Adolescent Years

We spent many nights together as adolescents, junior high, sleeping over at each other’s houses. When at his house in the colder months we’d sleep together in the same bed, a sofa bed, with our pajama tops on but our bottoms pulled down so that each had easy access to the others cock and balls … Read more

Gay male

I was 23 back in an earlier time. I went to a co-workers basement apartment one evening. “Doc” was older than I, about 28 or 29. He was stocky built and black. During the course of the evening, I laid down on the living room floor and Doc began giving me a shoulder body rub. … Read more

First time gay ride!

I was at my local hangout after work one Saturday night. It was owned by a family member and I was introduced to several people. One of the guys, Larry, asked if I wanted to go smoke some weed and I eagerly agreed. He asked if I’d drive and I told him I would. I … Read more

First time skinny dipping

There was that one summer in high school with a next door friend who was the same age. We slept out in the back yard in a tent one night and decided to go skinny dipping in the ‘grumpy’ neighbor’s round above-ground pool. We were trying to make a whirl pool effect by running round … Read more