Erotic sex with lonely and separated woman

Hello readers, this is Raju from Bangalore. I have been reading sex stories for the past 8 years and I would like to share my first story with readers which happened 1 month back. This is some lengthy story to read but you ll enjoy it. Let me introduce myself. Myself Raju, 31 years old … Read more

Expect the Unexpected-6

Please read the previous part here ( Expect the Unexpected-5 ). Now let’s continue Nina feeling his cock ejecting his warm seeds deep inside her womb went into raptures too. With her eyes closed her body convulsed in violent spasms as if a giant tsunami had crashed thru her. Bunty looking at his mother trembling wildly, … Read more

Fucked my chachi in a hotel room

This is about a real incident that happened last month during my visit to Jodhpur due to some work exhibition. My name is suyash, 26 year old and from a business background. My partner in the story is my cousin aunt (chachi), her name is Seema and she is in her mid 30s. As she … Read more

Sex tales of sanvi and Ansh

It’s a story of the best and most awaited sex of life with my friends girlfriend, her name is sanvi and my name is Ansh. So it could be called sex tales of sanvi and Ansh. This incident is about a year ago. I’ve always wanted to share it with others but couldn’t. So the … Read more

Sexual encounter with young married family friend

Hi, this is Giant…I am from Delhi but my native is Kerala and now working with a MNC. I am 28 now, 5’9 height, a bit on darker shade…I play football and cricket on a regular basis. So my physique is also built accordingly. I give special massage services to ladies and couple in Delhi … Read more

Love Bites

I accompanied her to the shopping mall. It was the third time that week and her shopping urges were getting increasingly out of hand. If only I could make things interesting for myself, I wondered. She was looking at various tops when the idea suddenly occurred to my mind. I did a little shopping of … Read more

Fairy tale of How I fucked my bhabhi after an event

Hi , Im aravind from bangalore 25 years young . This is my first story how i fucked my bhabhi on an Event , and would like to share with here . Any girls/aunties who likes to have any sort of fun can contact me. the story is a bit longer but keep your dicks … Read more

I Finally Got To Fuck My Mom

Incest stories, I Finally Got To Fuck My Mom… At twenty-two years old, I’ve thought about a lot of girls. I’ve masturbated to a lot of girls. I’ve thought about having sex with a lot of girls and just hoping that one day I could finally be able to get the chance to do it. But the … Read more

My wife treating me to a creampie

Sex stories.. My wife treating me to a creampie, Rachel certainly isn’t prim and proper and definitely not conservative. She’ll try anything once and pretty much has. In most situations she likes to be told what to do, she loves giving blowjobs and is amazing at sucking cock and swallows every time. She loves to have … Read more

Mother son relationship develops over time

This is a story about my relationship with my mother, the problems she was experiencing, how I thought to resolve those problems, and what happened in the end. I should start by explaining that although I loved my Mother very much, she was not an easy person to live with. She exhibited all kinds of … Read more

Mature married wife has her first lesbian experience

My name is Susan. I’m a happily married 50 year old mother of 3 grown children, and this is a true story of my recent and first experience with another woman. I work for a small company with about a hundred employees spread across the country, and every December they fly us all to our … Read more