Sister’s Wedding: Sylvia’s final fling with brother & dad before her wedding

What the fuck? Randy sees his older come out of her room wearing nothing but a pair of bikini panties. He couldn't sleep and decided to text message a friend of his but remembered he'd left his phone in the living room. He got up and was sitting on the couch, messaging, when out of the corner of his eye he saw his sister's bedroom door open. It's about one o'clock in the morning and his sister is standing very still outside her door, like she's listening for something. Randy assumes she's going to the bathroom as he watches her move down the hallway.

Sylvia is twenty-two years old and Randy can't help but admire her firm, panty-clad ass, even if she is his sister. He watches her stop just before his doorway, with her back against the wall, listening again. The light they always leave on in the bathroom bathes Sylvia's naked torso with a cool soft glow that gives Randy a great view of her tits. Randy's cock stirs involuntarily as he savors the view of her perfectly round globes with their pointed tips jutting out as if they're aroused. Randy has stolen peeks at his sister's tits a couple of times but nothing like this. He's careful not to make a sound as he watches her scoot past his bedroom toward the bathroom.

Sylvia moves past the bathroom and continues down the hall toward their parent's bedroom. Where could she be going, he wonders. His parent's bedroom door is slightly ajar and Sylvia opens it, disappears inside and closes the door tightly behind her. Maybe she needs something from his Mom and Dad's bathroom. Maybe she's unexpectedly started her period and is hoping Mom has some tampons. Whatever. Randy adjusts his semi-erect cock and goes back to his messaging.

Sylvia stands inside her parents' bedroom, letting her eyes adjust to the light. She knows her daddy's waiting for her. Her mom is out of town and her dad couldn't take his eyes off of her all evening. It's her first day home in over four months and she and her dad have a lot of catching up to do. She moves closer to the bed, taking her panties off and leaving them on the floor. Slipping under the covers, she slides her naked body close to the center of the bed. Her lips find his at about the same time as her hand closes around his erect penis.

“Hi Daddy,” she whispers, kissing all over his face. “I've missed you.”

“I've missed you, too, Sylvie,” her sighs as her hand, encircling his rigid cock, starts sliding up and down his shaft.

“I've really missed your fat cock,” she says, laying her head against his shoulder, while she gently cups his balls, rolling them around in her hand. “This is going to be our last time, Daddy,” Sylvia says, almost regretfully. “I don't want to keep doing this after I'm married,” she says as she sucks his nipple into her mouth, biting it between her teeth.

“I understand, Sylvie,” her father tells her as her nibbling on his nipple sends pleasure waves all the way to his cock. “I'll miss it terribly, but I'd do anything to make you happy, you know that.” God knows he'll really miss it. He and Sylvia have been fucking for almost four years now. She's an exciting, adventurous lover, willing to do things he'd only fantasized about. Unlike his unadventurous wife, who willingly engages in sex, but never initiates it, his is always up for anything. They've fucked in every position imaginable, experimented with mild forms of bondage, and tried dildos, vibrators and even vegetables on her insatiable pussy. Now she's getting married and it's going to end, but not yet. They still have a few days.

“When does Mom get home?” Sylvia asks as she kisses and licks her way down his stomach.

“Tomorrow night,” her dad answers her. “Which gives us the rest of tonight and tomorrow during the day, while your 's in school,” he tells her as her mouth reaches his cock and she flicks her tongue across the head. “God, Sylvie,” her dad moans.

“Since it's our last time, Daddy. Let's make it memorable,” Sylvia says, sucking his cockhead into her mouth. “I want you to cum in my mouth,” she says, licking the sides of his dick. “In my pussy,” she adds, licking down to his balls. “In my ass,” she's licking up the length of his throbbing cock. “On my tits, all over my face, in my hair. Make me your slut for the next two days, Daddy,” she stops talking and sucks his cock into her mouth, bobbing her head up and down as she pumps his shaft with her hand.

Frank is in seventh heaven; his daughter is the best cocksucker he's ever experienced. She can do things with her mouth that can make your toes curl. He's bucking his hips up against her mouth while she cups his balls with her hand, gently massaging them, while she continues pumping his thick cock in and out of her warm mouth.

Sylvia's pussy is soaking wet and she can't wait to impale herself on her daddy's substantial cock, but she knows how much he loves a blowjob. She also knows that he'll last longer, giving her pussy a better workout, if she sucks him off first. She's so fucking horny. She and Chris decided that to make their wedding night more exciting, they would stop having sex a month before the wedding. The wedding is this coming Saturday, and it's been over three weeks since she's gotten laid. She couldn't wait to get home and then, was ecstatic to learn her mother had an overnight business trip.

“Oh, Sylvie,” her father moans. “That's so fucking good!” Frank is bouncing his ass off the bed, shoving his cock as deep into his daughter's mouth as he can. Sylvia is pumping his hard cock, teasing his balls, and flicking her tongue across the underside of his shaft as she feels him get close to his release. As his balls tighten, she slides her lips along his rigid pole, until just the head is inside her mouth. Sucking and licking his cock while gently massaging his balls has the desired effect and her daddy's cock erupts in spasmodic jerks, spurting loads of hot cum into her mouth. She swallows his precious seed while she continues to pump his cock until it is completely drained.

“Jesus, Daddy,” Sylvia laughs. “Nobody cums as much as you do!” she tells him as she continues to lick and suck his softening cock.

“Nobody makes me cum as much as you do, sweetie,” her dad pants. It's true. The built up anticipation, coupled with her expert machinations, makes him shoot twice as much cum into his daughter as he ever does with his wife. He never recovers this fast, either. Lying back on the bed, Frank feels his cock starting to recover already from his daughter's gentle licking and sucking.

Sylvia knows exactly what to do to get her daddy hard again. After four years, she knows exactly where to lick, how much pressure to put and how to nibble a little just under the head of his cock. She's not surprised at all when he starts to recover and her pussy is literally dripping by the time his cock is ready again. Sylvia glides her body against his until her lips meet his and her pussy is positioned over his fully recovered cock. Slipping her tongue in his mouth, while simultaneously impaling her pussy on his shaft sends a shiver through her body and she moans into his mouth.

“Oh Daddy,” she says, breaking the kiss. “You feel so fucking good,” she whispers, clenching her pussy around his cock and just holding him inside her.

“So do you, Sylvie,” her daddy answers her. Her hot, velvety pussy conforms to his cock, sending waves of pleasure pulsating through his whole body. Having already cum in her mouth, he easily resists the urge to start pumping his cock into her, letting her control the pace. She lays her head on his chest, savoring the feeling of his husky cock, filling her, stretching her as she clenches and unclenches her pussy muscles. Slowly she starts rocking back and forth, sliding his cock in and out between her moist pussy lips. She wants this to last, but her aching pussy is taking over and picking up the pace.

Randy is starting to wonder what happened to his sister. He's been sitting in the living room rubbing his hard cock, waiting for a full front view of her tits as she comes back down the hall. When she doesn't return, he walks down the hall and listens at his parent's door. Hearing nothing, he grips the doorknob, pulling the door toward him to hide the sound of the lock as he slowly turns it and pushes it open about three inches. Oh my god! He can't believe what he's hearing. His sister is fucking their father. Pushing the door open a little more, he can see her on top of him, her tits mesmerizing him as they bounce up and down.

“Oh Daddy,” Sylvia moans as she rides his hard cock. “It feels so good, my pussy is on fire!” Frank doesn't need her to tell him. He can feel how hot and slippery her pussy is as she bounces up and down on him, gushing her juices down over his balls. Her tits look like they have a life of their own as they slam repeatedly against her chest. Reaching up, he catches her firm, round tits in his hands and massages her taut nipples, rolling them between his thumb and index finger.

“Oh fuck!” Sylvia moans again. “I'm cumming, Daddy! Keep playing with my tits. I'm cumming!” Sylvia starts moving faster, almost bouncing off the end of his cock before slamming her pussy back down around it. Frank is bucking up against her, matching her rhythm and getting close to his second climax of the night.

Randy, staying in the shadows, watches his sister ride their father's cock to an explosive orgasm. His own cock, straining against the material of his shorts, wishing it could take his father's place. Randy closes the bedroom door, returning to his own bedroom to jack off and think about how to use this information to his advantage.

Sylvia is collapsed on her father's chest. Their labored breathing and the pounding in their chests all indicators of the intensity of their mutual climaxes.

“That's my pussy and my mouth,” Sylvia smiles. “Let's save something for tomorrow, shall we?” she asks.

“Good idea,” her father laughs. “I'll set the alarm so you can get back into your room before your brother wakes up.” As her breathing returns to normal and she thinks about her impending wedding, Sylvia's thoughts drift back four years to when she first became enamored with her father's body.

She was eighteen, recently graduated from High School when her dad fell from a scaffold and broke both of his ankles. He was bedridden for six weeks, with both ankles in casts and a three-foot bar between them to keep his legs immobile. Since her brother was in summer school and her mom works, she was elected to take care of him. He was on some heavy pain medication and slept most of the time, so mainly she just read and was there in case he needed something. She made his lunch, gave him his medicine and visited with him when he was coherent, which wasn't very often during the first two weeks.

At the end of the first week, after giving him his pain medication, the one that puts him completely under for about two hours, she noticed the sheets were tented over his crotch. She smiled assuming he must be dreaming about something that's giving him an erection. She just sat in the chair, reading her book, glancing up periodically at the sheet to see if it went down. It sure looked big. She wasn't a virgin, but the high school boys she had been with wouldn't have tented a sheet like that. After a while, she found it too distracting and went out to the living room to read. A couple of hours later, her dad woke up and called out to her to bring him some water. When she did, the tent was gone and the sheet was relatively smooth.

The next day, the same thing happened and she again went into the living room, to avoid the distraction. But the distraction didn't leave her. After a couple more days of this, her thoughts were consumed with speculation about how large her dad's cock had to be to create a tent like that in the sheet. By the middle of the second week, she was so preoccupied with the size of her daddy's cock that she got up the nerve to look at it.

After giving him his medication, she waited a few minutes to make sure he was completely out.

“Daddy,” she called to him. “Daddy!” she said louder, shaking his shoulder as she said it. He just lay there, unconscious. She timidly lifted the side of the sheet, exposing his hip and then peeking under it, she got her first look at his fully erect cock. It was massive. She gasped, dropping the sheet back in place and leaving the room.

In her bedroom, she wondered how her mother could get that big thing inside of her. It was long, but what was more startling, was how thick it was. She wondered if her mother ever gave her daddy head and if she did, how she got her lips around such a thick cock. As she sat there pondering, she was shocked to find her pussy getting wet. Oh my god! I can't be getting aroused, thinking about my father! But that night when she went to bed, after kissing her mom and dad goodnight, her hand slipped down inside her panties, to her sopping pussy. As she slid her fingers in and out between her lips, she rubbed her clit and thought about her daddy's massive cock.

The next day after her daddy took his medicine, and making sure he was asleep, she pulled the sheet all the way down to his knees. She had seen him without a shirt before, but never thought about how sexy his hairy chest was. Her dad always worked construction and was in great physical shape. He was tan and muscular and she ran her hands lightly through his chest hair, then down over his stomach. As her hand moved toward his erect cock, she told herself she was just going to measure how big around it was. Gently she circled her fingers around it. It twitched and she yanked her hand away. She looked at her dad's face to make sure he was still out and then once again wrapped her fingers around his massive cock. She almost couldn't get her fingers all the way around it.

Standing next to the bed, with her hand wrapped around her daddy's hard cock, she unconsciously began stroking up and down. She couldn't believe that it would get bigger, but it did. Fascinated, she pumped a little more to see how big it would actually get. Sylvia wasn't completely inexperienced; having given past boyfriends hand jobs and blowjobs. She'd even been fucked a few times, but she wasn't prepared for her father to cum all over her hand while he was unconscious. She had been looking at his chest when it happened. She'd been stroking up and down his cock, pumping him up to see how big he'd get, when she felt the hot, sticky liquid run down over her fingers. Jerking her hand away, she ran to the bathroom for a washcloth. After cleaning his cum off his flaccid cock, Sylvia held his cock up with one hand while she wiped the cum from the base of it and around his balls. She hadn't really looked at his balls before; they were huge too. No wonder there was so much cum to clean up. When he was cleaned up, she went to her room, removed her soaked panties and masturbated to an intense orgasm.

Sylvia soon found she couldn't wait for her daddy's mid-day medicine time. Sitting in the chair next to his bed, her pussy would ache in anticipation. At night she would dream up what she wanted to do the next day. She was shocked at how wet she would get just thinking about touching her daddy's cock. She wanted to masturbate in his bedroom, while holding his hard cock in her hand. She got ready, foregoing panties under her skirt, to give her easy access to her pussy. When her dad was knocked out from his drugs, she pulled back the sheet and wrapped her hand around his thick cock, while she pushed her other hand up under her skirt. She ended up stroking his cock in rhythm with her own fingers pumping in and out of her pussy, shooting his cum in the air, almost at the same time as she gushed through her orgasm.

Sylvia had mixed feelings about what she was doing with her father's cock. She knew it wasn't right, but she was having the most intense orgasms she'd ever had. That night she laid awake reflecting about what had happened. She wanted to do it again, but she didn't want to clean up another mess. She fell asleep wondering if she could get her lips around his thick cock.

The next day, she was determined to try. Pulling back the sheet, she surveyed the size of his erect cock and opened her mouth as wide as she could. She couldn't imagine that it was wide enough. Holding his cock in her hand, she lowered her wide-open mouth down toward it. It was a stretch, but she got her lips around his cock and pushed the head inside her mouth. When she started pumping it with her hand, she found there was too much friction. She pulled her mouth off his cock and started licking all over his the head and down the sides. Fully coated with her saliva, her daddy's cock slid much more easily in and out of her mouth. So intent on sucking and pumping, she forgot all about masturbating and just sucked him off until he came in her mouth. She swallowed as fast as she could and some still spilled out around her mouth and ran down the sides of his cock. Another mess to clean up!

Having enjoyed the taste of his cum, Sylvia decided to forget the washcloth and clean up the spilled cum with her tongue. Licking all around his cock and his balls, she was pleasantly surprised that by the time he was cleaned up, his cock was hard again. Her pussy was soaking wet and his cock was hard. She checked her watch and guessed that she had another hour before he would begin to wake up. Oh my god! She thought. What am I doing? She pulled the sheet back over his recovered cock and ran to her bedroom.

Had she actually been considering whether she had enough time to fuck her own father? What kind of slut was she, she wondered. She had thoroughly enjoyed the blowjob and her pussy was still on fire, but this was her father! She couldn't believe she was actually considering trying to ride his hard cock. She probably couldn't get it inside her pussy, anyway. She pulled up her skirt and started stroking her moist pussy lips. Slipping two fingers between her slick, puffy lips, she started bucking against her hand while she pumped her fingers in and out of her burning pussy.

Unbeknownst to Sylvia, the doctor had recently reduced the dosage of her father's pain medication. He was still pretty drugged, but not as completely out as he had been. He had just dosed off after his mid-day dosage, when his daughter pulled his sheet off. He was about to ask her what she was doing, when she wrapped her hand around his erect cock. Oh fuck! I must be dreaming, he thought. His daughter was sexy as hell and was primarily responsible for his cock being erect anyway. Staring at her round tits and firm ass everyday, while she moved around his bed, had given him erotic fantasies that kept his cock almost perpetually hard. He blamed it on the drugs; he'd never had erotic fantasies about his daughter before. Now, here she was stroking his hard cock, he should feel guilty, but it felt so damn good! She was so fucking sexy and she thought he was asleep. He kept his eyes shut and just enjoyed her gentle touch. Opening his eyes just enough to peek through slits, he watched her opening her mouth and trying to gage the fit. Oh fuck! She was contemplating a blowjob. His cock was throbbing by the time she slid her lips over the tip it. It took all of his restraint to keep from moaning out loud. Then when she licked all around and up and down his shaft, he wanted to buck his ass off the bed and push his cock into her sweet young mouth. She finally got her lips around it and gave him a blowjob he's not likely to forget, swallowing his cum and even cleaning him up with her tongue! Then what happened? She ran out of the room, like it was on fire.

“Oh Daddy, Daddy,” Sylvia moaned in a quiet whisper as she lay back on her bed, catching her breath from her orgasm. Her skirt was bunched around her waist and her fingers were still in her pussy as she imagined her daddy's hard cock filling her juicy love hole.

The next day, Frank again faked unconsciousness, waiting anxiously to see what his daughter would do. Sylvia didn't disappoint him. Pulling the sheet back, she leaned over and licked up and down his hard cock, coating it with her saliva. Frank watched her through nearly closed eyelids, anticipating another blowjob. Instead, he saw her pull her head back, unfasten her skirt and let it drop to the floor. Looking again at her daddy's face, she pulled her tank top over her head and stood next to his bed, completely naked. His cock twitched, but he didn't think she noticed. Her tits were perfect and her nipples were erect, poking straight out from her large, pink areolas. Jesus, she was a sight to behold as she climbed up on the bed, keeping her eyes on his face. Gently sliding her legs over his, she positioned her pussy lips over his hard cock. Holy shit, she's going to fuck me, Frank thought. My own sweet daughter, my sexy, motherfucking daughter is going to sit on my hard cock. Drugs or not, Frank's cock was on fire.

Sylvia decided she had to ride her father's cock. She was obsessed with whether it would fit inside her pussy. There was only one way to find out. She wasn't really going to fuck him, just push him up inside of her to see if he would fit. Straddling him and nestling his cock between her slippery pussy lips, she rubbed up and down his hard cock, lubricating him from top to bottom. Reaching between her legs, she grabbed the base of his cock and rubbed the swollen head against her hot, dripping pussy. Easing down, she pushed the head between her lips, stretching them wide-open. It was so fucking big! But it felt so fucking good! Looking between her legs, she saw a lot of cock left and she pushed down a little harder. It was about half way in when she stopped to catch her breath. Jesus Christ, she felt so full! Leaning forward, brushing her hard nipples against the hair on her daddy's chest, she started rocking back and forth, trying to work more of his hard cock into her stretched out pussy.

Frank was having an agonizing time trying not to move, or to let on that he was awake. His daughter's tight, young pussy felt so good wrapped around his cock that he wanted to buck his hips up and ram it home. When she climbed up on the bed and he got his first look at her sweet little snatch, he thought he was going to shoot his load right then. Her neatly trimmed bush made an almost perfect black triangle on her pussy mound. He caught a glimpse of her swollen pussy lips before she started pushing them down around his throbbing cock. It appeared that she might have trimmed her hair completely away from her pussy lips, leaving them fully exposed. As if that wouldn't be enough to make any guy fire his cannon, then she started pushing down, wiggling around, pushing some more, pulling back, and then rocking back and forth. She's going so excruciatingly slowly, that he's not sure he can keep up the charade. Christ! Why can't she just move a little faster?

Sylvia's pussy is quivering! She's never had anything this big inside it before. She can already feel her orgasm building and there is still over an inch of cock to go. She's determined to get it all in. She's gone too far to give up now. She doesn't know where it's all going, she feels so full already! Sitting up straight, and pushing down hard, she feels her clit hit her daddy's pelvic bone. That's all it takes to ignite her release! She lets out a low moan; shivers run up her spine and her pussy pulsates around the huge intrusion.

As soon as it starts, she panics. What if Daddy cums in her? She's not on the pill! She could get pregnant! She abruptly pulls her pussy off his cock. Sitting on the bed next to him, she begins examining his cock for signs of having cum. It's coated with her juices, but it doesn't appear to her that he's cum. Oh fuck! She definitely did though, and now there's a pool of her juices on the bed next to him. She has to get everything cleaned up before he wakes up. Sylvia runs to the bathroom for a washcloth.

Why the fuck did she stop! Frank wants to know. And why was she staring at his cock like that? What the fuck happened? He was so close to cumming in his little girl's tight cunt, he could already feel his balls tightening in anticipation of a big release. Then, she jumped off! And disappeared. Where did she go? She can't leave him like this, can she? What does she think it is; a fucking toy? A warm washcloth envelops his cock causing an involuntary tremble. What's she doing now?

Sylvia returned to her daddy's hard cock with a warm washcloth, but as she's washing it, she realizes she probably should finish him off. It doesn't seem right to leave his cock so big and swollen. Wrapping the washcloth around his balls, she leans over and sucks the head of his cock into her mouth. Like most girls, she's tasted her own juices by licking her fingers, but she's surprised by how different it tastes when it's licked off a cock that's been inside her pussy. Massaging his balls with the warm washcloth, Sylvia bobs her head up and down, using her tongue to lick her juices from her daddy's cock.

Oh fuck! That's more like it, Frank almost moans. His sexy, naked daughter is sucking him off and running a warm washcloth over his balls. Through his barely open eyes, he watches her perfect tits jiggle around as her lips slide up and down his aching cock. He fights the urge to push his cock farther into her mouth. It takes all of his willpower to lie completely still while his balls tighten and he shoots what feels like a gallon of cum into his little girl's mouth. He swallows a sigh that nearly escapes his lips when he finally gets his release.

Sylvia can't believe how much cum her daddy shot into her mouth. She kept sucking and swallowing forever and it just kept coming. Finally, she'd sucked him dry and finished cleaning him up. She hurriedly changed his sheets before he woke up, removing the evidence of her incestuous escapade. Back in her room, lying on her bed, she relives the feeling of her pussy stretched around her daddy's massive cock. Rubbing her still engorged clit, she cums again by just thinking about how good it felt. She wishes he could have really fucked her, but she's pretty sure he would freak out if he knew what she's been doing.

Sylvia isn't the only one reliving what just happened. Frank is pretty sure his cock has never been that hard before. The erotic sight of his naked teenage daughter, impaling her tight young pussy on his rigid cock, is etched in his mind forever. He hasn't seen her naked since she was a little girl and he wasn't quite prepared for how fucking sexy she's become. My god, her tits; so perfectly round with huge pink areolas that must be two inches across, and thick nipples that stick out over half an inch. It was all he could do to keep from reaching up and grabbing a handful. And her pussy! So fucking tight! And so incredibly hot! The heat emanating off her velvety pussy walls was almost enough to get him off, if she never moved at all. Christ! He wants to fuck her so badly. He wants to be on top, slamming his cock into that tight, young cunt, making her cum so many times she loses count! He wonders what's in store for tomorrow. He can hardly wait.

Sylvia is horny. It's been two days since she had her daddy's thick cock inside her pussy and she's been craving it ever since. It was Friday when she'd jumped off his hard cock; afraid he'd cum inside of her. With her mother and brother home all weekend she's had no chance to experiment again. She's still been taking care of her daddy, giving him his medicine and visiting with him when he's awake, but what she really wants is to push his hard cock back up inside her anxious pussy. She's taken the chance a couple of times to lift the covers and look at his erection, but that just made it worse. She can't wait until tomorrow when she'll be alone with him again.

Frank forgot it was the weekend. With his wife and son around, Sylvia hasn't done anymore than peek at his cock a couple of times. She has been around a lot; straightening his bed and helping him get comfortable. Every time she leans over his bed, he envisions her perfect tits hanging down over his chest and his cock responds accordingly. He's never been so fucking horny and his wife has made it clear that she is not going to take any chances of delaying his recovery by bouncing around on the bed. All weekend he keeps up the pretense of being knocked out when he takes his medication.

Sylvia can hardly sleep Sunday night in anticipation of what she has planned for her daddy tomorrow. She's thought it through and decided that if she sucks him off before she mounts him, there is less chance he'll cum inside of her. While she lies in bed stroking her wet pussy, she tries to rationalize her decision to fuck her own father. She looks at it more as sexual experimentation. A woman needs to know how big of a cock she can handle and this is the largest one she's ever seen. With her father not really involved, and no one knowing about it, it's just an impersonal exercise; it's not really incest.

Frank would be tossing and turning if he could move his legs around. He keeps hoping that with everyone out of the house tomorrow, Sylvia will continue her exploration of her sexuality. If his wife weren't lying two feet away, he'd be stroking his throbbing cock right now, trying to get some release. Of course, he can't get up to clean up afterward, so it isn't a very realistic option anyway.

After giving her daddy his mid-day medication, Sylvia waits until she's sure he's out cold, and then pulls back his sheet and strips herself naked. Climbing on the bed, she settles gently between his legs, being careful not to hit the bar holding his ankles apart. His cock is fully erect as she starts licking up and down the thick sides. Flicking her tongue against the underside of his cock head as she's done with her boyfriends' cocks, she slides her lips over the head and down his long, thick shaft. Sylvia has given her share of blowjobs, but none of the high school boys she's been with have had a cock even close to this size. Holding his thick cock with her hand, she bobs her head up and down, while caressing his balls with her other hand. Setting a steady rhythm, she has him shooting into her mouth in no time.

Faking unconsciousness is pretty easy until he's ready to cum, then it's nearly impossible for Frank to maintain his composure. Watching his daughter through slit eyes, his cock responds to her luscious tits hanging between his legs as she leans down, taking his hard cock in her warm, wet mouth. Her nipples are hard and they brush his leg as she bobs her head up and down. It's obvious this isn't the first blowjob she's given and he wonders which of her boyfriends have had their hard cocks in her sweet mouth. After Friday, he's also certain she's not a virgin and the thought of her high school dates fucking her in the backseat of their car, makes him shoot his load in record time. God! How is he supposed to lie still, pretending to be asleep, when she's still sucking his cock long after he's already cum? Using all his willpower not to move, it dawns on him what she's doing. He's been so intent on convincing her he's asleep, that he didn't even think about her concerns. She doesn't want him to cum inside of her! She gave him the blowjob to delay his cumming when she fucks him. Well fuck that! She's in for a surprise!

Sylvia keeps sucking, licking and flicking her daddy's cock until she feels it hardening inside her mouth. When it's fully erect, she pulls her mouth back, wipes the saliva and cum from her cheeks, and carefully scoots forward, placing her legs on either side of him. Her juices are dripping down her legs as she straddles him; she's never been so wet and so ready for a cock before. Positioning her pussy lips around the head of his cock, she uses her body weight to push her slippery lips down around his massive pole. It's easier than it was on Friday, both because she's more ready and because she already knows it'll fit. Lifting herself slightly and sliding back down, she makes steady progress, shifting from side to side until she's completely filled. Sitting perfectly still, with her pussy stretched wide around her daddy's immense cock, she takes a minute to enjoy the bulk of him within her. For the first time in her life she feels like a complete woman. Unlike the boys she's been dating, this is a real man-sized cock filling her pussy and she wants to savor the feeling.

Oh fuck! Frank doesn't know how much longer he can stay still, pretending to be asleep. His daughter's hot pussy, pulsating around his hard cock, is almost more than he can stand. Why is she just sitting there? Why doesn't she move? He wants to buck his ass off the bed and pump his throbbing cock in and out of her tight, satiny pussy. Her eyes are closed and she's sitting down hard on his cock. Watching through clenched eyelids, Frank sees his daughter lean forward, her beautiful tits resting on his chest; she kisses him gently on the mouth. Oh baby! My baby! She's not just using his cock as a human dildo. She really wants to make love to her daddy! Ever so slowly she starts rocking her hips back and forth, sliding up and down his massive cock. Sitting up straight and increasing her speed, Sylvia starts bouncing up and down, her stretched pussy molded tightly against her daddy's hard shaft. Frank watches her pinch and pull at her own nipples as she rides him with ever increasing intensity.

Sylvia's pussy is ignited with pleasure as she rolls her hips and slams herself down, again and again, on her daddy's huge cock. She's never felt anything like this. Oh, how she wishes her daddy were awake, pulling on her nipples, kissing her lips and shoving his big cock deeper inside her burning pussy. No, if he were awake, he'd be horrified with what his little girl's doing. He'd be disgusted that she's unabashedly riding his hard cock, while he's drugged up on painkillers. She'll just absorb his pleasure and he'll never know. Oh god! Her orgasm is so close. Her pussy is stretched so implausibly wide around her daddy's mammoth cock, that her orgasm feels like it's building all through her stomach and her thighs. It's building! It's building! Almost there! She's jamming her pussy up and down as fast as she can, on his rigid cock. He's sliding in and out of her pussy with ease now, lubricated by the free flow of her juices.

“Oh god! Oh fuck! Oh Daddy!” Sylvia calls out as her orgasm rips through her body. Shaking and shivering, she clamps her pussy down on her daddy's cock and rides out the tumultuous waves of pleasure that tremble through her body. Panting, she starts to ease herself off of her daddy's still rigid cock.

There is no way he can maintain his composure while his sexy, teenage daughter is riding his cock like this. Frank is using all his strength to remain still, while her tight, little pussy, slick with her steadily flowing juices, is burning up and down the sides of his cock. It's a good thing she is lost in the throes of her orgasm or she'd realize he's not asleep. He's moving around, almost moaning, while she quivers through her orgasm. As she starts to ease herself off of his cock, he makes his move. Gripping her thighs with his hands, he pulls her back down.

“Not yet, Sylvie.” Frank pleads, opening his eyes and looking at her. “I need you to stay on there just a little bit longer.” Frank says, pushing his throbbing cock farther up inside her soaking wet pussy.

“Daddy!” Sylvia screams, ludicrously trying to cover her breasts with her hands; her face turning a deep shade of crimson. “I… um… I… saw your erection… and I… uh… couldn't help… oh Daddy!” She moans as Frank starts power pumping his cock up into her velvety pussy.

“I know, baby.” Frank pants. “Don't say anything. Just ride it out,” he whispers pulling her down to him. Squeezing her ass cheeks, while her plush tits are squished against his chest, he pushes his tongue against her lips. Sylvia opens her mouth, welcoming his tongue as her pussy begins aching for another release, even more intense than the last one.

“Daddy!” Sylvia shouts as her orgasm overtakes her. “I'm cumming again! Oh Daddy!” She tightens her stretched out pussy around his hard cock and pushes her tongue between his lips, moaning into his mouth.

“Me too, Sylvie!” Her dad says, breaking the kiss. His cock explodes inside his daughter's snug pussy and Frank's chest heaves against Sylvia's tits as they try to catch their breath.

“Oh Daddy,” Sylvia coos. “Oh my god!” Then she adds quietly, “But you shouldn't have come inside me!” She snuggles her head up against his chest, while his cock is still inside her drenched pussy.

“You won't get pregnant, Sylvie,” her daddy reassures her. “I had that taken care of a long time ago, right after Randy was born.”

“Oh, thank god!” Sylvia breathes. “I wish I'd known that on Friday,” she laughs. “How long have you…?” Sylvia doesn't need to finish the sentence.

“Since last week when the doctor changed my medication,” her daddy answers her. “At first, I thought you were a drug-induced wet dream,” he says. “And then, I was afraid I'd scare you off, if I let you know too soon. My god! You feel so good!” He adds, running his hands over her firm, round ass cheeks. “I hope my being awake, doesn't keep you from what you've been doing,” he laughs.

“Not a chance,” Sylvia answers, brushing her tits back and forth across his chest. “I was so afraid you'd think I was sick or perverted. I wanted you to be awake, but I thought if you were, you'd be disgusted with me.”

“Not a chance,” he says, smiling. “I was surprised, yes, but not disgusted. I could never be disgusted with you, Sylvie. Especially, after how you've made me feel,” he says, kissing her on the forehead and pulling her body against his. “I know what we've just done is considered wrong, but I can't imagine how anything that feels so good, can be anything but right.”

“Oh Daddy!” Sylvia cries, kissing his face and rolling her hips around on his cock. “I feel the same way.” Frank's cock is recovering inside Sylvia's saturated pussy as she kisses him and rubs her nubile body against him. “I wasn't a virgin, Daddy,” Sylvia says. “But I feel like you've made me a woman.” Her tits drag across his hairy chest as she starts rocking back and forth on her daddy's semi-erect cock.

From then on, she was addicted to his cock. She wanted him all the time; in her mouth, in her pussy, she couldn't get enough of her daddy's long, thick shaft. She remembers how the very next day her daddy pleaded with her to let him taste her pussy. Straddling his face and grinding her pussy so hard against his tongue he almost suffocated, she came several times, flooding his face with her juices.


The alarm clock wakes her, bringing her back to the present and the realization that she'd fallen asleep in her daddy's arms.

“Better get back to your own bed, Sylvie.” Daddy whispers. “In a few hours your brother will be off to school and we'll have all day together,” he says, running his hand over her ass cheeks and nibbling on her nipple.

“Mmmm,” Sylvia moans. “I'll give you two days to stop that,” she laughs. Her nipples are rock hard and her pussy is already wet, just from her daddy's touch. She is still addicted to him. She hopes she'll be able to keep her promise to herself and stop this when she gets married.

Frank pulls his lips off her erect nipple and slaps her playfully on the ass. “To be continued..,” he says as he pushes her out of the bed. Looking around, she picks up her panties, but figures she doesn't need to put them on; Randy's the only one home and he'll be sleeping. She kisses her daddy, quietly opens his bedroom door and heads down the hallway.

Randy was barely sleeping when he heard his dad's alarm clock. Sound really carries through the house at night, when it's quiet. Checking the clock, he sees that it's 5:30 in the morning, too early for anyone to be getting ready for work. He sits up on his bed and positions himself so he has a clear view of his dad's bedroom door. He doesn't have to wait long for it to open and he watches Sylvia sneak out, going back to her room. Holy shit! She's completely naked and this time he has a full frontal view of her. He can't believe how sexy his sister looks, walking down the hall toward him, with her panties in her hand. Her tits are perfect and her hard nipples; they must be sticking out over half an inch. As she passes his bedroom door he drops his eyes from her tits to her pussy and checks out her neatly trimmed bush. He has a clear view of her pussy lips as she takes a slow, quiet step past his door. His cock springs to life and he's already imagining what he's going to do with his sexy sister. Before he goes to school, he'll need to put the first part of his plan into action.


“Oh god, Daddy!” Sylvia shouts as another orgasm sweeps over her. Lying on her back, her chest is heaving, ballooning her firm tits up and down as she catches her breath. Her daddy has his face buried in her sopping pussy, lapping up her free flowing juices. As soon as Randy left for school, they jumped back in bed and he kissed his way down to his daughter's delectable pussy. Two orgasms latter, he's enjoying the fruits of his labors, so to speak.

“I love how you taste,” he says, kissing his way back up her body and positioning his throbbing cock at the wet, hot, door to her love canal.

“I love how you taste me!” Sylvia breathes. “What you do with your tongue ought to be marketed,” she laughs. “We could make millions.”

“I just want to make you,” he answers, pushing his tongue in her mouth and his cock in her pussy at the same time.

“Oh yes!” Sylvia moans into his mouth, while pulling her knees up and spreading her legs as wide as she can. “God, you feel so good.”

“Does Chris make you feel good, Sylvie?” her daddy asks, pulling his face back and looking directly in her eyes. He's maintaining a languid rhythm, almost leisurely sliding his cock in and out of her saturated pussy.

“Yes, Daddy, he does,” she answers, honestly. “I wouldn't settle for anything less. He's not as big as you are,” she smiles. “But he's just as sensitive and adventurous. Like you, he knows exactly how to pleasure me. He surprises me, he's creative and isn't afraid to experiment with things he's never tried.”

“Sounds wonderful for you, baby.” Frank answers, trying to sound enthusiastic for her. “I'm going to miss you, but it's good to know you'll be well taken care of,” he adds, sounding disappointed.

“I'm going to miss you, too Daddy!” Sylvia says, clenching her pussy around his cock as it slides deep inside of her. “I wouldn't trade what we've had for anything, but I really want to be a faithful wife. You understand don't you?”

“Of course I do, Sylvie,” her daddy reassures her. “Don't pay any attention to me, I'm just having trouble with that old saying, ‘You're not losing a daughter; you're gaining a son.' It doesn't fit this situation, I don't swing that way,” he laughs, picking up his rhythm. “So what does he do that's so creative? Give me an example.”

“Mmmm,” Sylvia responds to his increased pace by pushing her ass off the bed to meet his strokes. “Well… oh, I know,” she says. “Remember at Christmas time when we came for a visit?”

“Do I?” her daddy answers her. “I remember Christmas Eve morning we snuck out to the garage and fucked in the car. Remember how cold it was?”

“Yes! I thought my bare ass was going to freeze to the seat,” she laughs, while running her hands down her daddy's broad back, pulling him tighter against her as he pumps faster and faster. “Anyway, remember the dinner we all had, the first night we were home?”

“Yeah,” Frank answers, driving his hard cock into her as he waits for her to continue.

“Well, Chris likes toys, especially high tech toys. He bought one of those wireless, vibrating butt plugs.”

“Wireless?” Frank asks. “What do you mean, like with a remote control or something?” Frank's panting now as he slams his cock into his daughter's steaming pussy.

“Ohhhhh,” Sylvia moans, dragging her fingers down his back and digging them into his ass cheeks. She's humping her ass off the bed, meeting her daddy's pounding strokes. Her mouth finds his and she pushes her tongue deep inside, cutting off any further conversation.

Frank reaches down and slips his arms behind her knees, pulling her legs up and spreading her pussy even wider. With her legs pulled up, his cock slides in deeper with each downward stroke and Sylvia almost bites her daddy's tongue as her arousal builds to its highest peak.

“Oh fuck, Daddy!” Sylvia yells. “I'm cumming again! Keep fucking me hard like that! Ohhhhh fuck!” Sylvia is thrashing around on the bed, digging her nails into her daddy's back as he keeps up his relentless onslaught on her pussy. She's trying to clamp her pussy around her daddy's hard cock, but with her legs spread so wide, she's too stretched out for him to even feel it.

Frank is getting close, too. Listening to his daughter talk about a wireless butt plug while he was pounding her pussy, added dramatically to his arousal. Slamming into her one last time, his body starts jerking violently as he spews his load inside his daughter's already soaked pussy. Pulling his arms out from under her legs, he collapses on top of her, crushing her hard nipples against his chest. Running his hands through his daughter's hair, he grips her head firmly and shoves his tongue deep inside her mouth, smashing his lips brutally against hers. With her pussy quivering around his cock, he acts like he wants to completely devour her.

“A wireless butt plug?” Frank asks again as their breathing returns to normal and their bodies start to relax. Frank is still lying on top of his daughter with his spent cock inside her pussy.

‘Yeah,” Sylvia smiles at him. “They make vibrators like that too. There's a tiny remote with a button you push when you want it to start and stop,” she kisses him and brushes his damp hair from his forehead. “Anyway, Chris bought one and we fooled around with it a few times. It was very erotic to have him fuck me with the butt plug in my ass, not knowing when he would push the button.”

“What does this have to do with dinner, last Christmas?” her daddy asks her.

“Well..,” she smiles. “Chris convinced me to wear it to dinner with the family. It has this little thong-type strap to hold it in,” she says. “The whole time we were sitting there, passing the biscuits, Chris was pushing the remote button to vibrate my butt plug. By the time dinner was over, I was so fucking wet, I figured my smell was more prominent than the pot roast.” She's laughing, giggling actually as she recalls the incident. “I was so distracted, I couldn't tell you what we talked about, I just know that when Chris finally fucked me that night I came like a geyser! Now he says he wants me to wear it during the wedding. I'm not sure if he's joking or not.”

“Wow!” Frank says, he moved his head down so he could suck on her taut nipples while she talked. Now resting his head on her soft breast, he asks her. “Remember the first time we did it in your ass?”

“Do I? I was so scared and so excited at the same time,” Sylvia recalls. “We were in a hotel room near my college. You'd come up for the weekend to visit and we never left the room the whole weekend; we just called down for room service.”

“Yeah.” Frank says, nibbling on her nipple, licking all around it. “I remember how tight you were. We must have used a whole tube of lubricant and it still took forever to get it all inside you.”

“Well, your cock is big, Daddy,” Sylvia says, enjoying how delicately he's licking and teasing her breasts. “You'd already made me cum so many times, I thought I couldn't cum again. But when you finally got your big cock inside my ass and started pumping in and out, I exploded.” Sylvia feels her daddy's cock stiffening inside her pussy and she clenches her pussy muscles around it. “Want to do it now?” she asks, teasingly as Frank stretches her nipple out from her tit with his teeth.

“Yeah, I do,” he says, releasing her nipple and letting it spring back into place. “I'd like that a lot, Sylvie. You want to?” he asks her.

“Yes, Daddy. I really do,” she answers as Frank pulls his fully recovered cock from her dripping pussy and kneels on the end of the bed. Sylvia turns over and gets up on her hands and knees, spreading her legs apart. Leaning her head down against the bed, she reaches back with her hands, grips her ass cheeks and pulls them apart. “How's this, Daddy?” She asks.

“Like heaven, Sylvie. Like heaven.” Frank says, positioning his cockhead, still soaked with her juices, against her puckered asshole. Pushing forward, he slips the head in and then pulls back slightly to give her a chance to relax her sphincter. Using short, slow strokes, he slowly inches his cock into her tight asshole. When it's all the way in, he remains motionless while Sylvia gets used to the intrusion.

“Oh fuck!” Sylvia moans. “Why do I always forget how fucking big you are?” she asks. “You fill me up, Daddy. It feels like you're a part of me when you're in me like this,” she tells him, reaching between her legs to play with her clit. “I'm ready. Fuck my ass, Daddy. Fuck it like it's the last time you'll ever fuck it!” she cries, while rubbing her clit with her fingers.

And he does, grabbing her hips with his hands, Frank starts pumping his huge cock in and out of his daughter's tight asshole. The friction is incredible and every time Frank pulls back, he has to slam down hard to get his cock back in. In no time, Frank feels his balls tighten and his orgasm build.

“I'm getting close, Sylvie,” Frank warns her. “How're you doing, sweetheart?” he asks, pounding his cock into her asshole, slapping his balls against her pussy lips.

“I'm almost there, Daddy,” Sylvia pants, rubbing feverishly at her clit.

“I can't hold on much longer, baby,” Frank gasps as he pulls her hips hard against him, burying his cock deep in her asshole. Holding her there, his cock spasms, and he shoots his load in his little girl's ass.

That last slam into her asshole, sent Sylvia over the top and she squeezed her clit between her finger and her thumb, igniting her orgasm and flooding her pussy. Shaking and shivering, she collapses on the bed, pulling her ass from around her daddy's spent cock. Frank falls on the bed beside her, rolling her up on her side so he can suckle at her breasts. They nuzzle together, resting, recovering, before realizing they don't have much time left and they had better take a shower.

Frank savors the look and feel of his daughter's succulent young body as they lather each other and slither their bodies together. Rubbing his soapy cock up and down the crack of her ass and cupping her tits from behind, he kisses her neck and tells her how much he loves her. Sylvia responds by bending forward, spreading her legs and leaning her hands against the tile wall.

“Show me,” she says. “Show me how much you love me, Daddy.” She's smiling at him over her shoulder. Frank rubs his hard cock against her pussy lips a couple of times and then drives it home, pushing Sylvia's head against the wall. Gripping her soapy hips with his hands, he pounds into her like a jackhammer. Sylvia uses the wall for leverage and pushes back against him, meeting him stroke for stroke. Leaving one hand on the wall, she slips her other hand between her legs, manipulating her clit, while her daddy's massive cock mercilessly assaults her pussy.

“This… is… how… much… I… love… you!” Frank pants, speaking each word on the forward thrust of his cock. On the final word, he slams it home and holds it there, spewing his hot cum deep inside her hot, young pussy. Probably for the last time, he thinks.

“Oh fuck! I'm cumming too, Daddy!” Sylvia clamps her pussy tightly around her daddy's mammoth cock as he empties his balls into her. Balancing herself against the wall, her final orgasm of the day blasts through her, shaking her body and weakening her knees. Her daddy's grip on her hips, and her hands on the wall, is all that's holding her up.

They're unusually quiet as they towel each other off. Then as if choreographed, they both drop their towels at the same time and enfold each other in a tight embrace. Standing naked in the bathroom with their arms wrapped securely around each other, they kiss passionately, tears streaming down their cheeks.

“I love you, Daddy!” Sylvia sobs.

“I love you more,” Frank manages to choke out, recalling how they used to playfully argue who loved each other more when she was a little girl.


Randy can't wait to get home to see if his idea worked. Before he left for school, he hid a portable cassette recorder under his dad's bed. He used a two-hour tape and set it to maximum record length, which should have given him four hours of recording. He only hopes that his dad and sister continued their little rendezvous in his dad's bedroom and not Sylvia's.

“Hey,” he says, walking into the house. Sylvia and Dad are watching TV. “How was your day?” he asks innocently.

“Great,” they both answer, not looking at each other or him.

“Good,” he says. “I'm going to change and do my homework,” he calls back over his shoulder as he heads down the hall. Checking to see that they aren't watching, he ducks into his dad's room and snatches his tape recorder from under the bed.

Back in his own room, he rewinds to the start of the tape. It's pretty muffled at first and then gets clearer. Fast-forwarding, he hears Sylvia cry out for Dad to fuck her hard. That's all he needs. He scans through the entire tape, selecting the most compromising passages. He connects his recorder to his computer and converts key excerpts from the tape into digital wave files on his hard drive. After burning an audio CD of the most incriminating parts, he waits for the right time to execute the next part of his plan. Listening to his sister and dad fuck was really hot and his cock is aching for a chance to fuck his sister.

Sylvia has had an exhausting day, both physically and emotionally. She and her daddy were able to maintain normal conversation with her mom and brother all through dinner, talking about the wedding, Chris's arrival the next day and the success of her mom's trip. Not long after dinner, she excused herself and went to her bedroom. Lying on her bed, with conflicting emotions running through her brain, she barely heard her brother's knock on her door.

“Hey Sis,” Randy says, opening the door and entering his sister's bedroom. She's lying on her bed on her stomach and his cock stirs at the sight of her firm ass inside her skintight jeans.

“What do you want?” Sylvia asks, turning on her side and flashing an annoyed look at her brother.

“Not much, Sis,” he answers, sitting on the edge of her bed with a portable CD player in his hand. “Just a little bit of what you're giving Dad,” he smiles.

“What are you talking about?” she says, sitting up quickly and starring into his eyes. Sylvia is flustered; she doesn't want this conversation to be happening.

“Just this,” Randy says, pushing play on the CD player. Sylvia's voice fills the room, “Oh fuck, Daddy! I'm cumming again! Keep fucking me hard like that! Ohhhhh fuck!” Then her dad's voice says, “Remember the first time we did it in your ass?” Randy pushes the off button.

“Give me that, you fucking pervert.” Sylvia reaches for the CD player. This can't be happening. Not now. It's all over between her and Dad. She's ready to start a new life with Chris and now her brother wants to ruin it.

“This is just highlights,” Randy says, letting her have the CD player. “Sort of a greatest hits. I have the entire tape in a safe place.” Sylvia is starring at him incredulously.

“Why?” Sylvia asks. “Why did you do this? How did you know?” She's panicked. She tries to calm down. Her brother doesn't hate her. Whatever he has in mind, she has to call his bluff.

“I saw you sneaking into his room last night,” Randy answers. “I watched you; you are an incredible fuck, Sis. I heard your plan for today and I did this for leverage,” Randy says, pointing at the CD player. “I want you to fuck me like you fucked Dad.”

“And what makes you think I'd even consider that?” she asks disgustedly. How can this be happening?

“Because you don't want Mom or Chris to have a copy of this,” Randy says smugly. “And that's what'll happen unless you do what I want.” Would he really do it? Would her own brother ruin her life?

“Fuck you, Randy, and grow up!” Sylvia shouts, and then lowers her voice. “You're not going to do anything with this and I'm certainly not going to be your sex slave or whatever sick perverted thing you want to call it. Now get the fuck out of here, you perverted asshole!” Sylvia pushes him towards the door.

“I'm a perverted asshole?” Randy asks incredulously. “Who's been fucking their own father for the past four years?” Randy asks. “Think about it, Sis,” Randy says, calmly. “This could ruin your marriage, Mom and Dad's marriage and for what? Because ‘Little miss fuck me in the ass, Daddy' is too prim and proper to do for her brother, what she's doing for her father,” Randy says, leaving her room and closing the door.

Fuck! That didn't work out the way he expected. Now what? She was right. He's not going to drop the dime on her to Mom or Chris. He just wants to fuck her. Fuck! He handled that all wrong. He wonders if there is another way to get to her. He sits at his computer and loads the wave files onto his IPOD. He's going to listen to his sister and dad fuck while he tries to figure this out.

Sylvia is crying into her pillow. Would her little brother really give this CD to Mom? Oh god! She can't even imagine the consequences for her family. And what about Chris? He'd never understand. She sits up and dries her eyes. She can't take that chance. She hates giving into her brother's but she doesn't really have much choice. And it's not like she's never had casual sex and Randy is over eighteen. She'll just do what he wants and get it over with. First, she needs to convince him that it has to be a one-time thing and happen before her marriage this weekend.

Sylvia opens Randy's door without knocking. He's lying on his bed listening to his IPOD. She notices a bulge in his pants and wonders if he's thinking about her. She closes his door and walks to his bed, touching him on the shoulder, startling him.

“Hey,” Randy says, pulling the ear buds from his ears and shutting down his IPOD. His sister is just standing demurely by his bed.

“It's not what you think, Randy,” Sylvia says. “It just happened, and then it gained momentum over time. We couldn't help ourselves,” she says, pleading with her eyes. “You're making it into some dirty little ass fucking thing, but it wasn't like that.” She sits down on the bed next to him, placing her hand on his arm and locking eyes with him. “I don't expect you to understand, but what Dad and I had was special. It wasn't like what you're making it into at all.” Tears are streaming down her cheeks.

“Call it what you want, Sis,” Randy says, proceeding cautiously. He expects that she may have had a change of heart and he doesn't want to blow it. “But you've still been fucking your own father and now you're caught.”

“You're right,” she says, nodding her head. “But it's over. Dad and I… today was the last time. I'm getting married and I want to be a completely faithful wife to Chris. So whatever you have in mind, we have to do it before Saturday, okay?” She looks at him expectantly.


“Sure,” Randy says, reaching up and wiping a tear from her cheek. He can barely contain his excitement. “Look, Sis, I really don't want to ruin anyone's life. But like you, I can't help myself. Watching you and Dad fuck… you were so… the way you moved… your body is so perfect… you are like the ultimate fantasy… you are like a fuck goddess.” Randy stops talking. Sylvia is just looking at him. Is she actually blushing?

“What do you want me to do?” he asks quietly.

“I don't know,” Randy admits, his plan is changing while they speak. “It depends on what you want.”

“What do you mean?” Sylvia asks.

“Well, you said what you and Dad had was special,” Randy says, formulating an idea in his mind. “I don't want you to just go through the motions with me. I want to find some way to make it special for you, too, Sis. What is your ultimate sexual fantasy? What have you always wanted to do that you've never shared with anyone?” Randy asks her, excitedly.

“You're too late, Randy,” Sylvia laughs. “Anything I've ever fantasized has come true with either Daddy or Chris. You're not going to be able to compete with them, so I guess you just have to take your fuck goddess as is,” she says, smiling.

“Come on, Sis,” Randy insists. “Everyone has some kinky fantasy that they've never shared with anyone. Now is your chance. I already know enough about you to ruin your life,” Randy chuckles. “What harm can it do to dig deep and share your most intimate, never before shared, fantasy?” he asks, raising an eyebrow at her.

“You're right,” Sylvia consents. “I do have one secret fantasy, but you're not in any position to fulfill it, so what's the difference?”

“Try me,” Randy persists. “What have you got to lose?” He's excited now; maybe this will work out better than he thought.

“Okay, my ultimate fantasy,” Sylvia takes a breath. “What is every girl's ultimate fantasy? Multiple cocks.” Sylvia watches his reaction. “I dream of being fucked by two or three guys at the same time; cocks in every orifice. But what are you going to do, call up your high school buddies? No way!” she laughs. “So let's just decide when and where we're going to do this. I'll do my best to give you the fuck of your life, okay? Then it'll be over.” Sylvia reaches over and squeezes his cock through his jeans. It's grown harder while they've been talking. It's more impressive than she expected.

“Multiple cocks, huh?” Randy asks, his cock hardening from his sister's touch. The beginning of a plan starts formulating in his brain. “Let me think about that, Sis. Meanwhile, why don't you keep Thursday night open? If I can pull off your fantasy for you, I will. If not, it'll be just the two of us,” Randy says, smiling as he grasps her tits through her shirt and squeezes them, like she did his cock. “What do you think?”

“Forget the fantasy,” Sylvia says, surprised at how nice his hands felt on her tits. Teasing her brother's cock was just an impulsive gesture, but when he teased back she felt her pussy involuntarily respond. “It's just a dream. Let's you and I do what we're going to do, okay? Then the tape is destroyed and we get on with our lives. Agreed?”

“Okay. I'll get back to you on when and where,” Randy concedes, but he really thinks he might be able to pull off the ultimate fantasy for his sister and get what he wants. “Hey, Sis,” he says as she stands up to leave. “How about a sneak preview? Can I see your tits?” Randy smiles.

Sylvia just looks at her brother as he stares at her tits. She can't believe how her pussy is reacting to her brother's request. He could have made it one of his demands, but instead he just asked. Glancing at his closed bedroom door and thinking about her parents sitting in the living room, she shakes her head; too risky.

Randy just nods and Sylvia leaves his room. He didn't think she'd go for it, but his cock is so hard from her touching it and from feeling her tits, that he figured it was worth a try. He turns his IPOD back on and listens to Sylvia and Dad discussing the first time he fucked her in the ass. His hard cock is straining against the material of his jeans as he rubs his hand up and down it, through the thick material.

Back in her room, Sylvia hurriedly pulls her blouse over her head and sheds her bra. Her pussy is soaking wet. She can't believe it would betray her like this, after what her brother has done. But it has and she doesn't want to stop the teasing just yet. She pulls her blouse back on and heads back to her brother's room. Thinking about what her brother said about her, makes her smile. It's almost how she feels about her daddy. She, of all people, should understand sexual obsession. When she was his age she was playing with her daddy's cock while he was knocked out on painkillers. Maybe Thursday will be fun; sort of a last fling before marriage. She opens her brother's door without knocking. He has his IPOD back in and he's rubbing his cock through his jeans. The bulge is larger than she remembered. Maybe this will be fun.

Closing his door and stepping into her brother's line of vision, Sylvia lifts her blouse up over her tits. Randy pulls his ear buds from his ears and watches his sister reveal her perfectly round tits to him. Her nipples are pink and hard, sticking straight out from her large rose-colored areolas. Goddamn! They look delicious. He sits up for a closer look. Sylvia is standing next to his bed, and her tits are level with his face, when he sits up.

“Why'd you change your mind?” Randy asks, not taking his eyes off her beautiful tits.

“I didn't change my mind,” Sylvia smiles. “I just didn't want to be taking my bra off in your bedroom with Mom and Dad in the house. This way I can just pull my blouse back down if we hear them. Like this,” she says, pulling her blouse back over her tits.

“They're beautiful, Sis,” Randy says admiringly. “Can I touch them?” he asks.

“You already have,” she says matter-of-factly. “Besides it's my turn,” she says enjoying the puzzled look on his face. “Show me your cock,” she says.

“Uh… okay,” Randy says, unsnapping his jeans and pulling his zipper down. He's looking at Sylvia's face as he shoves his jeans down a little and releases his cock through the fly in his underwear. Her eyes get big when she sees the size of her brother's hard cock. It's almost as big as her father's. Reflexively, she reaches over and wraps her hand around it, measuring its width with her fingers. Not quite as big as Daddy's, but still very impressive.

“Okay,” Sylvia breathes. “You can touch them,” she says, pushing her tits toward his face, while keeping her hand around his cock. Randy slides his hands up under her blouse, grabbing one tit with each hand. Cupping his hands over them he rolls his palms over her hard nipples. Sylvia sighs, while stroking her hand up and down on his hard cock. Randy pushes her blouse up over her tits and sucks one of her nipples into his mouth. Oh fuck! He can't believe he's actually sucking his sister's tit while she jacks him off. A noise in the hallway stops them dead. Randy yanks Sylvia's blouse down over her tits and scrambles to pull up his jeans.

Trying to look as innocent as possible, Sylvia picks up her brother's IPOD and sits in his desk chair, while he fastens his jeans. The IPOD screen shows a track called wav 6. It's still playing as Sylvia puts the ear buds in her ears. She hears her own voice coming from the device, “cum so many times, I thought I couldn't cum again. But when you finally got your big cock inside my ass and started pumping in and out, I exploded.” Sylvia tears the ear buds from her ears and throws the IPOD at Randy.

“This is what you've been listening to?” she asks angrily. “It's not enough that you use it to blackmail me, but you get off to it, too!” she says, through clenched teeth. “You are one sick bastard,” she says, standing up and walking over to the bed. “Thursday night,” she says, pointing her finger at him. “One time deal, then we're done!” Sylvia says. “And take that off your IPOD!” she adds, leaving the room.

Randy had been so intent on getting his pants up before his parents came into his room, that he hadn't even seen Sylvia pick up the IPOD. How stupid could he be? Oh well, he still has a plan for Thursday night.

That slimy bastard, Sylvia thinks. He's listening to her and Daddy's last time together, rubbing his cock like it's a fucking porn tape. In a way it is, but it isn't one that she ever wanted anyone listening to, especially not her brother. Lying on her bed, fuming, she flashes on the feel of his large cock in her hands and angrily tries to dispel the image. Apparently, it's imbedded in her brain because her nipples are still hard where he was sucking them and her pussy is still wet from all the teasing. What kind of slut are you? She asks herself. He's blackmailing you into fucking him, listening to your most intimate moments with Daddy and you're getting turned on. Fuck!


By Wednesday afternoon, Randy has everything arranged. He's invited his dad and Chris to a last minute bachelor party; he's purchased what he needed at the Adult Toy and Apparel store and reserved a suite at a downtown hotel. He is determined to give his sister the fantasy night of her life.

“Hey, Sis,” Randy says, knocking as he enters her bedroom. They are the only two home; their parents are at work and Chris is running wedding errands. “I've got everything set up for Thursday night.” Sylvia is lying on her stomach on her bed, with the seating arrangements for the wedding spread out in front of her.

“Fine,” Sylvia answers tersely. “Just tell me where and when you want me.”

“Not just me,” Randy explains. “Your ultimate fantasy,” Randy says, sitting on the edge of the bed, once again admiring the curve of her ass inside her skintight jeans.

“What are you talking about?” Sylvia asks, making eye contact for the first time.

“Multiple cocks, remember?' Randy says, excitedly. “Every orifice, right? Three guys, all fucking you at the same time. It's all set.”

“Who are they?” Sylvia asks, cautiously. “Better not be any of your asshole buddies from school.”

“No!” Randy answers. “These are two guys that I know. They're older. One is married and the other is engaged,” he explains. “And I've figured out how to keep it all anonymous. You'll wear a full head mask, even your hair won't show, and a full body stocking to cover the tattoos on your back and shoulder. They have as much to lose as you do, so your mask has a blindfold.” He stops, trying to read her expression. “You still want this right?”

“I don't know, Randy,” Sylvia hesitates. “It's still taking a big chance. What do I tell Chris?”

“Just tell him you need a night with the girls, before you get married,” Randy answers her. “Sort of like a bachelorette party.” Sylvia rolls onto her back, thinking about his proposition. Randy can't keep his eyes off her chest and her thin t-shirt stretched across her tits. She's not wearing a bra and her nipples are making distinct bumps in the thin material. His cock stirs inside his jeans; he shifts positions to get more comfortable.

Sylvia is seriously considering her brother's proposition. She figures she's going to have to fuck him anyway on Thursday night. What about taking on two other guys? It is the ultimate erotic fantasy and she's never going to have another chance like this. Should she take the risk? Oh, what the fuck.

“Okay. I'll do it,” she says, making up her mind. “But these guys better be who you say they are. How do we know it'll be safe? You know, sexually I mean.”

“Trust me, Sis,” Randy says. “I know these guys. In fact you know them too, which is why you'll be blind folded. No one will know who they're fucking. Everyone's secret is protected.”

“What do I have to do?” Sylvia asks. “And how are we going to fuck if I'm in a full body stocking?”

“Wait right here,” Randy says, running from the room. He's so excited that his cock is bulging in his pants when he returns to her room with a shopping bag.

“Check this out,” Randy says, opening the bag on her bed. Inside the bag is a crotchless and cupless black body stocking. Sylvia laughs as he holds it up in front of him.

“Where did you get that?” Sylvia asks, still laughing. Taking it from him, she inspects the crotch, which has a little stitched opening to go around her pussy lips and is completely open around the ass.

“Try it on,” Randy says, excitedly, pulling a mask out of the bag.

“Right now?” Sylvia asks, looking at the mask.

“We have to know if it'll work,” Randy pleads. “What if I got the wrong size?” he asks, aching to see his sister in the sexy body stocking and mask.

“Okay,” Sylvia says. “Leave the room, I'll tell you when to come back.”

“You're kidding, right?” Randy asks. “I've already seen you naked and tomorrow night… Just put it on, Sis.”

“Fine!” Sylvia relents, pulling her t-shirt over her head, revealing her luscious tits to her little brother. “Tell me if you hear Chris's car,” she says as she unfastens her jeans, turns around and pulls them and her panties down together. Randy's cock, already bulging out the front of his jeans, hardens even more at the sight of his sister's firm round ass. Sylvia keeps her back to him as she tires unsuccessfully to put the body stocking on while standing up. She finally gives up and sits on the bed, facing Randy. His eyes are popping out of his head when she lifts he leg to fit the body stocking over it. Her legs are wide open and he can see her pussy lips below her neatly trimmed triangle of black pubic hair. Holy shit! Randy's afraid he's going to cum in his pants.

Sylvia feels her arousal building. She didn't realize that exposing herself to her brother like this would be such a turn on. She glances at his crotch and sees the big bulge his cock is making. She was about ready to suck it yesterday, before they were interrupted. Now, as she stands up to pull the body stocking up over her thighs, she wonders if he can see how moist her pussy is getting. She smoothes the sheer, black material over her thighs and pulls the body stocking up over her waist. She has to shift it around a couple of times to position her pussy lips just right through the opening. It's bottomless with just a thin strip of material running between her pussy and her ass. She pulls it up, putting her arms in the sleeves and positioning the two cutouts, in the front, snugly around her tits, pushing them up and out more than normal.

Randy's cock is so fucking hard. His sister looks like a model out of a porn magazine. The body stocking fits her like a second skin and when she fastens the front just below her neck, it leaves just her tits, ass and pussy lips exposed.

“God damn, Sylvia,” Randy sighs. “You look so fucking hot,” he says. “Here, let's see the whole outfit,” he says, handing her the mask. It's a full head mask with holes for the eyes and mouth, which are covered with Velcro patches. He helps his sister tuck her hair up under the mask and then secures it around her neck with the Velcro strap. Pulling the eye patches off, he turns her towards the mirror.

“What do you think?” Randy asks, barely able to contain his excitement.

Sylvia looks through the eyeholes in the mask at her image in the full-length mirror. She is stunned at the erotic vision reflecting back at her. Her body is almost completely concealed in black. Her tits are jutting out, like an open invitation to suck on them, and her hard nipples are reinforcing the message. She glances at her brother and takes satisfaction in his discomfort as she reaches down and runs her finger up and down between her exposed pussy lips. She shivers at her own touch and a small cascade of juices soak her finger. Turning, to look at the back, she momentarily faces her brother. He's just staring at her with his mouth open and his cock bulging in his jeans. Without breaking eye contact, she slowly tears the mouth cover from the mask, puts her wet finger up to her lips and teasingly sucks off the juices.

Oh fuck! Sylvia looks even more tantalizing than Randy imagined. His cock is throbbing. Jesus Christ! She's licking her own juices off her finger! His sister is so fucking hot! And so… so… damn fuckable! She's putting her finger back in her pussy. No, two fingers! She's spreading her legs and pushing two fingers up inside her wet pussy. He can't see her face. He can only imagine what her expression must be like, behind the mask. He watches her pull her fingers from her soaking wet pussy and step toward him. His sister runs her fingers under his nose and he breathes in her seductive aroma.

“Oh god, Sis!” Randy moans. “You are so…” But he doesn't get a chance to finish because Sylvia is pushing her fingers into his mouth. He sucks hungrily on her two fingers while her other hand caresses his hard cock through his jeans. Randy reaches up and squeezes her succulent tits, gently pinching and teasing her nipples, while he tastes her delectable pussy flavoring.

“Mmmm,” Sylvia moans. She pulls her fingers from his mouth and unfastens the front of his jeans. Grabbing his underwear and jeans together, she yanks them down past his knees. Sylvia kneels down and feeds her brother's large cock into her mouth, through the opening in the mask. Pumping his cock into his sister's mask covered face is the kinkiest thing he's ever done. Randy pumps even faster when he catches their reflection in the mirror behind Sylvia. This erotic black clad figure, with only her bare, white ass cheeks showing, is kneeling in front of him giving him the blowjob of his life. Sylvia stops and pushes him back on the bed.

“We don't have time for you to cum twice and I want you inside my pussy!” she says as she straddles him and pushes her exposed pussy lips down around his cock. She is well lubricated and he slides right in. Sylvia leans forward, with her tits hanging down over his chest, and starts riding up and down on his hard cock.

“Oh fuck!” Randy cries. “You feel so fucking good, Sis!” Randy is beside himself, humping his ass off he bed, shoving his hard cock deep inside his sister's burning pussy. In her full body stocking and leather mask, she looks like a model for some kind of sexual bondage ad. All he can see is her lustful eyes, her ruby lips and her creamy tits as she rides his throbbing cock.

“Just don't cum too soon, little brother,” Sylvia pants. “I really need this!” Sylvia is bouncing up and down, jamming her fiery pussy onto her brother's hard cock. She stops, abruptly, sitting down hard on Randy.

“What was that?” Sylvia asks. “Is that a car?” Randy listens, hoping she's mistaken as his cock throbs inside her velvety pussy. Then he hears it too.

“Fuck! It's Chris,” Randy says as Sylvia jumps off his cock and unfastens her mask.

“Stall him, Randy,” she says. “Give me time to get out of this thing,” Randy pulls his jeans up and runs down the hallway as he hears the car door slam. He grabs a coke from the kitchen as he hears Sylvia close her bedroom door. Intercepting Chris at the front door, he puts his arm around him conspiratorially and guides him back outside.

“We're all set for tomorrow night, bro,” he tells Chris. “I was with her this afternoon and she is one hot, babe,” Randy winks. “She is obsessed with having multiple cocks in her. She's never done anything like this before but she wants one of us in her ass, one in her pussy and one in her mouth all at the same time.”

“Wow!” Chris smiles. “What a slut! And you're sure she's hot, Randy?” Chris asks. “We're not going to get there and find some fat skenk, are we?”

“No way!” Randy assures him. “She is hotter than any woman I know, probably any woman you know.”

“I don't know,” Chris says. “Your sister is the hottest woman I know and I don't think your gangbang slut is going to top her,” Chris laughs.

“You'll see,” Randy says. “I bet she's close. But don't call her names, okay. She just obsessed with this particular sexual fantasy. It's a one-time thing. She's not a slut!” Randy admonishes him.

“Sure. Whatever,” Chris says. “Hey. Is Sylvia home?” Chris asks, heading back into the house.

“Yeah,” Randy says. “I think she's in her room working on the seating arrangements or something.

“Great,” Chris says sarcastically. “She needs to give up trying to please everybody and just let them sit wherever they want,” Chris says going into the house.

This is the second time that her and Randy have gotten interrupted. Maybe it just isn't meant to be, Sylvia thinks. Then, again, there's tomorrow night. Of course, that's with two other guys. She's back in her jeans and t-shirt, the body stocking and masked tucked safely away under her bed. At first she was mad about Randy blackmailing her, but now, she's almost as obsessed with her brother's hard cock as she was when she first saw her daddy's. She hopes she'll be able to distinguish which one is his when she's blindfolded tomorrow night.

“Hey, babe,” Chris says, walking over to the bed and kissing her on the cheek. “How are the seating arrangements coming?” he asks.

“Okay,” she says. “Did you get everything?” She asks, rolling onto her back and patting the bed beside her.

“Yeah. Piece of cake,” he says, lying down beside her and enfolding her in his arms. “Mmmmm,” he says. “You feel nice. Are you sure about us waiting for our wedding night?” he says, caressing her tits through her t-shirt. “You're driving me crazy.”

“How do you think I feel?” Sylvia asks, but she's thinking about her father and brother. “I'm not getting any either,” she lies. As Chris runs his hands up and down her back, cupping her ass cheeks through her jeans, Sylvia's pussy is aching for release. She was getting so close when Chris' car pulled up.

“Are you comfortable in aunt Sally's guest room?” she asks Chris. Since they've chosen to stop fucking until their wedding night, they decided it would be best if he didn't stay at her parent's house with her.

“Yeah. It's great,” Chris says. “And Aunt Sally is looking better ever day,” he laughs, squeezing her ass. Aunt Sally actually is looking good. She's Sylvia's mom's younger sister, probably in her mid-thirties, single, with a great ass and a nice pair of tits. He caught a glimpse of her in her nightgown as he passed her door last night. The door was ajar and she was brushing her hair in front of the mirror. The outline of her breasts through the sheer nightgown made his cock spring to life. It hadn't occurred to him at the time, but on reflection he wonders if the door was ajar on purpose.

“Help yourself,” Sylvia teases, bringing him out of his reverie. “I've got my dad and my brother here. We can fulfill some incestuous fantasies of our own, while you get it on with Aunt Sally.” She slips her tongue in his mouth before he has a chance to answer. Draping her leg over his thigh, she pushes her crotch up against his hip. It isn't enough, but it feels good to have a little pressure on her swollen pussy lips. Chris kisses her back, wondering what he should tell her about Thursday night. Before he comes up with a good excuse, Sylvia beats him to it.

“Tomorrow night, a few of my girl friends want to have a girls night. You know, go out on the town before the wedding,” she tells him as she pushes her pussy tightly against his hip. “Do you mind?” Fuck no, he doesn't mind. This is perfect, he thinks.

“No, it's fine,” he says. “I'll just hang with your dad or your brother,” he adds, relieved that he didn't have to make something up. “So what are you doing, male strippers or something?”

“Or something,” Sylvia answers, thinking again about her brother's big cock. He's much less experienced, but he filled her almost as full as her daddy. She's already had her last fling with her daddy and she only has two more days until her wedding, she may as well make the most of them.

Randy is in his bedroom with his cock out, stroking it like crazy. His sister was actually fucking him! That sexy, black, body stocking and mask was un-fucking-believable. Why the fuck did Chris have to come back when he did? They were so close! She must be aching, too! He'd heard her tell Dad that her and Chris weren't fucking until their wedding night. He strokes faster as he fantasizes sneaking into her bedroom tonight after their parents are asleep. Just as he's wondering how she'd react, he shoots his load, pumping a huge pool of cum into a wad of Kleenex.

Over dinner, Sylvia is explaining some of the challenges of getting the seating arrangements right. Her mother is taking her seriously, while her dad and Chris are making jokes. She notices Randy is just watching her and smiling. She winks at him when no one is looking. They're sitting across from each other and when she stretches her leg out, her foot touches his ankle. She runs her foot up the inside of his calf, while she admonishes Chris for not taking this seriously.

“It's not funny!” she says, still rubbing her foot against her brother's leg. “I don't want my wedding to be ruined because we sat the wrong people together!”

“I'm sorry, babe,” Chris says. “I just think, you know, maybe you're exaggerating a little. If these are the type of people who can't get along for one day, so you… so we can have a happy wedding, then why did we invite them?” He looks to Frank for support and Frank nods, agreeing with Chris' assessment.

“Why don't you ask Aunt Sally to help you, Sylvia?” her mom says. “She always knows the latest about who's speaking with whom. I'm sure she'd help.” Sylvia smiles at Chris at the mention of Aunt Sally, but agrees it's a good idea.

“Thanks, Mom,” she says, getting up from the table. “I'll call her and see if she's busy.”

What was that about, Randy wonders. His cock is hard as he watches his sister's ass swaying back and forth, while she walks out of the room. Was that an invitation for more? Was she telling me that she wants to continue what we started or am I reading too much into this?

“Aunt Sally says she'd love to help, but one of her headlights is out,” Sylvia says, sitting back down at the table. “She's getting it fixed tomorrow, but she doesn't want to drive it after dark. I told her we could go get her and Chris can drive her home, since he's going there anyway. Is that okay?” She directs this last question directly to Chris.

“Sure, babe,” Chris smiles, teasingly. “Do you want me to go get her now?”

“Please,” Sylvia says, standing back up. “I'll go with you.” When they get to the door she adds, under her breath. “To make sure there's no hanky panky.” She pinches his ass on their way out the door.

“Ouch!” Chris laughs. “Do you honestly think I'd fool around with your favorite aunt?” Chris asks as they get in the car.

“I was kidding!” Sylvia says, kissing him on the cheek. “What's the matter? Can't take a joke?”

“Not when I'm this horny!” he laughs. “You know, this no sex thing is really working,” he says.

“Oh?” Sylvia questions.

“Well, if the objective was to make the wedding night more special and something to look forward to, then it's really working. I can't wait to get back inside you!” he says, starting the car and backing out of driveway.

“I've missed you, too,” Sylvia says, resting her hand on his thigh. “It's only a couple of more days.” And what a couple of days it'll be, she thinks. There's Randy and his friends tomorrow night and she's also thinking that maybe tonight she'll try to sneak into Randy's room to finish off what they started this afternoon. She was so ready! That was really bad timing!

“Yeah, only two more days!” Chris says, thinking about the bachelor party Randy has planned for tomorrow night. One girl and three guys; he's never done anything like that and especially not with his future bride's father and brother. That seems a little weird. Then there's Aunt Sally. He wonders if she'll put on another show for him tonight when they get home. He's probably just letting his horniness make his imagination run away with him. It was certainly just an accident that he saw her last night.


Aunt Sally hangs up the phone and smiles. She loves her niece and is happy to help her plan the seating arrangements. She also likes the travel arrangements, with Chris driving her home afterwards. When she made the offer for him to stay with her, she was really just trying to help. She wasn't thinking about anything else. Then when she heard they haven't been sleeping together for a month, her imagination took over. She started to wonder just how horny a well-built young man like him would get in a month's time. Last night was just a test, to see if he was interested. Since he was, tonight, she'll move it farther along. Two more days until the wedding… well, actually three more nights until the wedding. That's how she really should be counting it. She goes into her bedroom to pick out an appropriate outfit to go to her sister's house.

When Chris and Sylvia arrive at Aunt Sally's, she's wearing a light blue dress, that hugs her figure nicely, with a brown jacket over it, buttoned most of the way up. She looks nice but not provocative. She kisses Chris and Sylvia on their cheeks and tells them she's ready to go.

The evening is a success and by ten o'clock, they have seating arrangements complete and Sylvia is relieved. She kisses Chris, hugging him tightly and tells him he needs to get Aunt Sally home. Chris doesn't argue and he and Sally drive off while Sylvia says her goodnights to her Mom, Dad and Randy. Randy goes to his room, too, wondering how late Mom and Dad are going to stay up.


“So, how's the abstinence going?” Aunt Sally asks, smiling at him from the passenger seat of his car. “It must be really hard?” she says without any special inflection.

“Yeah,” Chris answers, wondering if she meant that the way he thinks. “Some days it's harder than others,” he says keeping the double entendre going.

“I bet it is.” Aunt Sally says, leaning forward and taking off her jacket. She's kept in on all evening, but now in the dim light of the car he can see that her dress is very low cut, revealing a dangerous amount of cleavage. He's keeping one eye on the road and trying not to stare at the exposed side of her breast as it curves its way down into her dress. “I give you two a lot of credit. I don't know if I could do it.”

“It's been a challenge,” Chris answers. “But it sure makes you look forward to your wedding night.”

“Hey, only two more days!” Aunt Sally announces, and three nights, she thinks. “What are you doing for a last minute fling?” she asks. Randy almost drives off the road and she starts laughing. “I don't mean that. I mean are you having a bachelor party or going out on the town or what?” But Chris is pretty sure it's exactly what she means.

“I'm hanging with Sylvia's dad and brother tomorrow night. Then the rehearsal dinner is Friday night,” Chris answers, his eyes again on the curves of her milky white breasts. Is she really trying to tease him?

“Oh that sounds exciting,” she says sarcastically. “You're a real party animal, huh?” she challenges him.

“Yeah, well. I don't really know anyone in town,” he says, defensively. “A few of the guys and I went out Monday night before I came down here,” he says, recapturing his pride.

“Well, you may not know anyone else, but you know me.” Aunt Sally says. “And I'm not going to let you get married without buying you at least one drink. How about it, Chris?” she looks at him. “Let an old lady buy her new nephew a drink?”

“Sure,” Chris answers. “Say, where.” This is it. If he were a betting man, he'd bet he was going to get laid tonight.

“Turn right at the next light and go down about a mile.” Aunt Sally tells him. As he's driving, she's wiggling around and messing with her dress. He catches a glimpse of her right nipple as she bends forward, her dress gapes open and her bra cup slides away to the left. What the fuck! She's taking her bra off! That's what she's been doing, wiggling around like that. This just keeps getting better.

By the time they pull into the parking lot, Sally has her bra off and is tucking it under her jacket on the backseat. “I never wear these things when I go out,” she tells Chris. “Too confining. I just make nice with my family by dressing more conservatively when I'm around them.” Holding the door for her, he admires her shapely legs as she gets out of the car. She doesn't seem to mind.

Oh boy, this kid is hot to trot, Sally thinks. A month without pussy, for someone who's used to getting it everyday, will do that to you. She slides her arm through his, pressing the side of her breast against his bicep as they walk into the nightclub, complete with loud music and wall-to-wall people. She can't wait to get him out on the dance floor; a little grinding against his hard cock will tell her whether she wants to go any farther. She doubts if he's as hung as her brother-in-law. But Frank is the exception. She sighs at the thought of Frank's cock. She only got to sample it once, several years ago, but it is still a vivid memory.


Her washing machine broke down, a few months after her divorce, and Frank came over to fix it. She was a wreck, feeling very low; she'd kicked her husband out after catching him with his cock buried to his balls in the ass of some high school cheerleader. They were behind the garage, in the middle of the fucking day! She'd turned the hose on them and then kicked his ass out. That's what she gets for marrying the high school football coach. And now, her washing machine had broken down, leaking water all over the floor.

She was still in her bathrobe, mopping the floor, with tears streaming down her face, when Frank got there. He took her in his arms, rubbing her back and consoling her, literally letting her cry on his shoulder. Of course, while she's sobbing into his shirt, Frank couldn't help but notice that the thin bathrobe was all his sister-in-law was wearing, having taken off her nightgown to put it in the wash. His cock responded to her nearly naked body and with a cock as big as his, there was no way she could miss it. She held him tighter and started gradually moving her body against his, rubbing up and down against his cock. Before long, Frank picked her up in his arms and carried her into her bedroom.

“I know what you need, Sal.” Frank said, stripping off his clothes. When he released his mammoth cock, it sprang out, long and hard, pointing right at his sister-in-law. “I'm going to show you how fucking desirable you are and what an idiot that husband of yours was to ignore you.” He crawled up on the bed, pulled her bathrobe apart and nuzzled his face into her anxious pussy. He ate her through two loud, moaning, orgasms, before trying to penetrate her with his massive bulk. Frank realized that his cock was larger than most and had learned a long time ago how to get a woman ready for him.

“Ohmygod! Frank!” Sally called out, when he entered her. “I've never been so full!” She had two more orgasms while he fucked her, taking his time, focused on pleasing her. Then she rolled him over and sucked his large cock into her mouth, tasting her own juices on his spent cock. She remembers how stretched out her mouth was around his thick rod, when it was fully erect. She was wondering how much cum he would shoot into her mouth, when he pushed her head away, rolled her over and fucked her again. This time he wasn't gentle; he hammered her pussy with his giant cock until she had the most explosive orgasm of her life. He kissed her and left her recuperating on her bed, while he fixed the washing machine. When he left, he told her how beautiful she was, how much he had loved her body and to call him anytime she needed anything fixed. She was certain she would and then the next day he fell off that fucking scaffold and broke his ankles. They just never got together again, after his convalescence.


“WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DRINK?” Chris yells over the music.

“A WHITE RUSSIAN,” she yells back as they make their way to the bar.

“I'M BUYING!” she yells as she pulls out a credit card. Their bodies are pressed together as they work their way to the bar and then back to their seats. Chris keeps his hand possessively on Sally's hip as they move through the crowd. She likes the way it feels. It's been a while since any man has touched her protectively like this.

“LET'S DANCE,” she yells in his ear as they set their drinks on a small round table for two.

“OKAY,” Chris yells back. It's a medium tempo song, but when they get to the dance floor, Aunt Sally ignores the temp and turns around, wrapping her arms around him, molding her sexy body to his. They sway back and forth on the dance floor, Sally subtly, but unmistakably, grinding her pussy mound against his crotch. Chris' cock responds instantly, stiffening inside his jeans and pressing back against her. Gradually, he let's his hands slide down her back, a few inches at a time, until his palms are cupping her ass cheeks. She hugs him tighter, planting her tits firmly against his chest and wiggles her ass against his hands. He grips her ass cheeks and pulls her pussy tightly against his hard cock, with a very unsubtle grinding motion.

“YOU'RE A GOOD DANCER!” Aunt Sally yells into his ear and then moves her mouth down from his ear, nibbling on his neck. Oh fuck! Chris' cock is rock hard. They're practically dry humping on the dance floor and he's afraid he's going to lose it, right here in his pants.

“LET'S TAKE A BREAK,” he yells in her ear as he unwraps his arms from around her. She does the same and when she backs up, her dress is askew and her left tit is almost completely exposed. Chris sucks in his breath as he stares at her large, dark areola with its thick, erect nipple perched on the tip of her mouthwatering breast. Sally sees his expression and looks down at herself. Looking back up at him, she makes no move to cover herself. Instead she shifts her gaze from his face to his cock and back, before slowly and deliberately, pulling her dress completely away from her tit giving him an even better view of her nipple and areola. Pulling her dress back into position, she smoothes it over her tit, running her hand over her aroused nipple as she stares into his eyes. Smiling, she takes his hand and leads him off the dance floor.

They almost guzzle their drinks and Chris suggests they call it a night. She leads the way off the dance floor, keeping her ass tightly against his crotch as they weave their way through the crowd of bodies to the door.

“That was fun,” she says, settling into her seat and turning to him. “Thank you for taking an old lady dancing while you're still single,” she says, reminding him that he only has a couple more days to enjoy his freedom. “I haven't done that in years!” Then adds, under her breath. “One of several things I haven't done in years.”

“No! Thank you, Aunt Sally,” Chris stammers. “I… uh… I… don't really know what to say, except thank you.” Chris is driving cautiously and his eyes keep straying to Sally's cleavage and her hard nipples poking out the front of her dress like bullets.

“Well you can start by dropping the Aunt part,” Sally says. “I think we've progressed to just Sally, haven't we?” she says teasingly. “Unless the idea of me being your Aunt is part of the equation,” she adds, placing her hand on his thigh, much the same way Sylvia had done earlier.

“No,” Chris says, catching his breath. “Sally, it is.”

“Good,” she says, rubbing her hand up and down his thigh. “You know, Chris, I try to be a good aunt. I don't have any kids of my own, so I focus all of my attention on my niece and nephew. Whatever problems they have, I try to be there for them.”

“I know, Aunt Sal… I mean Sally,” Chris says. “Sylvia talks about you all the time. She worships the ground you walk on. She thinks you're the best. We both do!”he says, eying the curvature of her breasts and her taut nipples.

“Well I don't know if I deserve that much admiration, but I certainly try,” she says, raking her nails up and down the inside of his jean-covered thigh as she continues. “What I'm saying is, that now that you're family, you're included in that, too,” she says, scraping her nails farther up his thigh, until her palm is almost touching his crotch. “Any problem you have, no matter how hard,” she says, pressing her palm against his hard cock for emphasis. “I'm here for you. You understand what I'm saying?”

“Yes. I uh… understand.” Chris nearly chokes, while his cock responds to the pressure from Aunt Sally's hand. Holly shit! She just invited him to fuck her. He's sure now, that last night was no accident. She wanted him to see her. She wanted to know if he was interested. Casually he takes his right hand off the steering wheel and rests it on her upper thigh, giving it a little squeeze. She responds by spreading her legs a little, allowing her dress to ride up and expose more of her shapely legs. Her hand has now progressed to dragging her fingernails up and down along his hard shaft and occasionally squeezing his cock.

My god! His cock may not be as thick as Frank's, but it feels like it's just as long. Sally's pussy, already wet from the dancing, is now soaked. In fact, she almost came on the dance floor when he was squeezing her ass and grinding his cock against her pussy, a few more minutes and she would have. Now that she knows they're going to fuck, she's just focusing on foreplay. Spreading her legs and scooting down a little in the seat, her dress rides up, giving him access to her pussy. She waits to see if he'll take the initiative and slide his hand up under her dress.

Chris can't believe how the evening is progressing. Aunt Sally is just about begging for him to fuck her. Now, she's spreading her legs, waiting for him to rub her pussy. Time to show her that he isn't that easily led. He decides to tease her a little longer, by focusing on her tits. Sliding his hand off of her thigh, he runs it over her flat stomach and up over her ample breasts, massaging her nipples through her dress.

“Mmmmm,” Sally sighs, squeezing his hard cock to let him know, he's welcome to any part of her. She'd been focused on her pussy, but lover boy is more experienced than she thought. He's going to prolong the foreplay and not just jump for the prize. Good for him! Someone has trained him well, probably her niece. His hand slips inside the plunging neckline of her dress, gently caressing her right tit. She closes her eyes and leans her head back, more than willing to let him take the lead. In fact, pleasantly surprised that he's asserting himself into that role. She thought she was going to be the one doing the seducing tonight rather than the other way around. It looks like all she had to do was give him the right signals, and he has the playbook memorized.

Neither of them has spoken in several minutes. It's like they both realize there is no need for words. Sally has relaxed her hand and rested it back on his thigh, while she enjoys Chris' exploration of her body. He's managed to free her left breast from her dress and is ministering to it the same way he did her right breast. Her nipples are so taut that they're almost sore. She wishes he wasn't driving so he could suck on them. Oh well, they're almost home now anyway. Just a few more minutes to wait and his touch does feel heavenly.

Only a few miles from home, Chris thinks. Time to crank up the heat. He gently tweaks her left nipple and then drops his hand down onto her bare thigh. Sally reflexively spreads her legs, inching her skirt even high on her thighs. Chris runs his fingers lightly along her inner thigh waiting to see what kind of panties she's wearing. A thong is the easiest to pull out of the way, but whatever kind they are, he should be able to get his fingers inside of them. As his fingers glide lightly up her thigh, Sally sighs, spreading her legs wide apart, giving him unobstructed access to her hidden treasure.

Chris is shocked to feel moist flesh where he expected to touch material. His brain takes a minute to resolve this unexpected conflict. She's not wearing any panties! His fingers are touching her pussy lips, confirmed by the moan that escapes her lips when he moves them around. He looks over at her for her reaction, but her head is still back against the seat and her eyes are closed. Fuck! Aunt Sally is one hot lady! He doubts if either one of them will get any sleep tonight. He runs his fingers up and down her pussy lips several times before slipping two of them inside her pussy. His fingers are met with a fiery, wet chasm that closes around them almost immediately.

“Oh, yeah!” Aunt Sally moans, scooting farther down on the seat, sucking his fingers deeper inside her enflamed pussy. “That's nice,” she coos, never opening her eyes. Chris' fingers start a slow rhythm in and out of her pussy, which she matches by lifting her ass off the seat and pushing back against his hand. He keeps the rhythm slow all the way home, no matter how much Sally tries to speed it up, by humping her ass faster. He just pulls his fingers farther out until she relents and then, he pushes them back in maintaining the same, slow rhythm.

Oh fuck! It's been so long since someone actually manipulated her arousal like this. Chris really knows what he's doing. He's playing her for all she's worth and she loves every minute of it. Whenever she tries to take the lead away from him, he gently but assertively lets her know that isn't going to happen. This is working out so much better than she ever imagined. She was going to give the boy a good fuck, teach him a few things, satisfy her horniness, and then send him off to get married. Instead, it looks like she's in for a major fuck fest, with a very experienced lover. She is so happy for Sylvia to have found someone like this. She almost laughs at the irony of that thought, when she's about to have her brains fucked out by her niece's fiancé. We must be close to home, she thinks. He just pulled his fingers out, damn that feels empty!

Opening her eyes, Sally sees that they're on her street. She sits up, straightens her dress and looks over at Chris. Fuck! He's sucking on his fingers. That's perfect! He really knows his foreplay!

“Well?” Sally asks. “What do you think?” smiling at him driving along, sucking his fingers.

“I'm not sure,” he smiles at her. “It wasn't enough of a taste to make an informed decision,” he says. “I think I need to taste it directly from the source to give you the kind of answer you're looking for,” he smiles again. “The complete sampling could take hours,” he smiles. “Do you think we can manage that?”

“Oh, I'm pretty sure we're more than ready for that,” Sally answers, him. “You're a surprise, you know. How old are you anyway?”

“I'm twenty-two. What do you mean, a surprise?” Chris asks her.

“Well, I just didn't expect you to be so well informed, or so experienced in this kind of sexual situation,” Sally says as they pull into her driveway. “I'm not complaining, mind you!”

“Good,” Chris says. “I don't know what to say, except I don't think you should over-intellectualize it. Maybe I'm not that informed or experienced. I may just be sensitive to your actions and responsive to your needs,” he says. “Of course, it doesn't hurt that your niece is very upfront about her wants and desires. I haven't had to guess what she wants,” he laughs.

“Good for her!” Sally says, getting out of the car and taking her house keys out of her purse. Inside the house, she turns around; wrapping her arms around Chris' neck she pushes her tongue into his mouth. Chris grabs her ass cheeks, digging his fingers into them as he pulls her against him. The urgency of their need surges through the kiss and they're both panting by the time they take a breath.

“You kiss well, too,” Sally pants as she leads him down the hall to her bedroom. Chris stops them at the door to the bedroom.

“Let me give you a bath, first,” he says, pointing toward her master bathroom with the sunken bathtub.

“A bath?” Sally says. “I don't want a bath, Chris. It's been a long time for me, longer than it's been for you. I just want your hard cock inside my aching pussy.” She steps back and slips the straps of her dress off her shoulders, pulling it away from her tits and letting it fall to the floor. Chris' breathing stops as he takes in the magnificent vision standing before him. Aunt Sally's breasts sit high and firm on her chest with large, dark areolas, perfectly centered on the front of her cream colored mounds. Her hard nipples are pointing straight out about half an inch long and nearly as thick. His eyes take in her flat stomach and tight abs, which could be on the cover of an exercise video, and then travel down to her pubic hair which consists of a neatly trimmed two-inch vertical stripe down the front of her pussy mound. Stepping away from her dress she starts unbuttoning Chris' shirt.

“Sally,” Chris says, caressing her cheek with his hand. “You are beautiful. You're like a sex goddess; every guy's fantasy come true. My first impulse is to throw you on the bed and jump on top of you,” Chris says, massaging her shoulders and neck. “But trust me. You've waited this long, waiting until after a bath isn't going to hurt you. In fact, I guarantee you'll have a more prolonged, more intense orgasm if we do it my way. Okay?” He slips his shirt off and lets her undo his jeans while he runs his hands along her bare shoulders.

“You're the boss,” Sally says, pulling his jeans down and staring at the tent his cock is making in his boxer shorts. “You sure you want to wait?” she chuckles as she pulls his boxers down and feasts her eyes on his long hard cock. She was right, he's just as long as Frank, but thankfully, not as wide. She kneels down, slipping his boxers off his feet and tossing them aside. While she's down there, she encircles his rigid cock with her fingers and flicks her tongue over his cockhead.

“I can make you forget about the bath in about fifteen seconds,” Sally says, licking along the length of his cock.

“I'm sure you can,” Chris says, enjoying the feel of her tongue against his throbbing hard-on. “But we're only going to have one or two nights together, at the most,” he says, stepping back and pulling his cock away from Aunt Sally's mouth. “Once Sylvia and I are married, I'm not going to fuck around,” he says, pulling her back to her feet. “I'm sure you can understand how important that is.” She nods her head. “So, if this is all we've got, it can't just be good sex or even great sex, it's got to be explosive sex! I want you to compare every future lover against what we do here tonight,” he says, brushing his lips across hers. “So stop fighting it!” Chris says, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her passionately. His hard cock is smashed up against her pussy mound and their bodies are swaying together as they kiss.

Fuck, how do you argue with that? Sally wonders. What has she gotten herself into? She was thinking of a quick romp in the hay before he gets married. He's thinking about a life-changing event. He's either full of shit or I'm in for the night of my life, she thinks. What have I got to lose?

“I'll get the bath towels,” Sally says, breaking the kiss and giving his cock a quick squeeze. “You start the bath water.”

“That's better,” Chris says, heading into the bathroom, hoping he can live up to his little speech.


“Randy,” Sylvia whispers, closing his door behind her. “Are you awake?” she asks, walking over to his bed.

“Hi,” her brother says, rubbing his eyes. “I must have fallen asleep.”

“Yeah, well, you are in bed,” she says, teasingly. She's wearing a long t-shirt that is stretched tightly across her tits, embossing her hard nipples on the front of it. “Mom and Dad are asleep and I was wondering if you wanted to pick up where we left off?” Sylvia smiles seductively.

“I was going to do the same thing,” Randy answers her. “I planned to sneak into your room as soon as Mom and Dad were asleep, but I guess I dozed off. Sorry,” he says sheepishly.

“So I guess that means yes,” Sylvia says, pulling her t-shirt over her head and hanging it on the back of his desk chair. Randy pulls the covers back, revealing his naked body to his sister as she climbs in next to him; molding her body against his side.

Leaning up on her elbow, supporting her head with her hand, she glides her other hand over his stomach, encircling his semi-erect cock. It responds instantly, hardening in her hand, pushing her fingers out, causing her to loosen her grip.

“Now, where were we, before we were so rudely interrupted?” she asks, smiling at him.

“I know exactly where we were, Sis,” he smiles back. “I was living out the fantasy of a lifetime. You were riding my cock and telling me not to come yet,” he says, laughing.

“I guess I can get a bit bossy,” she says, her hand expertly stroking his cock, her fingers brushing against his balls on the down stroke.

“Sis,” Randy whispers.

“Yeah?” Sylvia answers, looking him in the eye, wondering what's on his mind.

“Would it be okay? I mean we've never… what I was wondering..,” Randy stammers, trying to find the right words.

“Just spit it out, Randy,” Sylvia tells him. “At this point, I don't think you can shock me,” she chuckles.

“Can I kiss you?” he asks. “You know, a real kiss, not a sisterly kiss,” he adds, suddenly feeling foolish for asking. She's already sucked him and ridden his cock, but they've never kissed. Lying naked on his bed, with his sister stroking his cock, he really wants to kiss her lips and push his tongue in her mouth, but isn't sure how she'll react.

She was wrong! He could shock her. Sylvia had been so intensely focused on getting Randy's cock back inside her pussy that she hadn't even considered kissing or foreplay. Her world had become a jumble of multiple cock fantasies and vibrating butt plugs, and here was her little brother, wanting to kiss her. Smiling, she leans over and presses her soft lips against his. Parting his lips with her tongue she swirls it around in his mouth before pulling it back and sucking his tongue into her mouth. She's surprised to feel his cock grow even harder in her hand.

With one hand behind her head and the other cupping her bare ass, Randy pulls his sister firmly against him. The kiss is exquisite, exactly what he'd dreamed it would be. He sucks voraciously on her tongue and then propels his tongue into her mouth, churning their saliva until it spills out, moistening their lips as their passion builds. Randy pulls Sylvia down on top of him, her hand sliding off of his hard cock as their bodies meld together and their lips stay locked in their incessant kiss.

With her tits smashed against his chest and his cock pressed against her pubic mound, Sylvia returns his kiss with ardency that surprises even her. As sexually experienced as she is, she wasn't expecting anything new from Randy, but nothing in recent memory compares with the fervor of her brother's smoldering kiss. The force of it resonates through her entire body, sending a burning spark that incites her nipples to renewed hardness and ignites a fire in her pussy, awakening a flood of new juices. What the fuck is going on? She's never gotten this hot from a kiss before!

Randy's cock is aching! It's more than ready to take the plunge! Palming her ass cheeks and pulling her closer, he's thrilled by the feeling of her body against his. Her skin is burning with passion as they devour each other's tongues. He's amazed by the frenzy of their kiss and the intensity of her embrace. Holding her against him and keeping his lips locked to hers, he rolls over, positioning her on her back with him on top. She jerks her knees up, spreading her legs wide as an urgent invitation for him to finish what they'd started hours ago.

With his hard cock nestled between her steamy pussy lips, Randy raises his body up, breaking the kiss. Their eyes locked in lustful anticipation; he watches his sister's face as his cock glides easily into her slick, welcoming pussy.

“Ohhhhhh!” Sylvia moans as her brother's large cock stretches out her pussy. Pushing her ass off the bed to speed his entry, she feels like her whole body is ablaze. When his cock bottoms out and his balls slap against her ass, Randy pulls back and starts pumping in and out of her with a steady rhythm. But Sylvia's beyond wanting steady rhythm; her animal lust has taken over and is crying out for a more savage assault. Gripping his hips with her hands, she yanks him down hard into her burning pussy, driving him to abandon his gentleness and start pounding his cock frantically into her wanton hole.

“Yes!” Sylvia whispers, excitedly. “Fuck me hard, Randy! Fuck me so fucking hard!” Sylvia is out of control as her brother's massive cock hammers her hot pussy. Wrapping her legs around him and locking her ankles behind his ass, she attaches herself to him as he pistons up and down, slamming her ass against the bed. Digging her nails into his back, she bites into his shoulder to keep from screaming when her orgasm rakes her body with an unexpected intensity.

Randy feels his balls contract and his release build as they pound together almost as one body, slamming down on the bed. When Sylvia digs her nails into his back, his cock erupts, spewing his built up payload deep within her quivering pussy. His cock is jerkily depositing the last of his cum, when he feels her body go rigid and her teeth clamp down on his shoulder.

“Fuck!” Randy pants, prying her mouth off his shoulder and placing his own mouth over hers. As her body shudders through the remnants of her fervid orgasm, she returns his kiss with a passion she has never felt for him before. She's also never felt this spent after just one orgasm.


Finally, he's touching her pussy! Sally spreads her legs in the bathtub as Chris, kneeling on the bathroom floor, runs his fingers lightly against her pussy lips. It seems like he's been playing with her tits for hours, not that it was unpleasant, but her pussy is getting very anxious. After talking her into a hotter than normal bath, he began lathering her chest, shoulders and neck. Giving most of his attention to her hard nipples, he also kept lifting her breasts and running his soapy hand along the crevice underneath them. She has to admit it felt wonderful.

She had her head laid back and her eyes closed when he asked her if she could suck her own nipples. She reluctantly admitted that she was one of those lucky women who could reach their nipples with their mouth. It annoyed her that after his speech about satisfying her, that he wanted her to put on a show for him. But again he surprised her; telling her to suck her right tit, while he sucked the left one. It was unique sensation and very erotic! And now his fingers are on her pussy lips!

“You'd really rather finger fuck me in the bathtub, than eat me or fuck me in bed?” she asks him incredulously, still not warming to his lack of urgency.

“There are things fingers can do that tongues and dicks can't, Aunt Sally,” Chris says, pinching one of her pussy lips between his finger and thumb and gently twisting it around. “Besides, this is just the appetizer, we're going to do those other things too!” he says, continuing to pinch and pull her pussy lips. He still hasn't put his fingers inside her pussy and Sally is squirming her ass around trying to get his fingers inside her pussy.

“We're back to Aunt Sally, huh?” she asks, feeling the jolt of electricity through her whole body when he pinched and twisted her pussy lips. She has to admit, her arousal level has notched up significantly with his fingers between her legs.

“Yeah, I decided I liked the incestuous inference of calling you Aunt Sally instead of just Sally,” Chris answers as he leans down sucking her nipple back in his mouth while sliding two fingers up inside her beckoning pussy.

“Oh yeah!” Sally cries. “It's about fucking time!” she laughs, pushing her pussy against his hand, trying to get his finger farther up inside of her. Chris biting on her nipple, with his fingers in her pussy, is having its affect and she feels her orgasm just starting to build.

Chris pulls his fingers back and uses his thumb and two fingers to spread her pussy lips wide apart, using his index finger to locate her clit. Just a light touch makes her jump and almost pulls his fingers away from her pussy. Continuing to bite her nipple, gripping her engorged clit between his thumb and index finger he just holds it, applying light rhythmic pressure against the sides.

“Oh fuck!” Sally screams as tremors rip through her body. “Oh my god! What are you doing?” Sally has never felt quite this sensation before. He's got her clit, but what's he doing with it? And he's still biting her fucking nipple! Her whole body is one big tremor!

Sally has slid down in the bath, her knees are up and her legs are wide open. Chris continues to massage her clit, jacking it up and down like a tiny dick. Keeping his thumb and index finger firmly on her clit, he inserts his other three fingers into her wide-open pussy. As Sally bucks her pussy against his hand, Chris reaches over and flips the drain open, to release some of the water so she doesn't drown.

“Oh Chris! Oh Fuck! I'm cumming!” Sally screams as her orgasm overtakes her and waves of pleasure cruise through her body. She clamps her legs closed on Chris' hand, willing him to release the pressure on her sensitive clit. He moves his lips from her nipple to her mouth and pushes his tongue inside. She wraps her arms around his shoulders and nearly pulls him into the bath with her as she fervently returns his kiss.

“Okay, bath time's over,” Chris says, breaking the kiss and standing up. His hard cock looks like a flagpole planted in the center of a light brown field and Sally reaches under it to cup his balls.

“I don't know if I can stand up, yet,” she says, catching her breath. Chris reaches down and helps her to her feet. Her hand moves from his balls to his hard cock as she balances herself, stepping out of the tub. They don't even bother with a towel as they move into the bedroom and Chris positions Sally on the bed on her back.

Starting with the inside of her ankles, Chris begins to lick the beads of water from her skin. Sally lies back with her eyes closed, her tits rising and falling with her heavy breaths. She's been slow to comprehend her new lovers' intentions, but now she realizes her evening has just begun. She savors the feeling of his tongue as it progresses up her leg, her whole body still tingling from her orgasm. He's right, she thinks, this will be one to remember. Again she flashes on how lucky her niece is to have found such an impassioned lover.


“Am I too heavy for you, Sis?” Randy asks, breaking the kiss and raising his body off of hers. His cock is still cocooned inside her velvety pussy.

“No,” Sylvia answers, dreamily, pulling him back down against her. She can't believe how good it feels to just lay here, snuggled warmly under her little brother, his cock still large enough to fill her pussy even in it's unaroused state. “Sorry I bit you,” she says sheepishly. “I guess I got carried away and I didn't want Mom or Dad hearing me scream.”

“It's okay,” he laughs. “I think we both got a little carried away.” His lips again find hers and his tongue snakes through her warm mouth. His urgency builds almost instantaneously; heightening his sensitivity to every place her skin is touching his. Her nipples pushing into his chest, her inner thighs pressing against his hips and the taste of her tongue, combine to arouse his cock, which can already feel the increased heat emanating around it. Sylvia moans into his mouth as he starts gently rocking back and forth, creating welcomed friction inside her yearning pussy.

Oh god! He's going to fuck me again! Sylvia is amazed that he's getting hard again without even pulling out! At first, she wasn't sure about sneaking into her brother's bedroom tonight. It isn't part of their deal and she shouldn't need to fuck him. She should be concentrating on Chris and planning for their wedding night. Poor Chris; stuck over at Aunt Sally's and he's so horny. He probably jacked himself off and went to sleep. First, she allowed herself one last fling with her dad and here she is fucking her brother, who's blackmailing her into taking on three cocks to satisfy her ultimate fantasy.

She's brought out of her reverie by Randy's pelvic bone hitting her clit, sending shivers through her body. Running her hands up and down his back, she pulls him firmly against her as they pick up their rhythm, their tongues still entwined. She's never kissed like this before. Usually, she breaks it off to concentrate on the fucking, but Randy seems to want to kiss all the way through to the end. What a curious turn of events.


“Oh yeah!” Aunt Sally yells as Chris' tongue flattens her pussy lips, licking all the way up to her clit. “Took you long enough to get there,” she moans. She thought he would lick up her legs and delve into her pussy, but instead he licked all around her pussy and continued over her stomach. He licked the little beads of water from her breasts and nipples before continuing back down across her hips and finally wound up at her pussy. God, he's amazing. She doesn't know where he gets the self-control; his cock must be aching. She felt like a wet dishrag when she got out of the bath and Chris poured her onto the bed. His sensuous licking was at once arousing and relaxing. The longer he licked the more the arousal overshadowed the relaxation, until her pussy was begging for the attention it's finally getting.

“Worth the wait though, right?” Chris says, lifting his face from her drenched pussy to answer her. Plunging his tongue back in, he laps up her delectable juices, while rubbing his mouth back and forth against her swollen pussy lips.

“Oh yes! Definitely worth the wait!” Sally answers. His mouth is working magic on her aroused pussy and she starts playing with her tits while he continues to tongue fuck her soppy hole.

“Oh Fuck!” Sally cries as Chris moves his mouth up to her exposed clit. Sucking it into his mouth, he flicks his tongue against the tip, sparking a series of tiny eruptions from within her drenched pussy. With pussy juice running down his chin, Chris continues sucking on Sally's clit while using his fingers to pinch and twist her pussy lips.

“Oh yeah! Keep doing that!” Sally yells. “That feels so fucking good.” She's thrashing around on the bed with her ass in the air, pushing her pussy against Chris' mouth. “I'm cumming!” she cries. “I'm cumming again!” Chris doesn't relent. He uses his free hand to hold Sally down, determined to keep his mouth on her clit until she explodes.

“Oh God!” Sally slams her legs closed around Chris' head as her orgasm bursts forth a flood of new juices onto his face. Jerking convulsively, while pleasurable shivers roll through her body, she collapses back on the bed, relaxing her legs from around his head.

“Oh Fuck!” Sally gasps, raising her head to look at Chris, whose smiling face is covered in pussy juice. “Now come up here and fuck me. I want that hard cock of yours inside me right now!” she pants.

“Not just yet, Aunt Sally,” Chris says, his throbbing cock wanting it as badly as she does. But, if he's going to live up to his promise, he needs to do more than just fuck her. Flashing on what gets Sylvia off, gives him just the idea he needs to make this the most memorable night of her life.

“I'll be right back,” he tells her, getting off the bed and leaving the room. Turning at the door, he adds. “Don't go away.”

Don't go away? What the fuck is he doing. Sally's pussy is aching for his hard cock and he's leaving the room. What virile young man leaves the room when a woman is spread-eagle on the bed, begging him to fuck her? This boy is nuts! He's determined to have this his way. She has to admit, his way has worked pretty well so far. She just wants to know what he's up to now.

“Have I got a surprise for you, Aunt Sally!” Chris says, running back into the room, with one hand behind his back. “You trust me, don't you?” Chris asks, sitting on the bed, stroking his fingers through her hair. “I've come through for you so far, this evening, haven't I?”

“Yes, Chris,” Sally answers, quietly. “I trust you and you have been amazing. So what are we going to do now?” she asks, relinquishing control to him, again.

“This!” Chris says, pulling his hand from behind his back and showing her a black plastic butt plug. “A butt plug!” he announces. “We're going to put this in your ass while I eat your pussy again.” Pulling his other hand from behind his back, Chris shows her the tiny remote. “And this makes it vibrate!” he says, triumphantly, pushing the button, causing the plastic object to buzz and shake in his hand. “Okay? Are you adventurous enough?” Chris smiles, pressing the button again to turn it off.

“Oh my!” Sally says. “I've never… you just travel with one of these in your suitcase?” she asks incredulously.

“It's for Sylvia… our wedding night, but I'll get another one for her.” He pats her hip. “Come on, roll over so I can get this in.” Sally just shakes her head and rolls over on her stomach. “That's good, Aunt Sally,” Chris teases. “Now up on all fours and spread your legs.” “We'll use your natural juices for lubrication,” Chris says, when she's in position. Chris inserts the plug into her pussy working it all around, coating the entire surface with her thick cream.

“Mmmmm,” Sally moans, this is the first cock-like object that's been in her pussy in a long time. She pushes back against it, just as Chris pulls it out and positions it at her asshole.

“Um… have you… um… ever had anything in your ass, Aunt Sally?” Chris stammers, realizing that her ass may be virgin and this could hurt.

“I've had some experience,” she answers cryptically. “Just go slowly.” She spreads her legs wider, wondering about Chris and her niece's sexual proclivities. Who knew that young people were into such things? She is certainly getting an education tonight and she's enjoying the hell out of it.

“Ooooo. Slowly,” Sally says. “Twist it a little. Are you twisting it?” Sally feels the intrusion in her ass and pulls forward a little reflexively.

“Yeah! Sorry. I'll go a little slower,” Chris says, turning the plug back and forth, slipping it into Sally's tight ass. “There!” Chris announces. “All the way in,” he says, patting it and driving it a little farther in. “Now roll over and let me get back to my dinner,” Chris laughs.

Sally rolls back over, spreading her legs, trying to relax her ass muscles and get used to the unaccustomed fullness she feels. Chris is kneeling between her legs, smiling at her as he lowers his head and starts licking all around her pussy. When he pushes his tongue inside and flicks it all around, she forgets the butt plug and starts humping against his mouth.

Chris has only used the vibrating butt plug on Sylvia a couple of times, but he remembers her saying it was better to use the remote sparingly, to coincide with peak arousal times, like when he first attacks her clit or she's about to orgasm. So he waits, letting Sally's anticipation build, while he eats her sopping pussy.

This is a whole new experience for him. He's never included this much foreplay in any seduction before. Most of what he's done with Aunt Sally has been based on ideas that he's been thinking about for his wedding night. Maybe it's good that he's getting a chance to try them out. Poor Sylvia. She's as horny as he is, but if the situation was reversed, he has no doubt she wouldn't hesitate to take advantage of it, like he is. Too bad the only men around her are her father and her brother.


Sylvia can't keep up the kissing any longer. She needs to breathe! His pounding in her pussy has made her want to gasp for more air, but with Randy's mouth locked on hers she can't.

“My turn to be on top,” she whispers, pulling her lips from his. She rolls him over and flips her leg across him, without breaking their connection. Pulling her knees up, she sits herself astride his hard cock and starts rocking her slippery pussy back and forth.

“So do you like me better in the mask and body stocking or au natural?” she asks, dragging her hard nipples across his chest as she leans down to whisper in his ear.

“Definitely like this,” Randy pants, palming her tits as she sits up straight and starts bouncing on his cock. Massaging her tits and flicking her nipples, Randy bucks his ass off the bed to match his sister's rhythm. Sylvia leans farther back, jamming her lush pussy down around his cock in a rapid-fire rhythm. Randy lets go of her right tit and slides his hand down her stomach, through her trimmed bush, and applies light pressure to her clit with his thumb.

“Oh god, Randy!” she breathes, “Keep doing that!” Sylvia leans back to give Randy better access to her clit, bracing herself with her hands on his legs behind her. He keeps rubbing his thumb in a circular motion over her clit, igniting a fire under her, which increases the fervor of her ride. Thrusting her hot pussy down around his cock and bouncing wildly, Sylvia tries to push her clit harder against Randy's thumb. Thrusting his hips up to match her feverish rhythm, Randy struggles to keep his thumb in contact with her rapidly moving clit.

“I'm cumming. Oh Fuck, Randy. I'm cumming!” Sylvia has lunged forward tightening her pussy muscles around his cock and is jerking wildly through the first wave of her orgasm. Randy's cock responds immediately, shooting his second load of the evening deep inside his sister's pussy. Sylvia enjoys the feeling of his cock erupting inside of her, and it unleashes another trembling wave of pleasure. She collapses on his chest, shivering as Randy wraps his arms around her, crushing her soft tits against him.


“Ohhhhhhhh! Christ!” Sally screams as Chris activates the butt plug at the same instant that he sucks her clit into his mouth. He's been tongue-fucking her, building her arousal and anticipation until she was thrashing around on the bed. The combined sensations, of the buzzing in her ass and the sucking on her clit, sends a shockwave of pleasure through her that is continuing to mushroom.

“Oh god! It just keeps building!” Sally moans. “Ohhhhhhhh! Fuck!” Chris has her clit in his mouth and is flicking his tongue across the tip of it. He can feel the vibrations of the butt plug on his lips, he can't imagine how if must feel to Aunt Sally. Her juices are flowing like the damn has ruptured, soaking his chin and running down between her ass cheeks.

Oh fuck! Sally can't imagine a more intense feeling. It's like one long continuous orgasm that won't subside and won't peak. Her pussy is on fire, her clit is like a lightening bolt of energy, sending continuous jolts of pleasure throughout her body and the vibrating in her ass is keeping it all on the verge of exploding.

“Ohhhh! Ohhhh! Ohhhh! Here… it… comes!” Sally gasps, wrapping her fingers in Chris' hair and pulling him more tightly against her clit. Her whole body is trembling as she thrusts her legs out straight, arches her back and holds on tightly to Chris' head. Her mouth jerks open in a silent scream and her whole body shakes as her thunderous climax bursts through the tension, leaving her in a deliriously, euphoric bliss.

“Jesus Christ, Aunt Sally,” Chris says, pulling his head back and clicking off the vibrator. “Are you trying to drown me?” he asks, smiling at her. Her juices, which have soaked his face and her inner thighs, are running down her ass and pooling on the bed between her legs. Chris kisses his way up her body, stopping to nibble on her stiff nipples, before continuing to her face.

“My turn,” he says, quietly as his hard cock glides between her pussy lips. In one quick thrust he buries the entire length in her saturated pussy. Pressing his mouth to hers he slips his pussy-soaked tongue into her mouth, grinding his lips against hers. Oh fuck! Her pussy was definitely worth the wait. The way her lush inner lining molds itself around his cock makes him stop and savor the feeling, before he starts sliding it back out.

“I'm past ecstasy,” Sally sighs. “What's the next level? Delirium?” she asks, dreamily while rubbing her hands over his firm back muscles.

“What?” he teases. “We're just getting started. That was all foreplay, Aunt Sally,” he laughs as he pulls his cock nearly all the way out of her slick pussy and drives it back in.” His cock has been waiting all evening for this and now he's going to make the most of it. Pumping his hard cock in and out of Sally's pussy, he waits for her to start responding. It doesn't take long and she is bucking her ass off the bed, matching his rhythm. As soon as she does, he hits the remote button again, starting the vibration in her ass, and starts pounding his cock into her pussy mercilessly

“Oh you fucking bastard!” she yells as her body trembles and quivers. He doesn't relent; he just keeps pounding into her, feeling the vibrations from the butt plug resonate through her pussy. Sally's whole body is quaking; she can't even pinpoint the source of her pleasure. It's like her pussy and her ass have taken over and are vibrating every nerve ending in her body. She has never felt anything like it. Her body aches for release, yet the waves of pleasure just keep rolling through, like they're oblivious to the need for a climax.

Chris' cock is about to explode. He's pounding into Sally's fiery, vibrating pussy; building the tension in his balls with each stroke. When he knows he can't hold back any longer, he kills the vibrator and plunges his cock deep within her quivering love channel. Jerking wildly, he spews load after load of cum, until he's finally spent and he collapses on Aunt Sally's luscious tits.

When Chris shuts off the vibrator and slams his cock deep inside her pussy, Sally's orgasm mushrooms to a tumultuous crescendo, gushing thick creamy juices around his cock and taking her, trembling, to the next level of ecstasy, whatever it's called. Wrapping her arms around him and squeezing him to her body, she shivers through multiple after quakes, before slowly releasing her tight grip and relaxing her sweat-soaked body.


“This is what you wanted, isn't it?” Sylvia asks as she snuggles against her brother's chest. “You never wanted three guys and a girl with a mask, did you?”

“I wanted to make your fantasy come true,” Randy says, stroking her hair. “I still do.”

“But if given the choice, you'd want me like this, rather than how you've planned tonight, right?” Sylvia persists.

“Well,” Randy says, quietly. “Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to tonight, but it's anonymous. You'll be blindfolded and not even know which cock is mine,” he says. “This is better,” Randy sighs, hugging her more tightly.

“Let's call it off,” Sylvia says, leaning up and looking Randy in the eye. “Chris already has plans anyway, it could be just you and me, for one night,” Sylvia says, kissing her brother's lips.

“Wow!” Randy breathes. “Tempting offer, but think about it. I heard you tell Dad that after your wedding, you're going to be 100% faithful to Chris. This is your one and only opportunity for your fantasy to come true and I want to make that happen for you. Please let me do this for you.”

“You're very special, Randy,” Sylvia says, brushing her lips across his. “I never really knew how special until now.” Sylvia tightens her embrace around her little brother.

“I've an idea, though,” Randy says, excitedly. “Tell Chris you're spending the night with your girlfriends and we can stay in the hotel together afterwards. What do you think?”

“I don't know how I can resist an offer like that,” Sylvia says smiling at him. “But don't expect much after I've had three cocks in me,” she laughs.

“Don't forget one of them will be mine, so I may not be up for much either,” Randy says. “But even if we just hold each other like we are now, I'd be happy,” Randy says, kissing Sylvia's hair. They just lay there holding each other for several minutes before either of them speaks again.

“How do we do it, Sis?” Randy asks. “Three cocks I mean… what kind of position do we use?”

“I don't know,” Sylvia admits. “I guess I straddle one in my pussy, leaning forward so another one can go up my ass and then lift my head to suck another one.” Sylvia sounds unsure.

“Let's do a little research before you go back to your room,” Randy says, going over to his computer. He opens his file sharing software and searches for video.

“Triple penetration,” Sylvia whispers, sitting on his lap. “Don't you mean triple penetration.” Randy adds triple penetration as a separate search.

“I figured there would be more on the double and we could get an idea,” Randy says, enjoying the feeling of his sister's bare ass on his lap. He gently massages her breasts and runs his hands up and down her stomach as the program searches. Randy selects several interesting looking files for download. As they wait for the downloads, he continues lightly caressing her body. Sylvia leans back against him, enjoying the tenderness of his touch. By the time the first download is complete, Randy's cock is pushing against Sylvia's ass, straining against her weight. She shifts her ass cheeks, catching his cock between her legs and settles her ass farther back on his lap.

“Here's the first one,” Randy whispers as his sister opens and closes her legs around his hard cock. Randy clicks the file and the image fills the screen. The woman is in the exact position Sylvia described, but she's on a couch instead of a bed. The couch back seems to give the second man the added leverage he needs to get his cock in her ass and maintain his balance. It also allows the woman to lean on the arm of the couch to position her mouth on the third man standing at the end of the couch.

“Wow,” Sylvia whispers as the camera zooms in on the cocks going in and out of the woman's adjacent holes. “I didn't think about one pulling out while the other pushes in, but it makes sense,” Sylvia comments, moving her legs faster against Randy's hard cock. Abruptly, she stops, raises her ass off his lap, reaches between her legs and lines up his hard cock with her wet pussy lips. Sitting back down, his cock easily glides into her slick pussy. She wiggles her ass around until he's fully imbedded in her fuck hole and then starts rocking up and down in short bouncy motions.

“Let's see the next one,” she says, continuing to rock her ass on his hard cock.

“Sure,” Randy pants, reaching around her to the mouse. He clicks on the next file and the screen fills with another image of triple penetration. This time, one guy is on his back on the floor with the girl riding his cock and a second man is squatting behind her with his cock sliding in and out of her ass. The third man stands with his feet on either side of the first guy's shoulders, pumping his cock into her mouth. After clicking the file, Randy wraps his hands around Sylvia's tits, squeezing them as she bounces on his cock.

“Mmmmmmm,” Sylvia sighs as Randy mauls her tits and she increases the pace of her jouncing action. Her pussy is leaking juice all over his upper thighs as she watches the video and pushes down harder on her brother's cock.

They watch three more videos, increasing the intensity of their coupling with each erotic scene. Sometime around the second or third video, Randy slides one of his hands down Sylvia's stomach and his fingers find her clit. Sylvia moans and rocks harder, leaning back into him as she pounds her pussy down around his hard cock. As they're watching the final video, Sylvia slams her ass down on Randy's lap, clenches her pussy muscles around his throbbing cock and jerks shakily as the tremors of another orgasm shoot through her shivering body.

Randy, trying to hold back until his sister could join him, now squeezes her body tightly against his and shoots several bursts of cum inside Sylvia's hot, pulsating pussy.

“Mmmmm,” Sylvia sighs as Randy kisses her neck. “I thought we were done for tonight until you started showing me your porn collection,” Sylvia laughs. “What do you think?”

“They all use the same basic position,” he answers. “Two of them were on couches and three on the floor, but none were on the bed. I just always thought of it on a bed.”

“I wonder if it's too hard for the second and third guys to balance on a bed,” Sylvia asks, enjoying the full feeling of Randy's cock still inside her pussy. “The floor actually looked liked the better position, don't you think?” Sylvia suddenly laughs at how calmly they're discussing her taking multiple cocks as if they were talking about where the furniture should go.

“What's so funny, Sis,” Randy asks.

“Just the absurdity of all this,” Sylvia says, wiggling her ass against him. “If you'd have asked me yesterday if I would ever be sitting on your cock, with porn videos playing, discussing what position will be best for me to take two more cocks inside me, I'd have said you were insane,” she laughs again. “But here we are!” Pulling her pussy off of Randy's cock, she releases a flood of mixed juices all over his thighs and down his balls.

“Sorry,” Sylvia offers, looking at the mess. “I better get back to my room before Mom or Dad hear us.” Sylvia kneels down and kisses Randy's cock. “See you tonight, big guy,” she says, then kisses Randy on the mouth, grabs her t-shirt and leaves his room without putting it on.

Goddamn! Randy thinks sitting back on his desk chair with his hands clasped behind his head. Goddamn!

Sylvia pours her limp body into bed and curls beneath the covers. Her body is totally spent as she reflects on the intensity of the last couple of hours. Randy really loves her, not brotherly love, but deep emotional intimacy. He could have blackmailed her to do whatever he wanted, but instead, he worked to discover her most erotic fantasy, and then blackmailed her into doing it. She's going to have to think of a way to repay him. She hopes tonight goes as well as he says it will. She's a little nervous about it.


“Thank you, Aunt Sally,” Chris says, rolling off of her, his spent cock falling languidly out of her swampy hole. “I really needed that!”

“Fuck!” Sally sighs. “I can't move,” she cries, laughing. “My legs feel like they've been wrung out. It feels like I've expelled all the strength out of my body.”

“That's not all you expelled,” Chris laughs, his cheeks and chin still damp with her juices. “I thought I was going to drown,” he teases, kissing her cheeks. “Seriously, I like how you welcome a nephew into the family. Now, come on, roll over so I can get that bad boy out of your ass,” Chris says, his hand on her hip, helping her roll up on her side. He gently extracts the butt plug from Sally's ass and tosses it on the floor. Sally rolls onto her back and sighs.

“Memorable?” Chris asks her as he absently plays with her lush tits, gently caressing her nipples.

“One for the record books!” Sally smiles at him. Grabbing him by the hair, she pulls his lips to hers, kissing him passionately. He returns her kiss, squeezing her tits while he pushes his tongue into her mouth.

“Aunt Sally?” Chris says, breaking the kiss. “Can I ask you something?”

“Whatever you want, lover,” Sally answers; enjoying the attention he's giving her tits.

“Well, what we did tonight,” Chris says, tweaking her nipples with his hands. “That's kind of what I have in mind for Sylvia on our wedding night. You know, the bath and all. I want to make sure our first night as a married couple, is really special. So, tell me, what do you think?”

“I think,” Sally says, kissing his forehead. “If you do to Sylvia what you did to me tonight.” Kissing his cheeks and his chin. “It'll be the perfect start of a very long, happy marriage.” Pushing him onto his back, Sally kisses his neck and then trails kisses down his chest before sucking his nipples into her mouth.

“Good,” Chris says, lying back. “That's what I want.” By the time Sally has kissed her way down to his navel, his cock is starting to stir. Kneeling between his legs, Sally licks the entire length of his semi-erect cock, before sucking his cock head into her mouth. His cock stiffens even further as she wraps her hand around the base and feeds more of it into her warm, wet mouth.

“Oh fuck!” Chris moans. Raising his ass off the bed to push more of his cock into Sally's mouth. She takes her time; flicking her tongue around his cock as she slides her moist lips up and down it's length. Sally tried to do this two hours ago, but Chris had other ideas, which in retrospect she's glad she didn't argue with him.

Sally loves giving head and has no intention of letting the evening end without sucking his cock. She loves the full feeling of a hard cock in her mouth, she loves the teasing, and the control it gives her, over her partner's pleasure. No stranger to the taste of her own juices, Sally views the thick coating of her pussy flavor on Chris' cock as an added bonus, awakening her pleasure center and adding more lubrication to her already slippery hole.

“Ohhhhhhh!” Chris moans as Sally fondles his balls with her fingertips. He never, in his wildest imagination, dreamed he would be getting a world-class blowjob from his fiancé's aunt; she obviously enjoys what she's doing and knows how to pleasure a man. Every time he gets close, she pulls back or slows down, prolonging his pleasure and increasing his built-up tension. He's getting close again. Bucking his hips and shoving his cock as far into her mouth as he can, he tenses his legs, readying himself for his release.

“What the fuck!” he yells as Sally pulls her mouth off his cock, firmly pinching just below his cockhead with her thumb and her fingers.

“You don't want to cum yet, lover,” she says smiling as she holds his throbbing cock. “That would just end the pleasure we're building up to.” Pausing for a minute, she adds. ‘It's your turn to trust me, Chris.” Sliding her hand down his saliva coated cock; she flicks her tongue where her fingers were just pinching and sucks his cock back into her mouth. Chris has never felt anything like this. He's thrashing around on the bed, trying to get his elusive climax while Aunt Sally is teasing him mercilessly.

“Oh fuck, Aunt Sally! I need to cum this time!” Chris begs. This is the part Sally loves the most; the fact that his release is completely at her discretion. She could tease him for the rest of the night if she wanted and he'd be helpless to prevent it. His moaning and begging just makes her pussy wetter. Which gives her another idea for teasing him. Pulling her mouth completely off his swollen cock, she scoots her body up, while keeping her hand firmly around him. Straddling his throbbing cock she rubs it back and forth across her pussy lips and then lets go as she drops down hard, engulfing his hard cock inside her saturated pussy.

“Oh my god!” Chris yells, thrusting his cock deeper inside Aunt Sally's pussy. Sally sits upright, molding her pussy tightly around his cock, but not moving. She positions her weight on him, to keep him from being able to move, and then, leaning her head down, she pushes her tongue into his mouth. Chris' cock feels so fucking good squeezed inside Aunt Sally's pussy, but he needs to move, he needs to cum!

“Ride me, Aunt Sally! Please move your pussy on my cock! It feels so fucking good! Just ride me!” Chris yells, breaking off the kiss.

“Not yet, lover,” she says, kissing him quickly before jumping off his cock and dropping back down between his legs. Sucking his pussy-drenched cock into her mouth, she feels like she could almost orgasm from the taste. This time she sucks him rapidly, yanking his cock in and out of her mouth, caressing his balls and driving him over the edge.

“Ohhhhhhh! God! I'm cummmmmming!” Chris yells, tensing his legs and pushing against Sally's firm grip on his cock. His first load bursts into Sally's mouth and she hurriedly swallows the salty taste. Pumping his cock with her hand, milking him through his climax, she sucks and swallows until he collapses back on the bed, fully spent. Licking him clean, she sits up, licking her lips proudly, knowing none spilled out.

“You are amazing, Aunt Sally!” Chris says as she snuggles up next to him.

“You aren't so bad yourself, nephew,” she laughs. “Now, we better both get some sleep, it's almost morning.”


Sally opens one eye and sees Chris sleeping next to her. Fuck, it wasn't a dream. She really did seduce, or maybe she was seduced by, her niece's fiancé. It's been a long time since she woke up with a man in her bed. She opens her eyes and slowly stretches so as not to wake him. Lying on her side she watches him sleep. The guilt that she feels, for having fucked her niece's fiancé, is offset by the tingle she feels in her pussy as she relives last night's lustful encounter. Her eyes travel down his hard body and settle on his limp cock lying dormant against his thigh. She toys with the idea of waking him up with her mouth, when she spies the clock. Fuck! It's 10 o'clock already. She's supposed to meet her sister and her niece for some last minute wedding preparation. She leans over and brushes her lips lightly against his cock.

“Maybe tomorrow morning, big guy,” she whispers, reluctantly getting out of bed and heading for the shower.


Sylvia's heart is pounding in her chest. What has she gotten herself into? She can't see, she can't hear anything and she can barely move her arms and legs. It was Randy's idea to tie her to the bed using the soft Velcro cuffs he'd bought when he got the mask and the body stocking. Funny, he failed to mention them before, just springing them on her at the last minute. Randy said tying her spread-eagle on the bed would increase the intensity for her and would be an extremely erotic first impression for the other two guys coming to fuck her. She's in the bedroom of the hotel suite that Randy rented at an expensive downtown hotel. The cool air touches her nipples and her exposed pussy lips, sending shivers through her body. Randy was right about that, too. If her hands were free, she'd be tempted to touch herself, or pull the eye coverings off the mask.

She had met Randy at the hotel about half an hour ago, after spending the day with her mother and her Aunt Sally. They finalized everything for the wedding and had a nice lunch at a local restaurant. Her mother had the typical mother-of-the-bride control issues and Sylvia just let her have her way, her mind distracted by everything else going on this week. Aunt Sally was wonderful, telling her how lucky she was, how happy she was going to be and what a great guy Chris is. Sylvia was lucky to have Aunt Sally there to offset her mother's nervousness. Aunt Sally was always there for her and her brother and now, it sounds like she'll be there for Chris, too. After they get settled, her and Chris should invite Aunt Sally to come spend some time with them. Her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

After helping Sylvia into her body stocking and Mask, and tying her to the bed, Randy went down to the lobby to meet his dad and Chris. On the way up in the elevator, he again explained that this isn't some whore; she's a friend of his, who they are helping live out a multiple cock fantasy.

“Please treat her with respect,” Randy pleads with his dad and Chris. “She's really a nice girl and she's never done anything like this before.” They both look at him skeptically.

“Don't worry, Randy,” Chris says. “We'll be perfect gentlemen, while we're each sticking our cocks in a different hole,” he laughs. Randy's dad laughs too.

“Okay,” Randy gives up. “Listen now, she won't say a word because she's afraid you might recognize her voice,” Randy explains. “She'll be wearing a mask and a full body stocking… well, not exactly full. Her pussy, her ass and her tits are the only areas exposed.” His dad and Chris are listening intently as Randy opens the door to the suite.

“She's in the bedroom,” Randy says, indicating a door off to the side of the suite. “We can each fuck her as often and wherever we want as long as we finish with all three of us fucking her at once. The only rule is that no cock can go from her ass to her pussy or mouth without being thoroughly washed first. There is soap and towels in the bathroom. Ready?” They both nod as they head for the bedroom door.

Sylvia hears voices in the other room of the suite and her body tenses involuntarily. She's excited and scared at the same time. She hopes Randy picked the right guys and that her fantasy plays out the way she imagined it. The bedroom door opens and one of them whistles a low wolf whistle.

“Jesus Christ, man,” one of them says. She feels the bed move as one of them presumably sits on it. She feels a soft hand caress her left tit. She stiffens involuntarily at the touch, but it is very erotic. She's in a completely black world, her hands and feet are tied and she doesn't know the man touching her. He pinches her nipple. “Look at these tits,” he says as Sylvia strains to place the voice. She's sure she's heard it before. She relaxes a bit as she waits for him to speak again. The bed moves again. “I don't need these clothes,” the voice says from beside the bed. “You weren't kidding about her body, man! This chick is hot!” he says and Sylvia can't contain her shock! Chris! Randy brought her fiancé and he doesn't know it's her. No wonder Randy wanted her completely covered and told her not to speak. Why did he bring Chris? Who else did he bring?

“Wait a minute,” the other one says, and she feels the bed move, on the other side of her. Then a voice, close to her ear, whispers. “Miss, I want to ask you a couple of questions before we start. I know you don't want to speak so you can just nod your head, okay?” Sylvia is so stunned, she can barely move, but manages a slight nod. Her daddy! What the fuck is Randy doing. Her fiancé and her daddy are here to join in a three-cock onslaught of her.

“Are you here of your own free will?” the voice continues in a whisper, next to her ear. She nods. “Did anyone coerce you, intimidate you or pay you to do this?” he whispers as she shakes her head no. Her daddy. God, she loves him. He doesn't know who I am, but he's protecting me. “Is it your idea for three guys to fuck you at the same time, one in your ass, one in your pussy and one in your mouth?” She nods vigorously. Her daddy, her brother and her fiancé are going to fuck her all at the same time. And then, she gets it! Randy does know what he's doing. She loves them all and has already fucked them all. He couldn't have made her fantasy any better.

“It's my understanding that you've never done this before. Is that right?” Her daddy continues whispering. She nods her head. “Well, we'll try to make it memorable,” he says. “We're each going to fuck you several times in your pussy and your ass, to get you ready to take all three of us at once. Okay?” he asks. Sylvia nods again. She never thought of it like that. Fucking as foreplay! Her fantasy was always just three guys, all fucking her at once. She never gave much thought to the preliminaries. It makes sense, though. Again, she wonders what she's gotten herself into.”I've an idea, though,” Randy says, excitedly. “Tell Chris you're spending the night with your girlfriends and we can stay in the hotel together afterwards. What do you think?”

“I don't know how I can resist an offer like that,” Sylvia says smiling at him. “But don't expect much after I've had three cocks in me,” she laughs.

“Don't forget one of them will be mine, so I may not be up for much either,” Randy says. “But even if we just hold each other like we are now, I'd be happy,” Randy says, kissing Sylvia's hair. They just lay there holding each other for several minutes before either of them speaks again.

“How do we do it, Sis?” Randy asks. “Three cocks I mean… what kind of position do we use?”

“I don't know,” Sylvia admits. “I guess I straddle one in my pussy, leaning forward so another one can go up my ass and then lift my head to suck another one.” Sylvia sounds unsure.

“Let's do a little research before you go back to your room,” Randy says, going over to his computer. He opens his file sharing software and searches for double penetration video.

“Triple penetration,” Sylvia whispers, sitting on his lap. “Don't you mean triple penetration.” Randy adds triple penetration as a separate search.

“I figured there would be more on the double and we could get an idea,” Randy says, enjoying the feeling of his sister's bare ass on his lap. He gently massages her breasts and runs his hands up and down her stomach as the program searches. Randy selects several interesting looking files for download. As they wait for the downloads, he continues lightly caressing her body. Sylvia leans back against him, enjoying the tenderness of his touch. By the time the first download is complete, Randy's cock is pushing against Sylvia's ass, straining against her weight. She shifts her ass cheeks, catching his cock between her legs and settles her ass farther back on his lap.

“Here's the first one,” Randy whispers as his sister opens and closes her legs around his hard cock. Randy clicks the file and the image fills the screen. The woman is in the exact position Sylvia described, but she's on a couch instead of a bed. The couch back seems to give the second man the added leverage he needs to get his cock in her ass and maintain his balance. It also allows the woman to lean on the arm of the couch to position her mouth on the third man standing at the end of the couch.

“Wow,” Sylvia whispers as the camera zooms in on the cocks going in and out of the woman's adjacent holes. “I didn't think about one pulling out while the other pushes in, but it makes sense,” Sylvia comments, moving her legs faster against Randy's hard cock. Abruptly, she stops, raises her ass off his lap, reaches between her legs and lines up his hard cock with her wet pussy lips. Sitting back down, his cock easily glides into her slick pussy. She wiggles her ass around until he's fully imbedded in her fuck hole and then starts rocking up and down in short bouncy motions.

“Let's see the next one,” she says, continuing to rock her ass on his hard cock.

“Sure,” Randy pants, reaching around her to the mouse. He clicks on the next file and the screen fills with another image of triple penetration. This time, one guy is on his back on the floor with the girl riding his cock and a second man is squatting behind her with his cock sliding in and out of her ass. The third man stands with his feet on either side of the first guy's shoulders, pumping his cock into her mouth. After clicking the file, Randy wraps his hands around Sylvia's tits, squeezing them as she bounces on his cock.

“Mmmmmmm,” Sylvia sighs as Randy mauls her tits and she increases the pace of her jouncing action. Her pussy is leaking juice all over his upper thighs as she watches the video and pushes down harder on her brother's cock.

They watch three more videos, increasing the intensity of their coupling with each erotic scene. Sometime around the second or third video, Randy slides one of his hands down Sylvia's stomach and his fingers find her clit. Sylvia moans and rocks harder, leaning back into him as she pounds her pussy down around his hard cock. As they're watching the final video, Sylvia slams her ass down on Randy's lap, clenches her pussy muscles around his throbbing cock and jerks shakily as the tremors of another orgasm shoot through her shivering body.

Randy, trying to hold back until his sister could join him, now squeezes her body tightly against his and shoots several bursts of cum inside Sylvia's hot, pulsating pussy.

“Mmmmm,” Sylvia sighs as Randy kisses her neck. “I thought we were done for tonight until you started showing me your porn collection,” Sylvia laughs. “What do you think?”

“They all use the same basic position,” he answers. “Two of them were on couches and three on the floor, but none were on the bed. I just always thought of it on a bed.”

“I wonder if it's too hard for the second and third guys to balance on a bed,” Sylvia asks, enjoying the full feeling of Randy's cock still inside her pussy. “The floor actually looked liked the better position, don't you think?” Sylvia suddenly laughs at how calmly they're discussing her taking multiple cocks as if they were talking about where the furniture should go.

“What's so funny, Sis,” Randy asks.

“Just the absurdity of all this,” Sylvia says, wiggling her ass against him. “If you'd have asked me yesterday if I would ever be sitting on your cock, with porn videos playing, discussing what position will be best for me to take two more cocks inside me, I'd have said you were insane,” she laughs again. “But here we are!” Pulling her pussy off of Randy's cock, she releases a flood of mixed juices all over his thighs and down his balls.

“Sorry,” Sylvia offers, looking at the mess. “I better get back to my room before Mom or Dad hear us.” Sylvia kneels down and kisses Randy's cock. “See you tonight, big guy,” she says, then kisses Randy on the mouth, grabs her t-shirt and leaves his room without putting it on.

Goddamn! Randy thinks sitting back on his desk chair with his hands clasped behind his head. Goddamn!

Sylvia pours her limp body into bed and curls beneath the covers. Her body is totally spent as she reflects on the intensity of the last couple of hours. Randy really loves her, not brotherly love, but deep emotional intimacy. He could have blackmailed her to do whatever he wanted, but instead, he worked to discover her most erotic fantasy, and then blackmailed her into doing it. She's going to have to think of a way to repay him. She hopes tonight goes as well as he says it will. She's a little nervous about it.


“Thank you, Aunt Sally,” Chris says, rolling off of her, his spent cock falling languidly out of her swampy hole. “I really needed that!”

“Fuck!” Sally sighs. “I can't move,” she cries, laughing. “My legs feel like they've been wrung out. It feels like I've expelled all the strength out of my body.”

“That's not all you expelled,” Chris laughs, his cheeks and chin still damp with her juices. “I thought I was going to drown,” he teases, kissing her cheeks. “Seriously, I like how you welcome a nephew into the family. Now, come on, roll over so I can get that bad boy out of your ass,” Chris says, his hand on her hip, helping her roll up on her side. He gently extracts the butt plug from Sally's ass and tosses it on the floor. Sally rolls onto her back and sighs.

“Memorable?” Chris asks her as he absently plays with her lush tits, gently caressing her nipples.

“One for the record books!” Sally smiles at him. Grabbing him by the hair, she pulls his lips to hers, kissing him passionately. He returns her kiss, squeezing her tits while he pushes his tongue into her mouth.

“Aunt Sally?” Chris says, breaking the kiss. “Can I ask you something?”

“Whatever you want, lover,” Sally answers; enjoying the attention he's giving her tits.

“Well, what we did tonight,” Chris says, tweaking her nipples with his hands. “That's kind of what I have in mind for Sylvia on our wedding night. You know, the bath and all. I want to make sure our first night as a married couple, is really special. So, tell me, what do you think?”

“I think,” Sally says, kissing his forehead. “If you do to Sylvia what you did to me tonight.” Kissing his cheeks and his chin. “It'll be the perfect start of a very long, happy marriage.” Pushing him onto his back, Sally kisses his neck and then trails kisses down his chest before sucking his nipples into her mouth.

“Good,” Chris says, lying back. “That's what I want.” By the time Sally has kissed her way down to his navel, his cock is starting to stir. Kneeling between his legs, Sally licks the entire length of his semi-erect cock, before sucking his cock head into her mouth. His cock stiffens even further as she wraps her hand around the base and feeds more of it into her warm, wet mouth.

“Oh fuck!” Chris moans. Raising his ass off the bed to push more of his cock into Sally's mouth. She takes her time; flicking her tongue around his cock as she slides her moist lips up and down it's length. Sally tried to do this two hours ago, but Chris had other ideas, which in retrospect she's glad she didn't argue with him.

Sally loves giving head and has no intention of letting the evening end without sucking his cock. She loves the full feeling of a hard cock in her mouth, she loves the teasing, and the control it gives her, over her partner's pleasure. No stranger to the taste of her own juices, Sally views the thick coating of her pussy flavor on Chris' cock as an added bonus, awakening her pleasure center and adding more lubrication to her already slippery hole.

“Ohhhhhhh!” Chris moans as Sally fondles his balls with her fingertips. He never, in his wildest imagination, dreamed he would be getting a world-class blowjob from his fiancé's aunt; she obviously enjoys what she's doing and knows how to pleasure a man. Every time he gets close, she pulls back or slows down, prolonging his pleasure and increasing his built-up tension. He's getting close again. Bucking his hips and shoving his cock as far into her mouth as he can, he tenses his legs, readying himself for his release.

“What the fuck!” he yells as Sally pulls her mouth off his cock, firmly pinching just below his cockhead with her thumb and her fingers.

“You don't want to cum yet, lover,” she says smiling as she holds his throbbing cock. “That would just end the pleasure we're building up to.” Pausing for a minute, she adds. ‘It's your turn to trust me, Chris.” Sliding her hand down his saliva coated cock; she flicks her tongue where her fingers were just pinching and sucks his cock back into her mouth. Chris has never felt anything like this. He's thrashing around on the bed, trying to get his elusive climax while Aunt Sally is teasing him mercilessly.

“Oh fuck, Aunt Sally! I need to cum this time!” Chris begs. This is the part Sally loves the most; the fact that his release is completely at her discretion. She could tease him for the rest of the night if she wanted and he'd be helpless to prevent it. His moaning and begging just makes her pussy wetter. Which gives her another idea for teasing him. Pulling her mouth completely off his swollen cock, she scoots her body up, while keeping her hand firmly around him. Straddling his throbbing cock she rubs it back and forth across her pussy lips and then lets go as she drops down hard, engulfing his hard cock inside her saturated pussy.

“Oh my god!” Chris yells, thrusting his cock deeper inside Aunt Sally's pussy. Sally sits upright, molding her pussy tightly around his cock, but not moving. She positions her weight on him, to keep him from being able to move, and then, leaning her head down, she pushes her tongue into his mouth. Chris' cock feels so fucking good squeezed inside Aunt Sally's pussy, but he needs to move, he needs to cum!

“Ride me, Aunt Sally! Please move your pussy on my cock! It feels so fucking good! Just ride me!” Chris yells, breaking off the kiss.

“Not yet, lover,” she says, kissing him quickly before jumping off his cock and dropping back down between his legs. Sucking his pussy-drenched cock into her mouth, she feels like she could almost orgasm from the taste. This time she sucks him rapidly, yanking his cock in and out of her mouth, caressing his balls and driving him over the edge.

“Ohhhhhhh! God! I'm cummmmmming!” Chris yells, tensing his legs and pushing against Sally's firm grip on his cock. His first load bursts into Sally's mouth and she hurriedly swallows the salty taste. Pumping his cock with her hand, milking him through his climax, she sucks and swallows until he collapses back on the bed, fully spent. Licking him clean, she sits up, licking her lips proudly, knowing none spilled out.

“You are amazing, Aunt Sally!” Chris says as she snuggles up next to him.

“You aren't so bad yourself, nephew,” she laughs. “Now, we better both get some sleep, it's almost morning.”


Sally opens one eye and sees Chris sleeping next to her. Fuck, it wasn't a dream. She really did seduce, or maybe she was seduced by, her niece's fiancé. It's been a long time since she woke up with a man in her bed. She opens her eyes and slowly stretches so as not to wake him. Lying on her side she watches him sleep. The guilt that she feels, for having fucked her niece's fiancé, is offset by the tingle she feels in her pussy as she relives last night's lustful encounter. Her eyes travel down his hard body and settle on his limp cock lying dormant against his thigh. She toys with the idea of waking him up with her mouth, when she spies the clock. Fuck! It's 10 o'clock already. She's supposed to meet her sister and her niece for some last minute wedding preparation. She leans over and brushes her lips lightly against his cock.

“Maybe tomorrow morning, big guy,” she whispers, reluctantly getting out of bed and heading for the shower.


Sylvia's heart is pounding in her chest. What has she gotten herself into? She can't see, she can't hear anything and she can barely move her arms and legs. It was Randy's idea to tie her to the bed using the soft Velcro cuffs he'd bought when he got the mask and the body stocking. Funny, he failed to mention them before, just springing them on her at the last minute. Randy said tying her spread-eagle on the bed would increase the intensity for her and would be an extremely erotic first impression for the other two guys coming to fuck her. She's in the bedroom of the hotel suite that Randy rented at an expensive downtown hotel. The cool air touches her nipples and her exposed pussy lips, sending shivers through her body. Randy was right about that, too. If her hands were free, she'd be tempted to touch herself, or pull the eye coverings off the mask.

She had met Randy at the hotel about half an hour ago, after spending the day with her mother and her Aunt Sally. They finalized everything for the wedding and had a nice lunch at a local restaurant. Her mother had the typical mother-of-the-bride control issues and Sylvia just let her have her way, her mind distracted by everything else going on this week. Aunt Sally was wonderful, telling her how lucky she was, how happy she was going to be and what a great guy Chris is. Sylvia was lucky to have Aunt Sally there to offset her mother's nervousness. Aunt Sally was always there for her and her brother and now, it sounds like she'll be there for Chris, too. After they get settled, her and Chris should invite Aunt Sally to come spend some time with them. Her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

After helping Sylvia into her body stocking and Mask, and tying her to the bed, Randy went down to the lobby to meet his dad and Chris. On the way up in the elevator, he again explained that this isn't some whore; she's a friend of his, who they are helping live out a multiple cock fantasy.

“Please treat her with respect,” Randy pleads with his dad and Chris. “She's really a nice girl and she's never done anything like this before.” They both look at him skeptically.

“Don't worry, Randy,” Chris says. “We'll be perfect gentlemen, while we're each sticking our cocks in a different hole,” he laughs. Randy's dad laughs too.

“Okay,” Randy gives up. “Listen now, she won't say a word because she's afraid you might recognize her voice,” Randy explains. “She'll be wearing a mask and a full body stocking… well, not exactly full. Her pussy, her ass and her tits are the only areas exposed.” His dad and Chris are listening intently as Randy opens the door to the suite.

“She's in the bedroom,” Randy says, indicating a door off to the side of the suite. “We can each fuck her as often and wherever we want as long as we finish with all three of us fucking her at once. The only rule is that no cock can go from her ass to her pussy or mouth without being thoroughly washed first. There is soap and towels in the bathroom. Ready?” They both nod as they head for the bedroom door.

Sylvia hears voices in the other room of the suite and her body tenses involuntarily. She's excited and scared at the same time. She hopes Randy picked the right guys and that her fantasy plays out the way she imagined it. The bedroom door opens and one of them whistles a low wolf whistle.

“Jesus Christ, man,” one of them says. She feels the bed move as one of them presumably sits on it. She feels a soft hand caress her left tit. She stiffens involuntarily at the touch, but it is very erotic. She's in a completely black world, her hands and feet are tied and she doesn't know the man touching her. He pinches her nipple. “Look at these tits,” he says as Sylvia strains to place the voice. She's sure she's heard it before. She relaxes a bit as she waits for him to speak again. The bed moves again. “I don't need these clothes,” the voice says from beside the bed. “You weren't kidding about her body, man! This chick is hot!” he says and Sylvia can't contain her shock! Chris! Randy brought her fiancé and he doesn't know it's her. No wonder Randy wanted her completely covered and told her not to speak. Why did he bring Chris? Who else did he bring?

“Wait a minute,” the other one says, and she feels the bed move, on the other side of her. Then a voice, close to her ear, whispers. “Miss, I want to ask you a couple of questions before we start. I know you don't want to speak so you can just nod your head, okay?” Sylvia is so stunned, she can barely move, but manages a slight nod. Her daddy! What the fuck is Randy doing. Her fiancé and her daddy are here to join in a three-cock onslaught of her.

“Are you here of your own free will?” the voice continues in a whisper, next to her ear. She nods. “Did anyone coerce you, intimidate you or pay you to do this?” he whispers as she shakes her head no. Her daddy. God, she loves him. He doesn't know who I am, but he's protecting me. “Is it your idea for three guys to fuck you at the same time, one in your ass, one in your pussy and one in your mouth?” She nods vigorously. Her daddy, her brother and her fiancé are going to fuck her all at the same time. And then, she gets it! Randy does know what he's doing. She loves them all and has already fucked them all. He couldn't have made her fantasy any better.

“It's my understanding that you've never done this before. Is that right?” Her daddy continues whispering. She nods her head. “Well, we'll try to make it memorable,” he says. “We're each going to fuck you several times in your pussy and your ass, to get you ready to take all three of us at once. Okay?” he asks. Sylvia nods again. She never thought of it like that. Fucking as foreplay! Her fantasy was always just three guys, all fucking her at once. She never gave much thought to the preliminaries. It makes sense, though. Again, she wonders what she's gotten herself into.

“Okay,” Sylvia hears her father say loudly to the other two. “Before you guys gunk this up with your nasty spunk, I'm going to taste this lovely girl's treasures. Sylvia lies back, relaxed; ready to be pleasured by the three men she loves the most. If they only knew!

“You okay with this,” Randy's voice whispering in her other ear. She nods, affirmatively; she's never been so okay with something in her life. “I was afraid to tell you ahead of time,” he whispers. “I thought you'd freak out.” He's probably right.

“Mmmmmm,” the mask muffles Sylvia's moan as a tongue unexpectedly licks her pussy lips. Her legs are already spread apart and she can barely move them, so she just lies back, enjoying the sensations. Another muffled moan escapes her lips when, without warning, her nipples are each engulfed in a moist mouth, sucking furiously and nibbling on the tips. Sylvia figures they must have choreographed their mouths sucking her tits at exactly the same moment but she doesn't dwell on it because other sensations are taking over. The tongue on her pussy slips between her lips, plunging into her hot cavern. She has never felt anything like it. The darkness just adds to the erotic fantasy. She doesn't know which tit is Randy and which is Chris; she's pretty sure her daddy is between her legs.

Sylvia concentrates, trying to figure out if she can tell the difference between their mouths. They're both sucking and biting with their mouths, while squeezing her tit with their hand. It's like they're watching and copying each other's actions. She can't discern any difference.

“Oohhhhmmmfff,” another muffled cry, when her daddy sucks her clit in his mouth. She's trying desperately to raise her ass off the bed and buck her pussy against his mouth, but the restraints won't let her. She's thrashing about on the bed as the unseen assault on her body builds her orgasm to dizzying heights.

Frank can't believe his son set this up. This is the most erotic experience of his life. This girl's pussy tastes so fucking good and her responsiveness to his tongue reminds him of his daughter's uninhibited reactions. He wondered what he was going to do, seeing Sylvia the rest of this week without being able to touch her. Then, his son invites him to this weird, erotic bachelor party for his new son-in-law. Fucking amazing! He can feel her getting close and he knows she's going to need plenty of foreplay to get his fat cock inside of her. He pushes on, sucking harder on her clit and twisting two fingers inside her hot, wet pussy, driving her toward her first orgasm of the night. Stretching his arm down her leg, he releases the restraints around her ankles, allowing her to move her legs.

“Ahhhhhhhhhmmmmffff,” her voice still muffled, Sylvia screams behind the mask as her orgasm rips through her body. Pulling on her legs, she feels them unexpectedly released and she clamps her thighs around her daddy's head, shivering through the intensity of her climax. Randy and Chris are still sucking her tits when she feels her daddy lifting her legs in the air.

“Who wants to be first?” he asks, pushing her legs wide apart.

“I do.” Sylvia hears Chris say as he lifts his mouth from her nipple. “If you guys get in there first, I won't even be able to feel it,” he laughs. Sylvia almost laughs with him. Chris must have gotten a good look at their cocks. They are a lot thicker than Chris's but she loves how his feels inside of her; comfortable without stretching her out. Her daddy releases her legs, but she keeps her knees pulled up and legs apart as she feels movement on the bed. She feels Chris's hands through the body stocking as he presses her thighs apart and positions his cock between her pussy lips.

“She's soaking wet,” Chris exclaims. “You're really enjoying this, aren't you, sweetheart?” Chris asks and she nods rapidly as his cock invades her anxiously waiting pussy. Sylvia feels his fullness inside her as her mouth covering is removed.

“This will give you an idea of what you'll be getting later,” her daddy whispers as he turns her head to the side and pushes his hard cock against her lips. She opens her mouth wide around his familiar cock, sucking the head into her mouth. Flicking her tongue against the base of it, she sucks more of his giant cock into her mouth. She wishes she had her hands free to help her. She tugs at the restraints hoping they'll be released.

Chris wasn't sure he wanted to participate in this gangbang, especially after his night with Aunt Sally. He was really hoping to get home early and spend another exciting night inside her appreciative pussy, but this girl is hot! Where the fuck did Randy find a slut like this? When he first saw her spread-eagled on the bed, with just her pussy lips and tits uncovered, he thought he'd stumbled onto the set of a porn movie. The mask and the body stocking, contrasting with those creamy white tits, created such an erotic vision that all thoughts of Aunt Sally vanished immediately.

Her pussy is gripping and massaging his cock as he pounds into her and the sight of his future father-in-law's cock disappearing into her mouth at the same time, is rapidly driving him toward his climax. Shit! He's going to cum a lot faster than he expected. Randy is still sucking and pinching her tits and the girl is thrashing around trying to get her arms free. Apparently he isn't the only one who's going to cum quickly.

“Oh fuck!” Frank yells as he shoots his load of cum into the masked girl's mouth. She keeps sucking and swallowing as he jerks his cock between her lips, depositing more of his cum onto her tongue. She sucks every drop of cum from his huge cock, before letting it drop from her mouth. Watching this live porn show pushes Chris past the point of no return and his cock erupts inside her well-lubricated pussy while she rocks her ass up and down against him.

Sylvia's first experience with two cocks was amazing although she didn't have another big orgasm. She was fondled and fucked through several little tremors that have kept her arousal at its peak level. She loves sucking the cum from her daddy's huge cock but the addition of Chris' cock cumming in her pussy at the same time was just so overwhelming. Her hands are being untied as another cock glides into her pussy. It must be Randy, because she doesn't think her daddy could recover that fast without help. He immediately starts a rapid pounding motion in her pussy, like he understands her need for a bigger release.

“Here sweetheart,” she hears Chris' voice as he wraps her hand around his slippery cock. “Clean this up and help me get it ready for your ass,” he says, pushing the head towards her lips. With her hands free, she grips his cock around the base and squeezes rhythmically as she sucks the head into her mouth. Randy's jack hammering action on her pussy is having it's affect and she moans around Chris' recovering cock.

Randy wants Sylvia to get close to cumming before he flips her over and gets the first shot at her ass. He's never fucked anyone in the ass before, and the idea of his sister being his first, has made his cock twice as hard as it would normally be.

With her hands and feed untied, Sylvia has a little more control. She's pumping Chris' cock into her mouth while fondling his balls with her other hand. She has her knees bent and her legs pulled back to give Randy the widest opening possible for his thick cock. As she sucks and licks Chris's hard cock, Randy's rapid-fire pounding is pushing her closer to her needed release. Planting her feet firmly on the bed, Sylvia bucks her ass up, meeting Randy's strokes and driving him farther inside her inflamed pussy.

As Randy feels Sylvia getting close, he stops pounding and pulls his cock completely out of her pussy.

“Mmmmmffff,” Sylvia protests around Chris' cock. Why the fuck did he stop, she wonders. I was so fucking close!

“Pull out of her mouth a second, okay?” Randy says to Chris. “It's time for her to roll over, so we can open the back door.” Chris moves back, pulling his cock out of Sylvia's mouth. “Okay,” Randy says, tapping her on her hip. “Roll over and get up on all fours.” While Sylvia is rolling over, Randy grabs a tube of lubricant that he'd left on the dresser, earlier. When she's on her hands and knees, pointing her firm, round ass cheeks at him, he squeezes some of the lubricant onto his finger. Randy circles her asshole with his finger, liberally smearing the lubricant around the opening.

Randy nods at Chris who moves back into position, pushing his hard cock through the opening in the mask. Sliding his lubricated finger into Sylvia's ass, Randy twists it all around to coat the inside of her opening. A couple more squeezes of lubricant on his fingers and she's ready for his cock. He eases the head into her opening, going slowly to let her get use to his size.

Sylvia was upset when Randy stopped fucking her, but now she's on all fours and getting excited as he lubricates her asshole. When Chris pushes his cock back in her mouth, she attacks it with renewed enthusiasm as she waits for Randy's fat cock to infiltrate her ass. She's taken her daddy's cock in her ass and Randy's is smaller than his, but Randy's never done this before and he's taking too long. Adjusting her knees on the bed, Sylvia relaxes her sphincter and pushes back against Randy's thick cock. The head pops into her ass and then his cock glides the rest of the way along her lubricated channel. With his cock all the way up her ass, she adjusts her balance and waits for him to start pumping in and out.

Randy can't believe how tight his sister's asshole is. She had to help him get it in, but now he's starting a steady rhythm, fucking in and out of her tight ass. It feels incredible. He grabs her hips with his hands and starts pulling her back against him and then pushing her forward, creating a synchronized rhythm with Chris's cock going in and out of her mouth.

“Mmmmmm,” Sylvia moans around Chris' cock as a jolt of pleasure surges through her body. There's a finger rubbing circles on her clit. It must be her daddy. He must be lying under her because he's also sucking on her nipple. Oh fuck! This is just what she needs! Her daddy is manipulating her clit while her brother is fucking her ass and she's sucking on Chris' cock. Her daddy knows just what he's doing and her orgasm is rapidly building back up. She's moving of her own accord now, slamming her ass back against Randy's cock while eagerly devouring Chris' cock; stroking his balls and pumping him in and out of her mouth. This is it! It's building! She's almost there!

Randy saw his dad scoot his body under Sylvia's. He can see him sucking her tits and he surmises, by the way she's moving, that his dad is also touching her clit. He was trying to be gentle with her ass, but now she's the one who's increased the pace and has him about to shoot his load. He's holding back, hoping to cum at the same time she does, but the friction in her tight ass is working against him as she keeps thrusting her ass back harder and harder. Feeling his balls tighten, Randy tenses his legs and yanks his sister's hips back, driving his cock into her up to his balls.. Erupting in short, convulsive spurts, he shoots his load deep inside her ass.

“Mmmmmmm!” Sylvia's orgasm is shooting through her like a fucking earthquake. Her daddy pinched her clit, just as her brother shot his load in her ass and Chris exploded into her mouth. She was gasping at the unexpected lightning bolt from her clit, just as Chris started cumming and she almost choked. She jerked her head away, while continuing to pump his cock and then, recovered in time to swallow most of his cum. Her brother is still jerking against her ass and her daddy has slid his fingers in her pussy while he continues to suck her tits.

“Who's next?” asks Randy as he pulls his spent cock from his sister's ass. “I've got to go clean up,” he says, heading to the bathroom.

“I am,” Frank yells, crawling out from under Sylvia's body.

Sylvia is still on her hands and knees, trying to catch her breath from her intensive orgasm, when she feels her daddy pushing his hard cock into her asshole. She braces herself and his cock easily slips into her well-lubricated, pre-stretched hole. Sylvia, totally spent from the non-stop sucking and fucking, lowers her head to the bed as her daddy starts pumping his cock in and out of her cum-filled ass.

Sylvia's naive multiple cock fantasy has always been about the finale. She never really thought about the continuous fucking from different cocks, one after another. She's never experienced such an excruciating onslaught on her body before. As soon as one cock is pulled out another one takes its place. Her daddy's cock feels good sliding in and out of her ass, but she's too drained from the previous fuckings to respond very much. Her mouth tastes of cum, her thighs are sticky and her clit is sensitive; she feels like a giant cum receptacle.

Frank is enjoying himself a lot more than he thought he would. This young, uninhibited, hottie is amazing. She's taken it in her mouth, her pussy and her ass without a single hesitation and her asshole feels so good right now, his balls are building to another major climax. Leaning forward, he starts pounding faster into her puckered asshole.

When her daddy picks up the pace, Sylvia reaches between her legs and runs her fingers up and down her soppy pussy lips. Her fingers settle on her engorged clit and she gently rubs back and forth to the rhythm of the cock in her ass. Feeling her pleasure building, she pushes her ass back to meet his strokes, while increasing the pressure on her tender clit.

“Ohhh Fuck!” Frank yells as the masked woman pushes back against him, driving his hard cock deeper inside her slippery asshole. Pumping wildly with long penetrating strokes, Frank finally slams deep inside her asshole, shooting his second load of cum and collapsing against her back.

“You okay?” Randy whispers next to her ear. Sylvia nods her head. “You ready for the big finish?” Sylvia nods again, not sure she really is. This is her fantasy, but she feels like she's been through a battle in the middle of a swamp. Sticky liquid is running out of her ass and pussy and she feels numb all over. “Rest a minute and we'll get started,” Randy says, giving her a drink of water, while his dad cleans up his cock and takes time to recover. Randy has decided that Frank should be in her pussy, Chris in her ass and he'll take her mouth. None of them are repeating positions.

“Okay, we're going to do this one on the floor,” Randy announces after they've rested a few minutes. “You'll be on your back,” he says, pointing to his dad. “And she'll straddle you with your cock in her pussy.” Randy shows his dad where to lie on the floor. “You'll crouch behind her,” he tells Chris. “When she's ready, insert your cock in her ass. You guys will have to time your strokes so one is pulling out while the other is pushing in,” Randy says as he leads Sylvia over to where his dad is already lying on the floor. “When you two are in position and she's ready, she'll signal me that she's ready for my cock in her mouth.”

“You're going to have to help him get hard again,” Randy says to Sylvia, helping her kneel between her daddy's legs and find his cock with her hands. “He was the last one to cum in you.” Sylvia lowers her head to her daddy's cock as Randy continues. “When he's ready, position yourself on his cock and we'll do the rest.” Sylvia licks up and down his shaft, flicking her tongue in all the sensitive places that she knows will get him ready, and then starts pumping her daddy's cock in and out of her mouth. Using her hand to tantalize his balls, she has his cock hard in no time.

Wow! Frank can't remember a time when he recovered so fast. The sight of his cock disappearing into the mask's opening, coupled with this young girl's excellent skills, has his cock stiffening rapidly. Pulling her mouth back to suck on just the head, she squeezes his cock rhythmically just under the cockhead, bringing it to full arousal hardness. Continuing to hold the cock with her hand, she positions it against her soggy pussy lips, and then drops down, fully imbedding it in her swampy hole.

“Ohhh!” Frank moans as she squeezes his cock with her pussy muscles. He is fully recovered and ready to start pumping in and out of her pussy as he feels her shifting her weight around on him.

Sylvia wiggles her ass around, getting comfortable on her daddy's huge cock and then leans forward to allow easy access to her asshole. She's not sure whether Chris or Randy is going to fuck her ass, but she hopes it's Chris because of his size. Feeling pressure on her asshole, she leans down farther, dragging her hard nipples against her daddy's hairy chest. Relaxing as much as she can, she feels the cock slip past her sphincter and slide deeply into her cum filled ass. That's two.

Chris is trying to balance himself, crouched down, with his feet on either side off his future father-in-law's legs, With his hands on the mystery woman's stocking covered hips, he positions his stiff cock against her stretched out asshole and easily slips it into her back channel. He feels his cock rub up against Frank's fat cock on the other side of the thin membrane, separating the two holes. It feels weird to be rubbing his cock against another cock, even if it is inside a hot, young, slut like this.

“Aggghhhhh!” Sylvia says, pointing to her open mouth. She's ready for the third cock. Randy steps forward, with his feet on either side of his dad's shoulders and using his hands to position her head, pushes his cock into her mouth.

“Okay,” Randy says. “Let's see if we can get a rhythm going,” He waits for his dad and Chris to start moving, and then tries to pick up on their rhythm.

Oh fuck! This is just what she wanted! Sylvia is in cock heaven. The constant barrage of cocks all evening has left her stretched-out, lubricated up, and well primed for this final multiple-cock onslaught. When she touched the hairy chest, of the man lying under her, she knew instantly where everyone was. Her daddy's and Chris' cocks are gliding easily in and out of her pussy and ass, alternating strokes, like two pistons in a well-tuned engine. She's trying to concentrate on Randy's blowjob, but she can't focus. Right now, her mouth is just another hole being fucked.

Oh god! Her daddy is squeezing her tits; pinching and twisting her nipples. All the nerve endings in every pleasure center in her body are on overload! She can feel her orgasm building, but she can't pinpoint the source; it's like her whole body is building to one large orgasm. She wants to push back, to join the rhythm, but she can't. As one cock pulls out, the other one pushes in, which one does she push against? Randy's has his hands on the sides of the mask, holding her head as he pumps his hard cock into her mouth. She half-heartedly tries flicking her tongue against it, but her intense level of arousal has left her panting around the sides of his cock as it slides between her tongue and the roof of her mouth.

Oh fuck! Oh fuck! All three cocks are pumping faster and faster. Her daddy is literally mauling her tits, squeezing, pinching and stretching her hard nipples. Her black world, inside the blindfold, only adds to her arousal as her body is besieged on all sides. The small tremors that have been ripping through her body all evening, are now almost constant. Her orgasm is building to an excruciating peak. Come on guys, fuck me harder! She grabs her brother's cock and pumps it frantically in and out of her mouth.

Chris is surprised to find his release building so soon. He's already cum twice tonight; he should be lasting a lot longer. The sight of this sexy slut, viciously devouring Randy's cock, coupled with him pumping his cock in and out of her slick, snug asshole, have him ready to shoot another load. Her creamy white ass cheeks are so fucking round and smooth, they remind him of Sylvia's lovely ass. Poor Sylvia, she's out with her girlfriends, probably shoving dollar bills in the jock of some male stripper. She's just teasing herself, while he's here with this amazing multiple cock slut!

Frank is frantically pumping his big cock in and out of this masked, mystery woman, rubbing up against Chris' cock as they alternate strokes. She is so fucking hot, with the most luscious tits he's ever seen, except for maybe his daughter's. Pinching and pulling on her nipples, while the tension builds in his balls, he still can't believe his teenage son knows a woman like this. How the hell did he meet this woman, get involved with her sexually and then set up a foursome like this? Damn! He wasn't expecting anyone quite like this, that's for sure. And he can't remember the last time he came three times in rapid succession.

Randy is getting so fucking close. Sylvia just grabbed his cock and started sucking the shit out of it! With one hand on his cock, the other hand on his balls, she's flicking her tongue up and down the underside of his shaft. Oh fuck! He's ready to cum. He grabs the mask on either side of her head and jerkily starts shooting his load into her welcoming mouth.

“MMmmmmmph!” Sylvia moans around Randy's cock as the assault on her pussy and ass continues. She feels Randy's balls tighten in her hand and she gives them a gentle squeeze as she slides her lips down his cock to the head. Pumping furiously, the first spurt of cum hits the roof of her mouth and she rapidly alternates swallowing and sucking, while he continues to shoot inside her mouth. When he is completely drained, she lets his cock drop from her mouth and leans forward, pushing her clit against her daddy's pelvic bone.

“Mmmmmmmm!” she moans as a lightning bolt of pleasure surges through her body. With her engorged clit now part of the action, her orgasm starts rumbling through her body like a runaway locomotive. Picking up steam, on a collision course with the two cocks pumping in and out of her ass and pussy, she holds her body still while her head and shoulders tremble. The thunderous explosion, mushrooming throughout the lower half of her body, nearly makes her see stars.

“AHHHhhhhhhhhhhh!” she screams as the aftershocks continue to shake her body and the two cocks erupt in unison in her saturated, well-fucked holes. Chris collapses on her back, panting, his cock still buried inside her snug little ass. This pushes Sylvia down on her daddy's chest and she can feel his chest hair against her sensitive, taut nipples. Everyone is breathing hard and gasping for air.

Chris is the first to move. Pulling his cock from her juicy ass, he runs his hand over her smooth ass cheeks. “You are just fucking amazing,” he says, continuing to caress the smooth round curves of her beautiful white ass. “I hope it was everything you wanted.” Lightly slapping her ass cheek, playfully. Sylvia nods; at least she thinks she does. She is so fucking weak, she's not sure if her head moved or not.

Randy helps Sylvia disengage herself from her daddy's thick cock, releasing a shower of juicy cream all over his thighs as she rolls over onto the floor. Frank leans up, still catching his breath. “That was unbelievable!” he whispers in her ear. “Thank you!” Getting up, he looks down at her lying spread-eagle, on her back, catching her breath. Her erect nipples, pointing up at the ceiling, are a bright pink contrast against her creamy, white tits. The body stocking around her pussy is soaking wet and her puffy, pink pussy lips continue to exude a steady flow of mixed juices, running down between her ass cheeks and pooling on the carpeting.

“Let's leave her alone, now,” Randy says, herding his dad and Chris into the other room. “Do you guys want to shower before you leave?” he asks, hoping they'll opt to clean up at home.

“Nah! We can do it at home,” Chris says, pulling on his underwear. “Randy, man, I've got to hand it to you!” Chris says smiling. “She was everything you promised and then some!”

“Yeah, son,” his dad says, clapping him on the back. “I don't know where you met her, or what your relationship is, but if I were you, I wouldn't do anything to fuck it up,” he says, laughing.

“Do we really know her?” Chris asks. “I don't think I know anyone like that?” Lowering his voice as he puts his shoes on. “Who is she?” he almost whispers.

“I can't tell you, but you have met her,” Randy says cryptically.

“Is she a close friend?” his dad wants to know. “Will she be at the wedding?”

“Yes, she'll be at the wedding,” Randy laughs. “But you probably won't recognize her and I'm not going to point her out to you, so enough already.” He hasn't started getting dressed at all. “I'm going to stay here a while,” he says. “I'll see you guys tomorrow.”

“Thanks again, Randy,” Chris says as he and Frank leave, closing the door behind them.

Sylvia is still on her back on the floor, when Randy goes back in the bedroom.

“Well,” he says, kneeling down beside her and running his hand over her smooth, round tits.

“Help me get out of this fucking thing!” Sylvia shouts. “I'm sweating like a pig!” Randy laughs as he releases the neck strap and pulls the mask over her head. Her face is glowing bright red, but her smile is unmistakable.

“Oh Randy!” Sylvia says, hugging her brother. “Thank you! I never dreamed… I mean it was… it was more than… I don't know how to describe… Fuck! I almost passed out…”

“Shhh!” he says, taking her in his arms and holding her against him. “I think I get the idea.” Randy leans back and releases the catch on the front of the body suit, slipping it off her shoulders. “A nice hot bath is what you need,” Randy says, pulling the body suit over her tits and down to her waist.

“Yuck! A bath?” Sylvia stares at him. “I don't think I want all this gunk, floating around in my bath,” she says, dipping her fingers into her stretched-out pussy and pulling out a long, goopy string. “How about a shower first, until all this junk runs out of me,” she suggests, lifting her hips so Randy can pull the body suit the rest of the way off. Tossing the body suit aside, Randy helps Sylvia onto the bed and lies down next to her. Pulling her naked body against his, he rubs her back and strokes her damp hair.

“So, it was okay with you that it was Dad and Chris?” Randy asks quietly. “I wasn't sure… at first I thought it would be wonderful for you… and then I wondered if you'd think I was trying to flaunt the fact that you were fucking them both… and, anyway… I just hoped it would be what you wanted.”

“It was perfect!” Sylvia says, snuggling up to her little brother. “At first, I was totally shocked and wondered what the fuck you were thinking,” she says, rubbing her hand up and down his chest. “Then, it made perfect sense. The three people I love best helping make my fantasy come true,” she says, kissing him.

“I love you, too, Sis,” Randy says, zeroing in on the one thing he wanted to hear. “Do you want me to start your shower?” he asks, leaning up and letting Sylvia roll on to her back.

“I don't think I can move,” she says, smiling at him dreamily. “Would you mind if I didn't clean up, just yet?” She asks, with a mischievous look in her eye. “I kind of like the slutty feeling of sticky cum soaking my thighs and running down my ass,” she says, pulling more goop from her pussy and smearing it around her pussy lips. Watching her, Randy's cock stiffens, bumping her leg.

“Ooo, you're just as much of a pervert as I am,” Sylvia teases. “You like watching me play with my soggy pussy, don't you?” Sylvia asks, bringing her gooey fingers up to her lips and sucking them into her mouth.

“Oh god, Sis,” Randy cries. “How can you put that stuff in your mouth?” he asks.

“What? Like you didn't all cum in my mouth already?” Sylvia teases. “In fact, I think all three of you came in all my openings, didn't you?” she says, pushing her fingers back in her sopping pussy and offering her fingers to Randy. “Want some?” she asks.

“I'll pass, thanks,” Randy answers, moving his head away. Randy may think licking her fingers is disgusting, but his cock is getting harder by the minute.

“Come on,” Sylvia pleads. “If you love me, you'd eat me right now,” she says, lying back and spreading her legs, challenging him. “That would make this the absolute ultimate fantasy,” she teases. “Three cocks and then my brother eating me to my final orgasm of the day.” Sylvia is teasing her brother, but her desire for him to eat her is real. After all those cocks pounding into her, she would love the feel of his soft tongue licking her puffed out pussy lips.

“You're gross,” he laughs, looking for reassurance that she's kidding. Sylvia moves her gooey fingers to her tit, smearing juice all around her hard nipple.

“Here,” Sylvia says, lifting her tit and pushing it toward him. “Just suck it off my nipple, Randy. It's got pussy juice on it,” she reassures him. “It's not like it came out of my ass,” she laughs.

Randy reluctantly leans his head down and sucks her hard nipple into his mouth, cleaning the juices off of it.

“That isn't so bad is it?” she teases, loving the sensation of his lips on her hard nipple. She should be totally satiated, but she wants her brother to eat her pussy and make love to her. She's going to have to take it slowly.

“You know, Randy, being blindfolded during it all was very erotic, but I really missed not seeing you guys pumping into me. I was tempted to pull the eye coverings off, but I was afraid they'd recognize my eyes.”

“Your wish is my command!” Randy says, getting off the bed.

“You'll eat me?” Sylvia sounds astonished.

“No, silly,” Randy answers, walking towards the TV in the corner of the bedroom. “You want to see everybody fucking you at once?” he asks, pulling a video camera down from the top of the TV. “I hid this before anyone got here.”

“You videoed it?” Sylvia asks excitedly. “You actually recorded everything? You are so fucking bad! Can we watch it? Will it work on this TV?” Sylvia asks.

“I'm sure it will,” Randy says, plugging cords into the digital camcorder and connecting them to the TV.

“Do you really want to see this?” he asks, smiling at her.

“Oh fuck yes!” Sylvia is propping up pillows against the headboard and leaning against them, so she can see the screen. “I can't believe you thought of this!” she says, amazed at how much planning her little brother put into this evening. Using the remote to put the TV in video mode, Randy pushes the button on the camcorder and an image of the room fills the screen.

“Fast forward,” Sylvia shouts. “Get to the part where you guys start fucking me!” she says. Randy cues up the disc to a point where she's still tied to the bed, and they're just starting to fuck her. Bringing Sylvia a diet coke from the mini bar, he sits next to her, with his hand on her sticky thigh. As they watch the porn action on the screen, Randy lays his head against her sticky breast, while his fingers lazily smear the gooey substance around her pussy lips.


“Hey, lover,” Sally greets Chris as he lets himself in her front door. “I was hoping you'd be home earlier,” she says, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. She's wearing a long, white, flowing negligee that is completely see-through except for where it fastens under her breasts.

“Wow!” Chris says, holding her at arms length and gazing at her succulent breasts with their hard tipped nipples pushing out the sheer, white material. His eyes travel down her voluptuous body and his jaw drops when he sees her pussy through the sheer negligee.

“You shaved!” Chris exclaims, running his hand over her hairless pussy mound through the thin material.

“I wanted to surprise you!” she exclaims, rolling her hips to push back against his hand. “There wasn't much left to remove, anyway,” she smiles, rubbing her hand against his crotch. “Let's see how you like it,” she says, turning to lead him into the bedroom.

“Uh… I've got to… uh… take a shower first,” Chris says, sheepishly. Sally looks back at him, over her shoulder, with one eyebrow raised questioningly. “We had this, uh… bachelor party,” he tells her. “And there was this girl there… and, uh…” Chris can't believe he's feeling guilty about this, like he was cheating on Aunt Sally or something.

“Say no more, lover,” Sally smiles. “Let's get you cleaned up.” Sally leads him into the bathroom and turns on the shower. Chris' cock responds to the sight of Aunt Sally's exquisite ass through the transparent negligee as she leans into the shower, adjusting the water temperature. When she turns back around, Chris takes her in his arms, kissing her as he squeezes her ass cheeks through the flimsy material. Not as firm and smooth as the mystery woman earlier, but still sexy as hell and Chris' cock is straining against his jeans.

“Let's get you undressed,” Sally says, breaking the kiss and unbuttoning Chris' shirt. When she pulls his jeans down, her nostrils are assaulted with a mix of sexual smells. “Whoa! You must have had a real good time,” Sally says, surprised at the feelings of jealousy welling up inside her. This is stupid, she thinks. She has nothing to be jealous about, except she shaved her pussy for him and has been sitting here all evening waiting for him, while he was out fucking some slut at a bachelor party. Well, he's here now. She'll make him forget the bachelor party ever happened.

“So tell me about this girl at the party,” Sally says, standing in the shower, soaping his chest and stomach.

“Well,” Chris says. “Randy knows this woman, who's been harboring a fantasy of being fucked by three guys at once,” Chris explains as Sally slides her soapy hands down over his hips and thighs. “So he arranged for us to meet her in a hotel room and it was all very mysterious. She had on this full body stocking and a head mask with just an opening for her mouth.” Chris is breathing harder as Sally soaps his cock and balls and sliding her soapy hand slowly along the length of his shaft. “And anyway, we took turns fucking her in her pussy, in her mouth and in her ass, culminating in all of us in her at once. I'd never done anything like that.”

“You liked it?” Sally asks, still working her soapy hands over his balls and his hard cock. Chris is soaping Aunt Sally's tits, lifting her breasts individually, to run his fingers along the smooth undersurface of each breast.

“Yeah. It was very erotic,” Chris says, but there's something in his voice that gives Sally pause.

“But…?” she says as Chris pumps his hard cock through her soapy hand and continues massaging her soapy tits.

“Well, it lacked intimacy,” he laughs. “I know that sounds funny, but it was like she was just a bunch of holes for us to stick our cocks into; we never saw her face or heard her voice or kissed her… I don't know, I mean, I fucked her three times, but somehow it wasn't as fulfilling as what we did last night,” he says smiling at her.

“Good answer, you smart boy,” Sally laughs, releasing his cock and pulling him against her. “You know exactly what to say,” she chuckles, leaning against him, rubbing her tits across his slippery chest as she runs her hands down his lower back. Her hard nipples, slick with soap, glide back and forth on his soapy chest as she cups his ass cheeks, grinding her hairless pussy against his soapy cock. “So who was she?” Sally asks.

“That's just it, we don't' know,” Chris answers, his hands soaping Aunt Sally's back and sliding down to squeeze her ass. “Randy says we know her, but he's not telling us who she is.”

“So, there was you and Randy and who else?” Sally asks, imagining it's one of Randy's friends from school.

“His dad!” Chris says. “Randy actually invited his dad.”

“Oh god! That girl must have freaked at the size of Frank's cock!” Aunt Sally blurts out before she realizes what she's done.

“Why, Aunt Sally!” Chris exclaims, pulling his head back to look at her face. “How do you know about the size of his cock? Isn't he your sister's husband?” he asks, teasingly.

“Oh fuck!” Sally cries. “It was one time… a long time ago!” Sally stutters. “Chris, you can't say anything!” Sally implores him.

“Oh, like I'm in a position to say anything?” Chris says. “I'm just surprised, that's all.

“Fine, but… I just meant… you know, that's a thick cock to be taking along with two others.” Sally is clearly flustered.

“Hey, your secret is safe with me,” Chris says, kissing her. “But you're right, I was surprised at both Randy's and his dads' cocks. Randy's is almost as big as his dad's, but she took them all and from what I could tell, she got off like a house afire!” Chris says, moving the showerhead to rinse them both off. “You ready to take this to bed?” he asks, running his hand over her porcelain smooth pussy mound.

“Yeah,” Sally says, letting him rinse the soap off of her. “Let's see if you have anything left for me after your bachelor party,” Sally teases, tugging on his hard cock. Sally has never thought sexually about her nephew before. He's always been the little boy she used to baby-sit. But here he is, arranging three guys to fuck one woman, and his cock almost as big as his dad's. Huh.

“You're a magician,” Chris declares, looking down at his hard cock. “I was afraid I was done for the night, but look what you've done, Aunt Sally.” Chris smiles as she leads him to her king-size bed.


“This is so erotic!” Sylvia exclaims, staring at the TV. “It's like it's not even me. It's like we're watching some other woman getting gang banged.” Randy's fingers are still playing around in the gooey mixture of juices from her pussy, like a child finger-painting. Sylvia spreads her legs, allowing him greater access while enjoying his light touch.

“Yeah,” answers Randy, it's kind of surreal watching it like this. His cock has stiffened from the combination of the action on the TV and his proximity to his naked sister, covered with pussy juice and cum. “How was it for you, Sis?” he asks, pulling more thick goo from her wide-open pussy and rubbing it around the outside of her pussy lips.

“Mmmmm. That feels nice,” Sylvia coos, dreamily. She really wishes he'd use his tongue. “It was like being invaded,” she finally answers. “I loved the continuous assault on my pussy, ass and mouth and I got off really hard. I mean, there was no chance to recover between cocks; my orgasms just kept building. I've never felt anything like that. I'm really glad we did it. Thank you,” Sylvia says, kissing the top of his head.

“Yeah, that's what it felt like to me, too,” Randy says, his fingers drawing circles around her pussy lips. “No offense, but I like this better,” he says, kissing the side of her breast. “It's more… I don't know, emotional, I guess, or intimate.”

“Randy,” Sylvia says. “My pussy is so sensitive right now from all the fucking…”

“Oh, sorry, Sis!” Randy pulls his hand back from her pussy.

“Don't stop! That's not what I meant,” Sylvia continues, stroking his hair. “Your fingers feel nice, but I'd really love to feel your tongue on me. Would you pleeeeezzz, lick my pussy?” Sylvia begs him. Randy hesitates. He's been playing with her pussy the whole time they've been watching the video and he's pretty sure it's mostly her own juices inside her now.

“Anything to make you happy,” Randy says, making eye contact with his sister before positioning himself between her legs. “I love you!” he says as Sylvia leans her head back. On the TV screen, she's just grabbed her brother's cock and started frantically pumping it in and out of her mouth. She's remembering the intensity of that moment as she feels Randy's tongue on her swollen pussy lips.

“Oh Fuck!” Sylvia moans as Randy slowly inserts his tongue into her tender but anxious pussy. “Oh god, Randy! Thank you! Oh fuck! That feels so fucking good!” She savors the feeling of his tongue on her puffy lips while watching herself approaching her thunderous orgasm on the video.

Her aroma and her taste are intoxicating. Randy is beyond worrying about the cum from the three cocks that were in her pussy earlier, he's just concentrating on pleasuring his sister with his tongue. He's being as gentle as he can with her inflamed pussy; he's never seen pussy lips so red and swollen, but he guesses that's to be expected. He laps up her juices and lightly flicks his tongue over her clit.

“Ohhhhhhh!” Sylvia moans as her video counterpart flops onto her back on the floor. Randy's loving tenderness is the complete opposite of the cocks that were banging into her on the video; it is just what her pussy needs! “Oh god! Randy! You are the best! Oh fuck!” She throws her head back and loses herself in the pleasure of the moment.


Chris crawls up between Sally's legs and flattening his tongue, runs it up the length of her pussy lips as his hand caresses her bare pussy mound. “This is one thing I didn't get to do earlier,” he says, plunging his tongue into Aunt Sally's pussy.

“Mmmmmmm!” Sally moans. “Yeah! Eat my pussy, Chris!” she cries, grabbing his hair and pulling his face tightly against her pussy. Chris slips his arms behind her knees, raising them up to give him better access to her succulent juices.

“You want the butt plug again?” Chris asks, lifting his face from her wet pussy lips.

“Not tonight, lover,” Sally answers. “Tonight, I just want you to love me the old fashioned way; with your tongue and your cock,” she says, laying her head back and closing her eyes. Chris resumes licking and sucking her pussy lips; turning his head sideways, he sucks first one and then the other of her lips into his mouth, nibbling with his teeth, while flicking his tongue along the length of each lip.

“Mmmmmm!” Sally murmurs. “That's so fucking good!” Chris responds by pushing his tongue deep inside her pussy and licking all around the inner lining. He leisurely tongue fucks Aunt Sally's pussy, building her arousal to a low boil before inserting one of his fingers in beside his tongue. With his finger in her pussy, he sucks her enlarged clit into his mouth, flicking his tongue against it, while he finger-fucks her.

“Oh Christ!” Sally cries. “Keep doing that! Oh god!” she screams as Chris uses his other hand to pinch and massage her pussy lips. The simultaneous sensations of sucking her clit, finger fucking her pussy and pinching her pussy lips are overwhelming and Sally starts bucking feverishly against his mouth and hands.

“Oh God! That's perfect! Don't stop! Oh fuck! I'm cumming!” Chris leans his weight on her, trying to keep her from bucking his mouth off her clit as she starts feeling the first wave of her orgasm. He keeps sucking her clit, pinching her pussy lips and finger-fucking her as she thrashes around on the bed. When she spreads her legs even wider, trying to reach that next plateau, he shoves two fingers deep inside her smoldering pussy and gently bites her clit. Her pussy explodes, gushing hot, frothy nectar over his hands, while her body convulses, shaking his lips loose from her clit. Chris returns his tongue to her wide-open pussy, hungrily lapping up the thick, creamy sauce flowing freely from her puffy lips.


“Ohhhhhhhh!” Sylvia moans as she pulls her knees up and spreads her legs wider, giving Randy better access to her pussy. Randy's face is drenched from the mixed juices flowing from her saturated pussy. His chin has been resting in a puddle of questionable liquid that's been pooling between her thighs. With her legs pulled up, he raises his face off the bed and sucks her clit into his mouth. Running one hand over her slick ass cheeks, he gently inserts his middle finger into her cum filled ass, slowly pumping it in and out as he continues to suck on her thick, pink clit.

“Oh yeah!” Sylvia screams. “Randy! You are amazing!” She's rocking her ass back and forth and grabbing his head with her hands. Randy slips another finger into her stretched out asshole, expelling more juices onto the bed. Keeping the sucking action going on her clit, he begins lightly flicking his tongue against the tip of it. Sylvia is thrashing around on the bed, turning her head from side to side.

“Oh God! Oh fuck! Randy! I'm cumming again!” Sylvia clamps her legs closed on Randy's head as her orgasm ripples through her body leaving reverberating tremors in its wake. Randy lets his fingers slide out of her asshole and moves his tongue down to lap up the new surge of juices flowing from between her ripe pussy lips.

“Ohmygod!” Sylvia breathes. “I didn't think there was anymore in me. What have you done?” she asks, rhetorically. Without answering, Randy kisses his way up her body, stopping to nibble on her bullet like nipples before positioning his hard cock against her swollen pussy lips. It takes no effort at all to glide his cock into her slippery channel and when his cock is fully immersed inside of her, he just holds it there. Pressing his body tightly against hers, he slips his pussy soaked tongue into her mouth, kissing her passionately. Randy continues holding his throbbing cock perfectly still, deep inside her quivering pussy.

Having eaten his sister to another orgasm, Randy is enjoying the feeling of her stretched out pussy slowly molding itself around his cock. He loves kissing his sister; the feel of her mouth around his tongue, somehow seems even more intimate than fucking. With one hand around the back of her head, he presses his lips tightly against hers, devouring her mouth, while she tries to rock her pussy against his hard cock.

“Oh God!” Sylvia says, breaking the kiss. “Fuck me, Randy. I need you to fuck me with your fat cock!” Sylvia cries, bucking her hips against him, trying to get him to pump his cock in and out of her. Randy acquiesces, using long slow strokes, he pulls nearly all the way out and then, excruciatingly slowly, slides it back in. He continues this slow motion, tantalizing fuck, fighting against Sylvia's attempts to speed up the rhythm, driving her desire to a fevered peak.

“Come on, Randy!” Sylvia pleads. “Please fuck me faster. I need you to fuck me faster and harder. This is killing me!” she whines.

“It's not killing you, Sis,” Randy corrects her. “It's building your anxiety and your arousal to a new high,” he says, kissing her lips. “Trust me,” he smiles, continuing his agonizingly slow strokes in and out of her swampy pussy.


“I love your bald pussy, Aunt Sally,” Chris says as he licks all around her smooth pussy mound. “Maybe I'll suggest it to Sylvia,” he says, continuing to lick and run his hands across her hairless mound.

“Great idea!” Sally says sarcastically. “Just tell her you enjoyed it at Aunt Sally's house.” She's being facetious, but she's glad she shaved it for him. She's also enjoying the special attention Chris is giving to her bare mound.

“Ready for the main event?” Chris asks as he licks his way up her smooth body.

“I've been ready,” Sally quips. “But it's my turn to be on top.” Pushing Chris over on his back, she marvels at his erection, pointing straight to the ceiling. “Oh my, you are ready!” Sally says, leaning down and sucking the head of his rigid cock into her mouth, flicking her tongue along the under side of it. Sally has felt like putty in his hands these past couple of days; she's more comfortable being in control. Realizing that Chris doesn't need any more foreplay, she throws her leg over his body, nestling his hard cock between her wet pussy lips. Rocking back and forth, she drags her hard nipples along his chest while gliding her slick pussy lips up and down the entire length of his rigid shaft.

“Oh fuck, Aunt Sally!” Chris moans as he pushes his cock against her slippery lips, trying to slip it inside her hot pussy. Sally has her eyes closed and her head back as she slowly tantalizes him by skimming her hot pussy lips from the tip of his cock down to his balls and back.

“Oh God!” Chris cries as her hard nipples continue to tease his chest. He pushes his cock up against her soggy lips as they slide up and down, again and again, from his balls to the tip, smearing her hot pussy juice along the way.

Lowering her chest against his, Sally lets her pussy lips linger at the head of his cock, not moving. Shoving her tongue in his mouth and snaking it urgently around his, she presses her tits down hard against his chest. With a roll of her hips, his cock head slips between her lips and she pushes her body down engulfing the entire length of his cock in one swift motion. Neither of them moves for a minute as their tongues continue to entwine.

“What am I going to do when you're gone, Chris?” Sally whispers as she pulls her tongue from his mouth and looks directly into his eyes. “Thank you for making this a very special week for me,” she breathes, and when she starts moving, it's like she never wants it to end.

Sally's hips are rotating in a circular fashion while she slowly raises and lowers herself on his hard cock. Her plush pussy walls are molded around his hard cock, pulsating pleasure through every pore. Sitting up she continues to rotate her hips, grinding her pussy down to the base of his hard shaft.

“You are amazing, Aunt Sally!” Chris says as she reaches behind her and slips her hand between his legs massaging his balls. As she picks up her pace, she grabs his hands and presses them against her tits. Chris rubs his palms in a circular motion around her hard nipples, enjoying the feeling of her soft tits as he squeezes them in his hands.

“Oh, Chris! Squeeze them harder! Pinch my nipples!” she instructs as she rolls her hips back and forth, sliding his hard cock in and out of her burning pussy. Chris responds, kneading her gorgeous tits and pinching her hard nipples as she clenches and unclenches her pussy muscles around his cock. Her hot juices are running down his cock and coating his balls, which she continues to caress with her hand. She keeps rolling her hips in a rippling motion over his cock as he pinches and twists her erect nipples. Chris is pushing his ass off the bed, matching her rhythm and thrusting his cock deeper inside her enflamed pussy.

Letting go of his balls and picking up her speed, she starts riding him harder and faster. Chris is bucking wildly on the bed, while Sally bounces up and down, rolling her clit against his pelvic bone and leaning her hands against his shoulders. Chris moves one hand between her legs, running his fingers over her porcelain smooth pussy mound. Finding her engorged clit with his thumb, he rubs in a circular motion, while she rides his cock to a frenzied orgasm that has her moaning and screaming his name.

“Chris! Oh Chris! I'm cumming! Chris! Cum with me, Chris!” she yells, riding wave after wave of pleasure as Chris blows his load deep inside her quivering pussy. She collapses on his chest and they lay there, gasping for air as they try to catch their breath.

“I wonder what it would take to delay the wedding another week,” Chris says, jokingly while cradling her head against his chest and running his hand up and down her back.

“Mmmmmm,” Is the only answer he gets as Sally snuggles against his chest. She dozes off, wondering if her 18-year-old nephew's cock is really as big as Chris says it is and if he knows what to do with it.


Randy persists in his slow motion fucking until his sister is worked up into a thrusting and trashing frenzy, begging him to fuck her faster.

“Randy! Please!” Sylvia pleads as Randy rolls his hips in slow motion, dragging his thick cock slowly along her pussy walls. “I'm so fucking ready!” Sylvia insists, bucking her hips up against him, trying to increase his pace.” Fuck me harder and faster! Please!”

Randy has reached his limit, too. His cock is throbbing and he's ready to pick up the rhythm.

“God, you're bossy!” Randy smiles. “But if that's what you want, I'm here to please.” He slowly drags his cock out of her pussy, until just the head is resting between her slippery, hot pussy lips. With a violent thrust, he shoves his cock deep inside his sister's anxious pussy, and starts pummeling her with rapid-fire, pounding action that she eagerly responds to with her own thrusts.

“Yes!” Sylvia cries, bucking her ass off the bed as her pussy squirts fresh lubricant up and down his jack hammering cock. “Oh fuck yes! I'm cumming!” Sylvia yells, clawing at Randy's back while her orgasm surges through her body and her lungs expel a resounding shriek. “Aaaggghhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuk!” With her whole body shaking, her muscles tensed and her back arched, she rides out the successive waves of pleasure that Randy's pounding drives through her.

Sylvia's savage reaction to his incessant pounding pushes Randy past the point of no return. With one final slam into her convulsive pussy, his cock erupts, jerkily shooting his load of hot cum into her sweltering pussy. With a loud sigh, he collapses on his sister's chest, their sweat-soaked bodies pushing against each other as they attempt to fill their lungs with air.

lie entwined, silently catching their breaths; his spent cock lying languidly inside her wiped-out pussy. Sylvia hugs her brother tightly, wondering how her love for him turned so ravenous in the last two days.


Friday goes by in a blur of activity, leading up to the rehearsal dinner. Before leaving the hotel Sylvia and Randy agree, during an emotional embrace, that her pussy needs a rest before her wedding night, so they'll sleep in their own rooms tonight. Chris has a similar discussion with Aunt Sally, but only after a wake up blowjob, followed by a quick morning fuck and a shower that ends with his cock back inside her insatiable pussy.

All goes smoothly at the rehearsal dinner and everyone is prepared for a lovely Saturday wedding. Aunt Sally, who is one of the bride's maids, pays more attention than usual to Randy, who is her counterpart as an usher. As they are rehearsing their walk down the aisle, Aunt Sally loops her arm through his, pressing the side of her breast against his bicep.

“How's my favorite nephew?” Sally asks, looking up at Randy.

“I'm your only nephew, Aunt Sally,” Randy answers. He really likes his Aunt Sally and he's glad he gets to escort her down the aisle.

“Yes, so imagine how terrible it would be if you weren't my favorite!” she laughs, pulling his arm tightly against her breast. As Randy looks down at her, he can see the top of her breasts bulging over her bra, inside her scoop necked top.

“You're right!” Randy laughs. “I never thought of it like that.” He's enjoying the view of her ample cleavage as they walk down the aisle.

“How would you like to do your favorite aunt a favor?” she asks him, pushing her breast more tightly against his muscular arm.

“Sure, Aunt Sally,” Randy says. “Anything.” He's trying not to stare at her luscious breasts as his cock stirs to life.

“Tomorrow after the reception, would you mind driving me home?” Aunt Sally asks, innocently. “I don't plan on being in any condition to drive, so maybe you could get me home and tuck me in, Randy,” she says.

“No problem,” Randy answers. “Since my parents are only going to let me drink during the toast, I can be your designated driver.”

“Ooooo. That sounds exciting,” Sally coos. “In fact, let's ask your mom if you can just spend the night. The house will be awfully empty without Chris there,” she says, watching the growing bulge in the front of his slacks.

“Great idea!” Randy answers. “And it'll give Mom and Dad a chance to recover from the wedding.”

“It's a date, then,” Aunt Sally says, her pussy tingling as she mentally plots the seduction of her favorite nephew.

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