Futanari Family: Secrets

Family: Secrets

I was sitting in my dorm room in my underwear flipping through Reddit, when my phone beeped.
“What are you doing?” It was Brad the guy I had been fucking for a few weeks. He was a football player, a quarterback for our university.
“Wishing this room's ac got f'n cold.” It felt like it was a hundred degrees in my room and I had the ac on and my roommate's floor fan blowing straight at me.
“So, u r hot.”
“Fuck yeah, it's a thousand degrees here and besides that, I am always hot. :)”
“I wish I was there.”

I read the words and thought about how long it was going to be before I saw him. Six days. I fucking hate football.
“Me 2.” I slid my fingers across the screen and sighed. Six days, what the fuck? He had already been gone for one day and I hadn't gotten a chance to fuck him for two days before that because he had some weird, fucking superstition thing about sex before a big game.
I threw myself back on the bed and pulled up Reddit for the fifth time that day.

“I'm in the hotel room.” His message showed across the top of my phone.
“Good for you” is what I wanted to say, but I knew better than to pick a fight for a no reason. “R u alone?” I pulled out the little drawer in my nightstand and glanced at the door to make sure it was locked.
“Yeah. R u?”

I thought about video calling him and fucking getting off that way. We could sext, and I cold masturbate, but I liked the idea of trying something new. I hit the button next to the little picture of him in his football uniform and the phone rang.

“Hey babe!” Brad's face filled the screen of my phone and a little square popped up in the corner, so I could see what I looked like to him.
“Hey,” I moved the phone to the nightstand, leaning it up against some books, and then moved back on the bed so he could see me.
“Oh, yeah, look at you.”

Even on the little phone screen, I could see his eyes moving up and down my body. I moved back against the wall and positioned myself, so he could see all of me. “You like that?”
“Yeah,” he laughed, “that's my favorite bra!”
It was. I hadn't worn it specifically for this, it was just a happy coincidence, but he loved the way the demi kind of pushed my tits up and together. “Move your phone back so I can see all of you,” I said playfully.

The camera's view bounced and shook and went dark and then incredibly bright like he had thrown it out a car window, but it finally settled, and he was lying back on the hotel bed with the phone positioned somewhere around his feet.
“Nice,” I cooed. He had taken off his shirt and was lying back on the bed in just a pair of shorts.
Brad was almost exactly what you pictured when I said he played football. He was six feet four, sandy blonde hair, and a face that looked like it was chiseled by one of those Italian sculptors they talk about in art appreciation. He was the biggest and tallest guy I had ever dated and just looking at him lying back against the headboard made me crazy horny.

He flexed his arms and his biceps were as big as grapefruit. “You like that, sweetie?” He winked and moved his pectoral muscles up and down in rhythm.
It was one of my favorite tricks and I laughed like a school girl. “I can't believe you are gone for a whole week,” I pouted. “It's too long.” I whined the words and pushed out my lower lip.
“I know,” he stared at my chest via the phone's camera, “it's the only trip this long and besides, I'll be back before you know it. There's only 6 days left.”
“Yeah, but it's really 9 days,” I crossed my arms covering my chest. “That's too long. I might have to go find satisfaction somewhere else.”
“No fair,” now it was Brad's turn to pout, “that's not even funny. You know I don't fuck around when there's a big game. I got a lot riding on this, my scholarships and stuff, you know.”

I dropped my arms. “I know, I know. I was just kidding.” I gave the camera a little shimmy and watched the tops of my tits jiggle in the demi bra while Brad stared and smiled.

“Mmm, you're going to make this hard for me, aren't you?”
He sounded disappointed, but I switched his meaning, reached up and slid a bra strap off my shoulder. “Isn't that the way you like it?” I angled forward so he could stare at my cleavage. “Hard?”
“Shit,” he cleared his throat and sat up straight in the bed. “God, you're hot.”
“I know,” I slipped the other strap free of my shoulders; “it's so hot here.” I put my hands on either side of the bra and rolled the fabric forward until my nipples were free.
“Ohh…” Brad's face looked like he was pain. He reached down and straightened the tumescence in his shorts.
I pulled the fabric down until my breasts were completely exposed. “Do you like that?” I said playfully.
“Oh yeah,” he nodded emphatically.
I pressed my arms in from the side, smooshing my tits together while I put on my sexiest pouty lips. “You should have fucked me before you left,” I whined.

“I don't disagree. God, you are so fucking hot.”

I leaned back against the wall, reached up, and tugged on my left nipple until I moaned. “That should be your mouth.”
Brad reached down and put his hand on his hardon. “I wish it was,” he adjusted himself again while he stared at me through the phone.
“Go ahead,” I said playfully, “pull it out. Let me see that monster fuck stick.”
I barely got the words out of my mouth before Brad had shimmied out of his shorts and wrapped his thick fingers around his massive cock.
Now, I should tell you, I have thing for cock. It started when I was young. Sometime before I was ten, I had figured out that touching myself felt nice. I mean, I am pretty sure all girls figure that out about that time, but I went a step further. I guessed that if touching it felt nice, shoving things into it felt better. And, guess what? I was right.
So, I followed the logical train of thought. I started exploring my pussy and inn my pursuit of deep, satisfying orgasms, I found all kinds of things to use as dildoes – candle sticks, vegetables, I could even cum working the edge of a desk in a pinch. (I think I lost my virginity to the decorative candle holder my mom had in the hall closet.) But it wasn't until high school that I really started to understand my devotion.
I didn't just like a good stiff cock, I didn't just want it to fill and fuck me – I wanted to worship it. I loved everything about a hard dick, the shape, the feel, and of course its purpose. I became devoted to pleasing them.
Brad's cock was one of the largest, real ones I had ever speared myself on. It wasn't terribly long, a solid 7, maybe 7 ½ inches, but it was thick, like three fingers thick, a tree trunk of hot, hard flesh.
I stared at the screen and watched Brad's fingers move up and down the shaft. I felt a lump in my chest. I can't explain how much I wanted to be there. Instinctively, I reached down between my legs and slid my hand into my panties. My pussy was soaking wet.
“Brad, here's the…” A man's voice came through my phone and Brad flew off the bed, knocking the phone over so that it fell face down. “Brad? What are you…Jesus, son, put some fucking clothes on.”

The connection went dead a few seconds later and I just kind of sat there with my hand down my panties. I looked over at the nightstand where I kept my favorite vibrator. I still needed an and, if Brad couldn't help via video chat, I was committed to finishing the job myself.
I reached for the drawer and my phone lit up with a message. I grabbed it hoping it was Brad.

“Hey, what are you doing?” It was my best friend Casey.
I flipped to her chat and started typing. “Sweating in my room, what ru doing?”
Casey and I had been friends since my freshman year. She was the first roommate I ever had, but after second semester, she needed to save money, so she moved back in with her parents. I couldn't blame her, sitting in my dorm room sweating like I was on trial for murder, I kind of wished my parents lived close enough for me to commute.
“Come over,” Casey's message flashed on the screen.

I thought of waiting around for Brad to get back to me. Then I thought about how hot I was and how cold the air conditioning at Casey's house was. She also had food, something the tiny fridge in my dorm room was devoid of.
“On my way,” my fingers flew across the little screen and I hit send. Now, where did Brad go? I was just about to flip back to his message when the phone rang, and his image popped onto the screen.
“Hey you,” I said.
“Sorry about that, babe. Coach just walked right into my room.” Brad sounded hurried and I could hear an engine in the background.
“Are you going somewhere?” I asked.
“On our way to the university, there is some kind of welcome dinner or something.”
I sighed. Brad was always so busy with football. It was a little frustrating sometimes. “Alright, well, I guess we'll finish what we started lat…”
“Hey, babe, I gotta go. I'll call you in the morning, alright?”
“Okay, have a good…” The call ended before I could finish saying goodbye.
“What the fuck?” I tossed my phone onto the bed. I was instantly angry, like someone had just punched a kitten right in front of me. If Brad had been in my room right then, I would have slapped him, hard, right in the face.
I remembered it was Friday night and grabbed my phone to text Casey. “Want to go out later?”
“Yeah, after I get some work done, sure.”
I smiled and typed: On my way.

I tossed my phone on the bed and looked down at the beat-up jeans and sweatshirt I was currently sporting. Nope, not going to do. I walked to my closet and grabbed a few things, tossing everything on the bed while I tried to figure out exactly what kind of out Casey and I were going to go looking for. Was it going to be a quiet bar and a few drinks with the possibility of entertaining a few select offers or was it going to be one of those nights where the music goes boom boom and there are more free drinks than anyone should ever be allowed to have?
After tossing half my closet on the bed, I decided I needed clarification on what Casey was thinking. What should I wear?
My phone beeped. Something…sexy.
Something sexy. I saw a little gray skirt and grabbed a dark red top with a plunging neckline. The whole think would be topped off with thigh-high stockings and red heels to match the top.
Putting the outfit on, I stepped over to the mirror and looked it over. It wasn't bad, the proper amount of thigh and just enough cleavage on display. I wondered what Casey was going to wear. It would be a skirt and blouse or a dress, she wasn't that girl. Don't get me wrong, Casey was a drop-dead knockout, guys often completely ignored me if she was alone, but when given the choice to wear a pretty dress or a pair of jeans, Casey was going jeans every time.

I made it over to the house by almost seven. When I got there, Casey answered the door in jeans and a wife beater t-shirt over a red bra. “We match!” I grinned and pointed to my shirt.
Casey smiled and ushered me through the door. “Girl, you look hot! What happened, Brad piss you off?”
I laughed. “Actually? Yes, but this isn't because of that.” I stopped for a second and thought. “But it'll fucking work for it!” We both laughed.
“Is that Kate?” I heard her mom's voice from the kitchen and saw her peek around the kitchen door, happy as happy could be. “Hey, sweetheart. Did you eat yet?”
It was one of my favorite things about Casey's, it might not have been her own place, but she had food, good food, cooked by someone who loved to cook.

I regretted my decision to grab a bite at the cafeteria. “No, Miss Hark, I already ate.”
“Linda, sweetie, call me Linda. You're as good as family now.” She smiled and disappeared back into the kitchen.
“Come on, I need your help.” Casey led us back to her room. “So, I've been crazy busy on this experiment,” she opened the door and it looked exactly like a clean, organized room doesn't. There were papers and folders everywhere – on the bed, on the floor, on her desk. I couldn't believe how much of it there was. We had a bunch of classes together, but there was no research like this required in any of them
We walked into the room and I looked around. “Oh, Casey, wow.” I didn't know what else to say. I started flipping through some of the paper on the bed and then walked over to her desk. The piles were loosely organized, most of the papers typed but had a bunch of handwritten notes in the margins, complete with graphs, and there had to be a hundred pages or more.

“I know, mom is helping me put it all into spreadsheets. The clinic prefers it in spreadsheet form.”
I turned and looked at her a bit confused. Something wasn't right, I mean, why was I dressed up like we were going somewhere if there were a hundred pages of research to organize and transcribe? “Okay?” I looked down at my outfit and then at hers.
“Oh, don't worry, this won't take long.” She scooped up a stack of papers and started sorting through them.” Most of it is has already been put in; I was just going through it again to make sure it was all right.
Did she say clinic? I walked over to the bed and looked down at few of the pages spread across the pillow. One page caught my attention – stage one trials, two subjects, both female. I looked at another pile and saw many graphs with numbers and letters but none of it made any sense – d1,6 – d2, 6.3.
“Brad's in Virginia?” Casey asked picked up a stack of paper and tucked it into a folder.
“Yeah, game tomorrow,” I picked up a piece of paper that said: All measurements found to above the expected average on both subjects. “What is all this? What class is it for?”
Casey hesitated. “Well, it's not for a class,” she stacked one folder on top of another.
I could tell she was hiding something. I heard it in her voice.
“You guys want something to drink?” Linda's voice echoed from the kitchen.
“They're girls, mom. We're all girls!” It was Steph, Casey's little sister who called out from her room down the hall.
There was a pause. “Do you girls want anything to drink?” Linda asked.
“Yeah,” I stared down at the paper in my hand and tried to make sense of the abbreviations. What is all of this about? Test subjects? Is she doing some medical trial and embarrassed to tell me?
Her mom came through the door a few minutes later with three tall glasses and a pitcher of what looked like lemonade on a plastic tray and I noticed that she was a little more dressed up than usual.
Every other time I had ever seen Linda; she had always been in either mom at home, kind of clothes – comfy stuff, like sweatshirts, flannel pajama pants and the like. Or she would still be in work clothes – casual, office work type clothes.
But tonight, she was in a sparkly, purple blouse with neck line that let as much cleavage as my own. Of course, Linda had bigger tits and the ample curves stretched the fabric in a way that kind of drew the eye and said: Hey, you like tits?

“Girls,” she set the tray down on Casey's desk, “I made us some iced tea,” she winked at me and I realized that she had brought three Long Island's
“I like your new haircut,” I looked at Linda's new do, a short cut that left her deep red hair in angles around her face. It might have been considered young for a woman in her early forties, but I thought it looked cute.
“Thank you! It was Casey's idea,” Linda picked up one of the glasses and took a long sip. “Friday!” She held her arm up over her head and spun around.

We all laughed, and I took a drink of my own tea. It was strong, and almost sour, but delicious. This is going to be fun. I set the drink down on the tray and looked at Casey. “So, are you going to tell me what all of this is?” I pointed to the bed.
Casey and her mom shared a split-second glance before Casey picked up a stack of papers near the end of the bed. “Well, we have been kind of,” she sorted through the stack like she was looking for something in particular, “working with a clinic.”
I shot a glance at Linda and looked back at her . “A clinic?” I stared around at the chaos. “What kind of clinic?”
“You know how expensive school is, right?” Casey set the papers down, sat on the edge of the bed, and adjusted her jeans. She looked sad, disappointed, and a little embarrassed.
I thought about the three of them living in that big house alone, one daughter in college, one about to graduate high school, and just Linda to support everyone. It couldn't have been easy. Like my own father kept reminding me, life isn't cheap. “Yeah,” I sighed, “nothing's cheap.”
“Exactly,” Linda sat down at the desk and took another gulp of tea. “We've been doing everything we can think of to come up with extra money, but it's not easy.
“So, we found a way.” Casey handed me a sheet of graph paper with what looked like a complicated chemical equation. It was a chemical diagram. I studied it trying to remember what all the abbreviations for the compounds were – carbon, oxygen, and I think I saw some kind of salt, but I couldn't be sure. They've been taking drugs. I was right; she's a guinea pig like you see in the commercials.
I stared down at the map of chemical bonds, but I had no idea what I was looking at. To me, it just looked a bunch of weird chemicals all put together. “What is this?”
Linda and Casey exchanged looks again. “It's an experimental thing.” Casey said with some difficulty, like she wasn't sure how to explain.
“We need to get the rest of the data in the computer, and then we can go and talk about all this stuff.” Linda handed me my glass. “Here, sweetheart, have a drink while I finish typing this stack.”
I looked at Casey. “Alright, but you guys have to tell me what's going on at some point.” I sighed and straightened another stack of papers.
“We will,” Casey smiled and started and pulled out her laptop. “You're not going to believe it, but we'll explain everything after we get done.”
I shook my head and took a long sip of my Long Island. Just straightening the piles made the place look less messy, but there was still a long way to go if we were going to make it out. I grabbed the pitcher and refilled my glass. I could already feel the effects of the alcohol. I was all warm and fuzzy, even a little horny really, but I didn't care. Casey needed my help and it was fun hanging out with her and her mom. Better than sitting alone sweating in my dorm room.

Two hours later, with two more drinks under my belt, we had begun to slow down. Now, the three of us made a solid team. With Linda and Casey both entering stuff on two different computers, while I arranged the stacks and kept my Long Island full, the time passed quickly. There was a great deal of laughter. Linda had some great stories from when she was in college.
And we were clicking right along, talking, working, and a drinking, when I came across one page of notes that caught my attention. I stopped and set my glass down, sure that I had read something wrong.

In the center of the page, in between some strange numbers and weird codes, was the word penis. I read the first few lines of the page again. Casey and Linda's voices kind of blended into the background while I did my best to decipher the clinics jargon.
The page was a data sheet, a bunch of questions and blanks for answers. There were questions about when the prescription had been taken, how much time had passed since taking the pill and the first noticeable side effects? What were the side effects? Has there been any noticeable change in the penis (fully erect size, prolonged erection, excessive ejaculate) since the tests began? I read the last question over and over again.
“What's that one?” Casey slipped the paper from my hands and began looking it over like every other page and stack I had handed throughout the evening.
“Penis,” I said the word and almost laughed at the sound of my own voice. “It has questions about penises or penis size or something,” I tilted the last of my tea back and swallowed. God, that was good. Linda makes a helluva drink.

> Fucking my teacher

“Yeah, it's a questionnaire,” Casey handed the paper to her mother and their eyes met, but just for a second.

I reached over to the tray and took a sip off Casey's drink. “Whose penis are they asking about?” The question just kind of bubbled out of me. I didn't think much about it, I mean, there were three women in the room working on a bunch of scientific test stuff from some clinic, and one of the pages asked about penis size and erection. It seemed like a fair question, but as soon as I said it, Casey dashed across and closed the bedroom door.

She looked at me and then her mom. The room went quiet and I couldn't figure out why. I grabbed Casey's drink; the closest one with anything left in it and took a long sip while the other two started at each other like they were trying to communicate with their minds.
“Alright,” I laughed uneasily, “what's going on?”
“It's us,” Casey looked down at her shoes.
“What?” I looked at Linda and found her looking down at her shoes as well. Suddenly, both were acting like scolded children and I couldn't figure out why. “What's us? What are you talking about?” I picked up a fresh stack of papers.
“The penises,” Casey said softly, “they're…ours.”
Penises, what a funny word. Two penises. Should it be Peni? Is that the plural of penis? Ours? Wait, what? I looked at Casey and ran the words over again in my mind.
Casey looked at me and then at her mom.
I followed suit and turned to stare at her mom. She had turned her chair toward the bed and was facing us. I looked her over, staring at the cleavage that bubbled out of her purple top. Then down across the flatness of her belly to her skirt, a knee length black skirt that hugged her thighs and hips. Nothing looked out of the ordinary.
My brain did a quick backflip and landed on the right side of how ridiculous the idea sounded. “Wait, you're saying you have a penis because you have been taking some kind of drug from this clinic for money.”

“Yes,” Casey said.
“We have to show her, honey.” Linda looked at Casey and then at me before slowly spreading her knees in front of me. I looked back and forth between her eyes and the place where her legs came together. The light in the room slowly climbed up to her knees as the skirt fabric pulled higher and her legs spread farther apart.

I wasn't sure what was about to happen but something in me couldn't look away. The idea seemed impossible, like I had been told that cold was really hot and hot was really cold and I had just had it backwards my whole life. I was sure this was going to be some elaborate prank, that there was going to be a silly snake between her mom's legs and it was going to jump out and scare me half to death.
But it wasn't.
When the skirt got high enough, the light fell across her inner thigh and I saw it. My breath caught. It was flaccid, but it was long and lying against her inner thigh.
I looked back at Casey almost unsure any of it was real. Maybe I'm dreaming. This is just some fucked up dream. Wake up Kate! Wake up. I
But it wasn't. Casey refused to meet my eye, but I noticed a slight bulge in the jeans she was wearing, the bulge every man has right in the front. Oh my god, that's a penis, a real penis.
Suddenly, I thought of Brad's cock the way it looked when he got excited and we were driving somewhere, the way it would get stuck facing the wrong way and create a long bulge in whatever pants he was wearing.
A little tingle of excitement went through me. These two have cocks. I turned toward Casey. “How the…? What the…?” I looked down at her jeans and stared at the bulge before looking back at Linda's. “Both of you?”
Casey nodded. “We had to find a way to pay for school and…”
“I have a friend who works for a pharmaceutical company”
Both sounded embarrassed and ashamed.
“They are working on gene mutations or something and need human trials. It pays over a thousand a week.” Casey looked at me like she was about to burst into tears.”

Mom & son have night on bed : sister got chance to be fucked

“So,” I lowered my voice almost conspiratorially, “you took a pill, and now you guys have dicks?” It didn't seem possible. How could you take a pill and get a penis? Nothing had ever worked that way before.
“Yes,” Linda said, “that's about the size of it.”
I looked at Linda's cock again and that part of my brain began to buzz, the part that loves cock, the part of me that can't get enough of a good stiff dick.
I looked at Casey's pants again and noticed the bulge had grown. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was just the idea that my friend was sitting a couple of feet away with a real, honest to goodness cock, but either way, I tingled all over.
Looking back and forth between the two women in the room, I suddenly had a new, strange sense of purpose. To be honest, I had never really gotten to play with two at the same time. I had watched several videos showing double-penetration, but the opportunity had never really come along.
But now I was in a room with two women, who I knew well, and they had dicks – lovely, long, dicks. I took a big swallow of Casey's drink and smiled. “Well, are you going to let me them?” I glanced over at her mom.
You could have cut the tension with a chainsaw. The two exchanged glances and Casey's cheeks went crimson. “Are you serious?”
“Serious?” I took a step towards her and laid my palm against the bulge behind her zipper. “Yeah, I'm serious.”
Casey stared at my hand and swallowed hard. “Okay…” she looked at me like she wasn't entirely sure I wasn't half-crazy.
“Come on, I want to see it.” I can't tell you how excited I was, I mean, this was like a dream coming true that I didn't even know I had.
Casey's fingers worked the buttons along the front of her jeans and she sat up on the bed on her knees and shimmied the denim down.
My eyes were glued to her waist. I didn't know what to expect. Did it come with hair like Brad had? A big bushy thatch of hair? How big would it be? Would it be shaped the same? Circumcised or not?
Casey slipped her pants down and I almost choked. Between her legs, starting at the top of her pussy where her clit would have been, hung a nine inch, semi-hard, cock. It waved up and down in my direction.
My mouth went dry I was so excited. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
“Are you alright?” Casey looked at me weird and I realized that I was just standing there, staring at it, while a million thoughts ran through my head – most of which sounded like: Oh my god, that's the biggest cock I have ever seen. Oh my god, I want one. I wonder what it would feel like. Could I even take it all? What would it be like to have Casey fuck me while her mom watched? Oh, I could fuck her too.
“I…um…” I stepped over to the side of the bed where she sat kneeling on top of the blankets. I tilted my head and kissed her as I reached down lightly ran my finger along the length of what I hoped was going to be my evening's entertainment.

Her lips were soft and hesitant, but she gave into my advances and slipped an arm around my back to pull our bodies together.
“Oh,” Linda said.
I kissed Casey for a few moments, our lips parting, tongues darting back and forth between our mouths. Every stroke of my fingers along her length made our kisses more urgent.
After a minute or two, we were like two lovers that had just met. Kissing and stroking as fast as we could, our bodies pushing us forward, anxious and burning for more.

When Casey's mouth moved to my neck, to the soft skin just behind my ear, I stared down at the cock in my hand. It was more than I expected, more than I could have hoped for. Casey's cock was huge, ten or eleven inches and as thick as my wrist. I stared at throbbing tissue. It looked exactly like any man's penis but was two or three times the size. “Oh my God,” I whispered, “Does it, you know, work?”
I traced my index finger from the base of her shaft to the tip. She was fully erect, standing straight up, and while I kissed her, I slid my finger onto her breast. It was the first time I had ever touched another woman's tit. When I found the nipple poking through her bra, I circled it and pinched until she jumped.
“Yes,” Casey cooed in my ear.
I reached back down and wrapped my fingers around her. “Like a man's?” I glanced over at Linda who was sitting in the desk chair, facing her daughter and me, and slowly stroking her own mammoth cock.
“Well, we've never. I mean, we've masturbated, but we haven't.” Casey sputtered the words in between quick little gasps and moans as I began tugging on her shaft. “Oh…Kate…” she leaned back on her arms and looked me in the eye as her hips began to thrust. “Don't stop.”
I grinned and glanced back at Linda who only smiled as she worked her own massive rod, sliding her fingers back and forth and forth, staring at her daughter and me, the perfect little sex show.
Everything about what was happening fed some part of me, I didn't fully understand. I mean, I knew that I liked cock, knew that I liked to have my pussy stretched and fucked in a way most girls probably didn't. But there, sitting in Casey's bedroom faced with two monstrous dicks attached to two beautiful women…I wasn't sure there was a name for what I was.
Climbing onto the bed, I decided I needed some answers to the questions that were buzzing through my head. I caught Casey's eyes and she watched as I lowered myself toward her beast.
My fingers played along the base of her shaft and then down along her labial folds. I still couldn't believe she had both. Can she cum from both? Are they independent?
Casey spread her knees and gave a low moan as I slipped a finger into her wet darkness. Her cock was inches from my mouth, her eyes staring into my soul, like she was trying to tell me something telepathically.

But I knew what she wanted. I opened my mouth and slowly licked around the head of her penis. The hot flesh flared between my lips and Casey's mouth fell open.
My chest ached I was so anxious. I couldn't believe what was happening. I pushed my head forward and Casey's turgid cock filled my mouth.
I pressed forward and dipped another finger into her quim.
She responded by arching her hips and pushing more of her glorious cock into my mouth.
I bobbed my head and she reached the back of my throat. My mouth was so full the edge of my lips was stretched tight, straining around her width. But I wanted more, I needed more.

My own cunt was on fire. Desperate for attention I arched one leg and found the seam along the edge of the mattress. I pressed against it, pushing the stiff fabric against my clit. I wondered about Linda. I should tell her to fuck me. Tell you get behind me and fill my pussy with her meat stick. I mean, when am I going to…
Casey's cock leaked a copious amount of liquid across my tongue. It was warm and sweet.
I pulled my mouth off her and stared down at the clear strands of pre.
Casey opened her eyes. She looked like she had just finished a run, her face was flushed, and her hair a mess, but her eyes were like gray storm clouds.
Reaching down between my own legs, I rubbed my clit furiously, spinning my fingers across my pussy's little pleasure button. The pressure had already built; I was like a bomb ready to explode. Thrusting against my own hand, the first burst of heat rolled across me.
My pussy contracted, and fire ran across every nerve in my body. I dove back onto Casey's cock, slurping and sucking at her rod. I stared up at her and spun my fingers inside of her.
Casey's face was flushed with color, she shut her eyes like she was in pain, but I knew from the way her cock was throbbing, the quick little pulses that moved up her length, she was doing her best her best not to cum in my mouth.
But that was my job, my goal.

Cousin Baby

Balanced on my elbows, I abandoned my own cunt and wrapped my fingers around the base of her shaft. With three fingers in her pussy, one hand around her base, and the head banging away at the back of my throat, she didn't stand a chance.
She grabbed the back of my head and began fucking my mouth. “Oh, fuck, Kate.”
Pressure built above my clit. I closed my eyes and felt the warmth spread over my belly and then down my thighs. My pussy was dripping wet.
“No, no wait, I'm going to cum,” Casey tried to back away and pull her dick from my mouth, but I wouldn't let go. I wanted it, I wanted her to let go in my mouth, I wanted to taste her pleasure, the essence of her new cock and, with three fingers buried in her cunny and the tip of her dick nestled between my tonsils, Casey exploded.

Another orgasm crashed across me. I swallowed but it was too much. I coughed and cum splattered past my lips.
Casey throbbed along my tongue and more, hot cum slipped down my throat. I looked up from between her knees and saw the ecstasy in her eyes. I thought of Linda, sitting behind me watching me suck her daughters cock. Did she cum yet?
Once Casey's tool stopped throbbing, I pulled off and began cleaning up the mess, licking her cock and thighs like a kitten at a bowl of milk.
“That was fucking amazing,” she panted.
I smiled and slipped the three fingers that had been buried in her cooze between my lips. “Mmm…tastes different.
Casey smiled, and her cheeks flushed red. “Kate, you little slut,” she smiled.
I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and looked at Linda. Her cock was shiny with the precum she had stroked along her length and a new fire lit somewhere deep inside of me.
“Wow,” she absentmindedly stroked her cock. “Now it's your turn,” I smiled.
Linda's eyes went wide. “Are you serious?” Her cock was longer than Casey's and had she tucked it under the purple blouse, it would have been visible between her tits poking out of her cleavage.
I crawled across the floor toward the monolith, my new altar of worship.
“You're amazing,” Linda sighed as I licked the length of her starting at the bottom and working my way to the tip slowly, first once, and then again and again. It was a Popsicle, my lollipop, and all I wanted to do was make it cum.
“I can't believe…” she broke off as I enveloped her with my mouth. “Ohh…” she leaned back in the chair and gripped the arms until her knuckles turned white.
I worked my tongue along the shaft, stroking her dick with my tongue. My lips were numb, my jaw ached, but I didn't care. I was lost in it. The orgasms were too good, and I wanted more.
Slipping free of her mother for a moment, I glanced over my shoulder. Casey was sitting on the bed, her cock in her hand, the length already stiffening again. “What are you waiting for?”

Casey looked at me and then at the ass I wiggled back and forth in front of her “I get a turn too,” I said feeling my pussy press against the underwear that was still pulled to the side. “It's your final experiment, fuck me.”
Her eyes went wide but not with surprise, with hunger. She dropped to her knees, crawled over, and stuck her face between my thighs.
The hot breath and rough little tongue buried in my cooze, pushed me over the edge and I attacked Linda with new vigor. Sucking her back into my mouth and moaning as another wave of pleasure rattled through my brain, I felt Casey's impatience.
Her face vanished, and I felt her hands on my ass.

I thought of the size of her and wondered what it would feel like. I had taken a cucumber almost as big, but I had never seen a dick as big. I bobbed my head on Linda's meat and tried to focus on relaxing the muscles of my pussy.
Casey's cock pressed against me and I arched my back. It was so big I arched my back a little and spread my legs wider.
Casey's dug her fingers into my waist as she pressed forward, pushing a little more of her heft into me.
Linda looked at me and then at her daughter behind me.
I opened my mouth wider and sucked more of her cock into my mouth as I pressed back against Casey. Pain and pleasure mixed somewhere inside of me. I loved it. My body seemed to glow as another orgasm sent starburst behind my eyes.
I looked up as Linda began moaning in earnest. Her cock was already beginning to pulse, the head flaring at the back of my throat. Do it. Cum in my mouth. I want you to fill me up while your daughter fills my pussy.
Casey was fucking me faster and faster and my body was bouncing onto her mother's lap now, her cock hitting the back of my throat while Casey impaled me from behind. I knew it was about to happen. All three of us were going to cum together. Excitement tingled across me.
And then something moved. I saw it out of the corner of my eye and when I glanced over, I almost froze. There, peaking through a gap in the door, was Casey's little sister, Stephanie, her mouth wide open, her eyes as big as dinner plates.
I didn't know what to do. It was too late to do anything. Linda put a hand on the back of my head and pushed her cock deeper into my throat. I couldn't breathe let alone see the door.
“Oh, yes, baby.” Linda pumped my mouth until cum began gushing down my throat.
I arched my back and Casey fucked me harder, taking long strokes and pushing herself deep inside of me.
Swallowing Linda's load and pushing her oldest daughter toward another orgasm, I looked back over at the door which was still partially open, but empty. Steph had disappeared, probably just as her mother was filling my mouth with her bliss.
“I'm going to cum,” Casey whimpered as her heft throbbed inside me, stretching me even wider and going deeper and deeper every time she pressed into me.
“Do it,” I licked cum off her mother's thigh. “Fill my pussy,” I met her next thrust and then the next, grinding my hips back until her cock was so deep inside me I gasped for air. “Fuck yes, Casey. Give me that…”
“Oh, oh, oh…” Her cock exploded inside me. Hot jets of pleasure vibrated through me.
I ground back against her as she filled my insides. There was so much cum. I could feel it filling me up and then squeezing past our bond and running down my thighs.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, me draped across Linda's lap while her daughter leaned over my back softening inside me. I felt like I was high or drunk or both. My head swam in a warm pool of luxurious pleasure. I was exhausted but in the best possible way.
“Unbelievable,” Linda broke the silence. “I have never felt so good in all my life.”
I smiled up at her. “That was amazing.”
“Yes,” Casey put a hand on my back and slowly dislodged herself from my quim. Cum slid down my thigh and pooled on the carpet.
I sat back and stared back and forth between their dicks, still not sure I wasn't dreaming that I had just fucked two beautiful women with ten-inch cocks. I was exhausted and sore and impossibly happy and satisfied, but the memory of Steph standing in the doorway was like a rock in the pit of my stomach.
Linda stood and straightened her dress. “I…um…” she looked down at me, sitting on the floor with my dress up around my belly button, my swollen cunt leaking her daughter's cum, and my hair a mess. “Kate, that was amazing.” She straightened her bra and blouse, tidying herself up before she left the room. “I'm going to go back down stairs.” She smiled at us and left the room.
Casey tucked slipped her cock back into her underwear and for the first time, I noticed they were boxers. She pulled them up and chuckled. “Yeah, had to get them two days after I started taking the pill.” She sighed, “I don't know how boys do it. This thing comes to life at the weirdest times.”
I thought of how Brad's cock would do that, get hard at the weirdest times. Of course, when that happened, no matter where it was, I always liked to give him some release. It's always fun to figure out how you are going to either fuck or blow a guy when you are in a situation that would prefer you didn't.
I straightened my skirt and headed to the bathroom. I passed Steph's door on the way, but it was closed, and I could hear music coming from the other side. It hadn't been a dream. She had come to the door and seen the three of us. I stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. What am I going to do? Should I tell them? Should I talk to her first? What is she thinking right now? Oh my, god I would be horrified…I looked in the mirror and saw a streak of cum along the curve of my neck and smiled. Or exceptionally excited. I drew my finger through it and slipped it into my mouth. The sweet-saltiness of whoever's cum it was rolled across my tongue.

An hour later, Casey and I were at the club. We got a little table in the corner of the place and sat down. We were both sort of in a cloud, both unsure of what to say or talk about. I kind of felt like she might be embarrassed or confused, and I wasn't exactly sure I wasn't both.
It's strange the way we feel attached after we fuck someone, even if we really don't mean to, things change.
I was sitting across from my best friend and I didn't know whether to kiss her or tell her we could never do that again. And the worst part of it was, even though I felt that way, I couldn't stop fantasizing about fucking her again. I mean, sitting there in a bar filled with guys that I could wander off with, I kind of wanted to fuck Casey again.
“Well, that was unexpected.” Casey took a long sip of her martini and finally looked me in the eye.
“Yeah, well, you kind of surprised me.” I smiled.
Casey blushed. “It's been the weirdest thing, taking those drugs. I mean, I look the same, you know, except for my,” she looked around the room like she wanted to make sure no one was listening, “appendage, but inside. Inside, I'm different. I feel different. Like I am stronger or more confident.”

Brother's massage & my sexy body

I thought back to the way she had fucked me, the way she had gripped my hips and taken charge, pushing and pulling me back onto her fuck pole in earnest, focusing on her pleasure alone. “Did they say there would be side effects? Is there testosterone in there?”
“I don't know, they don't tell you what's in there, only that there could be side effects. But fuck!” She leaned over the table so only I could hear her. “I have never felt so good in my life.” She smiled.
Warmth spread across my cheeks and looked away, embarrassed. “That was nice, wasn't it?”
A tall man with dark hair and a t-shirt sized to accentuate the hours he had spent at the gym walked over with a pink-colored drink in each hand. “Ladies,” he smiled and set the drinks on the table. “My buddy and I were wondering if maybe we could join you for a little while?”
I stared over to the table he had come from and saw a man in his thirties in a suit jacket and expensive shoes. He looked like he had just come from the office; maybe this guy's older brother or something.
Glancing at Casey to get the okay, I then slipped off my stool, took the dark-haired guy's hand, and turned toward the dance floor. “Let's dance.”
The guy's face lit up like I had just flashed him my tits. “Alright!”
We stepped onto the dance floor in the middle of a Jay-Z song. The bass shook everything, but the background track and beat gave you a chance to get your feet moving.
I slid close to him and waved my hips back and forth. To be honest, I didn't really want to dance. I needed to step away, needed a little space to get some perspective. When I had left the dorm after Brad had hung up on me, I expected the evening to get to this point. It was everything between those two events that was tossing my brain left and right.
“Do you come here often?” The guy, dancing with his hands over his head like a cartoon fish leaned forward and shouted in my ear.
It took everything I had not to roll my eyes. “Yeah, it's one of our favorite clubs!” I shouted over the bass and looked back at our table.
Casey was halfway through her drink, talking to the suit and glancing over at me.
A little shiver of excitement went through me and I felt dangerous again. I caught her eye and turned around, so my back was to the dark-haired guy dancing with me.

Casey's eyes were glued to me.
I stepped back and slid my ass along Mr. Darkhair's crotch. His hands fell to my hips and we moved back and forth to the beat while I ground against him.
A smile lit Casey's face. A comfortable, happy smile when she realized what I was doing.
The song ended, and I turned and smiled at Mr. Darkhair. “Thanks for the dance,” I said.
“Thank you for the dance,” he ran a hand through his hair, obviously a little turned on.

We stayed at the club laughing and dancing until about 1 a.m. and then we caught a ride back to Casey's
The place was dark when we got there. “Come on in, you can sleep in my room. Enjoy some air conditioning.”
I looked at my phone. It was one-twenty and Brad still hadn't called, and I knew my dorm room was going to be miserable. Besides, I was half drunk, well-sexed, and exhausted. “Awesome, thanks.”
We slipped inside and went straight to her room where we both kicked off our shoes and climbed straight into bed.

When I woke up, I was alone in Casey's bed and my phone said ten o'clock. I sat up and found myself staring at the computer desk and chair where Linda had been sitting the night before. I grinned at the thought.
On my way to the bathroom, I passed Steph's room again. The door was open this time, but the room was empty. I remembered the looks on her face, her wide eyes filled with curious confusion.
I made my way to the kitchen and found Casey at the counter filling a mug with coffee. “Morning sleepy head,” she turned and handed me the cup. She was already dressed in her usual, jeans and a t-shirt with little black flats.
“You're already dressed,” I looked down at my wrinkled skirt and blouse, but I really didn't care. “Where is everyone?”
“Mom had to work this morning,” she pointed to a note on the counter, “and Steph had swimming.”
I nodded and looked Casey over again. There was something so…different about her now. I couldn't put my finger on it, I mean, I don't know exactly what it was, but she was different, hotter in a way and not just because of the ten inches of pure pleasure she was packing in her pants. No, this was something else, a slight difference in her attitude or personality, I don't know, but I liked it.
She caught me looking and blushed. “God, you really are a little slut, aren't you? What would Brad say if he knew about…?”
“He'd want to join in,” I laughed, “he's a football player, they're half gay already, tackling other men in spandex, pushing each other round and wrestling.” I rolled my eyes.

“I still can't believe last night,” Casey took a seat at the table across from me. “I mean, wow.”
I grinned. “Yeah, wow.”
“I am so glad Steph didn't hear us.” She stood and walked to the fridge. “She had no idea about the clinic.”
My heart jumped in my throat and did my best to swallow it back down. “Really? Yeah, wow. Thank god.” The words tumbled awkwardly out of my mouth as I remembered Steph standing in the door watching her mom cum down my throat.
“But you know this clinic has been a lifesaver. You want a half a grapefruit?” She turned toward me with a huge grapefruit in one hand.
“Sure,” I said. What the fuck? Shit. What should I say? I took a sip of coffee and watched Casey cut the fruit.
“Those guys last night were cute,” she said absently.
“Yeah, Mr. Darkhair was nice. Yours looked rich.”
“He gave me his number,” she chuckled, “I wonder what he would think if he knew I had a dick.”
I laughed. “You never know. I had a boyfriend once.”
“That's right!” She brought the grapefruit and forks over to the table, “that guy who liked to get, what did you call it, pegged?”
“Yup,” I slipped my spoon into the fruit remembering that strap on and what it felt like to stand behind him. “But you don't even need the hardware,” I glanced down at Casey's crotch and saw the gentle rise in her jeans.
Casey blushed.

I looked down at the swirling coffee. I couldn't believe how turned on I was. I thought about Brad and what he would think if he knew, but really, I didn't care. It doesn't matter what he thinks, he doesn't have to know. Also, why am I horny at 10am in the morning?
Glancing up, I caught her eye and had a flashback to the pained expression on her face while she was fucking me last night. A chill went through me. We could have sex right here on the table.
Her phone started to vibrate, and she picked it up. “Alright, I have to go. All that work we did last night,” she playfully looked me over, “I have to drop it off at the clinic.” She took a quick gulp of coffee, smiled at me in a new, gentle way, and grabbed her keys.
I was hoping she would ask me about tonight. It was Saturday and, although I needed to knock out a little laundry later, there was plenty of time for us to hang again.
“I'll call you once I get back,” she grinned and slipped out the door.
I could tell she was a little embarrassed, a little scared and anxious about our friendship and this new, weird aspect of it. It was written all over her face, but I didn't know what to say to make it better.
I sat at the table drinking coffee and checking my emails and Facebook for a few minutes and then figured I had soaked up enough of the air conditioning. Besides, I was still wearing yesterday's underwear and I needed a shower.
After I cleared the table and put everything in the dishwasher, I headed upstairs for my keys. I was halfway up, when I heard the back-door slam and footsteps racing through the kitchen. “Hello?” I turned on the steps to see who it was.
Stephanie dashed out of the kitchen and straight up the stairs. She was staring at the ground, her long hair hanging down over her head; she didn't even look at me. She brushed by me on the steps, dashed to her room, and closed the door like I wasn't even there.
It took me a second to realize what had just happened, but she was eighteen, a month from graduation, emotions were running hot. I shook my head as I remembered the end of my senior year and continued up the steps.
Then I heard it. A quiet sobbing coming from Steph's room. My heart fell, and I looked at my phone. I didn't have anywhere to be and besides, I had known Steph as long as I had known Casey. I gently knocked on the door.

“Steph? Hey, are you alright?” I leaned against the frame.
“Yeah, I mean…yeah, no.” She started to sob again.
“What is it, honey? Maybe I can help.” I figured it was a boy or a girl (I couldn't remember if I really knew which way Steph went.) or maybe she had just done something bone-headed, like gotten a ticket or gotten in a wreck.

The door knob clicked, and the door slowly opened on Steph. Her eyes were bloodshot. She looked miserable. “I took the pill.”
A little shiver went through me as I thought of her standing in the open doorway the night before. I thought of what she saw, the three of us, tangled and moaning. She took the pill. I looked down at her skirt to where the fabric was stretched tight, the mass pointing forward so stiff you could have hung a towel on it.
“Holy shit,” I whispered like I was afraid there was someone else in the house. “Look at that thing.” I met Steph's gaze and realized that I probably wasn't helping. “Um, let me see the bottle.” My brain was stretching for something else to do besides just stand there staring at my best friend's sister's new dick.
“There's nothing on the bottle, I already looked.” She gave me the look that said: I'm smarter than that.
“I don't know what to do.” I found myself looking left and right, desperately trying to figure out what happened next. What did I know about the drug? Had they mentioned anything the night before. Fuck, I am constantly being bombarded by cocks. Every time I turn around there's another rock-hard dick pointing at me.
When she realized that my brain was spinning, and I wasn't getting anywhere, Steph took my hand and led me to the bed. “What did they tell you last night?”
I sat down. “What do you mean?”
“I saw you last night. I got curious. What did they tell you, before or after, my sister fucked you?” She said the words as calmly and slowly as she could, like I was the person sitting on the bed terrified and she was trying to calm me down.
I thought back to all the papers and folders and research. “Genetic modifiers, hormonal side effects…”
Steph's dress was pitching a tent beside me. “I don't feel right,” she shook her head back and forth. “Something's not right.”
I put my hands on her shoulders. “What did you do? How many did you take?”
Steph looked at me. Her eyes were sharp and clear. A grin slowly traced its way across her face. “I want to fuck you.” She looked down at her lap. Her penis wasn't finished. The thin fabric of her summer-weight skirt lifted.
I watched too. Mesmerized by the drug's effects, I thought back to Casey's cock, the way it stretched me wide, the way my body had craved the way it filled me.

“Oh, my god, it keeps growing,” Steph's voice was desperate. She grabbed the hem of the dress and slipped it back. Her cock sprang up and I almost gasped. It was longer and thicker than either Casey or her mom's. It was huge and throbbing, bigger than any hardon I had ever seen.
Steph looked at me and then down at the protuberance anchored to the top of her vagina. “How long will it last?”
I thought about the other two, how they had both eventually become limp, but neither of them had disappeared. When Casey and I had gone to bed, she still had an eight-inch cock between her legs and she hadn't taken any medicine that I could remember. “I don't know. I mean, I have no idea. Yesterday was the first time,” I looked at Steph, “I just found out yesterday.”

“Shit,” She sat back on the bed and looked at her eager new cock. “Maybe it'll go down if I cum.” She wrapped her hand around the base. Her fingers looked tiny against the growing rod. “Of fuck!” Her voice was husky with desire. “God, that feels good.”
She glanced up at me and ran her eyes along my form as her hand began pumping up and down.
I swallowed hard. Inside of me a battle was raging. Part of me wanted to reach over and help. I mean, I was sitting beside a magnificent specimen of my favorite thing and it was attached to my best friend's sister's pussy. Is that a good thing or bad thing?
But common sense dictated that I get out of there, right. I mean, yeah, your friend can fuck you while you suck on your mom's cock, but you can't help her little sister cum because she took pills she wasn't supposed to take, right?
Honestly, I didn't know what else to do. The drugs themselves were a mystery to me, I only knew that they produced a rock-hard penis that was longer and stronger than any I had ever seen and that it worked just like a normal penis.
Steph's eyes were closed and both hands were slowly sliding up and down her shaft.
How much did she take? It's like she's high, like she can't control herself.
I started to get up, but Steph grabbed my wrist. “No, don't go. Help me.” She placed my hand on her cock. “Please.”
I swallowed hard. “I…” No words came out. I slowly opened my hand. The skin was hot. Do it. I investigated Steph's eyes. All I wanted was her cock. My pussy was soaked. My fetish seemed to come to life. Give her what she needs.
Steph leaned her head back. “Maybe if I cum,” her voice was a mix of pleasure and panic. “They cum, right?”
I remembered Casey's rod emptying her bliss inside me, pumping me full. “Yes,” I started to match her intensity, sliding my hand up and down.
Precum oozed from the tip and covered my fingers lubricating her skin and glistening.
I remembered the way Casey tasted, the salty sweetness, and dipped my head close enough to swipe my tongue through the clear liquid.
“Oh, my god,” Steph bit her lip and closed her eyes. “That feels good,” her voice was breathy.
I swirled the flavor across my tongue. It was as sweet as her sisters had been.
She looked at me and then at the glistening tip of her own meat.

I reached up and pulled off her t-shirt. It was the one thing I had regretted the night before – everyone was mostly clothed. I wanted to feel flesh on flesh, the weight of Casey on top of me, her breasts pressed against my own.
She wriggled out of her shirt and bra and then began stroking herself again. “I want to fuck you.” She looked rabid, lost in the pleasure that throbbed in her hand.

The selfish sex fiend that lived at the back of my head roared to life. I can't tell you how turned on I was. I bent and wrapped my mouth around the middle of her pole, sliding my tongue around the curve of her and moving up and down.
She stared into my eyes.
Without thinking, I stood up and took off my clothes. I didn't care that it was Casey's little sister, she was eighteen, and I wanted her dick deep inside me. Besides, maybe once she blasted her load deep inside of me, her cock would shrink and disappear. She had only taken the drug once, right?
I pushed her down on the bed and climbed onto her waist. I wanted to ride it. Pressing my pussy down on the shaft, I slid along it, riding it like a pole dancer, pressing my clit against her rigid flesh. My pussy was on fire with desire.
Reaching down, I guided it into my waiting darkness. She stretched me wide, wider than her sister. I groaned and spread my legs further apart. The head slipped inside, and I felt a rush of relief. I shifted my hips and more pressed into me.
“Ohh…” Steph reached up and grabbed my hips. “Oh god, that feels so good.”
I pulled back and then pressed forward again stuffing even more of her inside me. I wondered if any of them wanted to stay the way they were, if they wanted to keep their dicks.
Steph's raging hardon was halfway inside of me when my first orgasm came. It was slow, a warmth that started deep inside and then moved through me in waves.
I shifted my hips. “Cum for me, Steph,” I whispered.
She reached back and grabbed my ass. “I'm going to fuck you like a man,” her eyes went wild, and she began to thrust harder. Every thrust pushed her deeper until I could feel her cock jamming against something inside of me.
Another orgasm crashed through me and I leaned forward and grabbed Steph's tits. I squeezed them every time she impaled me.
“Fuck yes,” Steph moaned and slammed me back down on her meat. “I'm going to cum!”
“So am I,” Casey's voice came from the doorway. I turned my head and saw her holding her cock. There was a long, thin strand of pre oozing from the tip. It dripped to the floor.
Steph apparently didn't hear her sister. She gave me three or four more angry thrusts and then exploded inside of me.
I closed my eyes as the hot liquid surged and filled me.
This family.
Casey walked up to the bed and held her cock out for her sister. “I can't believe you took those pills.”
Steph opened her eyes and found herself staring at the business end of her sister's glistening glans. “I would say I'm sorry,” she glanced at me, “but I'm not.” She leaned her head forward and sucked her sister's dick into her mouth.
I looked at Casey. “I think I love you guys,” I smiled and wriggled my hips.


Check out part 2 – Futanari Family: Purple Pill and see what happens to Kate next.

Thanks for reading. If you would like to see what I am working on now or read other stories and commissions. Buy me a cup of coffee over on my Patreon page. Keep a poor girl writing!

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