A nice guy’s first time – Sweet sex

A nice guy's , , All alone inside her house, she can't believe she's actually going to go through with this. It's been months since she's been with anyone else, but this sweet little boy just… she can't resist him. Despite the fact that he's older than her, it how she thinks of him. This sweet, adorable, innocent guy that she wants to corrupt. To ruin. To teach. This perfect blank slate that she can teach to do anything to please her. He's so eager. Her heart begins to pound and she gets wet just thinking of it. So soon now. She can't believe it's finally going to happen.

“Almost there.” His text reads. He's come so far just to see her.

“Can't wait ;)” She's glad he's not here yet. It will give her some time to calm down. It wouldn't do to seem too eager. She is, after all, supposed to be the one with experience.

She hears him knock on the door and immediately feels her heart ramp right back up. She pauses at the door and takes a deep, deep breath, forcing herself to calm. It's no use. She's always had a high sex drive and now she wants him so badly she can barely breathe. She looks down to realize her hand is shaking on the knob.

She opens the door and beams at him. She can't help it, he looks so uncomfortable. Despite that, he grins. She loves that grin, God she can't believe nobody's ever fucked him yet.

She grabs him by the shirt and pulls him through the door. It's all she can do not to rip his clothes off and fuck him on the couch. She shuts the door and lifts up on her tiptoes, softly him on the mouth. She forces herself to stop before she loses control. His first time should be special. Meaningful. Not just the blind lust-fuck she usually has.

She clears her throat as she relaxes her grip on his shirt. “Do you want something to drink?”

“No, I'm ok.” She loves his voice. He's so nervous and adorable. God, and tall. She didn't realize how fucking tall he was online. She's going to go crazy, she just knows it. He hasn't even touched her and she's soaked and frazzled. Fuck it. She can't pretend anymore. If she doesn't touch him right now, she may go blind from lust.

She crawls into his lap. It's way too much, way too fast, but she can't help it. Its way slower than she usually goes. She leans down, her lips only a whisper away from his and slides her fingers into his thick, dark hair. It's like touching a live wire, her pale, smooth skin against his darker olive.

His hair is so soft under her fingers and she can taste his breath with every exhale. Her skin is on fire, burning everywhere he's touching her, which, right now means only on her hips, through her shirt and jeans. Normally a guy would be hell bent on getting her naked. Holding her head and forcing a deep, wet kiss but not him. Not Nick. God he's so innocent. It's like a drug. She wants to take this sweet, adorable guy and make him crazy, fucked up on lust. She wants to see him lust like her.

She can't. If she kisses him now, it's all over. Nothing special. She fights the haze in her brain and forces herself to ask him what he wants. This isn't about her. next time, later, maybe, but not now. Not his first.

He gets that look on his face. The one that says he's not comfortable. His mouth opens and closes, but no words come out.

“Do you want to stay here and kiss, or go upstairs?”

He seems much more comfortable with choices. She should have started that way. She bites down on her lip to clear the haze a little more, but the pain makes it worse.

“We can go upstairs.” It's almost a question.

“I asked what you wanted, Nick. There's no wrong answer.” She's so damn frustrated. He just seems so…

Her haze clears. No wonder he seems uninterested. He is. He has to be. Nobody stays this cool with a girl like her in their lap. She leans back and plays with her hair so she doesn't have to look at him.

“I want to go upstairs.” It's what she wanted to hear just moments ago but now… now it seems hollow. A loss, not a victory. Still, she takes his hand and leads him up the stairs. The feel of his big hand in hers sends a little twinge over her skin, but only distantly. Not like the fire of before.

Once upstairs, they get into her bed. She knows the black sheets make her skin glow, but she doesn't notice the way he notices. She's too hurt to notice. She kneels on the bed, waiting for him to follow, but he doesn't. Instead he kisses her. What his kiss lacks in technique, it makes up in enthusiasm.

She can't help it. She laughs. He turns away.

“Stop. Please?” Her eyes are soft. “I didn't mean to laugh, you just seemed so bored downstairs and now…”

“I've never done this before. I told you, I don't usually react the way I should!” He's so angry. She reaches out to lay her hand on his cheek.

“Come here,” she says as she pulls his lips close to hers. “Let me show you how.” She gently caresses his lower lip between hers, sucking softly and then starting again on his top lip. She slides her hands under his shirt, slowly running her fingers up and through the hair from his jeans to his belly button.

“Hmmm, you feel so different here. I love this,” she says, playing with the thick curls on his stomach.

He groans and she uses that opportunity to slide her tongue into his mouth, just gently caressing his tongue. She feels the lust creeping back in. She can taste it this time on his tongue. She loses herself to the feel of her hands on his chest and stomach, under his shirt and the way his lips feel on hers.

His fingers are wrapped in her hair with one hand and sliding over her back with the other. She can feel every point of contact, him standing, her still kneeling on the edge. He pushes her slowly back and its not graceful, her knees seem to be everywhere but then he's on top of her. He's on top and he's kissing her and she can feel how hard he is and she's seized by the undeniable urge to see his skin, to feel his skin against her and see the contrast between his dark, olive fingers and her milky with breasts and rosy pink nipples. She needs it.

She grabs her shirt and pulls it over her head, taking his hand and placing it on her stomach, just below her lacy blue bra. She'll teach him how to unhook a woman's bra another day, for now, she needs him.

He starts kissing lower, along her jaw and neck as she reaches behind her and unhooks her clasp.

“Suck, please,” She gasps out as his lips meet the space where her shoulders and neck connect. He does and she moans, louder than she has been.

“Yes, Nick!” His fingers find her breast the moment that she uncovers them, never breaking his kisses, still trailing fire over her throat.

He's a little clumsy, groping and pressing, so she puts her hand on his and guides him, caressing herself with his hands, rubbing his thumbs over her nipples until they harden to little peaks and then pinching them softly.

She pulls his head up to kiss him and he settles his thigh between her thrusting hips. He continues to knead and she moans, whimpering how good, oh God, how amazing he is. She whispers his name into their kiss, begging as his pinches get rougher and he softly begins to bite her pretty pink lips. She knows she won't last. She has to feel him, at least some small part of him inside her when she cums. She needs it.

“Touch me, please,” She begs, looking up at him with eyes hooded and dark with lust. “Put your fingers in me and make me cum, Nick, please?”

He stops rolling her nipple and slides his hand under her waistband and slips one long, thick finger deep inside her soaking wet pussy. He's clumsy and her jeans are too tight for him to really move, so she motions for him how to move his fingers an stroke her, then she pops the button on her jeans to give him more room. Her zipper wiggles down as he moves his hand and fingers and she wriggles out of her jeans until she's laying there clad only in the lacy blue panties that match the bra she lost long ago.

“Nick, yes, oh God!” she whimpers into his mouth. She has one hand on his strong, muscular arm and one hand wrapped in his hair, holding his head down as she kisses him deeply. Her hips writhe around until his thumb brushes her clit and she comes undone. Her whole world fractures into a million wonderful pieces and he keeps kissing her, keeps pressing his fingers in and out as she spasms around them.

When she finally comes down, she presses his still thrusting hand away and kisses him deeply, she loves that he still has all his clothes on, even though she only has her panties. It's a physical representation of how vulnerable she feels.

She was supposed to be the seductress, the experienced one, yet here they are. She's boneless beneath him, softly stroking his hair and tracing her fingers lightly over his face. Up his cheeks, over his forehead, looking into his lust-filled eyes. She raises his hand to her mouth and slowly licks and sucks her cum from his fingers.

He lets out another small groan as she starts to really get into it, sucking his fingers like a small cock. She nips the pad of his index finger lightly and tells him to take off his shirt.

Despite the fact that they now chat online with him shirtless nearly all the time, seeing him now, seeing his dark skin and thick, curly hair, it feels like the first time and she bends down to kiss each of his nipples, just once, softly on each. She rolls over on top of him and runs her fingers over the muscles of his chest, stomach and arms and she is struck once more by awe that this dark, toned, adorable man has never once been with a woman. She's struck by a need to make this first time the best, worth waiting for. She closes her eyes and splays her hands on his chest and slowly rocks her hips over his hard cock. He's so much bigger than she expected, so much harder.

She lifts her hips and undoes his jeans without getting up. She can feel his cock pressing to get out. She moans as it fills her hand. Sliding down, she hands him a pillow.

“Watch me suck your cock for the very first time?” She meant it as a command. It was supposed to be sexy, but she wants him to want it too much to push him.

He puts the pillow behind his head and she strokes his shaft slowly from root to tip.

‘You look so beautiful,” from anyone else, it would be a line. From him, she knows it's the truth. She slides her tongue from just below the head over his slit and then leans down to take him into her mouth.

She watches his hands fist in the sheets and lets him fall from her lips. She takes one hand and puts it on her head.

“Don't be afraid to push,” she tells him. She goes back to slowly and softly sucking just the head until she feels him begin to press softly on her. He wants her to go deeper. She looks up into his eyes as she slides him down, deep into her throat, gagging softly.

“Are you ok?” He's so genuinely concerned.

“I'm fine,” she grins up at him, “I love to gag, it makes me feel sexy.”

He nods at her and grins. Its that stupid half-gein he knows she loves. She moans as her lips find his cock once more, sucking and pressing him deeply. Shs watches the entire time as his grin is replaced with the hot, intense look of pleasure he gets when he gets close.

“I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum. Oh, God!” He grinds out. She sucks harder, rubbing and rolling his balls in her hand. She feels her wetness run down her thighs and moans as she tastes the first delicious spurt. He presses her head down deep and cums, so much, so hard. She swallows it all, moaning at the taste.

When he finishes, she slowly licks him clean and then comes up to lay her head on his chest. His fingers play in her long, blonde hair and she turns her head up to smile at him. She's soaking wet and ready for more, but she doesn't want to miss this chance to just lay there with him. She listens to his heart thumping in his chest and kisses his hands and wrists, over and over. Little softs kisses. She watches him drifting on his post-cum high and smiles.

“How was that for a first?”

He shakes his head, grinning, “It was amazing. One of the best experiences of my entire life.”

She giggles. He seems so awestruck. Its such an ego boost. “Glad ya liked it,” she tells him, smiling from ear to ear. “Can't wait to show you more.”

His eyed darken again, “Oh yeah?”

“Yes, definitely,” she replies. She's glad her little taunt comes out saucy instead of breathless like she feels.

She reaches down his jeans to gently cup his balls in her hand.

“Are you saying you want to have sex with me?”

“Why, yes, I think I am,” she giggles, softly stroking his growing cock.

Please wait…

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