My Wife And Her Sexy Sister

I always had a thing for my 's sister, Cindy. My wife Amy knew this, and never really objected to it. Cindy was a shy, sweet, innocent girl. We were sure that she was a virgin, and probably had never even been kissed.

Amy was about 5'4″, with long, straight jet-black hair, 95 pounds, dark skin, and 32c boobs. She has a perfect, jet black triangle of pubic hair that looks stunning against her brown skin. Cindy is much lighter-skinned than Amy, and is tiny-about 4'11”, no more than 80 pounds. Although she's in her mid-20's, people assume she is much younger. She has a cute, girlish personality that absolutely drives me crazy.

Amy and Cindy came from a typical, conservative family, where everybody was expected to be a virgin when they got married. To relieve some of their pent-up sexual frustrations, before we got married, Amy and Cindy used to masturbate together in their big bed, and used to teach each other different ways to make themselves have an orgasm. Amy used to tell me about the times that Cindy would grind her pussy, covered by her panties, against the corner of the bed, and how her small titties would get a reddish tinge to them, tighten up, and her nipples would harden right before her orgasm began. She'd tell me about how she'd have to rush over and put a pillow over Cindy's mouth when she screamed during her orgasm so that her parents didn't hear, and how tears would stream down from Cindys eyes as she came because her orgasm was so strong. Amy and I used to masturbate together as she described their old jilling sessions, and she fantasized about me someday fucking Cindy while she watched. The idea of her watching the two people she loved the most giving each other pleasure turned her on to no end, and me, too.

Finally, one day Amy approached Cindy with the idea, and to her surprise Cindy immediately said yes. They set up a date and time for us all to get together. Amy told me later in the day that Cindy was game, and I was nervously looking forward to the next night, when they had made our date to get together.

The next night, Cindy knocked on our door, and Amy let her in. We had the bedroom prepared with soft light and candles, which set a very romantic and exotic mood. We all walked into the bedroom, and Amy broke the ice by immediately stripping off all of her clothes. I followed by taking off mine, and I was already rock-hard from seeing my wife's gorgeous, naked body. I was also honestly turned on quite a bit by her boldness. Cindy took off her clothes, but seemed to be reluctant to remove her bra and panties. Amy walked over to her, and said, ‘don't be shy', and unhooked Cindy's bra-as it fell to the floor I was shocked at how beautiful her breasts were-firm and perky and small, and just perfectly shaped. Amy then knelt down in front of her sister, and pulled her panties down and then off. Cindy's tummy actually looked just slightly chubby, and her thick black pubic bush against her light skin was just stunning. I was amazed at how gorgeous she looked.

Cindy was standing against the wall, and I walked over and cupped her pretty face in my hands and began to deep kiss her. As I ran my fingers through her black, thick hair, cut in its cute, pixie style, Amy gently put her fingers in our mouths to feel the connection of my tongue with her sister's, and lightly stroked my butt with her other hand…Cindy and I both sighed from the sweetness of the connection of our tongues, and hungrily kissed each other….

After a while I opened my eyes to take a breath, and Amy took her sister's right breast in her hand and cupped it, pushing it up. I bent down some and began to gently suck on Cindy's erect nipple and then to gently chew it-I was right-she liked having her hard nipples chewed on as much as her sister did, and Cindy closed her eyes tight and moaned as I chewed. Amy prompted me by cupping her sister's left breast with her free hand-I then began to give Cindy's left boob my undivided attention, and Amy then took both hands, and cupped Cindy's right tit with one, and scratched at her hard nipple with the thumbnail of the other-just like Amy loved me to do to her-and when she started to do that, Cindy groaned with pleasure as both of her nipples were getiing stimulated at once. “Ahhh, good….UNGHHH” she groaned as the pleasure hit her. Cindy stroked my hair with one hand and her pretty sister's with the other….

After we had made Cindy's breathing quicken with our attention to her sweet, delicate titties, Amy knelt down and pulled the hood of Cindy's clitoris back with her fingertips to expose the head of her fat, swollen love button-I knelt down and grabbed Cindy's butt as she leaned against the wall-I was surprised at how much meatier Cindy's rear was than her sexy sister's-with the very first lick, Cindy yelled “AAHHH-good!” I licked her clit head-it was fatter than Amy's-Cindy groaned and squealed with each lick-she had never felt a tongue touch her clitoris before-and after a while, Amy, still kneeling next to me, stuck out her tongue and wanted to taste my tongue with her sister's love juice on it-I alternated between licking Cindy's clit and intertwining my tongue with my beautiful wifes'.

Cindy's pussy tasted sweeter that her sister's-I reached up deep into her vagina to try to taste her g-spot with my tongue-she groaned even louder as I did-I went back to licking her clit in rhythm, and suddenly Cindy started saying “Oh, no…oh, no…oh, no…” I remembered that Amy had told me that this was what Cindy used to say as she felt the buildup to her orgasm when they masturbated togeher, so I knew she was getting ready to lose it. Cindy got very quiet, and then suddenly her whole body stiffened up, and after she stiffened and her face began to contort, she began to scream “AHHHHH…UURRHHHHH….HUHHHHH!!!” and just as Amy had said, tears began to stream down her sister's pretty face as she endured all her orgasmic pleasure. Cindy's hips bucked in rhythm as her orgasm continued, and I kept my tongue hard against her rock-hard clit until her orgasm began to fade, and as she started coming down from her climax, Cindy pulled my head away and said, “please, it's too sensitive” and I pulled my head away from her sexy Vietnamese crotch and stood up to kiss her pretty face….

We made our way to the bed and Cindy laid down to recover from the extremely strong orgasm that she had just had. Laying on her stomach, I admired her beautiful, round butt, which was in stark contrast to Amy's flat, little-girl-looking rear end, with the large callous right below her tailbone. I always loved Amy's rear end so much-I always thought it made her look so young and sweet, but was equally captivated by her sister's perfect, round ass, that until now I had never seen exposed.

As Cindy was laying there still catching her breath, Amy laid flat on her tummy, and said, “C'mon, give it to me, I can't stand it anymore!” I scooted up behind her and eneterd her hot, tight vagina from the rear like I had so many times before-we both groaned as I entered her, and she immediately put her butt slightly up in the air to make the angle of my thrusting perfect. I groaned with my thrusting-her cunt felt so hot , gripping me tightly, and her black hair, now wet from sweat, looked so beautiful flowing down her dark skin on her back.

Cindy was now looking over at us, bug-eyed, fascinated by seeing me fuck her gorgeous sister. After I thrusted for only about a minute, Amy began to groan from deep in her throat with each instroke, each groan getting louder-I knew what that meant-her orgasm was getting close. Pretty soon her instroke groans melded into one long scream, and then she began to moan loudly with each contraction-‘errrhh, errrhh, errrhh' just like she did every time she came. Her orgasm almost sent me over the edge, and I pulled out and let some excess semen flow onto the small of her back-I didn't want to have a full-blown orgasm yet, as I was saving that for later….

As Amy caught her breath, Cindy scooted up next to us, and we all held each other for a little while. Cindy stroked my hair and told me, “Oh, God, that was so beautiful, so hot..” and began to kiss me lightly…Our kissing got more involved, and finally Cindy turned over on her back, her tongue still connected to mine, and spread her legs. I held myself up over her, my tongue still intertwining with hers, and I put the tip of my penis at the entrance of her vagina-as I felt her vaginal heat, I sighed from the sweet feeling it gave me in the head of my dick. I slowly enetered her-her vaginal heat and sweetness slowly engulfed my dick-it felt so good I had to cry out. Cindy threw her pretty head back and said, “Ahhhhh…yesss…please…” I slowly began to thrust into her gently, and Amy pulled her sister's legs back toward her chest to make my thrusts deeper. As I thrust a little faster and deeper, Cindy's face looked pained, and she sighed “God…ahhhh…sooo…goooood…” Cindy began to pull hard on my butt, indicating that she wanted me to thrust into her harder. Amy was fascinated at the connection of my body and her sister's and she knelt down next to us, fondling my balls with one hand, and opening her sister's vaginal lips with the other, feeling my shaft as it was coated with her sister's sweet vaginal fluids…

I began to thrust deeper and harder into Cindy's belly, unable to be so gentle anymore, needing to feel myself deeper inside her-Cindy threw her head back against the pillow and groaned with her eyes closed, her black hair all matted from sweat now, partly covering her face. Suddenly she began to say, “Oh, no!…oh, NO!..nooo!…” and I knew that she was getting ready to go over the edge. After being real quiet for a little bit, her whole body stiffened up and she began to scream at the top of her lungs as her orgasm hit her hard-her vaginal walls gripped my penis hard in rhythm, and it was more than I could take-I yelled “Oh, God, no!” as I felt the orgasm welling up in my balls, and as I felt the first spurt at the tip of my penis, I pulled out and began to scream as Istarted to gush all over Cindy's super-cute tummy. Amy rushed over and held the tip of my dick tightly as the semen flowed onto her sister's stomach.

We all collapsed on top of each other, too exhausted to move, and fell asleep holding each other….

After Cindy left that night, Amy begged me to fuck her again-she complained that her vagina still ached with pent-up horniness from watching her sister being fucked. I was more than happy to comply…

Later that week, we were all at a family gathering at her parent's house-Amy came up to me and said that Cindy wanted me to lick her pussy so badly-we went into her bedroom and locked the door-Cindy stood against the wall and Amy reached down and undid Cindy's jeans, pulling them down around her knees-Amy pulled her sister's pubic area up toward her belly to make her clit pop out of the hood, and I knelt down and eagerly licked her clit head as fast as possible in order to induce her orgasm quickly so that we could get back to the gathering before someone noticed we were gone. Cindy groaned loudly from the pleasure that my tongue was giving her, and Amy reached over and put a pillow over her sister's mouth so that the whole house wasn't alerted by her moans. Pretty soon Cindy mumbled, “Oh, God, no…” and then stiffened up and started to scream-Amy grabbed her sister's butt with one hand and the pillow with the other, tight against Cindy's mouth so that the whole house didn't hear her orgasm moans…After Cindy recovered from her come, Amy pulled her sister's jeans back up and zipped them up, and I kissed Cindy on the cheek as we returned to the party…

We now get together as often as we can, and share our heat for each other. When Cindy finally has her proper Vietnamese wedding, and her ‘virginal' wedding night, her guy will be pleasantly surprised at how much she knows about pleasing him. Little will he know who she took lessons from….

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