Hot babe anjali

Hello everyone its been a long time i wrote a story here.. This is going to be very long CAUTION have a lot of time and patience!!! Every bit and detail of this is very much true.. i didnt make anything fictitious

So this happened a few days ago… i met my old school met anjali after 6 years on facebook.. she just moved to hyd from guntur for a job and posted about it on Facebook.. i msgd her saying congrats and all the best and she asked me saying “ i remember you staying in hyd.. are you still here??” I was like yeah.. been here for a 2 years and she asked me where i stay i told her gachibowli she asked for exact location i told her and she was i stay in the same lane just a few block ahead and i said her we should meet.. i said is causally without any intentions and she was like i am fred tomorrow after 6pm and decided to meet tomorrow and i will pick her up…

The Next morning its around 2pm and i am still on bed sleeping.. i got a call from anjali.. saying that she got off from her office today as its just orientation and registration.. and she is free.. i told her okay and planned to meet around 5 i got up, got freshed up, just trimmed my public hair as i told like it completely clean as many girls say they hate when they go down as it itches on face and pussy.. and got ready.. and rode to her hostel waiting to pick Anjali up.. As she was coming down i look at her and i was like wow she is much hotter then the last i saw her.. and Anjali isnt skinny or fair.. she is brown coloured and a lil chubby but with perfect assets fabulous and curvy ass and perfect tits.. she is around 34/30/38 i lile her figure i like a girl in any shape and size and colour i just know how to treat her with love and lust.. so coming back to anjali she was in white caged back stapless cropped top with a mustard palazzo.. in high heels and sunglasses.. she wasnt a 10 but a perfect hot sexy chick with a lot of charisma.. as she came closer i am back to normal me not being a creep and greeted her with a very friendly hug as i still didnt had a feeling to fuck her yet.. we went on a ride around the city for a while and went to a calm rooftop pub around 530/6 pm at susnset. it isnt very crowded in fact there weren't many waiters too just a guy behind bar counter but some really good old english music..

I made sure we took a corner seat and we ordered for some beers and started talking.. we soon found out we have a lot in common and I slowly started having a eye on her.. i asked her if she smokes she was like she isnt a smoker but she feels like smoking one and we moved to the smoking zone and thats where things slowly started to change.. smoking zone is a lil open area without anyone i took out a joint it was a small one.. enough for a couple of drags.. we sat closer to each other this time.. i could see her cleavage in a perfect angle.. i was touching her fingers everytime we share the cigarettes or joint.. and i used to get hard for a sec and i look at her eyes and she seemed to have not noticed.. this happened couple of time but she was like it was nothing later after a while our hands touched each other again but while talking without knowing each other itself we were holding hands.. when we realised we quickly moved our hands back then i said to her “ let me hold your hand i feel like holding it..” she was like okay and gave me her hand.. i was slowly caressing her palm while looking at her boobs.. after a while i closely turned towards her and moved closer to her i went so close that her neck was very near to my mouth.. i felt like licking her neck.. I slowly put my other hand over her other shoulder and very slowly started to pull her to my chest.. i was shit scared inside but i kept doing it fearlessly because she wasnt stopping me.. i slowly started to breath over neck very softly.. i moved my left hand down from her shoulders to her left hand i kep caresses her hand and then the most amazing thing happened.. she lifted her and letting me warp my hand over her waist.. my breath started to increase faster over neck and ears…

I was blowing air into her ears and she was being slowly lost and i was slowly sliding my left hand into her top as i slowly licker her ears she felt a ticklish and moved her faced towards me and stopped right close to my lips but we didnt kiss yet.. she was looking into my eyes.. now her breath was faster she badly wants to kiss me and so do I.. and as i started to kiss her she closed her eye…and i pulled her closer to my chest and had one of the best kisses ever… as my hand slowly slides into her top I caressed her till her underboob and was lost in deep sucking of our lips as her hand was slowly reaching my hard dick.. suddenly we heard the waiter coming out and we stopped.. we were back to real world.. we adjusted ourselves properly and finished our beers people started to fill the place.. we weren't lonely again in that place.. out the blue there was a beatles song and she jumped to dance.. and asked me to join.. i was like noo but she asked me atleast stand up.. as i stood up she was trying to do some salsa steps with me but it was so bad as am i a very bad dancer but i got the chance to touch her waist again and again but people started to come and the place had a lot of people very quickly.. we had 2 more rounds of shots and decided to go out for a ride..

We paid the bill and moved out of the pub and started roaming around the city in bike.. all the time while i was riding Anjali was as close as possible.. her boobs very lightly being felt by me.. i was enjoying every min of it.. while riding the bike i put one hand one her thigh and kept softly rubbing her thighs.. i was leaning towards her turning my face towards her so that her voice and breath can be felt on my neck and ears.. we both are slowly losing control.. i was wantedly riding along lonely and less crowed streets of jubilee hillss.. her hands are all over my thighs and wrapped around me.. we both want to kiss each other badly.. we can feel the lust and heat in each other for each other.. we both want to fuck each other badly… after a while she said she is feeling a lil cold i took her and put in inside my tee.. she was slowly sliding her hands into tee and slowly feeling my chest.. it was becoming incredibly difficult for me to control my feelings and i want to take this further.. we both want too but both of are shy not scared… but i want her any way i decided to break the ice.. and asked her “what is your plan now? Do you need to go to your room? Is the some time limit or something? “ her reply made me happy,she replied saying” i have no plans.. and no time limts” i asked her “how about we take some drinks and go to our ?” She was like okay lets do it.. and I immediately turned the vehicle to the nearest wine mart and took a
Half bottle of vodka and started to my room..

now coming to my place
so i live in a very well maintained small apartment.. its the only building on the block.. so it taller than the others.. it has a huge terrace with some amazing sunsets and sunrises… which we used to see regularly while smoking a joint over the water tank on the terrace.. the lift goes directly into the terrace and then theres is small ladder to the water tank… and a basement with very few cars.. have it as a basic idea that will useful for other stories too.. now coming back..

As soon as i reached the basement i wanted to grab her and push her to the wall and ripe her top of the shoulder and kiss her neck and give a deep hard love bite.. but there were a few uncles talking and smoking so we directly went to the terrace… we slowly managed to go over the tank too.. nobody ever comes to the tank at night… so we reached the tank and we sat down.. and started to talk.. we spoke for a while and i fired a joint… now we both started to have blowback… we were touching each other our thighs are very slowly rubbing each other.. my left hand is on her waist.. i was softly pinching her waist.. my right hand is on her shoulders and my fingers under her strap moving very slowly downwards to her deep neck… while one her hand was close to my dick and the other wrapped around my arms…while blowing the smoke over her ears, neck and boobs… as the tensions rose we both started to kiss and their was a instant rush of lust in both our bodies.. the second we started to kiss she grabbed my dick.. the i grabbed her boobs.. all of a sudden i became so wild with a a matter of seconds that i pounded on her immediately and started to kiss her again this time much deeper and much harder.. i put my hand into her top and grabbed her boobs.. i was directly pinching her nipples.. i was so uncontrollably horny.. my dick was so hard and still struggling against my boxer and jeans.. i put my other hand directly into her pants and inside her panty.. i was dominating her badly.. i locked her in a missionary style and she cant move much… i was teasing her pussy… i am moving my finger slowly around her pussy… i started rub her pussy lips in very softly and lightly.. as i rub her pussy lips i reach her clit and slowly start to rub around her clit..

Anjali is clearly very horny.. you should her face.. her pink glossy but smoked lips open very little.. her eyes clearly filled with lust and her soft sweet moans… that sight still gives me wet dreams.. and she wasn't in her control either.. she is badly struggling to open my jeans button… she couldn't and i was teasing her more and make her more hornier.. Anjali is helplessly trying to grab my dick over my pants.. she was failing.. i moved her hands away and started to lick her neck… i sucked very inch of her till her boobs… i pull her top over her boobs and started to lick her nipples.. and this was happening on top of terrace in open cool breezy air.. i licked around her nipple as i slowly began to push my finger into her pussy.. i was swirling my tongue on her nipple as her was going mad… She was moaning a lil louder now her grip over my hair is very hard… then i slowly sucked her nipple just with my lips… i now started to finger her pussy as a very slow pace.. and all of a sudden i went faster and slowly went more faster.. now she started moaning loud… she was a lil scared about her moans and told me to slow down a lil.. i didnt listen to her instead i went more faster and when she started to moan I immediately kissed her now her moans are muffled within our lips and i was finger her clit very very very fast and all of a sudden i slowly down… like i almost stopped.. this made her more mad and more horny then put her hand inside her panty over my hand and was slowly making me rub her pussy… i took her hand away.. and now started to tease her pussy lips… Anjali is going crazy… she tried to put her hand in again and i pushed her hand away… after a lil more teasing i started to finger her faster again… this time i didnt stop for a while and after 7/8 mins Anjali now wants me to stop.. i didnt listen.. I continued.. my arm started to pain a lil but i didnt stop.. anjali is now almost begging me to stop.. i didnt though… Anjali was like “ please ahhh…. please stop… i uhhhh…'mm… will cum… dont doo…. ahhh mmmmm..” that's exactly what i want.. all these words made me very horny.. i removed her palazzo and panty till her ankle and off one the leg and slowly started to kiss her inner thighs… as i slowed the pace of fingering her… i gave a small bite and licked quickly all of thigh till her pussy… i can smell her juices and started to lick her clit… i was sucking her clit and i was fingering her at the same time… as i kept doing she couldn't control and started to push me away.. i didnt move.. i kept sucking her clit.. swirling her clit.. licking her pussy lips and deep juices.. she wrapped her legs around my head and pulled me inside her pussy… now i was able go much deeper into her pussy i licked her pussy walls and deep inside… and within no time i could feel that she is about to squirt i stopped and got up removed my button of the jeans took my dick out and i asked her to kiss it once.. she did.. she kissed very softly with her lips on my dick head with a lil pre cum droplets on my dick are now clearly on her lips.. and she lick a lil around it.. as she was about to take my dick into her mouth i moved away and buttoned my self up and started to kiss her and i dressed her up as i kissed her.. Anjali is not understanding anything… she is going mad.. i denied her orgasm.. on an open air terrace she was semi naked and looking directly at stars and moon as she moaning loudly.. she is gone crazy
she asked me “ what?? What are you doing? Why did you stop?”
I said.. “ i just said “ nothing..”
A: why did you stop then?
Me: me nothing.. i know what i am doing and i an doing it deliberately..
saying this i smoked up a cigarette and TBC

Hey guy this is my second story after a very long time.. i am sorry if it too big.. but i am very keen on the details.. this is just the beginning there are more stories that happened with anjali… ( lots of bdsm, open area sex, hotel room sex, beach sex, mountain sex, bus sex, car sex, trains sex and many more ) will write and share those depending upon the response i get to this!
I love girls a lot so though this us cliche i really lot it so Dear girls of any ages around Hyderbad/ vijayawada or any part of india… if you are interested in sex, one night stand, or anything related to adultery i am in so contact me at [email protected]
Untill next time to all of you guys please cum a lot!

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