Mom & Son

Harshith was only 19 years old. Harshith’s father name was Suresh and rich businessman in city. His mother Bhagya was the house wife. Bhagya was 39 years old now. She was a modern up-to-date free lady, regularly visit to clubs and gim. Bhagya like to dress very conservatively. She understood the modern concept of sex and liked it better. Her husband Suresh was busy most of the time with his business, cannot give much time to his wife. Bhagya was happy, but her sexual life was far from what she desires.

As a mother of a grown up son, Bhagya hardly let her sexual urge to surface. She maintains a regular happy mother, happy wife kind of all around her all the time. Harshith was a very good looking young boy and college student. Both Bhagya and Suresh were very proud for their son. Harshith plays hocky and was very athletic. When Bhagya watch her son playing at the hocky on ground, running behind ball with hocky stic like a bull and Bhagya could not hold back her tears from joy. She cannot believe that this handsome boy once was her little son who sucked on her breast. Bhagya loves Harshith more than anything in this world.

Bhagya had slim and tight figure even at the age of 39.Her tight round big boobs add to her sex appeal. Her tight round ass something to die for she is just a sex goddess. Bhagya think- I was fair, eye catching personality with added weights at appropriate parts with appropriate proportion I measure 37/29/39,I weight 64 Kgs,stand 5′.6″tall, I had firm boobs, with brown nipples, good big swaying ass. Bhagya had been thinking about her own life many times. Her husband Suresh had lost his Interest in sex almost due to business from years ago. For many years she had been without sex or with little sex.

Somehow it had seemed tolerable for these long time but tonight it somehow seemed unbearable. She wonder if she will never again had sex in her life. She had thought of sometimes having an extra marital affair but it scared her What if somebody finds out? She did not want to take all those risks. But yet the fact remained that she yearned for a man today as she lay there beside her money powered husband. She need someone between her sexy strong legs. Her body urge for sex. Why so strongly? Bhagya did not know that her son Harshith was already dreaming for his charming sexy mother. What he say -The strange thing about it was that….. I really want to do pornographic things to my own mother.

I wanted to do loving things to her. I wanted to had my mother warm lips pressing on mine. I want to do gently massage her bare breasts. I want my mother with me on bed. Harshith likes his own mother as lover. Where did it all come from? I grew up in India. My business man father was a mild mannered man who always worked in a mood of money. I show him many night he would pass out for business and He was good to my mother and I can see that my mother respected and loved him. But I sensed there was also sadness in her and at that time, I could not understand why. I helped mother out at every opportunity. I had a crush on her and this way it kept me close to her.

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