Young classmate’s cock

Hello friends, It's a busy day as our classes are going on ,while sitting in last row of classroom ,I am listening lectures as I am in class 11th and it's our school dress that have made our classmates (boys)too hot and horny in classes also as they love to eye our(gals)sexy nude legs and some parts of thighs as being careful in classes always is not possible,so short it's miniskirt of our school dress is that sometime I felt bit ashamed as well as want to complain about it to school administrators but maximum gals are well comfortable in this short skirt with a shirt and tie as well as shoes makes us look like school going gals.

So is a 17 years old gal as my body is sexy with figure of 30-24-34 as my small boobs looks hot and guys get some visibility of my brassiere and boobs also ,if a single button of shirt opened inside ass is round with its smooth surface,no one can see my vagina till I remove my panty,I always wear full size panty to cover my sexy last week was memorable for me as I got chance to watch my mom's live sex show twice and than I got my mom's lover's penis to love (“read previous story ‘Mom with a stranger' & it's part).so as I am listening lectures with my face straight,I felt someone throwing a piece of paper to me as it hits on my leg and looking towards the direction as piece of paper was thrown,I can't see anyone eyeing at I can guess the naughty guy and I am waiting for lunch break ,as it's the last class prior to lunch break.after a while ,lunch break starts and I am still on my chair as my friends walked out of classroom,so I got the look of guy that's eyeing at me and I smiled as I moved towards classroom get deserted soon,I ask him………

“Have you thrown a piece of paper ? Nitin please don't do it again otherwise I will complain about it to school authority
(Nitin)sorry for it but will you reply of it ?as I have written it in paper
(Dipaali bit serious)sure ,I am not in love with you or any guy till now and it's your lust that have made you like this.”

And I walked out of classroom as I have shown him my anger ,it's for his indecent behaviour as I don't want to make our physical love (if we do so) ,a story inside school I am in the lawn of school premises as my friends are there and as I joined them,we started talking about our my mind is on Nitin as he is a of 18 years with fair complexion but his physical appearance's looks good with his tall figure of 6'0 feet and wide chest to strong arms.I have always thought for physical relationship with him for last two weeks but don't want to be emotionally attached with our classes starts soon and as I eyed him sometime ,he is bit relaxed ,classes lasts at time and I walked out of college premises .as I hired an autorickshaw for my home,my mobile started ringing and it's an unknown number as I received it………

“Hi who's speaking?
(Unknown voice)sorry for disturbance,Nitin here
(Dipaali)oh I see!where are you?
(Nitin)just in parking lot of college.”

As I asked autorickshaw driver to go ahead and I am waiting for nitin's arrival ,later in he came on his bike as he stopped the bike and said……..

“sit with me,I will drop you to your home .”

And my mind is bit unconscious as I sits on back of his bike ,with my both legs in one direction,I put my one hand on his shoulder as my legs are crossed and he moved with me as I felt bit afraid also of his behaviour but I am on bike with Nitin as my right breast is touching his back,I felt it before with my mom's lover Sam ,so started pressing my breast on his back as showing him a sign of my loves Nitin is driving bike fastly and as my home is nearby,he stopped the bike and said”sorry for that act .”and I walked away as I reached home and changed my dress,now took refreshment as I came to dinning space,mom is sitting there as I sits near him and looking at me,she asked………

“Dipaali how your study is going on ?
(Me)fine mom.”and she moved to kitchen as I am there thinking of nitin's and my upcoming sexual session with him,but if he will start it than I will move forward in physical my mom came there with cups of tea as both are drinking it and looking at me,she said……….

“after an hour dad will be here
(Dipaali)ok it's fine.”and I have my tea as I walked to my bedroom to have rest,feeling too exhausted after a day long classes,I slept there and my eyes opened when my mom came inside room.Its 08:45 pm and after sometime ,I have lunch with my mom & my mom & dad walked to their room as I walked towards my bedroom,after some time ,I took my mobile as I saved the number of Nitin as I am thinking about my tomorrow's meeting.I slept after a while and my night passed peacefully,in the morning after my refreshment as well as bath,I left for my school.
I am sitting in an autorickshaw as I called Nitin and he received my call……….

“Hi Dipaali ,how are you?
(Dipaali)fine want to meet you at an isolated place
(Nitin)oh ,but we have to bunk our classes
(Me)ok we can do it,so where we will meet?
(Nitin)I have parked my bike just inside college premises ,so I think you should wait at school's gate.”and after 10 minutes,I left autorickshaw as I am standing near a bus stop and than I called him………

“Nitin ,come at nearby bus stop .”and he came there as I sit on bike and he drove me towards outer ringway as I have no ideas of love points in the I am sitting with Nitin as my hand is on his shoulder ,with my both legs in same direction,I have put it crossed and today I have put a miniskirt with shirt ,shoes on my legs and white stockings my right breast is pressing hard on his back as I am doing it intentionally,Nitin is riding his bike smoothly as we both reached the outskirts of city.nitin parked the bike as he looked at me ,said………”this park will be safe for us as it's locality is remote and we both can talk here without any problems.”so Nitin holds my wrist as we both are in school dress,some people are looking at us but if you live in a place like Delhi ,you must be bold,selfish as well as confident while doing some thing sexy or we two frisked inside a park as it's looks like deserted with no proper maintenance in it ,so being bit scared,I said………

“Nitin this place is making me bit afraid
(Nitin)oh baby,nothing to worry.”

And we walked inside as we are at the end of park,it's near lotus temple in Kalkaji as we sits on grass and I put my school bag , so he we both are sitting facing eachother as he is eyeing my sexy thighs but stockings have made it little covered as it's looks Nitin asked………

“Dipaali ,I know we both have left our classes and here we have to talk something specific
(Dipaali)yes Nitin but I want to say that nothing should be disclosed ,so we can enjoy our relationship with ease .” and he moved closer as his hand moved on my legs ,he is touching my legs to stockings and it's my pleasure to have had with him instead of something his hand is on my sexy thighs as he is looking at my face and my whiteish complexion face is feeling some sensation as I started closing my eyes.nitin is just moving his hand on my legs to thighs as I signalled him to remove my shoes and he did it as his hand is now going inside my skirt,will he rub my vagina or will remove my panty first,let him do? ,as I want to have sexual affair with him ,now his hand is on my inner thighs as I am feeling bit hot and horny, so I hold his wrist on my skirt and respond negatively ….not to go there.

He put his hand on my wrist as he put my hand away and now reached his destination as he is pinching my vagina on it's a tough time for me to keep cool as I don't want to do something silky, so he put his other hand on my breast on shirt and started pressing it.Its my whore mom ,who have provoked me for sexual activities as I am feeling his hand on my soft boobs and vagina,I am a hot blonde right he is just pressing my breast while pinching my vaginal flesh,so it's my hot cunt getting horny and I said slowely……….

“Nitin , don't do it , please remove my G string first.”as Nitin left my vagina and inched closer to me,I am feeling the heat in a spring season as he put his hand on my waist and unhooked my G my vagina is nude and Nitin is touching it with his hand,so my hand is on his shoulders as I sits on his lap with my legs wrapped and Nitin started kissing my face and neck as I am pressing hard my boobs on his chest.we both are in a deserted park as it's a nice day for us and as Nitin put his lips on my lips ,I took his lips in my mouth to suck,not going to tolerate him more without doing anything sexy.

So his lips are sealed as I sucked it and it's great to feel my skirt going up to my waist and it's my nude ass getting touch of nitin's I left his lips and as he took out his tongue ,I put my tongue on his tongue as we both are licking eachother's tongue and it's my tongue that's frisked inside his my sexy ass is getting the hard touch of his hand as my tongue is getting sucked and he is hard in it as I can feel his finger searching my I put my hand on my back ,as I guided his finger in my vagina while putting my sexy ass little up and he pushed his long finger in my cunt as I am feeling it's rub inside glory hole.never going to apologise for my sexual relationship as he left my tongue and started fingering my cunt fastly as my head is on his shoulder,I am screaming

“oohh aahh fuck fuck it hard”

and he took his finger out of dry cunt as I sits on my legs are straight as my skirt is on waist and my vagina is nude ,stockings is making my legs and thighs sexy as I put my hand on his trouser to remove it's my hand that have removed his trouser as he is sitting in his undies only,his bulge seems hard and straight,so I hold it on his undies as I am pressing it and Nitin pulled his undies as he have made his cock nude.looking reddish as it's glans is soft and round,I have hold its base as I started masturbating it slowly ,so Nitin put his hand on my shirt as he started unbuttoning it and as I am showing my resistance ,he opened my 3-4 buttons only as it can give him enough space to hold my my hand is giving his penis a hard jerk and he took out my boobs from my push-up bra as he is massaging it it's my semi-nude body that can make anyone horny and Nitin is pressing my breast hard as I am masturbating his penis,but I am looking for but if he force to do so,not going to give him my best sexual session as I am bit shy of my sexual relationship between me and he took me again on his lap as I put my knees on his lap to put my boobs in his mouth and Nitin hold my breast as he started sucking it with his hand moving on my buttocks.

So he pushed his long finger in my cunt as he is sucking my breast with finger inside vagina,I hold his penis again and started masturbating it fastly ,my is making park hotter “oohh uuhh suck suck hard you dog”and his finger have made my cunt a boiler as I am near to he sucked my both breasts as we are sitting on grass,I have put my skirt down to cover my vagina as I am looking at nitin's long erected penis and now I am too horny as I leaned my face on it and started kissing it frequently.

So my body is on legs and elbows as I am a bitch on grass and Nitin is a happier guy as he is getting his glans kisses of my lips,now I put his penis in my mouth to suck and my boobs are out of shirt as he is pressing my breast with other hand as one hand is busy in fingering my cunt ,so it's cock no.2 ,which is in my mouth as his penis is 6-7 inches long ,I am sucking it harder and he is fingering my cunt as my sexy voice “oohh aahh uuhh”is out of my mouth and than I took out his penis as I stood up infront of him.

Now Nitin is on my legs as he lifted my skirt upto waist and put his lips on my cunt ,so my legs are wide as it's shivering and he started licking it as his fingers have opened the vaginal we both are attending our biology class as it's our laboratory and his tongue is licking my cunt fastly as I shouted

“uuhh Nitin suck suck my cunt ,I will cum”and little fleshy vagina is in his mouth as he is sucking it wildely and than my vagina poured cum as he got the taste of my cum .now feeling bit tired as I sits on grass and Nitin is standing infront of me ,now I hold his penis and started sucking it again ,it's tastes sweet as I love eating / licking ice-cream ,penis have been on top for me as I have hold his waist and my mouth is giving his penis a nice his cock is growing harder as glans is hitting on my throat and after a while as I felt precum coming out of penis,I took it out and started licking it ,he wants to have drinks of his cum but I am still confused about its taste ,so I licked his penis and now stand infront of him as I am masturbating his cock fastly.after a while,Nitin screamed louder”oohh hard aahh it's out aahh”and his penis sprayed cum at a great speed as my hand is covered with cum,it's ejaculated on grass and I left his penis as I washed my vagina and hand with waters ,so I am sitting on grass and after half an hour ,I put my G string as well as brassiere on my sexual organs as I put my shirt and skirt we both are too exhausted as we rested there and as our love session ends ,we moved inside lotus temple to enjoy some nice time .in the evening he dropped me at my classmate Nitin have got his love , so called love as I know it's a physical love only.

Added by Dipaali

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