MMF Threesome

The week after our first time with Joel our sex life was electric, we fucked every night and Michelle was even hornier than usual and her pussy was soaking wet each time we had sex. We fantasised more about a with another guy, but for now kept it between us, in our bed.

Our friends Alex and his new girlfriend Hannah invited us out clubbing to our best local club where we always had a great night. Joel was due to be there, as well another couple. Michelle was nervous about seeing him again as she wondered what he may think of her as we hadn't made any contact since we saw each other last apart from a quick text. So, the day before, I sent Joel another text saying that we were looking forward to seeing him, he sent one back saying that he was looking forward to seeing us too.

When the night came, we were horny before we went out as we knew we would have a really dirty drug fuelled sex session when we got back as we always did on these occasions. Michelle gave my cock a quick suck to wind me up, but said I had to wait until later to touch her pussy. She looked great as we left the house in a very short red dress with cut out sides, underneath she had on a little red thong and no bra. She didn't look slutty, jut sexy. She was quite nervous because of the Joel situation, although I told her it would be fine which I was sure it would. We took some ecstasy with us and had some MDMA powder at home for afterwards. I was looking forward to a good night out but was looking forward to fucking her later more.

We all met in a cool bar near the club. When we arrived Alex, Hannah and Joel were there already, Alex told us that his other friends couldn't make it. We got some drinks and sat down with the others and in no time, Michelle seemed fine and was chatting away with Joel as well as Alex and Hannah. We had two or three drinks there and then headed into the club. When we got in it was starting to fill up and the music and atmosphere were great. We stood around chatting and drinking and then after about half an hour we all popped a pill and switched to water.

Within about 30-40 minutes I was starting to come up on my pill, as was everyone else. It was great, a clean rush of energy, a strong euphoric feeling, followed by an extreme need to dance. They also made us feel quite lovey and smiley which meant lots of hugs, celebrating life between us! We felt great and danced our pills in, enjoying the night. Michelle looked so sexy in her red dress, throwing her hands up in the air to the music. I noticed Joel check her out a couple of times, he gave me a cheeky smile and nod of approval when he saw that I noticed him having a good look. I've always liked guys checking out Michelle, even now I have no problem with it.

About an hour later Alex told us that Hannah wasn't feeling well as she had just got over a chest infection and had maybe pushed it too soon, so they were going home. Of course, we were all upset that they were leaving, although I felt that if they went Michelle, Joel and I would probably have more of a laugh together as Hannah didn't seem on the same level as the rest of us, now we knew why.

We carried on dancing and joking about and I noticed that Joel was getting quite flirty with Michelle and Michelle was flirting back a little and being quite tactile by putting her arm around him every time he spoke to her. At that point I imagined something may happen between us which turned me on, and I felt my cock tingling in my jeans. My thoughts were drifting towards picturing Michelle wanking off Joel the other weekend whilst getting lost in the music and the high.

We took another E and at that point seemed to really connect, I felt really in tune with Joel as I did with Michelle, and I could tell that they felt the same. It's hard to explain the feeling, it's an ecstasy thing, I suppose we were all very much on the same vibe and feeling pretty amazing.

This time when I came up on my E, it was a slower feeling but quite intense with the urge to put my arms around Michelle and Joel, and a feeling of love and togetherness. It all sounds so corny when you recall it but if ever you've taken E, , XTC or whatever you want to call it, you'll know what I mean. We moved with the music at a different pace and I held Michelle really close, and I put my arms around her waist with my hands on her bum, laughing as we swung around. I gave her a small peck on the lips but didn't really feel the urge to kiss her properly right then and could sense she felt the same. I gave Joel a big friendly hug as we enjoyed the euphoria, it wasn't a sexual thing just comradery of our closeness in the moment.

We broke away and carried on dancing but remaining very tactile. Michelle was dancing quite slowly, closing her eyes and throwing her head back whilst gyrating her hips with a very satisfied smile on her face. She kept stretching her arms above her head pushing her breasts out and looked quite wasted, but in a good way, and off the Richter scale sexy. I wondered what she was thinking but didn't approach her as I didn't want her to stop what she was doing or interfere with what she was feeling. Joel's eyes were glued to her and I saw a couple of other guys checking her out. A girl came up to me and asked me what she'd taken as she wanted to feel like her!

As we danced, I told Joel that Michelle was nervous about seeing him because of what happened between us. He said that he was totally cool about it and that he had a great time. He said that he thought Michelle was an awesome girl and wished that more girls were like her. He said that I was a really lucky guy and thought we made a great couple.

Michelle continued with her sexy dancing and I could truly see that she was in ecstasy and really wondered where her mind was running away to if anywhere. Joel and I carried on watching her dance while we danced, and my thoughts were fantasising about the three of us. I really hoped that Michelle and Joel would be up for some fun together. I didn't want to encourage Joel on or invite him back unless I knew Michelle was 100% cool. Then, I also thought that in reality, perhaps nothing would happen, but Michelle and I would end up have great sex anyway. Whatever I was having a great night.

Eventually Michelle came out of her dance trance, gave me a huge sexy smile, grabbed my hips and pushed her body against mine whilst we danced. I took hold of her and asked her how she was feeling and she said that she felt absolutely amazing and gave me a deep and very sensual kiss, I could tell that she was very horny as her body was so hot, in a different way from just the effect of and dancing. I turned around to Joel and he was smiling at me and shaking his head and said, “your girlfriend is so fucking hot”.

Michelle heard him and gave me quite a dirty smile. She let go of me, put her hands around Joel and started dancing with him in the same sexy way whilst smiling and staring intensely into his eyes like she wanted to kiss him. He put his hands around her waist and pulled her in close and with a big smile on his face and asked, “is this cool?”

I took Joel's hands and lowered them onto Michelle's arse and said to her, “kiss him like you just kissed me.” The ecstasy was definitely playing a part in all this!

They moved their lips together and had a really long intense kiss. My cock was rock hard in my jeans and I thought that Joel's must be the same. I could see that Michelle was pressing herself hard against him and pulling him towards her. I thought that she must be enjoying rubbing her pelvic bone against his cock. Joel was grabbing Michelle's arse really tight and pulling her in closer while they kissed. I caught some guy's eye and he nodded at me and said, “I reckon you'll all be having a good time later.”

I smiled and said, “I definitely hope so.”

He said, “she's fucking gorgeous, room for any more?”

I said, “not this time” and laughed.

I thought that quite a few people probably saw Michelle kiss both of us, but I was off my head, so didn't care. I was focussed on what might be to come later.

Michelle and Joel gently pulled away from each other and Michelle came up to me and asked, “did you enjoy that?”

I said, “that was so fucking hot and I think that my cocks going to explode in my pants.”

She said, “my knickers are soaked.”

I asked Michelle is she wanted to invite Joel back to ours. She said that she did, but she didn't want to leave yet as she was really enjoying herself.

We danced for a little while more and then Michelle suggested that we sit down for a bit. We left the dancefloor, picked up some fresh waters from the bar and found a spot to sit. It was the time of the night when everyone needed a bit of a recharge, so we ended up sitting on the floor. Michelle lent her back against me and put her legs on Joel's lap. His hands naturally went to her legs and he was gently stroking them. Michelle put her head back on me, obviously enjoying it, I think she was relaxed more than horny. Joel and I mainly chatted, and then after about 20 minutes we hit the dancefloor again.

We danced a bit faster in time with the music as our ecstasy reached a different stage and all seemed cleaner. I felt a bit straighter but still very high and was really enjoying the music, I could see that Michelle and Joel were too. After a good long dance, I asked Michelle what she wanted to do after, and she quite assumptively said that she thought we were all going back to ours. She looked like she was ready to go, so I asked her if she wanted to and she did. I asked Joel if he wanted to come back to ours and told him that we had some MDMA and we could have a bit of a party. I'm sure that he was hoping what I was hoping, and I thought that there's a fair chance it might. So, we left the club around 2.30.

I felt full of energy and still on a high as we all walked down the street arm in arm with Michelle in the middle of Joel and me. We caught a cab and all sat in the back for the short ride home.

When we got in, I put on some dance music, I went for some Ibiza summer style music which was a bit lighter than what we were listening to in the club. Michelle went upstairs and I followed her to get our MDMA powder, I told Joel to make himself at home and chill while we got ourselves sorted. Michelle was very giggly and said that she needed to change as she was all sweaty and really needed to change her knickers. She knew how much I liked it when she got an extremely wet pussy when we she took drugs. I asked to see, so she hitched her dress up and pulled her knickers down, she was absolutely soaked, almost dripping in fact. I asked her to lay on the bed so I could lick her clean. She was kind of in the mood, and said for me to do it quickly as she was aware Joel was downstairs on his own. She laid back and I opened her legs and I gave her messy pussy a very satisfying licking until I cleaned up her juices. Then I picked up her knickers and licked them too, she tasted delicious and I was very hard and extremely turned on.

I asked Michelle if she had a good time in the club. She said that she had an amazing time, I didn't want to go on about what happened. I was trying to be cool, but really, I desperately wanted to see her and Joel fuck more than anything, which sent my stomach in knots. She grabbed some clothes and went off to the bathroom while I joined Joel downstairs. We were discussing how fantastic and wasted we felt when Michelle came down and asked if we wanted some drinks. She had obviously freshened up and made some effort. She was wearing a dark grey, short, loose cotton dress that she sometimes wore around the house which she knew I found sexy. Her feet were bare, and I wondered if she was wearing any underwear. She had brushed her hair and smelt as if she had washed and cleaned her teeth. I was aware that we were probably a little sweaty and no way near as fresh as her. She looked hammered still, but very smiley and walked to the kitchen quite delicately.

When she came back in, she sat in between Joel and I on the sofa and organised some lines of MDMA. We each had one and chatted for a bit. There was a sexual tension in the room for sure, and it was obvious that Joel and Michelle were very attracted to each other. Michelle leaned into me and I put my arm around her waist, I was stroking her stomach through her dress and could tell that she was horny. She was smiling and half closed her eyes as she gently rubbed her feet against Joel's legs. I felt very tingly and could sense my body starting to rush from the MDMA. Michelle gave a little groan of satisfaction as I increased the area that I was rubbing. I could feel her breathing increase as she lay a little further down me and stretched her legs over Joel's and gently ran her foot up and down his leg. I started caressing her breast as Joel was casually stroking her leg. Her dress had ridden up a bit and I wasn't sure what he could see.

The effect of the MDMA was getting very strong and were all very much sharing the same feeling. I had huge rush running through my body and I felt so euphoric. I noticed my eyes lids start to flutter as my breathing became slower and heavier. The sensation was absolutely incredible, I remember as I was holding Michelle, watching Joel caress her legs as she stroked them across him, that I'd quite happily stay in that situation forever. I felt totally bliss and extremely horny, although so content that I didn't want to change what we were doing. Joel was stretched out with his head slung back, looking like I was feeling, Michelle was trembling just a little as she breathed.

As the feeling calmed, Michele said that she had to dance, then carefully herself peeled away from us. She stumbled a little as she stood up and I had to lean forward to steady her. She insisted that she was okay and slowly started to move with the music. She looked so unbelievably sexy as she danced just a couple of steps away from us. The shape of her breasts were clear to see through the thin fabric of her dress. I could see her panty line, so I knew that she was wearing actually knickers. She didn't quite have the energy to throw her hands up in the air anymore and instead very slowly swung her body in long flowing movements. Joel and I were mummering things like “fucking hell” and “wow,” and passed comments about how great we were feeling and how amazing Michelle looked as she danced in front of us. She responded by slowly moving her hands over her body and was obviously getting turned on by our reaction to her. Whilst she danced, I was enjoying sitting back and admiring her so much, feeling really high and fucking horny. I really wanted to stroke my cock through my jeans but managed to resist. There was such a feeling of sexiness in the room and it seemed more and more likely that we were all going to get it on.

I held out my hand to her and gently pulled her towards me. She gave me a really cheeky smile and her eyes brightened as she stepped over to me and lowered herself onto my lap with a leg either side of mine, facing me. She held my head with both of her hands and seductively rubbed my face while staring into my eyes. She opened her lips and gave me one of the deepest, hornist kisses ever. I ran my hands up and down her body inside her dress and stroked her back as we kissed and she pushed her crotch into my lap. I moved my hands around to her front and felt her tits, then she pressed herself against me and kissed me hard and intensely, pushing her tongue into my mouth. She then pulled away and leaned into Joel and kissed him passionately, running her fingers through his hair and over his shoulders up to his face. Joel was quietly moaning and sank further into the sofa. She then slowly kissed up and down the side of his neck, then gently biting his bottom lip before she pulled away. I didn't feel at all jealous, just very turned on.

When she stopped, I stroked her body and then I pulled her dress up, she raised her arms as I took it off. She then kissed me again, stood back up and started dancing again, now in just her knickers. She looked incredible and so sexy as she ran her hands over her body while she danced. She was loving it and looked so confident, knowing that we were so very turned on for her. Joel and I glanced at each other, both probably looking quite smashed and blown away, anticipating what might happen next. I felt it was for Michelle to control the pace and how far she wanted to go, so we both just went with the flow, and a good flow it was.

Michelle looked incredible dancing in front of us in just her white low-rise lace boy shorts. She turned around leaving us both glued to her lovely arse. My mind was racing with what I wanted to do to her and what I wanted to see her and Joel do. When she turned back around I told her to take her knickers off and she straight away pulled them down and stepped out of them. I could see that her pussy was very wet again. She ran two of fingers over it and then seductively licked them and leant in towards me and gave me a quick kiss so I could taste her juices. Joel and I were “wowing” and “fucking helling” again, and he was telling me how amazing Michelle was. I felt so turned on whilst she danced naked in front of Joel and me, not afraid to show her naked body to another guy. She spun around a few times so we could see her cute bare bum, which is probably my favourite part of her body. I told her how much I loved her arse and she started slowly running her hands all over it, then slightly pulled her bum cheeks apart, so we could glimpse her sexy little arsehole.

I pulled her towards me again, she smiled and said, “if you're both going to fuck my pussy tonight, you're going to have to get you cocks out”.

I said, “I might even fuck your cute little arse too”.

She replied, “mmm, I'd like that” and gave me another very cheeky smile.

I was at that point, about the most turned on I could be. Joel and I pulled down our jeans and both of our cocks stood absolutely rock hard. Drugs can make you really hard, or unable to get a hard on at all, we were both absolutely hard.

She carried on dancing and said, “wank while you watch me”.

We laid back, I felt almost in a trance stroking my cock up and down as I watched her move. I looked over at Joel and watched him slowly wanking to my naked girlfriend, thinking that he's going to stick that inside her tonight.

She moved over to me and carefully dropped to her knees, taking hold of my cock and slowly licked it up and down and then kissed the end. She put her mouth over it but didn't close it, I could feel her breath, whilst she just played her tongue around me. She then dropped her head into one long slow suck and then pulled away leaving me in an absolute intense state of arousal. She then moved over to Joel and took hold of his cock and licked it up and down, licking a little pre cum from his tip and looked up to him and smiled. She then sucked him up and down 5 or 6 times, then pulled away. She then returned to me and looked me in deeply in the eyes as she took hold of my cock again. She kissed it and then gave it 3 long, slow, deep sucks.

She stood up again and started dancing and then suggested we do another line of MDMA. We both agreed and I suggested that we snort if off Michelle's body which she enthusiastically agrred to. She lay on her back the sofa, looking amazing, and said that we could snort it from wherever we wanted to. I handed it to Joel and he stood looking at her like a kid in a sweet shop, obviously really struggling to make a decision. He then eventually lined it up on her shaved pelvis just above her pussy and snorted it off her. I suggested he used his tongue to lick the remains, so he licked the tiny bit that was left quite slowly and finished by kissing her skin. I then asked to turn over and lined mine up on her arse cheek. I snorted it up, licked up the leftovers and kissed her bum. She then took the MDMA from me and told Joel to sit back down on the sofa and hold his cock steady. She then lined it up on his hard cock and snorted it off. She then licked it up and down, then took him in her mouth again and sucked him a few times in the same way that she did before. She then licked his balls which made him moan before she got back up and carried on dancing. I sat back down and continued watching her.

Within about 15 minutes I could feel the MDMA starting to rush through my body, it was almost a bit too intense, and I thought perhaps we should have left a longer period before we took it. I could see that they were both starting to feel the affect too. Michelle sat down between us, breathing really heavily as she was coming up on it. She looked so sexy sitting naked in between us, Joel was rubbing her leg as he was rushing. She stretched her body out so all her muscles tightened and was letting out sexy little moans. We all sat, trying to stay on top of the sensation for a little while, almost unable to talk to each other, but feeling incredible.

Once the intenseness had passed, we all felt bang on top again, full of energy and in a euphoric state. This mixed with the sexy atmosphere was totally electric. Michelle rolled over onto me with her legs either side of me again and started wanking my cock and staring into my eyes, her whole body moving as she breathed deep from her stomach. She then raised herself up and pushed her pussy all the way down onto my cock. She grabbed hold of my shoulders, riding me and gyrating her body on top of me. She was moaning and tensing her pussy muscles. She took hold of me really tightly as we fucked, I pushed my cock as far as I could into her as she thrust down on me. However much I pushed into her, it didn't feel like enough. I looked over to Joel and he was wanking his cock while he watched us. She looked over at Joel and pulled herself off me onto him. She raised herself up and Joel asked if we had any condoms (moment of reality), I said that we didn't, and we assured each other that we didn't have anything nasty. All the time Michelle had hold of Joel's cock and was rubbing it on the entrance of her warm wet pussy. I could see that Joel was desperate for her to drop down onto him and fuck him. Then she pushed down and started fucking him in the same way she fucked me. Her and Joel were both moaning together and mumbling “Oh my God” and “fuck”. I was wanking my cock, totally off my face, enjoying watching my girlfriend fuck someone else. Michelle stopped and suggested that we went upstairs.

Michelle very lightly, walked up first, I let Joel go in front of me, knowing that he'd be staring at her arse on the way up our steep staircase. He supported her a little as she went up, holding onto her bum. In the bedroom, I put on some fairly chilled, good fucking music. Michelle lay on the bed, closed her eyes, opened her legs and started rubbing her very wet pussy. Joel and I were still dressed, and we started taking our clothes off. She said, “leave them on, I like being naked in front of you both”.

She was rubbing herself and moaning while biting her bottom lip and throwing her head back, writhing her body around, looking quite wasted but fucking sexy. Joel and I sat on the end of the bed watching her. I started stroking her leg and she said, “not yet, just watch me”.

Then she stopped and reached into our bottom bedside drawer and pulled out her favourite dildo, which looked very much like a real cock. She lay back again and pushed it inside her whilst rubbing her clit. She was clinging onto it really tightly, slowly moving it in and out of her pussy. I was dying to fuck her. I lay down and started rubbing my cock through my jeans and Joel did the same. After about 5 minutes she stopped and said, “fuck me with it”.

I gestured to Joel that he could do it. He kneeled between her legs and started slowly pushing it in and out of her, whilst she rubbed her clit and tits, pinching her nipples. Again, this was the perfect combination of amazing drugs and watching my girlfriend being absolutely filthy with another guy — I was in heaven!

After a short while she sat up and took the dildo from Joel and held it towards my mouth and said, “lick all my juices off and suck it”.

I licked it and sucked it like a cock until it was cleaned off, but not for long, as even though I was off my head, I was a little embarrassed in front of Joel. I did wonder if this would make him bolt, but he didn't.

She handed it back to Joel, placed two pillows on top of each other in the middle of the bed, then rolled onto her front onto them, so her arse was sticking in the air a little and said to Joel, “fuck my arse with it”.

I got some lube from the bottom drawer, pulled her arse cheeks apart and rubbed plenty in. She had her hand underneath her body and was rubbing her clit, still writhing around. Joel then held the dildo against her arse and looked like he was concentrating very hard as he pressed the end inside her. She let out a groan, as he slowly probed it in and out, a little further each time, with her groaning more loudly as he pushed it deeper. Before long he had it in as far as she could handle and started fucking her a little faster, but still quite gently. Michelle was groaning loudly and repeating “oh my God, oh my God”.

We had done some pretty kinky things, but this topped it all (to that point in time anyway). She was facing me but not really looking at me, staring so intensely, breathing short heavy breaths with her eyebrows frowned. I was a bit concerned that it may be a bit much, bearing in mind the MDMA and ecstasy we had taken. Joel slowed down and then she asked him to stop and he carefully slid it out. He held it towards me, laughed and asked if I wanted to lick it now. Michelle sat up excited and dared me. I said “no way” and we laughed it off.

Joel laid back and Michelle bent forward, pulled his jeans and boxers off and started sucking his cock, I was left staring at her pussy and arse. I quickly stripped off, kneeled up and pushed my cock into her wet pussy and started fucking her fairly quickly, pushing my cock (quite slim and about 7.5 inches on a good day) in all the way and slapping against her bum cheeks. I licked my thumb and rubbed it against her arse, then slid it in and fucked her arse with it as I fucked her pussy. We were all moaning and groaning. I leant around to see her devouring Joel's cock and was quite impressed at how deep she was sucking.

After I gave her a good fucking, she pulled away and lowered herself onto Joel, facing him, and started fucking him hard and fast. She looked so intense, far too much to smile or laugh now. We were at that point I suppose, almost animalistic with only one focus. She kissed Joel for a short while then sat up, grabbed my cock, then started wanking and sucking it. Her little tits were bouncing up and down as Joel was now thrusting in and out of her.

She asked me to pass her the lube, climbed off Joel and rubbed some over his cock and over her arse. She turned around to face me, took hold of Joel's cock and slowly lowered her arse onto it until his cock was just inside her. She carefully pressed herself onto him, then starting fucking him quite slowly, letting out low long moans as his cock went further into her. Eventually she took practically all of it (he was about the same size of me, and probably still is). Joel also looked like he was very focused on what he was doing, and I thought that he might even look like it may have been hurting a bit but wasn't going to stop. Michelle leaned back onto Joel, balancing herself with her hands, facing me, with her legs wide open, moving and gyrating her arse on him. They were breathing in time with each other and all of Michelle's muscles were tensed. She looked straight through me and said, “kiss my pussy”.

Joel opened his legs a little to give some better access and I got myself in position, staring at his shaved balls and cock being fucked by my girlfriend's lovely arsehole. I leant forward and started to kiss her up and down her thighs and naval. I moved my mouth over her clit and started to slowly flick my tongue across it. Then I moved down to her pussy and started to lick her juices, being very turned on by the fact that another guys cock had just been inside her. She didn't really taste any different, but there was a very distinct smell of lube. I then started to lick her clit much faster and harder and pressed two fingers inside her, rubbing her g spot. As I did, she started pounding her arse harder onto Joel, letting out quite loud, short, high-pitched screams. Joel was also quite vocal, moaning in time with Michelle. I thought they might both cum, then Michelle did. She pushed her arse onto Joel's cock, her legs raised in the air and she threw her body back onto him. Her whole body was vibrating and shaking. I fingered and licked her as fast as I could, then her body stiffened, including her pussy muscles around my fingers and she let out a long moan. My fingers became very wet as her juices released inside her and she came. I pulled my fingers out and they were covered in her orgasm. I licked them clean and then licked her pussy which was drenched and dripping onto Joel's balls. She very precisely lifted herself off him. They both sounded like they'd just run a marathon and were pouring with sweat.

Joel didn't cum. Sometimes cumming on drugs is difficult, but when you do, your orgasm is much stronger and lasts a long time whilst your body builds up to it.

We all sat recovering, especially them. Joel asked if we wanted to go to sleep and that he could go if we liked. Michelle said that she wanted to do some more MDMA and fuck. She was totally on one and I was still very much up for it. She told Joel that he wasn't going anywhere and that she wanted us both to cum inside her. That is so hot. We did the last of the MDMA, which were quite big lines.

Joel went to the bathroom to freshen up. Once he was back, Michelle said that she wanted to go, so I went with her. In there she told me what an amazing time she was having, she never wanted it to stop and couldn't believe how horny she was feeling and what we were all doing. I took a pee and then she said, “do you want me to piss over you”?

I agreed enthusiastically. We'd done this a few times when we'd been off our heads but not often. I lay on my back in the bath and she climbed in and hovered over me. “First”. She said, “I want you to lick my arse”.

“Wow, okay then” I said, I was pretty much up for anything.

She turned away from me and then lowered her bum towards my face. I lifted myself up and started licking her bum cheeks, kissing off all the lube and juices, the taste was mainly lube. I then kissed and licked her arsehole. She pulled her cheeks apart and told me to push my tongue in. It was quite difficult as I was in an awkward position, but I managed to a little. She pushed her arse onto my tongue, and I fucked it in and out as best I could, then carried on licking all around her crack where Joel's cock had been just a few minutes before.

Then she stood up and faced me, rubbing her clit and said, “you love watching me fuck Joel don't you”.

I said, “yes, it's incredible”.

She said, “I'm so glad we're doing this, I bet you can't wait to watch me get filthy with other guys, can you”.

“That would be fucking amazing”. I said.

She then let out a long stream of warm clear piss all over my body and cock. She'd hardly peed since we'd been back so it seemed to go on forever, splashing over me and soaking my body while I wanked. She went up to my neck, her pee was bouncing onto my face. She seemed like she'd finished and told me to kneel up, open my mouth and lick her. As I did, she let out a little more which went into my mouth and down my throat, whilst a small amount ran down my chin. This was so hot and kinky!

She stepped out of the bath and briefly cleaned herself up with a flannel.

She said, “once you've sorted yourself out, would you bring some up waters”, blew me a kiss and left.

I had a quick shower off and brushed my teeth. I went into the kitchen and was wondering what they might be doing together, talking or fucking. In a brief sober moment, I did think about the risk to our relationship but then convinced myself whatever happens, it will be fine and just wanted us all to fuck some more. I then quite liked wondering what they might be doing, and didn't rush back up, instead I took my time thinking about him fucking her whilst rubbing my cock. Then I started to feel my MDMA kick in, so I went back upstairs.

When I went back in the bedroom, I noticed how strongly it smelt of sex. Michelle commented how long I'd been and was laid back on the bed with Joel's arm around her, whilst she was casually stroking his semi-erect cock. I sat opposite them on the bed and we chatted whilst we came up on the MDMA. I felt a little messy for a bit but didn't rush in the same way as before but felt totally great, more relaxed. We were probably running out of energy, bearing in mind it was around 6.30am and we'd been either dancing and fucking for over 8 hours. I was so glad we had decent curtains which didn't let much light in.

I climbed on top of Michelle and started kissing her, then pushed my cock into her and started to fuck her. She took turns kissing Joel and me as I pumped her pussy. She clenched her legs around me and I kissed her neck whilst she kissed Joel's lips and he touched her body. She was moaning away again as I fucked her at a steady pace, making sure that I pressed hard against her clit each time I fully entered her.

I then pulled away and Joel naturally took my place and fucked her, maybe a bit harder than I did. I kissed up and down her legs and feet as they fucked. They fucked for a really long time,, whilst I kissed whatever parts of her body I could get to. Then Joel rolled onto his back, holding Michelle so he remained inside her. They were fucking really sensually while I was all over Michelle's body, kissing, stroking and touching while they both moaned in time to their movements. I took a look at Joel's cock moving in and out of her and kissed and stroked her bum cheeks whilst their bodies met. Then they both started to increase their speed, moving faster and faster, their groans intensifying. They were looking deep into each others eyes and Joel said “I'm going to cum”.

Michelle said “cum inside me, cum inside me”, and pumped him as hard and fast as she could.

They both had streams of sweat running down their bodies, I was wanking my cock as I watched them. I could see the orgasm building up in Joel's face, he had an almost panicked look on him and then finally released, ramming his cock hard into Michelle, grabbing firmly onto the tops of her arms, pulling her towards him, then letting out a load, long moan and he fired his cum up her. Michelle was grabbing hold of his chest, thrusting down on him as he pushed into her. She also groaned and her face was so red with tears running down her cheeks. Her body shook and she said “I'm cumming” letting out a long moan, shuddering on top of him. They came together and then she collapsed on top him.

I was so incredibly horny and I just wanted to fuck her brains out after their filthy sex show. She crawled off him and gave his cock and quick lick and suck, then lay on her back next to him. I looked, but there didn't seem to be any cum running out of her. I went to move on top of her, but she asked me to give a minute to get her breath back as she lay panting. Joel got up and went off to the bathroom. Michelle and I talked about how fantastic we were feeling as I kissed various parts of her very sweaty body She said that she still had enough energy for us to fuck and that she wanted mine and Joel's cum mixed inside her pussy, which was so fucking hot.

Joel came back in and got dressed, then said that he needed to go home and recover. Michelle said that he could stay in our spare room if he wanted, but he didn't. We all said our goodbyes, he and Michelle had a brief kiss and he said he'd sit downstairs and get his head together while he waited for a cab to arrive.

I moved on top of her and kissed her on the lips, putting my tongue inside her mouth as we ran our hands all over each other. My cock was growing hard again and then she said, “lick my pussy and taste his cum”.

Now I was rock hard. I worked my way down her body, taking my time to sensually kiss and stroke every part of her. I looked at her very wet open pussy and thought that she looked a little sore which wasn't surprising after she been fucked so much by us both. I licked the inside of her thighs then moved onto her clit and then her pussy, pushing my tongue inside her as far as I could. She tasted of a mixture of her juices and Joel's cum which was sending my mind wild. I slowly pushed two fingers in and out of her a few times, they were so wet and sticky, then I cleaned it off with my tongue. I licked her some more, as she lightly leaked the juices inside of her. Then she told me to fuck her.

I pushed my cock inside her and slowly started to move in and out. She was soaked with his cum and her pussy juice and squelched slightly as I penetrated her. I kissed her and she told me to fuck her and cum inside her. I thrust as fast as I could and felt myself building up. I was quite surprised how quickly I felt I was going to cum. after all the drugs. We were both moaning, me more than her as I was desperate to shoot my load in her. I pushed into her as hard as I could and had an amazing, very long, intense orgasm and my body shook as I released my climax. We lay for a short before I pulled out which was covered in a white mixture of our juices. Michelle leant over and gave it a lick and a suck, then finished with a quick kiss on my lips. She then grabbed a pair of kickers and went to the bathroom.

We slept until about 3pm the next day, so neither felt too bad when we woke up, plus we didn't have work for a couple of days which took the pressure off. I woke just before Michelle and lay in bed recounting the night before and wondered how she would feel. She woke up, gave me a little kiss and cuddled into me. We were both so sweaty, smelling of various body fluids.

I asked her how she was and said that she felt good, although her pussy, arse and mouth were all quite sore. I made us coffee and we sat up and chatted about the night, I noticed that our duvet cover had various stains over it. We both agreed that we had an amazing night and we said that we were both totally cool about it. She wanted to check that I wasn't jealous, and I assured that I wasn't because I felt safe in our relationship, I wanted to reassure her that I had no problem with what we did. I said that I felt just as committed to her and thought she was awesome for what she did last night and how damn sexy she was!

She said that she couldn't believe how horny she got and what we all did and wondered if she would have done it without the drugs. We talked about what else we may want to do, still feeling horny from the night before, but much straighter. We had talked about it before, but mainly when were high or drunk. Now we'd actually done something very full on, it all seemed very different, especially as this wasn't a one off with Joel and we both felt comfortable with it.

I asked if she would do anything like that again. She said that she really wanted to and thought that she might, but it would depend on the circumstances and who with, but rather not with anyone else we knew. Even though we fantasised about it and agreed we would, she never really thought that we would actually go ahead and do something that full on. She said that she loved doing stuff in front of me and that I got so turned on watching her. She said that she really wanted to watch me and Joel get it on and asked him if he would while I was in the bathroom, but he said that it wasn't his thing. I couldn't believe she asked that! She knew that I had just one very full on experience with some guys years before, she's the only person I've ever told about it. She said that she really wanted to see me with another guy or two sometime, we'd fantasised about the scenario before. I said the same as her, if the circumstances were right I probably would. She asked if I got more tuned on watching her with someone else or joining in. I said that I liked both but got especially turned on watching her, I said I think it's probably a submissive streak in me and I loved the massive tease. I told her that I'd love to see a group of guys fuck her and cover her in cum. She said, “I'd make you lick it all off” and then she rolled over on top of me.

She pulled her knickers off which were soaked in last night's cum and sat up on me. She licked the inside of her knickers and then held them in front of my mouth and I licked them too. I could feel that she was leaking into my stomach. I asked her to sit on my face, which she did. She rubbed herself around my lips and squeezed a stream of cum around and into my mouth. She then moved around and we 69'd until we both came again. Her mouth was full of my cum and mine was full of all of ours. We had a long, dirty, cummy kiss, then got up.

I never did get to fuck her arse that night after all!

Okay, so Michelle has read this and thinks it's really hot and put me right on a few things (which I've changed). She has asked me to write about my all guy experience from before we met as she feels I've never really told about it in great detail. It was a long time ago now, so most is a bit hazy. plus, these things take ages to write! I may do it soon, although I was going to write about our next experience with two guys we met, which is more about me watching them fuck Michelle. If anybody has actually read this to the end, we hope you enjoyed it and would love to any comments. Actually, we would also bear in mind which experience you'd prefer to hear about next.

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