Dad’s friend : inside resort

It's a series story as I am in great sexual affair with my dad's friend Hitesh ,a much elder men to me as I am in my last teens,a 19 years gal can't be within her limits and if she have got the taste of physical love ,it's as Hitesh and have enjoyed sex twice ,he have forced me for it as he have visited my home in my parents absence (read previous story “Dad's friend:forced sex) and as our oral sex session ends in a high note,my sexual desires started mounting and than I have asked him for physical pleasure (read previous story”Dad's friend:love cum lust).

So as next day I attend my classes,I know it's risky to bunk in a regular way and after three days,I have thought to talk with him for secret affair today.I am ready for my school as I have put school dress on my sexy body with shoes on legs ,so took my school bag as well as lunch box before leaving for I walked towards bus stop as I am waiting for bus to come and than I boarded a bus as I am standing inside bus with no seats vacate for me,my short skirt with shirt as well as nude legs to thighs are semi nude as it's getting eyed from co-passengers and I stand straight with my both hands on straps,so my bag is on shoulder and after 15-20 minutes ,I left the bus at civil my mind is going towards coffee shop as my legs are moving to school, so feeling bit confused,I stops near road side as I took my mobile from my bag and started ringing on Hitesh uncle's mobile, so after a while he received my call as he spoke to me

“hi baby ,how are you ?
(Dipaali)fine my sweetheart ,now thinking of my class bunk or doing it
(Uncle smiled)as you wish , I will take you to a nice trip towards Delhi Rajasthan boarder
(Dipaali)ok but now I am near coffeeshop ,so how much time I have to wait
(Uncle)wait for 15 minutes.”

So I crossed the road and walked towards coffee shop,feeling bit shy in my school dress with bag,but no one is with me .so I stand near a large tree as it's giving me some relief from stalkers and as it's a spring season , some fresh air with coldness are there , my long wait lasts soon as I can see Hitesh uncle coming out of his car and I walked to him……..

“hi,no need to go inside coffee shop
(Uncle)oh but why baby ?
(Dipaali)we will have some drinks elsewhere.”

And I sits on front seat of car as he drove the car ,now he took car on outer ring road via mall road as I am looking at him.He is looking nice in his black jeans with a short shirt and his legs are in sandals as looking at me,he asked………

“I think we should enjoy some nice time together in a resort near border
(Dipaali )ok let's move towards border first.”

And it's a peak hour of traffic as car is moving at a much slow speed ,so sitting with my legs crossed as my miniskirt have gone up but it's my bikini on vagina that have given him clear visibility of my inners but he is driving his car.I am feeling bored as our destination is far but it's a traffic jam that's making me too impatient,so as our car passes the Rajasthan Delhi border,my eyes are now looking for resort.later on,Hitesh took car on a deserted path as I am still unknown of my destination, lastly I can see a resort,so we both are in parking zone of resorts as both left the car .so I have put my school bag inside car but school dress is making me bit shy and uncle's company have given lookers to think about our illicit we both walked towards the reception and there I sits on sofa as a lady is on reception,Hitesh talked to him as I can see him paying money through card and getting a key of we both moved in resort's lobby as he hold my hands and our room is on the back of resort,lastly he opened a door of room and we both frisked inside it.

Now feeling bit shy as well as scared,I sits on chair as uncle smiled”need something for 2-3 hours
(Dipaali)yes but not easy to get here
(Uncle)oh what's your needs
(Dipaali)some night wear or lingerie set for me
(Uncle laughed)I think without clothes you will look beautiful.”

And he called reception for some items ,later on a guy came there with a bottle of wine and soda as he puts some snacks,cold drinks also and walked Hitesh locked the room as he started removing his shirt and feeling bit horny with him,I am still sitting on chair as resort's room is well decorated,he took out his jeans also as he walked towards I am thinking about my day's affair as he walked out of Washroom in his briefs only ,now I walked inside washroom as I have opened my shoes in room,took refreshment and urinated there as I am back in room to see Hitesh putting wine in glasses as I smiled

“Hitesh I don't drink
(Uncle)a small pack of wine can make you feel better for physical affairs with me.”and I sits near him as my hand started moving on his strong thighs,now thinking of school dress's getting his hands on it and having some dirt on it,I started unbuttoning my shirt as I pulled down my as Hitesh is eyeing at my lovely boobs to flat tummy and deep belly,I took glass of wine as I know it's alcoholic flavour but never tasted it,so I took out a cigarette from a packet and lit it.

Hitesh is smiling on me as I started drinking wine while smoking cigarette,what can you expect more than this from a gal like me,as drinks started making me bit unconscious,I am enjoying it and uncle have finished his large I am slow in it and as my drinks finished,I put empty glass on table as I put my hand on his bulge of penis on briefs.uncle's hard bulge is in my hand as I turned my face and he hold me tightly in his arms as I sits on his thigh,so wearing a push-up brassiere with a bikni only,I put my arms on his back as he started kissing my lips and I am bit unconscious as well as uncle is kissing my face to lips as my lips are loving his neck to face,now he hold my hairs as our faces are straight ,he started kissing my lips and I moved further as I took out my tongue to lick his lips,so he opens his mouth and started sucking my tongue hard.

I am sitting on uncle's thigh as he is rubbing my back and it's my tongue getting sucked as I am breathing heavily with eyes my body is feeling the sensation and I am too bold in a room of resorts,so as I felt his hand unhooking my brassiere ,I put my hand on waist and opened the strings of bikni.nothing shy of it as I freed my tongue and now like a hot gal I stand infront of him as my undergarments are on sofa, standing nude with my legs stretched with one leg on sofa,wine have made me little horny and than uncle hold my waist as he pulled me closer and started kissing my my hand have hold his hairs as his lips are sealed on my hole,now I started screaming”uuhh aahh Hitesh lick it fast”and he widend my hole with his fingers as his tongue started licking my cunt and my legs started shivering as my body is in sensation.He is rolling his tongue inside it's depth and it's a nice day as I have bunked my classes for my sexual affair,now his tongue is licking my cunt fast as his hand is moving on my sexy vagina is in fire as I am shouting”oohh yes lick it lick hard ,you dog”and as Hitesh loved it for a while ,I freed my vagina as I walked nude towards washroom to urinate.later on ,I came back as I can see uncle putting wine in his glass and I knelt down infront of his legs,so holding his undies on waist as I started pulling it down.uncle helped me as his long cock is nude and I hold it's base , looking at him,I removed it's skin as I started licking it's glans ,so my tongue is on soft round glans as his hand is on my boobs, squeezing it hard while drinking wine ,and I am kissing his penis ,now I opened my mouth as I swallowed his penis to mouth have hold it as I am moving my face fast and it's glans is hitting my throat, so his hand is pressing my breast,now his cock started growing harder in my mouth and as my fingers are in his dense pubic hairs,Hitesh put his glass on table and hold my hairs tightly ,so started fucking my mouth with his penis from below and I am enjoying his cock .so I took out his wet penis and now looking at him ,I asked……..

“dear a small pack for me
(He smiled)sure my sweetheart.”and I started masturbating his cock hard as he puts wine with soda in glass and I started drinking it,uncle lit a cigarette as he is smoking and screaming”uuhh aahh uumm you sexy give me chance to fuck ,don't waste your young age “and now I put empty glass on table as second drink have made me more feeling horny and hot ,I smiled”Hitesh ,you are like my dad ,not my hubby , so I will lose virginity to my lover or hubby
(Hitesh started massaging my breast)sure ,if you want someone else cock in your vagina ,it's your decision but after you lose virginity , please give me also chance to enjoy it.”now I left the ground as I slept on bed ,uncle came on bed as he slept beside me and now his hand is moving on my boobs,so he put his face on my breast and took it in his mouth,he is sucking it hard as my legs started moving on bed ,I am feeling it's pleasure as Hitesh is sucking my left breast as his hand is massaging hard my right as he is on my top ,my eyes are on his long erected penis and I hold it as I started masturbating it fast

“uuhh aahh uumm suck hard you dog”and Hitesh swallowed my other boobs as he is sucking it nicely and my hand is well satisfied with a long hard penis and after a while ,my vagina is wet with fluids coming out of it.
Hitesh walked towards washroom as I am lying on bed nudely and as he came back,I asked………

“you want to love my cunt again ,it's wet
(Uncle)sure I love tastes of vaginal cum.”

So he put a pillow under my sexy ass and put my legs wider, looking at my glory hole,he put his face inbetween my thighs and I widend it's hole as he started licking my cunt to taste it's feeling on top of world as his tongue is fucking my vagina fast ,I am screaming”uuhh aahh fuck fuck hard”and Hitesh tastes my cum as he left my he is sleeping beside me as we both are facing eachother,now took me in his arms as he started kissing my neck to face,my hand is moving on his back and later on as I felt myself getting horny,I leaned on his top as I started dominating him and now my lips are sealed on his lips as my boobs are pressing hard on his uncle hitesh is getting hotter as he is moving his finger in my ass crack and now I started sucking his lips as I can feel his long cock hitting my waist to thinking of losing my virginity right now but I am too afraid in doing so ,as I kissed his face ,I moved down to his chest ,so putting my lips on his chest as my hand is rubbing his arms,his hand is on my back and now I am on uncle's it's a hot zone and I hold his penis as I opened my mouth and took it inside to suck but it's my goal to swallow it's cum soon,now I started sucking his 8-9 inches long 3 inches thick cock like a hot gal as my head is moving fast,he is screaming in pleasure

“uuhh aahh sexy suck suck hard uummm”and after a while ,I took out his wet penis and my tongue started licking it as my vagina is getting itched ,I am passionate to drink his my tongue licked his penis as I put my face straight ,now I hold his penis and started masturbating it fast ,it's hard as well as hot ,so uncle is

“go fast aahh aahh jerk fast you bitch,not giving me your sexy vagina” and after 2-3 minutes of hard jerk ,he started shouting”now suck it suck I will cum soon”and than I swallowed his penis as I am giving it a nice blowjob ,than he started fucking my mouth with his penis as his hand have hold my hairs,so after a while ,I got much waited semens in my mouth as I drink it like a dirty whore and than I took out his cock as I licked it's our sexual affairs ends but not lasts now ……….read next part.

Added by Dipaali

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