Dad shaves daughters pussy

I am a divorced dad of a beautiful  that I see when she has the time which is not very often. I just figure that she is a sophomore in high school and i let her do her thing. She answers my texts and my calls so I know that she loves her ole man.

When we text ad talk the conversations are usually about the boys at her school. There is no doubt that she is still a virgin but I get the feeling that she is looking for her first dick. Her mom is pretty strict and stays on top of things and has the same feeling as I.
I picked her up a couple Fridays ago after a football game at school. I had to drop off two of her girl friends. Talk about three sexy and hot young women. Wow! What I wouldn't give to have my cock inside her friend Sheri. Dark tanned skin, 110 pounds, 5′ 1″ with long black hair and big D size boobs.

My daughter Alice could tell that Sheri made my cock tingle and began teasing me about her when I dropped Sheri and the other girl off. Alice and I have had many talks about how her high school friends are hot and our conversations about them have been pretty open and graphic. She told me that she seen Sheri in the locker room. Sherri shaves her and has brown nipples on on her big firm and that even she got turned on by seeing her hot sexy friend naked.

We stopped at a deli for dinner then headed home. Alice went in and took a long hot shower as I sat at the kitchen table reading a book. I was trying to keep my mind away from the self images of Sheri riding my cock.
About a half hour later when the hot water ran out Alice came out of the bathroom with a t shirt on and teal colored panties. Her titties aren't very big but her body is tall and petite. I noticed her bare belly between her shirt and her panties. I took a deep breath and looked away but continued to take little peeks as she moved around the kitchen. Finnaly she stood along side me and placed a glass of apple juice on the table for me. Her bare belly was almost at eye level. I looked at her belly then down at her dark brown bush hiding behind her skimpy bikini type panties. I noticed a few of her pussy hairs sticking out on the sides of her teal panties. Suddenly she said.

“Dad, you are not supposed to be looking there.” I looked p at her smiling down at me and asked.

“Baby, why don't you shave?”

She put her thumbs inside the top of her panties and pulled them out. I almost creamed my jeans. She said.

“I have always been afraid of cutting myself down the with the razor.” As good as we get along and feel comfortable with each other I threw out a joke question. ‘Do you want daddy to shave it for you?”

We were both shocked. I couldn't believe that my thought came out verbally and I don't think she expected e to ask such a thing. but to my amazement she smiled and said. “Okay, yeah.” She was still holding her panties out as I stood up and look down at her thick bush. She stepped away and said.

“Come on dad.”

I followed her into my bedroom then into the masterbath. Having the big tub that my ex wife wanted when we had the house built the ledge was big, allowing a woman to comfortable sit and shave her legs among other parts too. Alice started the bath water and got a couple towels to sit on after she slid her panties down and off.
I turned the water off after it filled about a quarter of thr way. Them I retrieved my beard trimmer from the cabinet.I knelt down in front of her on the floor as she turned towards me. I couldn't helpbut to take a deep exilerating breath as she opened her legs. I looked up at her in concern to her feelings and comfort but she just smiled back at me. I used my trimmer starting at the top. slowly the dark curly hairs rolled down towards her cunt.I brushed the trimmed hairs away with my other hand the ran the trimmer down her left side then down her right side. She giggled from the vibration of the trimmer against her young lips. Then I had her stand up and place one foot up on the ledge of the tub so I could run the trimmer underneath. I couldn't believe how much her pussy looked like her moms.

I took the wash cloth and soaked it in the bath water quickly before wiping the loose hairs off her pussy. I had her hold the cloth to keep the moist heat penetrating her skin and hairs as I retrieved the feminine shaving gel from the vanity that her mom left behind. I squirted some gel on my fingers then dunked my hand under the hot water in the tub before smearing it all over Alice's pussy.

Slowly and carefully I placed my triple blade razor against her skin to make a short pass. I was quick to rinse in the tub and repeat the process over and over. Before long her pussy was shaved. she looked at me and asked if I got it all. I told her to run her fingers around to make sure.
I watched Alice slowly run her fingers all over her pussy and around it before she told me to double check. I dunked the wash cloth in the water once again and wiped around one more time to make sure there were no loose hairs that could leave a deceptive sensation to my finger tips.

I took a deep breath as I reached for that beautiful place between Alice's legs. Kneeling on the floor I got close the shaved area. I ran my fingers around the freshly shaved skin. I could see a clear milky cream oozing from her hole. Alice must have seen me lick my lips. she tapped me on the head. I looked up at her and she asked. “Do you like it?” I softly nodded and said. “Baby you have a beautiful pussy. when you have a boyfrind he is going to love licking it.” She reached down and ran her hand over her shaved pussy again.

Alice took my hand and guided me to the bed. she said. “Daddy I trust you. I know that you will not hurt me or tell anyone but do you want to have pleasure by touching me down there?” I asked. “What do you mean.” she replied. “I know that you are my dad but I am so turned on. You can't tell me what you just did wasn't erotic and arousing.” I chuckled and said. “Yeah it was baby.”She grabbed hold of the bottom of her t shirt and pulled it off off of her then she said as she placed my hand on her tittie. “Daddy I want you to give me my first .” I asked. “Are you serious baby?” she replied. “Daddy I know that I will be losing my virginity sooner or later, maybe more sooner then you and mom may want but I have never touched my pussy in a sexual way until after you shaved me. and I am so turned on. I have the urge to try to masturbate but I would rather have you touch me and make me cum for the first time.
I knelt down on the floor beside the bed and pulled her toward me as she opened her legs. I wanted a good look so I reached over and turned the light on that was sitting on the night stand. I began running my finger up and down her wet slit. I listened to Alice take a deep breath of pleasure for the first time. Listening to my daughter moan was the most arousing thing that I had ever heard. I took my index finger and thumb. I spread her lips apart before I touched my tongue to her clit. She moved her hips in conjunction with me to savor ever second of the pleasure. I reached up and massaged her nipple between my fingers. Alice cuffed both of her hands on the sides of my head and began bucking and screaming as she experienced her first orgasm.

Alice laid there breathing hard trying to catch her breath as I licked around her pussy where her hair was no more than thirty minute sooner. My cock was throbbing and rock hard behind my jeans as i stood up. Alice said. “Daddy would you like me to help you cum?” I smiled and pulled down my jeans before stepping out of them. Alice sat up and took hold of my cock and said. “Tell me what to do to suck it the right way.” I placed my hands on the sides of her head and guided her lips over my shaft. I just said. “Don't use your teeth.” I stood there enjoying my daughters mouth around my cock. then she slipped off of it and said as she looked up at me. “I know that you want to fuck Sheri and I can make it happen if you want but I want you to fuck me first, be my first daddy.” What she said was like music to my ears in every way. I said. “Baby, it is your first time. It will hurt so at any time that you want me to stop just say so. I went into the bathroom and got a fresh half folded towel to slip under her and I grabbed a strawberry flavored lubricant that I had in my nightstand to squirt on the head of my cock and her entry hole.

My head slid in pretty easy but it took some extra effort on her part and mine for my cock to slide all the way into her pussy. I hated seeing the pain in her face but she never stopped me as I continued to pump her pussy. I eventually had her kneel on the edge of the bed so I could fuck her from behind. She let out a big moan as my cock slid all the way into her young cunt. I grabbed her hips and continued to slide her twat over my cock. I went faster. Alice said. “Daddy cum inside of me. I want to know what it feels like. please daddy… Daddy I am going to fucken cum, oh daddy, daddy I am cumming.” I couldn't hold back any longer I released my jism into my  daughter.

We both took a shower to get clean up then she slept with me that night and the next. but it wasn't until she got up for school on Monday morning that her pussy felt good enough to learn what it was to ride a cock, mainly her daddys cock. I dropped her off at school an hour late but was able to talk to Sheri too.
I got a text from Alice the following Thursday. “Daddy, pick Sheri and I up after the game tomorrow night and we will both spend the night. You will have a dream come true…”

But that is another story for another time.

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