Stepsister asks Stepbrother to help her test run a spanking

Stepsister asks Stepbrother to help her test run a spanking

I like to cook, even though I live alone. I like the process—the chopping, the slicing, and, of course—the wine, which is a must as one cooks. I think that is a rule. Well, regardless, a nice merlot is good even with take-out. Tonight, I was having a simple pasta dish, with a nice mixed-greens side salad. Just as I sat down to eat, my cellphone beeped. It was my sister, Linda.

“Hey kid, what’s up?” I answered.

“I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time, but I have news.” She sounded happy, so I assumed no family member had just died. “I got accepted to grad school!”

“Wow! That is great,” I said.

Linda is only a year younger than me, and she was always the ‘kid,’ and I was always the ‘big brother.’ She is my stepsister, but we were so young when my dad married her mom, both still in diapers, it was just normal growing up to think of each other as just siblings. We never thought about the ‘step’ part.

We have always been close, and I was always very protective of my little sister. I stand six feet four inches, and I can be a bit intimidating when I need to be. She never had any problems with her high-school boyfriends. I may have been a bit overprotective at times, but she later said she was glad I was around.

The grad school she had applied to was just blocks from my condo. After she got her undergraduate degree, she worked for a political action group that did polling. She is a whiz at numbers, and really got into the game of polling for a few years, but decided to come back and get her PhD.

I, on the other hand, went straight to work just a month after I graduated.

I was lucky to get a good entry-level job with an investment firm that paid well, and just recently made Executive VP. The title is just mostly for the business cards, but it did give me a jump in salary, and a bigger piece of the action, which allowed me to get my condo.

“I start in the fall and I need to get things set up. I cannot wait for us to be in the same town. I missed hanging with my big brother,” Linda said, with a little laugh. “I’ll be apartment hunting when I come to town, so I hope I can impose on you, and stay in your guest room until I get settled.”

“No problem. Come on down!”

“Thanks, thanks, thanks. I’ll call with details, as soon as I get them worked out.”

I could tell she was very excited, which was cute. “Be careful, and I’ll see you when you get here.”


We both played sports as kids, and I was tall and skinny as a rail, early on. Linda was a natural jock, and we played hard as kids. She joined in our neighborhood soccer matches and turned into a great soccer player in high school. I was able to fill out by working out with weights the summer before I got to high school, and ended up playing basketball. Linda and I continued to work out in our home weight room, and she has stayed in great shape. She is around five feet, eight inches, and developed an athletic body. She also filled out well up top, so to speak. With her light-brown hair, and tan, she would be considered hot in any guy’s book.

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