Mom son sex

I am Anil 19 year boy taking education in 12th standard. I am staying with my mom and dad. My dad is 50 years old and looks like 60 years old as he involved more and more in business than home affairs. Where as my mom is 38 years old but looks like 25 years old, as she takes care of her body. Her whitish body is very attractive. Her big boobs, big ass make her sexy.

At 19 I am very sexy, my hair growth has made me look like 25 year old. I am in a habit of reading sex stories in books and also in my mobile. I watch blue films also on net. This made me daily going for a hand job and ejaculate. I watch my mom's friends and relatives with a sexy view and enjoy their curved body. Gradually this made me to attract towards my mom. Her big breasts that filled her blouse, deep navel area which is always exposed and her big gaands that dance in her saree as she walks all use to tease the eyes of teenagers like me. Actually I was imagining to rub the breasts, rub the gaands of my mom. I use to see dream of sleeping with my mom. With all these I use to ejaculate daily night.
I never thought that my dream will turn into reality so early.

It was April month and I was enjoying holidays. One my relatives marriage was fixed in a nearby town which was four hours journey from my home. My dad and mom planned to attend the function. But at last moment dad has been called for a urgent meeting so dad told me to attend function with mom. So me and mom took a bus so that reach the place at about 8pm to attend the evening function. But due to a trouble in bus engine we reached the place at 11pm. The function was over and except few all were to sleep. One of them showed a small store room to sleep as the whole house was full with guests.

The store room was small and one single bed was spread there. Me and mom can sleep there hardly by gripping each other. As a practice mom removed her saree and blouse and was ready to sleep on bra and petticoat. She told me too to remove my pant and shirt. I removed the clothes and stood on frenchie and banian. Mom watched my lund erected in my frenchie and smiled at me. I too watched her under arm hairs and breasts peeping outside the bra and the stomach exposed of her petticoat. Mom told Anil come sleep its too late. I switched off the light and slept beside mom in that dark room.

Mom put her hands on my back and pulled towards her. I too put my hands on her back and started to rub her gaands. Gradually she took my lund in her hand. I never thought that mom too is interested in me. As she started to rub my lund it erected and I slowly made down my frenchie. Meanwhile I pulled her towards me and kissed on her lips and on her whole face. She moaned and kissed me too. I pulled her boobs and started to rub both. After rubbing for five minutes I put one her breast in my mouth and started to suck. Mom removed her petticoat and took my hand and placed it on her pussy. I rubbed her pussy and pulled pussy hairs. I started to pierce my finger in her pussy mom whispered “no anil not finger put your lund !”. I rolled over her and inserted my lund in her pussy. Really I was in heaven I started to fuck my mom with a good speed, “phuchak, “phuchak”, sound filled the room. After ten minutes continues fucking I ejaculated in her cunt. The whole night I slept in her arms.

Friends I will tell you further happenings in next story.

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