Aunt & Uncle respond to niece’s teasing

“Jesus Christ! Did you see that?” My wife asks in a hushed whisper. “Of course you did. What am I thinking? They were tits and you're a guy.” She says, placing her hand in my lap to judge the extent of my awareness. I was very aware!

The tits in question belong to our , Lauren, who is staying with us to finish her last semester of college. Her dad accepted a very lucrative promotion, which required the family to move out of state. Rather than transfer during her final semester, and pay out of state tuition, Lauren asked if she could stay with us until the end of the semester. Lauren's mother is my wife's older sister and we get along great with her and her family. We immediately said yes.

Lauren moved in this evening, unpacked her stuff and a few minutes ago, came in to say goodnight. My wife, Cindy, and I were sitting on the couch watching TV, when Lauren walked in wearing only a spaghetti-strap, v-neck pajama top and bikini panties. Lauren, who just turned 21, has long blonde hair and the most beautiful, clear, blue eyes I have ever seen. They are like pools of liquid that you could get lost in if you're not careful. I imagine a lot of the guys in her classes would love to get lost in her eyes or any other part of her killer body.

“I really want to thank you both for letting me stay here.” She said, standing next to the couch. Her pert nipples are pushing against the thin material of her top, which barely conceals her firm, round tits.

“You're the best, Aunt Cindy!” She continued, leaning down to give my wife a hug and a kiss on her cheek. My eyes followed the front of her pajama top, falling away from her breasts, as she bent forward. Her entire left breast, down to the edge of her areola, was hanging bare, less than a foot from my face.

“You too, Jim. Thank you so much!” She smiled, as she turned her body towards me, without straightening up. Her lovely tits swung free, within her loose fitting top, as she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. My eyes were glued to her bare tits as I returned her hug. Her nipples, resting against the material of her gaping pajama top, were the only part of her tits not visible to me. When she stood up, her top fell back into place, and her taut nipples were again pushing against the flimsy, floral material.

“Well, good night.” She said, as my eyes moved down to her crotch, focusing on the blonde pubic hair, visible through her light colored panties.

“You'll be able to hook up my computer tomorrow, won't you Uncle Jim?” Lauren asked as she walked down the hallway to her bedroom. My eyes were locked on her firm, round, panty-clad ass cheeks, swinging back and forth as she walked.

“Uh, sure. I'll need your passwords to set it up.” I yelled after her.

“No problem, I'll leave them on the computer table. Thanks.” She said, smiling back at us as she entered her bedroom.

“Your theme song, from now on, is: You Can Look But You Better Not Touch!” Cindy laughs, while stroking my hard cock through my shorts. “You liked that, didn't you Jim?” She asks teasingly, while kissing my neck and slipping her hand inside the leg of my shorts. I had put on a pair of loose fitting shorts, sans underwear, and a t-shirt after my shower. Cindy is now massaging my balls and the base of my cock as she teases me about my reaction to our niece's body.

Cindy and I have been married for ten years and have a vibrant sex life; full of role-plays, porn videos and public, risk-taking sex. Before agreeing to let Lauren live with us, we discussed how her presence in the house would affect our spontaneity. We had no idea it would affect it this way.

“Let's take this into the bedroom.” I say, nearly panting from Cindy's expert manipulation of my cock and balls.

“Let's not.” She whispers, pushing my shorts down and releasing my hard cock. “I think Lauren's in for the night. What do you think?” Cindy asks mischievously, as she scoots away from me and lowers her head to my lap.

“I don't know.” I say, sucking in air as Cindy's tongue licks my cockhead. “Do you really want your sister's daughter to see you giving me head in the living room?” Cindy wets her lips and slides them down over my cock, stroking up and down my shaft with her hand. I scoot my ass closer to the edge of the couch to give her better access.

“Do you really want me to stop?” She asks, smiling at me as she comes up for air.

“Hell no!” I say, thrusting my hips up and trying to drive my cock farther into her warm, wet mouth. Without taking her mouth off my throbbing cock, Cindy slides off the couch and onto the floor. Kneeling in front of me, she pulls my shorts the rest of the way off and spreads my knees apart. Cupping my balls in her left hand, she continues pumping me in and out of her mouth with her right hand. My wife's blowjob expertise, coupled with the vision of Lauren's tits, still vivid in my mind, drives me to a quick release.

“Oh fuck!” I whisper, loudly, shooting several loads of cum into my wife's welcoming mouth. Cindy sucks and swallows until my ass settles back down on the couch and my balls are empty. Leaning back and licking her lips, she smiles at me.

“Mmmm. You really came hard! Maybe Lauren should parade around like that all the time.” She teases. “Or maybe you just like the idea that she might catch us.”

“Maybe you just give great head!” I answer. “Now can we take this into the bedroom?” I ask, sitting up straight. “I'm not quite the exhibitionist you are, and I really want to taste you right now.” As I stand up, I swear I hear the click of a door closing. Looking down the hall, I don't see anything.

The next day, I'm in Lauren's room connecting her computer to my wireless network. As promised, she left her passwords on her desk before she went to school. Cindy's at her job at the daycare and I have another couple of hours before I need to start working. I work at home, providing tech support for a large software company. I supplement that with freelance debugging of security software on the side.

I'm somewhat of a voyeur when it comes to working on other people's computers. I like to snoop around and see what web sites they visit, what they've downloaded and generally how they use their computer. Even if Lauren hadn't left her passwords, I'm pretty good at hacking into most software programs.

You can imagine my surprise when I pull up Lauren's deleted browser history and find she frequently visits amateur exhibitionist and websites. Rather than visit the sites on her computer, I copy the URLs and e-mail them to myself. Intrigued, I search the rest of her computer for pictures or stories, but find nothing. With an hour left before I have to log on for my tech support gig, I go down to my basement office and use my computer to explore Lauren's websites.

The one she most frequently visits requires a log on and a password. I go back to Lauren's computer and find her log on and password hidden within her windows files. You should never answer yes, when windows asks if you want your password remembered. Back downstairs, I plug in the information and bring up a personalized page within an amateur exhibitionist website. Lauren is known as BBBarbie and has a running blog about her various activites. The BBBarbie, I soon discover stands for a variety of names including BareBreastedBarbie and BareBottomBarbie, depending on the current subject of the blog.

My cock is getting stiff as I read Lauren's blog, and think about how she exposed her tits to me last night. The earliest entry is about a year ago, when her and a girlfriend went to the mall wearing very short skirts, without panties, and spent the afternoon riding the various escalators. She writes how wet they got watching all the men adjust the bulges in their pants, as they followed her and her girlfriend around.

I scan through several entries where she describes one of her college professors. She started with leaning over his desk, asking questions about test material, and just enjoying exposing her braless tits to his unsuspecting eyes. She has an entry for almost everyday and it seems like she was teasing him mercilessly for several weeks. The first month, she writes about exposing her tits to him at least once during every class. She excitedly describes his building discomfort as she starts flashing her panties, from her seat in the second row. Wearing an extremely short skirt, and progressively more revealing panties, she finally ends up giving him an unobstructed view of her bare pussy under her skirt. By the time I get to her description of how she masturbates, thinking about her professor's hard-on, I've got my cock out of my pants, stroking the hell out of it.

It's an interactive blog, where others can leave comments and questions. Many of these comments are suggestions of what to do next or words of encouragement to tease the hell out of these unsuspecting men. I scan down farther and read an entry where several participants debate the finer points of exhibitionism.

VoyGirl: The real trick is to be subtle enough so he thinks he's sneaking peeks at your tits or your ass. If you flaunt it too much, you loose the real essence of great exhibitionism.

BBBarbie: I agree. It works best when he thinks you are innocently unaware of what he's seeing.

Nakd4U: Yeah and I get more turned on by teasing one guy over a long period of time, than I ever got giving a quick flash to strangers.

BBBarbie: You got that right! Taking it slowly, and progressively letting him see more, is such a fucking turn-on, I get wet thinking about it.

VoyGirl: The more he sees, the more he wants to see. I've got my 18 year-old brother going crazy right now trying to see me naked.

BBBarbie: Yeah, my brother has such a perpetual hard-on I almost feel sorry for him. lol

Fuck! What a little prick-tease! I don't have anymore time, so I log off her blog and log onto the tech support site. Throughout the day my thoughts never stray much from my niece and her proclivity for exhibitionism. I wonder if last night was the beginning of her progressively revealing strategy, aimed at me. If so, knowing her plan could make it fun.

Lauren gets home before Cindy, and I hear her coming down the stairs, just as I'm logging off from work. I watch her descend the last few steps, and am rewarded with the sight of her braless tits bouncing inside a pink, cropped blouse. There is plenty of bare skin between the bottom of the blouse and her low slung, white shorts. I feel my cock stir as she walks over to me.

“Hi Uncle Jim.” She smiles. “Did you get a chance to hook up my computer?” She leans down for a kiss and her scoop neck blouse falls away from her chest, giving me an eyeful of her smooth, hanging tits. Once again, I can't quite see her nipples. She must practice this in a mirror, to know exactly how much she's revealing. I do my best to act indifferent to her display.

“Yes, it's all set to go.” I tell her, turning back to my computer. “How was your day?”

“School is school.” She laughs. “It wasn't any better or any worse than any other day.” She moves around into my field of vision again. “How was your day, Uncle Jim?”

“The same.” I tell her, looking at her clear, blue eyes, pretending I'm not interested in her sexy young body or her revealing outfit. “A few challenging calls, but mostly clueless people who shouldn't be allowed near a computer.” I click the mouse a few times, not really doing anything, and then stand up.

“I'm done down here for today.” I tell her. “Let's go upstairs and see what Aunt Cindy has planned for dinner.” I lead the way up the stairs. As much as I'd like to follow her firm ass, in those tight shorts, as she walks up the stairs, I'm not giving in to her game. All day long I've thought about my niece's teasing and I realize that she gets off on the guys' reactions. I think I can turn the tables on her if I don't react in the predicted manner. By not reacting, I hope to drive her toward more daring actions. I'm playing hard to get, if you will.

Dinner is uneventful and Lauren joins Cindy and I in the living room to watch TV afterwards. She's still wearing the same outfit she had on in the basement, and her shorts are stretched lightly across her firm, round ass cheeks, as she lies on her stomach in front of the TV. I concentrate on the TV shows, completely ignoring her, as she periodically wiggles around, changing positions.

“Is it okay if I take my shower, now?” She asks, twisting around towards us, so that a considerable amount of bare breast is ‘accidentally' visible from our vantage point on the couch.

“Sure, honey.” Cindy answers, smiling at me. I keep staring at the TV screen, seemingly oblivious to her display.

“Damn, she might as well be naked, as much as that outfit conceals.” Cindy says, after Lauren leaves the room. “How are you doing?” She asks, teasingly, running her hand over my crotch. My cock immediately springs to life, causing Cindy to laugh. “That's what I thought.”

“I think she really likes to tease.” I say, cautiously, not wanting to disclose my snooping on the website to Cindy. “I'm trying not to give her the satisfaction of reacting to her.”

“You're not trying very hard!” She laughs, pulling my cock out and stroking it up and down, as we hear the shower start. “She reminds me a lot of myself, at that age.” Cindy says, as she leans her head down towards my lap. “I used to get so wet, knowing the affect I was having on older guys.”

“Older guys!” I retort. “I'm only 36! That hardly constitutes an older guy!” I laugh. But Cindy doesn't answer, she's too busy sucking the head of my hard cock into her mouth.

I lean back and enjoy the relief that I've been anxious for all day. Closing my eyes, I picture Lauren kneeling between my legs, her perfect tits bouncing, as she bobs her head up and down on my cock. I visualize her naked body, as I think about her blog entries and how she teased her poor professor. As I shoot my load into my wife's skillful mouth, I get an idea on how to really turn the tables on Lauren.

“Mmmmm.” Cindy is licking her lips and moving her body over mine. “Now, maybe you won't react so quickly to her hard, young, body when she comes out of the shower.” Cindy straddles me, pushing her tongue in my mouth and rocking against my spent cock.

“Put your fingers in me.” She whispers, pulling her shorts to the side and revealing her glistening, wet pussy lips. “I'd rather it was your tongue, but I know what a prude you are about doing that in the living room, with Lauren down the hall.” I slide two fingers into her slick, hot pussy and pump them in and out as we continue kissing.

“I love what you did with your tongue last night.” Cindy moans into my ear, as I rub my thumb across her engorged clit. “The way you kept teasing my clit was amazing. It kept me on the edge, right at the peak, for what seemed like hours.” She's bucking against my hand, squeezing her pussy muscles around my fingers, when we hear the shower stop.

“Do you think Lauren's clit is as sensitive as mine?” She asks, teasingly. “Do you think she got herself off in the shower?” She whispers and my cock stiffens at the thought of Lauren masturbating, with the portable showerhead pressed against her clit.

Cindy clamps her pussy around my fingers and lets out a long, low moan as her orgasm rolls through her. When the bathroom door opens, she shifts her body sideways and slides off my lap, blocking any view of my fingers in her pussy. I look over Cindy's shoulder and watch Lauren, wrapped in a bath towel, glance at us and turn towards her bedroom. The towel has a strategically placed gap in the back that allows me a clear view of her bare ass cheeks as she walks down the hall. My cock reacts immediately.

“Last night she stayed in her bedroom for about twenty minutes after her shower.” Cindy says, pulling my fingers from her pussy and moving back onto my lap. Raising her hips up and pulling her shorts and panties to the side, she impales herself on my fully recovered cock. “I bet we only need about ten minutes.” She whispers.

Fuck! Her pussy is so wet and hot, as Cindy starts bouncing up and down. Holding onto the back of the couch, she rides my rigid cock, slamming her enflamed pussy down around it. I lean back and close my eyes, bucking my hips to her frantic rhythm, as my mind focuses on Lauren's tight, young ass swaying down the hall. I reach under Cindy's blouse and cup her tits, pinching her nipples through her bra.

“Oh yeah!” She whispers, panting in my ear. “Play with my tits. Pretend your pinching Lauren's pert, little nipples.” She breathes. I unfasten the front clasp of her bra and push the cups to the side. Grabbing her nipples between the thumb and index finger of each hand, I pinch and pull, twisting her hard nipples back and forth.

“Ohhhhhhh! Fuck!” Cindy slams down hard, clenching her pussy muscles around my cock. I let go at the same time, flooding her pussy with my cum. Her tits are heaving up and down in my hands, as we try to catch our breath, our mouths pressed together in a passionate, post orgasmic kiss.

When Lauren's door opens, Cindy disengages herself from my cock and pulls my shorts up in one smooth motion. Our experience with public sex has made her adept at looking innocent in the most bizarre situations. She's sitting next to me on the couch, when Lauren reaches the living room. The lingering smell of sex is not lost on Lauren and I see her smile appreciatively at what must have just happened.

Tonight she's wearing a v-neck, men's t-shirt that barely hangs down to the bottom of her ass cheeks. As she plops down on the couch next to Cindy, her t-shirt rides up, revealing a bare hip. Her nipples are like little bullets, poking at the thin material, on the front of the t-shirt.

“Thanks, Uncle Jim.” She says, glancing back and forth between Cindy and I. “The computer works great, I was able to check my e-mail and everything.” Her eyes have settled on the wet spot spreading across the front of Cindy's shorts.

“Your Uncle Jim is a man of many talents.” Cindy says, seemingly oblivious to Lauren's stare. I'm watching the bottom of her t-shirt, trying to decide if she's wearing any panties. This is just what she wants me to do, I think and I turn my head back to the TV, trying to ignore her.

“Is there anything, you wanted to see?” I ask Lauren, startling her.

“What?” She asks, shifting her body and tucking one leg up under her. I catch a quick glimpse of what looks like a black thong before her t-shirt down settles back down on her lap.

“Is there anything you want to watch on TV?” I ask, realizing the double entendre I presented to her.

“No. I'm going to go on line for bit and then go to bed.” She says, kneeling on the couch and leaning over to give Cindy a kiss. I continue watching the TV, ignoring the bare tit display she has designated for me. Standing up, she walks between me and the TV and bends forward to give me a kiss.

“I think we're ready to call it a night too.” I say, clicking the TV off and standing up. Since Lauren is in the process of bending forward. just as I'm standing up, her face ends up inches from my crotch. With the TV off I can see the reflection of Lauren's bare ass in the flat TV monitor as she bends forward. The thin black material, disappearing between her ass cheeks, confirms that what I saw earlier was a thong.

Her plan to display her tits thwarted, Lauren stands up with a look of disappointment on her face. I'm not sure if it's because she doesn't get to show me her tits, or because I'm not sporting a hard on. Of course, she doesn't know I just came twice; once in my wife's mouth and once in her pussy. Before she realizes what's happening I wrap my arms around her in a tight embrace, kissing her on the cheek and smashing her hard nipples against my chest.

“It's nice having you here with us, Lauren.” I say, breaking off the embrace, before my stiffening cock gives me away. “Good night, sweetie.” I tell her, turning back to the couch and taking Cindy's hand to pull her up.

“I'm glad to be here too, Uncle Jim.” Lauren stammers. “I can't thank you guys enough.”

“Your welcome.” Cindy says as we head down the hall to our bedroom. Cindy has her hand back inside my shorts before we close the bedroom door.

“She is something else!” Cindy says, as we scramble out of our clothes. “I think you really threw her off her game when you stood up and hugged her.” She laughs, grabbing my cock and leading me over to the bed. “This is going to be an interesting few months.”

“You've got that right.” I say, both of us meaning more than we are saying.

The next morning, after Cindy and Lauren leave, I log onto Lauren's website to read more of her blog. I also want to put in motion a plan that could get Lauren to do more than tease me.

I scan through her blog, reading her detailed description of exposing herself to their next-door neighbor. Starting with glimpses down her blouse and up her skirt, just like the professor, she progresses to more risquŽ views of her body. She always waits until his wife is gone and he's in his front yard, and then strolls to the mailbox, or gets something from her car, innocently stopping to visit with him. She writes about how excited she is that he always has a bulge in his pants by the time she goes into her house. She imagines him in his bathroom jacking off, thinking about her body, as she masturbates.

The entries get hotter when she describes washing her car in a bikini bottom and a thin halter-top, while her neighbor is mowing his lawn. First, she makes sure her bikini bottom rides up into the crack of her ass, giving a thong-like view of her ass cheeks. Then, she leans against the car on her tiptoes to wash the top. Not only does this give her neighbor a great view of her nearly naked ass, but it also soaks her halter-top, making it nearly transparent. Getting two beers from the refrigerator in the garage, she rubs one of the cold bottles across her nipples before taking it to her neighbor, who thanks her and downs half of it while wiping the sweat from his face. His eyes are glued to her wet halter-top, stretched across her tits, giving him an almost transparent view of her hard nipples. They talk about how hot it is, as she rubs the cold beer bottle across her stomach and up between her tits, to cool down. Her neighbor's bulge is the largest she's ever seen it by the time she goes back to washing her car.

She writes about plans to let him see her naked, through her bedroom window. She even adjusts her blinds to allow him to see from his bedroom to hers, but before she has a chance to implement her plan, her dad gets promoted and she moves in with us.

My cock hardened while I read about my niece flaunting her body at her next-door neighbor, but when I get to the entry she made last night, I actually pull it out and stroke it.

BBBarbie: Sorry I haven't written in a while… a lot has happened! My parents moved, so I moved in with my Aunt and Uncle. They're only in their thirties, so it's great living here. My uncle is a well hung, hunk and I've already started showing him what I've got. The first night, I gave him a pretty deep, down the blouse view of my tits and a barely covered shot of my pubes. Afterwards, I watched my Aunt give him a blowjob on the living room couch! They thought I was in my bedroom, but I left the door cracked because I wanted to see my uncle's reaction to my show. Man, was I surprised. It was so hot, watching her kneel on the floor between his legs and suck him off. But that was nothing compared to today.

VoyGirl: Did you see his cock?!

BBBarbie: Hold on, not yet. I started by giving my uncle a great view of my tits while we were home alone. He pretty much brushed me off, but I could tell he was struggling with it. I kept teasing him all through dinner and afterwards as we watched TV. Then I said I was going to take a shower, but I took the fastest shower in the world. I left the water on, so they'd think I was still in the shower and then crept into the hallway to see what they were doing. Ohmigod! You won't believe it! First my Aunt gave him another blowjob, then she sat on his lap and he fingered her to an orgasm. I turned off the shower and made sure the towel didn't quite cover my ass when I walked to my bedroom. When I peeked out, my aunt had straddled him and was riding his hard cock. I was so fucking wet!

VoyGirl: Did you see his cock? Describe…

BBBarbie: Not really, it was hard to see from where I was.

VoyGirl: Hard is good! lol

BBBarbie: Anyway, when I got back into the living room, I could smell my aunt's pussy and there was a wet spot spreading across her crotch.

VoyGirl: That is so hot! You need to get a look at his hard cock!

BBBarbie: I know. I'm working on it. cya

Fuck! I didn't realize she'd seen all of that. My cock is rock hard! Time to put the next part of my plan in motion. I click on the home page for the website and register for a user name and password. For my user name I choose HippieGirl, because I want to come across as an older version of Lauren. Once I'm a registered user, I sign in and leave a message for BBBarbie.

HippieGirl: You sound like you're as much of a voyeur as an exhibitionist. You young girls think you're controlling something by making guys get hard. If you really want to control a guy, and have him eating out of your… well, let me know. You haven't even scratched the surface of possibilities.

I log off the exhibition website and log into work.

When Lauren gets home, she comes down to the basement looking as sexy as I've ever seen her in a short skirt and a low-cut top. The top loops around her neck, covering only about half of each creamy, white breast, and ties in the middle of her back. The rounded sides of her breasts are visible, as the material stretches down the middle of her tits, barely covering her nipples. She asks about my day as she stands behind my chair, massaging my shoulders. Is it my imagination, or can I smell her pussy? Nonchalantly, I turn my head to each side and breathe in, as I answer her. Definitely it's her right hand. Jesus! She's just had her right hand in her pussy. I try to ignore her, but my cock hardens at the image of her fingers in her pussy.

“That feels nice, Lauren.” I tell her, trying to sound casual. “But I've still got another half hour of work to do.” She leans down, pressing her tits against my shoulder, as she kisses my cheek. Her right hand passes just under my nose and I get a strong whiff of her fragrant pussy. She can't miss seeing the bulge in my pants, as my cock pushes against the bottom of my keyboard tray.

“Okay, Uncle Jim.” She says perkily. “I've got some homework to do anyway.” I watch her ascend the stairs, and just as I suspect, she's not wearing any panties. I watch the sway of her firm, round ass cheeks and catch a quick glimpse of her naked pussy, as she slowly climbs each step. She knows I'm watching her and I'm sure it's having as much affect on her as it is on me.

I don't really have any more work to do. I log onto Lauren's website and stroke my cock as I wait to see if she'll respond to my statement. I don't have to wait long.

BBBarbie: Today was fun! I just got home; my uncle was in the basement at his computer. I went to my room, took off my panties and fingered myself until I was soaking wet. Coated my fingers with my juices, left my panties off and put on a wrapover top, that barely covers my tists, then went down to say hi. He could smell me right away and I rubbed his shoulders, so my hand would be near his face. His cock was already aching by the time I gave him a cunt shot, going up the stairs. HippieGirl – what are you talking about?

I answer her right away, typing a response as HippieGirl.

HippieGirl: You're amateurs! What are you getting for your time? A wet pussy that you finger yourself. If you really want control, send me an IM and I'll explain it to you.

I want to address my comments just to her. If I can gain her trust, I can turn the tables on her right here. I get an IM from her almost immediately.

BBBarbie: So what do you mean control?

HippieGirl: First, thank you for being interested in an old woman's perspective. Back during the original sexual revolution in the sixties, we didn't settle for turning guys on and leaving them to their own devices. We fucked!

BBBarbie: Yeah, and you all got fucked! So what? Where's the control in that. You don't know how it feels to have guys lusting over what they can't have.

HippieGirl: Of course, I do. But think about the control you can exert over someone who's had his dick where it doesn't belong. I once fucked a married guy who ended up doing whatever I wanted, just so I'd keep our little tryst quiet. I orchestrated his sex life from then on. I told him when and how often he could fuck and with whom. I controlled what he did with his wife in bed. I even made him fuck his wife with me hidden in the closet, watching. Is that control?

BBBarbie: Interesting idea. How did you know what he was doing with his wife?

HippieGirl: She was my best friend and we shared everything! You seem to have an ideal situation with this uncle of yours. You just need to get his dick in you. Well… first I agree with voygirl, you need to see it, to make sure it's worth it. Hide in the closet, under the bed, something. You also need to let him see you completely naked, get his blood boiling.

BBBarbie: I guess I could leave my bedroom door open while I'm changing. That seems a little obvious.

HippieGirl: For an exhibitionist, you're not very creative. Forget the shampoo, or a towel or something the next time you shower, stand innocently behind the door, but make sure he has a clear view of you in a mirror or something. I'm sure you can pull it off so it's innocent looking.

BBBarbie: Thanks, I'll think about all this. I'm not sure he's ready for it. Looking is one thing, is something else. Besides my aunt seems to keep him pretty satisfied.

HippieGirl: Okay, reality check… what do you look like? Are you enticing enough for him to want it from you?

BBBarbie: Yeah, that's not the problem.

HippieGirl: Are you too inexperienced, is that it?

BBBarbie: No, I'm experienced enough. I've just never taken it that far with someone I was teasing. It'll be a change.

HippieGirl: Get a look at his dick, let him see you naked and let me know what happens. My e-mail is the same as my IM address. Cya

Now all I have to do is give her the right opportunities and see what she does. I close down my computer and head upstairs.

“How's the homework coming?” I ask, innocently, sticking my head in her room.

“Great.” Lauren answers, swiveling her desk chair around towards me. Her short skirt didn't cover much when she was standing up, sitting down, if she didn't have her legs together, I'd be looking right at her bare pussy.

“Are you all done with work?” She asks, bouncing her legs together, trying to draw my eyes to her pussy, but not quite exposing it. She is really good at this!

“Yeah.” I say, keeping my eyes on her face. “I'm going to take a shower before Aunt Cindy gets home.” I turn to leave, but not before she opens her legs for just a second, giving me such a quick glimpse of her pussy that I'm not even a hundred percent sure I actually saw anything.

I close my bedroom door and strip off my clothes. My cock is still hard and I think about getting myself off while I'm in the shower. If Lauren reacts predictably, she'll be hiding in my bedroom when I come out of my shower, waiting to see my cock. I want her to get the full affect of my hard-on, so I forgo masturbating, for now.

When I come out of the shower, I'm pretty sure Lauren is hiding under the bed. I purposely left the closet doors wide open to dissuade her from hiding there. The dust ruffle on the side of the bed appears to be pulled up a little, creating a peephole. Just as I'm about to do a little teasing of my own, Cindy gets home.

“Hey, is that for me?” Cindy asks, looking at my hard cock sticking straight out from my naked body. “Where's Lauren.” She asks, wrapping her hand around my shaft as she leans up to kiss me.

“She was in her room doing homework when I got in my shower.” I answer honestly. “Was she still there when you went by?” I wonder if Cindy's presence will spoil things.

“Her door was closed, so I suppose she was there.” Cindy smiles, as she closes our bedroom door. “So what was our little nymphet up to today, that caused such a big reaction?” Cindy asks, kneeling on the floor and taking my hard cock in her mouth.

“Oh, not much.” I answer; choosing my words carefully, since I'm sure Lauren is under the bed. “Just the sexiest outfit yet, and…” I lift Cindy to her feet and start unbuttoning her blouse. “She smelled like she was aroused, or had been getting herself off.” Removing her blouse, I unfasten her bra, and cup her tits in my hands. “It was intoxicating. You know how when you smell cookies baking and you can't wait to taste them?” I unzip her pants and let them fall to the floor. She steps out of them and it's my turn to kneel. “I could definitely smell Lauren's cookies baking, but it's yours that I can't wait to taste.” I breathe in her scent as I peel her thong from her body, leaving her naked in front of me.

“Glad I got home when I did.” Cindy laughs. “Who knows whose cookies you'd be tasting.” She spreads her legs apart, as I run my cheek across her pubic hair. My wife's pussy is neatly trimmed, with a full triangle of fine brown hair. Her aroma is just as intoxicating as Lauren's, but with a much heavier scent. Of course, Cindy is just getting aroused; Lauren had been playing with her pussy.

Kneeling on the floor, I'm conscious of how visible my hard cock is to Lauren from her hiding place under the bed. I tilt my head back and lick all around Cindy's moist slit.

“Mmmmm.” She moans, swaying a bit. “Do you mind if we take this to the bed?” She asks. “I don't want to fall over.” I stand up and close the closet doors, then move over to the bed to join Cindy. The closet doors are mirrored and will give Lauren a clear view of the bed. Cindy has scooted up, with her head on the pillows, her knees up and her legs spread wide apart. I position myself between her legs and take a long, slow lick from her ass to her clit, before inserting my tongue in her juicy pussy.

“Oh fuck!” Cindy breathes, as I loop my arms behind her knees and tongue fuck her delicious snatch. “You are an amazing cunt lapper, Jim. You always know exactly where to lick?” She moans, pushing her pussy up against my face. Her thick, creamy juices are flowing steadily now and I pull my tongue out, sucking her pussy lips into my mouth. Biting and nibbling on each of her puffed lips, I run my hand over her fur covered mound and find her clit with my finger.

“Ohhhhhhh! Fuck yes!” Cindy yells, bucking her hips off the bed, as I bite her lips and rub her clit. Glancing to the side, I notice the dust ruffle has been pulled open a little more, and I definitely see Lauren's eyes, before she quickly pulls her head back.

“Ohhhhhh! Ohhhhhh! God!” Cindy moans, as I push my tongue back inside her sopping pussy and pinch her clit between my thumb and index finger. I love eating pussy and I lap up as much of her delectable sauce as I can, while she thrusts her pussy against my face. She's thrashing all around, oblivious to the show she is putting on for our prick-teasing niece.

I struggle to keep my finger on her clit as her orgasm builds and she's twisting and bucking like crazy. As my thumb and finger keep up a rhythmic pinching of her clit, I suck the tip of it into my mouth, flicking my tongue across it. That's all she can take.

“Fuuuuuccck!” Cindy arches her back, slamming her pussy into my face, and explodes in a dramatic, jerking climax. Her juices gush out, soaking my chin and running down my neck. I shift my mouth from her clit to her pussy and lap up her delicious nectar.

“God! I needed that!” Cindy exclaims, as I kiss my way up her body and her breathing returns to normal. I bite and tease her hard nipples sucking each one into my mouth. My wife has great tits and I never tire of suckling at her breasts. They're larger than Lauren's firm, young, tits, which makes me wonder why I'm so infatuated with Lauren's body. Forbidden fruit, I guess.

“Your turn.” Cindy says, rolling me over and kneeling between my legs. My pole is pointing straight to the ceiling, as Cindy leans her head down and starts licking it like a lollipop.

“So, in your mind, whose cookies were you eating, mine or Lauren's?” Cindy asks, running her tongue the length of my throbbing shaft.

“Just a second.” I answer, licking around inside my mouth. “Uh huh, definitely yours!” I laugh.

“You'd like to know what hers tastes like, though wouldn't you?” Cindy asks, wrapping her hand around the base of my cock and licking the head like an ice cream cone. I don't answer.

“You'd like to know what her lips feel like on your cock, too. Wouldn't you?” She asks, cupping my balls with her other hand. “Close your eyes, Jim.” I close them, as she's licking all around my cockhead. “Picture Lauren between your legs; Lauren, naked, licking your cock. Lauren sucking your hard, throbbing cock deep into her mouth.” As she says this, her lips slide down around my hard shaft and she flicks her tongue against the underside of it. The image is in my head and I can actually imagine Lauren in Cindy's place. Turning my head to the side and keeping my eyes closed, I squint through barely open slits, at Lauren, under the bed, watching and listening. I wonder what she's making of this.

“Her tight little ass and her perky tits turn you on, don't they?” Cindy asks, taking a breath. “You wonder what it would feel like to have her young, hard body bouncing on your hard cock.” She slides her mouth over my cock and it glides all the way down, burying my cockhead in her throat. She caresses my balls, as she deep throats me several more times, bringing me right to the edge. Sucking her cheeks in and pulling her lips back along my shaft, she starts a steady rhythm, using her hand to pump my cock in and out of her warm, wet mouth.

I'm bucking my ass up, trying to push my cock farther into Cindy's mouth. My eyes are closed and my mind is full of random images; Lauren's pussy as she climbs the stairs, Cindy sucking my cock, Lauren riding my cock, Cindy's hard nipples, Lauren's tits hanging in my face, eating Lauren's and Cindy's pussies. Cindy continues pumping my cock into her mouth, while she gently strokes my balls. I explode, shooting several large streams of cum into Cindy's mouth. She sucks and swallows until I'm completely spent.

“I have to go back out.” Cindy says, resting her head on my chest. “We have parent's meetings tonight. I just came home for a quick dinner and I'm glad I did.” She says, stroking my chest with her hand. “You be careful while I'm gone and practice a little restraint.” She laughs.

“Don't worry, you just took everything out of me. I'll be fine.” I answer, kissing the top of her head. I lay on the bed, watching Cindy get dressed. My cock stirs, knowing that Lauren is under the bed and has seen and heard everything. “Of course, now I need another shower.” I say, thinking that will give Lauren a chance to get out of her hiding place.

“Whose fault is that?” Cindy answers, kissing me and telling me goodbye. “I wonder if I should interrupt Lauren to tell her I'm leaving.” She says as she walks to our bedroom door.

“Why advertise the fact that you're not home?” I ask, knowing full well that Lauren isn't in her room.

“You're right!” She smiles. “See you later.”

As soon as Cindy leaves, I go into the bathroom and start the shower. I leave the bathroom door open and I watch Lauren through the frosted class doors as she slides out from under the bed. Her skirt is bunched up around her waist and my cock hardens at the sight of her young, blonde pussy. She sneaks out of our bedroom and I smile as I rinse the soap off my back. Everything is falling into place.

I'm sitting in the living room watching TV when I hear the shower start in the other bathroom. This girl is so damned easy to manipulate.

“Uncle Jim.” Lauren calls, after opening the bathroom door about six inches.

“Yes, Lauren.” I answer, getting up from the couch.

“I ran out of shampoo.” She yells. “Can you get Aunt Cindy's for me from your bathroom, please.”

“Sure.” I answer, walking down the hall. As I pass the bathroom, the door is still open about six inches and Lauren is standing behind it, peeking out. Glancing in, I catch her reflection in the mirror over the sink. Her full length, naked body is reflected in the mirror as I pass by. My cock jumps, as my eyes travel down the small of her back, tapering into her firm, round ass cheeks and her long shapely legs.

Going into the master bathroom, I get Cindy's shampoo and approach the main bathroom slowly, devouring the image of Lauren's naked body in the mirror.

“Thanks, Uncle Jim.” Lauren says, as I hand her the shampoo. Turning away from me, but keeping the door between us, she sets the shampoo on the tile counter behind her. As she turns, the front of her naked body is reflected in the mirror over the sink. She keeps her eyes on the counter, as I admire her pert, young tits with small, round areolas and hard, eraser like nipples. My eyes take in her blonde pubic hair, as it forms a bushy triangle over her mostly hidden pussy lips. She turns back, smiling at the bulge in my shorts, and thanks me again.

“No problem.” I stammer, as she closes the door. Damn her! She is so fucking hot! What an amazing body. I adjust my hard cock and go back to the living room to watch TV, but I can't get the image of her sexy, young body out of my mind.

“Uncle Jim.” Lauren yells again, after I hear the shower stop.

“What is it, Lauren?” I ask, standing up and heading towards the bathroom.

“I forgot to get a towel.” She laughs, opening the door, the same as before.

“No problem.” I yell back. Getting towels from the linen closet, I walk to the bathroom door. Lauren is behind the door, just like before. My eyes immediately go the mirror over the sink, but it's fogged up and I can't see a thing.

“Thanks, Uncle Jim.” She says, smiling at me like the cat that ate the canary, as I hand her the towels. “I'm sorry to keep making you get up.” She says, looking at my crotch before she ducks behind the door, leaving it ajar. The double entendre is not lost on me. With the door open, the mirror starts to clear and I stand there, watching her dry off.

“It's okay.” I answer. “I really don't mind at all.” I watch as she rubs the towel over her silky smooth skin. When she bends over to dry her legs, her tits hang down deliciously towards the floor. She has to know I'm watching and she's deliberately putting on a show in the slowly clearing mirror. Finally, she wraps the towel around her and I duck into my bedroom, just before she leaves the bathroom.

I'm reading in bed when Cindy gets home. She notices that I'm watching her get undressed and does an impromptu strip tease for me. Dropping her blouse, she turns her back as she unhooks her bra, giving me her most seductive smile over her shoulder. I never tire of seeing my wife's voluptuous body, she has a great ass, still firm and round. When she turns back around, she's holding her lacy, red bra in front of her tits. My eyes drop to her bikini panties and I marvel at her flat stomach and curvy hips just before she drops her bra and shakes her ample tits at me. Pinching her nipples, she sways her hips back and forth. My cock stirs as she pulls her nipples away from her large areolas, stretching them out from her chest. Pinching and twisting her stretched out nipples, she licks her lips and pulls one of her nipples to her mouth, sucking and nibbling it with her teeth. My cock is rock hard as I watch her tease her hard nipples.

She smiles at the tent my cock is making in the sheet, as she hooks her thumbs in the elastic of her panties and turns around. Bending forward, she looks back and winks at me as she slowly rolls her panties down her legs. When they reach the floor, she steps out of them and spreads her legs wide apart. Grabbing her ankles, she smiles at me from between her legs, her hair hanging to the floor. I smile at the beads of moisture visible on her pussy lips as her hands slide up the back of her legs and pull her ass cheeks apart.

“God! You are amazing!” I say, throwing the sheet off, as an invitation to join me on the bed. She crawls up between my legs, licks my cock briefly then straddles my hips, cradling my hard cock between her wet pussy lips.

“Anything interesting happen while I was gone?” She asks, rocking her hips back and forth and gliding her pussy lips up and down the length of my cock.

“Just her entire naked body on display for me.” I answer.” She's a natural blonde, by the way.” I describe the shampoo and towel incidents, while pushing my cock up against my wife's slick pussy lips. I don't mention her hiding under the bed. By the time I'm done telling her what happened, I'm bucking frantically, trying to get my cock inside Cindy's slippery, hot pussy.

“What that girl needs is a hard cock shoved up her cunt!” Cindy says, moving her hips back and grasping my cock with her hand. “Look at this, I've got one right here!” She pushes my cockhead against her pussy lips and lowers herself onto it.

“What are you saying?” I ask, thrusting my cock up into her hot, juicy hole. I wonder if I'm misinterpreting what she means, as we pick up a rhythm and Cindy leans her hands on my chest to balance herself.

“What do you think I'm saying? I think she's asking for it. She deserves… a good… hard… fuck!” Cindy accentuates each word with a hard slam of her pussy down around my cock. We forego conversation as the urgency of our lovemaking overtakes us. The image that Cindy just planted in my brain sends erotic messages to my cock and I'm bucking wildly under Cindy's frantic onslaught. She's riding me for all she's worth and her tits are bouncing wildly on her chest. I catch one in each hand and squeeze them, pinching and twisting her bright red nipples.

“Oh fuck! I'm cumming!” Cindy moans, jouncing three more times before she slams down hard, clamping her pussy around my rigid cock. That triggers my release and I jerkily spew hot cum inside her pulsating pussy. Collapsing on my chest, she gulps air into her lungs, as the aftershocks of her orgasm quiver through her body.

“Do you really want me to fuck Lauren?” I ask, stroking her hair and kissing the top of her head.

“I think it's exactly what she needs.” Cindy says, looking at me. “When I was her age, teasing men just like she is, the last thing I wanted was for one of them to fuck me. That would have scared the shit out of me.” She smiles at the incredulous look on my face. “It's not like I'm giving you a distasteful chore.” She says with a twinkle in her eye.

“You are perverted.” I laugh. “But I'm not sure how to go about getting her to let me fuck her. Any ideas?”

“Let me think about it.” She says, resting her head back on my chest. “God, I'd love to watch when you do it.” I fall asleep, my head filled with images of Cindy feeding my hard cock into Lauren's pussy.

The next morning, I anxiously boot up my computer and navigate to Lauren's blog.

BBBarbie: You won't believe what happened! I was hiding under the bed to get a look at my uncle's cock as he came out of the shower, when my aunt came home. He stripped her clothes off and ate her pussy, while I watched. They have mirrored closet doors and I could see and hear everything. Then, she sucked him off and the whole time, she was teasing him about how turned on he was from thinking about me! She was talking about my tits, my ass and my pussy and telling him to imagine I was sucking him off. She was using me to get him off harder! Is that amazing or what?

VoyGirl: Damn! That is unbelievable! You saw his cock, right? What's the verdict?

BBBarbie: It looks delicious… And I heard my aunt tell him he was a great cunt lapper… can you believe it? It must be true, she was squirming around on the bed and moaning so loud. I fingered my pussy and came almost at the same time she did.

VoyGirl: You're going to do it with him, aren't you?

BBBarbie: Haven't decided yet… maybe. Anyway, my aunt had a meeting, leaving us home alone. I took a shower and I asked my uncle to bring me shampoo and then a towel. I stood behind the door, but turned so he could see my whole body in the mirror. You should have seen his bulge, even after he'd just gotten a blowjob!

They banter back and forth a bit more and Lauren says she's getting hot and needs to go to bed and masturbate. My cock is rock solid as I send another prompt directly to her e-mail.

HippieGirl: It sounds like you made some real progress, but you're still just looking and masturbating. The wife is something else. You realize she just gave you permission to fuck her husband, don't you? You need to find a subtle way to move it from looking to touching. I once teased my brother into taking action by asking him to wake me at a certain time, and then I pretended to be hard to wake up. I made sure I was naked and uncovered when he came to wake me. Once he thought I wouldn't wake up, his hands were all over me. Figure out your own approach.

Reliving her description of the shower incident has me horny as hell. It's hard to concentrate throughout the day as I try to solve computer problems. Only a couple of the problems are challenging enough to distract me from thinking about Lauren's body. A meeting at a client's office keeps me tied up until dinnertime, so I'm not home when Lauren and Cindy get home. Dinner is uneventful and Lauren goes out with some friends afterwards.

“I have an idea.” Cindy says, as soon as Lauren is out of the house. She's over by the DVD player, inserting a movie. “You know how we've talked about a threesome, but never had the nerve to approach anyone?” She pushes play and her favorite threesome video comes on.

“You're thinking of Lauren for a threesome?” I ask, my cock hardening at the thought.

“Why not?” Cindy says, kneeling on the couch next to me and unbuttoning my shirt. “She isn't shy about her body around either of us.” She says, tossing my shirt aside and opening my pants. “I think she'd be perfect.” Cindy continues, pulling my pants off my feet. Kneeling between my legs, she lowers her head towards my rigid cock. “Wouldn't you like to see us eating each other?” She asks, taking a long lick of my cock. “Wouldn't you like to have two women doing that to you?” Nodding her head towards the TV, where two women are sharing a blowjob, taking turns licking and sucking the guy's cock and balls.

“Fuck yes!” I moan as Cindy slowly glides her lips down my saliva-coated shaft. Leaning back, I watch the video, imagining the two women as Lauren and Cindy while enjoying my wife's expertise on my cock. Cindy keeps her hands and mouth active on my balls and my cock, almost giving me the sensation of two people. I close my eyes and let my imagination run with it, building the tension in my balls. She sucks my balls while gliding her hand up and down my slick cock, and then sucks my cock back into her mouth, while caressing my balls with her fingertips.

“Oh fuck!” I moan, as my cock explodes into the back of Cindy's throat. I jerk my hips against her mouth as she sucks and swallows multiple loads of cum.

“Mmmm. I guess you like my idea.” Cindy smiles, as she finishes cleaning up my cock with her mouth. Quickly shedding her clothes, she joins me on the couch, leaning back and spreading her legs. “Lauren's not here, so I guess you're stuck with the chore of eating my wet pussy.” She says, as the video progresses to a daisy chain of eating and sucking.

“I've always been good at getting my chores done!” I answer, diving into her muff and plunging my tongue into her hot, slithery hole. Closing my eyes, images of Lauren's blonde pussy fill my head as I tongue fuck my wife. Cindy grabs handfuls of my hair, pulling me tightly against her, and bucking her pussy into my face. As I suck her clit into my mouth, I wonder if she has a plan to get Lauren to agree to a threesome.

“Ohhhhhhh! God!” Cindy screams, as her orgasm shakes her body and she clamps her legs around my head. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” She yells, as the vibrations roll through her and she trembles against my face. Her fingers are entwined in my hair and she pulls hard one last time, before releasing her grip and loosening her legs. I gulp air like a drowning man, before lapping up her thick, flowing juice.

“Fuck me! Fuck me, Jim!” Cindy cries, pulling me up on top of her. She has one leg over the back of the couch and one foot on the floor, inviting me into her wide-open, dripping pussy. My recovered cock slides right into her drenched hole and she thrusts her ass off the couch to meet my rapid strokes.

“Yes! Fuck me fast and hard!” Cindy yells, as I pummel her enflamed pussy with my jackhammering rhythm. She cups her hands around my ass cheeks pulling me into her and encouraging my rapid pace. On the video, one girl is straddling the others face, while the guy slams his cock into her ass. Visions of us doing that with Lauren, mixed with the urgency of our lovemaking, push me over the top.

“Ohhhhhh fuck! I'm cumming again!” Cindy moans, digging her nails into my ass cheeks, just as I shoot my load deep inside her hot pussy. Clenching her pussy muscles around my cock, she maintains her grip on my ass, while shivering through wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure. Collapsing on her chest, I thrust my tongue in her mouth, kissing her passionately, while our bodies struggle to recover from our intense coupling.

“Do you think you can handle two of us?” Cindy asks, smiling, as our breathing returns to normal.

“Do you think she'll agree to it?” I ask, never doubting that I can handle it.

“If you can seduce her into fucking you, I think I can turn it into a threesome.” Cindy smiles, kissing me on the lips. Cindy explains her plan to me and it actually sounds feasible. All I have to do is get Lauren to fuck me. It's a good thing I'm already working on it.

Cindy and I go to bed before Lauren gets home. The next morning, there's a note from Cindy on the kitchen counter.

Uncle Jim, Got home late, blowing off first class. Please wake me at 10 o'clock. Thanks, Lauren

It's 9:20, Cindy's already at work. I check Lauren's blog, but she didn't write anything when she got home last night. My cock is hard already, imagining what I'm going to find when I open Lauren's door at 10 o'clock. She is taking every suggestion I give her. I think about ways to suggest a threesome, planting the seed for Cindy's plan to work.

At 9:45, I can't wait any longer. I walk down the hall and quietly open Lauren's bedroom door. I suck in my breath and my heart races, as my eyes take in the vision lying before me. I expected her to be naked and uncovered. I didn't expect this! I stand in the doorway, slowly taking deep breaths and willing my heart to slow down.

Lauren is indeed uncovered, lying on her back on the bed. Her head is on her pillow, her eyes are closed and her blonde hair is cascading down around her shoulders. Her perfect tits are lying on her chest, their weight pulling them slightly to the sides, creating an enticingly, curvy valley between them. Her right arm extends down across her flat stomach and her hand disappears inside her blue bikini panties. This is what caused me to lose my breath. Her shapely legs are spread apart and her fingers appear to be inside her pussy.

I take two tentative steps into her bedroom, my eyes never leaving her divine body. I know she's not asleep, yet I have to maintain the illusion that I'm trying not to wake her. I carefully sit on the edge of the bed and slowly run my eyes up and down her body. He nipples are erect, poking out at a slight angle from the top of her tits. Her areolas are smaller than Cindy's, but the perfect size for Lauren's tits. I watch her tits rise and fall with her gentle breathing. Looking at her eyes, I can barely make out the slit she's peeking through to see what I'm going to do.

“Lauren.” I call to her. “Lauren.” I repeat a little louder, not expecting an answer.

I lay my hand on her stomach and pretend to watch for her reaction. I know she won't react, but I have to continue the charade. Her flesh is smooth and warm. My cock hardens even more, creating an obvious tent in my shorts. I slowly skim my hand over her ribs and lightly cup her left breast. I want to suck her hard nipples, but I control myself, as I gently cup her right breast with my other hand. There is a huge difference between a quick glimpse in a mirror and sitting next to someone with your hands on her tits. They are warm, soft and pliable, as I enjoy the feel of them swelling in my hands, with each breath she takes. I squeeze ever so lightly, disrupting the perfect sphere and pushing her nipples out slightly. When I release them, they spring back to their perfect circular shape.

I turn my attention to her blue bikini panties. Knowing I'm being watched, I lean my face down to within an inch of her pussy and breathe in deeply. Her familiar scent is intoxicating and I wish I could drink from her loving cup. With her legs spread, the thin material of her moist panties is stretched tightly, clearly outlining the back of her hand. Peering closely I can see that two of her fingers are inside her pussy.

I slip one finger of each hand into the waistband of her panties and slowly peel them down over her hand. Her palm is resting against her mound and her middle two fingers are inside her pussy. Blonde pubic hair is curling around the sides of her hand and between her fingers. Her wet pussy lips are glistening around her two inserted fingers. I want so badly to replace them with my tongue, but I know I can't… not yet! Shifting my hard cock into a more comfortable position, I lightly wrap my hand around hers. Very gradually, holding my breath, I withdraw her fingers from her slick pussy, while watching her face with my eyes.

When her fingers are fully extracted from her pussy, I gently lay her hand on the bed beside her. Her slightly swollen pussy lips are wide open and juice is slowing dripping down her ass. She must have gotten herself off just before I came in her bedroom. With my finger, I skim a drop of her juice as it drips out and bring it to my lips. Running my tongue across my fingertip, I get my first taste of my niece's delectable pussy. Closing my eyes, I savor the taste and then can't resist just a little more. Knowing that she isn't asleep and I don't really have to be concerned with waking her, I gently run my finger the length of her pussy lips, coating it with her hot juice. A low moan escapes her lips, but she doesn't wake up. Holding my finger under my nose for a minute, I again breathe in her fragrant aroma, before sucking the juice from it. I'm so fucking hard, I feel like I could cum in my shorts without even touching myself.

Reluctantly, I roll her panties up over her mouthwatering pussy, covering her sexy blonde patch. Grabbing the edge of her sheet, I slowly pull it over her tantalizing body, laying it across her neck and shoulders. Leaning over the bed, I grip one shoulder with my hand and gently shake her. I'm not even trying to hide my erection.

“Lauren, it's 10 o'clock. Time to get up.” I call to her, while shaking her shoulders.

“Mmmmm. What?” Lauren mumbles, rubbing her eyes and sitting up. The sheet falls to her waist, revealing her creamy, white mounds and hard, pink nipples. She pretends not to notice as she keeps rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

“Uh, you said to, uh, wake you up.” I stammer, my eyes glued to her luring tits. She opens her eyes and stares at the bulge, my throbbing cock is making in my shorts.

“Oops.” She laughs, pulling the sheet up to her chin. “Sorry about that.” She says, still staring at my cock. She could be apologizing for letting her sheet drop or for making my cock hard. Not that it matters.

“No, uh, problem.” I manage to say, backing out of her room, as her eyes shift to my face. She's smiling at my discomfort as I turn and leave. Fuck! I put my finger to my nose again, breathing in her scent, as I head to my basement office.

“Goodbye, Uncle Jim.” Lauren calls from the top of the stairs.”

“Goodbye. Have a great day!” I call back, as I log onto my tech support web page and manage to push Lauren from my mind, for only a few minutes at a time, throughout the rest of the day.

I'm logging off for the day, when I hear footsteps above me. Lauren must be home from class. The basement door opens and I catch sight of her shapely legs as she descends the stairs. She is again wearing a very short skirt and a cropped top without a bra. She smiles when she sees me watching her.

“Hi, Uncle Jim. How was your day?” She asks, kissing me on the cheek.

“Good. How about yours?” I ask, keeping my eyes on my computer screen. Lauren moves behind my chair and starts rubbing my shoulders. Her hands feel good, but this time I don't detect her aroma on her fingers. She leans her head down next to mine and her warm breath against my ear makes my cock swell.

“I was awake this morning when you came in my room.” She whispers, her lips almost touching my earlobe.

“Oh?” I answer, noncommittally, turning my face toward hers.

“Yeah.” She says, brushing her lips against mine. “Your hands felt wonderful, Uncle Jim.” She purrs, sliding her left hand from my shoulder and running it across my chest. I loved the way you touched me.” She says, moving her body from behind my chair to stand beside me. “You were so gentle and loving.” She continues, taking both my hands in hers, she slides them up under her top and presses my palms against her aroused nipples.

Gently squeezing her beckoning tits, I move my hands in a circular motion, teasing her stiffening nipples against my palms. My cock is rock hard and I roll my chair back slightly to get more comfortable. As her breathing quickens, her tits swell in my hands, pressing her hard nipples into my palms.

“Mmmmm. Uncle Jim.” She sighs, swinging her leg over my lap and straddling me on the chair. With one hand on either side of my face, she pushes her tongue inside my mouth while rocking back and forth against my hard cock. Pushing her top over her tits, and pulling her against me, I slide my hands under her skirt and cup her bare ass cheeks. She's naked under her skirt and she's rocking her bare pussy against the bulge in my shorts.

Breaking the kiss and locking her eyes on mine, Lauren reaches between us and unfastens my shorts. Raising her ass off of my lap, she pulls my zipper down, and reaches in to release my hard cock. I'm not wearing any underwear, so my cock readily springs forth. She smiles as she rubs the head against her wet pussy lips.

Never breaking eye contact, she hesitates and raises one eyebrow at me. I realize this is it. I'm really going to fuck my niece! I could still stop. I could push her away before I commit incest and violate the trust her parents have put in us. Or could I?

She smiles again, and decides my morale dilemma for me by slowly lowering herself onto my throbbing cock. Oh fuck! She feels so good; so hot, so wet, so velvety soft. Her pussy molds itself around my cock, as she pushes her tongue back inside my mouth.

“Oh god! Uncle Jim!” Lauren cries, as I push my hard cock deeper inside her fiery pussy. Before we have a chance to start a rhythm, the basement door opens.

“You still down here?” Cindy calls from the top of the stairs. Lauren jumps off my lap, pulling her top down over her tits and smoothing her skirt.

“Yeah, we're down here.” I yell, zipping my shorts up and turning back towards my computer. Cindy stops halfway down the stairs.

“You two want to go out for Italian tonight?” She asks, her eyes shifting from my lap to Lauren's nipples, hard as steel, poking through her top. “I've got some coupons for that new restaurant downtown.”

“Sure, that'd be great, Aunt Cindy.” Lauren says, her face still flush.

“Yeah, I'm done here.” I answer, shutting down Windows.

“Okay, I'll get changed and be ready in a few minutes.” Cindy says, turning to go back up the stairs. As Cindy disappears through the door, Lauren leans down and kisses me hard on the lips.

“We'll continue this later.” I say, grazing my hand up her inner thigh. Lauren spreads her legs as my hand brushes against her pussy lips. I part her moist lips and slip my thumb inside her sopping wet pussy.

“Ohhhh, Uncle Jim!” Lauren moans, leaning her hand on my shoulder and humping against my thumb. I squeeze her ass cheeks with my other hand.

“We'd better get upstairs.” I say, pulling my thumb from her wet pussy and standing up. I smile as I put my thumb in my mouth and suck on her juices. Pulling her to me, I kiss her hard, pressing my throbbing cock against her aroused pussy mound.

“You guys ready?” Cindy calls from the top of the stairs.

“I'll say we are!” I whisper to Lauren. As we ascend the stairs, I slip my hand under Lauren's skirt, squeezing her bare ass cheeks on each step. I can't wait to tell Cindy how things have progressed.

“So, what did I interrupt in the basement?” Cindy asks later, as we're getting ready for bed. After dinner, we walked around downtown, window-shopping. We got home a few minutes ago and Lauren went straight to her room.

“Lauren had just settled herself on my hard cock when you called downstairs.” I answer, lying naked on the bed. I'm on my back with my semi-erect cock pointing toward the headboard. “Would you like to know what she tastes like?” I ask, holding my cock in my hand and offering it to her.

“You were really fucking her?” She asks, crawling up on the bed between my legs.

“Not exactly. Mmmmm.” I moan, as Cindy devours my cock in one quick suck. “We, uh, she had just sat down on it when you interrupted us. We hadn't even moved yet. Your timing was perfect.” I add, closing my eyes, while Cindy slides her lips up and down my fully aroused cock.

“Yum.” Cindy says, pulling her mouth off my cock, but continuing to glide her hand up and down my shaft. “You taste like pussy!” She laughs. “Tell me how it happened.” She says, as she feeds my cock back into her warm, wet mouth.

I explain everything, beginning with going into Lauren's room to wake her up and finding her naked with her fingers in her pussy. By the time I'm done describing our basement encounter, I'm frantically bucking my ass off the bed, humping my cock into my wife's talented mouth. She's teasing my balls, sucking my cock and flicking her tongue along the sensitive underside of my shaft. I erupt, jerkily, shooting huge, goopy streams of cum into her mouth. She sucks and swallows until I am fully spent and I lie back on my pillow trying to catch my breath.

“Was she tight?” Cindy asks, as she lightly teases my cock with her tongue. “What did her pussy feel like, wrapped around your hard cock?”

“She was very tight.” I answer, enjoying the slow, tantalizing tongue moving up and down my spent shaft. “Her pussy was like a hot, velvet glove, molded around my cock.” I say, closing my eyes and reliving the feeling. “As soon as I was inside of her, she hungrily shoved her tongue in my mouth.” I tell her, my cock reviving quickly from the memory of Lauren and from Cindy's expert licks and nibbles. “She has such a teenage body, I felt like I was back in high school again.” I laugh.

“Getting caught by mom, huh?” Cindy asks, laughing with me.

“Yeah, something like that.” I say, pushing my recovered cock against Cindy's moist lips. “Except my mom, never got me off or encouraged me to described all the details to her.”

“Too bad.” Cindy laughs, kissing her way up my body until she's straddling my hard cock. “I'm not sure how favorably I'll compare to your tight, new friend, but I don't care right now. You've gotten me so fucking horny talking about her and leaving her taste on your cock.” Cindy slides her pussy down around my cock and I feel like I'm in heaven. She's not as tight as Lauren, but her pussy muscles grip my cock like only an experienced lover can do.

“Oh fuck! Baby, you are the best!” I moan, grabbing her ample tits and squeezing while I push my cock deeper inside her hot pussy.

“Am I velvety enough for you?” Cindy teases as she rolls her hips and massages my cock with her pussy muscles.

“Oh fuck velvety!” I cry. “What you do to me is beyond comparing to our young exhibitionist niece.” Cindy sets the pace and I hump my ass off the bed, matching my strokes to her rhythm.

“Suck my nipples!” Cindy begs, as she leans forward dangling her tits in my face. I comply, sucking her right tit into my mouth and nibbling on her hard nipple.

“Bite it!” Cindy cries. “Make it hurt, Jim!” She pleads. I sink my teeth into her erect nipple, twisting my head side to side, the way she likes it, as I flick my tongue over the tip. She's riding the entire length of my shaft as I switch to her other nipple and do the same thing.

“Oh yes!” She yells, pulling her pussy lips all the way to the tip of my cock before slamming back down around it. She's setting a frenetic pace as I assault her hard nipples with my teeth. Leaning further forward, she pulls my teeth from her nipples, pressing her tits into my chest, as she rocks uncontrollably. Reaching behind her, I cup her ass cheeks for a second before striking each one with a loud, hard smack.

“Oh fuck yes! Spank my ass!” Cindy pants, as she pulls herself more tightly against me. A few more smacks and she's shaking violently.

“I'm cumming! Ohhhhhhhhhhh! Goddamn! Keep spanking me!” Cindy yells, clamping her pussy tightly around my hard cock. I slap her a few more times as she shivers and shakes through a tumultuous orgasm. Collapsing against my chest, her quivering pussy pulsating around my hard, throbbing cock.

“You haven't cum yet, have you?” Cindy asks, gently rocking her body on my hard cock.

“Huh uh.” I shake my head. “I'm sure you'll fix that after you've rested a minute.” I smile. “You are hedonic!” I say. “Do you want some lotion on your ass before we continue?” I ask.

“Not yet.” Cindy answers. “I want you to spank me some more and then fuck my ass.” She says, lifting her head and smiling at me. “You think Lauren is tight! I'll show you tight!”

And she does. Laying her across my lap, her juices soaking my thighs, I spank her bottom until it's glowing red. Applying moisturizing lotion to her hot ass cheeks, I lubricate her asshole, eliciting moans when I insert my finger and twist it around. Positioning herself on all fours, at the edge of the bed and relaxing her sphincter, she eagerly welcomes my hard cock into her tight puckered asshole. We haven't done this in a while and she is extremely tight, as I slide my hard cock all the way into her lubricated ass.

“Ohhhh yeah!” She moans, as my balls slap against her pussy lips. With my hands on her hips, pulling her towards me, I pump my hard cock in and out of her tight ass. She's fingering her clit, and pushing back against me, as I increase the speed of my strokes. As her tight ass convulses around my cock, I shoot my built up load deep inside of her. We collapse together on the bed, my cock buried inside her ass, both of us gasping for air.

“Tight enough?” She asks, as I ease my cock from her ass and lie beside her.

“Fuck yes!” I answer. “Rolling her towards me and kissing her passionately. “You've got no competition from anyone, with your pussy, your ass or your mouth.” I reassure her. “Have I missed any orifices?” I laugh.

“I don't think so.” She answers. “She tastes pretty good though, doesn't she?” Cindy asks.

“Not as good as you.” I answer.

“I'm not looking for compliments, Jim.” She sighs. “I'm not trying to compete with Lauren, I'm just commenting that she tastes good.” She kisses me on the lips. “You're not going to be jealous when I get off with her are you?” She asks.

“Not as long as I'm there to watch.” I answer, honestly. “I love you, Cindy! You are the most wonderful wife in the entire fucking world!”

“Tomorrow's a big day.” She says, kissing me again. “Let's get some sleep, so we're up for it.”

“I'll be up for it, don't worry.” I laugh, kissing her and rolling over. Fuck, if everything goes well, two amazingly sexy women will be sharing my bed with me tomorrow night. I drift off to sleep dreaming about Lauren and Cindy eating each other to orgasms before sharing my dick between them.

The next morning, Cindy and Lauren are both gone by the time I get up. I eat some cereal and log onto Lauren's blog.

BBBarbie: I was so close to fucking my uncle! In fact, I had his large cock inside me and was just starting to move when my Aunt came home. Thank god, we didn't get caught. I had asked him to wake me in the morning. When he came in, I pretended I was asleep. I was naked except for bikini panties and I had two fingers in my pussy. When I didn't wake up right away, his hands were all over me. I was so wet, I got myself off in the shower before I went to school.

VoyGirl: Did he put his cock in you while he thought you were asleep?????

BBBarbie: No, that was later when I got home from school. We were the only ones home. I started massaging his shoulders and whispered that I had been awake the whole time he was touching me. We kissed and then he started playing with my tits and I opened his shorts and took out his gorgeous cock! I slid it up inside me and started kissing him again as I got used to his size. That's when my Aunt came home! He said we'd continue later. I stayed wet all night hoping he'd find a way to sneak into my bedroom, but he didn't.

VoyGirl: Wow! So is tomorrow the big day?

BBBarbie: I hope so! I'm so fucking horny! When I get home from school tomorrow, I hope. We usually have a couple of hours before my Aunt gets home. That should be plenty.

VoyGirl: Details! What's his cock like?

BBBarbie: It looked really big, but it fit perfectly. I felt full, but not uncomfortably. It all happened so fast, I barely got a look at it. I'm hoping tomorrow to be able to give it some special attention.

VoyGirl: Sounds deliciously incestuous! Gotta go for now. Details tomorrow, okay?

BBBarbie: You got it!

I send her a private message from HippieGirl to lay the groundwork for a threesome.

HippieGirl: Hey BBBarbie, wow, you're on your way! Once he's fucked you, you own him! I used to wait until a guy was addicted to my pussy and then start exerting subtle control. Like, please, please don't fuck your wife tonight; I want to feel like you're all mine for just one day. When he insisted he had to fuck her, I'd beg him to sneak me in to watch. You may be able to take this where I never could; I always thought the ultimate control would be to get him to include me in a threesome with his wife. The way your aunt is using you to get him off, it may be possible. Think about it. That would be the ultimate control. Keep me posted.

I log off her blog and log onto the tech support web site, my mind whirling with erotic images of Lauren and Cindy.

Cindy comes home early to put our plan in place. She is going to stay in our bedroom, out of sight until the right moment.

When Lauren gets home, she comes straight down to the basement without taking time to change. She's wearing loose shorts and a halter-top, with her bra straps showing.

“Hey Uncle Jim.” She greets me, kissing me on the lips and running her hand up my thigh.

“Hey yourself!” I answered, squeezing her ass cheeks through her shorts. “God! I could hardly wait for you to get home today.” I tell her.

“Me too.” She whispers, squeezing my growing erection through my shorts.

“I've just got to finish this e-mail and log off. Why don't you go up to your room and get comfortable, I'll be there in a minute.” I say, kissing her lips again and giving her ass one more squeeze.

“Sounds great.” She smiles. “I'll be very comfortable by the time you get there. Don't be long.”

“I'll be right there!” I assure her, logging off the computer. I dial Cindy's cell phone and she answers on the first ring. She had set it to vibrate before Lauren got home.

“She's on her way to her room. When I join her, I'll leave the door open a few inches.” I turn the phone off without waiting for her to answer. We aren't taking the chance that Lauren might hear her voice from the bedroom. I give Lauren a few minutes and then climb the stairs to join her.

“Wow!” I exhale, as I enter Lauren's room. She's lying on her back, completely naked, smiling at me. I drop my clothes on the floor and sit beside her on the bed, staring at her perfect body.

“You are so beautiful.” I whisper, reverently, as my eyes travel the length of her body, memorizing every curve. I lean down and suck her left nipple into my mouth, while I run hand across her stomach and rest my palm on her triangular blonde patch. Since our plan requires her to be in a heightened state of arousal, Cindy and I agreed that I wouldn't eat her just yet, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to taste her delicious juices. While nibbling on her erect nipple, I part her wet pussy lips and slide two fingers up inside of her

“Oh Uncle Jim!” Lauren moans, pulling her knees up off the bed and spreading her legs wider. Winding her fingers through my hair, she pulls my face tighter against her soft tit. Her pussy is soaking wet and instead of finger-fucking her, I use my fingers to scoop up a gob of her juices. Raising my head from her nipple, I suck my fingers into my mouth, savoring her taste.

“I want to continue where we left off yesterday.” I tell her, as her fingers close around my hard cock. “Your pussy was like a tight, velvet glove around my cock. I can't wait to recapture that feeling.” I say, looking directly into her eyes, like she did in mine the day before.

Kneeling between her legs and positioning my throbbing cock against her glistening pussy lips, I lower my body onto hers. She pulls her knees up and spreads her legs to give me greater access. As her hard nipples brush my chest, and I push my tongue into her welcoming mouth, my cock glides into her anxious, hot pussy.

“Oh god! Oh fuck!” Lauren cries and I can't help but agree with her sentiments. Her pussy is so hot, wet and quivering that I'm afraid I'll blow my load right now! I hold perfectly still for a minute as we continue to kiss feverishly. Lauren starts the rhythm, humping her ass off the bed and rocking my body on top of her. I pick it up quickly and start thrusting into her enflamed pussy.

“Oh God! Uncle Jim!” Lauren moans, digging her nails into my back.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Cindy's voice booms through the room as she pushes open the door. “Get off of her!” Cindy yells, pulling me by my waist and disengaging me from Lauren's soggy pussy. “Get the fuck out of here! I'll deal with you later!” She yells, pushing me towards the door. I pull the door behind me, leaving enough space to see and hear what happens in the bedroom. Cindy is sitting on the bed and has gathered Lauren's naked body into her arms. I'm standing in the hallway, my hard cock dripping pussy juice on the carpeting.

“Oh God!” Cindy cries. “Did he hurt you? Oh fuck! This is all my fault! I should have known better!” Cindy is ranting like a lunatic and I am in awe of her performance. “Are you hurt?” She asks again. “Let me see.” She leans Lauren back and attempts to spread her legs. “Did he force himself inside you?” She asks, running her hand up Lauren's thigh and across her swollen pussy lips.

“No! No! Aunt Cindy!” Lauren protests, scooting back away from her. “It wasn't anything like that!” She says. Cindy gives her a curious look and Lauren hangs her head. “We were… I was… he didn't force me.” Her voice trails off and she's not making eye contact with Cindy as she starts sobbing.

“What are you saying?” Cindy asks, concern and sympathy in her voice. “He seduced you?” She asks, again wrapping her arms around Lauren's naked body, comforting her. “Seduced, forced, it's the same thing. You don't know your Uncle Jim. When it comes to sex, he usually gets what he wants.”

“Don't blame Uncle Jim.” Lauren sobs into Cindy's shoulder. “This is all my fault!” She bellows, tears streaming down her face.

“No! I know your Uncle Jim!” Cindy assures her. “And I've seen the way he's been looking at you.” Cindy says, hugging her and running her hands up and down the girl's bare back. “This isn't your fault.”

“It is!” Lauren cries, throwing herself facedown on the bed. “I've ruined everything!” She sobs into her pillow as Cindy scoots up beside her on the bed. “You guys were so nice to let me stay here and now I've fucked everything up!”

“Shhhhh. It's alright.” Lying on her side next to Lauren, Cindy gently strokes the girl's hair as she tries to console her.

“No, it's not alright!” She cries. “My parents are going to kill me and now I can't finish the semester…” Her voice trails off as she again starts sobbing into her pillow. Cindy moves her hand from Lauren's hair to her back, gently rubbing her hand up and down her spine.

“So…” Cindy says, as she continues massaging Lauren's naked back with her hand, getting very close to our niece's fine, round ass cheeks. “You're sure this was completely consensual? You weren't coerced or forced in any way?”

“I'm sure.” Lauren nods. “I'm so sorry Aunt Cindy.”

“I'm just glad you're alright.” Cindy answers, as she moves her body closer to Lauren's, continuing her gentle back massage.

“Jesus Christ, Aunt Cindy!” Lauren says turning towards her. “You caught me in bed with your husband, my Uncle, and you're concerned that I'm alright?”

“There's no blood relation between you two. “Cindy states matter-of-factly. “You know, you're not that different than I was at your age.” With Lauren facing her, Cindy moves her hand to Lauren's hip and gently caresses up and down her side, stopping just shy of her exposed breast. “I used to flaunt my body and get turned on by the reaction I could get from men by exposing a little flesh.”

“Really?” Lauren asks, looking intently at Cindy.

“Really. I was such an awful prick tease in those days; showing my tits, my bare ass, anything to get a rise out of men. Then one day, a guy I was teasing did what your Uncle Jim did, and made me realize where it could all lead.” I've never heard this before and I'm not sure if it's true or part of Cindy's plan to seduce Lauren.

“What happened?” Lauren asks impatiently.

“That's a story for another time.” Cindy answers. “Right now, I want to talk about what we're going to do about what happened today.” Cindy says in a very serious tone. “Your parents don't have to find out about this.” She says, waiting for Lauren's reaction.

“They don't?” She asks. “What about me not having a place to stay.”

“You don't have to leave either.” Cindy says, caressing Lauren's flesh more blatantly than before. “You can even have full access to Uncle Jim to continue what you've started.” Cindy says, while Lauren stares at her wide-eyed. “On one condition.” Cindy says, as Lauren appears to be dumbstruck.

“You are very beautiful, Lauren.” Cindy says, her hands grazing Lauren's stomach and her fingers brushing across her pubic mound. “I'm not surprised your Uncle Jim is attracted to you.” Recognition of the condition Cindy is referring to is showing in Lauren's eyes, as Cindy's fingers comb through her blonde pubes and then, lightly caress her inner thigh. “Uncle Jim isn't the only one in this family who is attracted to your enticing body.” Cindy says, kissing Lauren lightly on the lips, while her fingers skim over her moist pussy lips. An involuntary shiver runs through Lauren's body as she blinks her eyes like she's coming out of a trance. She's looking at Cindy, apparently surprised that her hands can make her body tingle.

“Your parents won't ever know about today.” Cindy says, kissing Lauren's lips. “You can stay here and finish college.” Cindy adds, as she slides one finger along Lauren's slippery slit. “You can fuck your Uncle Jim as much as you want” Cindy smiles, as she pushes her finger inside Lauren's pussy. “As long as you make yourself available to me, too.” Not waiting for an answer, Cindy pushes her tongue into Lauren's mouth as she finger fucks her niece.

Standing in the hallway watching all of this, my cock is rock hard! I watch as Lauren's body visibly stiffens at Cindy's touch. Cindy continues to expertly manipulate her fingers around Lauren's pussy, running her thumb over her clit as her tongue explores the inside of Lauren's mouth. Gradually, Lauren's body responds to Cindy's touch and whether she's resigned herself to Cindy's ultimatum, or she is actually getting turned on, doesn't matter.

“You have an amazing body.” Cindy says, breaking the kiss.” I interrupted you and Uncle Jim just as you were about to climax, didn't I?” She asks, lowering her head to Lauren's breast and sucking her hard nipple into her mouth.

“Um, yes.” Lauren says, panting from the kiss, the nipple sucking and the intense finger fucking she's been getting from her aunt.

“Well, time to rectify that.” Cindy announces. “Lay back, sweetie and let Aunt Cindy show you how this is done, girl to girl.” Standing up, Cindy quickly sheds her clothes, and then kneels on the bed, between Lauren's legs.

“Mmmmmm. You look delicious!” Cindy says, lowering her head to Lauren's pussy. I watch the shocked look on Lauren's face transform to blissful elation as her aunt starts to lick her horny pussy.

“Oh God, Aunt Cindy!” Lauren moans, as she entwines her fingers in Cindy's hair and humps her pussy against her face. “That feels so fucking good!” Lauren's eyes are closed and she's pulled her knees up and spread her legs farther apart. My cock is about to explode as I watch my wife eat our niece's delectable pussy. Cindy is kneeling between Lauren's legs with her ass in the air and I have a clear view of my wife's dripping cunt. I'm tempted to push my throbbing cock inside of it and pound her while she eats Lauren, but I don't want to ruin her plans.

“Ohhhhhh Fuck!” Lauren cries. “Just like that, Aunt Cindy.” She's bucking her ass wildly off the bed. “Yeah suck my clit! Don't stop! Ohhhhhhhmygod! I'm cumming!” Lauren is out of control holding the back of Cindy's head while loud slurping sounds are filling the room.

“Aaarrrrgggh!” Lauren screams, clamping her legs around Cindy's head and smashing her face against her pussy. Lauren's head and shoulders shoot up from the bed, jerking frantically as her orgasm rips through her body. Cindy continues lapping up her juices while Lauren catches her breath.

“Oh God, Aunt Cindy!” Lauren breathes. “I've never had anyone eat me like that before.” She declares, as Cindy licks her way up Lauren's body, momentarily sucking each of her erect nipples into her mouth. As she moves her body next to Lauren's on the bed, I get a clear view of Lauren's just eaten pussy.

“You can't tell me you haven't experimented with girl-girl sex before.” Cindy says, as she positions herself next to Lauren on the bed and caresses her niece's tits and her stomach. Lauren turns her head towards Cindy and kisses her passionately on the lips, without answering her.

A post orgasm, dripping wet pussy is one of the most erotic sights in the world. Lauren's blonde pubic hair is matted around her splayed open pussy lips, which are glistening with her delectable juices. It's all I can do to keep from jumping in and lapping up some of her sweet nectar. My cock is positively aching, as pre-cum oozes out the tip. I hope Cindy has plans to include me in this pretty quickly.

Lauren's hands are roaming over Cindy's naked body, as the two women continue to kiss. Cindy is still playing with Lauren's tits and Lauren's right hand is sliding between Cindy's legs. Spreading her legs, to give Lauren better access, Cindy runs one hand over Lauren's blonde covered mound. As Lauren spreads Cindy's pussy lips apart and inserts two fingers into her wet hole, Cindy uses her fingernails to comb through Lauren's tangled blonde pubic hair.

“Mmmmm.” Cindy moans, as Lauren begins pumping her fingers in and out of her pussy. “As much as I'd like for you to do me right now, Lauren. “Cindy sighs. “I think it's time we took care of Uncle Jim, don't you?”

“What do you mean?” Lauren asks, breathily. “Take care of him? Do you mean both of us, together?” Lauren asks. When I hear my name, I start to back away from the door and head for my bedroom.

“Yes.” Cindy answers. “Here's what I think we should do…” Her voice trails off as I get to my bedroom door. I go into my bedroom and lie down naked on the bed. I don't have to wait long before Cindy comes in.

“I'm not mad.” Cindy says, as she enters the bedroom, still completely naked.

“You're not?” I ask, admiring Cindy's lovely body, as she walks towards the bed. Her hard, thick nipples, jutting out proudly from her magnificent tits, are an indication of her arousal.

“Well, not anymore, anyway.” Cindy smiles. “Lauren and I have reached an agreement.” She says, sitting on the edge of the bed and running her hand up the inside of my thigh.

“What kind of agreement?” I ask, knowing full well what, but determined to play my role.

“We're going to share you.” She answers, cupping my balls as she beckons Lauren into the room. Lauren's face is still flush from her recent orgasm and her hard, pink nipples are pointing straight out from her firm, young tits.

“Hi Uncle Jim.” Lauren says, sheepishly as she sits down on the other side of the bed and leans her head towards my throbbing cock. “Aunt Cindy is concerned that we didn't get to finish what we started and she's agreed to help us out.” Her lips are less than an inch from my cock, which Cindy is now stroking up and down with her hand. “She's already helped me, so now it's your turn.” Lauren opens her mouth and Cindy slowly feeds my hard cock into it.

“Ohhhhhh God!” I moan, as Lauren wraps her warm, wet lips around my cock and slides them down the length of it, flicking her tongue against the underside. Cindy has moved her hand back to my balls and is gently caressing them as Lauren sucks my cock.

Pulling her lips back along the length of my shaft, Lauren encircles my cock with her hand while she licks the end of it like an ice cream cone. Continuing to tease my balls, Cindy lowers her head between my legs and starts running her tongue up and down the other side of my cock.

Oh fuck!” I cry, as their two tongues lick up the sides of my cock. I'm humping my ass off the bed and I'm sure I won't last long, when they start taking turns sucking my cockhead into their mouths. Jesus Christ, now they're almost kissing with my cock head between their lips, as they lick and nipple the sides of it. Cindy is still playing with my balls as Lauren strokes up and down my saliva coated cock with her hand.

They are kneeling on the bed on either side of me, their pussies and asses within easy reach. I place one hand on Lauren's ass and one on Cindy's as they continue teasing my cock with their mouths. While I massage their ass cheeks, my thumbs glide along their slick pussy lips, stroking up and down the entire length and grazing their clits. If this isn't heaven, I don't know what is. Two amazingly sexy women trading my cock between their mouths, as I tease their pussies.

“Oh god yes!” I groan, as my cock erupts into Cindy's mouth. She must have felt my balls tighten, because she slipped her open mouth over the end just in time. She immediately slides her mouth to the side of my cock so Lauren's mouth can take her place, swallowing my second spurt of cum. They continue to alternate sliding their mouths over the end of my cock until I am completely spent and then they kiss a deeply over the top of my cockhead, trading my cum between them.

“We're going to get you hard again.” Cindy says with a smile. “We're not done with your cock, yet, are we Lauren.”

“Not even close.” Lauren says, as she licks up and down my spent shaft. Cindy pulls my knees up and lowers her mouth to my balls as Lauren sucks my soft cock into her mouth. With my wife licking my balls and my niece sucking my cock, I'm fully recovered in no time. With my hard cock pointing at the ceiling, both Cindy and Lauren sit back on the bed and smile at me.

“Which one of us do you want to fuck first?” Cindy asks, cocking her head to the side and smiling. What a question! There is no wrong answer. Fuck, it's implied in the word first, that I'm going to fuck them both! I stare at Lauren's perfectly round tits with her thin, erect nipples and then drop my eyes down to her blonde triangular patch, just above her shiny, moist pussy lips and her long shapely legs. Turning to my right, I encounter Cindy's more abundant breasts with big, thick nipples, protruding like bullets in the center of her large, round areolas. Her unmated brown pubic hair nearly covers her slick pussy lips and her legs are every bit as shapely as Lauren's.

“I can't decide.” I say, with a huge sigh. “You both are so tempting, so tantalizing, so irresistible, so fucking sexy! I can't choose!”

“No problem.” Cindy says, with a very mischievous grin on her face. “I have an answer for that!” She says, moving over to the other side of the bed. “I saw this in a video once, I hope it works.”

“Scoot over a little, Lauren.” Cindy says, lying on her back on the bed next to me. “Now sit on my stomach, facing my feet.” Cindy says, directing her request to Lauren.

Lauren complies, sitting down on Cindy's stomach, facing the foot of the bed.

“Now, lean back.” Cindy says, reaching around and cupping Lauren's tits in her hands and pulling her down on top of her. “Slide your ass down just a little.” Cindy says, checking their position in the closet door mirror. “Yeah, right there. Perfect.” Lauren is lying on top of Cindy with her legs lying out to the sides. Cindy pulls her knees up between Lauren's legs and spreads her legs wide apart.

“Here you go, Jim.” Cindy says, with a big smile. “Double-decker pussies!” I hustle down to the foot of the bed and look between their legs. What a sight! Un-fucking-believable! I'm staring at their double-stacked, wide-open, succulent pussies. Cindy starts playing with Lauren's tits, squeezing and pinching her nipples, as she stretches them out from her breasts.

I still can't decide where to start, so I take one long lick from the bottom of Cindy's pussy to the top of Lauren's. Their juices are decidedly different tasting. Cindy's are heavier and thicker than Lauren's with a much stronger flavor. Of course, Lauren has just had an orgasm and Cindy hasn't, which could account for some of the difference. I continue to explore both pussies with my tongue, flicking across their clits and sucking their pussy lips into my mouth. Working up a froth of pussy juice inside Lauren's pussy, I let it run down between her ass cheeks onto Cindy's pussy, before lapping up the mixture of juices from between Cindy's pussy lips.

As much as I enjoy eating them, the thought of sliding my hard cock in and out, between these two pussies is overwhelming. Reluctantly, I pull my head from between their legs and position my cockhead against Lauren's wet pussy lips.

“Oh yeah, Uncle Jim!” Lauren cries. “Fuck me! Let's finish what we started.” I thrust forward and my cock easily glides into her slippery, wet pussy.

“Mmmmmmm yeah!” She moans. I leave my cock buried deep inside her fiery hole, savoring the feeling of her fiery pussy walls molding themselves around my cock. Slowly sliding back, I extract my cock from Lauren's snug, hot pussy and push it into Cindy's wide-open hole below it.

“Ohhhhh Jim!” Cindy breathes, still mauling Lauren's tits. “You feel so fucking good!” She says, gripping my cock with her experienced pussy muscles as she squeezes Lauren's tits in her hands. I wait until I feel her pussy pulsating around my cock before pulling out and pushing back into Lauren's tight hole. I continue to alternate like this, driving myself and both women wild, knowing that eventually I will have to settle on one pussy to get myself to completion.

Lauren is humping against my cock as I pull it out of her and slam it into Cindy's anxious pussy. Since I've already cum once, I'm going to try to last through both women's orgasms. As I rapidly piston my hard cock in and out of Cindy's enflamed pussy, I press my thumb against Lauren's swollen clit. Making swirling motions with the end of my thumb, I keep Lauren's arousal building as I attempt to bring Cindy to orgasm. As I pick up my speed, Cindy moves her hands down from Lauren's tits to her inner thighs, pulling on her legs as she tries to buck her pussy against my hard cock.

“Ohhhhhhhhh! Fuck!” Cindy cries, as I continue to pummel her pussy. Because Lauren is lying on top of her, she can't really move with me, but her pussy muscles are pulsing in rhythm with my strokes.

“Uggghhhhhhhhh! Keep doing what you're doing on my clit, Uncle Jim.” Lauren moans. “I'm getting so close.”

“I'm cummmmmming!” Cindy yells, digging her nails into the soft flesh of Lauren's thighs. I feel her pussy muscles clench around my cock and her hips jerk as her orgasm overtakes her. As soon as her body relaxes, I pull my cock out and plunge it into Lauren's snug little box. A couple of hard strokes does it for both of us and we explode together in a blissful climax to our impromptu orgy. Collapsing in a heap on the bed, we're panting and gulping air like drowning sailors.

By the time I've caught my breath, Cindy has turned her body around and is running her fingers through Lauren's sticky blonde pubes. Cupping her ass cheeks in her hands, Cindy gently pulls Lauren's pussy to her face and starts lightly licking at the mixture of cum and pussy juice dripping from her soggy cunt.

“Oh!” Lauren yelps, as Cindy's tongue plunges into her pussy. “Oh fuck!” Lauren cries, as she spreads her legs farther apart. “I thought I was done, but God, Aunt Cindy! That feels so fucking good!”

Cindy and Lauren are lying on their sides, facing each other, until Cindy gently rolls Lauren onto her back. Cindy is kneeling on the bed next to Lauren, her tits pressing against Lauren's stomach as she eats her pussy with slow, tantalizing licks.

“God! No one has ever eaten me after I've been fucked!” Lauren purrs. “Isn't it gross?” She asks Cindy.

“Nothing I haven't already had in my mouth today, is it?” Cindy answers, immediately returning her attention to Lauren's pussy, with long, lingering licks.

Lauren reaches her hand between Cindy's legs and runs her fingers along Cindy's dripping pussy lips.

“Mmmmmmm.” Cindy moans into Lauren's pussy, and starts to tongue fuck her niece a little faster. Lauren brings her fingers to her lips and tastes the combined flavors that she has scooped out of Cindy's pussy.

“Not bad.” She smiles, pulling Cindy's leg over her head. Now, in a classic, girl-girl sixty-nine position, Lauren licks up and down Cindy's soaked pussy lips several times before sinking her tongue into Cindy's aroused pussy.

“Oh yeah!” Cindy breathes into Lauren's pussy, as the two women feverishly tongue fuck each other. Substituting her fingers for her tongue, Cindy looks over at me as she flicks Lauren's clit.

“Mmmmffffphph!” Lauren's moan is lost inside Cindy's pussy, but she evidently likes what Cindy is doing with her fingers.

“Is this getting you hard?” Cindy asks, staring at my recovering cock. “Because I'd really like you to fuck my ass while Lauren eats my pussy.” She smiles as my cock jumps at the suggestion.

“Oh god!” Lauren cries. “You like it in your ass, Aunt Cindy?” She asks. “That is so hot! I've never tried it.” Lauren says, as she starts using her tongue and her fingers together on Cindy's hot pussy.

“Well, you'll soon have a birds eye view.” I say, as I get the tube of lubricant from the nightstand drawer.

“I love it.” Cindy answers, breathing hard from the workout Lauren is giving her pussy. “I've never done it like this. I usually finger my clit while Jim fucks my ass, but this is too good of an opportunity to pass up.” Cindy pants. “I'm sure your Uncle Jim is willing to let you try it, if you're ever interested.” Cindy laughs, she knows how much I love fucking her ass. I can't imagine how tight Lauren's little asshole will be.

Kneeling over Lauren's face, I use my finger to smear lubricant all around Cindy's asshole. Momentarily pulling her tongue out of Cindy's drenched pussy, Lauren grabs my cock and pulls it down to her mouth. Sucking on the head, she teases my balls with her fingertips as I push lubricant inside my wife's asshole.

“Why don't you guide it in, Lauren?” I ask her as I pull three of my fingers out of Cindy's well-lubricated asshole. “You have a better view than I do.” Without answering, Lauren wraps her hand around my cock and guides it towards Cindy's puckered asshole. Cindy and I have done this many times and although she's tight my cock usually glides right in.

Lauren pushes my cock head against Cindy's slick, coated hole and it easily slips inside. Sliding her hand back along my shaft, she pumps my cock into her aunt's tight hole. When I'm nearly all the way in, she moves her hands to my balls, gently caressing them as I push my cock the rest of the way into Cindy's ass.

“Eat me!” Cindy cries. “Suck my clit, while Uncle Jim fucks my ass.” She instructs her niece. “Come on, Jim. Give my ass a good, hard fuck!” Cindy commands before plunging her tongue back into Lauren's pussy.

Starting slowly, I gradually build up speed, pumping my cock in and out of my wife's tight ass. As Lauren does what she's told, sucking on Cindy's clit, my balls drag across her face, and the tension builds in my balls from the feeling of her nose against my scrotum. I grip Cindy's hips and start really pounding my cock into her ass. I've fucked my wife's ass many times, but it has never felt like this. My balls slapping against my sexy, young niece's face is almost too much for me to take.

“Ohh! Ohh! Ohh!” Cindy cries on each down stroke of my cock. We must be doing what she wants because she's not shouting any commands at us. “I'm cumming!” She yells, abandoning all pretense of eating Lauren's pussy. She's rocking her ass back against my cock, while pressing her pussy down onto Lauren's mouth.

Cindy clamps her legs around Lauren's head, as Lauren rolls my balls between her fingers. This is enough to trigger my release and I slam down hard into Cindy's snug ass. Bucking violently against her smooth, firm ass cheeks, I shoot several loads of cum deep inside of her, while our niece laps up the juice that is steadily flowing from her pussy.

“That was incredible!” Is all Cindy says, before attacking Lauren's cunt with renewed enthusiasm. Lauren continues to drink from Cindy's seemingly endless stream of juices, while I extricate my softening cock from Cindy's slippery ass.

Lauren's orgasm is building and she closes her eyes, as she continues to swallow the diminishing flow from Cindy's wet pussy. My withdrawal from Cindy's ass releases a stream of cum, leaking down and mixing with the pussy juice, being lapped up by an unsuspecting Lauren.

“Ohhhhhhhhh!” Lauren screams, after swallowing a mouthful of pussy cocktail. “I'm cumming, Aunt Cindy! Keep doing that! Oh fuck!” She yells, licking her lips and taking another mouthful of mixed juices. She's bucking her ass off the bed, pushing her pussy against Cindy's talented mouth, as her orgasm jolts through her body. Stiffening her legs, she jerks several times before her expended body crashes back down onto the bed.

Cindy keeps her mouth on Lauren's cunt, lapping up her abundant flow of pussy juice, while her own juices seep down into Lauren's mouth from both of her recently fucked holes. I watch as their orgasms subside and they settle into an effortless, relaxed licking of each other's pleasure centers.

Finally, exhausted, spent and satiated, we cuddle together on the bed, falling into a deep, rejuvenative sleep.

I wake up, spooned against Lauren's back with my morning hard-on cradled between her ass cheeks. My arm is draped over her, with my hand snuggled between her breasts. Breathing in the smell of her hair, as memories of the night's activities flood my brain and my cock hardens even more against her firm, round ass cheeks. I hear the shower turn off and Cindy steps into the bedroom, drying her body with an oversized bath towel.

“How'd you sleep?” She whispers, not wanting to wake Lauren.

“I slept the sleep of the dead.” I answer. “I was completely out, not even a dream.” I add. “How about you?”

“Yeah, same here.” Cindy answers, tossing her towel into the bathroom and cuddling up to my back. “What an amazing night.” She says, kissing my neck running her hand over my ass. I raise my leg a little and she slides her hand between them, massaging my balls.

“Mmmmmmmm. That's nice.” I whisper, involuntarily pushing my cock against Lauren's ass.

“Mmmmmm, yourself.” Lauren says, dreamily. “Is that for me?” She asks, wiggling her ass against my cock. Cindy gently squeezes my balls, forcing more blood into my already protruding erection.

“Why don't you two get cleaned up while I make breakfast?” Cindy encourages, scooting back from me and getting off the bed. “I recommend a leisurely shower for you two.” She says, smiling as she walks around to Lauren's side of the bed. “And you, young lady.” She says, bending down and kissing Lauren on the lips. “I really liked what you did with your tongue last night.” She says, wiggling her pussy in Lauren's face. “I think that deserves an encore.” She adds, smacking Lauren playfully on her hip. Cindy puts on a sheer, silk robe and walks towards the door. “Oh, the three of us are going to have such fun together.” She says over her shoulder as she leaves the bedroom.

“I'll lather you all over.” I tease, kissing Lauren's neck and shoulders.

“Sounds nice.” She says, rolling on to her back and wrapping her hand around my cock as she presses her lips to mine. My tongue entwines with hers as I gently squeeze her tits and graze my palm across her hardening nipples.

“To the shower!” I say, breaking the kiss and sitting up. I follow Lauren into the master bathroom, watching her sexy ass sway to it's own erotic rhythm. The shower takes up the entire corner of the bathroom and has frosted glass doors. Lauren opens one door and leans in to turn on the water. I playfully squeeze her ass cheeks while she adjusts the water temperature. Slipping one finger between her legs, I lightly tease her moist pussy lips.

“Ohhhh!” She says, lifting one leg off the ground, giving my hand more room to explore.

“You are so beautiful and so sexy.” I tell her, as I reach around and squeeze her right tit while my other hand continues to stroke her pussy lips.

“Time for our shower.” I say, reluctantly dropping my hands to my sides.

We step into the shower facing each other, with the shower spray hitting her back. I squeeze some body wash onto my hands and begin lathering her perfectly shaped tits. Her nipples are hard against my palms as I squeeze her pliable flesh, pulling them apart and then pushing them tightly together.

“That feels so good, Uncle Jim.” Lauren breathes, as she pours body wash onto her hands and starts soaping my shoulders and down my chest.

I glide my soapy hands up over her shoulders and down her back. As she soaps my stomach and begins rubbing her slippery hands up and down my shaft, I grab her ass cheeks and thoroughly lather soap around and between them. When my cock and balls are slick with soap, she slides her hands around my waist and begins soaping my back. Leaning into me and rubbing her soapy tits against my slippery chest, she runs her hands down, soaping my lower back. Her hands move lower, cupping my ass cheeks, as she grinds her pussy hard against my soapy cock.

“I can't believe Aunt Cindy is okay with all of this.” She sighs. “I was so scared when she caught us yesterday.” She's rubbing her slick, sudsy body up and down against me as she squeezes my ass cheeks. Her nipples are hard, and her tits feel great, slipping back and forth across my soapy chest.

“Cindy and I have an adventurous sex life.” I tell her, sliding my hands up and down her back and pulling her tightly against me. “We've talked off and on about a threesome, but never had the nerve to approach anyone.” Her slippery tits are crushed against my chest and my cock is sliding all over her pussy mound. “I guess Cindy saw an opportunity instead of a problem yesterday.” I'm smiling, as I stare into her clear, blue eyes. “I'm glad she did.” I lean my face down and our lips meet in a long, passionate kiss. As we grind our soapy bodies together, I squeeze her ass checks and push my tongue farther into her inviting mouth.

Breaking the kiss and pushing Lauren's arms down to her sides, I turn her around, sliding my soapy hands up over her tits, while pulling her back against me. Pinching her hard nipples and squeezing her soapy tits, I slide my slippery cock up and down between her slick, soapy ass cheeks.

“Mmmmm,” she says, leaning forward and pushing her ass harder up against my cock. “I've never taken a shower with anyone before. I didn't know what I was missing.” She says, bending forward at the waist and putting her hands against the tile wall. My hands slide down her body, rubbing her stomach and then her thighs. She moves forward a little and my cock head slides down between her ass cheeks, until it's almost touching her pussy lips.

“I've never fucked in a shower before, either.” She says, looking back over her shoulder and raising an eyebrow at me. That's all the invitation I need.

I slide my hand over her ass and push down my cock until just the head slips inside her pussy lips. Before I can move, Lauren pushes against the wall and thrusts her ass back against me, impaling herself completely on my rock hard cock. I'm pushed into her up to my balls and I can feel her firm, round ass cheeks rubbing against me as I begin pumping in and out.

“Ohhhhh, yeah! Fuck me hard!” She says, rocking back and forth against my cock. I grab her hips with both hands and start slamming my cock into her slippery, wet pussy like a battering ram. She braces herself against the wall with her hands, as I keep pounding and pounding my long, hard cock deep into her snug, hot pussy.

“Ohhhh… God… Fuck… me… Uncle Jim!… Fuck… me… Ohhh… God!” Lauren shouts each word on every down stroke of my cock. Her voice is shaky and she's panting, as I continue to hammer into her relentlessly. I can feel my climax building and I'm holding back as long as I can, hoping she's getting close, too. She pulls one hand from the wall and shoves it between her legs, mauling her clit, as I fuck her mercilessly.

I keep up the furious pace; driving my cock into her sopping, wet pussy, while the shower sprays over us. Finally, I can't hold it. I slam into her as hard as I can, pulling her hips against me and shooting my load deep into her tight love canal. Lauren grinds her ass against me and is thrusting her pussy frantically against her hand.

“Ohhh, Uncle Jim! I'm cumming, too!” She pushes her ass back harder against me and I feel her pussy quivering around my cock, as her orgasm hits. I hold her against me as she rides out wave after wave of pulsating pleasure. When she stops moving, I ease my cock out of her and turn her around. Embracing her soapy body, I push my tongue into her welcoming mouth and we kiss deeply while the shower spray washes over us.

We finally make it out of the shower, dry each other off and walk naked, hand in hand into the kitchen where Cindy has breakfast waiting.

“Well, aren't you two adventurous?” Cindy smiles, discarding her robe, as we sit down to breakfast. Cindy has made pancakes, eggs, sausage and bacon.

“Looks like we're feeding the multitudes.” I say, grabbing the syrup and pouring it over my pancakes.

“We need to keep up our strength.” Cindy says, smiling mischievously, her eyes focused on Lauren's naked body. My cock is standing at attention, fully recovered from my shower fuck with Lauren, having rapidly responded to the naked flesh of my wife and niece, sitting at the table with me.

As we eat breakfast, my eyes shift back and forth between Cindy's and Lauren's tits, mentally comparing them. Cindy's are larger, hanging from her chest, with bigger areolas and longer, thicker nipples. Lauren's nipples are thin and pertly, sticking almost straight out from her perfectly round tits, that sit firmly against her chest, with hardly any noticeable hang.

“Save room for dessert.” Cindy says to Lauren, spreading her legs suggestively. Dipping her finger in the syrup on her plate, Cindy touches it to Lauren's erect nipple, smearing the syrup around her small areola. Returning for more syrup, she does the same thing to her other nipple.

“Would you care to join me for a little maple coated nipple?” Cindy asks me, as she kneels by Lauren's chair and sucks her right nipple into her mouth.

“Absolutely!” I answer, moving into position and wrapping my lips around her left nipple.

“Mmmmmmmm!” Lauren moans, closing her eyes and leaning her head back, while Cindy and I continue our double onslaught on her hard nipples. Our eyes meet and Cindy winks at me, conspiratorially. We've done it! Our niece is our willing partner in our erotic dream of a threesome.

“I still haven't tasted our niece's treasures.” I say, pulling my lips from her nipple and kissing my way down her stomach. She slides forward on the chair and spreads her legs, welcoming me to her warm, wet delicacies. Cindy stands up, quickly clears the table, while I lick my way up our niece's smooth inner thighs.

“Lauren hasn't had dessert yet.” Cindy says, sitting on the edge of the table, and pulling Lauren's head down between her legs. Lying back, Cindy places her legs on Lauren's shoulders, as Lauren tentatively starts licking around Cindy's dripping, pussy lips.

“Ohhhhhh! Yeah!” Cindy cries, as Lauren's tongue begins exploring inside her yearning pussy. Kneeling, under the table, I hear Lauren's muffled moan, as I suck her pussy lips into my mouth and nibble all around them. God! She tastes so fucking good! She's so wet that pushing my tongue between her pussy lips is like breaking a dam. Her watery juices soak my face as I savor their slightly salty flavor. I'm used to Cindy's thick cream that ooze out of her pussy with a heavy aroma and strong flavor. Lauren's runny juices gush out at me, with a more subtle fragrance and much more delicate taste. I'm swallowing as much as I can, but this girl is like a fucking river, once she gets going. Flicking my tongue against her clit, I push two fingers into her soggy pussy and begin rapidly finger fucking her.

“Oh fuck!” Lauren moans, pressing her pussy tightly against my face.

“Don't stop!” Cindy yells. “I'm getting so fucking close!” I hear Lauren resume her slurping noises, while I suck her clit into my mouth.

“Oh god! I'm cumming! Keep doing exactly that, sweetheart!” Cindy yells, as the table starts to shake from her movement. At the same time, I feel Lauren's body stiffen and she clamps her legs around my head, as her pussy spasms against my face, gushing more of her delectable juice into my mouth. I lap up as much of her sweet nectar as I can and the rest pools on the chair between her legs.

I crawl out from under the table, sporting the biggest hard-on I think I've ever had. The sight of these two satiated women, does nothing to diminish it's aching throb.

“You looking for someplace to put that?” Cindy smiles. “Take your pick.” She says, opening her mouth and spreading her legs at the same time.

“Don't forget about me.” Lauren says, mimicking her Aunt Cindy's actions. Holy fuck!

“What a wonderfully, impossible choice.” I say, my eyes shifting between the two amazing temptresses. I enjoy watching them catch their breathes, their tits swelling delightfully with each breath they take. “What I'd really like.” I finally offer, with a twinkle in my eye. “Is another of your joint blowjobs.”

“No problem.” Cindy answers for both of them. “Just give us a minute to recover and I think we can accommodate you.” She looks at Lauren, who nods as she tries to slow her breathing.

“God!” Lauren says, as we settle onto the bed, a few minutes later. “I can't believe all this is happening. My parents would freak!” She laughs, as I roll onto my back and Cindy wraps her hand around my throbbing cock.

“Maybe… maybe not.” Cindy says, as Lauren lowers her mouth over my hard cock. “Your parents might not be as conservative as you think.” She says, before taking her turn sucking my cockhead into her mouth.

“What do you mean?” Lauren asks. “My mom shits a fit if I don't wear a bra!” Lauren starts licking around the sides of my cock, while Cindy continues to stroke up and down with her hand.

“She may be trying to protect you.” Cindy says, smiling. “But remember the summer I stayed at your house and babysat you during the day?” Cindy asks, sliding her lips down my hard shaft and licking her way back up, before continuing.

“Yeah.” Lauren says, taking her turn sliding her lips down the entire length of my cock, deep throating me. “I was about seven, I thought you were the coolest person in the world.” She sits back while Cindy takes her turn.

“Well, after putting you to bed at night, your parents and I had a very adventurous summer.” Cindy says, mirroring Lauren's deep throating action and holding my cock in her throat for minute before slowly sliding her lips back up. “I was about 19, a couple of years younger than you are right now, when your parents introduced me to my first threesome.”

“What?” Lauren and I both say in unison.

“My parents?” Lauren gasps.”

“Your parents.” Cindy says. “I was doing the same kind of tease on your dad, that you've been doing on your Uncle Jim.” She says, holding my cock toward Lauren, offering her another turn. “And it ended up the same way.” She adds. Lauren is just sitting there wide-eyed, with her mouth open, starring at Cindy.

“The guy you were telling me about yesterday?” Lauren finally asks.

“Yes, that was your dad.” Cindy smiles. “Of course, your mother and I had already been experimenting with girl-girl stuff for a few months, so it wasn't as much of a leap for me.” Cindy says, pulling Lauren's head down towards my cock. Lauren sucks absently on it as Cindy keeps talking.

“I was pretty surprised when your mom offered to share your dad with me, but now I understand the erotic appeal of a threesome.” She says, smiling. “I've been waiting ever since to find the right person to share the experience with and fate brought us you.” Cindy says, matter-of-factly.

“Enough talk, I think your Uncle Jim is anxious for us to finish him off.” She's right about that!

“My parents.” Lauren sighs, shaking her head, as her and Cindy position their mouths around my cock. As they nibble on opposite sides of my cockhead, I hump my ass off the bed, shooting my load into their alternating mouths, while wondering what Lauren's blog is going to say about all of this tomorrow.

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