A lady from my church helps out a newly widowed man

I'd never been much of a church goer, though my wife rarely missed a Sunday. I went more for her, than as a believer. She'd had a couple of small strokes, and felt better if I was there with her in case she had an issue, as well as to do the driving.

I've been a skeptic of religion since my college days, probably the result of many years of Catholic school, and a Jesuit high school. High school was good, and I liked the Jesuits. Unlike many, they teach you to think, and it's probably where I got my questioning nature. I'd also seen too many people twist religion for their own purposes, or deliberately misrepresent the words in the Bible.

My wife had, in her later years, engaged in a spiritual quest, wanting to learn more about the Bible and related subjects, and had started attending a Baptist church several years prior. My background was Catholic, so the Baptists were a new experience for me. I never really caught on to the outward enthusiasm many of them had for their faith, since my worship experience had been much more subdued. But, my wife enjoyed the services, and the social interaction was enjoyable. We made some good friends there, and people as a whole were friendly.

One aspect of the service that took some adjustment for me was the first segment, which was worship in music. It was more of a stage show, unlike the staid organ music and hymns of my youth. There was a seven piece ensemble, and even back up singers. Except for a few songs, I recognized almost none of the songs they played, though some were appealing. Occasionally they'd throw an old classic at us, which I preferred. For the most part, I didn't pay much attention to the “band,” though their pianist had a style almost like Bruce Hornsby. Then one Sunday morning a couple of years into my weekly church attendance, I noticed one of the back up singers looking my direction.

She was a tall, slightly chunky blonde, with a really pretty face, and wavy hair that reached down just over her shoulders. She had smallish tits, and wide hips. She tended toward long skirts and dresses, the kind that always said to me, “not interested in sex.” And she was looking right at me. It's funny how you can look at someone every week for a couple of years, and not really pay much attention; suddenly, I was captivated.

I smiled at her as our eyes met. I saw her already sparkling blue eyes light up, lingering on mine for a moment. She smiled, and went back to the song the group was playing. After the service she was involved in a conversation with some other folks, and not wanting to horn in, I just smiled and said a quiet “Hi” as I walked past, which was met with an equally warm smile, and a “Have a nice day.” Over the next months, we would have this same interaction, though never really stopping to chat, or even introduce ourselves. I noticed she had the typical wedding set, so obviously she was married. Perhaps she wasn't inclined to speak to other guys without her there, or at least aware. Or perhaps she was one of those people whom everyone knew, and just couldn't get away.

We went on like this for months, just not making the connection. I became more intrigued as time went on. I looked her up in the church directory, learning her name was Nancy, and she had a husband and four kids. From seeing her in church, and looking at her family photo in the directory, I figured she was in her early to mid 40's, quite a bit younger than my 60.

Time went by, and we'd have these quick hellos, but never really a conversation. Then, about three months later, my wife passed away. The folks at the church were quite supportive, and since my wife was a member of the church, I had the funeral there. Everyone was most gracious, for which I was grateful.

I had put the word out that, as much as I appreciated the good will, don't bring a lot of food over, which is a fairly common thing to do for the recently bereaved. My thinking was, I'm only one person, I will wind up with far more food than I can possibly eat on my own, and I hate to see it go to waste. I was perfectly capable of cooking for myself, and I was also really good at ordering food from restaurant menus. A minor consideration was that it would also save me from some of the more unusual concoctions that some folks prepare; I've seen too many times where people have been bombarded with lime Jell-O, marshmallow, cottage cheese surprise. I did mention that folks should come over and say hello, and visit for a while, as I would enjoy the fellowship. I was blessed to have a number of folks from the church come to visit, and I got to know quite a few of them a lot better than I had until now.

I had no idea how well. About three weeks after my wife's passing, a white Toyota van pulled up in the middle of a Tuesday afternoon. I didn't recognize the vehicle, but that was happening a lot those several weeks. As I looked out the window, I saw a pretty blonde step out. I immediately recognized her as Nancy, my back up singer. I met her at the door.

“Hi,” she said, extending her hand. “I'm Nancy. I heard about your wife, I'm so sorry.” I took her hand, and what started as a handshake turned into a long hug. I felt her smallish breasts press into my chest through the top of her long knit dress.

“Thanks. I'm Tom, and I appreciate you stopping by.” We pulled away from each other, our hands lingering on each other's. “There have been so many people from church coming to visit. It's been comforting.” I looked into her eyes a moment, almost getting lost in the bright blue. I regained my composure. “Well, come in. Sit a few moments. Can I get you something?? Tea?? Water?? Soda??”

I led Nancy into the living room. “Water would be great,” she said. I grabbed a bottle of water from the kitchen and brought it out, along with a soda for me.

“I have to admit something,” I said, drawing a curious look. “For the last almost a year or so, I've been noticing you catching my eye.” Nancy smiled. “But I have not been able to catch you to chat, or at least say hello til now.”

Nancy smiled. “Yeah, I realize. One Sunday when I was up on stage, I noticed you with your wife. You seemed to always be looking after her. I thought it was sweet.”

“Thanks,” I said with a smile. “She'd had a couple of small strokes a few years back, and toward the end, she was having more issues with balance. I told her she should just sit, but she said she liked to stand and sing. It seemed to give her a lot of pleasure to do that. So I would do what I could to keep her steady.”

Nancy looked at me, smiling. “Well, it always made me smile to see that. Then one day, I noticed you looking back at me. I wanted to meet you, but I'm on so many things, I can't get away from everyone after the service. I'm sorry. I should have made the time. I would have liked to have met your wife before she passed.” Nancy leaned over to hug me.

“I'm sorry, too. I think you two would have gotten along nicely.” I held Nancy's hands. We continued to talk for about 45 minutes, when she asked the time.

“A little after three,” I said.

She smiled. “I gotta go. I have a couple of kids to pick up.”

We stood and I walked her to the door. “Don't be a stranger. I really enjoyed having you here, and now that the initial flurry of activity has cut back, it would be nice to see someone occasionally. No big commitment, just a bottle of water and some conversation would be welcome.”

Nancy smiled, her blue eyes sparkling. “I'd like that too. I enjoyed this as well.” She leaned toward me, kissing me on the cheek. I smiled back, and kissed her briefly on the lips, making her giggle. I held her hands in mine as our eyes explored each other.

“Thanks for stopping by. I hope I'll see you soon.”

Nancy smiled as our hands parted. “Oh, I think you will.”

The next Sunday, Nancy was up on stage as usual, and I was sitting about halfway back in the church as I normally did. About halfway through the song portion of the service, she looked over at me, and our eyes met, lingering more than usual this time. I felt my heart leap as I realized she was definitely making more contact than just a glance into the congregation.

After the service, she stopped briefly to say hello. She took my hands in hers. “Good to see you this morning,” she said, squeezing my fingers between hers, a warm smile on her face.

I couldn't help but smile back. “Good to see you, too,” I said, my eyes fixed on hers. “I'm glad you came over the other day. It was a real mood boost for me.”

“Me, too. Would you mind if I dropped by one day this week??”

“I'd be delighted. Come over earlier, I'll make lunch.”

Nancy smiled. “I'd like that. Tuesday, maybe??”

“That should work out fine, I'm free all day. Say, noon-ish??”

Nancy's smile brightened, if that were indeed possible. “Noon Tuesday it is. Should I bring anything??”

I thought a moment. “Potato salad, if you like. I'll make burgers. It's too hot to make French fries anyway.”

“Great. I'll see you Tuesday.” As always, Nancy was approached by one of the ever present Sunday school crowd, and was pulled away, but not before giving me a quick hug, squeezing my hands as we parted.

Tuesday arrived way too slowly. I was getting anxious about lunch with a 40-something married woman I met in church, who seemed to be taking more of a shine to 60 year old me than I ever would have expected. Nancy arrived right on time, rolling up my driveway at twelve. I had the burgers made up and the grill heating. She came in, giving me a quick kiss and hug. It was nice feeling her warmth against my body as we embraced, the softness of her obviously braless tits pressing against me. She was wearing one of those t-shirt material maxi dresses, only this one had spaghetti straps, making a bra, unless it was strapless, impossible.

She stepped back as we broke our hug, holding out a container of potato salad. “Here's you go, as ordered,” she said, smiling.

“Thanks,” I said, kissing her. She didn't flinch, which surprised me a little. “Burgers are ready to go. If you reach up into that cabinet,” I said motioning to one of the many cabinets, “there are some plates and bowls. Put the potato salad in a bowl and pull down a couple of plates, and I'll get these started.”

I got busy with the burgers, asking Nancy if she wanted blue cheese on hers, which she had never tried, and thought might be tasty. She proved to be a good helpmate, finding her way around the kitchen easily, despite the obvious unfamiliarity. We got things put together, and had a nice lunch and chat at my dining room table.

“I love this table,” said Nancy, running her hand over the golden wood.

“It's quarter sawn oak,” I said. “My wife liked the look of it, so rich. She had accumulated quite a bit of oak furniture when she lived in the northeast. She must have searched every antique shop from Albany to Rochester, and down to Corning, and all through the Finger Lakes.”

Nancy smiled. “It's beautiful. I bet it cost quite a bit.”

“It probably did, but I really have no idea. She already had it when we got together.”

“I'd love to have something like this in my house. We recently moved to an older home, and the oak would look really nice there.”

“I'll keep that in mind if I ever decide to sell any of this. I like it too, so don't hold your breath.” Nancy laughed. I took her hand. “How about I refill your tea, and we can sit out on the swing??”

“That would be great,” said Nancy, picking up our plates and glasses, taking them to the kitchen. I poured her tea, grabbed myself a soda, and we went out to the deck, sitting on the swing.

Nancy took my hands in hers, looking up at me. “Thanks for lunch. The blue cheese on the burger was really good. I'd never tried that before.”

“I've done that for years. I got a taste for it when I was in high school. There was a place that melted it over a 1/2 pound burger. That and a pitcher of Michelob, and it was heaven.” Nancy laughed at my description, her smile bright. I pulled her to me in a long hug. “I'm glad you enjoyed that. It was fun doing this for someone again.” I kissed the top of her head softly. She lingered in my arms, and I kissed her again. She still was not breaking away from our hug, and I leaned down to kiss her blonde mane a third time. Instead of her gently perfumed hair, I was met by her soft lips. She took my face in her hands, kissing me deeply, but softly. I held her tightly as she melted into me.

We kissed for a long time, and I soon was sliding the straps of her dress off her shoulders. She was rubbing my thigh, just getting her hand under the leg of my shorts. It wasn't long before the head of my cock was sticking down the leg, but just beyond her reach. I pushed her dress down, releasing her tits, squeezing the right one. Nancy let out a soft moan, and I felt her fingers move farther up into my shorts, now contacting the swelling head of my dick.

“Oh,” she said softly, playing her fingers on it, then taking some of the shaft in her hand. I continued to play with her breasts, making her nipples puff out. She started stroking me in earnest, pushing the leg of my shorts up to allow about half my length out into the open. I leaned over to kiss her right nipple, sucking on it gently, making it fill out nicely. I moved to the left, repeating my effort. Nancy continued to stroke my cock, and it, too, was swelling.

I started to pull her dress down more so I could kiss down her belly, with the goal of licking her pussy, when she stopped me abruptly. “Are you going to do what I think you're going to do??”

“Go down on you??” I looked into her blue eyes. “Yes.”

Nancy's face showed disappointment. “That's not a good idea right now, I'm sorry.” I must have shown some disappointment of my own. “It's not that I don't want you to. It's just that it's…my time…if you know what I mean.”

I did. I had sex once many years ago with a girlfriend during her period. It's not something I wish to repeat. “I understand completely,” I said.

Nancy kissed me. “I'll make up for it next time. I wasn't ready for this today. I thought it would take a while longer til we got here,” she said with a sad smile. Next time?? I can work with that. “I can't remember the last time someone went down on me. My husband doesn't like to do it.”

I smiled. “I don't know about last time, but I know when the next time will be.” I kissed Nancy, giving her left tit a squeeze, making her start.

Nancy laughed. “He's actually done it a couple of times, but in 23 years, I can count on my fingers the times it's happened. I had a boyfriend my first year of college who did it a lot.” She got a dreamy look on her face. “I miss it.”

“Does hubby know about this??”

Nancy smiled. “Um, no. I didn't go into all that much detail about my previous life. Probably better some things are just left buried.”

“Yeah, and should stay that way. I knew a couple years ago who had one of those full disclosure conversations, and she admitted she had sex before she met her husband. She was maybe 19 at the time, in college. They were in their 30's when I knew them. He never quite got over the idea that she wasn't a virgin when they got married, and would bring it up during an argument.”

“Bet she didn't like hearing that all the time,” said Nancy.

“No. Eventually they split up.”

“That's too bad.”

“Yeah, I thought so too. She's remarried now. I don't know what he's doing.” I looked at Nancy. “Virginity is overrated anyway.”

Nancy laughed. “Ain't that the truth!!” She had been steadily stroking my cock as we talked, and I was getting rock hard. She pushed the leg of my shorts up, allowing my balls to slip out and rest on the seat. It was quite warm, and they had good hang to them. She took them in her hand, rolling them around a moment. “They're so big,” she said, feeling their heft.

“Having them played with by a good looking blonde will do that,” I said, making Nancy giggle. I slid forward on the seat, which pushed my shorts back. Nancy watched as I shifted, my cock now sticking straight up as my balls hung. She licked her lips, then moved off the seat, kneeling in front of me.

“Just because you can't go down on me, doesn't mean I can't go down on you,” she said, smiling and stroking my cock. She looked up at me, then took the head in her mouth, slowly licking around the head, making me twitch. “Mmmm…MMMMM,” she hummed as a big drop of precome flowed into her mouth.” She looked up at me. “That was a tasty surprise!!” she said, again licking her lips.

Nancy looked at me, my cock bobbing in front of her, then reached for my belt. “I think we need to get you out of these,” she said, undoing my belt, then the snap, then unzipping me. I lifted my ass off the seat, and she pulled my shorts down, carefully pulling the leg over my cock. I stepped out of them, now wearing only a t-shirt and sneakers. I slid forward so my balls hung over the edge of the seat, and giving Nancy a better angle to work on me.

Nancy shifted so she was in a good position, and took my cock in her left hand, stroking gently, her wedding set sliding up and down the shaft. Her right hand held my balls. She put the head of my cock in her mouth, again licking around the head as she stroked. On the down stroke, her hand went to the base as her mouth went as far as it could. She held me for a moment, then pulled back, leaving only the head in her mouth, then stroked her hand up. If she did this only a few minutes more, I was going to blow a mighty load.

Just as I thought I was going to lose it, she pulled away from me, reaching around to grab what she could get of my ass. “Stand up,” she said. I wasn't going to disobey. As I stood, Nancy moved so I had room to get off the seat. I watched as her tits swayed gently as she moved. “Now I can get hold of what I've been watching for months.” She took my cock in her left hand guiding it to her mouth, and put both hands on my ass, squeezing it as she worked her mouth up and down my straining dick. She soon had us in a good rhythm, which at some point stopped being her guiding my cock in and out, and became me fucking her mouth as she kneaded my ass. She'd look up at me with her big blue eyes, and I thought I'd melt.

A few minutes more of watching Nancy go up and down on me, seeing her tits bounce, and I could feel my dick swelling as I reached the breaking point. I slowed my pace, Nancy picking up on the clue. For a church lady, she knew her way around a blow job. She pulled me out.

“I know you're close,” she said, her pretty blue eyes looking up at me. “Let it go, all of it.” Her eyes seemed to be pleading for my come. I blew her a kiss. She smiled and took my cock back in her mouth, this time going slowly to the base, her eyes in constant contact with mine. I'm not sure what was hotter, the slow motion deep throat, or the eye contact. Both together were hypnotic.

I felt my cock start to pulse, then the head twitch, and Nancy, knowing what it meant, closed her eyes. She pulled back so just the head was in her mouth, then took my cock in her hand. I looked at her wedding set on the fingers wrapped around it. I started to shoot, first a long, thick spurt that made her recoil, then another. By the third one, she had started swallowing, but I was nowhere near done, and kept shooting long bursts of hot, white goo. I quickly outran Nancy's ability to keep up, and she let out an “Mmph” as she tried to swallow only to get another spurt before she could get that one down, then there were a couple of white trails flowing down her chin, one staying put, the other dripping onto her left breast.

I was trailing off now myself, and Nancy finished swallowing, finally releasing my spent cock. She smiled up at me, come on her pretty face and tits. She opened her mouth to show me my come on her tongue, then swallowed that. She still had her right hand on my ass, and held me while she cleaned up. If I had been 20 years younger, I probably would have gotten hard again, her mouth felt so good on me. When she was done, she stood and kissed me. I felt her naked breasts on my chest as I tasted my come on her mouth.

When we broke our kiss, I sighed heavily, looking into Nancy's eyes. “I bet they didn't teach you that in Sunday school.”

Nancy laughed. “No, they didn't. It was independent study.”

“It will probably do you well in the mission field, though. Don't know if the Southern Baptist Convention will approve of it as a way to win souls, though.”

“No, but it seems to work. I bet I made you see Jesus.”

I laughed. “That I did!! Praise the Lord!!”

We both laughed. Nancy kissed me. “Sorry I couldn't let you have me more completely. I'm just a mess right now.”

I took her hand. “Not a problem. I understand.” I told her of my youthful experience.

“We should get together next week, maybe I'll be in a better situation,” said Nancy, a sad smile coming to her face.

“I'll see you Sunday?? We can set something up, maybe later in the week. Or text me.”

“I have to see how my week looks. We'll talk Sunday. I'm not singing this week, so I'll be in the back, behind you.” She gave me a sly smile. “Watching your ass.”

I laughed. “So that's what that was about. You were kneading my butt like you were going to make biscuits out of it.”

Nancy laughed. “Yeah, well….when I'm not singing, and usually during the sermon when I'm off stage, I sit in the back.”

“I had noticed that.”

“So, one Sunday when I wasn't singing, I was standing back there during worship, looking around to see who was there, my mind kind of wandering, and I noticed this guy in a pair of jeans, standing in one of the front rows.”

I smiled. “Yeah, and….”

“And I'm thinking, he has a nice ass. And it's you!!”

“Ha, ha. And you had to have a piece of it.”

Nancy blushed. “Um…yeah.”

“Was it everything you expected??”

“Oh, yeah,” Nancy smiled broadly. “So was everything else!!”

I took her hands and kissed her. I thought about asking what inspired her to go after a 60 year old widowed man, or if she had done this before, but decided I'd just go with it. Sometimes it's best not to ask too many questions.

Nancy and I were able to chat a few minutes after the service on Sunday, and made a plan for Thursday lunch at my house. It was a good free day for her, with the added plus that she should be clear of her time by then.

Thursday seemed an awfully long way off, but sometimes fate hands you a bonus. I was in the little Wal Mart on the west end of town on Tuesday afternoon, when I saw a familiar blonde looking in the meat case. I was first looking at the denim skirt and dark blue cardigan, then when she looked up, I realized it was Nancy. I walked over to her. She was holding a package of rib eyes.

“They're pretty good with blue cheese melted on them.”

Nancy looked up, caught off guard, then realized it was me and laughed. “I heard that somewhere,” she said, giving me a big smile. I was quickly becoming enamored of her cheerfulness, and her smile could light up the whole town. We gave each other a kind of sideways hug at the meat section, chatted a few moments, then went our separate ways.

A few minutes later, I was over in the far end of the store looking for toothpaste and deodorant when I heard, “Hey!!” in a loud whisper. It was Nancy, standing in the main aisle at the end of the pet food. She looked up and down the main aisle she was standing in, then took two steps toward me, putting her out of the line of sight. She smiled at me, then reached up under her skirt. A moment later, she was slowly pulling down a pair of white cotton panties, which she slipped over one flip flop, then the other, rolled them up, and stuck them in her pocket.

A pair of plain white panties had never looked so sexy.

“Meet me outside after you check out. You know my van,” she said quietly, then backed out of the aisle and was gone. I finished up, getting to the checkouts just as Nancy was getting done. She gave me a quick glance as she went out the door.

I rushed through the checkout, one of those self serve things, which only served to prove my lack of aptitude as a checker. When I got outside, Nancy was already moving, heading to a more secluded spot toward a back corner of the lot, under a tree. I loaded my stuff and followed, parking on her passenger side. She rolled down the window.

“Back seat,” she called to me as the rear sliding door opened. By the time I moved from my car to hers, she was already in the back seat, leaned up against the window on the driver's side. Her cardigan was now unbuttoned to just below her breasts. No bra today. How had I missed that earlier?? She still had both feet on the floor, and was kicking off her flip flops. I moved over to her, and we kissed. I reached in to play with her left breast, making the nipple stiffen immediately. She responded by pushing up my t-shirt, playing in the hair on my chest, then pushing it over my head and off.

She again reached for my chest. “I love a hairy chest,” she said, running her hands all over me. I was getting hard, almost to the point of pain by now. While Nancy was playing with my chest, I reached over to caress her right thigh. She responded by opening her legs to my touch. I teased her, rubbing up and down, but stopping just under the hem of her skirt, which made her giggle. I slowly worked up higher, finally reaching my goal. I was pleased to find I was not the only one with hair, feeling what seemed to be a nice crop of pubes under her skirt.

“So, I'm not the only furry one,” I teased.

Nancy giggled. “Yeah, I like it that way. My husband wants me to shave it.”

“I'll never ask you. I like you just the way you are.”

Nancy smiled, then moaned softly as I traced the outline of her bush with my index finger, then slid it over her clit and inside her. “That feels good,” she whispered, now reaching for my shorts. She rubbed over my crotch, my already hard cock stiffening even more to her touch. After a minute or so feeling my dick through my shorts, paying attention to the bulging head, she unbuckled my belt and unsnapped them, slowly pulling my zipper down as I fingered her. My pulsing cock popped out, and she stroked it a couple of times, taking a moment to caress my balls.

“You don't like underwear, do you??”

I chuckled. “Depends what pants I have on. If it's denim, almost never, because the cotton is comfortable. Dress pants, not so much. I like not being restricted.”

“I like it,” said Nancy, still stroking me. “It seems like you're always ready.”

I kissed her. “I am for you.”

Nancy laughed. “It makes you easy to get at, too. Probably a plus if, say, we were riding together and I wanted to play while we drove.”

“We'll have to do that some time. You can wear that skirt, for exactly the same reason.” I lifted my ass off the seat, and she pushed my shorts down. Once past my knees, I pushed them the rest of the way, sliding them over my sneakers. I then turned to Nancy, facing her, my hard cock standing up in front of her. She reached for it, again stroking it.

“I want it inside me,” she said, looking me in the eyes. I wanted to go down on her first, but her bright blue eyes were giving me a pleading look, and I could now see her naked, spreading pussy up her skirt. Instead, I licked my lips and pulled her toward me, spreading her legs, and making her skirt ride up, exposing her blonde fur patch more fully. She put her right leg up on the seat, her left foot remaining on the floor. As she slid toward me, I could see her labia part, revealing her clit as her legs opened.

Nancy reached toward me again, taking my cock, placing it at her opening. I decided to go for it, and enter her, but pull out before I came so I could give her a good licking after some warm up, though it didn't appear she needed much. I pushed forward, feeling the head play through her blonde hair, then the warmth of her pussy as I slowly opened her up. I moved in till I felt the hair around my cock meet her bush. The head of my cock was poking her cervix. She drew in a sharp breath from my presence inside her, then a big smile. I kissed her.

“That's what I wanted!!” she said in a loud whisper. I kissed her again, deeply as I started to thrust, my pubic bone hitting her clit on each stroke. I loved the feel of her soft pubes on mine as our bodies met. Nancy was not missing a beat, and met me thrust for thrust as we pounded each other.

I was still planning to go down on her; fortunately at my age, I don't come too quickly, so no danger, but I did want her to come first while my cock was in her. I made some circular motions with my hips as I bottomed out, making Nancy start to breathe harder as the stimulation on her clit picked up. I felt her right calf go over my back. I pushed in hard for a couple of strokes, making her whimper, then she let out a yelp as the head of my cock hit her cervix. She quickly covered her mouth, then smiled, then let out a long moan as I ground the base of my cock into her clit. I felt her pussy get wet and her hips shake as she came. I held my cock in deep, letting her orgasm wash over her, and soak my dick and balls as it dripped out.

We kissed softly as she recovered, then I slowly pulled from her pussy. I squeezed my shaft as I withdrew, a large drop of precome emerging as I pulled away.

Nancy looked at my leaking cock. “Did you come??” she asked, looking a little surprised.

“Only a little. I'm not nearly done yet.” I smiled, licked my lips, and knelt in front of her. I kissed her slightly chubby thighs, working my way slowly to her blonde paradise, making her giggle as I tickled her legs. When I got to her pussy, I kissed and nuzzled around the edges of her blonde thicket, making her giggle as she thrust her twat toward me. I avoided her advances, kissing my way along the top of her triangle, then down the crease between her bush and right thigh. Finally, I gently licked up one side of her open labia, missing her clit, then down the other. I pushed her skirt up for better access.

“Should I take that off??” asked Nancy, reaching for the button at the top.

“Oh, no,” I said. “Having you while you're dressed is a real turn on.”

“Ohhh…..” Nancy's voice trailed off as the realization of that hit her. “My husband always wants me naked.”

“Can't blame him there,” I said, looking up for a moment. “But this is fun, too. You're gorgeous, clothed or naked. Well, I don't know about naked…yet!”

“I don't know,” said Nancy, sadly. “My boobs are too small, and my thighs are too big.”

I looked up again. “Really, you're nothing short of gorgeous. Don't fool yourself. If you were my wife, I'd be all over you. You don't need to be Dolly Parton, and I love your thighs. I could feel them around me every day.” Nancy smiled, but I could see tears welling up. Maybe no one had ever told her that before. “And I love the way your hips sway when you walk.”

“You watch me walk?!?”

“Every Sunday. It's all I can do to resist biting your wonderfully plump ass.” Nancy gave me a big smile, blowing a kiss at me.

I returned to the task at hand, now licking straight up the soft furrow of her lips, lingering on her now extended clit. Nancy's hips shuddered, then thrust into me. I tightened my hold on her little button, making her squirm. I released it, giving her pussy another pass, again tangling my tongue on her clit. She grabbed my head, forcing me into it. I have some flexibility, and moved so I could get my tongue inside her. I licked down below her clit, getting it into her pussy, fluttering it so I alternated between being inside her, and teasing her nub.

I did that for about two minutes, then felt her hands grip my head, pulling my hair. My face was suddenly coated with her womanly come. She cried out, hips bucking, thighs clamping on my head. I rode her out, still gently tonguing her pussy as a couple of waves of orgasm crashed.

When Nancy was finally relaxing a little, I moved up so I was over her. She grabbed my cock as I kissed her, pulling me to her. I quickly moved her so her ass was fully on the seat, her right leg bent against the back, left leg extending to the floor. She put my cock to her labia, and I pushed in hard. She recoiled and gasped, then started humping back at me, meeting each of my thrusts heartily.

We pounded at each other for several minutes, my balls slamming against her ass. A few minutes in, she was going over the top again, coating my cock with a splash of her juices. I slowed and pulled out of her. Nancy looked at me quizzically. I took her left hand, lifting her from the seat, and turning her so she was facing away from me, her hands supporting her against the seat back. I lifted her skirt, revealing her thick thighs and chunky ass, which framed her blonde pussy, the hair parted where her labia were open. I pushed the head of my cock on her clit, making her shudder, then pushed in slowly. I could feel her body react, her cunt tightening around my cock as I entered.

I started to bang away, my balls slapping her clit, my belly slapping against her ass. Nancy, having just come, was pretty primed, and soon was letting out a long, low moan as the next orgasm built. I dawned on me, as I looked around, that I had this married woman up on the seat of her van, with me behind her, standing up as best I could, all of the action high enough to be seen, in a Wal Mart parking lot in the middle of the afternoon. I was suddenly thankful for tinted auto glass.

I grabbed Nancy's ass and plunged deep, turning her moan into a growl. I saw her face grimace, and I knew she was going to come again. I slapped her ass, which set her off, her hips pushing back at me as she yelped, at the same time, soaking my cock. I held in her as she came and relaxed, finally pulling out and letting her lie down on the seat.

“I can't believe you haven't come yet,” she said, panting.

I smiled at her. “It takes a while. One of the few benefits of being an old guy. I'm getting close, though. Where do you want me when I come??”

Nancy smiled, and lay down on the seat, her punished twat peeking out at me from beneath her skirt. I watched her skirt ride up as she resumed her earlier position of left foot on the floor, right foot on the seat, leaving her pussy fully exposed to my whim. She gave me an enigmatic smile. “On top of me.”

I crawled up over her, kissed her, and put the head of my cock at her inviting labia. She took the shaft and guided it in, letting out a short moan as the head spread her lips, then slowly sank deep. Nancy sighed and smiled up at me as I reached her deepest realm. I started to pump in and out, building to a steady pace. Nancy met me thrust for thrust, her own excitement building, judging by the steady whimpering as I drew the top of my shaft over her clit.

Soon I was there. “Gonna come, Nancy.”

I felt her right calf move off the seat and wrap around my thigh, pulling me in. Her left hand gripped my ass. I felt her left thigh tighten around me. She looked up at me with pleading blue eyes. “Inside me. I want it.”

As if I had a choice. Nancy tightened her hold on me, and I pushed deeper, feeling our pubes mingle, and my tightening balls on her ass. I let go, spewing long bursts of come deep in her, flooding her pussy til my come was filling in the spaces between my cock and her pussy walls, and spilling back out of her. After about the third spurt, Nancy let out a short cry, then her hips shook as the force of my ejaculation triggered her own orgasm. We lay together slowly grinding our sex into each other as our orgasms trailed off. Finally, I was spent, and she relaxed, letting out a sharp sigh.

Nancy looked up at me, her eyes searching my face as we lay together, I atop her, my cock still stiff. It was swimming inside her. “Wow,” she said, still breathing hard, smiling up at me. “That was amazing!!”

I smiled. “Yes it was.” I looked down at her. “You were amazing. I don't know why your husband lets you leave the house.”

Nancy suddenly got a sad look. “If he had his way, I probably wouldn't get out, except to take the kids to school, go shopping, and to church.”

I had touched a nerve. “I'm sorry. I had no idea…”

Nancy cut me off. “Yeah, he's one of those ‘the man is the ruler of the household' Christians, and the wife is supposed to be subservient.”

“So, this is rebellion, screwing a newly widowed guy in the back of your van??” I said, smiling, but a serious question just the same. I slowly pulled out of Nancy, my dick bobbing in front of me, slick from all the come I had just deposited inside her. I watched as a long trail of semen started to flow from her wet and tangled pussy, a thick stream that spilled from her labia and ran down her right ass cheek, puddling on the back of her skirt. I sat back, Nancy putting her right leg in my lap. I took her hand in mine. “I sense some resentment.”

Nancy sighed. “Yeah, a little. We met in college. I was getting a degree in nursing. He was all for it, then we got married. I worked for a few years, then got pregnant. I took time off, then got pregnant again. I have three kids of my own, and we adopted one. They're all in their teens now. I always thought I'd go back to work once they got older, but he thinks a woman's place is in the home…” her voice trailed off.

“Don't sell yourself short. Raising kids is not an easy thing-I have four myself, all out on their own now-but it surely has its challenges. There's no shame in being a mom, so don't feel like you have not accomplished anything worthwhile. Besides, you can always go back at some point, though it looks like that might take an interesting conversation.”

Nancy smiled sadly. “Well, I'm 46 now, so it's been a long while since I graduated, and a lot has changed.”

“True. On the other hand, it's something you can do til you're old,” I teased her. “For what it's worth, and maybe this will give you something to think on, my mom graduated law school at 39, and passed the bar at 40, and was still teaching at 72. Don't let age intimidate you. I mean, you'll probably have to take some classes to catch up, and retest, but it's doable.”

Nancy looked at me. I could see the wheels turning. “Thanks. You've given me something to think about.” I reached toward her, she sat up, and we hugged. As we embraced, Nancy shuddered, then giggled. “I'm dripping!!” she said with a smile.

“Maybe better put those panties back on,” I suggested.

“Yeah, I better, or I'll be giving the neighbors a show when I unload the bags at home,” said Nancy, pulling her panties from her side pocket. She gathered up the sperm leaking from her pussy and licked her finger slowly. She was making me crazy. She slipped the left leg opening over her foot, then the right, raising her ass off the seat as she pulled them up. She noticed the puddle on the back of her skirt.

“Don't want him seeing that,” I laughed.

“He won't. He likes me in those long dresses and skirts you see me in most of the time. I'll change before he gets home.”

“Life with hubby sounds stifling.”

“It can be. He's a good man, mostly. He just has these antediluvian ideas sometimes. It's tiring. After 23 years, this is my first time stepping out.”

“How does it feel??”

Nancy smiled broadly and took my hand. “Strange, but at the same time, wonderfully fulfilling. Maybe it's because this is new and different, or because you see me for who I am, and have no expectations.” She squeezed my hand. “And you're sweet.” Nancy's eyes sparkled.

“And you have a crush on me.”

Nancy laughed and held her fingers about two inches apart. “Just a little. And you have such a nice ass!!” She hugged me, grabbing my ass in a good squeeze. She looked at her watch. “I should probably get going. I have cold stuff in here, and I have to get put back together by about 5:30, or it may be a more interesting evening than I planned.”

We got dressed, or at least I did; Nancy had removed only her panties and flip flops. We said our farewells and went our separate ways. She stopped over on Thursday as we had planned, and we enjoyed nice lunch, and a leisurely love session on my king bed, where we were able to fully explore each other. It was lovely lying naked with her, feeling her softness, taking our time, ending when I came in her pussy as she rode me, our fingers entwined and looking into each other's eyes as I filled her. I sent Nancy home with a huge , wondering how long she was going to able to hide that from her husband.

Oddly, Wal Mart became our meeting place. It wasn't something we had planned; we just always seemed to run into each other there. I'm retired, so I tended to go at off hours, usually middle of the day. Since Nancy had kids in school, it was a convenient time for her, too, and our back seat tumbles became a semi regular event over several months. Then, one night, I was in the local Super Center about 9:30, and as I walked around to the cleaning supplies looking for a box of SOS pads, there she was, in the same denim skirt she wore the first time we got together in her van, and a dark gray polo shirt, looking for Lysol wipes. I put my hand on her shoulders as she searched.

“Hi,” I said quietly.

Nancy was a little startled, then laughed when she saw it was me. “Hi,” she said, putting her arm around me, pulling me tight. She reached up and gave me a short kiss. Her eyes were shining as she looked up at me. “Late night shopping run??”

“Not exactly late. It's only about 9:30. You're just used to seeing me during the day. I tend to stay up late.”

“So, you're one of those people who is in here at 3 AM picking up dog food,” she teased.

“Cat food, actually, and I do need to get some. Walk with me??”

“Sure,” said Nancy, grabbing a can of wipes and tossing it in her cart. We walked together to pet food, holding hands as we went. We turned into the pet food aisle, where I started perusing the Friskies cans. It always takes me a few minutes to find what I need, since there are a lot of choices, and they are continually moving things around.

“Finding everything OK??” came a voice from down the aisle. There was a stocker working on a platform putting treats up on a high shelf.

“I'm doing OK. Just takes me a minute to find the right item,” I said, pulling a case of shreds off the shelf and putting it in Nancy's cart.

The stocker, a man about 35, looked at us. We must have looked like a happy couple to him. “Date night??” he teased.

Nancy squeezed my hand. “Sorta. Togetherness is where you find it, even a quick trip to Wal Mart.”

“Married long??” asked the stock clerk.

“23 years,” I said, kissing Nancy's hand. “Gets better every day.” I looked at Nancy and smiled. She was looking back at me adoringly. “If it gets any better, this trip might end up with us pulled around in a dark corner by automotive.” Nancy laughed. We started walking.

The stock clerk called after us. “You two behave, now.”

Nancy and I turned the corner, got three steps, and burst out laughing. As we walked toward electronics, we settled down. Then Nancy stopped, pulling me to a stop. She stood on her toes and nibbled my earlobe. “When we get out of here…”


She nibbled my ear again. “I want you to take me back around by automotive…”

“Yes…” I was getting hard. Well, harder.

“Find a dark corner, and get in the back seat.” She gave me a longer nibble, and bit my neck.

“Uh huh….” My cock was now tenting out my shorts right there next to office supplies. “And what do you want me to do??”

Nancy again nibbled my ear. “I want you to fuck me,” she whispered huskily.

“Oh, and one more thing.” She squeezed my hand tight. “I'm not wearing panties.” She stepped back, looking me in the eyes, a sly smile on her face.

I pulled her into the adjacent aisle about two steps. I looked into her eyes. “You drive me crazy,” I said, then kissed her, long and deep. While we kissed, I reached up under her skirt and squeezed her chunky bare ass. “If you keep doing this, one of these days I'm just going to take a bite out of that marvelous ass.”

Nancy giggled and flipped up the back of her skirt. “Come and get it!!”

I slapped her right cheek, making her laugh. “Be careful what you ask for. It could lead to a lot of explaining!!”

Nancy laughed again, and we headed for the checkouts. I had only a few items, which I quickly scanned and bagged. Nancy had a couple dozen.

I watched as she leaned over to pick them out of the cart and put them on the counter. When she leaned forward, she went far enough so I could see her B cup titties swaying under her top. Hmm, no panties and no bra. Rough and ready!! I enjoyed the view while she got set up. I scanned and bagged, and we were soon on our way. I went to my car and tossed my bag in, then went to her van and got in. She found a spot that was out of the way, and under a tree, so pretty dark. As soon as we parked, she climbed into the back, and I followed.

“Get naked,” she said, pulling her shirt over her head, her tits bouncing as she tossed it over the seat back. I pulled my t-shirt off, tossing it on the other end of the seat, then undid my shorts and pulled them off. Nancy unbuttoned and unzipped her skirt, wriggling out of it and putting it on top of her shirt. We kissed deeply, me feeling her tits, playing with the nipples, she stroking my cock even harder than it was when I pulled my shorts off.

We kissed and fondled for a couple of minutes, she alternately playing in the hair on my chest and stroking me; I fondling her tits, and running two fingers over her pussy, fingering her clit as she opened up, then sticking them inside her, playing her insides till she moaned. I pulled my fingers away, and she climbed on me. We kissed again, and I felt her hand take my cock and put it at her pussy lips. She sank down on me immediately, right to my balls. I felt my dick open her up, and she let out a long moan as my cock made its presence known. I grabbed her ass and pulled her tight to me, then started working her up and down, dragging her clit over my shaft, then pulling her tight for a different angle. I did this for all of about three minutes, Nancy moaning and whimpering as her orgasm drew closer.

Now that she was close, I let Nancy dictate the motion, wanting her to reach her peak on her time. She rode hard for a few more minutes, I meeting her pounding, then slowed. I put her right nipple in my mouth, then the left, sucking each till I felt her start. I felt her hips shake, then buck, and she let out a whimper and a long sigh as she came. She kissed me hard and pushed down hard on me, her pussy juice flowing as she rode out a good come. We were both out of breath, but I had not come yet.

Nancy rolled off me, taking a position on her back. She smiled at me as I looked at her, this lovely blonde housewife, naked in the back of her van, nipples puffed out, thick thighs spread, labia framed by a nice patch of golden blonde, open and inviting my cock to enter.

“Come fuck me,” said Nancy, smiling as she always did. For a church lady, she used that word a lot. Her eyes sparkled in the darkness. My cock was stiff as a post, the head flaring, ready for what she offered me. I climbed over her, my dick bobbing as I moved. She took it, stroked it a couple of times, then guided it to her open pussy, letting go as I reached her. I rubbed it up and down her slit, making her jump when it teased her clit, then slowly pushed in, going all the way to her cervix. “Mmmm, yeah, oh I love how you fill me.”

Once inside, I could feel how slick she was following her orgasm. I started to pound her hard, my balls slapping on her ass, my cock going deep. She started breathing heavily after a minute or so, and I felt her hand grab my ass.

“I love feeling your ass clench while you fuck me,” she said, pulling me tight to her as I continued my assault on her married pussy. I ground into her, letting her get a good feel for my ass muscles working as I balled her. I felt her left leg go around me, pulling my thigh in close.

I knew I was getting close to coming. I thought for a moment about just blowing my load in her, as I usually did, then it occurred to me that might not be such a good idea if she was going home right away. Coming back from Wal Mart smelling like she just got laid-because she just got laid-and maybe with the evidence on her thighs was not going to play well.

I looked down at Nancy, eyes closed, off into another world. “Nancy, honey, I'm going to come,” I said, just as I was about to reach the point of no return.

She opened her eyes wide. “No!! Not inside me!!” I let go the first blast while I was pulling out, but not quite fast enough, and a good shot went into her pussy. The second blast went up her belly, hitting her left tit just to the right of the nipple. The next one went up her belly, the next three or four landing on her belly, dropping into her bush, finally trailing off and dripping onto her labia and the tops of her thighs. She was a mess.

Nancy say up, smiling. “Sorry, I should have said when we started. I was so horny, I just wanted you in me.” She looked down at her come spattered body, and reached a finger into her pussy. “Did you come inside me??”

“Only a little. I didn't get out quite fast enough.” Nancy made a face, dipping a finger back into her pussy, pulling out a dollop of sperm, and licking her finger. “I should be able to hide this…somehow.”

“Well, here, let me help clean up,” I said, getting on my knees in front of her.

“You're going down on me now??”

I pulled her so her pussy was accessible from my position. I licked my lips. “Yup.” The look on Nancy's face was priceless.

I licked around her bush, gathering up what come I could, then licked over her clit. I thought she was going to hit the roof of the van when I swirled my come covered tongue over her little button. Then I went for the bullseye, licking up her still parted furrow, gathering up what seemed to be most of the semen I had spilled in her, again licking over her clit. Nancy let out a long moan, then her hips smashed into my face, her pussy juicing heavily. I felt her hands grip my head and pull my hair as she came forcefully. I held on and swallowed, taking what I could. I lingered on her clit till she was finished, then licked slowly up and down her spread labia, savoring the tangy taste.

Nancy was still breathing hard when I kissed her thighs and got back up on the seat. I kissed her hard. To my surprise, she met me with equal force. I didn't expect her to be so eager to taste herself on me. Once she got into the kiss, though, she was all in, running her tongue around my lips, and tangling with mine. She reached down to give my wilting cock a stroke, and got a handful of drool, since the rest of my orgasm was still leaking from it.

“Oh, now, we can't have that,” she said, kneeling. I watched as she took my cock in her mouth, licking me clean. It didn't take long, since I had come mostly outside her, but it was nice looking at her tits swaying as she moved. She got back up on the seat and kissed me. We looked at each other a moment.

“That was hot,” said Nancy. I've never had a fuck like that, ever. You were so hard!!”

I laughed. “You were so hot. This,” I motioned around the back seat, “was incredible, and seeing you naked in the back of your van was a total turn on. But you know what really kicked me into high gear??”

Nancy took my hand. “Unh, unh.”

“In the store. First, playing like we were married for the stock clerk, but after when you were nibbling at my ear, telling me you wanted me to take you around back and fuck you.”

Nancy laughed. “I don't know where that came from. Must have been something about what the stock clerk said about behaving. I've always been such a ‘good girl, ‘ never doing anything like that. Though I felt horny when I left the house.” She looked at me with a smile. “Glad I did it, though!!”

“That would explain the no panties, I guess??”

Nancy laughed again. “Yeah, actually, it would. Once I got out of the driveway, I got thinking about how we always seem to run into each other in Wal Mart these days, and how I took them off that first time over in the Neighborhood Market. I found myself playing with my pussy as I drove over. I caught a red light, realized I had a moment, and pulled them off. I already wasn't wearing a bra anyway, so why not??”

“And then I show up.”

“Yeah!! That was totally unexpected.” Nancy kissed me. “But very welcome!!”

“You should probably put your panties back on,” I suggested.

Nancy sighed, a resigned sigh. “Yeah, I should. He'll wonder why I went to the store with no underwear.” Nancy laughed nervously. “I have some clean up to do first. This guy I met in the store really doused me with his hot come.”

“Yeah, you gotta watch those grocery hook ups. You're just lucky he didn't blow his load inside you. It'd be ‘clean up in aisle 4, and 5, and 6….'”

Nancy laughed as she got a handful of Kleenex from the console in front and started sopping up the sperm that coated her belly and tits. She revealed a secret to me as she wiped off her belly and tits. “You know, until we had our, um, get together, in the van a month ago, I had never had sex in a car.” She looked over at me.


“Yeah. I said I was always the good girl. I spent a lot of time in high school fending off horny boyfriends. I was going to save myself for marriage.”

“Did you??”

“Yeah. I actually did.”

“Was it worth the effort??:

Nancy's look said all I needed to know. “Nah. Once I had sex the first time, I thought, nice, but I held off all those boys when I could have been doing this?? It was good, but it might have been better if I'd had a little practice.”

I laughed. “I think a lot of people, mostly girls-because any sex is good for a guy-are underwhelmed by the first time. Probably because most everyone is lacking experience, so it's a lot of fumbling in the dark, and rarely the rocket launch, earth shaking thing they expected.”

Nancy leaned over to kiss me. “I dunno. We did some fumbling in the dark just now, I think it was more fun than I've had in years!!” she said in a loud whisper. “I went off like a Roman candle,” she said, smiling, and finishing her clean up.

I looked at her a moment, thinking. “We have the novelty factor working in our favor. This is still new and very different, and forbidden, especially for you. Give us 20 years, we'll be jaded and cynical to each other by then, like every one else.”

Nancy laughed, then got a serious look. “You think we'll still be doing this in 20 years?? I'll be…..66 then.”

“I may be glad to wake up every morning in 20 years. I'll be 80, if I make it that far. But if you're willing to help me along, I'll look forward to that.” I took her hand, kissing it.

Nancy smiled, her eyes twinkling in the dark. “I'll keep you young.”

“See, now you have a mission project.”

She giggled at that. “Well, they always tell us when we leave church we're going into the mission field,”

Nancy was now holding the clump of tissues she had used to clean my come off her. “I'll take those and toss them,” I told her. “I don't have to worry about anyone asking why I have a bunch of come soaked tissues in the glove box.”

Nancy laughed again, and wrapped up her soiled tissues in a new one. I took them and stuffed them in my pocket once I pulled my shorts on. As I dressed, I watched Nancy pull her panties on, then her skirt, and finally her shirt. It was almost as arousing as watching her undress. Once recomposed, we climbed back up front, and she drove over to where my car was parked.

We kissed and I got out. As I opened the door, I reached for her hand. “See you Sunday??”

“Unless you have to go ‘shopping' before then,” said Nancy, winking at me.

“I think someone is taking to this having sex in the back seat thing,” I teased her. “Like she's making up for missing out in her high school years.”

Nancy looked at me as if I had found her out and blushed. “It is hot, being naked in a back seat and doing something you're not supposed to.” She looked at me a long moment, almost burning a hole in me. “And doing it with you is such a rush,” she said, squeezing my hand.

I didn't see Nancy the rest of the week. Sunday morning, she greeted me with a hug, as she usually did. There are a lot of huggers in that church, so nobody thought anything of it. As we held each other, she whispered in my ear, “Shopping Tuesday??”

I think we have a date. We go shopping a lot nowadays. I never looked forward to a Wal Mart trip so much till now.

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