Amateur dramatics become a centre of cuckolding

My name is Rod and this is my story. I recently moved to a new town, quite some distance from my old home, following a job opportunity. My first love is the theatre and I have been involved in amateur dramatics for a long time. As soon as I settled into my job and my new home, I looked up the local Am Dram scene and found an active group not far from where I was now living. Soon after I contacted the secretary about joining, it was suggested that I may like to come along to a party that one of the group was hosting, so that I could meet some of the members.

I first set eyes on Amy at the party that I had been invited to, though I knew virtually no one else that was there. As I was standing alone nursing a rather weak Bacardi and Coke, I saw Amy across the room. It was her very attractive looks, her lovely dark brown hair gorgeously framing her face – and, I'll admit, her clinging top that advertised that she wore no bra, that caught my attention. She was with a guy, one of those fit-built good looking bastards that put guys like me into the shade. As I watched, their drinking and chatting turned into kissing and then more. To my amazement, the guy began fondling her tits as they kissed. Amy's nipples reacted to a very obvious extent, such that I could tell from across the room. I was enthralled by the sight of this, even though I was hugely jealous. My innocent voyeurism set off a stirring in my trousers which became a full erection. Putting a hand into my pocket, I adjusted myself as best I could in order to disguise my arousal from other party-goers.

Still watching, I was suddenly confronted by a lady whom I had spoken to only very briefly earlier in the evening. “Hi, I'm Tina, remember. We spoke earlier. How are you enjoying the party?”

Adjusting my position in order to see past her to continue watching Amy, I replied “Great thanks. It's – well – it's great!” I babbled.

Tina smiled and said “Yeah, it's a bit flat, isn't it. Anyway, tell me more about you. You're new to these parts, aren't you?”

“Yeah, moved here with my job but my real passion is amateur dramatics so that's how I ended up here tonight. Bob the secretary guy invited me after I joined the Am Dram group.”

“D'you act?” she asked and I told her that I'm more of a writer and director – both in an amateur way, I assured her. I still kept a watching eye on Amy – and a hard on. I think Tina realised what was distracting me and she commented “Oh, I see Amy is on form tonight. She's obviously up for it, as usual.”

I looked quizzically at Tina and she embellished her accusing observation. “Amy's lovely but a bit of a man-eater. Loves the guys and what it leads to.”

“Oh, I see!” I replied, perhaps with a certain degree of disappointment obvious in my voice.

“Hey, stick around and I'm sure you'll get your chance.” she told me with a note of disapproval aimed at me.

“Oh – no – I was just amazed by their overt display.” I said, trying to deflect from the reason for my interest.

“Yeah, I know!” she lied, then adding “But Amy isn't the only one who likes guys in a horizontal way.”

I looked at Tina with a puzzled expression on my face. She sighed aloud and with some disdain for my slow wittedness, she explained in quite graphic terms. “Amy isn't the only one who likes to fuck. So, if you'd like to get out of this party, my place is very near and we can get to know one another intimately!”

I stammered “Oh – right- I see – yes – well – yes, that'd be – err – great.” Tina pretended not to hear my reticence. In fact, I wasn't being reticent about a fuck with her. A fuck is a fuck, in my book. No, I just wasn't ready to leave off watching Amy. However, Tina and I left the party, took a short walk to her apartment and she was soon opening her front door. Once inside, she turned and kissed me heavily, full on the mouth. I loosened up and joined in. My erection, which had softened during the walk, re-hardened quickly.

“No point in beating about the bush. If we both want to fuck, so why not!” Tina theorised. She was soon opening my shirt so I responded by pulling her top up over her head which got her ready compliance. I was rewarded with a very close view of her heavy breasts clad in a very supportive bra. Tina had my shirt off in record time and began unfastening my trousers. I felt it incumbent upon me to unfasten her skirt, which met with no resistance. It was soon on the floor, revealing that her panties matched her bra. I quickly spotted that Tina's bush exceeded the cover provided by her not so tiny panties. She soon discovered that my cock is not particularly big. It was a moment of revelations.

I'd kicked my shoes off, bent to tug my socks off as I stepped out of my trousers. In just our underwear, Tina led us to her bed. She silently removed the final vestiges of her modesty, releasing her tits to have them drawn down by their own heaviness, as well as revealing the hugeness of her bush. As if reading my mind, she said “I can't be bothered trimming or shaving. I'm fully au natural.” With that she tugged my boxers down, revealing my five inches of twitching erection. “Let's fuck!” she practically ordered, pulling us both down onto the bed.

With no ceremony, Tina carried on her control of the encounter by pushing down on my shoulders to get my face level with her bush. “Lick it then fuck it is my motto!” she decreed, laying back and caressing her tits. Her areolae were easily two, maybe three inches across and her nipples were soon nearly an inch tall. I was somewhat bemused – but I obeyed. Her pubes tickled and teased my face. Her gash opened easily and I tasted her as my tongue probed. Her flavour was strong, womanly and horny. I suddenly realised that I didn't even know this woman's surname and here I was with my tongue in her cunt. Irrespective, I managed to bring Tina to a noisy orgasm with my mouth and tongue. Her prominent clit had appeared from out of its hood and stayed tall and proud during all of the cunnilingus.

“Now fuck me!” she gasped “Fuck me. Don't worry that you're small. I love cock!” were her added words of encouragement that hardly increased my ardour. Irrespective, I easily slid into her saturated gash. It felt good, not tight, not huge but good. In any case, I now had my cock in a cunt for the first time in this new town – so it was good to break my dry spell. I slid in and out and Tina began some noisy and very wet licking of my ear. She interspersed the licking with dirty talk, which I do like from a woman, saying things like “Fuck my wet cunt!” and “Give me your cock hard and deep!” as well as “Spray your jizz into my big wet cunt!” That last one became an order that I quickly obeyed. Way sooner than my usual performances, I did spurt, body juddering and emptying my balls into her hidden depths.

I rolled off her and lay beside her, panting. “Nice fuck! The licking was really good!” Tina pronounced, clearly avoiding any comment on my lack of sexual stamina. Then she added “We can fuck some more – or we can go back to the party.”

Whilst I was very keen to see some more of Amy, I felt it too awkward to suggest the party sounded better than more sex so I said “We could fuck some more once I've …..”

“Got another hard on!” she interrupted, correctly assessing things. We talked as we lay there, Tina telling me about people at the party and those of them who are in the Am Dram group. I daren't come out and ask about Amy so I had to wait until Tina brought her up. As we talked she was tugging on my soft cock. When, at last, she got around to Amy, she was quite harsh about her, especially considering that she and I had fucked after just a few moments of conversation. “And then there is Amy who you noticed tonight. She's a slut. She fucks any guy – every guy actually. Nice enough person – just sex mad. Hey, you're stiffening at last.” I was stiffening too, listening to her words about Amy. The images that Tina had placed in my mind were very erotic and arousing to me – and they were images of Amy. Tina carried on her diatribe. “Young guys, old guys, black guys, Asian guys – any guy really. Her cunt has seen more traffic than an Interstate! Hey, I've got you ready to fuck again, mister!”

She hadn't, but her words about Amy had done the trick, especially planting an image in my mind of Amy being sexually mounted by a big black guy. Tina pulled me to get on top of her and ride her again. I was soon inside her drenched cunt. I sucked on one of her amazingly big nipples, closed my eyes and pictured Amy some more, deep in the throes of erotic sex. Somehow my performance was much better and I drove Tina to an orgasm which she wailed through. Then I was treated to some more ear licking and dirty talk. “So you like sloppy seconds, dirty boy. I do too! It's my thing! I love to be licked after a good fucking. I love a tongue on my big clit.” Then she urged me on with more dirty talk. “Give it to me again. I love my cunt to drip creamy jizz, you dirty boy. Shoot! Shoot now! Shoot into my hot cunt!” I did – and it felt like there was a lot of it again. I wondered if it must be something about Tina that makes me come heavily although I am aware that I do shoot quite a lot of jizz.

Tina pushed me off her body with the belittling words “Come on! We'll go back to the party. You'll never manage a third.” Her words rather gave me the impression that she was on the hunt for some more cock from the party. I didn't mind if that was the case although it would be a matter of really sloppy thirds for someone considering how much jizz I had pumped into her.

We got cleaned up and dressed and were soon walking back to the party. Tina lost me as soon as we were back inside and I spotted her heading for a guy drinking on his own in a corner. I looked around and saw just a sea of new faces. I really didn't know anyone in the room. I grabbed a drink, making it a strong one after my frollick with Tina, then walked slowly around the party. There were many obvious couples and a few groups of people all talking very animatedly now the drinking had fully kicked in. I found a vantage point to observe quite a lot of the biggest room and settled there to view the proceedings.

After a short while a passing lone female stopped to exchange a rather drunken few words, clearly mistaking me for someone else. It was a pity that she thought I was ‘Tom' because she was coming on to ‘Tom' quite heavily, assuring ‘him' that Stephanie will never know. It made me wonder just how much sex was on offer in this circle of friends. I felt quite buoyed by prospects. Some guy whisked the lady away, apologising to me for something.

As they staggered away, my eyes picked up on a movement on the other side of the room. It was a blur but it was a blur in turquoise, the colour Amy had been wearing earlier. I didn't manage to follow the sighting and I lost it. Another lady sauntered over and introduced herself as Jenny. To my delight, she had an incredible cleavage on display. My eyes spent more time there than on her rather attractive face but she didn't object. I thought that perhaps she was one of those women who uses a cleavage to get attention – not that I'm complaining about that tactic. I love to stare into the alluring valley between magnificent breasts.

I held the lady's attention with some banal conversation piece whilst I drank in the delights of her cleavage, feeling certain that there was a hint of areola about to rise like a new moon. Suddenly a sultry voice whispered into my ear “Be careful, you may fall in, never to be seen again – and that would be a shame.” My head spun in the direction of the voice and there she was – Amy, staring into my eyes with a teasing grin.

Jenny joined in the new conversation with a blunt contribution consisting of “Oh fuck off, Amy! I like showing my tits off. I have great tits!”and then she stared at me as if seeking my thoughts.

Engaging my mouth before my brain, I said “Yes, you do have great tits!” and then I stuttered and stammered and coloured up. The two women laughed at my awkwardness.

Rescuing me but still maintaining the risqué theme, Amy asked “And mine?”

I looked down slightly to view her lovely breasts, braless and sculptured by the clinging fabric of her top, nipples very apparent and I guessed about C cup. “Oh yes!” I drooled, “Yours are lovely too. Definitely lovely!”

Touching my arm gently, Amy softly said “Aw thanks, you sweet man.”

Jenny started to turn away but not before she said “Any time you want to see my ‘great tits', just let me know.”

Trying to joke, I replied “Rain check?”

Jenny said “You bet. I'm serious! Anytime you want!”

As she walked away, I turned back to Amy and said “Wow! What a tease!”

Amy replied “It wasn't a tease. She loves to show her tits. She always tries to work it into our plays. She's succeeded too. They are great tits. You should take her up on it.”

Feeling a bit obliged and rather awkward, I dared to say “Yours really are lovely – I mean – what there is to see of them. Oh gosh, I must sound so daft!”

Amy tried to put me more at ease. “Hey, I don't mind talking about my tits. Maybe I don't offer them about quite like Jenny does, but I happy with my tits and I can talk about them.”

I blurted again, perhaps the drink had kicked in, saying “Yeah okay. I saw your boyfriend doing more than talk about them earlier on.”

Unfazed by my crude remark, Amy delighted me by saying that he was not her boyfriend, adding “I met him here tonight. We got a bit amorous a bit quickly.”

Still blurting I said “Amorous? He was fucking well caressing your tits!”

“And I was feeling his cock!” she replied with a certain nonchalance.

Her words penetrated my mind at the speed of light and I felt a surge in my chest followed by a rapid stiffening of my cock. “Oh wow! So where is he now?” I dared ask.

Amy said “Ah, well, when he found out some relevant detail of my menstrual cycle, he moved on. Last time I saw him, Tina was lassoing him. Hey, I saw her talking to you, didn't I? A lot earlier on.”

“I shifted awkwardly. “Err, yeah, you did.”

Amy's face twisted and her head went to one side in that way people do in order to put you on the spot. “You didn't – err – do the walk of lust to her apartment, did you?” I nodded shyly.

“Oh well, best to get it over with. Tina likes to welcome new guys in her own way. Hey, at the risk of being rather intrusive, is she trimming her bush yet?”

“No, it's like the size of a grizzly bear – and just as dangerous but with a bigger appetite!” I joked. We laughed in a conspiratorial way. Amy placed her hand on my arm again and I felt a spark of electricity.

After that, we talked happily and closely for quite a while. Once Amy had clarified that I was unencumbered, she grew gradually more intimate with me. Before long we kissed and then kissed some more during which she placed my hand on her breast. It was a wonderful sensation to caress her tits. They felt amazing – firm and delightful. I wondered if she was going to feel my cock but she didn't and later said “No point in get you too aroused if we can't take things further but give it a couple of days ….”

Not wanting to take anything for granted, I asked if I could have her number to call and fix a date. She readily gave it to me and urged me to call her. Then she stunned me by saying “Jenny really will want to show you her tits. Play your cards right and she'll fuck too. Her husband knows that she fucks around. They say she does a great tit fuck.”

I said “You're not pointing me at her, are you. I was hoping that we'd have a date.”

Amy said “Hey, why would I mind if you have a fuck. You screwed big bush Tina tonight already. Hey, I saw her leave with that guy I was with earlier. But no, I just thought that if you get a chance with Jenny, it helps if you know how the land lies.”

“Err, o-kay.” I hesitated. Then I moved the subject on rather inappropriately. “So Tina has run off with your guy. I hope he likes sloppy seconds!” I said somewhat crudely.

“Rather a lot of information there, my friend. The sort that makes pictures in your mind. But Tina is known for having a bit of a fetish that way. I hear that she loves it literally running out of her. Not sure if that cuts it for all the guys though.” Amy imparted.

“She practically told me that much. As for the guys, I guess it depends where you are in the running order. There are some who enjoy that particular feeling.” I suggested.

“Hmm, I'm sure there are. I've know guys do the strangest things where shooting jizz is concerned and I'll admit to enjoying the sensation from a big ejaculation.” Amy confided rather naughtily. Her words caused me to gasp and I felt a surge in my chest and my cock flexed as I imagined Amy taking a large cock and all that it could deliver.

“You paint quite a picture for a lady I've just met.” I teased.

She came right back at me with “Hey, no point in beating around the bush, so to speak. I like cock. I enjoy fucking and I love the feeling of a big ejaculation. That's me! So, how about you? I take it that you enjoy cunt – especially naturally hairy ones. Do you pack a powerful ejaculation?”

I felt a bit awkward but the drink had taken the edge off any shyness. “Nothing to measure it against but there does seem to be a lot of it – when it gets launched in view.

“Good to know! So we've got some good makings when things are running clear. Tell you what. I'm gonna go now. I'd like you to call me in a couple of days. Meanwhile, Jenny big tits is still hovering. I'm guessing that you'll be in there if I get out of her way. Call me! It'll be good!” And with that, Amy was gone, leaving just her phone number and remnants of her perfume on my face and neck.

Amy was right. Jenny moved in before Amy had stepped out of the room. “I take it she's gone home?” said Jenny and I nodded. “So, maybe that rain check thing?” she asked.

“What have you got in mind?” I asked, deciding to tease her if I could.

“Your place!” she replied.

“That's a long way to go just for you to show me your tits, however fantastic they are.” I said, testing her.

“There could be more.” Jenny offered.

“Really! More tits?” I jokingly responded, incurring her displeased expression.

“More we could do. You know what I mean.”

“But what would your husband think?” I asked, probably a bit caustically.

“Oh, don't worry about him. He'll get over it. He usually does! He's used to it.” Jenny shrugged.

We got to my place quite quickly in a cab and I set the lighting to a suitable dim setting with enough light to let me see what Jenny wanted to display. She excused herself to my bedroom to ‘Prepare' and I waited in anticipation. She returned to the room in a very practiced entrance wearing only panties and skimpy ones at that. But the real eye-catcher was her magnificent tits. I was bowled over by them. Jenny moved around the room in a manner that showed off their size, firmness, huge areolae and extended nipples. I'm guessing that she was more than DD. She caressed herself and teased her nipples to greater erectness. I was enthralled by them. Whilst tits are great to look at and do more with, my sexual fascination is predominantly cunt. I love to look at cunt, sniff cunt, lick cunt and – yes – fuck cunt. Today however, I was really loving tits. Jenny came to me and offered me a nipple to suck. She groaned with pleasure as soon as I started. I grasped Jenny's other tit and caressed it with quite some force and she groaned louder. “I love showing my tits off. I love people doing things to my tits. I love tit fucking.” she gasped in my ear.

My nostrils, sensitive as ever to the wondrous odours of aroused cunt, picked up those particular delights. I moved a hand to her inner thighs and slid it up, unrestrained. The fabric of her panties was drenched. I wet my finger and drew it under my nose, inhaling Jenny's fabulous arousal. I felt a surge of my own arousal. I was already hard and had been for a while but my cock stiffened enough to crack as I drew in her odours. Returning my hand to the heart of Jenny's excitement, I dared to ease her gusset to one side. Jenny widened her legs to help give me access – and permission, I guessed. I easily found her plump lips and slid my longest finger in between them. She was drenched and very ready for sex. There was another long groan as I gently fingered her. She began caressing her tits while I knelt in front of her and eased her panties down to reveal a lovely plump fully shaved cunt. I pushed my face to it and began licking and probing avidly. A hand reached to the back of my head and pushed me more firmly onto her mound. I felt her juices travelling down my throat.

“Take me to your bed and fuck me!” Jenny firmly suggested. I never need asking twice in such situations and I led the way, pulling my clothes off as best I could as we went. Jenny threw herself onto the bed and raised her knees. She masturbated furiously as I pulled my remaining clothes off. As soon as I was naked, I lay beside her and began chewing and sucking on her nipples as she carried on masturbating. Unusually for a woman, in my experience, Jenny brought herself to a climax before turning to me for penetration. “Fuck that felt good! Now let me have some cock!” she gasped. I saw redness on her tits and neck, presumably from her excited state. I hovered over her and slid my cock easily into her drenched sex hole. Jenny pulled me to her and licked her juices from my face as we bucked and fucked together.

Considering it was my third fuck of the day, I had a great deal of energy and vigour. I pushed hard strokes into Jenny's lovely cunt, relishing every groan I generated from her. She climaxed again and scratched her nails over my back as she did. Once the pain subsided, I went for my own pleasure.

“I'm coming! I'm coming!” I gasped, then I asked Jenny “In you?” She nodded vigorously, biting her lower lip as she did so. My cock head swelled and I was soon spurting. Jenny groaned, seemingly feeling my spurts. I surprised myself by how many spurts I produced, considering my earlier session but I guess that Amy and Jenny had been getting me going for nearly two hours or so.

I flopped down beside Jenny and sucked on a nipple until I had recovered. Intrusively I asked “So your, husband, is he really okay about you screwing around.

She nodded and said “Yeah, I know it's crazy but he gets off on it. He makes me tell him the horny details when I get home, no names though. I have to lay on our bed, naked and tell him everything. As I tell him, he gives himself a hand job and he jizzes on me. He likes me to rub it over my tits.”

“And do you and he ever fuck?” I asked nosily.

Jenny was very open in her reply, telling me “Of course we fuck! In fact, I can push his buttons anytime just by talking about some fucking I've done with someone else. It gives him the stiffest hard-on and he's on me, humping me like a college boy. I love it. I come in a flash. He either comes in me or splashes on my face and tits. He loves spraying his jizz on me. Quite often he takes me up my ass. He likes that and it's reserved for him. I don't let my other partners fuck me up the ass.”

“Wow!” I said. “A lot of detail there, Jenny. It's hot to hear you tell me stuff like that. It's very interesting how he gets off on you fucking around. It ‘s amazing what turns us guys on.”

“And I get to try quite a few guys into the bargain. Maybe we can rain check again then, if you like what I have to offer.”

“You bet!” I told her. “You have an amazing body and sex with you is hot – very hot!”

Jenny was quickly dressed and off to her husband to share her straying dalliance with him. I realised that thinking of her laying naked describing our sex to him while he jacked off caused me to stiffen – again.

I called Amy, as suggested and we met for our date. It was unusual in that Amy was very up front about things. She said “Let's get a nice meal, a couple of drinks and we'll go to your place and fuck.”

“Wow!” I said. “You don't hold anything back, do you.”

She said “What's the point! You want it, I want it, so we'll fuck!”

In the restaurant, Amy asked for a quiet table away from other diners and it was a good idea because our conversation soon had elements that were not for the ears of others. After our food order had been taken Amy suddenly asked “So did you and Jenny get it together at the party?” Shyly and awkwardly I told her that we had. “Good?” she asked.

With a reddening face, I told her “Yes, it was good.”

“Well be careful you don't tell me too much!” Amy goaded.

I replied that I didn't usually tell tales of the bedroom and that, besides, considering our plans for later, it was maybe just a bit inappropriate. Amy scoffed. “Oh come on. We're adults. We know that a lot of fucking goes on. Why not talk about it. I don't mind talking about sex I've had.” Those last eight words of Amy's caused my cock to begin stiffening and I felt that thrilled surge in my chest again. I realised once more that the idea of Amy having sex with someone excited me. It put erotic pictures in my mind and gave me new feelings of pleasure, excitement and arousal. I began to see that maybe I could trade the stories of me with Jenny or Tina to hear stories of Amy with someone.

I chanced a trade. “Okay, you start the ball rolling and tell me about some sex you've had. That way I'll get a flavour of what you like to hear about.”

“Fine!” she said, seemingly unabashed. She continued “Well, I'll tell you about Ed who I met about a year ago. We met in a bar actually and hit it off straight away. I guess you could say he talked the pants off me because, apart from the fact that I became drenched while we talked, I slipped my pants off before we left the bar. He drove me to a secluded place on the edge of a park. We kissed in the car for a while and he groped my tits – very nicely – and felt between my legs. I was caressing his cock and quite a beast it was too. We got out of the car and Ed pulled my dress off over my head, leaving me wearing only my shoes. He pushed me over the front of the car and then knelt down spread my legs and he feasted on me. It was so horny, outside, naked, having my pussy eaten. He brought me off, doing that and then he released his fabulous cock and slid it into me. Holding my tits, he pounded in and out of me.”

It was incredible that Amy's story did not create in me any jealousy of this Ed guy, rather, I was strangely but hugely excited because he was fucking this woman that I was so attracted to.

Amy continued “I came twice more before Ed dragged me off the car to some soft grass. He laid me down and then mounted me again. His cock felt so good. He squeezed my tits as he came in me and I felt his huge spurts as he flooded me with a lot of jizz. He kept me naked when he put me back in his car and he drove me to my place. It was quite exhilarating walking naked to my front door. So, how does that level of detail suit you?”

Her sudden question shook me out of my sexual reverie which had me feeling practically on the verge of a climax. I stuttered through my reply, taking the chance to do some managing of expectations. “Err – yeah – wow! Fantastic detail. I'll – err – try to match as best I can.”

Amy said “Good, I'll carry on with the story of me with Ed then. By the time we got to my place, he was ready for more. He threw me onto my bed, stripped his own clothes off and mounted me with quite some force. He gave me a really long hard fucking. I ended up sore but I loved it – every bit of it. He fucked me again in the morning, pinning me down as though he was forcing me – which is what I fantasised about as he did it. He came then he wiped his dick on my tits and went.”

I had gone back into that fantastic place in my mind that enjoyed the thoughts of Amy being fucked by someone – someone other than me. It was weird – but it was a really great feeling – a huge buzz. Now Amy expected me to tell her some things about my encounters with Tina and Jenny. Before I began sharing any of the details, I thought I'd better start trying to manage some other expectations – in terms of my cock size, particularly after hearing Amy refer to the size of this guy, Ed. I said ” So – err – tell me, this Ed guy, quite well endowed is he?”

“I'll say!” she enthused. “I'd guess eight inches and quite thick!”

“Well, he puts me in the shadows!” I said, trying to sound relaxed about it.

“Yeah, Tina said as much.” said Amy, her words taking any wind out of my sails. She added “She reckoned four inches, but she is prone to teasing about such things.”

“I'd say that I'm at least five inches actually – not that I measure it but – well – you know … ” I replied, my words petering out.

“Hey, five's as good as eight if driven properly!” Amy said with some considerate consolation.

“And I do come heavily!” I added, probably sounding somewhat pathetic.

Amy said “Hey, calm down. Tell me about Jenny. Lots of detail, please.”

I told her about Jenny parading her tits, a lot of detail about the great sex that ensued, then Jenny explaining her husband's fetish. I finished by saying “I think there's something quite interesting about what turns him on.”

“And it gives Jenny carte blanche to play the field, the lucky horny slut!” Amy added. My mind drifted to my sex with Jenny and the idea that it will have turned her husband on. My cock had withered when its size had been discussed but now the topic had moved on and it quickly hardened fully. I was rapidly reminded of the effects of Amy's sex story so I asked her to share another with me. She smiled at my request and began another tale. Of course, I became fascinated and hugely aroused as Amy told me lurid details of another encounter. I was soon picturing her with the man I did not even know, her sucking his cock, opening her legs for him, taking his length – bigger than me again, of course – getting her tits sucked and nibbled, as well as taking his hot ejaculation deep inside her. My new feelings were such that part of me wanted Amy to be fucked by that guy again right now.

I took the opportunity of our excited state to ask her “Have there been a lot of guys?”

With a degree of coyness, she replied “I guess some would say it's a lot.” Then she asked “You?”

I knew my number but didn't feel ready to declare it. Besides, Amy hadn't actually told me hers. Anyway, I just admitted “Not as many as I'd've liked by now!” In fact, my number is pretty good but more would've been better. It made me realise that my feelings where Amy is concerned, haven't occurred with me before, with any of those previous lovers. She is the first woman that I've felt like this about. And, I've yet to have sex with her myself. That was soon to change.

We left the restaurant. In the cab we snuggled together and Amy licked my ear very noisily before whispering “I've taken my panties off. I can't wait for you to lick me – and fuck me!” She pressed a balled up piece of fabric into my hand and urged “Sniff them! That's my juicy cunt on them!” It was her panties that were now in my hand. I inhaled her sexy womanly odours and felt horny exhilaration. I wanted to press my mouth onto her mound there and then – but I waited until we got to my place. We bundled each other through the door and I pushed Amy onto the sofa. She pulled her dress up to reveal a beautiful smooth plump mound and her gaping drenched cunt. My mouth was on it immediately. As I thrust my tongue into her wet sex hole, I thought about Ed and that other guy doing it to her. I felt a surge in my chest as I the idea of them doing this to Amy and then fucking her whirled around my mind. It drove me to some very animated and probing cunnilingus. I don't know how long I was doing it for but my attention was captured by Amy screaming through an orgasm. As her wailing calmed, I looked up from her mound to see that she looked practically stunned from the pleasures. I gazed at her serene face, then I unfastened my trousers and released my pent up cock. My shorts were drenched with pre-come which was seeping copiously from my cock head.

Lifting myself over the stilled Amy, I pushed my cock into her soaking cunt lips. I groaned with the pleasure I felt from her quite tight wet hole. With Amy impaled on my five inches of excitement, I pulled her dress off over her head, revealing her bare tits. As I had already guessed, there was no bra again tonight. I quickly tore my shirt off too and then I began to fuck the naked beauty. My excited pounding into her delightful pussy caused her to stir as though recovering consciousness, not to full attention but more like into a state of delirium. She was incoherent as I fucked her – and I did nothing to change that situation. I just shamelessly plunged my cock in and out. I must have been serving her well though because she grabbed hold of my forearms and groaned pleasurably, panting through her nose. She also started thrusting her hips up to meet my cock thrusts.

Amy wailed through her next orgasm too. It seemed that, thankfully, my five inches of manhood was sufficient to get her off. She remained delirious into another loud climax and then her eyes opened in some state of awareness. “Hey you!” she purred, “Nice fucking – and great tonguing. You're really getting me there – and real heavy duty orgasms.”

“Really?” I asked, still up to my balls in her amazing cunt.

“No shit! Incredible fucking orgasming!” Amy exclaimed, then she asked me to show her my cock. I pulled it out of her, causing a loud pussy squelch which made her smile. “Yeah – five inches – nearly!” she said in a loud horny whisper, adding “and a wonderful fuck stick!” I was embarrassed and proud at the same time. “Put it back in!” she ordered in a gasp. I slid back into her and we resumed fucking with quite some passion. Now, I spent a lot of time fondling, nibbling and sucking Amy's tits as we fucked. Her attention drifted away again as another climax drew near. I felt her tits stiffen slightly as she squealed through her orgasm.

By now I was impressed by my own control of my excitement. It was not a new thing but it is one which I can do under the right circumstances. Some of my ex's had been on the receiving end of some very long fucks when I got the right mind set going. Today was shaping up that way too. I momentarily wondered how my excitement from Amy's story telling might affect my sexual stamina. As I brought the stories to mind again, I felt that surge in my chest.

“Come in me! Come in me!” Amy pleaded suddenly. I looked at her beautiful face, her heaving tits and her stiff nipples. I looked down to her excited reddened cunt with my cock embedded. I was soon there. My orgasm was particularly intense in terms of the sensations and my ejaculating. I heard Amy inhale sharply to match each of my biggest spurts, her mouth open in a certain awe. As I reached the final dribbles of my jizzing, she threw her arms around me with huge passion and pulled my mouth to hers for some intense kissing.

We made our way to my bed. Once we were under the covers and snuggled together, Amy said “I need to get you stiff again, my man. I need some more of that cock of yours.”

I chanced a risqué suggestion. “Tell me about another of your ex-lovers!”

Amy was silent for a few moments and then slowly said “Ohhh-kaaaay.” Holding my limp cock, tugging gently, she told me about Dan who was a young black guy whom Amy had met where she worked. Amy and Dan had soon felt some sexual chemistry between them. Despite the seven year age gap, Dan being younger, Amy invited him to her place one evening. She described the events in enough detail to thrill me. “His body was honed from the gym. He packed a lovely huge cock and he fucked with quite some style. We met just to fuck. We did nothing else together, fucking was our connection. One Friday night, we had been fucking. I teased him to come around the next day and surprise me. He asked if I was up for anything and, full of bravado, I said that I was. Next morning, I answered the door. Dan walked in – and so did Jeff, his friend and a very big physically fit guy, he was.”

At this point, Amy paused her story. “You've stiffened already!” and I had. The idea of Amy being fucked by her young black friend had gotten me fully erect in a flash.

“Carry on!” I urged, excited by what I might hear next.

“Well, they carried me to my bedroom and threw me onto my bed. They both stripped and stood there, two big guys with big cocks, both hard. I opened my gown and showed them my naked body. Then I opened my legs and offered my open pussy and I said ‘Take me, boys!' – and they did. One at a time they fucked me, taking it in turns – and without coming. They mounted me time and again. It was amazing. I just kept coming. Jeff's cock was a huge size and very thick. He stretched me at first but then my cunt expanded to take him. And take him, I did. We fucked till lunch-time. So, how's my story so far?”

Amy's question brought me back from my dreamy state to the moment. “It's incredible. So hot!” I declared with immense enthusiasm. “I'm picturing it all!” I added.

“I know you are, you perv!” she said playfully. Then she said “Fuck me and I'll tell you some more.” I quickly mounted Amy, slid my cock inside her very slippery pussy and began fucking her. She whispered straight into my ear. “After lunch we did loads of positions. When I took those cocks doggy style, fuck did they get deep. I was sucking the other guy whenever I could, too. It was amazing. The most fucking I've done in one day – and I've done a lot of fucking!” Amy declared. Then she gasped “Oh fuck, I'm coming, I'm fucking coming!” She groaned a lot and went into her wailing trance as she went through a very long orgasm. She stayed in the trance after she stopped her shrieking. I slowed my fucking and slid from her so that I could feast on her juicy pussy. I loved it too. Her creamy state, her hot red swollen lips, her horny womanly juices mixed with my last load of jizz. I revelled in it – and Amy climaxed loudly.

Long story short, Amy and I dated intensively for a few weeks after that, always with great exciting sex for both of us. We both opened up about our foibles. I confessed to Amy that I really got off on stories from her sex life. She got off telling me about her sex life and from me fucking her straight after the story telling. Our sex was powerful stuff for both of us, with very intense climaxing, the best of our lives.

Amy engineered an encounter between her and Jeff for my benefit – which was the story telling of their sex and me following him into her. And Amy sent me for another ‘rain check' with Jenny – even though Jenny was well aware of my growing relationship with Amy. Clearly Jenny's boundaries were not only about her husband's fetish. We enjoyed our sex and then I re-lived it all by telling Amy every detail.

In a whirlwind, Amy and I married and we privately made vows to each other about our sex lives, vows which gave each of us the scope to stray so long as it was for the ultimate benefit of both of us.

Some months after our marriage, I finished writing a play which I had been working on for some time. It was a modern take on the story of . I hadn't held back on the risqué content, pitching the story very much for a broad-minded adult audience. We had a meeting of our Am Dram group to discuss the possibility of staging it. Whilst there were reservations from some members, there was a lot of support too. We decided to go for it, clearly advertising it as a play with a lot of adult content, suitably warning potential audiences of the explicit nature of the production. Tina offered to do a nude scene, which was agreed. Jenny offered to adapt a part so that she could get her tits out on stage. I asked Amy to take the role of a married woman seduced by Casanova, an idea she liked the sound of.

As yet, we lacked an actor keen on the role of Casanova himself. Jenny said that she might know someone and she would ask him. She approached the guy, Steve, who was quite interested. He came along to a subsequent meeting, with his very young, pretty and petite , Clarice. As a group, we discussed the part in quite frank detail. Steve was obviously keen, whilst Clarice hardly spoke. At home later, Amy and I discussed it. She thought Steve would be ideal for the part, adding that she'd be able to act out her scenes of being seduced with Steve as the seducer. Of course, I stiffened as she said those words to me and I began to speculate about the spin off for our sex life.

Amy asked me what I made of Clarice. I said “Well, she's very pretty, very tiny, hardly needing a bra at all, nice little ass. To be honest, I'd hardly put her with Steve. He's obviously a gym freak, tall, broad – probably well hung too, the bastard!”

“Hmm, I bet!” purred Amy – and I felt my cock stiffen some more.

“Would you fuck him?” I asked her.

“Sure would!” she told me, then asking me “Would you do Clarice?”

“To be honest, I don't know but I think that's partly because I doubt that she'd be into all of that. She looks like an ‘in love' type, doting on Steve, whereas he is bound to play around. I'm sure he got a hard-on when we talked about the play. Clarice on the other hand was squirming with embarrassment at times. It's hard to imagine her writhing on his hard cock.” I told Amy.

“Maybe, but I wouldn't be surprised if she's one of those quiet types that loves a good fucking and lots of really horny stuff.” Amy speculated.

We started rehearsals. I'd written the scenes so that each one ended with a successful seduction by our sex crazed hero. Tina played one of those seduced by Casanova. The scene concludes with him disrobing her and turning her naked front towards the audience. He holds her from behind for a few seconds before the stage lights dim to blackness. Tina was very keen to start dress rehearsals long before we needed to, so that she could begin to show herself to Steve – and the rest of us. I had to take her to one side to ask her to be patient. Whilst we talked alone, I dared to ask her about her bush. “Is it still totally natural – and wild?” I asked.

She nodded, saying “Pretty much like it was when we fucked. I'll show you, if you like.”

I told her that wouldn't be necessary but that perhaps she might trim the edges, bearing in mind that a lot of local people are going to get to see it. She understood my point and agreed to tend to it, excited by the thought of doing so for the audience.

Jenny was cast as a young bride, seduced by Casanova on her wedding day. The irony was unintentional but not lost on a few of us. In her scene, Casanova exposes her tits to the audience before getting her wedding dress lifted from the back as he takes Jenny's character from behind. She bends as he takes her and her tits swing loose.

Amy was the last of the seduced characters. Her scene featured a large bed but that prop hadn't arrived yet and would only do so quite close to opening night. We tried to act out the scene on some raised sections of staging. The screenplay involved Steve mounting Amy. There was some stage dialogue but the characters are clearly fucking as far as the audience and the story are concerned.

After a rehearsal made awkward by the lack of a real bed, Amy confided to me once we got home. She said “Even though it was uncomfortable on that hard surface, I could tell that Steve got an erection as we went through the motions. I think you were right when you guessed he'd be well hung. It felt like it to me.” Inevitably, my cock stiffened as I heard her words and my sexual mind raced. I asked Amy if it excited her and she said “You bet it did. He's a hunk and he has a big cock. I think he wants us to fuck. He flirts and he touches me intimately when he can.”

“D'you want to fuck him?” I asked in our sex pact way and she told me that she did. “Goooood!” I drooled and added “because I think we can really make something out of this – for ourselves and the play, but especially for ourselves. I'll ask Steve to come here for an extra rehearsal. Leave the rest to me.”

We got Steve to come to our place for extra rehearsing. “It's the bed scene, Steve. We need to get it right before the prop bed arrives. So, we'll rehearse here, in a real bed, our bed. Amy will take you to our room to get ready. I'll be there in a minute or two.” I'd prepared Amy to suggest that Steve just wore a long tee shirt which she had ready for him. She wore cammy knickers and a matching bra. However, the knickers were crotchless. She didn't point this out to Steve but he would soon find out.

By the time I got to the room, Amy had Steve in bed, under the bed clothes and he was positioned on top of her. My cock reacted predictably with rapid stiffening. Actually seeing Amy in a sexual encounter was way more exciting than just hearing her describe it. As yet, they were not sexually enmeshed but Amy would give me coded signals. Asking for the lights on meant that Steve was hard. She soon asked for the lights on. Saying that the bed was hot meant that Amy was wet and ready. Telling me to take it easy was the code that Steve had penetrated her. Asking for some drinks meant leave us for a few minutes so we can fuck.

We rehearsed the lines and I suggested various moves to give the best impression to the audience that sex was happening in the play. Amy soon told me that the bed was hot. Not long after that Amy breathlessly asked me to take it easy. I gasped aloud. It looked as though I was reacting to Amy's words whereas I was gasping with excitement that my wife had another man's cock in her cunt – and I was in the same room.

After some more attempts at dialogue, Amy asked for drinks. I took my time getting their drinks and I could hear them fucking as I did so. I had told Amy to tell Steve that their cover was that they were rehearsing. I was incredibly aroused that Amy was being fucked just a few feet away from me. Amy said that her drink was very cold – which was the code that Steve had not come yet.

I grew bold, spurred by my huge excitement. I said “Steve, I may change the script at this point to have Casanova climax instead of Amy's character doing so. Can we try that? Let's just see how it looks. It may be too much. Give it a go, will you.” Steve began the moves supposedly acting out a fuck but I knew the reality. In fact, I could smell the reality of raw sex occurring. I watched enthralled, picturing his cock sliding in and out of my wife's cunt. Steve gasped and juddered and sighed as he filled my wife with his jizz. I nearly came myself as I watched them.

“I need to think about that, you two. You did it so well, it would add to the story, if we dare do it with an audience watching. What do you both think? Could you do that bit with a full theatre watching you?”

“Well, I know I could!” Amy chipped in first.

“Pretty sure I could do that again.” Steve added.

I played into his hands. “How about another rehearsal tomorrow?” I asked.

“Suits me!” said Amy, perhaps too enthusiastically.

“Err yeah, tomorrow's good.” said Steve.

I left the two of them to dress and Steve left straight away, explaining that Clarice was expecting him. As soon as he'd gone, I urgently asked Amy “He did come in you, didn't he?”

Amy confirmed it. “Fuck yeah! He has got a big cock and he comes heavily” Then she added, almost pleading “Darling, I need you to fuck me now!”

We rushed to our bedroom, stripped and got into the bed they had just fucked in. I stared at Amy's hot reddened cunt, almost wishing I could see Steve's cock embedded. I could smell their sex. The powerful horny odours thrilled me. For a moment I wondered if I could lick her. I was about to do it when Amy gasped “Fuck me! Fuck me now. I need to feel you fucking me.” I mounted Amy and took her through a loud chorus of four orgasms before I gave her my jizz. I admitted to Amy later that I found her creaminess from Steve to be a massive turn on.

Next day, we both waited impatiently for Steve to arrive. He did turn up on time, it was just our excitement that was willing him to be early. However, to our surprise, Steve had Clarice with him. He explained that they had come straight from some event. “Clarice will wait in the lounge. She knows this is important.”

The actors went to get ready and I chatted to Clarice. I dared ask her thoughts on the play. She said “Oh Steve is loving it. I mean, well, he has a bit of a Casanova streak in him, really. He loves a tease and a flirt with the ladies. I don't mind. He knows how far I'm happy for him to go. In some respects, I enjoy him having a bit of fun with other ladies.” I wondered just what that comment meant but I daren't ask. I left Clarice in the lounge and went to the bedroom.

Amy quickly appraised me. “Lights on please. Gosh, the bed's hot already. Now you go easy on us!”

My jaw dropped. Steve was fucking Amy already. We tried to do some lines but all three of us were more intent on rehearsing the fucking. I tweaked the positions, got Amy to raise her knees more and spread them wider. I teased Steve by asking “Do you feel as though you could actually fuck in that position?” and he readily assured me that he could.

“Maybe some drinks!” Amy asked and I left them alone so that I could get their drinks. I wondered if they dare have noisy sex with Clarice there. They did!

She came into the kitchen and said “It sounds so real, like they're actually doing it. It's quite exciting really!” I wondered about those last few words but not for long because Clarice followed me to the bedroom. I called out as we approached that two of us were coming in. Clarice said “Oh wow! That looks so real. If I were in the audience, I'd find it a very believable scene – but can I make some suggestions?” I urged her to do so. “Well, Amy, if you were okay about some partial nudity, it would look more real if you didn't have a bra on.”

I gulped but Amy replied first. “Well I wasn't planning on showing my tits to the audience – but I don't mind doing it. Anything else, Clarice.” said Amy as she unfastened her bra.

“Well, yes, actually. Hey, lovely tits, Amy. Maybe, if you were prepared to let Steve grasp your bare tits. Heaven knows he doesn't know what to do with big tits like yours. He hardly bothers with my little A cups – but it'd look very real – especially if he was under the bedclothes with his head between your legs, like for oral sex whilst he fondled your tits, Amy – if you didn't mind, of course. You're all right with that, aren't you, Steve?” Of course, Steve agreed.

“Right!” I interrupted. “Is everyone on board with that?” Steve and Amy gave controlled approval. I suggested that we try out the new ideas. As Steve slid down the bed, I could clearly smell the sex so I felt sure Clarice did too. I pictured Steve's tongue in Amy's cunt. Clarice and I watched our respective partners ‘faking' oral sex followed by ‘acting out' some animated fucking. We watched Steve handling Amy's tits. I got them to rehearse twice more before I asked Steve to act out his climax. After his involuntary shudders, he flopped onto Amy's tits, sucking one supposedly for effect.

“Oh well done, darling!” Clarice applauded. “It really looked like you two were fucking. And Steve, I wish you spent that long with your head between my thighs!” Turning to me she added “Actually, I can't complain! He's always ravenous for my pussy.”

I steered Clarice out of the bedroom, saying “Let's leave them to dress.” All too late I realised that I was suggesting leaving my wife and Clarice's husband alone together as they need to change clothes.

In the lounge Clarice said to me “Clearly you don't mind your wife undertaking such a sexually explicit role in the play.” I replied that I didn't mind as it was a good cause. Clarice said “Yes, I know Steve is putting a lot into it and he's keen to make it realistic.” Then she teased me with “It was interesting seeing them in bed together. Hey, maybe you and I should do it too. It'd be fun, you know, acting out some sex, like they did.” I looked into her eyes and she held my stare. Her tongue slowly traced over her top lip, to and fro.

“Rain check?” I offered as the only idea I could come up with..

“I think I'm gonna hold you to that!” Clarice said with a cheeky smile.

Amy and Steve emerged from the bedroom. Steve was fully dressed and Amy wore a dressing gown. Clarice embraced her husband, kissed him on the lips and, I noticed, she quickly licked around his mouth. “Well done again, darling. You were really good in there. It was amazing to watch! It was so realistic!” I wondered about her words.

We all said our farewells. As Clarice went to Amy to say her goodbye, she added “D'you mind?” and then reached into her gown and cupped a tit. “Just wanted to share what Steve got hold of. Hey, you're a sport, Amy. Wow! Lovely size –and weight – and firmness. Very nice! Lovely, lovely tits, Amy! Bye.”

Amy embraced me immediately the door clicked. “Fuck me!” she pleaded. “Fuck me now! I'm hot for you!”

I said “Does Clarice know what's really happening?”

“I don't know for certain – but her being here was a very big turn on for Steve. He loved it. And that bit with my tits and going down on me – it could've been scripted, the way she suggested it. Fuck, she was hot for it! Oh, you really do need to fuck me – now!”

We did fuck, for quite some time. This time I did go down on Amy's juicy pussy, finding the erotic experience very exciting as I tasted their sex. Amy got huge thrills from me doing it, physically and mentally. She talked to me about Steve's cock and his big ejaculation, giving me immense excitement. I really get incredible thrills from hearing about sex Amy has had – and in this case, that I had virtually fully witnessed.

“Hey, Clarice was coming on to me. More than once and definitely just before they left.” I told Amy. She smiled broadly, said nothing but I sensed that she was working up a plan.

Our Am Dram group marketed the Casanova play with frank details of the sexiness of the story, the nudity and the very adult content. Instead of it deterring ticket sales, it boosted them – so much so that we had to put on an additional show, making four in all. We had hired the local theatre for the performances.

The day of the final dress (or should I say undress) rehearsal arrived. All of the cast were very excited. Tina and Jenny were particularly excited to be baring themselves even if it was only for the benefit of the cast and crew. Tina had done a good job of trimming her bush of pubes, taking delight in calling me into her dressing room to show me. It did stir memories of our sex together, that night we first met.

Amy took me aside and said that Steve had suggested that they shouldn't actually have sex on the dress rehearsal in order to make it so much more special and erotic on the first proper show night. I admitted to Amy that I found that idea quite arousing. The dress rehearsal was a great success. Tina's full frontal was applauded by the crew and Jenny's reveal of her tits was cheered. There was some stunned silence, maybe even awe when Amy slipped out of her bra and had Steve grasp her bare tits as he disappeared under the bedclothes. We had kept that as a surprise for everyone else. When it came to the taking a bow at the end, there was some discussion as to how much nudity those characters should feature. They decided that all three would take a bow topless, a sight that gave everyone else a splendid view of the effects of gravity on those weighty breasts.

The night of the first show came around. In her dressing room, Amy admitted to me that she was incredibly moist with excitement and arousal. “I'm so turned on by the idea of a huge audience actually witnessing me having sex even if they don't see the juicy bits – and even if they don't fully realise what is really taking place.” We kissed passionately and she put my hand onto her hot mound. I touched her through the sexy crotchless knickers. She was so wet and very ready to receive a hard cock. I stiffened at the thought of her taking Steve's big weapon again.

The play got underway. I had planned to watch from one of a few boxes that the theatre offered. I wanted to get a perspective of the whole play as well as a good view of the sexy scenes. On my way to the box, I bumped into Clarice. She looked wonderful, so youthful and pretty, wearing a dainty skirt and flimsy top – and clearly no bra judging by her obvious nipples pressing out of the fabric. Her seductive offers of sex suddenly took on a new proportion. I was imagining her naked, writhing on silky bed sheets, desirous of my cock. I snapped myself back to the moment as Clarice asked if she could watch from the box with me. Of course, I welcomed her to join me. We soon settled into our places and I sneaked a few peeps at Clarice. Her profile was lovely and her small breasts hardly raised a bulge in her blouse but her nipples did. Something kept them erect – and we weren't cold in the theatre.

The play began. My Casanova character was targeting a young virgin called Annette, played by Tina. From a social gathering, Casanova gets Annette alone in a lounge. In an embrace, he unfastens her dress and she steps out of it, leaving her dressed in a pink slip. Holding Annette with her back to the audience, Casanova pulls the straps of the slip off her shoulders and he lets in drop to the floor. Annette is now naked. Her bare ass causes a bit of a gasp from the audience. However, when Casanova turns Annette to face the audience, there is a much louder gasp.

Clarice leant to me and whispered “She has an amazing bush. I'm as smooth as a pre-puberty schoolgirl – and just as small.” I gasped as I pictured her petite shaven mound.

Meanwhile Casanova led Annette to a chaise longue and laid her down, placing a leg over the seat back in such a way that the audience knew what was to happen but they could not see Tina's gaping pussy. Casanova mounted her and as the lights begin the dim, Annette squealed as her virginity is lost. That concluded the first act.

While the scenery was changed, Clarice and I chat about the scene where Tina went naked. “She's brave!” Clarice said, adding “I think I'd like to do something like that, showing my nude body, but I'm not sure I'd be brave enough.” Her words again put pictures in my mind.

We got to act three which was Jenny's high point. She played a bride, before the wedding ceremony. The scene opens with her being dressed and readied by her bride's maids and her mother. They fussed around her and got her wedding dress onto her. Once she is ready to go to her bride groom, the bride asks her entourage to give her a few minutes alone. She sat at her dresser and applied final touches and as she does, Casanova emerges from the shadowy curtains. The bride gasps in shock but clearly knows the man now approaching her.

“My groom awaits me!” gasps the bride.

“He will wait! I will take you first!” says Casanova.

“Oh Casanova, we cannot, we should not, we must not!” the bride protested.

“My darling, we will, won't we! Casanova gently but firmly insists, gazing into her eyes.

As though hypnotised, the bride replies “Oh yes, my darling, we will. Take me! Take me now! He will never know. He will never know of us from me.”

“Nor will he know from me!” asserted Casanova. With that, he turned the bride to place her back to his front. He yanked the front of the dress gently down until Jenny's tits were revealed. “Beautiful!” said Casanova. The audience gasped again as they saw Jenny's marvelous tits. Even from my distant viewpoint, I could see that her long nipples were erect.

As I watched this part of the play and heard the words, the cuckoldry of the story thrilled me and I recalled how much I had become aroused whilst writing that part.

Next, Casanova bent the bride over a table and lifted the several layers of her dress from the hemline to get access to his prize. The lights were dimming as the bride emits a loud gasp.

“That was so hot!” gushed Clarice, “I think I'd have said ‘yes' to him.” Her words made me wonder if she would really say ‘yes' to me, would I actually get to fuck this angelic looking doll.

After a couple more acts, it was time for the important final act, featuring Amy playing Jane.

Casanova had cunningly found his way into the bedroom of a married woman, Jane. “Casanova, my husband will be here soon! cried Jane.

“We have time!” insisted Casanova. “Ready yourself for me. I will take you in your marriage bed!”

“Oh Casanova, surely not! We can't!” wailed Jane

“We can and we will, won't we!” were the hypnotic words this time.

“Yes, we will. We will! I do so want you. I need you.” Jane capitulated.

“Then ready yourself. You know what we like.” he replied. With that Jane removed her dressing gown to reveal her matching bra and knickers. Departing slightly from the script, Amy surprised me. She unfastened and removed her bra, revealing her beautiful tits to the audience. There was a gasp and a few people even applauded. She seemed completely at ease in appearing topless before hundreds of people.

Casanova urged Jane into the bed. We had placed the props bed slightly raised from the rear corner to give the audience a better view of the bed scene. Casanova kicked his shoes off and pulled his trousers down carefully to keep himself covered by a long shirt. He joined Jane in the bed.

There was some dialogue which established that the characters had been lovers for a while. Then Jane said “Oh Casanova, kiss me the way I love you to kiss me.”

“My darling, you know I love it too. I can taste the essence of your womanhood.” Casanova told her and he began to move under the bed clothes. Jane pushed him down and into place, before raising her knees and gasping aloud as she threw her head back into the pillow. The audience gasped next as Casanova's hands emerged and fondled Jane's tits.

“That's the bit I suggested.” Clarice needlessly reminded me. Then she added “Amy has lovely tits. Did you see me fondling one?” I nodded to her, thinking about her own intriguing tits. Tiny or not, I found them beguiling.

On stage, her husband's hands were on my wife's tits. His face was pressed onto her cunt now according to the shaping of the bedclothes. Amy acted out a silent orgasm with Casanova between her thighs. Casanova emerged from his ‘kissing' under the bed clothes and Jane urged him on “Take me, my darling, take my body for your own needs now. I cannot give you anything of greater value than my body for you to sate your wondrous desires.”

Casanova replied “I will take you. I will visit your wondrous depths. I will take pleasure from you and I will leave you my special gift.”

“Oh yes!” gasped Jane “You must leave with your vital present.” With that, there was some re-arranging under the bed clothes.

I knew that Steve and Amy had rehearsed how to quickly get past their stage clothes to achieve penetration. I pictured it, imagined it, Steve's ample cock sliding into my wife's luscious welcoming cunt.

Clarice leant over to me and whispered excitedly “You know he's really fucking her now, don't you. Steve is really fucking Amy right now. His cock is actually in her pussy, your wife's pussy! Fuck! This is so fucking hot! All these people are watching them fuck!”

“I know!” I gasped, too excited to even try to bluff any longer. Clarice moved to the edge of her seat and put her hand under her skirt. With thighs wide apart, she began masturbating under her skirt, gasping with excitement. Her other hand settled high on my inner thigh. She groped until she found my erection, holding it through the fabric of my trousers. “Get it out!” she gasped with urgency, all the time fervently fingering her pussy. Under the spell of the on-stage sex, I did pull my cock free of my trousers and Clarice took hold of it. She started pulling on it very rapidly – and very effectively.

Jane was saying to Casanova “Oh darling, I love our togetherness. You make a woman into a real woman. You fill my needs. I can sense the strength of you. You take me to heavenly places.”

Both of us had our eyes locked on the stage action. Amy's wonderful tits being man-handled were on view to several hundred people and she had Steve between her legs with his cock in her. Yet, she kept to her lines.

Jane concluded “Oh Casanova, I sense your pleasure is upon you. Let me have your gift!” With that, the lights faded to the sounds of a woman climaxing and a man uttering deep grunts. I knew that there was no need for Amy or Steve to have acted those sounds.

“Oh fuck, I'm nearly coming!” whispered Clarice with urgency. Spurred by the eroticism of the play and Clarice's wonderful masturbating of us both, I found a way, awkward though it was, to slip my hand into the neck of her blouse. I gently fondled her tiny tit and squeezed her extended nipple. “Fuck yeah!” she uttered approvingly. With my free hand. I drew her skirt much higher to reveal her delightful little cunt, speared by two fingers. I could scent her sex juices. My climax was upon me from nowhere. I spurted hugely, Clarice looking on as her own climax was still being played out. My huge pleasures whirled within me and I splashed out onto the floor with no attempt to capture it in a tissue. “Loads of jizz!” she exclaimed as she pulled her slick fingers from her little cunt.

We watched the cast take a bow, three pairs of tits proudly on show which caused a cavalcade of appreciative applause, whistles and camera flashes. As the topless three bowed, the weight of their breasts hugely increased the size of their tits, much to the delight of the audience. I realised that the local newspaper's photographer was below the stage, camera pointed right up Amy's front, possibly seeing that her knickers were crotchless.

I led Clarice backstage where the cast had gathered, euphoric from the audience's reaction. Amy, Jenny and Tina were still topless, seemingly oblivious to the fact. Others of the cast and crew were enjoying getting so close to the bared breasts. Clarice lent over to whisper “Ooh, I'm going to enjoying looking at these big tits!” Her words made me wonder but they also gave me a jolt of excitement.

However, I felt a much stronger surge of excitement when Amy and Jenny embraced, pressing their lovely tits together, making a spectacular image that I will keep in my mind. Whether it was intentional for a thrill of their own or an unintended consequence, I don't know, but I enjoyed it.

Amy saw me and came over to hug me, excited by the performance of the play and, of course, by the fact that she had been fucked during the actual performance. I pulled her to one side and took gentle hold of her tit, out of view of the others. Amy answered my question before I could even ask it. “We fucked! We both came, it was so hot!”

“Wow!” I enthused, “That really is hot – and it looked so good from the theatre.” I belatedly realised that Amy was still only wearing the cammy knickers she used in the play. I urgently said “Hey, won't you be leaking his stuff? Others might see!” and she assured me that she had taken care of it.

Then Amy whispered straight into my ear “We need to get home soon. I need you to fuck me now and – you know – lick me first. I'm so hot for you. You know how this sex makes me so dirty!”

“And me!” I replied, aroused by her needs and by her juicy state. “You can get me to do anything when you've just been had by another man!”

“I know and I love it! And I'm going to make you do more things.” said Amy.

We were soon home, naked and on our bed. Amy pushed my face onto her mound, not that I needed pushing. I took a very long lick through the full length of her hot wet gash as she held my head. I plunged my tongue into her sex hole as deep as I could, tasting her juices mixed with Steve's jizz. Amy talked dirty to me as I gave her a long bout of cunnilingus. “Lick my jizzed-up cunt,you pervy bastard! Taste what that big cock put in me!”

“I am, my gloriously unfaithful wife, I am!” I groaned to her with the taste of another man's jizz in my mouth.

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