Memories of a “Dirty Old Man”

I'm probably what you call a “ ”. How “dirty” I am, I leave to your judgment.

Only at a relatively old age, did I become sexually active and finally I came across the topic of “spanking”, which then shaped me quite a bit sexually.

How it came about and how it went on, I want to describe here in my “memories”, in the hope that one or another, will find a little pleasure in it.

After a long, at least sexually, frustrating marriage, I divorced.

In the years following the divorce, I gradually became more and more sexually active. I made up for what I missed; learned a lot.

During this time of my sexual catching up, I had various love adventures with different women. I had mostly good, but also some bad experiences.

I met some great women, but I wasn't afraid to seek professional “help” either.

However, it was always important to me that not only I, but also my female partners, had a lot of fun during sex. I think most of them liked that.

And some of those love adventures were special, at least for me.

But maybe you like one or another of these adventures, too.

The “cast” in these adventures:


She was a well-preserved 43-year-old black-haired woman, 165 cm (5'5″), attractive and very shapely, who still radiated an attractive, feminine, mature beauty. Her breasts were large and swirly, her pelvis wide and inviting, her legs long and shapely. And with her very dark eyes she could look at you like that…


A slim brunette, in her late 20s, Muslim woman (but not religious, no headscarf) from Bosnia, 165 cm (5'5″), with a slim figure and, at the same time, equipped with all the necessary curves. .


Eva was a 22-year-old young woman, she was quite small, 155 cm (5'1″), very petite, had an almost-boyish body, had straight, short-cut blonde hair and a narrow face. She was not a sex bomb, but had flawless skin and a very slim-but-appealing figure.


Was a tantra masseuse, Italian. Slim, 168 cm (5'6″); mid-30s; beautiful breasts, one of them pierced, good C-shape apples; long, well-shaped legs; slightly wavy, long black hair, dark eyes, very dominant.


I, myself, am 174 cm (5'8″) tall, weigh 75 kg (165 lbs), wear a short (albeit graying) beard, and consider myself quite normal. I'm in my late sixties (a , so to speak) and keep myself reasonably fit through sports.

At a rather late age, I came, more or less by chance, upon the fetish of “spanking”, which afterwards would not let go of me. Before, I had never felt a need in this direction.

And that's how it started…

In the time of my sexual catching up, I had various love adventures with different women.

One of those special women was Marion.

In the advanced stage of an enjoyable date with one of my former playmates, Marion; we were both naked, I gave her some playful slaps on the ass, which she had held out to me temptingly.

Surprised, she howled briefly and then said, “Just wait, my friend, you will pay for that…”

Even before I knew what happened to me, she was behind me and had given me some, but quite tight, blows on the . I was amazed, I had never experienced anything like this before. And although it was quite painful, I somehow found it very pleasant and arousing.

However, at that time, we were both already so horny by our previous foreplay, that we did not pursue this tingling situation any further. We were then so heated, that we immediately switched to fucking.

(On other dates with Marion, however, it was often different, but more about that later.)

But these, actually quite harmless slaps, were the trigger that “spanking” became a fetish for me.

Then there was Jasmine.

While kissing fiercely during a date, I told her that Marion's tight blows on my naked ass had turned me on quite a bit.

“So, that got you excited? And? Would you like to experience that again?”

“Yes, sure, why not. I found it quite exciting at the time.”

The flash in her eyes should have made me suspicious. (At the time, I didn't know she was very experienced; a switcher.)

“Okay, you can have that.” She sat down on the edge of the bed, pulled me to her, pulled my pants and underpants down, and put me over her knees; my ass protruded blankly into the air, my rested on her bare thighs, her dress had slipped up — she didn't have panties on.

“Well, then you should experience real chastisement. Your ass will have funfairs,” said Jasmine, clutching my waist tightly with one hand, fixing me, and with the other hand, she started.

And how she got started. Suddenly, in quick succession, a blow of her bare hand pattered violently on my naked ass.

I was dismayed. These were not playful slaps like back then, these were really heavy blows this time. I was crying in pain, kicking my legs like crazy. I was about to free myself and overpower her, which I could have done without further ado, because I was much stronger than her.

But I did not break away, tried not to escape her blows anymore, because I suddenly noticed that all this aroused me, yes, very, very much aroused me. I became incredibly horny, my member grew in size, and yes, became hard.

Immediately, I started pressing my penis to her bare, firm thighs. And although her hand continued to work my very red ass tightly with firm blows, I did not stop rubbing my member lustfully up and down her bare thighs.

Her legs opened a little, intentionally or unintentionally, and I instinctively took the opportunity. I did not stay horizontal across her lap, but quickly turned more towards her. I pushed a little forward, and let my now hard-erect limb slide between her legs. My boner was trapped by her thighs, I felt her warmth, a rhythmic friction with every movement. Tirelessly, my dick slipped and rubbed and pushed forward more and more.

And then it happened. It was like an electric shock to me, when my cock touched her bare pussy.

When she noticed how my glans was touching her pussy, she cringed, “No, no…” and intensified her blows on my entire backside and tried to push me away.

But I had already felt that her cunt was wet, that this game had not passed her by without reaction. She could no longer hide her wetness and horniness.

I acknowledged this with more and more intense pushing, and the attempt to spread her legs further. I wanted to finally expose her pussy completely, I wanted it ready for a .

Her bare fig and its moisture made my cock swell even further and spurred me on to push further forward into her cleft. The wetness between her labia made it easy for me to penetrate deeper. The tip of my horny cock was now only a little away from her creamy opening, it was already touching her clitoris, which Jasmine acknowledged with a soft moan.

I withdrew a little to plow through her labia again, my cock reached her bud again. Her legs involuntarily opened a little more, as if she wanted to make her pussy more accessible to me. I sensed the chance to mount her. My snake then ploughed, downright demanding, through her furrow and, of course, I wanted to split her now also the slit.

And when my cock had reached the opening of her hot, openly gaping, receptive love cave, she finally surrendered. My glans had no trouble opening the gate, her naughty twat was so flooded with her love juices, that I could penetrate her with a single powerful thrust to the hilt.

She came immediately, had a formidable orgasm. But I was also so agitated that I didn't last long. After a few thrusts and less than two minutes, I filled her with my seed.

From that day on, I had a new “hobby”. On numerous later dates, I sometimes asked the respective women to put me over their knee. Not everyone was ready, and not many of those who took action, were truly gifted.

Eva was a very special case.

She was quite small, very petite, and had an almost-boyish body. She wasn't thrilled with my idea.

“No, I don't want that. I've never done anything like that before.”

“Oh, come on,” I said. “It's not difficult. And you'd really be doing me a favor.”

“No, that's not possible. I can't do that. I'm more for the gentle. I can't imagine hitting you, hurting you. You didn't do anything to me.”

“Then just imagine I'm someone else. Someone who treated you badly. Maybe a friend who hurt you. You could basically pay him back.”

Somehow, I had hit a sore spot.

A jolt went through her body, flashing in her eyes. She obviously liked this idea very much. She suddenly knew exactly who she wanted to give a beating to.

Yes, I would be the scapegoat, would atone for someone else's misdeeds. Before I could react, she grabbed me and dragged me over her lap.

“So, you scoundrel, now you shall feel how much you have offended me.”

And immediately she started. With all the strength her petite body provided, she thrashed me. She got serious. Determined and full of anger, she began to teach a lesson to the “wrongdoer” of her imagination.

Her hand held a stern dialogue with my ass cheeks. To her obvious joy, and to my sorrow, she hit my naked ass with strong handwriting again and again. She really vented her anger.

“So, you scoundrel, that's what you've got out of it now,” she hissed angrily again and again. “This will teach you to treat me like this.”

For minutes, her hand clapped on the bare skin, my tormented crescents glowed. Again and again, Eve struck, left, right, left, right, her hand hit my poor ass cheeks.

I was used to a lot from previous “chastisements”, but I had never been beaten so passionately and devotedly. I would never have guessed that there would be such energy in this little person.

Finally, she paused, her anger was gone, and her hand hurt.

She turned me vehemently on my back. “Fuck me now. I need to be fucked.”

But I didn't get around to doing anything. Despite, or more precisely, because of this hearty treatment, I had a murderous hard-on.

Eva swung on top of me, knelt over me. Her face was covered in tears. But not only her beautiful face was wet, also her pussy literally overflowed. She grabbed my member and inserted it into her pleasure grotto. She let herself sink down and impaled herself. Then she fucked, even rammed me, until we climaxed together.

Only then did she let go of me, rolled down off of me. She snuggled up to me, I put my arms around her, her eyes were still full of tears.

But then a smile flitted across her face. She seemed relaxed and whispered, “Thank you for letting me get that out of me.”

I pulled her gently to me and whispered again and again, “Everything is fine now, little Eva, everything is fine.” So we cuddled for a long time.

Finally, we made love again, very gentle, very vanilla. Just as little Eva actually liked it.

Earlier, I had described how I had my first exciting experience with spanking during a love game with Marion and how I got a taste for it in the first place.

But, Marion also seemed to have liked this, hence a thought occurred to me.

How would it be if I would spank her ass a little more thoroughly at the next opportunity? Would be fun.

On our next date, I put the idea into action.

As soon as Marion entered, I took her by surprise, grabbed her arm, sat down on the sofa and put her over my knee.

“Hey, what's the point? Are you crazy?”

“You had been a naughty girl, Marion. And naughty girls must be punished.”

“Why was I naughty?”

“You gave me some punches on the ass the other day. This will not go unpunished.”

Already I pulled up her dress. Since, as always, she had no panties on, her bare buttocks lay in front of me.

A really very nice butt. Round and twisty. A truly delightful sight.

I gave her naked ass some strong blows, she howled and kicked, but did not fight back seriously. It seemed to please her somehow, even exciting her.

It was not difficult for me to perceive a certain moisture between her thighs. And the redder her ass cheeks, the more lustful her moans and the wetter her snatch became.

I grabbed her pussy. Reaching into her crevice, yes, she was totally wet and open, ready to receive.

Meanwhile I was also highly aroused by this sight, I placed Marion kneeling on the sofa and stepped behind her. Her magnificent ass arched towards me, she held out her cleft ready to be fucked.

With one powerful thrust my joy-giver was in her womb. She moaned loudly and came immediately. Powerful.

I enjoyed myself for a while from behind in her pleasant user-friendly pussy, then it came to me too.

We had discovered a new game that we both liked.

Marion was very resourceful. Because at the next meeting, she pulled a flogger out of her purse and presented it to me.

She giggled. “Here, I have something to heat you up with. I'm going to work your ass properly with it. As I know you, it will make you horny. Of course, you can also use it on me.”

No sooner said than done. Marion obviously enjoyed reddening my ass with powerful flogger blows. And yes, it made me very horny.

Then I turned the tables, Marion had to kneel on the couch, her ass was then decently thrashed by me. She seemed to enjoy it, moaning lustfully.

“Spread your legs,” I commanded. She obeyed. And, of course “purely by chance”, the leather straps of the flogger hit her lustful can.

Her body shook, she cried out. “Oooh, aah… You rogue, what are you doing? That makes me so… So… I do not know. But anyway, I really need a cock in my pussy now. I want to be fucked, immediately. Come!”

I didn't let myself be asked twice.

On a later date, she brought a bamboo stick. Not a real cane, more like a bamboo stick of the kind with which you tie potted plants, about one meter long.

“I came up with something,” she said. “Let yourself be surprised.” Then she disappeared into the bathroom.

When she came out, she was naked, holding a bamboo stick in her hand. Then she got down on all fours, took the stick between her teeth and began moving towards me. Fascinated, I sat on the couch and watched this spectacle. A beautiful woman crawled towards me on her hands and knees, an instrument of chastisement between her teeth.

What was Marion up to? I would find out soon.

When she arrived, she knelt in front of me with her legs spread wide, then humbly placed the stick on my knees. Her mouth was slightly open, she smiled nervously. She was breathing heavily, her full bosom rising and falling with each of her breaths.

“I was a bad girl,” she whispered humbly. “I should be punished.”

Her hand touched my lap, she searched and found the belt of my pants and opened it, opened the zipper. Then she pulled my pants and underpants down to my ankles. Her fingers grabbed my semi-stiff penis, she licked briefly over the glans and sucked it into her bright-red-lipsticked mouth. She looked me in the eyes challengingly, wiggled her bare ass and stretched it up invitingly.

I understood. So that's how she wanted it.

Well, darling, you can have that. Without hesitation, I took the bamboo stick and pulled it over her left ass cheek.

“Ooohh”. Her reaction consisted of a lustful grunt, she couldn't say anything, her mouth filled up. But she liked it. So I continued with this welcome action. Left, right, left, right, in rapid succession, the stick danced on her plump crescents and left red welts.

Meanwhile, my piston was fully alive by this sight and by Marion's blowing skills. It had become very hard by then.

An idea came to me!

I bent forward as far as I could, without my pleasure bone leaving her mouth. Between the spread legs, I could see her twat. Nicely opened and very wet. And logically, if I could see her pussy, the bamboo stick could also reach the pussy.

Thought, done!

I began to tease her by pushing the stick between her legs, stroking her papaya. Marion purred. As soon as I touched her labia, she rubbed herself on the stick. Her pelvis moved up and down the stick.

But I didn't want to make it that easy. I aimed well and the stick clapped on the pussy.

“Aaahh.” Marion gurgled, a jolt went through her body, my cock disappeared deep into her throat, her nose hit my pubic bone. Deep throat!

Until then, she had always thought she couldn't do that. But that's how it suddenly went. I liked that a lot, so I repeated the game a few times. Marion squirmed, gasping for breath. I didn't want to overdo it, I didn't want her to lose interest in this adventure, so I let go of her.

I withdrew from her, stood up, and commanded her, “Stay as you are. Your punishment is not over, bad girl.”

She was still kneeling on the floor, her hands resting on the couch. I knelt behind her. Her large labia shone under the two bulky buttocks. She was wet, very wet. Her labia were swollen, clearly reddened from the blows, and gaping wide open.

The position was immensely inviting. I did have the fuckhole right in front of me.

“Hot cunt, ass, nice red welts,” I murmured, and the next moment, I drilled my dick into her cleft. I held her by the hair with both hands, so that she could not slip away from me. And then I fucked her properly, so that her whole body was shaken by my thrusts, her magnificent tits swinging mightily. She moaned again and again with pleasure.

And then it happened. Almost at the same time, we had a very violent orgasm.

Afterwards we took a breather, drank a glass of wine, and chatted a bit. In between, I admired the welts on Marion's gorgeous ass again, and also told her how sexy it looked.

“Okay, if you think it's so sexy, you should enjoy it yourself.”

Her voice suddenly became imperious. “Hop on the couch. Kneel. Brace on your elbows, legs apart, stick your ass out!”

She stepped next to me, facing me, bamboo in her hand. With the other hand, she supported herself on my back. Then the stick whistled through the air, and landed with a loud “clap” on my buttocks. She tried to make the next blow just below the last one, and again, the stick whistled burning on my ass. Two more blows on my most precious followed.

She touched my ass and stroked my welts. I began to breathe faster and moan slightly. The pain was bearable, and only fueled me.

Marion decided to hit harder. She then struck violently four times in a row. At the third blow, I howled vigorously, and the fourth, I endured only with great lamentation.

“Shhh, shhh, can't you stop whining? Well, then let's try something different.”

She stroked the inside of my thighs and continued up to the buttocks, not without grabbing between my legs and scratching my nuts. My ass had gotten really hot from the ordeal.

Marion spread my ass cheeks, my “brownie” would be visible. With one finger, she ran through the notch, her fingertip stroked over my anus. I couldn't suppress a pleasurable moan. She smiled happily.

Then she put a finger in her mouth, wetted it with spit, and put a little pressure on my rosette. Her cheeky finger circled around my asshole. I tensed up.

“Loosen up,” she said. I did as I was told, relaxing the sphincter. And in an instant her finger was in my intestines to the limit. I cried out, an absolutely unfamiliar feeling. Then she slowly started fucking me with her finger.

At first, I was a little nervous, but then it aroused me. I'm only human, and had become a weak and horny man. Wow, how good that felt, a deep sigh escaped me.

“Oh, you like that, you little piglet. Maybe I should fuck you with a dildo.”

(But that never happened with Marion, another lady took care of that later.)

“Okay, so if you like it, let's go…”

She now had one knee on the couch, bent over me, over my ass. And again there were blows, but this time not across my butt but vertically through the notch, exactly on the rosette.

The blows were rather moderate, but had an outrageous effect on me. A shock wave ran through me; with vehemence, the blood shot into my penis. Within seconds, my erection became bone-hard. I got a hard-on like never before. My hammer stood hard and bulged forward.

Marion smiled triumphantly. While she continued to work my asshole with the bamboo stick, her other hand reached under my belly, grabbed my tight cock and moved, turning and circling the shaft quickly up and down, jerking me skillfully.

I felt my balls cramp, ready to unload. It came to me as hard as rarely, suddenly and with elemental force. Everything was just breathtaking. A single roar, wheezing. Then I cried out.

I screamed and squirted; Marion milked me. Push after thrust, I squirted my cream on the couch, while Marion did not stop milking me, until the last drop was shed. I collapsed totally exhausted; the couch was a mess. (Thank goodness it was made of leather and easy to clean.)

Later, I thanked Marion for this great climax and licked her pussy, so that she had an orgasm too.

Cindy was the owner of a tantra massage parlor.

One day, after enjoying a very pleasant and exciting tantra massage from her, I told her about my preference. As it turned out, Cindy was very dominant.

She immediately responded, “If I understood you correctly, you like it to be put over the knee by a woman, who then spanks your bare ass with her hand. Right?”

I confirmed that.

“I could imagine that it would turn you on even more if, when in addition to the pain of the blows, you also feel fear, helplessness, and humiliation. When you are chastised by a woman who is a person you respect. Who is , dominates you, and even enjoys punishing you. And who knows exactly how to treat you.”

“Hhmm, sounds good. But how do I have to imagine that?”

“Well, maybe we could make a role-playing game out of it. Let me think for a moment.”

She lit a cigarette and after that, she had a plan, which she now explained to me.

“Watch out. In our role-play, you are my young nephew, I am your beloved but strict , Cindy.”

“And what do I have to do in this role?” I asked.

“Oh, nothing more than to submit to your aunt. Aunt Cindy then takes care of everything else. She will punish you for any misdeeds, supposedly to educate you. I think we would both have a lot of fun playing this game.”

I thought for a moment. “Mmhh, sounds good, we can try it.”

We arranged an appointment to meet in the next few days.

When I stood in front of her door on the day in question, a little late (tiresome search for a parking space), I did not know what to expect, I was a little queasy. I took another deep breath and then rang.

Almost immediately the door opened, Cindy, or rather Aunt Cindy, stood in front of me.

But I hardly recognized her. Her otherwise loosely falling, slightly wavy, long black hair was straight and tightly combed back and tied into a ponytail. Her face was also tightened. She looked very resolute, absolutely cool, and quite bossy.

She wore a skin-tight turtleneck sweater, very tight, leather jeans and knee-high boots, all in black. Her dark eyes sparkled at me, all domina-like.

“So, the fine gentleman does not need to be punctual when he has an appointment with his aunt Cindy. Well, your education needs to be fine-tuned a bit; and tangibly,” she commanded me.

What she meant by that, I learned all too quickly. As soon as I entered, two slaps landed on my cheeks. I was totally taken by surprise, stared at her uncomprehendingly.

“I'm very, very angry with you. I am thoroughly tired of you not respecting me as a person, always being late or even putting me on. You show that you have little respect for me.”

“Yes, but… “

“No objections! No buts! My patience had disappeared. Today, I will instill in you the necessary respect, yes, drum it into you. Because it can't go on like this.

You will now begin to be educated, disciplined and punished. I'm going to teach you a nice little lesson and educate you, so you see that I'm serious. And that's by softening your ass and you a little.”

“But, no, you can't just beat me. No, I don't want that!”

“You don't want to??? As if you were asked! All you have to do now is obey. Is that clear, very clear?”

She threatened to slap me in the face more. I nodded, frightened.

“I will now give you a thorough beating and polish your ass so rough, that you lose sight and hearing, and you forget all your disrespectful posturing and your contradictions once and for all.”

She sat down on the sofa.

“Come on, get over my knee. Get your punishment, you useless!! Obey!!”

When I hesitated, she gave me another strong slap in the face. Then, without hesitation, she grabbed my hair and pulled me over her lap.

She gave me some blows on the butt, but she wasn't satisfied with that. She ordered me to take off my jeans. I obeyed.

Then she took me over the knee again, gave me again a few blows, but was not quite satisfied with it — the underpants bothered her. She pulled them down to my knees.

My ass was finally bare. It was nicely exposed and accessible.

There I lay, with my naked bum on Aunt Cindy's lap — the cool air in the room made it abundantly palpable. A fresh breeze brushed over my bottom and I trembled from the chill of the cold, but mostly from fear because my butt was now completely defenseless against Cindy's measures. It towered naked and unprotected, high in the air; my head was close to the ground. It was absolutely humiliating.

At first, however, Cindy caressed the buttocks a few times very gently. Then, she began with some light pats, which slowly increased, the “warm-up phase.”

I still coped well with that. I got really warm, even between my thighs.

But then, she got serious. Determined and full of rigour, she began the “education”.

Her hand clapped heartily on my derriere. She thrashed my naked ass cheeks with strong handwriting, according to all the rules of the art. She let me feel her anger. For minutes, her hand repeatedly thrust on the bare skin, which after the initial white and pink, then showed a distinct red. A strong contrast to the light-skin areas, which were spared from the blows.

Fear turned into a slight panic.

I writhed to avoid the blows, scraped my feet over the ground, looked for a hold to detach myself from my tormentor, and began to kick wildly.

But nothing loosened the grip that held me or interrupted the rhythm of the beats.

Since I was now fidgeting, wailing and howling, Cindy only became strengthened in her dominant disposition. She loved this whining and bickering, these reactions to her “upbringing.” She pulled my head to the back of my neck and continued to beat my poor ass tightly with all greater satisfaction.

The blows on the bare ass were administered by her very deliberately, not monotonously and stubbornly. Sometimes, evenly distributed over both hemispheres; sometimes, a very painful sequence of blows on always one and the same place. Sometimes, slow firm blows; sometimes, a fast drumroll of both hands on the cheeks. My tormented crescents glowed; again and again, she struck, left, right, left, right, slashed her hand on my poor bare ass cheeks.

Suddenly, for me it wasn't a role-playing game for me anymore. I was panicking, feeling at the mercy of her, my tormentor. She had me completely under control, she had me absolutely in her grip. I was subdued, she had reduced me to a poor, little, fearful laddie. More than that, she had reduced me to the naked ass of a poor, little, laddie to be punished.

I lamented — even begged for mercy.

“No, please no more!” I whimpered in panic, during the beatings. “Pleeeaase!”

But Aunt Cindy just smiled and continued with relish. Only when her hand hurt, did she stop and ordered me to get up.

She was pleased with herself. She was sure that she had tanned the fur of the “little nephew” persistently and intensively enough to have him broken. Quite sure that his ass was finally so soft-tapped, that she broke his will. Certainly, he was now drilled on obedience.

“Well, learned a lesson?”

Totally frightened and submissive, I mumbled, “Yes, Aunt Cindy.”

“No more objections? No more being late?”

“No, Aunt Cindy.”

Cindy was in high spirits. She looked at me with amusement. She liked what she saw. I stood in front of her, with my bare abdomen and a massive erection.

“Well, then I don't want to be like that…”

She grabbed my hard cock and caressed it tenderly, jerked it a little, gently curled my balls. Despite my incredibly burning ass, it was a wonderful feeling. I was very grateful to her, both for the chastisement and for the caresses.

I murmured, “Thank you, Aunt Cindy.”

“So, take a shower now. And maybe Aunt Cindy will show you that she can be not only very strict, but also very, very sweet…”

And true to her word, she really was.

Unfortunately, Cindy always remained fully clothed during the “education phase”, only on the tantra mat she was naked.

We have played the role-playing game, in this or similar form, several times. A reason, or pretext, why “aunt” Cindy was angry with her “nephew”, who had to be chastised, was always found.

Once, however, it was quite different, the role-playing game became bitterly serious. Carelessly, I had mentioned that I had given over my long-time friend Lucie to a Negro. But that had consequences for me. Because “Aunt Cindy” didn't find it funny at all.

I had to confess to her in detail what had happened, when I lent Lucie to the black man for use as a “wife for one day”.

How the African with perfect aplomb as if it were the most natural thing in the world grabbed his “white wifey,” took his right as a “husband” and mounted her, used her. How she howled when he gave her pussy the taste of the massive snake for the first time. Lucie on her back while her white German cunt was split relentlessly by his massive black cock, stretched wide and filled deeply. How the African then vehemently fucked her for nearly two hours in various positions, until he finally filled her vagina with a plentiful load of his sperm.

Cindy became very angry. “You let a Negro fuck your girlfriend? That's not possible.”

Even when I asserted that Lucie had agreed beforehand and that she also had a lot of fun being black fucked, had several orgasms, didn't help.

Cindy's anger was real. She was in rage. Her Italian blood was overflowing. For her, this was no longer a game.

What followed was a real harsh punishment, not a playful “education”. She not only beat me and my ass as hard as never before on this occasion, but as a special punishment, she also painfully drilled and fucked my ass with a dildo.

I could hardly sit for days.

But let me tell you. I am really glad I discovered this “spanking fetish”.

I owe to it quite a lot of delightful hours and hope to have some more in the next years.

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