Love Bites

I accompanied her to the shopping mall. It was the third time that week and her shopping urges were getting increasingly out of hand. If only I could make things interesting for myself, I wondered. She was looking at various tops when the idea suddenly occurred to my mind. I did a little shopping of my own and accompanied her to the trial area. Right after she entered the small mirrored compartment room, I pushed myself in after her and locked the door.

“What are you doing?!” she asked.

“I've got something I want you to try” I answered, and pulled from my pocket, a cute black and white polka-dot panty with a lace and bow-tie.

Her eyes locked onto mine in defiance, but there wasn't much room to protest inside the small compartment and I'll just say that I saw a sexy version of her that day like I'd never seen before. My tomboyish girlfriend couldn't contain her excitement and she flushed like a cherry as I slowly pulled the panty up her thighs all the way till it covered her petite, white, round ass. “You have the sexiest ass” I exclaimed, turning her around and kissing both her ass cheeks. With a finger, I pushed the panty deep inside her booty crack, exciting her pussy and anus simultaneously. She was forced to buy the panty in the end as it got drenched in cum, but it worked out for her as I am finally excited to accompany her in her shopping sprees. Waiting till next time!


I chased after him with colour powder. He dodged me and hid somewhere in an isolated block in our apartment complex. I got separated from the others in my enthusiasm. Should I go back or should I search for him? I wondered. He had somehow managed to dodge most of them, but holi ain't complete without getting ridiculously drenched in colour powder and giving an absolute nightmare to the poor moms who had to wash the clothes. I was walking aimlessly through the dark parking lot when a brisk arm pulled me aside and pushed my body against a flat pillar.

“It's quite brave of you to come alone” he said, locking me between his arms.

“And why exactly should I be afraid?” I asked, rubbing colour powder all over his face. On hindsight, I think that was a pretty bad move. His brown eyes locked into mine and I could sense a world of mischief in it. Uh-oh!

Others in the apartment didn't bother to find me and hadn't even noticed that I had been gone for half an hour when I finally returned. Nobody knew what happened to me in those 30 minutes…Those 30 minutes…I walked to the bathroom in a dreamy haze and it was only when I looked at my reflection in the mirror that I came back to my senses. My face flushed red. I couldn't look at myself. It was so embarrassing! That ass! I wouldn't be able to sleep because of him!I turned the shower on hoping to drown my thoughts away in the sound of water. But the more I tried to do so, the more vividly it came back to me. After I rubbed him with powder, he dragged me into the empty security room and bolted the door behind. Bowls full of various colour powders, sprays, and boxes of liquid balloons laid in the corner and he used every single one of down on me. My half saree didn't guard my modesty in any way as his hands touched me in all the wrong places. Once we were bolted in, he started tossing liquid balloons at me and I was drenched in colours in no time. As I tried in vain to get away from him, he caught hold of me and rubbed a fist full of yellow powder slowly on my navel, as his lips simultaneously locked into mine. I surrendered. He slowly inched to the bed and sat on the cushions, dragging me into his lap. He moved my wet hair aside and caressed my back with blue powder. My backless blouse proved to be vulnerable in every way as he slid his hands up and down my spine like a maid applying turmeric on a princess before herbal bath. My collar bones got doused in red as he licked the nape of my neck. A suddenly click and I realised that my blouse hook was not in its place. Before I could react, two palms filled with violet powder was massaging my with cocky authority. His purple fingers played with my nipples. The wetness of the liquid combined with the itchiness of the powder created a bitter sweet tension on my nipples.

“I wonder what colour I should use down below” he whispered. With a strong elbow, I released from his lap and went for the door. He had loosened his grip on me, getting way too cocky having my nipples at the tip of his fingers. I quickly unbolted and dashed out of the room without looking back. That pervert! He would have done a whole lot more if I had not budged! But I wonder…What colour would he have used? Well, I have a wild shower ahead to figure it out.


She sat modestly on the sofa. Her legs were crossed to ensure a pervert such as myself couldn't take a peek at what she was wearing inside that micro skirt of hers. But she forgot that I wasn't just any old pervert. I was her pervert. Boyfriend and pervert are both a dangerous combination which is amplified if the girl is a hot chick, with tan thighs that cried out to be let loose from the clutches of the micro-skirt. I walked up to her, a few simulations running on my head on ways to seduce her. I went with the one that sprang to my head. I kneeled in front of her and took her feet.

“Those are some gorgeous heels…” I began.

“And since when have you started taking interest on my heels?” she asked sarcastically.

“Anything that graces…” I said, removing her heel. “…my princess' feet is a topic of interest for me”

I sucked on her big toe as my palms massaged her feet. She relaxed on the sofa and just like I wanted, her legs spread ever so slightly and I caught a glimpse of her black lingerie underneath her bold red skirt.

“Why do I even love you?” she gasped.

“Because” I said and spread her legs wide like a frog. The skirt sprang up to her waist and exposed the exquisite lingerie in all its glory. “I am the only one who can still make you feel like a princess even when I humiliate you”

With that words, I went about my business, kissing, biting, and at her sexy thighs, as she sat there, moaning, screaming, and twitching, like a princess.


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