I know I didn’t do this right. I probably wouldn’t do it again, but this is how it happened and was probably the most likely result under any circumstance.
Jim and I had been married 21 years. At the time Jim would have told you it was a great 21 years. I would have said so too, but I’d have been lying. Marriage was what I expected. My parents were married for 50 years. I don’t really remember them being affectionate towards each other. That was where we were.
He and I dated for 12 months before we got engaged and we were married 3 months later. He was a good looking, hard working man. He was forceful and opinionated in the way he talked and acted, at the time I saw it as a strength and not a detriment.
Jim had a good government job and provided us a nice middle class life. We weren’t rolling in money, but we’d just paid off our mortgage early, we could afford new cars every 5-6 years, we had money for the girls college, and could splurge on a nice vacation every other year. We had Jim’s pension and did good enough in savings that we had some investments and owned 2 rental houses.
We had our girls and things went along normally. I settled into marriage. I was a stay at home mother. I raised my kids, kept house, and made dinner. Our marriage was what I thought marriage was. Actually what we both thought it was.
We had friends, mostly my friends, parents of kids my kids went to school with. We were invited to BBQs and sometimes went out with other couples. His friends were a few guys he worked with and one or two of the husbands in our group. The girls got older and after the girls were 16 I took a part time job working in a small boutique owned by a friend. Life went on.
During this time Jim put on about 40 lbs. I kept my figure. I was proud of it. I hit the gym 2-3 days a week, did weights, and swam. At 5’4, 130, shoulder length auburn hair, I still turned a head or two. I was always mistaken for being in my 30s. When the girls hit high school, every once in awhile they would mention that a friend thought I was hot. Their girl friends would often tell me I was pretty. In our social circle there were a few of us wives who kept their figure, but most hadn’t.
During our marriage one thing bothered me often. We didn’t really communicate. Jim lectured. I did what was needed to manage the house. Jim was opinionated and very judgemental. What seemed strong when I was young, became just obnoxious as I got older. His opinion was right and anyone who disagreed was stupid. It made me sad when he went off. Some of the topics were interesting or, if it was about things that happened in our social group, I would have liked to have been part of a discussion. It was always Jim lecturing.
it was always something. When a local boy got arrested for pot, Jim railed about it being his parents fault and that they were bad people who couldn’t control their child.
He’d say, “I would show that kid what for and he would never do that again,” or, “I’d throw that kid out. See how much pot he can afford on his own.”
Then he’d look at me and say “It’s a good thing we raised our girls right. They would never do such a thing.”
I wouldn’t reply. He wasn’t looking for a reply he was just lecturing. I’d laugh inside since I was pretty sure our girls now 18 and 19 had smoked pot once in awhile when they were in high school.
When a neighbor’s girl got pregnant. He would go on about how his girls knew that they shouldn’t have sex at that age and how their parents couldn’t control her. Why were they letting her date that boy anyway. He’d say he would have slapped the kid and sent him running or scared him with his gun. How he’d use his gun to force the kid to, “Do the right thing.”
All the while I’d be thinking about how I’d put the girls on the pill at 16 after having long discussions with them.
These lectures would go on for days. As long as the topic was a hot part of the neighborhood or work gossip he would go on.
The worst rants were when someone’s marriage ended or was in trouble. Our group like any other had its share of couples with problems. He would throw blame everywhere.
“He’s such a wimp. He doesn’t know how to handle his wife.”
“She was always a bitch.”
“She’s just a whiner.”
“He’s an ass.”
In almost every case of divorce the man moved out.
“I wouldn’t move out. It’s my house. Why should I be the one to move?”
Sometimes he’d go on about their sex life.
“I bet that guy couldn’t satisfy her. She needs a real man,” or, “She’s frigid, I bet she barely has sex him him. I would leave too.”
One time a woman took her husband back after he cheated. They’d stayed together. He’d go off about once a cheater always a cheater and how stupid it was to take the loser back.
It was funny and maddening to hear this. Our sex life was what I expected. We’d have sex 2-3 times a month. If I was lucky I’d have an orgasm during sex about once a month. We had 2 positions. Him on top, me on top. When home alone, I had a vibrating friend I visited at least 3-4 times a week.
We didn’t do oral. Funny thing, I would have, I probably would have done a lot of things. He just never asked, I never offered.
There wasn’t a lot of romance or lead up to sex. No playful teasing. No hugs during the day. No making out on the couch. In fact, we rarely kissed anymore. Quick kisses hello goodbye. To initiate sex, He might roll over in bed, slide his hands up my chest and play with my breasts, and say “How ’bout it,” or maybe, “How ’bout a back rub.”
I never said no. I mean he never asked when I was sick or on my period, so for the most part I had no reason to say no. Plus, I liked sex. More would have been good, if it were accompanied by some flirting or romance.
My fantasies with my vibrator ranged from a romantic strong man winning my heart and taking me, to being picked up in a biker bar and used. He would die if he knew my fantasies or even that I had a vibrator.
So, given all this it often tied my stomach up to hear him talk about others like that.
At parties or get togethers he’d go off when he had an audience. Most people would either not respond or stand there nodding their heads in silence. He took this as agreement and would go on with his rant.
He of course didn’t see any of this. In his eyes he had the perfect marriage and life and I’m think to the outside world it looked that way. I often wondered how they talked about us when we weren’t there. Not expecting anything different, I didn’t complain.
On the other hand. I would talk to the wives. We were friends. We’d chat online, text, they’d visit the boutique. We stayed in touch. I would always hear at least the wife’s side of the story. I held the mother whose daughter got pregnant. I’d talked for hours with the woman whose husband left her. Most stories were sad, complicated, and not simplistic to deal with as Jim would think. They made me think about the communication in my marriage.
I think the one that finally set me off was when one of my friends had an affair. Afterwards they had stayed together and worked it out. She told me all about it. She wasn’t proud of it. Her husband was not a bad man. He just wouldn’t listen to her. She felt smothered and lost and she felt she was losing herself. They’d tried counseling, but he was convinced it was her. It wasn’t till the affair that he was shocked into paying attention. He didn’t want his current life or his marriage to disappear. They started working on it together.
Jim went on for months about how he’d never have stayed, that she was a slut. How he would have beat up her, or him, or both of them. He claimed he would kill one of them. He said he’d divorce her and take everything they had. The rant would change but he’d still rant.
Everytime he saw one of them, or saw them together he would start again. He’d call her a cheating bitch, and him a wuss. It was a lot to hear.
The second thing that happened was on one of our nights out. We were sitting in a pub type restaurant and I noticed a couple sitting at the bar. They weren’t really talking. I don’t even think Jim noticed. I watched for a while. Soon another guy came into the bar. He sat down next to her but leaving a respectful seat between them.
After a little while the woman and the guy started talking. He talked to the man the woman was with also, but mostly the woman. They became engaged in conversation. Then he moved from his one seat away right next to the woman. It was about then Jim noticed.
“Look at that,” he said. “It looks like he’s hitting on her. If that were me I’d tell the guy to take a hike.”
“Why?” I asked. “They’re just talking.” I knew it was a mistake as soon as I said it.
“Why’s he talking to her?” he started. “She’s obviously with that other guy. Most guys don’t talk to women unless they’re hitting on them.”
He went on about how disrespectful it was and how he’d punch the guy out and drag his girlfriend out of there. He’d make sure she didn’t disrespect him again. I just listened to him rant.
I just listened. There was no use in saying anything.
One Saturday night it came to a head.
Jim had invited 3 guys he worked with over to play cards. I’d met the guys and I didn’t mind. They were nice enough. They were polite to me and it was Jim’s home and he was welcome to have his friends here.
The night started out normally. I welcomed the guys and got some snacks. They sat around the table talking and playing cards while I went in the other room to watch TV. It wasn’t a party or anything. No one drank to excess. I was meeting people so, of course, I had on a nice pair of jeans, brushed my hair, and a little makeup, but nothing I wouldn’t wear to the grocery store.
Generally I could hear what the guys were saying. I usually didn’t pay attention, this time, one of the guys, Enrique, started talking about a friend of his who was getting divorced. He had to pay alimony and child support and was struggling to get back on his feet. The ex wife already had a boyfriend and they were moving in together into her, their, old house with her kids.
That set Jim off. He retold the story of our friend. He went on about how he would have beat the new boyfriend silly and have tossed her out of the house. I listened to this story again. I don’t know why, something just hit me.
I didn’t really have a plan. I went in the kitchen. Jim, Frank, Lloyd, and Enrique were all playing cards.
“Whatchya talking about,” I asked sounding innocent. I knew, but I wanted them to tell me.
Jim jumped in. He told me Enrique’s story about his friend. Then he went on and retold the story about our friends. He went on about what he would do to whom and how. The parts about hitting the guy or the wife really bothered me.
I couldn’t listen anymore. I don’t know what possessed me. I sat down on Frank’s lap, put my arms around his neck and asked, “So if I did this you’d hit me?”
“Cut it out,” he said. “Of course not. Get off his lap.”
“What would you do if I kissed him on the cheek?” I kissed Frank on the cheek. “Would you hit me? Or Frank?”
“Lisa, cut it out. You’re making a scene. Get off his lap,” Jim said. He wasn’t shouting but he was getting agitated.
“Ok,” I flirted. I kissed Frank on the cheek and said, “I’m sorry, I don’t want Jim to hit us.”
I should have stopped but I didn’t. I went and sat on Enrique’s lap and put my arms around him. Enrique looked past me at Jim. I don’t think he knew what to say.
“What about now?” I said to Jim. “Would you really hit me?”
“Get off his lap Lisa. You’re being ridiculous. Cut it out.” He was starting to raise his voice.
I got up and sat back on Frank’s lap. This time I kind of bent over so my ass was pointing right at Frank giving him a great view. Then I sat back on his lap and stretching up put my arms around his neck. Frank put his arms around my waist.
“Lisa, the jokes over. Stop it. You’re making people uncomfortable.”
I looked over my shoulder at Frank. I wiggled my ass a bit in his lap. “Frank,” I said. “Am I bothering you?”
Frank laughed, “Well, not in the way Jim means.”
Enrique and Lloyd laughed. I looked at them.
“Am I bothering you guys?”
Now Jim was mad. His face was getting red. “Guys, I think the party’s over. I don’t know what she’s doing, but I think you should go.”
I got off Frank’s lap and, standing, I put my arms around Lloyd’s neck. My ass was practically in Frank’s face.
“Lloyd? Am I bothering you?” I purred.
Lloyd laughed, “You can bother me like that all you want.”
I started to realize Jim’s friends did not respect Jim as much as he thought they did. Jim always thought everyone respected and looked up to him.
I kissed Lloyd on the cheek. Pretty close to his lips.
Jim was sputtering. “That’s enough. Guys, get out. Lisa, go upstairs.”
The guys started to get up. I pushed my ass closer to Frank’s face, waved it a bit and kissed Lloyd on the side of his mouth.
“Do you guys want to go?” I pouted. “It’s my house too, I’m kinda having fun.”
They all sat back down.
“See Jim, they want to stay.” I walked over to Enrique, bent over, and with my ass in Lloyd’s face kissed Enrique actually on the lips.
“See, they want to stay,” I again said to Jim.
I don’t really know why I kept pushing it. Pent up anger? Whatever it was, I was having fun. Also, I have to admit, being such a flirt, the way the guys were reacting to me, and defying Jim was turning me on a bit. Ok, more than a bit.
Jim was pissed. “Get out! All of you!” he shouted.
I sat down on Enrique’s lap and kissed him on the lips. No tongue, just a kiss. I looked at Jim and said, “It’s my house too and I’m having fun. I want them to stay.”
Then to Lloyd I said, “You guys are having fun, aren’t you?”
Enrique laughed and said, “I am.”
Frank also laughed, “Well, I don’t know Enrique seems to be having all the fun.”
I crooked my finger at Frank and beckoned him over. Frank stood up and came over to me. I put my arms around him and kissed him. I was still sitting in Enrique’s lap, I felt one of his hands slip to my ass. Jim couldn’t see it. I kind of wiggled my ass into it. Enrique had his other arm around me.
I hadn’t really expected to go this far but I was getting turned on and I was enjoying Jim’s growing discomfort. Not because I liked that he was jealous. I liked that he felt he was losing control and that I was making it happen. I even liked the feel of Enrique’s hand on my ass.
I parted my lips when I kissed Frank. I felt his tongue against my lips.
“This is my last warning,” Jim growled. “Stop acting like a slut.”
My arms around Frank and sitting on Enrique’s lap I looked around at the guys and said, “You don’t think I’m slutty do you?”
“That’s enough,” Jim bellowed.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me off Enrique’s lap. My arms were around Frank’s neck so it pulled him forward as well. I struggled to get out Jim’s grasp. He was hurting me.
“Let go,” I hissed. I was mad. It was my fault, I did this, still I was mad.
“I’m not letting you go until you behave and stop acting like a cheap slut,” he said.
I struggled some more, “Cheap slut? I’ll show you cheap slut. Maybe one of these guys could make me cum more than 6 times a year than your little cock can.”
I don’t know where that came from, but I said it.
Whap! He slapped me across the face.
Frank pushed him away from me. Jim let go of me. He turned to Frank and tried to punch him. Frank tackled him and grappled Jim to the ground. They crashed into a cabinet and knocked it over breaking a vase and a few other things. Now Jim was fighting. Enrique and Lloyd stood up and helped Frank hold Jim down. I dialed 911.
When they answered I told them my husband just hit me. They asked if I was safe. I said yes, there were some friends here restraining him.
Our town is not crime ridden. Two police cars were at my door in about three minutes. The cops took Jim outside and asked what was going on. The door was open. I could see him on the lawn, I told them we were having fun, I was picking on Jim a bit and He lost his temper and hit me.
I could hear Jim telling the cops the whole story. I couldn’t hear most of it, but when he said things like ‘being a slut’ or ‘the little whore’ he turned his head and raised his voice so I could hear him.
After hearing Jim’s story the cops came back they asked me about it. I confirmed it was true. However everyone, including Jim, agreed that he hit me.
In our state we have mandatory arrest with domestic abuse cases. Jim was put in handcuffs and walked to a car.
“You fucking slut,” he yelled. “We’re through. I don’t ever want to see you again.”
I stood at the door. I watched him. He gave me a last look as he got in the car. I don’t know why. I brought up my hand and in the way little kids wave, I waved and said, “bye bye.”
I watched the car drive away. I was all wound up. I was mad, I was anxious, scared, and a little elated.
The guys all made ready to leave.
“You guys don’t have to leave,” I said.
I’m not sure how they took that. I said it because I didn’t want to be alone, but given what was going on before all this, they may have taken it differently.
Frank cleaned up the broken vase. Enrique stood up and came up behind me. He put his arms around my waist. “We’ll stay as long as you want,” he said.
His arms felt good wrapped around me. I sighed and leaned my head against his chest. It felt good. I hadn’t been in another man’s arms for 23 years. I just stayed there rocking for a minute or two, then looking at the other two guys I said, “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it,” said Frank. “It was our pleasure.” Then he added, “Besides, we were having a great time till then.”
I smiled, “Yeah we were, weren’t we,” I said using a pouty ‘Why did he spoil it’ tone of voice.
The guys laughed.
The tension over the incident started to dissipate. I offered to get everyone a drink.
As I brought the drinks over Enrique raised his glass and said, “Cheers to our sexy bartender.”
“Ooo, sexy, I like that,” I replied. I did like it. After that crap with Jim it was nice to hear something nice about me. I tried to remember the last time Jim actually complimented me. He was polite enough, and nice enough, but he never really complimented me.
Frank said. “We like that you’re sexy too.”
I kissed him on the cheek. “I’m glad you think so,”
“Hey,” said Enrique. “I think you’re sexy too. Do I get a kiss?”
“Of course,” I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek as well.
“Hmmmph,” he grumped. “The last one was better.”
I laughed. “Ok, let’s see what I can do,” I leaned back in to kiss him on the lips.
I wasn’t going for a big make out. I honestly just thought a kiss on the lips. As the kiss started I felt his hand come to the back of my head. His fingers spread through my hair. I let out a small, “Mmmm.” My lips parted as I kissed him. I admit. It felt good. I forgot how much I liked kissing.
When we were done, I giggled and said, “That better?”
“Much,” he said.
Frank cleared his throat with a big smile on his face.
“Oh,” I said with a laugh. “I suppose you two want one too now.”
“God yes,” said Frank. “What kind of idiot wouldn’t?”
I laughed, “Well, who can refuse logic like that.”
I leaned in to kiss Frank. Instead he stood up and pulled me in his arms. This time there was no tentative kiss. It was full on make out right from the start. It felt good. As I kissed Frank I thought about the guys. There was nothing special about them. Enrique was in his 30s. About 5’10”. Lloyd in his late 40s about 5’10” also. Frank was in his low 40s about 6′. All of them were slightly overweight but didn’t have guts.
Lloyd and Enrique both stood up. For a few minutes they passed me from one to the other kissing me. I was loving it. Then, while I was kissing Frank, one of the guys got behind me and he slid his hands under my top and cupped my breasts over my bra.
I turned my head to look at him. It was Enrique. I looked at his face. It seemed to me the moment stopped. I realized that this was a decision moment. If I let this happen all 3 of these guys were going to fuck me. If I was going to stop it, now was the time. I thought about Jim. A sense of freedom came over me.
Looking over my shoulder I gave Enrique a serious look, “I guess Jim was right,” I said.
“Right about what?” he said.
I smiled at him. I’d made my decision. “That I’m a slut.”
Enrique leaned over my shoulder and kissed me. His hands pushed my bra up over my tits as he cupped them with his hands and rubbed my nipples. I sighed into his mouth.
Frank’s hands dropped to the bottom of my top. He grabbed it and pulled it up over my head. I raised my arms up to make it easier. Without my top my bra was pushed up and you could see nipples. Enrique’s hands had cupped my breasts. Frank leaned down and sucked one of nipples into his mouth.
God that felt good. I let myself go to the feeling. I felt Enrique undo my bra in the back. I again raised my arms so he could get it off easily. When I brought my arms down I put my hands on Frank’s head and pulled it into my breast. I let out a moan.
“God, that feels so good,” I sighed.
Lloyd was standing and watching.
My full bad girl came out. I looked at Lloyd and said, “I’ve got another one.”
Lloyd smiled. He sat in the chair next to me and played with my other nipple. Then he took it in his mouth. I felt sexy, I felt naughty, I felt dirty, I felt hot. I could feel the wetness between my legs.
As they sucked on my nipples I felt Enrique reach for the buttons on my jeans. I did a quick review of what he might find. I was at the gym swimming this morning so I shaved my legs and trimmed my pubic hair. So I was good there. I was wearing my good jeans, so bonus, I was wearing a thong, no panty lines.
Knowing I was safe down there I relaxed and just let it happen. I felt the button come loose and my zipper go down. His hand pressed against my belly and slid down to my pussy. The anticipation was killing me. As soon as his fingers slid across my clit I moaned. I widened my stance a little to give him better access. His fingers found my slit. They lingered there. The tip of his middle finger sliding inside of me. I moaned again.
I felt him pull his hand out of my pants. I groaned in protest. Frank and Lloyd were still kissing my neck, chest, and playing with my tits. Enrique brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked on them.
“Mmmm, good,” he said.
Oh my god. Did he just taste my pussy? No one ever did that before. The ‘Mmmm, good’ was a turn on. I could feel myself getting wetter.
His hands went to the waistband of my jeans. He pushed my jeans and panties down over my hips and ass. I felt more exposed than I had in my whole life. My embarrassment added to my excitement. Enrique’s hand returned to my pussy. He played with my clit. I let out a sigh, I leaned back against him and tried to spread my legs as far as possible. The jeans around my thighs restricted me.
I pushed my pussy into his hands. I felt his finger inside me. Then two fingers. It was amazing. Jim might touch me to see if I was ready for him, but he never really concentrated on pleasuring me with his fingers.
I heard Lloyd say, “I think we need to be more comfortable.”
Frank scooped me up in his arms and carried me upstairs. He laid me on the edge of my bed with my legs off the edge. He knelt down beside the bed between my legs and pulled my jeans and panties off. He stayed on his knees, my legs spread. Except for my doctor no one had ever been that close to my pussy. I kind of knew what he was going to do next, but was apprehensive.
Ok, I was apprehensive till his tongue touched my pussy. Maybe it’s just because I didn’t know any better but Frank was amazing. His tongue lightly swirled around my clit. He licked my pussy lips lightly sucking on them.
I reached down and grabbed his head. I pulled it into me. I was loving it.
“Oh my god, yes, don’t stop, it feels so good,” I moaned.
Then his lips encased my clit. He lightly sucked on it. I closed my eyes and came with a loud moan.
He didn’t stop, he again used his tongue all around my pussy. I came again. This time I let out an “Oh my god. That’s amazing.”
I had forgotten Lloyd and Enrique were in the room. As Frank was making me cum, they had undressed. Their hard cocks were standing at attention. They climbed on the bed on either side of me. I reached out and took both their cocks in my hands. They felt heavy. I didn’t have a lot to compare them with. I’d been with 2 boys before Jim (I made a mental note that tonight I was doubling my number.) and I can barely remember their faces, never mind their cocks. I was too shy to look back then. I could compare them to Jim. Both were thicker and longer. I enjoyed the way they felt in my hands as I lightly stroked them.
Enrique brought his cock close to my face. He put his hand over mine and placed his cock on my lips. I had never given a blow job. I knew what they were, but the idea of being bad at it scared me.
Shyly I said, “I’ve never done this before.”
Enrique chuckled. He stroked my hair and said, “What, fucked 3 guys at once, or sucked cock.”
I laughed, “Neither you jerk.”
Then sweetly he said, “It’s ok, we’ll be gentle. We’ll show you. Open your lips.”
I opened my mouth and felt the head of his cock between my lips. I encircled it all trying not to bite it. There was a drop of precum on the tip. I tasted it with my tongue. I liked it.
Using his hand on mine, he showed me how to stroke his cock while I sucked it. I was getting into it.
Right then I felt the head of a cock against my pussy. Frank had undressed and was standing between my legs, holding them open, with his cock at the entrance to my pussy. He rubbed the head up and down my slit. From the opening to my clit. Every time the head stroked my clit I sucked in air around the cock in my mouth.
I knew Frank was going to enter me. I wanted it. I pushed my hips against his cock trying to suck it in. He teased me a bit. Finally I could not take it. I pulled Enrique’s cock out of my mouth and said, “God dammit! Fuck me already!”
As soon as I said the words he pushed his cock into me. It slid right in. I felt full. He was definitely bigger than Jim. When he was completely in me I moaned. As I did Enrique slipped his cock back in my mouth.
It took a minute but I started getting the rhythm of being fucked while sucking cock. I felt, well, I felt a lot, it was all good. I still had a hand wrapped around Lloyd’s cock. I heard Lloyd say, “It’s my turn to fuck her mouth.”
I don’t know why but hearing the words ‘It’s my turn’ set me off. I came with a loud moan letting Enrique’s cock fall from my lips. Lloyd immediately placed his against my lips. Still stroking Enrique’s cock I guided Lloyd’s into my mouth. It felt different, tasted a bit different but I still loved it.
As I was sucking both Lloyd and Enrique played with and sucked on my tits. I felt like my whole body was being stimulated. It was hard to concentrate on one thing. I felt like I was being swept away in a flow of, I don’t know what, but that’s how it felt.
All of a sudden Frank said, “I’m going to cum.”
I guess I should have thought about it. What actually came out was, “Yes, fuck me, give it to me.”
I felt Frank’s hot cum against my pussy walks. I came. “Oh fuck, yes,” I moaned.
I continued sucking Lloyd’s cock as I felt Frank’s cock shrink and pull out of me. As he pulled out I felt some cum drip down between my legs and down the crack of my ass.
As I did Enrique pulled out of my hand and got off the bed. I watched him as he positioned himself between my legs. I had the feeling I should clean up first. I mean, at the beginning I assumed they were going to fuck me, but I really didn’t think about the how.
Enrique placed his cock against my cum filled pussy and slid right in. As he did I could feel some of the cum inside me push out. It felt dirty. It felt delicious. He started long slow strokes. I loved it.
“God yes, give it to me, fuck me,” I hissed.
I continued sucking Lloyd’s cock. I felt Frank climb on the bed next to me. He brought his cock to my face. Lloyd pulled out of my mouth and Frank laid his wet semi hard cock against my lips. I wasn’t sure what to do.
“Suck it clean,” he said.
It was against my lips. I could feel it. It was wet and covered with my cum and his. I could smell it under my nose. I liked it. I opened my mouth and sucked him in.
“Mmmmm,” I managed to get out around his cock. I liked the way it tasted. Tangy, salty. I liked the feel of the soft cock in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around it and licked it clean.
As I did I could feel Enrique start pumping me harder. I could feel the pressure building up in my pussy.
“Uhn, uhn, uhn,” I grunted as he pounded me.
Just then the phone rang. The caller ID said the local police station. I figured I better answer it. I let go of Frank and Lloyd, Enrique slowed down but kept fucking me.
“Hello,” I said.
“Hi,” I heard. It was Jim.
“Hi,” I repeated, “What do you want?”
I think Enrique realized who it was and started pumping me harder.
“I need my wallet,” Jim said. “Could you please bring it to me? I’m in here till Monday as they can’t arraign me or set bail till Monday. I need my wallet to start the bail process.”
“Ok,” I said. I was starting to puff each time Enrique thrust into me. Enrique was smiling and picking up the pace.
“Can you do it tonight?” asked Jim.
“Whh, I, whh, will, whh, after, whh, the, whh, guys, whh, leave.” I huffed.
“What’s going on there?” Jim asked. “Why are they still there?”
I couldn’t help myself. “They stayed to fuck me,” I said.
“You bitch. If you don’t want to help let me talk to Enrique.”
I handed Enrique the phone. Enrique listened a bit and said, “Sure, as soon as I’m done fucking your wife.”
I let out a loud moan. I heard some shouting from the phone and then it went dead. Enrique laughed, “That was fun.” He started fucking me harder.
Frank stuck his cock back in my mouth. I put the call out of my mind and got back into my rhythm. I felt my orgasm growing.
“Don’t stop,” I moaned. I’m going to cum.”
The orgasm hit me in waves. Although Frank’s cock was still in my mouth I wasn’t paying attention to it. I was just moaning with pleasure. “Oh god, oh god, yes, yes, yes.” I came hard. As I did I felt Enrique stiffen up and start pulsing inside me.
He filled me with his cum, pulling out as he did. Some hot cum landed on my pussy and belly. It felt hot. I could feel my messy pussy leaking. I couldn’t believe it. I lay on the bed panting.
Lloyd got between my legs. I could not believe he was going to fuck me with such a mess in my pussy, but he just shoved his cock right in. I was so turned on I came as soon as he was all the way in me. Lloyd just started fucking me hard.
Enrique brought his messy cock up to my mouth. I knew what he wanted. I opened my mouth and hungrily licked him clean.
When I was done Frank stuck his cock back in my mouth. He was hard again and jacking the shaft of his cock. I got back into my rhythm of being fucked and sucking cock. Lloyd’s cock kept pumping the two loads of cum out so the dripped between my legs.
I moaned as I felt cum drying on my ass, pussy, and belly.
“Are you ready,” Frank said, bringing me back to the real world. I didn’t know what he meant, but I just nodded. About 4 seconds later I felt Frank’s cock start pulsing in my mouth. Hot jets of cum hit the back of my throat. Taken by surprise I let his cock fall out of my mouth. Cum landed on my face, lips, and chest,
The feeling of hot cum against my skin made me cum again. I could feel my pussy gush over Lloyd’s cock. Oh my god, I felt like such a slut.
As my pussy gushed on Lloyd’s cock, he started to cum. I could barely feel it in my cum filled pussy.
We all lay there panting. I started to feel self conscious.
“Ummm,” was all I could say. I looked around me.
“Oh my god Lisa. That was amazing. You are so fucking sexy,” said Frank.
The other guys agreed. They started complimenting me. Telling me how hot and sexy I was. How good I felt. What a good fuck I was. I loved it.
I laughed, “Oh my god, that was amazing. I haven’t cum that much all year, never mind in one night, but, I gotta clean up and get Jim’s wallet to him.
“We’ll take it,” said Enrique. “Go shower and get some sleep.”
We said our good nights, as we did Frank said, “Thank you Lisa, that was amazing.”
It just popped out of my mouth, “Well, we’ll have to do it again sometime.” Then I blushed.
Enrique saved me. “We can only dream,” he said.
I cleaned up and went to bed. The phone rang at 6am. It was my daughters. They both went to the same school. They asked me what happened. I told them their dad went into a jealous rage about his friends and hit me.
The girls had Jim’s story and asked me if it was true.
“What do you think?” I said.
They agreed there was no way I’d do any of that.
Jim got out, he immediately drained our cash accounts and shut off our joint credit cards. That was ok with me. I had 2 of my own and a small cash account I kept for years in case of emergencies. Most of our money was in investments.
The girls sided with me. So did most of the neighbors. No one believed Jim’s story.
Jim was sentenced to community service.
Jim filed for divorce. The settlement was pretty good. Jim had to pay me alimony. He had to pay off all the credit cards he shut me out of since he’d made them his property. In my state he had to pay for the girls college. Our college fund was community property so I got half, but he had to pay the whole thing.
Since the girls chose to live with me during breaks till they finished college there was a settlement for that even though they were 18. I kept the house. I had to buy him out but I got a great deal well below market.
Our investments were split up pretty much 50/50. I also was guaranteed half his pension.
The one thing that pissed him off was his truck. We were still making payments in it. He didn’t want to sell it. So he had to buy me out. In the end, with the settlement and what I made at the boutique,, I was comfortable. He was behind for about 5 years but got caught up eventually and probably was too, but he was pissed at what it cost him.
During the divorce I would take nude photos of me without my face and send them to the guys. They would usually share them with Jim just to piss him off.
The guys and I got together 3 more times before the girls came home from school.