Fucked Deepa On Deepawali

Hi All. I am KKD. Read Sunday Sex before starting this.

After few days we got our previous semester results. We all got pass. I called Preethi and asked whether she got passed or not. She said she got passed with full of happiness. She invited me to celebrate Diwali with them. Diwali is on Friday. If I keep on Saturday I can get three days holidays to institution. So I thought to go to her home and enjoy with her and fuck her. Unexpectedly every one in our class planned to do mass bunk on Wednesday and Thursday. I have started to her home without informing to her on Wednesday morning itself. I went to her home.

By the time I went to her home. Aunty is doing some work by sitting at dining table and Preethi is watching TV by streching her legs and keeping on another chair and her petticoat is lifted till knees and top of her half saree is slipped down and boobs are visible from top view in her blouse. When I am seeing her boobs from top her half saree slipped more down and I am able to her navel as well. Aunty saw me and about to greet me. I signalled Aunty to stay calm and left all my luggage on the floor and hold Preethi eyes from backside and asked her to find. She immediately stood up from the chair and think for few seconds and trying to find by saying some children name in the village. When she is standing her half saree completely went down and only a small part of half saree is hanging at her petticoat. Her waist and back are clearly visible for me from the back. I removed the hanging part of her half saree at her petticoat and made her to stand on her blouse and petticoat. Still she is saying some children name. I immediately dragged her more closer to me and hugged her from backside and closed her eyes with one hand using elbow and I placed another hand on her waist and squeezing and kissing on her neck. She is moaning and hold my head tight and dragging me towards her to kiss and smooch her more on the neck. I placed my hand all over her navel and pinching and squeezing her waist and navel. I started to squeeze her boobs over blouse and she is saying my name and telling me to do it more.

I noticed someone is coming down from steps and looked at steps. It is her sister Deepa. She is coming down by holding a baby in her hand. She asked to Aunty

Deepa: Mom, what is happening?
Aunty: Nothing, he came and trying to surprise Preethi by closing her eyes. Preethi find him and told his name. You know about your sister right. She said some mischievous words to him and he just hold her and they are just playing.

Aunty immediately told me to leave her and go to the room in second floor. I left Preethi and took my luggage and greeted Deepa and went to the room in second floor. After sometime Preethi came to room to clean the room as the room was not used from many days and it may be dirt. Preethi took a broom sticks and started to sweep the room. When she is bending and sweeping the room her boobs are visible from her blouse and I am starring at her boobs. She looked at me and asked what? I am still starring at her boobs and said nothing. She given a smile by looking at me and continued to sweep. I went nearby to her and squeezed her boobs and ass checks at once. She moaned and continued to sweep. I am keeping on squeezing and she is moaning. After sometime she is not able to control herself and pushed me away and said

Preethi: Enough stay away from me.
I didn't listened to her and keep on squeezing.
Preethi: Stay away or else I will beat you with broom stick.
In angry tone. I said ok by looking at her and started to step back from her. But immediately she hold my pant belt and dragged me closer to her and said
Preethi: Do it.
By feeling shy and looking at me. I continued to squeeze her boobs, waist and ass cheeks. She is sweeping the room. We went till the room door and Preethi noticed Deepa coming upstairs and asked me to stay away. Deepa came and went on to terrace without noticing us. I hold Preethi waist and dragged her tried to give liplock to her. Preethi said

Preethi: Leave me. Deepa may notice us.
I didn't leave her and keepon trying to kiss her. Preethi got convinced and said
Preethi: Ok, wait. I will throw the dust outside and I will come. We can kiss.
I said ok and left her and she went and throw the dust and came back to room and closed the door. I am sitting on the bed and came in anger towards me like trying to punch me and immediately hold her and laid her on the bed and still she is keep on shouting at me in anger and said
Preethi: Won't you understand? Even I am telling to leave me when my sister is coming you are not leaving. What if she notice and told to my dad?
I didn't listened to her and started to give liplock. She stopped scolding and holding my head tight and responding to the kiss. I am squeezing her boobs and loosened her blouse and removed her half saree. I removed her bra and squeezing and biting her boobs and she is enjoying it and moaning. I removed her petticoat and panty and she removed my dress and we both became completely naked and I fucked her 30 minutes and released sperm in her pussy and we both laid on the bed and relaxed for sometime and came down to lunch.

Aunty came to serve food to us and looking at both of us. We both are looking at Aunty.

Aunty: What?
We: What?
I understood what is her doubt and squeezed Aunty boobs and said
Me: Just now fucked your daughter.
Aunty got shocked and said
Aunty: Just before sometime you came and started to fuck her.
Me: Yes Aunty I want to fuck her once again after eating.
Aunty: When you will fuck me.
Me: If you want come Aunty. I will fuck now itself.
By holding her ass cheeks and squeezing them. She moaned and said
Aunty: You fucked me last time when you came here for your exams. Won't you remember.
Me: How can I forget you and your boobs Aunty
By biting her boobs over her blouse. Preethi is looking at us with full of lust and eating food. Aunty made me to leave her boobs and said
Aunty: Stay away. Don't do anything like this in front of my elder daughter Deepa. If she notice she will inform to her dad.

I said ok and continued to eat. After eating me and Preethi went into the terrace room and had sex. We came down in the evening and Uncle came at the same time and I greeted Uncle and went away from there.

In the night after our dinner me and Preethi told to Aunty that we are planning to have sex on the terrace and asked Aunty to join if she is interested. Aunty said she is interested and will join after Uncle slept. We both went on to the terrace. Sky is filled with full of clouds but it is not seeming like going to rain. Cool breezes are coming and we both are roaming all over the terrace and kissing and hugging each other and doing some romance and speaking about something randomly and waiting for Aunty. She came after 3 hrs. By the time she comes Preethi got angry and shouted on Aunty How long we need to wait. Aunty got anger and came to beat Preethi. Preethi pushed her on to the wall. Immediately I too went and we both started to squeeze her boobs and removed her saree and blouse. She got shocked and said to do it slowly. We both didn't listened to her and said this is punishment for coming late. She got angry and said is it and started to remove our clothes. She removed my t-shirt and Preethi half saree and blouse. We both are biting aunty boobs and aunty is squeezing Preethi boobs and rubbing my dick over my short. I loosened their petticoats and they removed them and become completely naked and they dragged my short at once and removed it and made me completely naked. Immediately Preethi started to do by standing on her knees. I am smooching, licking and biting aunty boobs and placed my hand on Aunty pussy to do fingering. Her pussy is already wet and liquids are oozing from her pussy and her pussy is expanded. I got shocked and asked her why her pussy soo wet and expanded she said just now your Uncle fucked me and slept. I came here to get fuck with you again. I understood that she is full of lust and dragged her more closer to me and started to give liplock to her and started fingering her pussy. She moaning umm, umm, umm, umm, umm………………… After sometime I took Aunty saree and Preethi half saree and placed on the floor to fuck them. Aunty said she already brought a pair of blankets and kept in the terrace room when you said you both planned to have sex on the terrace and brought the blankets and we placed them on the floor and laid down Preethi on the floor in position and started to fuck her. Aunty kept her pussy on Preethi mouth and making her to lick Aunty pussy. I am smooching and licking Aunty boobs and Aunty is squeezing Preethi boobs. After sometime I liad down on the floor and aunty came on to me and riding my dick in the position and Preethi placed her pussy on my mouth and I am licking her pussy and squeezing her boobs. Preethi is squeezing Aunty boobs. After sometime Aunty laid down on the floor and I started to fuck her in missionary position and Preethi kept her pussy in Aunty mouth and I am licking Preethi boobs and squeezing Aunty boobs. After sometime I started to give liplock to Preethi and squeezing her boobs and she is squeezing Aunty boobs. After sometime I am holding Aunty waist tight and fucked for 30 mins and released sperm in her pussy. After that we three laid down on the blankets and rolling on each other and squeezing and licking each other and enjoying. After sometime we stood up and went back to the rooms and slept.

Next day also me and Preethi enjoyed sex in the daytime and enjoyed the sex along with Aunty in the night time even after Aunty get fucked by Uncle. All this is happening without knowing to Deepa.

Next day is Deepawali. Everyone in the home are well dressed and looking beautiful. Deepa is looking more beautiful in her festival dress. They all did their Pooja rituals and we didn't get a chance to have sex in the entire day. In the evening they decorated entire home with oil lamps. They are looking very beautiful in the oil lamps light. After sometime people started to fire crackers. We also started to fire crackers and suddenly Deepa son started to cry. Her son is 6 months old. He is keeping crying and didn't stop even they are trying many things to make him calm down. He is not stopping crying. They thought he may be frightened due to crackers sounds and took him inside the house and closed the doors from all sides to reduce the crackers sound coming inside. Me and Preethi are enjoying by firing crackers and squeezing each other. After sometime we completed firing crackers and went inside the home and cleaned our hands and went to eat. Deepa son is still crying. We ate food and went to calm down Deepa son. We all are taking him into our hands and trying different things to make him calm down. He is not at all stopping crying. They given Deepa son to me to give a try to make him calm down. Within few minutes he stopped crying and looking at me and laughing. All got shocked. They took back him and again he started to cry. Again they given back him to me. Again he stopped crying and laughing by looking at me. We are not understanding why he is doing like that. All are looking at me with full of doubt and angry that I am doing something. I am in a situation not understanding what to do. I got angry on Deepa son by others looking at me and tried to frighten him. Still he is keepon laughing. Again I tried to frighten him. Aunty immediately stopped me to frighten him and said

Aunty: Stop frightening him. Anyhow he stopped crying after longtime in someone hands. Let him stay like that. Don't make him to cry again. It is being late go and sleep.

I given him to Deepa and started back to our rooms. Again he started to cry. We didn't understand what to do and again I took him and made him to calm down. Immediately Deepa said to me to come to her room and stay till her son goes to sleep. All said to do the same and I accepted to stay in her room till her son gets into sleep. I went along with her son to her room. She asked me to stay outside for sometime that she want to change her dress and I stood outside the room with her son. I am playing with her son and making him to laugh more. After sometime she opened the door and asked me to come inside. She is wearing nighty and looking sexy in that dress. But she is wearing blouse which is having sleeves longer than her nighty sleeves. Her blouse is clearly visible on her sleeves. I got disappointed. Anyhow Aunty and Preethi warned me about Deepa previously I don't want to do anything and stayed calm. I took her son and laid him on the bed and trying to make him sleep. Deepa came and slept on the bed beside him and trying to make him sleep. I sit beside him another side of bed and trying to make him sleep. He is in between both of us. He is not sleeping and laughing and playing with us. We keepon trying to make him sleep. It is being 2 hrs. He is still playing. Instead of him Deepa slept without knowing to her. I am also feeling sleepy and laid on the bed beside him. He is between both of us and me and Deepa are facing each other and sleeping. After sometime I also slept unknowingly. But still he is awake and playing in between both of us. We both are in deep sleep and he is playing in between us and he crawled towards her and placing his hands and mouth on her boobs over her dress and trying to get milk. Deepa wokeup due to his act and looked me and him. She noticed that I am sleeping with her on the bed beside her son. She called my name and tried to wakeup me. But I am in deep sleep and didn't respond. She dragged her son more closer to her and started to remove her nighty in one side and trying to give milk to her baby. It is not coming so she completely removed her nighty sleeve in one side and made her blouse free to come out and opened her blouse and started to give milk to her son without covering her boobs in a confidence of that I am in deep sleep and I won't see. But unexpectedly her son started to beat me repeatedly with his legs when he is drinking milk from his mother boobs. Deepa didn't noticed that. I got wokeup from sleep and saw. When I opened eyes and saw to my surprise Deepa is showing her boobs and her son is drinking milk. Deepa figure is 36-27-36. Her boobs are visible and her nipples are erected and her son is drinking the milk. She didn't know that I am awake and she is giving milk to her son. I am starring at her boobs without knowing to her. Suddenly my dick got erected and poking out. By sudden move of my dick she noticed at my dick got erected and looked at my face and saw that I am awake and starring at her boobs. She tried to cover her boobs but there is nothing to cover and she can't move away because her son is drinking milk. If she disturbs him he will start to cry. So she stayed like that without moving and looked at me and asked what? I didn't said anything and just starring at her boobs. She found a blanket nearby and took it and tried to cover her and her son. Immediately I hold her hand and stopped her without cover. She asked what? Why are you stopping me without covering the blanket? I said I want to see her another boobs nipples as well. She kept blanket aside and tried to remove her another boobs nipples from blouse. But it is not coming. I didn't expect that she will accept that easy. I tried to hold her boobs and drag her boobs out and made her another nipples to come out of her blouse. But she didn't allowed me to touch her boobs by saying her son is drinking milk.

After sometime he completed drinking milk and started to sleep. I saw that he had slept and tried to squeeze her boobs. She said to me wait and went aside without covering her boobs and took her son and made a cradle with saree and kept him in that and she came on to bed and looking at me and asked for what still you are waiting. Immediately I started to squeeze her boobs and took her nipples into my mouth and tried to drink her milk. No milk is coming from her boobs. She laughed at me and said

Deepa: Do you want to drink my milk?
Me: Yes
Deepa: Then how it will available in that nipple. Just now my son drink it right. It is there in another boobs and removed another side sleeve of her nighty and took out another boobs. I went onto it and tried to grab it and take it into my mouth. She stopped me and said

Deepa: If you want to drink my milk you need to tell me a truth
Me: What?
Deepa: You are right?
Me: Yes, how do you know? When did you saw?
Deepa: I am having doubt on you both when you are studying in same room for exams during I came for pregnancy.

I started to smooch her boobs and took her another nipple into my mouth and started to drink the milk.

Deepa: She is elder than you right? Won't you feel like this is wrong?
Me: You are elder than your sister right? Won't you feel like this is wrong?

Immediately she pressed me to her boobs and asked me to lick, smooch and bite her boobs more. I am squeezing and licking and smooching and biting her boobs. She is enjoying and moaning. I went to her lips and started to give liplock to her. After sometime we stopped kissing and looking at each other. I said

Me: I didn't expect that you will accept to have sex with me that easy.

By saying that I started to kiss her again and after sometime I stopped kissing. Deepa said

Deepa: I have been waiting when we will get a chance to have sex.

She started to kiss me again and we are hugging each other and rolling on each other in the bed.

Me: Is it? When onwards you are waiting to have sex with me.
Deepa: It is being more than a year I had sex. After becoming pregnant I never had sex. After giving birth to my son my got an urgent work and went to another state and he said it will take few months to come back and asked me to stay back in home till he comes back. From last two months sex desires are started to raise again for me and liquids are oozing in my pussy whenever my son drinks milk in my boobs. Two days back I have seen you came and squeezing Preethi waist and boobs and when I ask you people are acting like surprising her. Do you people think I don't know the difference between squeezing and surprising? At that time I decided to seduce you and have sex. But never got a chance to seduce you and have sex. But unexpectedly my son started to cry today and he didn't stop it till you take him into hands. I have noticed that you are watching me many times till morning. So I thought it would be perfect time to seduce you and I pinched my son when my mom asked us to go to our rooms and sleep. Again my son started to cry and by using that I asked you to come to my room till he sleeps. I know my son will sleep after drinking milk. But I want you stay here and didn't given milk to him for long time. But he is not asking for milk and playing with you. Unexpectedly you slept here and at the same he came to me for milk and at the same time you wokeup and saw my boobs and I saw your dick got erected and looked at you.
Me: Soo you pussy will oozing liquids now as well right? Let me see them.
I immediately started to lift her nighty. I dragged her nighty till her waist with one force. She is wearing petticoat. She laughed at me and asked did I saw her pussy. I lifted her nighty completely and removed it. I removed her blouse as well and squeezing and smooching her boobs and licking and smooching her navel and biting her waist. She removed my t-shirt. I have loosened her petticoat and inserted my hand inside her petticoat and started to rub her pussy. Her pussy is already wet and oozing liquids. I dragged her petticoat and removed it. She became completely naked. She is rubbing my dick and I removed my short and took my dick out. We both became completely naked. I am rubbing and squeezing her pussy. She is doing hand job to my dick. We are kissing each other and I started to do fingering to her pussy. She is moaning Aah, Aah, Aah, Aah, Aah………….. She started to give blowjob to me and I am squeezing her boobs. After sometime I turned her into 69 position and I am licking her pussy and she is licking my dick. After sometime she released orgasm. I drank all her liquids and I continued to lick her pussy. She released another orgasm and my face is fully drenched with her orgasm. I turned around and she licked all the liquids on my face. I made her into the missionary position and started to fuck her. I fucked her for 40 minutes and when I am about to cum I said to her.

Me: I am about to cum
Deepa: It is being two days my periods have completed. There is no chance of getting pregnancy now. Release your sperm in my pussy.

I immediately released sperm inside her pussy. It is being 2 O'clock in the night and went to my room and slept. Next day morning I wokeup around at 11 O'clock. After sometime I had my lunch and sitting in my room. Preethi came and asked

Preethi: Is my sister son slept or you will go and make him sleep again? I have been waiting for you on the terrace last night. I waited till 11 O'clock.
In angry tone.
Me: He didn't slept for longtime last night. Anyhow now I am here for you. Come let's have sex.
She came by running and fell on me. Immediately we heard Deepa calling me and coming towards my room. Preethi got frightened and tried to move away from her. I hold her tight without moving under me in the bed. Deepa came and opened the door and looked us.

Deepa: Oh you both are here?
Preethi got shocked and said
Preethi: Instead of shouting on us she is speaking with us normally like she already knows about us.
Deepa said
Deepa: Let me join with you
Preethi got shocked again
Preethi: What she said? She is going to join with us to have sex. I can't believe. Does she already knows about us? How she knows?
Me: Yesterday night I fucked her. At that time she asked about us and I told to her.
Preethi got shocked again.
Preethi: Did you fucked my sister.
Deepa came and fell on bed beside us and tried to drag me towards her and Preethi didn't leave me and dragged me more closer to her and said he is mine. Immediately Deepa squeezed Preethi boobs hard and started to give liplock to me. Preethi also started to squeeze Deepa boobs and they both got compromised after sometime and started to have sex with me. When we became completely naked and lying on the bed we heard Aunty is calling Preethi and coming in search of her. Deepa got frightened as she doesn't know that I am Aunty as well and trying to hide. Aunty came and saw us on the bed completely naked and said

Aunty: You are enjoying by leaving me?
Deepa got shocked by listening that and came out from hiding. Aunty got shocked by seeing Deepa here. Aunty came in angry towards me and me and Preethi pushed her on to the bed and started to remove her dress and made her completely naked. She is scolding me, Preethi randomly but we are not listening to her and removed her dress and made her completely naked and enjoying with her. Deepa joined with us and we all enjoying the sex. After sometime we heard sounds like Deepa son is crying and she ran to him.

Next day also I had sex with Preethi, Deepa and Aunty and again Deepa son cried and she went to him. Next day Aunty didn't come and she is taking care of Deepa son and me and Preethi and Deepa enjoyed the sex. It is Sunday. In the evening Uncle saw me and asked me when I am leaving to my home and asked me when I am having college. I said that college given extra holidays for Diwali. We enjoyed sex for two more days and I started to home on Wednesday and attend to the classes in the afternoon.

If any girls, aunties and women from Chennai are intrested to have sex you can mail me to [email protected] 100% privacy will be maintained.

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