Mom and daughter’s shopping trip leads to a wild threesome

 Mom's New Outfit: Mom and 's shopping trip leads to a wild

The sun peaked through the window as the light hit my face arousing me from my slumber. The weight of my daughter's naked body on mine quickly reminded me of the previous night's events. There she was, my daughter, nestled into my body, her blonde hair glistening in the morning light. Strands of her hair framed her face giving her an angelic appearance that belied the naughty activities we partook in the night before.

I slowly pulled my body out from under her and made my way out of bed. All over the floor were pieces of clothing, evidence of a dirty dream come true. I quietly slipped out of my room and headed downstairs.

“Wow, did that happen?” I thought as I poured myself a much-needed cup of coffee

I slowly drank my coffee as flashes of my daughter's latex-covered body gyrating to music played in my head. I felt a familiar stirring in my pussy as I remembered how her body called out to me from across the dance floor. I could still feel the women in the club's hot, sweaty bodies bumping against me as I pushed through the crowd to my intended target. While the bodies of all those other women felt good, I yearned to touch the latex cover beautiful blonde goddess before me. The shiny, smooth texture of the latex catsuit hugging every curve on her body looked so inviting. That first touch sent shivers down my spine as I pulled her body closer to mine. I knew then that I needed to bring this woman home and make her my slut for the night. Discovering that it was my daughter, whom I greatly desired, made the whole thing even more exciting.

My hand slipped between my thighs as I pictured my daughter's eyes staring into my own as she licked my swollen hairless pussy. Her face glistened with sweat as her catsuit clung to every inch of her body. Her tongue teased and massaged my clit, causing my body to feel waves of pleasure it had never even dreamed of feeling before. It was as if the latex catsuit possessed my daughter, turning her into the very slutty girl of my dreams.

The speed of my fingers on my clit increased as I slumped in the kitchen chair, wishing it were my daughter's mouth on my wanton pussy instead of my slick fingers. I needed to cum so badly.

“Yes, Julia!” I moaned with excitement as an orgasm washed over me.

“Looks like you are enjoying yourself this morning. Thinking about anything interesting?” Julia chuckled with a massive grin on her face.

I looked up and there was my daughter dressed in an oversized T-shirt that barely covered her ass. Her smooth tan legs seemed to go on forever. I couldn't help but stare at the beauty before me as I caught my breath.

“Oh, nothing,” I said, a bit embarrassed that she had caught me.

Julia sat next to me and placed her hand on my thigh. I held my breath, uncertain about what she was about to say. My heart was beating out of my chest as I feared the worst.

“Julia…” I whispered, trying to preempt any conversation she wanted to start, but my daughter cut me off before I could go on.

“Mom, last night was very unexpected but I would be lying if I didn't imagine something like that happening ever since I first tried on your latex corset. I just never thought, I never thought….”

The look on her face suddenly changed. Gone was the sexual deviant I took to bed last night. The woman who sat before me was again the sweet child I raised. I watched as tears began to stain my dear daughter's cheeks. I moved in close to her and gently wiped away her tears.

“Shhhh. It's okay, baby. You don't have to say anything,” I said, trying to console her.

Julia looked at me intensely and smiled, “I do need to say something, though. I love you, Mom. Last night was amazing, and I hope you don't regret it because I want….”

Julia paused again. This time I patiently waited for her to get the courage to say what she wanted.

“I want to do it again and again and again. Mom, you are the sexist, hottest, most alluring woman I know, and I need to have sex with you as often as possible,” Julia finally said with conviction.

“I love you too, honey. Last night was something I never thought would happen, but when I saw you in your catsuit, I lost all control.” I said with a big smile on my face.

“Well, if you liked seeing me in latex that much how about we head over to Jane's Boutique this afternoon and you can dress me up like your little plastic doll. Do you like the sound of that?” Julia coyly said while running her hand up my thigh. Gone was the innocent girl from moments ago. This sultry devil knew what she wanted, and I had no intention of disappointing her.

I grabbed Julia's face and kissed her on the lips. Her wet lips greeted me with abandon. Our kiss was of two lovers who couldn't get enough of each other. Julia's tongue massaged mine as we pulled our bodies as close to each other as we could. It was clear we both yearned to make each other cum.

My hand slowly made its way up Julia's smooth long legs. It was apparent that she wasn't wearing any underwear. Her long oversized T-shirt gave me easy access to her bare thighs. As I made my way up her legs, I could feel the heat coming off her nubile pussy.

“Did she know this would happen,” I wondered as my fingers found their target?

“Yes!” Julia cried out, and her hips bucked as I slipped a finger into her drenched pussy.

The sound of her whimpering brought joy to my ears. I knew I had her just where I wanted her.

“Do you like what Mommy is doing to you? Will you submit to my every whim and do what I say?” I asked sultrily.

“Yes, Mommy! I will do whatever you want. Please, Mistress Mommy, make me your daughter slut!” Julia screamed out at the top of her lungs.

I combed my hand through her disheveled blonde hair, pushing it out of her face as I ran my tongue over her pouting lips. Her mouth moaned into mine, demonstrating her desire for my touch. I slowly moved away from her face, leaving a trail of saliva as I kissed her neck and up to her left ear.

“We better get you over to Jane's place today. I want my daughter slut wrapped up like a proper present for her Mistress Mommy,” I growled in her ear as I pulled away leaving her there squirming in her seat.

As I shimmed my way up the stairs, I could feel her eyes burning a hole in my swaying ass. She was completely under my spell.

“Are you going to make Mommy take a all by her lonesome?” I asked as I began to shed my clothes.

Julia jumped out of her seat faster than I had ever seen her move. As soon as she entered the bathroom, Julia lifted off her shirt, revealing her tight body. In last night's madness, I never entirely took in my daughter's sexy body. In the morning light, I saw how her wide hips lead to a tight stomach, giving her an hourglass appearance. Julia's abs were defined yet feminine. This young beauty was in front of me watching me with bated breath to see what I would do.

I turned on the shower and let the steam fill the room. A small yelp escaped my lips as the cool water hit my skin. The water felt good as it cascaded down my body. The skin around my nipples grew taunt as they hardened under the cool water. Julia watched me with rapt attention. I sensed Julia's eyes locked onto my heaving chest, and I returned her stares.

I smiled as I noticed that despite being quite large, Julia's breast sat high up on her chest; A blessing of youth, I thought to myself. I groped my own tits as a reminder that despite my age, I still had it.

“Are you just going to stare at Mommy or are you going to join me in here?” I said as I reached out my hand, dragging her under the showerhead.

The water slid over her tight body, causing her blonde hair to darken as it was saturated with water. Julia's hair, which was moments ago wild and teased, was now clinging to her body. I took a second to watch her as the water ran over her supple skin. The light bounced off her body, calling me like a moth to a fire.

My instinct was to get on my knees and have my way with my daughter, but I wanted this to last. I reached for the soap and asked her to turn around. I squeezed a dab of body wash into my palm and gently started to massage the soap into her back. Julia's body melted into my own as my hands slid over her breasts. Julia's bare and full breasts felt good in my hands. I still could not get over that this was my daughter's breasts I was teasing. I wanted her to yearn for my touch.

I could feel Julia's desire as she was practically hopping in the hopes that her jolting body would bring my fingers closer to her eager pussy. I slipped her hard nipples between my fingers and began pulling at them while kneading her marvelous tits in my palms. My right hand slowly slithered down her hard stomach, teasing her with my nails.

“Oh, Mommy! Please, Mistress Mommy, quit teasing me. I need to cum so badly.” Julia begged.

The sound of her begging was music to my ear. While I had never been dominant in the bedroom, having my daughter beg for my touch made me want to see her submit to my will.

I pulled my hand away from her stomach and grabbed her soaking-wet hair. Julia shrieked from the sudden pain. I knew I had to play this just right, but I wanted her to know who was in charge.

“Don't forget who is in charge here, little girl. You are my daughter slut. Your body was made for my pleasure. I will make you cum when I want to make you cum. Until then, you will let Mistress Mommy do whatever the fuck I want to do to your body. Is that understood, daughter?” I screamed.

I am not sure what came over me, but I liked it. I released Julia's hair from my grip, slapped her ass hard, and then spun her around.

Julia's doe eyes looked at me with a sense of shock and wonder. She had never seen this side of me but wanted to see more of it. I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her face towards mine. Julia's tongue greeted mine as our slick, water-covered bodies ground into each other. I pushed my knee between her legs, rubbing her clit against my toned thigh.

“Ugh, yes Mistress Mommy.” Julia whimpered between kisses.

I could tell that Julia was close to cumming. I pushed her against the wall as she braced herself with her hands. The water poured over her as I slid two fingers into her drenched pussy from behind, and my other hand gently massaged her clit.

“Cum for me, you little slut. I know how badly you want to cum for Mommy. I bet you have imagined cumming on my fingers on so many cold and lonely nights at college. Well, now here we are. Can you feel your pussy gripping my fingers? Your slutty cunt can't get enough. Show Mistress Mommy how badly you want her. Cum for me!” I demanded.

Julia let out a moan as her body collapsed into my arms. I lifted her back on her legs and gently kissed her.

“That was incredible, Mommy. Let me take care of you now.” Julia said while sitting down on the wet shower floor.

Julia slipped her body between my legs, grabbed my ass, and pulled my wet, smooth mound to her lips. She spread my labia with her tongue while trying to drink as much of my juices as she could. I could tell Julia wanted to make me cum soon because I suddenly felt her lips suck my clit into her mouth while her tongue drew circles on it. The feeling was almost too intense. I almost pulled away to get relief when Julia slid two fingers into my dripping-wet pussy.

“Oh god, Julia. Mommy is going to cum. Don't stop. Make Mistress Mommy cum.” I screamed at the top of my lungs. At this point, I didn't care if the neighbors heard us. All I cared about was what was the action happening to my clit.

Julia didn't let up, and I was on the floor with my daughter before I knew it.

“What happened?” I asked Julia, uncertain how I ended up on the floor.

“Mom, you passed out when you came. I had to catch you.” Julia laughed.

“Well damn,” I giggled. We better wash up and get over to Jane's before the day gets away from us.

We quickly washed up, dressed, and put our makeup on. Soon enough, we were on our way. The car ride there was so full of sexual tension that it made it hard to concentrate, yet somehow we made it to our destination without crashing.

Julia dashed out of the car and into Jane's Boutique. Julia's face lit up like a kid in a candy store as we entered the sex shop. I took in my daughter's body as she looked through the toys on the wall. Her tight leggings hugged her every curve. They practically looked painted on and left little to the imagination. Julia's ass looked divine. I had to use every inch of my willpower not to drag her back into the car, push the seat back, and get between her legs. Images of Julia screaming for me to make her cum while onlookers watched through the car windows made my juices start to flow.

I was lost in my dirty thoughts when someone grabbed my ass.

“See something you like,” Jane joked, oblivious that it was my daughter that I was ogling.

I turned around and was greeted by Jane's lips. Her sweet, moist lips massaged mine as she pulled me close to her for a hug. The kiss didn't linger, but I could feel Jane's passion and lust come through her soft lips.

“Well, hello there! Oh, and that is my daughter you think I am checking out,” I said, shrugging off her suggestion.

“Wow! She has grown up, hasn't she? She doesn't happen to swing both ways, does she,” Jane asked while eyeing Julia's tight ass.

“I think she is taken,” I quickly retorted as a pang of jealousy washed over me.

Julia saw Jane and me talking and strolled over to greet her. Jane and Julia have known each other for years, so it was no surprise when Julia reached over and hugged Jane. The look in Jane's eyes indicated that she enjoyed it more than just a friendly little hug. Surprisingly, that glint in Jane's eyes was a massive turn-on for me.

“So, what brings you guys in today? Are you looking for some new toys to bring back to school, Julia? I know how lonely those dorms can be.” Jane asked with a wink and nod in her voice.

“Well…” Julia started to say before I cut her off.

“Julia saw my latex outfit and wanted to get one of her own. I thought it would be fun to try on some stuff together. Care to help?” I said confidently.

“Oh, you couldn't stop me from seeing the two of you in some latex outfits.” Jane looked to the clerk and indicated that she would be going upstairs to help us with the clothing.

I didn't know where this would go or if I should tell Jane what happened last night, but I wanted to find out.

“Let's start with something a little more decent. You would look great wearing this to one of your college parties. You would have all the guys and perhaps a few girls eating out of your hands,” Jane said while handing Julia a red latex bralette with a matching red latex mini-skirt.

Before we knew it, Julia came out to show us the outfit. The outfit left little to the imagination. The mini skirt was tight and barely covered her ass. The skirt accentuated her long legs, while the bralette pushed her full bosom up, making the flesh of her breast look inviting.

“Wow, that is some outfit!” Jane exclaimed. “There is no way you would be coming home alone if you went to a party dressed like that,” Jane continued.

“What do you think, Mommy?” Julia asked while doing a twirl.

Hearing her call me Mommy in public while wearing latex made my heart jump. I caught Jane giving me a curious look as she took in my daughter's body.

“You look good enough to eat! Go change so I can try something on,” I told Julia.

“I think you'll like this. It just came in yesterday,” explained Jane as she passed me a shiny black bodysuit.

I took the bodysuit to the fitting room and asked Julia to wait for me with Jane while I tried it on. Julia gave me a quick peck on the lips as she left the waiting room.

I could tell this bodysuit would be tough to get on since it was so small. I grabbed some lube from the shelf and liberally applied it to my body.

With each tug, the sound of latex snapping filled the room. I loved the sound of latex almost as much as I loved the feel of it on my skin. Each snap was like a flick of my clit, making me drip with anticipation. Soon enough, the cold latex clung to my body. The feeling of the latex stretching against my skin with every movement caused me to moan with excitement.

“You okay in there?” Jane chuckled. It was clear that she could hear the excitement in my voice.

I soon walked out of the dressing room. Julia's mouth was agape, and her eyes glassed over the moment she saw me. It was clear this outfit had the desired effect.

“By the look on Julia's face, I would say it looks good, huh?” I giggled.

“Wow, Mom. You look perfect,” Julia lovingly said.

Julia and I continued to try on more outfits for another hour. Each time, Jane would hand us new clothes to try on, and one by one, we would come out and put on a little fashion show for her.

As Julia and I were about ready to go, Jane went into the back and came out with something special.

“Julia, there is one more dress you should try on. I think it would look super sexy on you,” Jane seductively said while looking Julia straight in the eyes.

The sound of latex crinkling filled Jane's and my ears as Julia tried on this last outfit. The two of us couldn't help but have huge grins as we waited to see how the latex dress would fit on my young daughter's firm body.

“Sharon, your daughter has an insane body,” Jane said. “If she weren't your daughter, I have a feeling you would be in that changing room having your way with her,” Jane said with a curious inflection.

I smiled at her, wondering if she knew what was happening between Julia and me.

Suddenly Jane and my attention turned to the dressing room entrance.

“How do I look?” Julia asked, sounding slightly unsure of herself.

Jane and I both lost our breath as we scanned Julia up and down. Julia stood there in a pair of red patent leather pumps, making her legs look like they went on forever. Finally, my eyes reached the hem of the impossibly short and tight red latex dress that encased her body like a second skin. The latex exposed every inch of Julia's body, including her clearly hard nipples.

I finally found my voice enough to say, “You look breathtaking, my daughter.”

Jane just stood there, entranced by my daughter's body. I nudged her with my elbow. “Tell Julia what you think, Jane,” I instructed her.

Jane cleared her throat. “You look ravishing, Julia. If you weren't my best friend's daughter, I would bend you over where you stand,” Julia said while staring at my daughter.

“Don't let me get in the way of a good time. Hell, why don't you come over for drinks tonight? The three of us should get to know each other better.” I asked Jane.

Jane looked a bit confused but quickly agreed. “Sure. Does 8 pm sound okay?”

“That would work perfectly, wouldn't it, Julia,” I said while giving my daughter the once over.

“Ugh yeah, that would be great, Mommy. I can't wait.”

Mommy. There was that word again. It hung in the air, giving me an almost devilish delight.

Julia returned to the fitting room and put back on her jeans and T-shirt.

“So, which outfits will you be buying?” Jane asked. I could tell she was picturing my daughter and me in the various outfits we tried on.

“We will take all the outfits,” I confidently said as I slammed my credit card on the table.

When we got into the car, Julia began cracking up. She was laughing so hard that tears started streaming down her face.

“What's got you laughing so hard?” I chimed.

“Jane has absolutely no idea what she has gotten herself into! Tonight is going to be so much fun,” Julia said, continuing to cackle.

When we got home, I texted Jane:

We are super excited about tonight! I know this is a highly unconventional request, but I want you to come dressed in latex and heels. Is that understood?

I nervously awaited her reply. Soon enough, I heard my phone vibrate on my nightstand. It was Jane.

All the text said was, “Yes, Mistress.” It was clear Jane knew who was going to be in charge tonight.

The rest of the day, Julia and I lay in bed together, resting and recovering from the previous night's debauchery. As the sun began to set, we knew it was time to prepare for tonight's activities.

“Would it be okay if we get ready in our own rooms? I want to surprise you with how I look tonight?” Julia asked innocently.

“Of course, honey,” I replied while giving Julia a hug and kiss.

I lay in bed for a few more minutes after Julia left. The past 24 hours were a lot to take in, and I needed a moment to reflect. Julia and I became lovers, went shopping for latex clothes at a sex shop, and were now possibly going to share each other with one of my long-time lovers and friends. I could never have imagined all this happening in any 24 hours, and I was nervous with anticipation.

I slowly made my way into the bathroom and undressed. I couldn't help but admire my body in my full-length mirror, taking in all the hard work I had been putting into it. I was prouder of my body than ever before, and I couldn't wait to show it off tonight.

I jumped into the shower and scrubbed off the remnants of the lube I used to try on the various latex outfits. It felt good to be in the shower again. I love a few things more than running my hands over wet skin. My fingers soon made their way to the wet folds of my labia. I grabbed my razor and some soap and shaved around my vulva. I wanted to make sure my body was perfectly smooth for my lovers. I could feel some vaginal juices beginning to form as my mind drifted to visions of my daughter trying on all the outfits this afternoon. I quickly rinsed off my body and got out of the shower before my hands wandered too much.

I stepped out of the shower, and the steam from the hot water had fogged up the bathroom mirror. I wrapped a plush white towel around my body and made my way over to the vanity. I sat down on the padded bench and glanced at my reflection, noticing that my long, dark locks were a tangled mess.

I sighed and picked up my hairbrush, carefully working through the knots until my hair was smooth and silky.

Next, I went through my usual skincare routine before reaching for my makeup bag. I took my time applying my makeup. I wanted my skin to look flawless.

I moved on to my eyes, applying a coat of mascara and a swipe of eyeliner. I finished the look with a bold red lipstick, smacking my lips together to distribute the color evenly.

I stood up and took a step back, admiring my handiwork in the mirror. The woman staring back at me looked young and ravishing. I looked and felt ready to tackle whatever the night had in store for me.

I walked over to my closet and rummaged through the bag of new clothes, searching for the perfect outfit. After a few minutes of contemplation, I decided on a slinky black latex catsuit with a plunging neckline and built-in socks. I meticulously lubed up my body as I slipped into the suit, taking care to smooth out any wrinkles or creases. The sound of latex crinkling filled my room as I worked my way into my new clothing. While it took a while to get into the catsuit, the final product was worth it.

The catsuit left nothing to the imagination. The latex was tight and form-fitting, hugging my curves in all the right places. I couldn't help but feel self-conscious as I looked at myself in the mirror, but I knew that Julia and Jane would love it.

I put on a new pair of high heels to complete the look, taking a few practice strides in front of the mirror to get a feel for the unfamiliar footwear.

I finished my attire by adding a choker. The choker is the perfect mix of sub and dom styles. It made me feel both powerful yet also ready to submit if the desire arose. It also had the added benefit of accentuating my neck and cleavage. I adored the look of my outfit.

I styled my hair into a high ponytail, allowing a few strands to frame my face. I looked in the mirror, and the reflection staring back at me was sex personified. I knew I would soon have Jane and Julia eating out of my hands and my pussy too.

Satisfied with my look, I headed downstairs and poured myself a glass of Prosecco while waiting for my guest to arrive. I had always loved the transformation that came over me when wearing latex, and I couldn't wait to see where the night would take me.

The doorbell soon rang, and I quickly opened it. While I knew that Jane would show up in latex, I was not prepared for the sight before me. Jane stood there, all five foot one of her, dripping with sex. The short tight black latex dress hugged every inch of her 44-year-old tight body. Her breasts were practically falling out of the scoop neck, making it hard to look elsewhere.

Jane smiled, “so it seems like the dress has the desired effect!”

She gave me a soft kiss and made her way inside. Moments later, Julia came down the stairs. This time it was Jane who lost her breath.

Julia wanted all eyes on her as she strutted down the stairs towards us. Her skintight black latex leggings, with a strategically placed crotch zipper, and black long-sleeve latex crop top accentuated her toned flat stomach.

The room was completely silent. You could practically hear Jane and my hearts beating out of our chests as we ogled my daughter's body as she walked towards us.

“Nothing?” Julia said as she tried to coax a response from Jane and me.

“I have never seen a sexier woman on this planet,” I responded as I pulled my daughter in for a hug.

The feeling of our latex-covered bodies touching made me tremble with excitement. Julia pulled away and kissed my cheek.

“What do you think, Jane?” Julia asked.

Julia was fishing for compliments and knew that she completely controlled the moment. I couldn't help but feel proud of my daughter for having such confidence at such a young age.

“I think I did a good job helping you pick out some outfits today,” Jane giggled.

The three of us moved into the living room, and I handed the two of them their glasses of Prosecco.

“So last night was pretty exciting. I don't think I have ever seen the club that packed,” I stated.

Jane looked shocked that I had brought up the events of last night. She had no idea that Julia was also at the party and definitely did not know that we slept together after bumping into each other at the club. I decided to have some fun with this.

“Well, I… yeah…it went well. We had a good turnout,” Jane sputtered. I could tell she was nervous and had no idea what to say or how much she could reveal about the previous night's events. It was one thing to know that I was okay with my daughter being interested in latex clothes; it was a whole other thing to share intimate details of my sex life with her.

“Literally, the moment I walked in, I felt like I was a hunter on the prowl. There were so many hot women there. Julia, you would have been shocked by how many college girls were there. They were surprisingly aggressive. Hell, in many ways, I ended up feeling like I prey to all these young co-eds,” I joked.

“Oh, do tell,” Julia said as she joined me on the gag.

Silence filled the room again. I could feel Jane's hesitation. Jane was not a shy woman when it came to sex, but I could tell that she had no idea how to handle this situation. I knew I had to play this right. I was taking a big risk letting Jane know that Julia and I were now lovers, but I had a gut feeling that the idea would turn her on. We just had to get Jane's juices flowing enough that she would easily join us in bed.

I inched closer to Jane and gently rubbed my hand over her bare leg. It felt smooth underhand. It was clear she had shaven her legs for the occasion. She gave me a look as my hand crept higher and higher.

“Don't worry about what you share. I'm certain Julia would love to hear about all the spicy details from last night. That back room was pretty wild,” I said in a low voice.

“So, who were those women I saw you with last night? The purple-haired one was especially delightful,” I asked, trying to get Jane to loosen up.

The slight mention of the purple-haired woman caused Jane to purr in delight.

“Ah, yes, Sarah. She was a lot of fun,” Jane said with a big grin.

“Oh, who is Sarah?” Julia asked, sitting on the edge of her chair.

“The only thing I know about her is that it looked like Jane enjoyed eating her pussy,” I blurted out, hoping to spice up the conversation.

“You could say that,” Jane coyly responded.

“She is one lucky woman. I bet you give all the girls the best orgasms. That mouth of yours looks devilishly delicious,” my daughter said, moving off the chair and onto the couch next to Jane.

“For a girl your age, you have quite the mouth on you,” Jane quipped back while quickly downing her Prosecco.

“Sarah didn't seem much older than Julia,” I remarked.

I took the glass from Jane's hand and filled it back up.

“What can I say? I have a thing for college girls! What is that old saying? I may get older, but they stay the same age,” Jane responded.

“I sound like such a dirty old lady when I say that,” Jane continued.

I raised my glass, “I'll drink to that. To dirty old women!” I cheered.

“And the young women who love them,” Julia chimed in.

The three of us clinked our glasses together and sipped our drinks.

“So, Mommy, did you have any fun last night?” Julia asked.

“Well, there was this one redhead and her friends who I let have their way with me on the dance floor. I think at least 3 of them fingered me while we danced. I felt like such a little slut, but I absolutely loved it.” I replied.

“I'm sure, Mommy. I bet you looked so hot in your latex last night. If I were one of those girls, I wouldn't have been able to keep my hands to myself either,” Julia said while rubbing her hands over her chest.

“Latex seems to really turn you on, Julia,” Jane observed.

“God, yes! I love the shininess of it. I love how smooth it looks and how it hugs your body. Seeing Mommy's latex outfit for the first time was such a turn that I couldn't help but touch myself. I knew it was wrong, but god, she looked so hot.” Julia admitted.

June was shocked by Julia's confession but was rapt with attention.

“The latex corset made Mommy's tits look so inviting. I wanted to suck on them. Ugh, and the way the latex thigh highs elongated her legs made me want to get on my knees, spread her shiny legs, and please her,” Julia continued.

Julia kept on massaging her large breast over her latex top as she spoke. The sound of latex filled my ears as I watched my daughter tug at her hard nipples. I didn't expect things to move this quickly, but it seemed my daughter couldn't control herself. Apparently, I had raised quite the seductress.

“Ever since then, I have had a bit of a latex kink. If I'm being candid, a bit of a mommy kink too,” Julia said, biting her bottom lip.

Strands of Julia's blonde hair framed her face as she leaned in and whispered to Jane, “Can I tell you something, Jane? Today wasn't the first time I wore latex. I own a latex catsuit, and I have used it to convince many older women to join me in bed.”

Julia paused, trying to get the courage to say the next words that would come out of her mouth. I looked my daughter in the eyes and slightly nodded my head, giving her the go-ahead to reveal our secret.

My heart was practically beating out of my chest as I sat there with bated breath to see what Julia would say next.

Julia's hand soon joined mine between Jane's legs as she continued her naughty confession, “and last night, Mommy was the woman I fucked wearing my catsuit.”

I was practically panting as my daughter's words hung in the air. Jane sat there frozen. I could tell she was worried that if she even moved, she would somehow be awoken from this erotic dream.

Julia's hands continued to roam her body as Jane, and I looked on. My daughter grazed her fingers over her tight stomach before making her way to her shiny latex-covered legs. Jane and I were in awe as my daughter glided her hands over the smooth latex that encased her thighs. Julia's eyes were rolling in the back of her head as she continued to put on a show for our guest. The sound of a zipper opening brought Jane and me out of our trance. Julia spread the zipper apart as she opened her legs, revealing her slick pussy to us.

I began kissing Jane's neck as I slid my fingers up the hem of her latex dress. My fingers were met by Jane's drenched pussy. She was just as turned on as I was, yet she looked at me unsure about what was happening.

“Just let this happen,” I instructed as I rubbed her clit.

“Mistress,” Jane moaned, indicating that she would do whatever I wanted.

“Watch my hot teen daughter fuck herself,” I ordered Jane.

“Play with yourself for Mommy! Show Jane how sexy you are.” I commanded Julia.

Julia spread her labia and rubbed her fingers up and down her slit. Her pussy glistened in the dim light of our living room. Julia lifted her right latex-covered leg and draped it over Jane's bare thigh.

An audible gasp escaped Jane's lips as the cool latex touched her skin. At this point, Jane's dress was pulled up to her hips as I continued to play with her pussy. Playing with Jane's needy cunt while she was mesmerized, watching Julia pleasuring herself had my pussy dripping with anticipation.

“Oh god, Mistress Mommy, your daughter slut it being so bad playing with herself in front of Jane, but I can't help myself,” Julia moaned.

“Tell Mommy and Jane what you are thinking about, slut,” I told my sweet daughter.

“Oh, Mistress Mommy, all I want to do is to please you. I want to take you and Jane to your bedroom, lay you on the bed, and take turns eating your pussies until my face is covered in your juices.” Julia answered.

Those words were all I needed to hear. I reached for Julia's hand and brought her slick fingers to Jane's mouth. Jane's greedy tongue took my daughter's wet fingers into her mouth without hesitation. Jane licked Julia's fingers clean of her pussy juices as Julia cried out in pleasure.

Julia's lips were soon greeted by my fingers, which were covered by Jane's wetness.

“Lick Mommy's fingers clean, baby. Show Jane just how talented of a tongue you have,” I said to Julia while looking Jane in the eyes.

Jane sat there entrenched as we watched and listened to Julia slurp away at my pussy-covered fingers.

Once my fingers were sufficiently cleaned off, I stood up, took Julia and Jane by the hand, and led them up the stairs to my bedroom.

As we entered my room, I led Jane to the chair in the corner of my room.

“Just watch,” I commanded her.

I walked over to Julia, took her by the hips, and pulled her in for a deep kiss. My hands held her bare stomach as I pulled her close.

While my demeanor in the living room was aggressive, once in my bedroom, my love for my daughter overwhelmed me, and I wanted to caress and make love to my daughter gently.

I laid Julia on my bed and slid on top of her. I began exploring Julia's body. Her young, tight body felt good underhand. Those hours in the gym and running on the street were evident as her tight abs and strong arms met my own. I was constantly reminded of Julia's youth as her smooth, flawless skin and naturally large breasts pressed against me as we made out.

As we kissed, I pushed my knee into my daughter's crotch. The zipper of her latex leggings spread as I ground my knee against my daughter's swollen pussy.

Julia moaned into my mouth as she grabbed my ass, pulling me harder into her. My body began heating up as Julia, and I moved in rhythm with each other. I was lost in the sensation of my daughter's latex rubbing against my own.

Julia ran her hands over my motherly curves, loving how the latex clung to my skin. As we kissed, echoes of latex rubbing together filled the room, creating a sensual soundtrack for our embrace.

We spent what felt like hours exploring each other's bodies. Julia continued to grab and massage my ass, seemly loving the feeling of my behind. As time passed, Julia slowly worked her way up my thighs, closer to my crotch. Julia's fingers traced the inside of my thighs, causing me to moan her name in appreciation. Julia somehow knew all the right places to touch. It made me wonder just how much experience my daughter had with women.

While Julia continued to explore my body, I continued to explore hers. I used my fingers to trace the underside of her latex-covered breast. This spot was particularly sensitive for my daughter, who moaned in delight.

“Mommy, that feels good. Play with my tits, please,” Julia requested.

With some hesitation, I pulled away from our deep embrace and kissed down to my daughter's tits. I ran my tongue over her clavicle, leaving a trail of salvia on her smooth latex top. My fingers traced the outlines of my daughter's chest while I ran my tongue over her hard nipples. While I was worried about ripping her new shirt, I tugged Julia's nipples with my teeth.

“Yes, Mommy!” Julia moaned.

The slight pain clearly caused my daughter an enormous amount of pleasure. Julia suddenly flipped me on my back. I was shocked by her aggressive maneuver but curious about what would happen next. She kissed me fiercely before running her tongue down my neck to my latex-covered tits. The sensation was incredible. As Julia ran her tongue down my latex-covered body, her hands played with my breast, pinching and rolling my nipples through her fingers.

“You have no idea what you are doing to Mommy,” I moaned excitedly.

Julia's tongue finally reached her desired destination. She looked up at me and, with deep desire in her eyes, grabbed the zipper at the crotch of my catsuit. Julia deliberately took her time pulling the zipper down past my asshole. The sound of my zipper opening was music to my ears as I knew what was about to happen.

“I want to eat your pussy, Mommy,” Julia purred before pulling aside the latex catsuit, exposing my dripping wet pussy to her greedy tongue.

The moans from the corner of the room suddenly drew my attention. Jane met my eyes. I had never seen such lust in Jane's eyes. I watched as Jane furiously rubbed her clit with one hand while pumping two fingers into her spread-open pussy.

“Julia, lick your Mommy's pussy. Please. I need to see it,” Jane begged my daughter.

It was all Julia needed to hear. She didn't bother teasing me. Julia's tongue went straight to her desired target, my wet slit. My daughter's tongue deliberately moved up and down my vulva, licking up as much of my wetness as she could. My daughter soon slid a finger into the hole she once came from as she continued to lap up my pussy juices.

“You are such a good girl,” I yelped as Julia's tongue finally began circling my clit.

I grabbed Julia's blonde locks, pushing her face into my crotch. She took the cue and increased the pressure of her tongue on my clit, and added another finger into my wanton cunt. My hips lifted to meet Julia's manipulations as I was close to cumming.

“Mommy is cumming!” I yelled while pulling my daughter into my pussy.

“That was amazing, Julia. Now Mommy wants to make you cum,” I said while pushing Julia's head away from my crotch.

I reached into my nightstand and pulled out a strapless strap-on dildo and some lube. I meticulously lubed up each side, taking extra care to ensure the bulb was sufficiently lubricated, and then slipped into my drenched pussy. My pussy clenched around the bulb, causing my eyes to roll back in my head and a small yelp to escape my mouth. I closed the zipper of my catsuit around my new cock to help hold it in place and then lay down on my back.

“Ride, Mommy, baby. I want to watch you ride Mommy's cock,” I instructed my slutty daughter.

A smile crossed my daughter's lips as she mounted my lap. I watched her slip her hand down between my legs. Her slim fingers grasped my new appendage, pushing it deeper into me. The sensation caused my legs to shake. I needed to feel my daughter riding my fake cock and found myself humping the air in anticipation. Julia made sure the zipper of her latex pants was out of the way and then slowly lowered herself onto the toy.

“Oh, Mommy, that feels so good,” Julia exclaimed as she bounced up and down on the fake cock.

Julia bent over and licked my lips before kissing me. The intensity of our kisses increased as my daughter began picking up the speed of her thrusts. With each motion, my daughter caused the toy to push deeper inside me, causing me pleasure beyond compare.

Julia's crop top rubbed against my full-body catsuit, causing the material to pull and tug at my skin. The warmth of the latex was almost overwhelming, yet the sensation of the smooth material caused me pleasure beyond words. The sound of Julia and my outfits rubbing together added to the atmosphere of the kinky sex we were having.

Julia sat up as I watched her hips ride up and down on my toy. Julia leaned over the brace herself. Her hands gripped my breast, teasing my nipples as she screamed and moaned.

“Watching you ride me is almost too much, Julia. Oh my god, keep going. Mommy is going to cum,” I screamed as Julia continued to grind into me.

I soon realized that my moans weren't the only ones I was hearing. I turned my head and was greeted by the sight of Jane standing next to the bed playing with herself.

Without even realizing it, I found myself licking my lips at the sight of my friend's dripping-wet pussy.

Jane got onto the bed, kneeling before me. The scent of Jane's passion filled my nostrils as I watched Julia passionately ride me. The sounds of wet pussies being fucked filled my ears as I reached out to grab Jane's thighs, pulling her closer to me.

“Sit on my mom's face, Jane. I want to see Mommy make you cum,” Julia commanded my friend. I loved seeing my daughter take the initiative. She knew what she wanted, and she was going to make her every kinky desire come true.

June swung her legs over my head. The sight of June's pussy descending to my lips made me smile. The pungent smell of her sex made me want to lick her until she came. Jane has been known to squirt, and I prayed that I would be lucky enough to have her squirt all over my face while my daughter watched.

I gently moved my tongue up and down Jane's wet folds. With each pass, I flicked her clit. The taste of her pussy was intoxicating. It was clear Jane wasn't in the mood for any teasing as she grabbed my hair, indicating that she needed a good tongue thrashing.

“Stop fucking teasing me,” Jane begged between moans.

As I continued to lap at my friend's cunt, I watched as my daughter began to play with Jane's breasts. Jane's breasts have always been very responsive to touch, and I could tell by her moans that she was enjoying Julia's manipulations. Jane reached out, ran her hands through my daughter's blonde hair, and pulled her in for a kiss. While I couldn't quite see what was happening above me, smacking lips filled my ears. Here was my 18-year-old daughter riding my fake cock, while making out with my middle age friend as I licked her pussy, and I couldn't get enough.

I was breathless and sweaty as Jane sat on my face. Julia was covered in a thin sheen of perspiration, and her heart was pounding in her chest as she rode me. There was something about seeing my daughter's sweaty, glistening body that brought me a sense of pride. Gone was the young girl I raised, and in front of me was a grown woman who owned her sexuality, as deviant as it may be.

Julia soon picked up her pace and began to moan louder.

“Oh, Mommy, I am going to cum,” Julia moaned as her head flew back.

The sight of my daughter cumming must have been too much for Jane because a flood of juices soon greeted my lips. I lapped at Jane's pussy, making sure to drink up as much of her nectar as I could.

Jane and Julia both dismounted my body and took positions on either side of me. We spent the next few minutes kissing and caressing each other's bodies before sleep came for us. I knew this was a night none of us would forget, and I couldn't wait to see what would happen next.

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