I Fucked My Adolescent Love

I'm Yash, 24, and I'd like to introduce myself. I'm a Hyderabadi. This is the story of Keerthi, my high school crush, and how we ended up having sex. I was in the same class as Keerthi. We used to take the same bus to school every day. We had been studying together since we were seven years old. I had a mental image of her as a girl who avoided eye contact and lived in her world. By ninth grade, she was that quiet girl. Then, things began to shift abruptly. I began to notice her more frequently. She used to poke me quite a bit as well.

I couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. We enter puberty later than the girls, and they begin to experience hormonal changes before we do. She'd smile at me and reach out to touch me. Because I was unaware of her feelings at the time, I could not repay what she had done. Then there was 10th grade, and because I was outstanding in academics, she would come up to me and ask me questions about my studies. That's when I first became aware of her. There was something about her that set her apart from the other girls. I began to notice her every move without her noticing me. She was a light-skinned woman. She had a body to enamour. Her hair was among the most beautiful I'd ever seen. And those spectacles and those eyes were the best things about her. She was the ideal beauty for me at the time. I envisioned the shape of her body. Her lovely breasts, her navel, were hidden by Thode's outfit. I imagined what would happen if we 2 ever had some quality time together. It was past time for her to notice that I was interested in her.

She'd come up to me and ask me questions about sex and reproduction, which was part of our class. Between us, there was a lot of stress. We were both drawn to each other. She would always stand closer to me on the bus as well. And there have been times when she has fallen when the driver has used the brakes. When she almost fell on me with her hair on my face and her chest touching mine, it was one of the best moments. After I finished 10th grade, we separated because she took biology, and I took sciences, and our sections were split. Due to my schoolwork demands, I had very little time to speak with her. We were no longer strangers to each other. As time passed, we completed our high school diplomas and enrolled in colleges for further studies. It seemed as though I was continuously thinking about her, but I couldn't call her since her parents forbade her from using a cell phone. After arriving at college, each student receives their cell phone. When she almost fell on me with her hair on my face and her chest touching mine, it was one of the best moments. After I finished 10th grade, we separated because she took biology, and I took sciences, and our sections were split. Due to my schoolwork demands, I had very little time to speak with her. However, we were no longer strangers to each other. As time passed, we completed our high school diplomas and enrolled in colleges for further studies. It seemed as though I was continuously thinking about her, but I couldn't call her since her parents forbade her from using a cell phone. After arriving at college, each student receives their cell phone.

I consented, despite my scepticism about who it may be. We chose Tank Bund as the location for our meeting. I waited with bated breath, a little anxious, wondering if it was all a trick. Then she showed up there, dressed in a blue off-shoulder shirt and black jeans. I was taken aback when I first saw her; I couldn't believe what I saw. She appeared to have improved in appearance since the last time I saw her. Everything about her drew me closer and closer to her. I checked her from top to bottom in minutes. Her eyes and specks, her black hair flapping in the breeze, her lips, her slender neck, those lovely boobs, and that lean stomach. Finally, she leaned very close and hugged me. Her breasts pressing against my chest, the warmth of her arms, and the contact of her body felt heavenly, and I calculated it to be 34-36.

That touch has piqued my interest. I wanted to be enveloped in its warmth. Her perfume had driven me insane. I continued staring at her while she talked about what had transpired in the previous years—observing her features—those delectable lips. I wanted to savour every drop of that lip essence. We both discussed how our lives were doing before moving on to dating. She said she was single, and I had been single for quite some time (waiting for you, babes). I began to flirt with her after that. What's the matter with you? You don't appear to have a boyfriend. You have a very attractive appearance. She stated that she did not want to be in a relationship since she lacked faith in boys. She then inquired why I was single, to which I replied that I didn't have time to devote to such matters. She then grinned and asked, “Do you find girls interesting?” Let me know what you think of me in the comments section. I told her that she was the girl all the boys would die for after eating at a restaurant during lunch. She walked away. She texted me later that night. I had written down her phone number. Our conversation began to take shape. I flirted with her frequently, and she seemed to like it. Our jokes about one another occasionally went too far, implying sex and kissing. Her cousin's wedding was approaching, so she asked me to attend the celebration. I was looking forward to the wedding since it would allow me to make more progress in my career. I arrived at the wedding location on the wedding day. It took place in a hotel where the visitors had reserved rooms. I looked good enough in a black coat and jeans. My gaze remained fixed on her.

Then there was when she was dressed in a lehenga that exposed her stomach and navel. The top has a V neckline and a hint of cleavage. In that dress, she looked gorgeous. She congratulated me, and I said she was really attractive. She nudged me and said, “Haan, you enjoyed that.” The wedding rites got underway. I was sitting in a chair away from Mandap, who was assisting other family members. I started searching through my phone. Then someone came up to me and grabbed my phone. It was she who had done it. Yash said it was so dull. Let's go for a walk, shall we? I told her that she could assist her relatives. She stated that her duties were completed and that she was now free. I went to the grass with her. Then one of her relatives called to ask her to get something from the room. She promised to return as soon as possible. If she wished, I told her I could come as well. I went inside the room with her. I was staring at her as she searched for something. Why are you looking at me? Did she ask? Please assist me with my search. After that, she came across the object. She approached me and inquired about what I was seeing. I complimented her on her appearance, and she replied, “That's all?” I told her I admired her physique, and I complimented her on her appearance, and she replied, “That's it?” I tried to say I was staring at her figure, but it just slipped out of my tongue. She moved in closer and inquired about the current state of affairs. I used the word “sexy.” We were both staring at each other, and there was growing sexual tension between us. I leaned in close enough to kiss her. When my lips came into contact with her, it zapped my entire body with electric shocks. My cock began to harden.

We kissed for another 5-10 minutes. I kissed her on the neck, cleavage, and navel. Then, I seated her in my lap and began opening the hooks on her top from behind to get a closer look at the melons hidden behind them. She returned the favour by moving back and forth in my lap, causing my cock to harden, making it impossible to stay in the pants. Finally, I took off the top. She was dressed in a black bra. I unhooked it in seconds and shoved those pink, perky melons into my mouth, sucking harder with each squeeze. Keerthi sent out murmurs that truly got my attention.

She was also wildly moving over my lap at the same time. I kept sucking those exquisite tits and then tossed her on the bed, holding her in my arms. After kissing her for another 5 minutes and caressing her breasts, I went down. Her tits were like a plush pillow on which I could sleep for years. I moved to her navel and kissed it while squeezing her tits. After that, I was able to get rid of her lehenga. She was dressed in a pair of black lace panties. I took off her damp underpants. Her pussy was flowing with secretions, and it was shaved clean with no hair growth. The aroma of the juices was enticing. I started kissing her pussy and sipping from her flowing juices. She lost control and began groaning softly while grabbing my hair. She then proceeded to strip me naked. I was naked in front of her in less than a second.

She smothered me with kisses on every part of my body, including my chest, stomach, and groin. For a long time, my rod had been hard. I leaped back over her and kissed her once again. We were both naked and kissed from head to toe. I decided to stick my rod in her pussy. She was a virgin at the time. When I initially tried to put the dick inside. It just lasted a few seconds before the blood began to flow. My cock was covered in it. Then I attempted to re-insert it… Keerthi shrieked and punctured my back with her nails. My cock soared inside after a couple of attempts. I missionary fucked her. She then jumped on top of me and rode my cock. Her hair was bouncing wildly in the air while she was doing it. Last, we did a doggy-style performance, and then I went outside. We both dressed up and headed to the ceremony together. I inquired whether she needed to provide anything to her relatives who had phoned earlier. She said no one had called her. At first, I thought she was only pretending, but I soon realized she ached for me as much as I desired.

This was our narrative of how I took my adolescent lover's virginity. Please send comments and feedback to [email protected] if you enjoyed it.

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