Power shifts from mother to son

Incest stories, mom and son, Power shifts from mother to son, At five minutes after nine on a Monday morning I left Warren’s office with a broad smile on my face. I was going to enjoy this project a lot more than I should. I’ve only been a real investment banker for about two years so getting to rescue a company single handed was a big vote of confidence from the two partners. What they didn’t know was that it was my mother’s company.

I’m John, 25 years old and working for a small hedge fund. I graduated Suma Cum Laude from Penn state and then got my MBA from Wharton. But what I didn’t put on my resume was what got me here. Somehow Warren found out I’d turned twenty thousand dollars, my tuition, into one and one half million. I took out loans to cover the tuition cost and then invested the money my mother had given me for grad school. Sounds good, right? It was, till I made a risky options play in my second year of grad school and ended up with about 50K. I was humiliated and pulled back from the market.

Me? I’m six three and lean also. I work out but I’m also blessed with amazing genes so I’m well, damn good looking. I was approached to do modeling but declined. It doesn’t challenge me. My hair is blonde and my eyes brown. Oh, and I have a thick 7 and half inch long circumcised penis and I shave my pubic region too. I figured you’d like to know.

I have what people have called ‘presence’, that innate aura that I’m somehow in charge. I like it.

During my interview with Warren Jasperman I thought I was doing well when he suddenly asked some very specific questions as so why I chose that options play. I was stunned. I figured this interview was toast. I answered him in detail, no point in trying to cover since, as I found out later, Warren and Calder’s network was very big. He listened very carefully, asked more questions and then told me I was hired. My stunned look asked the question my mouth wouldn’t. He smiled and explained.

“You had the right position, as you know. You just lacked the deep pockets to ride out the dip. We have those pockets.”

And that is how I became an investment banker. For the next two years I was tutored extensively. I had no social life. Whatever time I had way from the office was spent on case studies. This was going to be my test. Warren and Calder had given me the briefing and the doc box.

“John, this company was closely held until two years ago. To fund expansion the owner made a public offering and handed out options. However, she didn’t pay attention and now over 50% of the stock is out there. There are vultures circling. She has a couple of good products but it’s the research they want. She has asked us to defend her company. In return we will get a big piece of it and we will have any future public offerings. Now go save our company.”

I had no other clients so the rest of my day was spent dissecting my mother’s most cherished accomplishment. It was impressive.

Growing up, I, of course, loved my mother but I also admired her. She was always in charge, always ‘on’. It was from her that I inherited my ‘presence’. She could also be very affectionate and my sister and I were well aware that she also enjoyed sex. Even with the door closed it was obvious. We’d sit in the hall and giggle listening. Mom worked long hours but always made the games and plays that my sister and I were in. Now I was seeing what she had built.

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