My First Love – Part-II

My First Love – Part-II

Next day after editing everything of Mahek and mother fucker Mir of their beginning of sex till yesterday’s sex shows total compilation of 3hrs.

With original audio just like a movie and the total video was shown to my mother in law and thought that Mahek will be shy for it instead she became very happy and she told that Honey your father in law is totally sex less on the contrary she wants to enjoy her son daily if Honey permits and instead Honey will be sex partner of his father in law if she can ends frigidity of her father in law.

Honey asked my dear sweet Mahek you told that you are a dad fucker, So you just tell the truth then I will come to decision what to do or what not to do. Mahek replied very coolly then I have to start my life history from beginning of my marriage, a full of taboo and Incest fact which you can not accept and may cause your and Mir’s break up. My dear sweet mother in law Mahek, I god promise we two are best friends not Mother in law & Daughter in law but mother and daughter friends. When I make my Husband to fuck his mom then you should think, I really love you. First I thought I will murder you now I can not live without you. Mahek Told to Honey laughingly please kill me. And they both started laughing.

Your Father in Law is a good person, his name is Rana and myself ,Rana all were brought up in the same family. Rana was five years senior to me and he is my uncle’s son and I have a secret for him when I am only 6 yrs. Old and my Parents also loved him. But when I was 18 yrs. Old and fully grown up lady looking exactly like my mother and my life was changed suddenly. We all three use to sleep in one big bed and seen my parents sex many a night and in one night my father was telling to my mom, we have to prepare our daughter for marriage.

Then mom replied that means you want to fuck your daughter tomorrow night but in return I want to test my nephew i.e would be son in law Rana. They both agreed. Mehek atlast confesed that Mir is his son fathered by his own dad and she has never sex with Rana since his cock was huge monstrous and fatter & bigger than her own dad.her mother was bed partner of Rana and for that they stay separated from rest of the family. On the other hand my sexy mother was totally sexcrazed for Rana’s cock and they have a partial abnormal baby under treatment at Lucknow. He is one year senior to Mir and his name is Lalit.

Actually after the car accident of my parents,myself became very much alone and wanting sex at any cost and it increases to maximum after seeing my son’s cock which is exactly like his and my father.Thank you my daughter Honey and they both started laughing. Now Mehek again started that after this accident,Rana your father in law became frigid and sexless but there is no question of taboo and incest with Rana only problem with his third leg can not play in pussy.

Honey told to Mehek I am sending you the sex video of you and your son to your husband beside drinking and all order I will give you in your blue tooth in the night and incidentally all mobile message is going to Julie and she also got the sex video of Mir and Mehek. Today Honey in the afternoon made all arrangements of CCTV to record everything even in night also.

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