Unexpected sex with divorced muslim Milf

Hello Everyone! This is Adeev. It's my first story and a very recent one of which I lost my to busty divorced muslim . hope you beautiful ladies and gents like it. So About me, I am a 22 year old engineering based of Chennai.

NOTE: She is the one who encouraged me to write the story. No privacy is violated.

This story is about how I lost my virginity to a very beautiful MILF named Kubra. She is a divorcee and she comes from a very rich family. Frankly writing, she truly is a bombshell at 40. Fitness freak Kubra's stats are 36-28-34. She never looks like 40 years old with all that yoga and exercises she does, though she is 40 but her boobs are still firm and big. Anybody looking at her would say she is hardly 25. I am damn serious folks.

Now straight to the point, I got to know Kubra on a small trip. I was upset about my life routine. So while scrolling Insta, I found a page that organizes trips to different places. I found this interesting and thought of giving it a shot. The place was ECR and was a beach resort. Actually, it was a group of 12 people who made it to the trip. 2 couples, 3 friends, and 5 different strangers (including me). It was like 6 males and 6 females.
Incident: As soon as we got into the Bus, one of the organizers informed the do's and don'ts that followed our self-introduction. That was when I saw Kubra, as she introduced herself. Just formal talks at the beginning.

Later, we got down at the destination and were asked to get ready. Actually, I went out for a smoke before reaching the room and was late. That was when I had the first glimpse of Kubra's . I was stunned to see that deep cleavage and those firm boobs over her towel when I accidentally opened her room door assuming it to be mine.
Now, I was staring at those beautiful boobs of hers ( I really wanted to devour her right there and then). She became angry and closed the door, and that was when I realized that my room was next door.

Later, all of us were asked to assemble at a point after fresh up. We met again and she was blushing, after few mins she asked, “Haven't you seen a semi-naked woman in real?”
I replied, “NOO!!”

She didn't react much but told me, “I knew, It surely is your .”
I asked, “Why do you feel that?”
She said, “Within a minute you were frozen looking at my structure.”
Me (boldly): you are beautiful, and hot.
She: I am 40, sweetheart!
Me: I am 50, honey.
She: I am serious, kid!
Me: Stop calling me like that.
She: Look, somebody's angry.
Me: Stop joking.
She (blushing): I am not lying handsome. I am 40 years old. Basically, an ‘aunty'!!
Me: Are you sure??
She: Why would I tell if I am not one?
Me: You look like 25.
She laughed and moved ahead.

She was sweating and Man, it was a pleasure seeing her erect nipples over the jacket! We had eye-to-eye contact with complete lust. I would have torn her dress and started fucking if we were at an isolated place but had to control.

Later, we had a casual exchange of numbers and bid bye after the trip.
It was cent percent true that I was 24/7 horny and masturbated every time imagining Kubra Aunty. But I was not ready to make any move by texting her.

After 1 week, I received a “Hi” from an unknown number. I was doubtful. Is it Kubra aunty? My guess was right, it was her from another WhatsApp number. I replied after a few hours just to avoid showing desperation. However, soon after getting an instant reply, I became hungry for the milf's pussy.
She: Thought you would text me immediately after leaving.
Me: I was busy with work, aunty.
She: Liar!!
Me (trying to be innocent): No aunty, I was really busy.
She: Cut the shit, kid!! You wanted me to make the first move.
Me: Maybe!! As I'm not a kid (Along with angry emoji).
She: I know that you want to make love to me and would have done it on the trip if no one was there.
My dick was rock hard.
Me: Yes, I would have done that.
She: Then, who is stopping you??
Me: I smell dripping cum soaked inside your panty.
She: If only I had worn one!! (smiling emoji)
Me: Are you already on??
She: What do you think?!
I was video calling her. She was semi- without panties. Immediately, she cut the call.
She: No online fun, Mr. Kiddo.
I sent sad emojis.
She: Don't be so upset, dear! Why don't you come home?
Me: Are you serious??? Don't just tease me.

She sent her location.

I live in Egmore and she lives in Nungambakkam (Its a posh area in chennai). I was so freaking happy to see that as her place was just 10 minutes drive from mine and I reached her place in no time. To avoid making any noise, I texted her to open the door before reaching her house. She had already sent her workers on leave as her parents were not in the country. Her house was so big.

The door was open and as soon as I opened the door, I saw something shocking. She was sitting completely nude on the sofa with her legs spread open at 180° degrees, inviting me to satisfy her quest.

Me: You such a horny slut, Kubra aunty.
She: Well you can see it for yourself. Anyways, welcome to my home and my….Umm… Why are you wasting time by the way?
Me: I knew you were horny but not as much to keep your door and pussy open for all.
She: Shut the fuck up. This is only for you!! Men in my locality are just dying to see a glimpse of my cleavage or even my face atleast for once.
Me: Woooaaah!! Lucky me..
She: Yes, you are indeed a lucky bastard..
I started removing my clothes and she was busy teasing me by exposing her inch by inch. My tool was in ultimate heaven and soon, saluted her pussy. She wrapped herself to me and we were on fire.

She was trying to be romantic and felt like a 25 years old girl. She was caressing, scratching my body and kissing every inch of it while I was sucking her massive tits, licking her pussy and fingering her ass. We were trying to be soft and romantic with each other. I had all the time in the universe for her.
She: It's been very long since I was physically happy. No man has touched me since last 5 years.
Me: Now that we have met, you'll see heaven anytime you want.
She: Never thought that I would sleep with a boy 18 years younger than me.
Me: Come on aunty, after all it's our physical need.
While I was saying this she already took my dick in her hand.
She: Ummm… (started sucking me)
Me: Do you like it?
She: I'm loving this dick. This is mine from now.
Me: Sure, bitch!
She: You bastard (bit my dick) call me baby and not bitch.
Me: Ouch… Handle with care, baby.
She: Feed me your cum, daddy.
Me: We'll feed each other baby. Let's 69!
She: Ummm…haaa… Just lick it… Hard.
Me: I'm gonna cum, Kubraaaa.

She pressed it hard and drank the full cum in one go. I was relieved. And within 2 minutes, she came and I drank it completely. She also pissed after . I drank it too. She was like, “Yuk.” But I enjoyed it.
Now It was time to fuck the divorced milf and I slowly inserted my dick into her pussy. She was moaning with pleasure.
She: It's 5 years since this pussy had a dick.
Me: Stop joking.
She: After my divorce, I never got intimate with anyone till date.
Me: Baby, if this is the truth, then today is the luckiest day of my life.
She: Why would I lie?
I started kissing, sucking her and increased the speed.
She: Yaa…yaa..yaa… Don't stop Adeeeevvv.. Please Adeevv don't stop….. Ahhhh… Ummmm…

This continued for 15 minutes.
Me (shouting): I am cumming, Kubra.
She: Please Cum inside me Adeev. It's been so long and I want to feel cum inside me.
Me: Won't you get by that??
She: Don't worry, I'll take pills and now cum inside me.
I immediately unloaded my hot, thick and white cum inside her burning pussy. I collapsed on her and kissed her.
She: Wow!! This was one of the best sex I had.
Me: The more is yet to come.
She: I am your bitch Adeev, just use me whenever you want to.

After that, we slept cuddling together and that's how I satisfied the busty divorced Milf Kubra and In relationship with her still.

Your suggestions and feedbacks are valuable so please get in touch with me through below given mail Id:
[email protected]

Any Ladies in and around chennai can contact me

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