Sexy Cousin Jenny

It was a mid-semester Friday afternoon. I had just finished my last class of the week and normally I would’ve been in the mood to celebrate. Instead…not so much. I’d just broken up with my girlfriend, I didn’t have the energy to go hit a party, and both of my sub-optimal roommates would be around all weekend so I didn’t feel like going back to the dorm. With a heavy sigh, I shouldered my backpack and started the long trek to the library. At least I could get an early start on studying for my rapidly approaching mid-terms.

Just then, perfect timing, my phone buzzed with an incoming text.

Jenny: ‘Hi Jakey it’s your gorgeous cousin!’

I chuckled. Did Jenny, my absolute favorite relative, really think she had to identify herself? Like I wouldn’t have her in my address book. I decided to give her some shit.

Me: ‘Which one?’

Jenny: ‘Oh ha ha funny boy’

Me: ‘Lol. What’s up Jenny?’

Jenny: ‘Just lying around…slept in’

Well, that wasn’t a great sign. She was still in bed at 4:00 in the afternoon? I felt a pang of guilt, knowing I should’ve been checking up on her lately. I knew she got laid off a few weeks ago, and she wasn’t taking it very well. But I’d been preoccupied with my own problems and hadn’t reached out to her in a while.

Me: ‘Well get up lazybones. Dalia will be home soon. You guys got plans this weekend?’

Jenny: ‘She’s working late tonight, then taking the redeye home to see the family, I’m taking a me day, not even dressed yet.’

Well, this was starting to worry me a bit. I considered grilling her more about her state of mind, but with Jenny it usually worked better to approach things with humor.

Me: ‘Not dressed yet? So, you’re naked’

There was a pause, and for a moment I wondered if I’d misread her mood. Maybe she needed serious conversation, not flirtatious joking.

Jenny: ‘Pervert, lol. No not naked’

Jenny: ‘Not quite heh heh’

That caught me off balance. I was relieved because her tone sounded upbeat, but surprised because she usually wasn’t so flirtatious. Normally, I flirted, and she laughed it off. That was kind of our thing.

Me: ‘Hmmm….panties and bra?’

Jenny: ‘Will you stop!!! lol…yeah panties anyway’

Oh my god. I felt a throb as my cock woke up and decided to listen in. Jenny is one of the most gorgeous women I know, and my mind flashed a fantasy of sexy, slender Jenny in skimpy panties with her hands barely covering her full breasts.

Me: ‘Just panties????’

Jenny: ‘STOP lol pervert. No I’m wearing a little top sort of…what I sleep in wink’

Me: ‘Send pics”

Ouch. As soon as I sent it, it felt wrong. I was still worried I might be misreading her mood. Maybe she was hurting, and the flirtatiousness was forced. In any event, I was crossing the line. I dreaded her response.

Jenny: ‘If you want to see it you have to come over’

I paused. Was she kidding? What the hell! I stepped into a doorway in a classroom building, made sure no one was looking, and adjusted my increasingly awkward hardon.

Jenny: ‘Kidding!!!! lol well not about coming over’

Me: ‘You sure? I’d love to see you it’s been awhile’

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