me & Kirsty take on the rugby team

Well Dean picked us up at 8 oclock, from llandeilo as arranged. Kirsty jumped in the front, and me in the back. Sitting in the back was an older guy I’d not met before called Dorian, He was in his 30’s. Dean explained that he was a prop in the team, but we had to drop him off on the way back, as he had to get home. We’d only been driving a few minutes, before, I felt Dorians hand sliding up my leg, and into my knickers, and without hesitation, slipped a thick rough finger into me. He told Dean to pull into a lay-by up ahead by some trees as he wanted to fuck me! We jumped out of the car, and went into the trees, and there was no messing about, he got his cock out, pulled my skirt up, and knickers aside, and was pumping into me in seconds. He wasn’t long, but was quite thick, and went at it really hard. It didn’t take long before he was grunting and cumin into me.

We went back to the car to find Kirsty just licking the remains of Deans cum off her lips, so I knew they’d had fun too. We dropped Dorian off at the house.

We arrived around 9:30, there were 5 other guys there I only knew 2 of them but knew the others were also rugby players. I knew Stewart and Shaun from last time, but there were 3 other men in their early 20’s, Tom, Phil and Rhodri.

We got a drink and began to chat, and someone passed us a joint, the atmosphere in the room was electric. It was 10pm and suddenly Dean told the others that Dorian had fucked me in the woods whilst Kirsty had blow him, that got them talking real dirty, and Dean said, he though it was time Kirsty cleaned me up. The boys sat down and there was a rug in the middle of the floor. Dean and Shaun grabbed me, pulled off my clothes in seconds, laid me down on the rug, pulled my legs apart, so they could all see my wet pussy with a bit of Dorians cum just running out. Kirsty was then stripped before she went down and started licking me out.

I laid back, closed my eyes, and enjoyed the feeling of her tongue licking me as the effect of the weed relaxed me. When I next opened my eyes, I could see the train in the boys trousers was all getting too much so I asked, if anyone was going to fuck us? With that we were both picked-up, carried to the bedroom and joined by the 6 guys who were all stripping off as fast as they could. It all became a bit of a blur at that point. I think Stuart was the first to fuck me, but over the next couple of hours, they all had a go in various combinations. I had one in my bum, the other in my pussy at one point which was wild. They then said they were going to stretch my cunt, so tom and phil laid together, with their balls touching, and both cocks pointing to the ceiling, whiles Stuart and Shaun lifted me up, and lowered me onto both of them, it was so tight feeling them both in my cunt at the same time. The guys bounced me up and down on them so hard, and it wasn’t long before they both came in me together. They lifted me off, and before I knew it, Kirsty was down on them licking and sucking them both.

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