Night with Mom, A young man’s prom dreams come true, incest stories with mom and son, Landon didn’t exactly know what he expected prom night to be, but sitting in his gangly, pimple-faced friend Mark’s den watching a porn film about naughty cheerleaders definitely wasn’t what he had hoped for or envisioned. Landon was down enough already due to his expected date dumping him four days ago and having relegated himself to attending Mark’s “anti-prom” celebration, but when he found out that their other friend Ken wasn’t going to be joining them and it would just be the two of them, it was even worse.
Landon couldn’t even force down the piss-like beer Mark had acquired, though he thanked his friend for it. Instead, he told his friend that he was feeling somewhat sick and that they should arrange another get-together on a night when the three of them could all get together and bash the prom along with all it represented. Mark half-heartedly accepted his excuse, and Landon was on his way home after Mark let loose one last “Fuck the prom!” for the night.
The truth was, however, Landon had been looking forward to the prom. After years of being tortured for his flabby physique, and after being shuffled to three different high schools in four years due to his father’s job, Landon finally felt as if he might gain some acceptance among the “normals,” having lost thirty-two pounds in the past year and a half and put on quite a bit of muscle. This physical change gave him a newfound confidence, confidence he used to ask out Amy, an unassumingly pretty girl he had studied with and hung around with all semester.
Then, the popular guy she had formerly dated and supposedly loved entered the picture, and Landon’s prom night dreams were kicked into the gutter, as the timing didn’t even give him a chance to ask out another girl. Besides, Amy was the only one he felt comfortable enough to chat with, so even if there had been more time, Landon doubted he would have worked up the nerve to ask.
Landon let out a large sigh as he entered the living room of his house. “Hi hon,” he heard his mother‘s voice chime.
“Oh—hey Mom,” he replied. She sat on the couch, her blue jean-clad legs stretched across most of it, her fiery red hair streaming over the back of the piece of furniture.
“I didn’t expect you home this early.”
“Yeah,” he said. He meant to say more, but couldn’t at the moment, hoping his defeated tone was enough to give her a sense of why he was home.
“Are you home for good?”
“Looks like it.” He walked behind the couch. “I guess we don’t have any alcohol, right?” His mother smiled with an irresistible glimmer in her eyes that made it impossible not to smile back.
“Well, there’s that bottle of vodka,” she said. “Do you want me to go out and buy you something? I thought you were going to have something to drink at Mark’s.” Landon walked into the kitchen. She had been fine with that, even offering to spring for some champagne, but had forgotten it on her way home from the office.
“Yeah, we were—we did.”