College boy is introduced to the wonders of a mature woman

For a Saturday, it was a very despondent day indeed. My best friend's father had died that week and we rushed back from college to attend the funeral. I knew his family well, and we were all very sad at the passing of Tony. Despite Vincent's mother wearing a heavy black veil her grief and tears were evident. Too young for a man to die, only in his early 50's. Heart disease they said. I knew Vincent' mother through my teenage years and always thought her a beautiful and sexy lady. But this Saturday all I could see was her grief and pain, and I felt great sympathy for her.

A few months later I was back in town and thought to pay her a visit, to bring her a gift of flowers and wish her my condolences. I also brought her a few bottles of Merlot, remembering that this was her favorite. I showed up unannounced but she smiled broadly nonetheless when she opened the door, seeing the flowers and a face she probably last recalled from when I was in high school. I had grown a few years since then and in that time learned to appreciate the benefits that women had to offer. And on seeing Mrs. Comeau I saw that she had lost none of beauty, charm or curves that I remembered her possessing.

Though a woman in her late 40′ she maintained a very womanly figure. Presented before me in jeans and a sweater I noticed both the sweetness of her face and the curves of her figure. Yes, her face showed her age, but her wrinkles were overwhelmed by her soft lips and doe like eyes. Not a slender lady, she had a shape of a true woman, with large breasts, well rounded hips and thick yet welcoming thighs. But I had seen too many skinny girls in college and her warm broad curves made my groin begin to tingle at the sight of her once again.

I could see the heavy breasts concealed by the sweater, large bulbous cantaloupe's thrusting from her chest. And her jeans hung tightly around her wide hips and shapely thighs. My stiffy began to grow as I shyly handed her the flowers and I believe that I blushed as I also handed her the bag containing the wine. I lowered my head, averting her gaze and trying not to appear to be staring at her tits, which I must admit I was. With a warm voice she said “Well thank-you Adrian for all the thoughtful gift! Won't you please come in!”

I entered the door, stumbling over my feet. As she turned around I could not resist the temptation to view her ass in those jeans. I was not disappointed. The jeans hung tightly about her broad bum, accentuating the ample curves. I don't recall her dressing so sexy when I was in high-school. Had she dressed more conservatively then or had I just not paid attention? Or with her husband gone was she now able to more freely express her own preferred style of dress? Or maybe even trying to find another man in the city to hook up with? With the image of her breasts and ass swirling in my head I considered the possibilities.

We sat on opposite ends of the couch as I fumbling for words to express how sorry I was about her husband. Having referred to her as Mrs. Comeau she insisted that I call her Margaret now that we were both adults. She said that she appreciated my remarks but that there was no need to mention Tony furthermore, as, as she said “Life must move on for those still among the living.” She looked a bit sad on uttering the words. But her sadness was soon replaced with a smile and she jumped to her feet, exclaiming that she would like a glass of the wine now that I had brought and offered me a glass as well. I had taken the bus across town and so had no need to worry about driving, and feeling rather tense and shy, I accepted the offer.

As we sat together and slowly polished off the first bottle of wine the conversation opened up and we talked about everything under the sun! My school courses and experiences at the college, her hobbies, how her son was doing, how she was feeling and making on with her life without Tony. As the drinks continued to flow and as the day progressed into evening the conversation expanded to more person matters. She asked if I had a girlfriend. I explained that I had known girls at College but did not have a steady girlfriend. Then overcoming my reserve I inquired whether she had found other companionship.

With more candor than I expected she explained “My friends convinced me to try on-line dating and though I met many nice gentlemen, most were too old for my taste, and those that di interest me proved, how shall I say, ‘not able to sustain my level of enthusiasm', I suppose would be the best way to explain it to, you know, such a young gentleman as yourself. Smiling warmly at me as she expressed this though she rose upward, saying that she would open the next bottle and bring us another glass of wine. Surprisingly I watched her ascend the stairs to the second floor rather to proceed to the kitchen where the wine was. A few moments later she descended the stairs in what appeared to be a heavy housecoat. Entering the kitchen she returned with the new bottle.

Standing before me, looking rather more provocative than when she had left, she refilled my glass and mentioned as she closed the blinds to the windows that it was now too late to catch a bus but that I was welcome to spend the night and could sleep in her son's room. Sitting herself this time directly beside me on the couch she topped up her own wine glass. “A toast, to old acquaintances and new found friends!” She offered and we clinked our glasses. Gulping her wine I watched as she used her tongue to lip the liquor from her lips and then as she bit down upon her pouty lower lip.

For an older lady, she was starting to drive me crazy with desire! Her housecoat revealed a ripe cleavage that I had never seen so exposed before and the split in the gown hinted at smooth calves and supple curved thighs. My eyes could not resist the temptation to explore her flesh and she noticed how my view shyly would linger on her boobs or legs and then try to inconspicuously move away. She also noticed the bulge I could not suppress from growing under my pants and I noticed her own eyes fixated upon my groin.

Our conversation grew more quiet, more careful, turning almost to whispers. Stroking my hair with her free hand, her face only inches from mine, she asked why I did not have a girlfriend, adding that boys my age needed continual relief if they were to be able to focus on their studies. Before I could reply she smiled and let out a soft giggle, and kissing my cheek rose herself up, saying that she had to use the facilities. When she returned it was evident that she had deliberately left the belt around her housecoat loose. Instead of tightly hugging her body the garment now flowed softly around her. As she strutted toward me I caught the sight of white panties beneath her emerald green gown. Her ample cleavage was not clearly evident, and I could not resist intensely gazing at the soft jiggling flesh as she walked toward me.

Placing herself down beside me she insisted that we resume our conversation where we had left off. With her one thigh completely bare and her left breast virtually exposed, she asked how a young buck as myself managed to keep focused on my studies and not distracted by my manly urges. I shy looked downward, first at her leg, then at her virtually exposed boob, and then at the obviously rock hard dick under my pants. I was left speechless. “Let me guess.” She teased, ‘You have to stroke yourself off every day. Maybe a couple of times a day. Oh, am I embarrassing you. So sorry, but it is perfectly normal for a man to jerk himself off every day, especially a younger man as yourself.”

Looking downward,” she added “I can see that you have not yet masturbated today.” And with these words her hand descended downward and she stroked her fingers over my hard-on, so tightly wrapped in my jeans. Shocked, looking up at her, she planted a long kiss on my lips. Unable to speak in response she continued “I understand, you will need to jerk off before you go to sleep tonight, and truth is, being a bit lonely here, and more than a bit tipsy, I have to admit that I would love to watch. Truth is, I haven't seen a really stiff cock in many years and really miss having one of my own to play with and satisfy. And I so used to love watching boys jerking off as I teased them when I was a younger woman. So why don't I help you out of those tight restraining jeans of yours, and you can remind me what a hard penis looks like, and let me play with myself as I watch you stroke on it for me?” Still dumbfounded and motionless I watched as her hand fell back down upon my cock and ever so briefly she squeezed my dick through my pants and slid her fingers along my shaft.

“In fact,” she teased “if you like, I can even show you a little flesh to help you along!” With her hand she then pushed the gown back over the breast that was already virtually exposed, and with the single motion brought into my view the fullness of her large breast and the dark swollen nipple and aureole that capped the soft sensuous flesh. My eyes locked onto her beautiful boob, unable to move away. She cupped my head and stroked my hair. “Do you like my tit?” She asked. Looking up at her shyly I nodded my head. Pulling me tight she placed a long hard kiss onto my mouth. “Tell me what you want Adrian. Don't be shy. Tell me what my man wants.” She whispered in my ear. “Beg, darling, I want to hear you beg.”

“I want your tits Margaret, I want to feel that gorgeous breasts in my mouth. I want your soft round ass in my hands. I…I want to pull down your panties and see how broad and thick your brown bush is. I want to shove my tongue up between your thighs. And then, and then I want to shove …” I had been bold enough to utter the words I had already, and wished that I could somehow take them back, ashamed of myself for having uttered them.

I felt relaxed again when I heard her say “And all those lustful little thoughts of yours you shall do, my handsome little playtoy, all in good time. But first, you are going to have to let me help you off with those pants so that you can show me how you play with yourself.” Looking at her breast once again, and then into her eyes, I sat speechless and open mouthed. “Stand up, don't be shy.” Margaret teased. Helping me to my feet I stood before her. She leaned toward me and I watched as her big soft tit swung forward and bounced and jiggled as it hung from her chest. Reaching up she undid my buckle, the button to my jeans and my zipper. The whole while she looked up at me, smiling, licking her lips. Pulling my jeans down to my ankles she helped me to remove them, along with my socks. Rubbing her hands over my legs and then onto my belly she let her one hand stroke up and down over the rod that thrust upward through my underwear.

Grabbing hold of my dick through the material she uttered “mmm, nice hard cock.” Then taking my underwear from both sides she pulled the elastic band downward. She pulled the band deliberately down directly over my cock so that my rigid member bounced up and down in front of her face once it was released. Leaving my underwear hanging about my knees she took the base of my cock in one hand and clasped my balls in the other. Softly stroking and squeezing my cock and my balls she added “mmm, very nice hard cock indeed!” I watched her as she stared at my cock admiringly.

Then she leaned forward further and took the head of my cock into her mouth. She sucked my cock, but only briefly. Pulling her head free she asked “Did you like me sucking your cock?” I nodded that I did. “I will suck your cock lots more tonight, and so much more as well, but first you have to be a good boy and show me how you stroke that hard dick of yours when there is no woman around to show you her tits or suck you off.” I stood a bit paralyzed, but she took my hand and wrapped it around my shaft and as she worked my underwear off told me “There you go, don't be shy, show me how a young man strokes his cock when he is fantasizing about fucking his best friend's mother.” Her words got me excited and without further hesitation I began to stroke my dick while she watched.

Watching me stroke my dick Margaret laid back on the couch and releasing the belt to her gown pulled the material back to each side, exposing to my view both her large breasts as they flopped to the sides of her chest, her soft but still flat belly, her pretty white panties, and her thick, supple, smooth thighs. “Keep stroking that meat for me baby.” She said as she cupped her heavy tits in her hands and raised them up, letting me admire the masses of soft silky flesh and the big dark nipples. She purposefully jostled her breasts in her hands, watching me as I watched the jiggling flesh. “You like big tits, don't you Adrian?” Nodding my agreement she added “I knew you were a big tit man. I used to notice how you tried to innocently look down my top when I was bent over when you were visiting.”

She then spread her legs and began to caress her inner thighs and panty covered bush. “I have to confess Adrian that I used to masturbate while fantasizing of you fucking me while I was still married.” She continued, rubbing a finger under her panties and caressing her own pussy. “Did you ever masturbate at nights fantasizing about what my tits looked like, how my mouth would feel around your cock, what it would be like to fuck me?” I nodded my head again, admitting my own sinfulness. “Good boy.” She finished, and pulling at the material of her panties revealed to me her big brown bush and soft wet pussy lips. Holding the material back she used her other hand to continue playing with her moist flesh, teasing me by playing with her hot cunt as I teased her by stroking my hard dick.

“You like my pussy Adrian?” She asked. I of course nodded again. “Would you like to fuck my pussy Adrian?” I just smiled, not even needing to nod. “Would you like to eat my pussy Adrian?”

“I would absolutely love to eat your lovely beautiful pussy Margaret.” I confidently stated.

Spreading her legs wider and pulling her panties back further she said “So then what are waiting for?”

On cue I dropped to my knees and grabbing her legs around her own knees thrust my face into her twat without delay. She had me so turned on that I devoured that pussy as I had never done before, and perhaps have never done since. I licked and tongued and sucked and bit with all the zeal and energy of a crazed and starved animal. She gyrated intensely and cried with delight, grabbing my head by the hair and thrusting my face ever deeper into her vagina. Her body exploded soon after in delight and my face was showered with her grateful juices. Believing I would be released from her grasp, her continued to hold my face in place. “Again Adrian, please, again, make me cum by licking my pussy again.” She begged with such desire and sincerity I could obviously not refuse and resumed my munching and licking. I didn't mind, and I was personally enjoying her twat in my face very much.

As I slowly and playfully continued to lick at her cunt she spoke to me with carefully selected words. “I haven't been licked down there by a man in over 20 years. Tony stopped doing it soon after we were married and I have so desperately missed the experience. Promise me Adrian that every time you come to town that you will visit me and lick my pussy. In reward I will let you do anything you want with my body for the remainder of that night. I'll suck you dry, over and over. You can fuck me as many times as you desire, in any position you want, anywhere in the house. You can even fuck me in the ass is you like. Have you ever fucked a lady in the ass before Adrian?” She inquired. I shook my head no, unable to speak because of the wet and wild pussy in my mouth. “I used to let my husband take me in the ass,” She continued, “but when he stopped licking, I cut him off of that. Though I did enjoy it, and do miss it, and would welcome the opportunity again with another young and virile man. Tonight Adrian you can use my body in any way you please. And every time you visit in the future and are such a gentleman as to eat my pussy as eagerly as you are now, then you will continue to be freely invited to use my body again and again as you desire.”

Licking her until she finally came again, which took quite some time this second round, with a tremendous sigh of relief she spread her arms back over her head and said “OK, you may now use me as you please. Strip off my panties and shove that horny cock of yours into me. If you cum, don't worry, I will get you hard again and you can fuck me over and over until we just can't get him hard anymore! Tonight I am your slut Adrian. Use me like one. In fact, not only do I expect it, but I demand it. By the time your cock is exhausted from fucking, I expect my three holes to be equally tired from being fucked. I need it as badly as you do Adrian dear. Give it to me over and over, good and hard!”

And thus it began. Sitting up on my knees I eagerly pulled the panties from her broad hips and down over her thick thighs. Spreading her legs with my hands I positioned my body between them and holding my cock in my hand slid it easily into that waiting teasing horny twat. Her eyelids closed and her head rolled back as she let out a deep sigh. “Tony hasn't been healthy for years and my pussy hasn't received a good real fucking in at least that time. God Adrian, fuck me tonight, and promise to return and fuck me as often as you can. Us older ladies need as much fucking as the younger one's, don't imagine just because we are older that we don't need to be fucked a lot, more maybe than those young bitches. And we are better at it, and we'll let you do anything at all that you want with us!”

Grasping her two big tits in my hands and pulling and squeezing at the heavy lobes as I continued to pump my cock in and out of her cunt I replied “No need to worry Margaret, I will certainly return as often as I can. I have wanted to fuck you for ages, and now I can't believe that I have your tits in my hands and my cock buried beneath your big thick brown bush.”

“I can shave it if you want. I will do anything you ask.” She pleaded.

“I like it thick, a nice big hairy triangle pointing toward where I need to stick my cock. Don't trim it at all.”

“I will do as you command Sir. I will do anything you say. You've made me feel like a woman again, and I have needed this for so long. I am your bitch now, your fuck slut, and you can use my body in any way that pleases you.”

“God, I need to cum in you, your filthy mouth is turning me on. Tell me what a slut you are and how badly you need your cunt fucked.” I demanded, my confidence having grown to a new level.

“Fuck your bitch baby, fuck her hard, fuck my pussy, fill my nasty cunt with gobs of your thick cum, fuck your bitches cunt like you own it, you do, it's yours now, fill your slut with cock and cum all night long.” This was more than enough stimulation and caused me to blow my load into that horny twat, and as I had not been with a woman in quite a while, I filled her hungry crevice up to the point of over-flowing.

Collapsing onto her body with my dick still in her pussy we embraced and engaged in a lengthy deep kiss and I fondled at the large breast still in my hand. Regaining my breath and strength we stood together and removing her gown and my shirt we stood facing each other, inches apart, completed naked. She average height for a woman, about 5'6″, but still much shorter than I. Her eyes and hair were brown, with grey streaks in her hair. Her smile was warm but showed the wrinkles around her mouth and eyes. Her breasts were large yet still shapely and relatively firm. Basically a big pair of rounded tits that any man would enjoy wrapping his hands around. Her belly had a layer of fat about it, but remained flat. Her thick bush presented a lovely nest, and her legs were fleshy but not fat. She was a woman. A , middle aged, gorgeous, fuckable woman.

Taking me by the hand she led me out of the living room. “Let me take you to the bedroom darling, where we can work on getting that prick nice and hard again. You are certainly not getting away with only fucking me once tonight!” She said with a smile and giggle as she led me up the stairs. I watched her bare ass swaying ahead of me. Broad, round, supple, smooth, soft. Yup, I would definitely need to tap that before the night was through.

I laid down on the bed and Margaret cuddled beside me, leaning over so that a breast hung in my face. Squeezing and sucking on the pendulous fleshy gift I watched as she grasped my soft dick and began to work it back to life again. Kneading her breast and sucking her nipple quickly aroused me again, and once Margaret had me semi-rigid she lowered her body down and used her mouth to bring me back to a full erection. She was patient and gentle and appeared to enjoy the process of sucking my cock, just as I had enjoyed eating at her sumptuous pussy. Once she had me hard again she continued to lick and suck at my cock and balls, maintaining an unrushed pace.

Once she had had her fill of my dick in her face I watched her ascend over my groin. She positioned her legs around my waist and raising her hips leveraged my cock back into her pussy with her hand. Margaret then began to pump slowly up and down, rhythmically, slowly increasing her pace. She began breathing heavier. Her heavy tits bounced and swung from her motions and I grabbed those two big fleshy breasts in my hands and crushed them together, admiring the stiff large nipples protruding from them. She pumped herself vigorously up and down, over and over, faster and faster. I noticed her eyes were closed and she seemed in her own little world. Soon she began to gyrate erratically and moan deeply. Christ, I thought, the woman had fucked herself to the point of cumming again! She had obviously gone without a good fucking for quite a while and clearly needed this even more than I did!

Slumping over she collapsed on the bed beside me. Smiling broadly at me with rosy cheeks and wide open eyes she said “Thank-you. I really really needed that!” Nowhere near done myself I rolled on top of her and pushing her legs wide with my knees I stuck my dick back into her and proceeded with the fucking. She willingly and gratefully received my penis into her vagina and spreading her own legs wide and high, her feet pointing to the ceiling, she let me continue fucking her as I pleased. She thoughtfully cupped her tits together for my viewing pleasure, knowing that I liked to look at them thusly presented. She moaned loudly and begged me to keep fucking her.

I pumped and pumped at that pussy until her moans transitioned to heavy panting, and her hips began to gyrate under my body. Looking up at me with lustful eyes she asked “Would you like to fuck me from behind now Sir?” Kissing her and replying that I would love to, I rose upward to take my weight off her. Margaret immediately rolled over and raising her rear quarter upward presented her broad soft wonderful ass to me. Positioning myself behind her I was soon fucking her from behind. “That ass is yours darling, fuck it as you please. Take me from behind anytime you want. I love being fucked doggy. Remember, I am your slut. So fuck me like one.”

Grasping the soft flesh of her wide hips in my hands I slammed my groin against those tender ass checks and pumped my dick into that welcoming cunt in long hard strokes, slowly increasing the pace with the ever increasing intensity of her moans. “Oh, fuck, yes, baby, fuck me hard. I love it good and hard from behind. Spank that ass of yours, spank me hard, make me beg for it baby!” She cried. I had never spanked a woman as I doggy fucked before, and certainly never such large soft inviting ass cheeks as these! Spanking her hesitantly at first, unacquainted with the process, I was soon whacking hard upon each butt cheek with her continued encouragement. “Fuck yes baby, spank me like you'd spank some common slut. I love being your bitch. Fuck your bitch baby, fuck her hard, punish her, spank her ass like she deserve it.” Christ, Margaret really knew how to turn my crank and turn me on with her filthy mouth, her slutty words making my cock pulse with desire.

Smashing my cock hard into her cunt and watching the flesh of her ass cheeks vibrate and jiggle in response I smacked those fleshy cheeks until they turned a bright red. She threw her head backward and I grabbed onto her long brown hair, pinning her head back. This seemed to drive her crazy and as I fucked that twat, whipped that ass and pulled that hair she screamed “Fuck it baby, fuck it. This is what I have been needing for years, a real man to take control and use my body hard, to fuck me as he needs to, to make me his slut, use me as his bitch. Adrian, darling, fuck your bitch good baby, God, fuck her hard!”

As I pumped away at that willing twat, and thinking I was close to cumming again, I then heard her utter the magic words through her heavily laboured sighs. “Do you want to ass fuck me baby? Do you need to anally fuck your slut tonight?”

Slowing my pace and releasing her hair I said “Well, now that you mention it, yes, yes I do believe that I do need to ass fuck my slut tonight.”

“There is lubricant in the bathroom darling. I will be waiting here, ass held high for your return. Be gentle. It has been a while. You might need to tie my hands behind my back with one of Tony's old ties in the closet to keep me from bucking you off though. Just a suggestion.” She said, looking back at me, with a wink.

In a micro-second flash I had her hands tied, ass thrust up and lube spread over my dick and her tight butt-hole. I had never fucked a woman in the ass before and was going crazy in anticipation of the idea. I had no idea what I was doing, but a hole is a hole, and slowly I worked my way into this new one. Tight and hard to enter, a continued to thrust myself gradually in, my persistence paying off. She moaned a lot, yelled a bit, screamed a couple of times, gave some suggestive hints. And soon enough, I was balls deep into middle aged asshole. I loved it! And still do. Tight around my dick, the act of fucking Margaret in the ass gave me a sense of power over her body. And still does. She groaned and convulsed and bucked. I knew that there was some pain, but there was obviously pleasure to. She did not resist or say no. She wanted this as much as I did. I fucked Margaret that first time in the ass until her hole grew red and sore, and then I exploded into her cavity with at least the fury of when I dumped my load into her twat earlier that evening.

Untying her hands we lay together in a tight embrace, kissing each other passionately. She thanked me profusely for the wonderful ass fucking and I thanked her for making the offer. I was able to get it up again a couple of more times that night, and once again in the morning, and Margaret was true to her word and gratified me each time. I fucked her face until I came into her mouth, and she gladly devoured the semen I offered her. I stroked off over her tits and watched her run the cum over her soft flesh with her fingers and a smile on her face. And I fucked that pussy and filled it with cum once more. It was a night to remember. I don't recall ever having fucked so much before.

And true to my word I found excuses to return home on a regularly basis, and each time would spend my nights with Margaret. Margaret might have been an older lady, but she desired cock more than any younger woman I ever met did. As the years passed and I graduated and got a job I continued to visit Margaret. She admitted that she continued dating other men, but that none of the men her age were able to satisfy her. She explained that she needed to be fucked as often as a man could get it up for her, and so she appreciated the young bucks who could get a good hard stiffy and continue to get it up over and over. She confessed over the years that she had fucked a great many more young men. She would go to the bars dressed slutty, showing cleavage and leg, a regular cougar, with each young stud taking her up on her offer of free no strings attached sex. I didn't mind her fucking other men at all. Who was I to judge. But I was her first young buck. And in many ways I love Margaret, and I think she loves me, though we would never confess the words. And while she let the other men come and go from her life without forming an emotional attachment, I always remained by her side. Not just a fuck, but a lover.

Now, many many years later, I am married and have three wonderful little children. I still get back to my home city from time and time. And each time I do, I make sure to visit Margaret. She is older now, into her 60's. But she still welcomes me back into her arms, and between her thighs. Though well passed her prime she still loves any opportunity to suck and fuck. She still has her filthy dirty mouth. And despite her years, she still remains the best ass fuck I have ever known.

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