several years ago. Notwithstanding the stupid name, the developer did a pretty good job. The houses were reasonably far apart and many of the trees had been preserved.

I met Kelly early in my first year of law school. I was standing in line behind her to get a drink at a party. She very literally turned into me, leaving much of her drink on my shirt.

The first thing I noticed about Kelly was her deep copper-colored hair. Her large brown eyes, which always seemed to twinkle, were second. An infectious smile in a very lightly freckled face was third. Not long after that I took note of what appeared to be a compact, athletic body in a muslin top and fairly tight jeans.

Having her drink poured on me turned out to be an effective introduction. I spent much of the party talking to Kelly. Amazingly, she didn't seem to mind. I discovered an intelligent, witty, articulate woman with whom I shared some interests and many views. Not wishing to press my luck too far, I left the party relatively early. Not before, however, Kelly had asked me for my number so that she could arrange to come over to clean my shirt.

Kelly did clean my shirt, which gave me the opportunity to ask her to dinner as compensation. I was surprised, but very pleased, when she accepted my invitation. I was more surprised, and more pleased, when we were soon dating regularly.

Kelly had been a diver in undergrad. She had been moderately successful, finishing second in her conference on the springboard in her senior year and sixth at the national championships. She was in grad school working on her master's and doctorate in psychology.

The dating relationship grew into something much more serious. We were lovers by the end of my first year and lived together my third year. Sex with Kelly was athletic, exciting, and very rewarding. Whether through experience or imagination I didn't know, but Kelly had a wider sexual repertoire than I did. However, she was always kind and patient and willing to coach me through whatever she wanted me to do to her. She worked hard to make the sex great for both of us.

Kelly received her doctorate the same day I got my J.D. I had a job with a medium-sized firm in the Midwest. Kelly was doing what amounted to a residency (but wasn't because she's not an MD) at a prestigious teaching hospital on the east coast. I feared that distance would bring the end of our relationship. Her 18 months up east introduced me to Skype and to a lot of interstate highways I'd not driven before. The relationship survived, and may have grown stronger, during the separation.

When her “residency” was done, Kelly got a position with the behavioral health services unit of a large private, non-profit hospital group in my town. I proposed not long after Kelly had moved to town. Thankfully, she said yes. We both worked hard during the first few years of the marriage to establish ourselves in our respective fields. However, there was always time for each other. Much of the “us” time was spent doing some form of exercise, which was an absolute need for Kelly. It paid off too. She only got more beautiful as she aged out of her twenties.

We also had trips together. A couple of times in the Caribbean, we even went to nude beaches. There was no one around who knew us. It was fun and a little sexy, and Kelly looks great nude. She says the same about me, but she's my wife so she has to.

By the time we had been in town ten years, we were both established enough and making enough money that we thought the time had come to abandon our urban apartment for a house. We wanted more green, more quiet, and more privacy.

The house on Oceanbreeze Court had just come on the market as we started looking. As we heard the story, the husband worked for a worldwide company based in town and was being transferred to somewhere in Asia on short notice. With a young child and a pregnant wife, they did not want to split the family up so everyone was moving. They needed to sell. It was a nice house. I guess the worldwide company paid pretty well.

Oceanbreeze Court had been developed all at once about ten years ago. However, the developer had done a pretty good job. There were a total of seven houses. However, Oceanbreeze made a sharp dogleg so that the three houses at the dead end were not visible from the four closer to the street. The house we were looking at was on the right as you looked at the dead end. A very similar house was across the street. In the middle, at the dead end, was a somewhat larger house. It was wooded behind all three houses. The woodland was part of a county park so it was unlikely that anything would be built behind the house. Although our offices were in different directions, the house was about twenty minutes' drive from each of Kelly's office and mine.

It was really more house than we needed for the two of us. However, there was nothing else with that much green and that much relative privacy so well located for us. We bought the place. It was expensive, but I think that we got a good price.

We closed in early May and moved in the weekend before Memorial Day. The movers had only been gone a short time when a woman about our age came across the street to us.

“Hi. You're the new owners?” she said.

We acknowledged that we were.

“I'm Allison Schultz. My husband Kurt and I live across the street. I thought I'd introduce myself. These three houses are a little isolated back here so we tend to see a lot of each other and not so much of anyone else. Welcome to the neighborhood. I think that you'll like it.”

Allison had wavy black hair. The tee shirt and shorts she was wearing showed that she was a bit larger and curvier than a fashion model. Not fat, just a bit big with large breasts, very noticeable hips, and solid thighs. Allison's face was slightly wide. She had large lips, big blue eyes, and a low almost sultry voice. In sum, Allison was not classically beautiful, but there was something sexy and alluring about her.

We introduced ourselves.

Allison asked, “Is there anything I can do to help you?”

“Oh no,” Kelly said. “We don't want to impose on our neighbors right out of the box. We'll get this mess sorted out. Thanks for the offer though.”

Allison said, “Don't hesitate to ask if you need anything or if there is anything I can tell you. It's great to meet you.” Allison walked back across the street.

As Allison walked away, Kelly commented “She seemed pretty nice. An attractive woman too.”

“I didn't notice,” I replied.

“Right,” Kelly said sarcastically.

We spent the next couple of evenings opening boxes to find the things we needed right away. Getting everything unpacked and put away was becoming a daunting task. Wednesday evening, our landline phone, which had been silent up to that point, rang.

Kelly answered the phone. She listened for a few moments then said into it, “Thank you. That's very nice. Let me ask my husband.” Putting her hand over the phone's mouthpiece, Kelly said to me, “That is Bree Roberts. She and her husband live in the middle house. They invited us to a pool party at their house Friday evening. Just the two of them, the Schultzes, and us if we want to go. What do you think?”

We didn't have anything planned except unpacking. I could definitely use a break from that and it would be good to meet the neighbors. “Sure,” I said, “If you're ok with it. Ask if we can bring anything.”

Speaking back into the phone, Kelly said, “Thank you again. We'll be happy to come. What can we bring?” Kelly listened to the response, said “Great! Thanks” into the phone, and hung up. To me, she said “We can bring some beer or wine. About 6:30. Attire is swimsuits.”

We walked the short distance to the Roberts' house about 6:45 that Friday evening. I was wearing board shorts, a tee shirt, and flips; and carrying a cooler containing a local craft IPA, a regional summer wheat beer, a good Bavarian pils, and Scottish ale. Kelly was wearing a somewhat revealing black bikini. Nothing risqué, but it did catch your attention. Kelly has the body for it and the black scraps of cloth contrasted nicely with her copper hair.

We had not yet met Bree and Peter Roberts. My first impression, which turned out to be accurate, was that they were about fifteen years older than us. Peter was a tall, slender man. Bree was much shorter, but also very slender. There were almost no curves outlined by her one-piece swimsuit. However, she had a lovely and kind face (a young Jane Seymour gives you a general idea) framed by ask-blonde hair that was starting to show a bit of grey.

The Roberts' backyard was impressive. I don't know whether their pool was competition size, but it was considerably larger than your typical backyard pool. A little ways away was a large in-ground Jacuzzi. Closer to the house was a built-in grill and a small refrigerator not far from what looked like a stone table. The entire pool deck and patio were done in a reddish brown tile meant to replicate marble (I assume that it was not real marble). Unless someone was hiding in the trees, the Roberts' backyard was completely secluded.

Allison and her husband Kurt were already there. Kurt was a dark-haired and dark complexion man about my height. I'm guessing Kurt weighed about 165. He had the small but well-developed body of a distance runner or cyclist. As I learned later, he was both.

Allison also wore a black bikini, slightly more concealing than Kelly's. The bikini flattered Allison's voluptuous body. While I suspected that she naturally had a very fair complexion, all of the skin I could see had a slight tan.

Everyone swam for a while. Peter fixed burgers on the grill. After dinner, everyone had drinks and we talked. The conversation that evening was largely about Allison, Kurt, Bree, and Peter getting to know us and us them. Kelly and I each told the other what we did and a bit about our background.

Peter was somewhat reserved. His voice used a narrow range of pitches and was never raised. He seemed to choose his words carefully. However, Peter could be very funny when he chose to be. We learned that he was executive director of a non-profit company that raised funds for arts organizations in the area. Bree was also low key. She had a very soft voice. When she talked, she gave the impression that she knew what she was talking about and carefully distinguished between fact and assumption of hypothesis. Bree was an economics professor at the large, local state university.

Kurt was an architect. While I did not know him previously, I was aware of his firm. They had reputation as young up-and-comers. They had designed several major projects in the region over the last several years. Their designs were innovative if not somewhat edgy. Although Kurt was very pleasant, he seemed to usually let Allison speak for them.

Allison was high energy and very outgoing. She had an opinion or comment on almost everything, but managed to do that in a way that was not offensive or overbearing. Allison, we learned, was a visual artist. While she “dabbled” in several media, her commercial work was primary oil or water color painting. She regularly showed in one of the city's top galleries and sold several works per year. A substantial part of her income came from “stroking wealthy egocentrics.” Allison was, it seemed, the go-to person in town if you wanted your portrait painted.

The evening broke up a little after ten. It had been a very pleasant evening and I was very favorably impressed by our new neighbors. Peter came up to us just before we left.

“Allison, Kurt, Bree, and I have been having these Friday pool parties, weather permitting, almost every Friday for a couple of years. We hope that you'll continue to join us. Unless you hear otherwise, you can assume that we'll be here every Friday night roughly May through September. We hope that you will both become regulars.”

“Thank you Peter,” Kelly replied. “That's very nice. We'll be pleased to join you as much as possible.”

Kelly and I talked once we got home. Kelly shared my favorable impression of our neighbors and said that she looked forward to next Friday.

The Friday evening pool parties did become a weekly event. They always followed more-or-less the same pattern: everyone swam or Peter strung up a water volleyball net, then dinner, then drinks and free-flowing intelligent conversation. The topics ranged from politics (all six of us shared broadly similar views) to local events to books or the arts to sports to what had happened to one of us at work. They were very enjoyable evenings. While everyone drank, no one got really drunk.

As the fourth weekly party was breaking up, I noticed Bree, Allison, Kurt, and Peter exchange glances. Something is up, I thought. Have we offended these people somehow?

Peter was again the spokesman. “Kelly, Harry, we're really happy that you have become a part of our Friday evening group. The people who had your house before you were always invited, but never came. So, for as long as we've been doing these, it has been just Allison, Kurt, Bree, and me. We changed our party a little to accommodate the two of you. Now that we've gotten to know you, we'd like to talk about going back to the way we've done these for most of the last couple of years.”

Bree interjected quietly, “What Peter is getting to is that we have always done our pool parties in the nude. We didn't know how you would react to that so we've worn suits for the last month. I think that we all really like you and you seem to be reasonable people, so we wanted to let you know that the four of us will be nude next Friday and the Fridays thereafter. We hope that you will join us in the nude, but, if you prefer to leave your suits on, that is perfectly fine. Of course, we hope that you will keep coming.”

Wow! I had not seen that coming at all. Our neighbors were backyard nudists. I looked at Kelly. She looked as surprised as I felt.

After a moment of silence, Kelly stammered out, “Well, thank you for telling us. Of course, you should dress for your parties however you feel comfortable.” Looking at me, Kelly went on, “Of course, we enjoy these parties and would love to keep coming.” I nodded. “As for the rest,” Kelly said, “we'll have to think about it.”

Walking back to our house, I asked Kelly, “Did you have any idea that the nudist thing was coming?”

“Absolutely not,” she said.

“I wonder if, maybe, it is a practical joke on the new kids on the block,” I said. “We show up naked next Friday and they're clothed with a bunch of other clothed guests.”

“Uh, I don't think so,” Kelly responded. “I told them that we'd come Friday. You're ok with that?”

“Yeah, I'm ok,” I answered. “The question is; do we go naked?”

“I don't know,” Kelly answered. “I need to think about that, a lot.”

My practical joke suspicion was dissipated somewhat when Peter called the next day. I think that he wanted to gauge our reaction to their revelation. He emphasized that they had not told anyone else that they had their Friday parties in the nude and that no one else was ever invited. He repeated that they were perfectly okay if we decided to leave our suits on. To deflect the discussion of nudity, and to keep from thinking about the possibility of going naked with our neighbors, I asked Peter if we could bring the meat for dinner the following Friday. He and Bree always provided all of the food, which seemed unfair to me.

Wednesday evening, Allison knocked at our front door. When I answered it, Allison asked if Kelly was in and if she could speak to her. I called Kelly to the door and left them two women in privacy. After a brief conversation in the foyer, I heard them walking back to the kitchen. Kelly and Allison talked for about 45 minutes. Occasionally, I heard laughter or giggles, but I did not try to hear what they were talking about. Finally, Kelly, with a glass of wine in her hand, walked Allison back to the door.

“Thanks for the wine,” Allison said to Kelly. To me, Allison said, “Take care Harry. See you Friday.”

Kelly came into the living room where I was sitting after Allison left.

“What was that about?” I asked Kelly.

Kelly smiled. “That was Allison trying to persuade me that we should go naked Friday night.”

“Are we?” I asked.

Kelly smiled again. “I really don't know. We enjoyed going nude in the islands, but, like we said then, we weren't going to see, or be seen by, anyone we knew. These people know us. We live right next door and, as far as I know, we're all going to be here for years to come. I really don't know what I want to do.”

I left for work that Friday morning still not knowing if I was going to be exposing my dick and my ass to our neighbors that night or not.

I had a couple of issues at work and had to hurry to pick up the steaks I had ordered from the butcher and get the beer selection I customarily took to the party. It was about 6:15 when I got home. Kelly was home, wearing a satin robe with oriental designs that she sometimes used as a cover-up at the pool. That didn't tell me anything. Kelly seemed excited and in very good spirits.

“You got into the wine already?” I teased.

“Of course not,” Kelly replied. “Get those icepacks out of the freezer so we can pack the coolers.” It was after 6:30 by the time we got the meat packed into one cooler and the beer into another. Kelly picked up a set of house keys and put them into a very small purse.

“Ok,” I said. “The question of the hour: are we going naked at Bree and Peter's”

Kelly smiled. She undid the belt on her robe. She opened her robe and let it fall to the floor. She was completely naked. She looked fantastic.

Moving closer to me, Kelly explained, “I decided that we needed some excitement in our lives. Haven't we said that we want to try new things? Allison, Kurt, Bree, and Peter are good people. Then, I thought, if we're going to do it, commit to it! So I decided to leave my clothes here.”

Kelly and I looked into each others' eyes for a moment. “Ok,” I said and took off my shoes. I laid my clothes on the island in the kitchen as I took them off. Soon, I was naked and barefoot like Kelly. Being nude in our house was no big deal. It felt a little different when I pulled the wheeled cooler out onto our back patio and watched Kelly lock our back door. I felt a slight breeze blowing across all of my skin. A ray of sunshine slanted through the leaves above onto my dick. I felt excited and a little scared.

Kelly stepped right in front of me and kissed me. “I love you,” she said.

I followed Kelly's gorgeous tan lined ass as we stepped carefully through our side yard, along a short path through the trees, and into the Roberts' side yard. We weren't ready to go naked down the sidewalk to their front door. We angled our way around the side of the Roberts' large house to their back patio.

Allison, Kurt, Bree, and Peter were all there. All four of them were naked. As Kelly and I walked up, giving our friends full frontals, they applauded briefly.

Bree said in her soft voice, “I'm so glad that you decided to join us in the nude.”

Allison came up to Kelly, hugged her, and kissed her on the cheek. Then Allison hugged me. A naked hug with Allison's lush body was nice, very nice. Allison stepped back and looked at us both. “You guys look great naked!” she exclaimed. Well, Kelly did. I'm not convinced that I did.

Of course I looked at the naked bodies of our four friends. Nude, you could see that Bree did, in fact, have tits and an ass. Nude also favored Allison. Without the constraints of clothes, her breasts and hips sat in their preferred positions. Allison really looked great naked. Peter looked like, well, Peter; although I couldn't help noticing his very small dick. You also noticed Kurt. In contrast to his generally small and wiry build, Kurt's penis was unusually long and thick. I was somewhere in the middle, between the extremes of Peter and Kurt.

The evening went much as the previous ones except, of course, that we were all naked. While I had not noticed any tension before, that evening seemed more relaxed. Perhaps it was just in my head, but I had the sense that Kelly and I had gone through a rite of passage and were now members of the club. When we plopped ourselves on the chairs and chaises for our after-dinner drinks and conversation, I noticed that Kelly was initially careful to keep her legs crossed. Bree sat normally while Allison seemed to make a point of keep her legs slightly spread. After a time, Kelly uncrossed her legs and everyone could see her beautiful pussy.

I also noticed that neither Allison nor Kurt had any pubic hair. Indeed, I didn't see a hair on either of them apart from their heads. I wondered if they got full-body shaves. Neither of them had any tan lines either. Bree's pubic hair was cut in a very neat triangle and very close so that you could see the pale skin of her mound beneath it.

Just as the party was breaking up, Allison came up to us. “Guys, I'd really like to paint you in the nude. Don't worry; I won't sell anything of you. It's just that I'm not too busy now and need the practice. If you guys could come over some afternoon, I could have you do some poses in our back garden. What I do is get you into the poses and shot a lot of pictures. From that, I'll make a few sketches of what I think might work. I'll show you the sketches and whatever we agree on is what I'll paint. Will you do it?”

Kelly replied, “I don't have anything scheduled Thursday afternoon.” She smiled but gave me a look which told me that I'd better not have anything scheduled Thursday afternoon either. Fortunately, I did not. I nodded acquiescence.

“Great!” Allison confirmed.

Walking home through the night, I asked Kelly, “Well, what did you think?”

“I really enjoyed it. Allison, Kurt, Bree, and Peter are such nice people and they just seemed more relaxed and natural with no clothes on.”

“How did you feel with no clothes on?” I asked Kelly.

She giggled. “You know, it was really a thrill of sorts to be naked in front of people whom I already knew.”

“Are we going back?” I asked.

“Of course.”

“Are we going to keep going naked?”

“Of course,” Kelly answered.

I made a point of being home just after noon the following Thursday. Just before 1:00, Kelly came into the room naked. “It's time to go to Allison's,” she said.

I looked at her. Of course, I always look at Kelly when she's naked. She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

“I thought, again, that we ought to really commit if we are going to do this,” Kelly said. “Leave the clothes at home. No one ever comes down Oceanbreeze and, if they do, well, I hope that they enjoy seeing us.”

I took my clothes off. We stepped naked onto our front porch. Kelly set the alarm and locked our door. Holding hands, we walked naked across Oceanbreeze and up to the Schultzes' front door.

Allison answered the door in a robe. “I'm glad that you already took your clothes off. Underwear leaves marks on the body.” She let us in. Putting her hands on the belt to her robe, Allison asked, “Do you mind? I think that it helps me empathize with the models if I'm also naked.”

We both nodded. Allison took off her robe and turned to hang it up, displaying both sides of her luscious bare body.

“Come on,” she said, “We'll have a glass of wine and then go to the garden.”

After a glass and a half, Allison picked up her camera and led us into a very nice garden. She positioned us standing on the dirt with several rows of flowers in front of us and a Japanese maple behind us. The first pose had Kelly and me holding hands and facing the camera. While I say “facing the camera” Allison actually had us hold the pose a while as she circled around, getting close and stepping back, taking pictures from all angles.

The next pose was similar; except Kelly and I were touching and each had an arm around the other's back. After Allison took a huge number of pictures, we broke and had more wine.

The third pose was in the same location, but Allison had us embracing with our arms around each other's backs. For the fourth pose, Allison had us move our hands to the other's buttocks. In the fifth pose, we were kissing. Being in that posture with Kelly and Allison taking pictures was erotic and I was getting somewhat hard. Kelly's hard nipples against my chest told me that she was aroused too.

We broke again and had some more wine. When we resumed, Allison asked us to stand facing each other with a hand between the other's legs. We did it gladly. While Allison circled around us taking pictures, Kelly was rubbing a finger up and down the underside of my head and shaft. I had a finger massaging her clit.

Allison stopped taking pictures and said, “Let me think of one more pose then we'll be done.” I looked into Kelly's face. She smiled and nodded slightly. I stepped closer, put both hands on Kelly's ass and lifted her up. She put one hand around my neck while her other handed guided my dick into her. Once I was inside, Kelly put both hands around my neck and wrapped her legs around me. I stood holding Kelly's ass and helping her slide up and down on me. I was aware that Allison had started taking pictures of us fucking. That just made the whole experience more arousing.

As we had been standing in the same place for a couple of hours, the sun had moved. While we had initially been shaded, Kelly and I were fucking standing up in a shaft of bright sunlight. The warmth on my bare skin was another in a symphony of sensations.

Fortunately, I did not drop Kelly as I came into her. Kelly's yelps told me that she had come just after I did. Kelly unwrapped her legs and I lowered her down along my body until she stood. We kissed for a long time. Finally, we broke and turned to face Allison, who took one last picture.

Lowering her camera, Allison said, “That was wonderful. Thank you. You two look so good together that I had hoped that I could eventually persuade you to let me photograph you making love. I'm really glad that you felt comfortable enough to do it the first time you posed.”

Oddly, as Kelly and I walked naked back across the street to our house, I felt proud of myself.

I surprised myself again by not being embarrassed when Allison described our modeling session in detail to Bree, Peter, and Kurt that Friday night. The smile on Kelly's face told me that she wasn't embarrassed either.

The revelation that Kelly and I had fucked in front of Allison was, apparently, another rite of passage. Our usual after-dinner conversation was cut short by Allison telling Kurt that she wanted to get back in the pool. Bree and Peter and Kelly and I followed. Each couple paired off, a few feet apart, in water where we could stand but were mostly covered. Kelly's had went almost immediately to my dick as mine went to her clit. Soon, Kelly had her legs wrapped around me again. This time, I had additional support from the sidewall of the pool. The sounds that I could hear from our friends told me that Allison and Kurt, and Bree and Peter, were fucking too.

It was a special experience standing in warm water, outside on a beautiful night, making love to the greatest woman alive and knowing that very good friends were right next to you making love also. Everyone prolonged the experience as long as possible.

A soft “uh” and a grunt from Peter told me that the Roberts had orgasmed. My focus quickly turned inward as Kelly's motions and sounds told me that she was coming. She began bucking against me harder, which also had the effect of getting me to shoot into her. Last came a very loud “Aiiee” from Allison and barking sounds from Kurt.

All three couples stayed in the water for a time kissing and cuddling. Bree and Peter finally got out of the pool. Standing on the deck in front of Allison and Kurt and us, Bree said, “I'm glad that we could all share that.”

I guess that the Schultzes and Roberts decided that Kelly and I fit in. After-dinner sex became a regular part of the Friday parties. The variation was, that starting the following week; we fucked on cushions on the pool deck instead of in the water. That Friday, all three couples made love simultaneously. A new, and more exciting, variation was introduced the following Friday: the couples fucked one at a time while the two other couples watched.

Bree and Peter had a daughter, Stephanie, who was in college somewhere in the Ivies. She was, they said, spending that summer doing an internship in DC. Stephanie came home to visit in mid-August.

A couple of days after we saw Stephanie's car parked in front of the Roberts' home, Bree called to discuss the food for that Friday. At the end of the discussion, I said to Bree, “I assume that we'll be wearing suits Friday.”

“Heavens no,” Bree responded. “Why would you think that?”

“Well, with your daughter staying with you,” I replied.

Bree chuckled. “Stephanie will be put Friday with old friends. If you're up Saturday morning, you may see her coming home.”

Kelly and I still left our clothes at home when we went to the Friday parties. Now, however, we were comfortable walking down the Oceanbreeze sidewalk rather than sneaking through the side yards. As we approached the Roberts' house that Friday, I noticed, with a bit of relief, that Stephanie's care was gone.

We had played volley ball and Peter was grilling dinner when a beautiful young lady with long blonde hair walked out of the house onto the patio wearing a small bikini. While the girl had a much more generous figure than her mother, the resemblance was sufficient to tell me that this was Stephanie.

Stephanie's unexpected appearance caused one of those “freeze frame” moments. No one spoke and no one moved. Finally, Bree said hesitantly, “Hello Dear. I thought that you were out with Sarah.”

Stephanie surveyed the scene of six naked people, including her parents. After a moment, she smiled. “Sarah's mom had car trouble way up north. Sarah is driving up there to help her. You didn't tell me that your pool parties were nude.”

Stephanie was standing a few feet outside of the house, in the center of the dining area of the patio. All six of us were looking at her. I know that I was wondering what would happen next.

Stephanie reached behind her back and undid the clasp of her bikini top and took her top off. Then, she put a hand on each hip and pushed her bottoms down. She took a few steps and laid her bikini over a chair back. Turning to face us, she asked “May I join you?”

I'm not sure what Bree and Peter would have done, but Allison, who already knew Stephanie, took charge. She walked over to Stephanie and said, “Of course. Can I get you a drink?” Bree and Peter were confronted with fait accompli.

Allison introduced Stephanie to Kelly and me. Stephanie looked older than 21. Actually, she was stunning naked; almost as gorgeous as Kelly. Having lost control of the situation, Bree and Peter decided to accept it. Stephanie stayed and stayed nude. We did not have the usual after dinner sex that night.

It turned out that Stephanie was going into in her senior year in political science (my undergrad major) and planned to apply to law school. Learning that I was a lawyer, Stephanie sort of cornered me after dinner with question about law school and what she could still do to improve her chances of admission to a top five school. I have to admit that I had paid a fair amount of attention to Stephanie once she showed up and noticed that she talked with her hands. She would gently tap the person to whom she was talking to emphasize her points. When I talked to her, we sat facing each other on one of the benches for the table. She periodically reached out and tapped her finger on my bare thigh. It was distracting.

Back home that night, Kelly and I had a good laugh at Stephanie showing up at the pool party unexpected. We had started sleeping nude, so we showered together and went to bed.

Stephanie was still in town the next Friday and, I gathered, coming to her parents' weekly party took priority over seeing her old friends. Of course, all seven of us were nude. At one point, I saw Kelly, Allison, and Stephanie standing, talking to each other. The three women were different from each other in appearance, but the three of them standing together naked was one of the most wonderful things I've ever seen.

For some reason, everyone drank more than usual that night and our after dinner conversation took a sexual turn. I guess that was a substitute for the actual sex that had become a part of our Friday nights but from which we refrained due to Stephanie.

It was getting a little late when Allison asked, “What sexual fantasy do you have that you'd like to live out? Kelly, you first.”

Kelly thought for a moment, Then, forgetting that Stephanie did not know everything we did at the pool parties, Kelly said, “Well, having sex with you guys watching us has really been a turn on for me.” Kelly giggled. She'd had a bit to drink. “What I've been fantasizing about recently was what it would be like if Harry and I had sex on a stage in front of an audience.”

That was a new one on me. I was glad that Kelly included me in her fantasy.

Kelly asked, “What about you Allison?”

Not surprisingly, Allison had a ready answer. “I want to fuck Kurt in the ass with a strap-on. He won't go for it though.”

I saw Kurt smiling and shaking his head. Kelly was sitting next to me and squeezed my hand. I looked at her and she raised an eyebrow. That was an inside comment. A couple of years earlier, a girl friend had taken Kelly to a sex shop and Kelly had bought a strap-on dildo for reasons unknown. She had insisted on using it on me a couple of times. It didn't do anything for me, but, if it made Kelly happy . . . .

Allison then asked her question of Bree.

Bree floored us all. “I want to be spanked. No welts or bruises, but naked over his knee until my ass glows.” She had stood up and was looking down at Peter sitting on the table bench. Bree continued, “Then, I want him to raise me up, kiss me, then put me on my back and fuck me senseless.” This was astounding coming from the reserved, controlled Bree.

Allison took charge, “Well, that fantasy can be lived out right here, right now. Peter!”

Poor Peter didn't know what to do. Bree, who I suspect had also had a bit to drink, looked down at him. Pleadingly, she said “Please?”

Peter really didn't have much choice. He straightened up and slid his ass slightly farther from the table. He patted his knee.

Bree draped herself over Peter's knee as the rest of us, Stephanie included, moved to stand behind Bree. Once she had herself positioned, she spread her legs so that she was fully exposed to us.

Peter smacked Bree's ass once very gently. Bree yelled out “harder!” Emboldened, Peter gave Bree a forceful second smack. Bree half yelled and half moaned, “yesss.”

Peter spanked his wife maybe ten times before she said “Up!” Bree stood up, took Peter's hand and pulled him off of the bench. They hugged. Then Bree led Peter over to one of the cushioned chaises. She put the back of the chaise down flat and lay down on it on her back. Bree spread her legs and Peter mounted her.

I was standing between Kelly and Stephanie watching the reserved Roberts with a mix of shock and admiration. As Peter started fucking Bree, Stephanie said, “I must be submissive. That looked like a lot of fun.” Stephanie paused then said, “Harry, would you spank me?”

I immediately looked at Kelly, who said “go ahead.”

I guess that I had been drinking a bit too. I walked over to the bench and sat down. Stephanie walked over, followed by Kelly. Stephanie bent herself over my knees and slide around until her bare ass was centered on my lap. Her movements and the whole situation had me aroused and the head of my dick was pressing into her belly.

I sat looking at Stephanie's beautiful ass spread open on my lap. Something about hitting that seemed wrong to me. However, Kelly commanded “spank her.”

I slapped Stephanie's ass once. It was Kelly who commanded “harder.” I slapped Stephanie again, hard enough to redden her ass slightly. Kelly said “that's good.” I gave Stephanie about eight more spanks before Kelly said “stop!”

Kelly helped Stephanie off of my knee. When Stephanie was standing up, Kelly said “Harry.” I stood up and followed Kelly and Stephanie to another chaise. No words were said. Kelly lay down on her back and spread her elegant legs.

Stephanie got on the chaise between Kelly's legs facing her. Over her shoulder to me, Stephanie said, “I'm going to eat Kelly. You fuck me doggy style.” Stephanie turned back to Kelly, leaned down, and buried her face in Kelly's cunt. Stephanie also stuck her ass up in the air.

I could see my target clearly. I walked over and slid my dick into Stephanie's cunt. She was wet and wonderful. I started pumping hard as I watched Stephanie eat Kelly. At one point, I glanced at Kelly's face. She was grinning and breathing very hard. When she realized that I was looking at her, she winked at me.

Kelly came first, loudly. I shot into Stephanie. That was a mistake, I know, but seemed right at the moment. Stephanie came last, collapsing onto Kelly. I followed Stephanie down. When we all regained our breath, the girls wriggled around so that all three of us were nude on the chaise, we considerable semen smeared on all of us, and I was between Kelly and Stephanie.

From the chaise, I looked up to see Bree and Peter looking down at us. I thought, “Oh shit. I'm in trouble now.”

Bree and Peter looked at the three of us silently for what seemed like forever. Finally, Bree smiled and softly said “nice.”

Just after that, I heard Allison, farther away; say “I feel left out.”

Stephanie had left to go back to school before the next Friday night party. That was a good thing. After we had done our usual after dinner conversation for a while, Allison got up and went inside. When she came back out, she was wearing a harness around her pelvis with a large plastic penis in front.

Kelly got up and led Allison over to me. “Honey, I know that you'll take it in the ass so I promised Allison that she could fuck you. Please don't let me down,” Kelly said to me. I figured that I could survive the experience, so I went over to a chaise and got on it on my hands and knees.

I felt someone spreading my buttocks. Cool lube was smeared around my asshole. A finger pushed more lube through my asshole into my colon. Then I felt the plastic dickhead against my asshole. It slowly penetrated. Geez the thing was fat! It was a little painful to have the entire dildo in my ass, but, if it made the girls happy . . . .

Allison worked the strap-on in my ass energetically. I got a hard-on, but it was otherwise just something to endure. I didn't understand the thrill Allison was getting from this until I later saw the strap-on and realized that it had a piece that fit into her cunt so that she was stimulating herself as she buttfucked me.

Allison came and pulled out of me. She was still energized. Unstrapping the dildo, she said to me, “Turnabout is fair.” She got down on all fours and said, “Fuck my ass Harry.”

Kelly had the lube. She put a large amount in and around Allison's asshole and rubbed some on my dick. I let Kelly hold Allison's cheeks apart with one hand while her other guided my dick into Allison's ass. Once I was firmly in, I began pumping. I'd never fucked anyone in the ass before. It wasn't as nice as fucking a pussy, but it wasn't bad. To my surprise, Allison seemed to enjoy it too.

It didn't take a great deal of work for me to come in Allison's ass. After I pulled out and stood up, Allison stood up. She grabbed a towel and wiped my dick off carefully. Satisfied that I was reasonably sanitary again, Allison gave me a kiss and a tight hug.

Later, at home, Kelly and I had a conversation about the apparent decline in our moral standards. After I raised the point, Kelly asked me, “Well, are you having fun?”

“Yes, I am.”

“So am I,” Kelly said. “And so are Allison, Kurt, Bree, and Peter. We're all good friends. No one forces anyone to do anything. We know that no one has any diseases. I frankly do not see any problem.” I couldn't disagree.

Another befit of our play with our neighbors was that it encouraged our own sex life. Before the pool parties went nude, Kelly and I were having sex maybe twice a week. Now, we slept nude and stayed nude most of the time we were home. We frequently began spontaneously fondling each other and then fucking, in any room in the house and, sometimes, the back patio. Twice a week had become, at least every morning and night.

Although a little less outrageous, the pool parties continued until the weather turned too cold. Our substitute then was a Friday night dinner party that rotated among the three houses. The gust would come wearing only coats and shoes. All three couples had large houses, so we each had a designated play room. I have to admit that play morphed, on occasion, into swapping. Over the fall and winter, I had the experience of vaginally fucking Allison, who was great, and fucking Bree, who was surprisingly good. Kelly had herself stretched out with Kurt's massive schlong and learned that she preferred to blow Peter rather than be fucked by him.

Our friendship was not just sexual. The three couples went out to dinner together, to shows, even to the hockey game. I did some free work for both of the other couples and both Kurt and Peter sent some paying work my way. The six of us had developed a very close relationship.

At Christmas, Allison gave us two paintings, framed, that she had made from our modeling session. One was Kelly and me, full frontal nude, holding hands. The other was me holding Kelly, her legs wrapped around me fucking me. Both paintings were very lifelike and looked exactly like us. We hung them in our bedroom for a year or so. When we became more confident, we hung one in our foyer and the other in the living room

It was that time in March that is neither winter nor spring when Allison knocked on our door one evening. I poured us all glasses on wine and we sat down together on a sofa.

After a sip of wine, Allison got to the purpose of her visit. “I've been thinking about this a lot over the last few months. It isn't fair that Bree and I got to live out our fantasies last summer but we haven't done anything for Kelly.”

Allison took another sip. “I know a lot of arts types. One buddy of mine directs a small theater company over in [she named a small town focused on arts & crafts tourism about three hours' drive away]. He has effective control of the theater they use. Without naming names, I talked to him about Kelly's fantasy. He can make it happen. He says that his lights people would love it and would work the night for free. He can guarantee about 50 people, invitation only. The only people there whom you'd know would be Kurt and me, and we've seen you fuck before.”

Allison stopped and looked at each of us to get a sense of whether we'd go along. Kelly was smiling and breathing a bit harder.

Allison continued. “Just say the word and we can do this in a couple of weeks. My friend says that he can arrange it for a Saturday night. Their season is over already. He'd want you there in the afternoon to arrange the lighting. He suggested that we have a reception beforehand so that the audience people could meet you clothed. I think that would be great. It would increase the anticipation on both sides if the audience members are talking to you knowing that you're about to strip naked and fuck in front of them and you're talking to them knowing that they're about to see you strip naked and fuck. There's even a decent hotel nearby so that we don't have to drive back until the next day. Are you up for it?”

Kelly looked at me. The look of yearning in her face was special, and very arousing. I nodded my head affirmatively. Kelly kissed me.

Allison stood up and set her wine glass on a table. “I'll call my friend. Saturday after next ok?”

The anticipation grew as the date progressed. At times, I didn't believe that I had agreed to drive three hours and then fuck my wife on a stage in front of a group of strangers. At other times, thinking about it scared me to death. Kelly was very enthused and talked about it frequently.

The day came. Kurt and Allison picked us up since we didn't need two cars and Allison knew exactly where we were going. Thankfully, Kurt and Allison were pretty quiet on the drive. A little over three hours later, we pulled up beside a WPA-looking building=g with a sign on the front “The Craftwork Players.”

We went inside and were introduced to the troupe's director, Pierre. Pierre took us into the theater, which seated, maybe, 110. The stage was empty except for a large upholstered bench.

“That's the best piece I could find that doesn't have anything to interfere with sightlines,” Pierre said. “It's a bit old, but we bought some new sheets which we've washed. We'll cover it with those.”

A slightly chubby girl who looked 20-something came in and Pierre waved her over. “This is Becca, our lighting person,” Pierre said as introduction. We both shook hands with Becca.

Becca looked at us both and said, “This is great what you're doing. I can't imagine how hot it will be for you. I'm envious, but I don't know any heterosexual guys who'd fuck me in front of an audience.”

We followed Becca onto the stage. “I'd like to do this re-aiming as few lights as possible.” She walked to a spot downstage center and pointed up. “I've already got a couple of spots aimed down here that will light a space large enough for two people.”

Pierre interjected, “What I was thinking was, you could stand here to start with your clothes on. We'll give you a wireless mike so you can introduce yourselves to the audience. Then you can strip off or strip each other. Is that ok?”

Not having any better idea, we both nodded.

“Ok,” Pierre continued, “once you're both naked a couple of our stage hands will come from the wings and take your clothes. Sally and Jeff volunteered. They'll put your clothes in the wings and come back and move than bench down here. This is the best spot for visibility on stage. That will also give you a few minutes to stand upright naked in front of the audience. Once they move the bench down here, they'll go offstage and you can just do it.”

Pierre was being pretty professional. However, the realization that he was talking about Kelly and me stripping naked on that stage in a few hours was getting me hard. I could see Kelly's hard nipples poking out under her sweater.

I was so lost in my own thoughts and anxieties that I hadn't realized that Pierre had stopped talking and was waiting for us to comment. He brought me back to the moment by asking, “Is that all ok? Anything you'd like to change? It's your show.”

I looked at Kelly. To Pierre, Kelly said, “No, that all sounds fine. Thank you both. You've put some work in on this.”

Pierre and Becca both smiled. “We get to watch,” Becca said. “That's thanks enough.”

Becca went off. Pierre led us back out into the house where Allison and Kurt were sitting. He said, “I've lined up 60 people who are definitely coming. A lot of them are theater folks. We're all exhibitionists and voyeurs. There are a few others from around the area who will enjoy it. One of our biggest donors and his wife are coming. Don't worry. Everyone will keep quiet and no one knows your last name or where you are from. Our crew went in and bought some wine. We'll have a reception in the lobby at 7:30, show at nine. We'll need you backstage for make up by 8:15.”

“Make up?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Pierre said. “Stage lights tend to wash out the color of your skin. For you to look like normal people, we have to put a base all over you. If there is anything which you want to highlight, we can do that too. A little of the makeup may rub off on the clothes you wear onstage. It is water-based and will wash out. Most of it will stay on you.”

We thanked Pierre again and drove about 20 minutes to the hotel. After we checked in, Allison and Kurt went to get an early dinner. Kelly and I thought it unwise to eat. We also had to get ready. In the room, we stripped down and checked each other for any rogue hairs. I tend to be a bit hairy. Kelly and Allison had shaved my entire body the night before. Allison also shaved Kelly's pubes.

Kelly had told Allison, “If we're going to do this, we should be as exposed as possible. I don't want pubic hair hiding my cunt lips.”

Satisfied that we were hairless, we took a shower together. Kelly had had her hair done the day before so, for the first time since I had known her, she wore a shower cap. We dried each other off and hugged for a while.

Time was getting short so we dressed in our “stage clothes.” We wanted clothes that were easy to take off. For me, that meant shoes with no socks, a white button-down shirt, and a pair of brown slacks. To simplify things, I decided to go commando.

Kelly wore a sundress. It was unseasonable, but she could grab the hem and pull it off over her head. Underneath, she wore her “fuck me” bra and a thong. She finished he stage clothes with a pair of high heels. Kelly had thought about panty hose, but was worried that they would be too tough to take off onstage.

We had just finished dressing when Allison knocked at our door. Time to go. It was a cold day so we each pulled on long heavy coats. With the coats, we really didn't need to wear anything underneath.

Kelly held my hand through the entire drive back to the theater. I looked at her the whole way, wondering how I managed to marry a woman who was so beautiful, so intelligent, and so exciting.

The outside lights of the theater were off, indicating that it was closed to the public. However, we could see the lights inside and a large number of cars in the parking lot. Glancing at the lobby door, I saw a large sign “PRIVATE PARTY.”

We went in the back. Pierre took our coats and then led us to the lobby. Pierre led us up onto a low platform. The lobby was very crowded and noisy.

Pierre yelled out, “May I have your attention?”

It took a minute for the room to quiet down and for everyone to turn and face us. I saw mostly couples, but the crowd covered a broad age range. Kelly and I were holding hands again.

As the noise muted, Pierre said loudly, “I want to thank you all for coming. I'd like to introduce the performers for tonight's very special performance. This is Kelly and Harry. In real life, they are husband and wife. In a little over an hour, you will be seeing all of them. However, we wanted to give you an opportunity to meet them first. And, please, help yourselves to the wine, courtesy of Craftwork Players' technical staff.”

Kelly and I stepped off of the platform and mingled with the crowd. The room was warm. It seemed like everyone wanted to meet us. This was our “rockstar moment” I suppose. People's comments were generally supportive; although, one middle-aged man said to me, “To do this, you must have a four foot pecker.” More representative was a fairly attractive young woman of, I guess, 27 or 28, wearing a nice dress, who told Kelly, “I really admire you. I wish that I could do what you're going to do. That would be the O of a lifetime.”

Sooner than I expected, I heard a loud whistle, looked up, and saw Pierre gesturing for us. Kelly and I made our way through the crowd and followed Pierre through a door marked “Staff Only.” We walked down a short dark hallway and into a brightly lit dressing room.

Two very young looking women were waiting. Pierre told us, “This is Sasha and this is Melanie. They are our make-up artists. I'm leaving you with them.”

Pierre walked off. The woman he introduced as Sasha said, “OK. Get all the clothes off.”

Kelly and I quickly stripped naked. We stood while Sasha and Melanie looked us over. Finally, Melanie said, “Their complexions are similar. Number three for both?” Sasha agreed. Melanie added, “Highlight her vagina and his penis?” Sasha agreed again.

Both women turned and picked up plastics containers which looked like women's make up compacts and balls of cotton. To us, Sasha said, “We'll start with your arms. Then, please put your arms over your heads. We'll do the rest of you. You will be getting make up all over. I hope that you're not ticklish. After the show, you can shower off there.” She pointed to a showerhead on one wall with a drain in the floor below it. No walls and no curtain was anywhere near it.

Sasha went to work on Kelly and Melanie worked on me. She put base on my arms and, with my arms in the air, she slowly did the rest of me, including my dick, my balls, and between my ass cheeks.

When Melanie finished my base, she said, “Stay still. I want to put something else on the head of your penis to highlight it.”

Melanie got a different compact and knelt before me. Taking my shaft in one hand, she gently spread a darker make-up on my dickhead.

I had to ask: “Do you make up penises often?”

Melanie giggled. “You're my first, but I kind of like it.”

I could see Sasha kneeling in front of Kelly working between her legs with something that looked like an eyeliner pencil. Kelly looked over and gave me a weak smile.

Melanie finished with my dickhead, but said, “Stay there. I want to put something on your shaft so that they can see your penis from the back row.”

Melanie used a brush to put another color on my shaft. The girl had a nice touch. When she was done, I looked down. Yup, my dick really looked noticeable. Looking at Kelly, I could see that her cunt lips were heavily outlined. In the dressing room light it looked more garish than erotic.

Reading my mind, Sasha said, “It looks overdone in here. It will look fine to the audience. It just draws their eyes to where we want them to look. Uh, you both better get dressed.”

Kelly and I dressed again, quickly but carefully. Pierre came in just as we finished. He smiled. “Show time,” he said.

Pierre led us into the stage-right wings. He whispered. “This is it. Out you go.”

I followed Kelly onto the stage. It was very dimly lit, just enough so that we could see to walk. The house lights were off, but it was light enough to see faces. Applause started as we walked out.

I would have forgotten where we were supposed to stand except that there was a microphone on a stand at front center stage. We walked there. The spots lights above us came up. It took a second to adjust to their brightness. As my eyes adjusted, I could again see faces in the audience, including Allison and Kurt. I gestured for Kelly to take the microphone.

Kelly took the mike out of its stand. “Is this on?” she said. It was. Kelly paused. She looked nervous. “Hi,” she said tentatively. “I'm Kelly. This is my husband Harry. I've never been onstage in front of an audience before. This is something that I've wanted to do for some time now. I want to thank you for coming and sharing it with us.”

Kelly put her hand holding the mike down and exhaled. She had relaxed a little. Raising he mike, she said, “Well, you didn't come here to see me standing in a dress.” She gestured to the young man who was standing in the dark on the side of the stage. He walked out.

Kelly said into the mike, “We had thought about undressing each other, but we decided to undress ourselves. That's our way of showing you that we are each voluntarily, gladly, exposing ourselves to you.”

Kelly handed him the microphone and bent down to take off her high heels. Kelly handed her shoes to the young man. She squarely faced the audience, bent down, grasped the hem of her dress, and pulled it over her head and off. She half turned to the young man and exchanged the dress for the microphone.

As the young man took Kelly's dress and shoes into the wings, Kelly told the audience, “I'll take the rest of this off once he gets back.”

The young man walked back onstage and stood beside Kelly. She smiled. Into the mike she said, “This is it.” She handed the mike to the young man. She reached behind herself and undid her bra. She brought her hands forward, taking the bra off.

Kelly handed the bra to the young man and took back the mike. “I must be excited,” she told the audience, “my nipples have gotten really hard.” She smiled again. “My pussy wants to see you all.” She handed the mike to the young man. She confidently pushed her thong over her hips and down her legs. She moved one foot out of the thong and gracefully lifted it up with the other foot. Taking the thong off of her foot, she handed it to the young man. He walked off stage as Kelly stood, completely naked, in front of the audience. She had never looked more beautiful.

Into the microphone, Kelly said, “I was pretty nervous about doing this. But, I cannot describe to you how good it feels to be standing here naked.” That brought applause.

Kelly looked at me and said, “Harry?”

I looked to the young lady standing at side stage to my left. She walked out. As she came into the light, I saw that she was very attractive. I brought each leg up in turn, took off my shoes, and handed them to her. I unbuttoned my shirt at a normal pace, pulled it out of my slacks and took it off. I handed my shirt to the girl. I undid my belt and unbuttoned the waist band on my slacks. I lowered the zipper and stepped out of my slacks.

I handed my slacks o the girl who took them and walked off. I turned to face the audience stark naked. Kelly was right. It was a great feeling. I was still nervous as I took my slacks off. Standing totally nude, I felt empowered.

Watching Kelly strip and stripping myself had been exciting and I had gotten hard. Into the microphone, Kelly said to the audience, “Harry's excited too. Look at that. Do you understand why I love him?” The audience chuckled.

Te to stage hands brought the bench, now covered in a red sheet, down to us. Kelly handed the microphone to the young man. We walked to each other in front of the bench. We hugged. We kissed. I leaned down and gently bit Kelly's left nipple. We hadn't scripted, or even discussed, any of this.

Kelly knelt down in front of me and took my dick in her mouth. She only sucked me for a moment. The she stood up, stepped a leg over the bench to straddle it, and lay down on her back. She kept her legs apart.

I stepped a leg over the bench and sat down on it. I leaned forward until I could smell the scent coming from Kelly. I leaned forward more and took a quick lick of her clit. Then, I put my lips around it and began sucking. Letting go of Kelly's clit, I stuck my tongue into her cunt. There was a spot that she liked that my tongue could reach. I went for it and licked inside of her until I heard her say, softly and huskily, “I'm ready.”

I straightened and moved up level with her. Kelly's hands guided my rock hard dick inside of her. I went slowly as we had agreed that we wanted this to last as long as possible. I kissed Kelly's neck. Then I sucked an earlobe.

I could feel Kelly breathing harder. Her pelvic muscles gripped down on me then let go, again and again. Her hips bucked against me and I followed her pace. After I had sucked a nipple again, I straightened and looked into Kelly's beautiful face. Her eyes were gleaming. There was sweat on her brow. She mouthed the words “fuck me.”

I think that the night onstage was our single longest fuck ever. Knowing that a hall full of people was watching us made it more arousing, but also a moment that neither of us wanted to end. Eventually, though, we both lost control. Kelly started bucking wildly and moaning. I was pumping her hard and fast. I could feel myself getting ready to come.

Kelly convulsed and screamed “Oh God!” That sent me over the edge. I came harder and longer than I ever had before or since. My vision went away for a second.

When I finished coming, I lay my chest and head down on Kelly. My heart was pounding and I could feel hers doing the same. I was looking at her face. Kelly has her eyes closed for quite a while. When she opened them, I kissed her. She was panting and smiling broadly. Almost in unison, we said “thank you” to each other.

I was happy staying on stage, on top of Kelly, with my dick still in her. Finally, she pushed gently on my chest. I pulled out and stood up off of the bench. Extending a hand, I helped Kelly off of the bench. We stood, holding hands, facing the audience. They started to applaud. Some of my come was oozing down the inside of Kelly's right thigh. With her free hand, she reached own, dipped a finger into it, brought her hand to her mouth, and licked it off. As the audience continued to apply, Kelly and I embraced each other and did a long, tongue on tongue, kiss until the lights went down.

We walked offstage naked and hand-in-hand. We found our clothes back in the dressing room. Sasha and Melanie came in.

Melanie said, “That was the sexiest thing I have ever seen.”

Sasha said, “Use that stuff in the tube by the shower to get the make-up off. It will give you zits if you don't”

Kelly said, “I don't feel like getting dressed. Sasha, Pierre took our coats when we came in. Would you please find him and get our coats back here?”

Pierre came in with our coats while Kelly and I were showering. As he watched us wash each other, Pierre said, “I've seen a lot of things in theaters. That was special. It's too bad that it would be illegal to do it as a show and sell tickets. You two are hot.”

We were drying each other off as Allison and Kurt came in. “Was it as good as you fantasized?” Allison asked Kelly.

“Better, much better,” Kelly replied.

Dry, Kelly started to put on her coat.

“Aren't you dressing?” Allison asked. “You guys haven't eaten. I thought we'd get you something.”

“Clothes are the last thing I want right now,” Kelly said. “I just want to stay naked.”

Pierre pulled out his cell phone. As he punched in a number he said “I might be able to solve this problem.” Into the phone he said, “Sally? Great. How are you? We've got a private show that just ended. I have some hungry cast and crew. Can you feed them? Great. Hey, do you mind if some of them want to eat dinner naked?” Great! Thanks a bunch. I owe you.”

Becca and the two stage hands had walked in. To everyone, Pierre said, my friend Sally Johnson over in Rennstown was closing, but she'll stay open to feed us.” To Kelly, Pierre said, “And she's ok if you're naked.”

“Anyone or just them,” Allison asked.

“Anyone,” Pierre answered.

Let's go!” Allison said.

I put on only my coat and my shoes, grabbed my clothes, and Kelly and I walked out of the theater with Allison and Kurt.

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