Threesome Fantasy Becomes Reality

We've been together now for 25 years, married for 23 of those, and despite the rare interruptions driven by work stress we still have a great . Maybe that's because we always try to keep it interesting? Who knows, but we've often indulged in fantasy play and the occasional puff of weed has loosened inhibitions that in turn led to some pretty .

My wife is all woman; a gorgeous 5ft 7in blue-eyed, strawberry-blonde, 140lbs of curvy, with magnificent 36C breasts. That's how she was when we met and is today and she still excites me now at 55 years old, although most people think she's in her forties. Not a physical description that would fit with the imaginary world of porn where all woman are super skinny with DD boobs; but Nicole, with her French background also has a sparkling, chatty personality that draws people in with her not-always-naïve flirtatiousness.

Nicole is a super sensual woman and guys see that.

Me? Well my name's Neil and I've managed to stay trim and fit at 6ft and 180lbs; my hair may be graying slightly in a couple of spots but I've been blessed with a low level of fat and I still wear the same size pants I did 30 years back.

Enough scene setting and back to the story…

I don't recall when it first came up; I think Nicole had once suggested, under the influence of weed, we share fantasies and I played along suggesting I loved to see her enjoying herself even to the extent of letting her become my Hot Wife so long as I could either watch or that she should tell me all the details. Some days later Nicole knocked on our bedroom door pretending that she had arrived at my – I was her lover that night and we both enjoyed the eroticism of our new game. It was a game that would play out again and again.

“Imagine if we would really do this” Nicole said as we lay in bed cuddling after another round of fantasy-driven sexual exploits.

“I'd let you…” I let the words hang. Then, “You have guys lusting after you all the time; it wouldn't be difficult.”

I felt Nicole's body tighten against mine briefly, then she turned her face towards mine and kissed my lips, opening her mouth to invite my tongue. Her right hand slid across my abs and grasped my hardening member.

“The idea turns you on huh?” she asked playfully.

I swallowed and moaned slightly as I kissed her again, this time harder.

“Only if you tell me about it. I'd want to know details. No secrets.” I replied, my arm across her back drawing her close.

Nicole's leg was already over mine, so it was an easy motion to slide herself across my body. She reached down to guide me into her as she pushed her hips towards mine; we had made love not long before, but we were both ready again.

“Ok…” escaped her lips in a half whisper, half gasp that made me push up into her. The idea alone was so incredibly erotic, I felt as if I would come almost immediately and as it turned out we both came pretty quickly in a flurry of thrusting, moaning, and kissing.

The whole idea of Nicole with another guy became a frequent, but not exclusive, part of our sexual games and fantasy play, separate to our lovemaking but more erotic, and either one of us could draw the other into a story at a moment's notice without difficulty or awkwardness. The total trust between us made the idea of it actually happening both unreal and totally possible, both at the same time, as contradictory as that may sound. So the day Nicole called me from the airport left us both equally exhilarated and nervous.


“Hi Sweetie, I'm in the airport lounge. The points upgrade you arranged came through!” Nicole gushed on the phone.

”Cool.” I replied. “You should have a comfortable flight. Depending on the type of plane, you might get one of those seats that converts to a flat bed.”

“Mmm, I hope so! Wish you were here Sweetie, although you might be jealous.” My happy sounding wife continued. “I was just chatting to our very handsome Captain.”

“Captain for your flight?”

“Yes! Coincidence that he was just here in the lounge, there's not many people around, and we got talking. He said he might be able to show me the Pilot's Cabin where they get to…hang out…” her voice trailed off.

“Where the pilots sleep you mean?” I asked.

“Uh huh.”

“He wants to show you his bedroom?” I laughed, so did Nicole.

“Well if you put it like that.”

“Are you thinking what I am?” I asked quietly.

“Depends…” Nicole was being coy but I could almost hear her smile through the phone.

“Do the words ‘mile-high-club' come into your thoughts.” I continued.

“Are we playing or is is this real?” she replied.

“It could be real. The thought is making me hard.”

Nicole gasped. “I want to, I just don't know if I can.”

“Is he handsome?”

“Yes…probably around 35, tanned, dark hair, charming and looks like a great body. His name's ‘Roger'.”

“Let's leave it like this, IF the opportunity arises you have my full permission to do anything you want. You'll be telling me details while I'm ravishing you next whether those details are real or made up, ok?”

“Ok. Well it's making me wet thinking about it. Flight is boarding soon. Love you!” she signed off.

“Love you too. Have a good flight.”

Hanging up the phone, I stared out the window of my home office; I was rock hard as I thought of Nicole with her flight captain. Would she go through with it? The idea excited me to the point that I was definitely going to have to find something to focus on or give in and stroke myself to the thought of my wife joining the mile-high club.


Nicole and I have no secrets and we had now played her becoming a Hot Wife on multiple occasions; sure it was a fantasy between us but one that we both knew and accepted could become real if we allowed it. My wife is sexy and sensual, and the physical side of our marriage has always been full of love as well as eroticism.

The night after her flight Nicole had FaceTimed to tell me the details of her adventures with the handsome Captain. She had no problem telling me what had occurred but was stretching out the details to make sure that I was both ok with hearing them and at the same time making our conversation itself into an erotic experience.

“Start at the beginning. I want to know the details.” I told her.

“Ok, I told you about meeting Roger in the lounge; well I'd given him my middle name so I guess he maybe had trouble identifying me.” Nicole started. “The Stewardess gave me a note addressed to ‘Mrs 7D' inviting me to follow her to the front; she pulled the curtains behind us then tapped on the security door. Anyway, Roger opened it and there's kind of a tight little space with a door to the cockpit and a spiral staircase. Barely enough room for both of us to stand so he headed up the stairs and just told me to follow him.”

“What happened next?” I pressed her to continue.

“It's pretty low so he couldn't really stand and he sat down on the bed as I came up the stairs. There was a proper bed with pillows and everything; plenty of space to play six miles high up.”

“Six miles?” I questioned.

“Yes, apparently.” Nicole confirmed. “Roger claimed the bed hadn't been ‘christened' yet but he didn't waste any time pulling me in for a kiss and starting to unbutton my jacket.”

“Doesn't sound like you were resisting.” I laughed.

Nicole laughed back, continuing “Next thing I knew I was down to my pearls and my panties. Roger's definitely a breast-guy, that was nice, and while I was enjoying his attention to them he was also sneakily adroit at removing my panties.”

“Ok, now I'm getting hard.”

She laughed again. “And I'm getting wet telling you. It's a shame we're thousands of miles apart.”

“I know.” I told her, then “Go on with the story, what happened next.”

“It was about time to get him naked. He was straining at the leash so to say.” Nicole grinned.

My hardness twitched. “And…?”

“He has a really pretty cock, about the same size as yours, smooth and rock hard.”

I stroked myself. “Did you taste him?”

“Yes. I was afraid he was going to come too soon. He was pretty excited and it was like he hadn't had sex in a long time.”

”You underestimate yourself Sweetie.” I told my wife. “You forget how any and every heterosexual man is going to react to the sexy, real woman that you are. We're not all looking for impossible Barbie dolls you know.”

“Oh you're so sweet; I love you.” Nicole replied.

“I love you too. But carry on with the details.”

“It was super hot but I needed to catch up with him so I pushed him back and decided to make use of his handsome face.”

“That's so erotic. I'm imagining you riding his tongue at 40,000ft and it's making me ridiculously hard.”

“Well I was riding something else before I knew it.” Nicole's French aristocratic upbringing still inhibited her when it came to certain language.

”You were riding his cock..” It was a statement more than a question.

”Yes.” She replied. “It needs a better word that doesn't sound so pornographic. I'm going to call it his ‘Harry' now!”

“This IS pornographic. We're having phone sex, sorta, while you're telling me about fucking a guy.” I laughed as Nicole giggled. “Now continue…”

“Ok, so Roger grabbed my ass, you know I like that, and he was thrusting his Harry up and in me so hard, so fast, that I really didn't have to do much.”

“Did you come?”

“Oh yes, loudly.” She giggled again. “It was really good. Roger obviously enjoyed it; I think he really couldn't control himself in the end. Thank you for letting me have him; it was great sex, a nice , not as great as making love with you but it was really fun.”

“Would you do it again?” I asked her.

“I'm not sure. Maybe. Not with lots of guys but Roger is handsome and he has a nice body.” Nicole replied. “But the big condition is that it would only be if you wanted me to and were ok with it.”

“Maybe I'll be there next time.” I winked at her. ‘There's a big part of me that wants to see all this in person, you know that's a fantasy of mine.”

“Be careful what you wish for Sweetie.” Nicole blew me a kiss on the screen. “It's getting late now.”

Not long afterwards we ended the call. That night I fell asleep dreaming of my gorgeous wife and her new membership in the six-mile-high club.


Nicole returned from her trip and over the next few weeks life returned to normal, the love-making remained fantastic with Nicole's adventure and the retelling of it adding occasional spice to our sex life. She had been flattered by the attention, the obvious desire for her, and the thrill of the semi-illicit sex; I felt only pleasure that my wife had such a great experience and the only jealousy was that I hadn't been able to witness it in person.

Sensual love making was one thing, we both enjoyed it immensely and it was an important part of our marriage. Fucking was also something of great importance, and it wasn't just bodies and flesh involved but the mind and the fantasies that made it special. This one night we were acting, I guess replaying, the fantasy and as Nicole lay back I knelt between her legs and inserting the tip of myself inside her I said “Imagine that's Roger. It looks so hot watching his cock slide into you…”

Nicole palmed her breasts together, squeezing them, then replied “Mmm, that's so good. I want it.” as she thrust her hips up to take more of me inside her.

“You want Roger to fuck you?” I asked.

“Yes.” she whispered.

“Say it.”

“I want Roger to . I want you to fuck me too.”

“Both of us?” I questioned. “Together?”

Nicole was taking our fantasy play in a new direction.

“Yes, together. I want you both.”

I continued to slide in and out, my cock was achingly hard and I didn't want to go too fast as this talk was turning me on so much I'd come really quickly if I wasn't careful.

“Can you deal with two of us? Would I just watch and fuck you afterwards or we take it in turns, switch places?”

Nicole ran her fingers through her blonde hair, clearly becoming more and more aroused herself.

“You could come in and discover us. Then take it in turns.”

I thrust hard inside her; this was excruciatingly erotic. I leaned forward kissing Nicole's breasts. “Now it's my turn.” I whispered as I slid down to kiss her pussy and lick long strokes. Nicole was wetter than ever. i knelt up again and placed my cock at the entrance to her pussy

“Now Roger's at your side while I fuck you.” I said as I pressed deep inside and Nicole groaned out loud.

“What's Roger doing?” I asked her.

“He's stroking himself. Kissing me. Touching my breasts.” Nicole replied.

I plunged into her faster and faster. Nicole reached behind and pulled me, her nails digging in to my skin.

“Harder. Fuck me. Fuck me harder.” she repeated over and over.

I erupted inside my wife; my body shaking uncontrollably. Nicole's hips smacking up against my abdomen, she released a long guttural sound. We lay entangled, both of us gasping for breath.

“Man, that was intense.” I kissed Nicole.

“Intense is the right word. It was wild.”

We cleaned up and lay for a while in bed. Nicole in her usual place on my right, her breasts felt good against me, her right leg hooked over mine, her hand stroking my belly, her head on my shoulder.

“Should we make it happen?” she asked.

“Make what happen?”

“A threesome…With Roger…I have an idea.” Nicole replied pausing briefly between each statement.

I turned my head and kissed her.

“Careful what you wish for Sweetie.” I laughed. “Now tell me more about your idea…”


Time had flown. We'd talked about a threesome, even played out the fantasy a few times; Nicole's idea seemed to be just out there, possible but never quite activated. My wife had kept in touch with Roger and there was no doubt he was really eager to experience her again. At some point he had asked about me and she told him that I was ok her having sex with him but that there were no secrets.

It was Friday morning. We sat in the kitchen at the bar, the hissing and whirring of the cappuccino machine had just stopped, each of us reading the news. Nicole's phone hummed briefly and she tapped on the Wickr push notification she'd just received. She looked at me then back at her phone.

“What's up?” I asked her.

Nicole took a deep breath. “Roger just messaged me.”


“He's in town tonight.” She continued. “Asking to meet.”

“What do you want to do?” I probed.

“Us.” She answered.

“Huh?” I was confused.

“It's not just what I want to do, it's what do WE want to do. He wants to meet US, not just me.”

“Ahhh, now I understand.” I thought for a moment. “We can invite him here if you'd like.”

Nicole swallowed a sip of coffee looking at me over the brim of the huge mug she now held with both hands.

“You know what might happen?” She asked.

“Yes.” I answered simply, smiling at my wife. “It doesn't have to but I'm up for it if you are.”

Nicole put down her coffee, stepped towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

“I might change my mind later and back out, even if I guess it was my idea. In any case, you're the best husband in the world. If we didn't have a ton of work today I drag you right back to bed.”

I laughed, kissed Nicole, and told her “Message him to come at 7.00pm”

I saw headlights sweep through the trees as the car followed the winding road up to the house; a black Mercedes GLC Coupe pulled around in front of the entrance. Still standing back from the window I watched as the driver climbed out and looked up at the house either sizing us up or perhaps just questioning if he had the right address.

Clean shaven, 6ft or thereabouts, 180-190lbs was my guess; Nicole was spot on in saying we were of similar build. Ruggedly handsome and tanned with dark, wavy hair this was Roger, no doubt. I headed for the hallway.

Just as he rang the bell I pulled open the door and extended my hand. “Roger I presume? I'm Neil.”

“Yes, good to finally meet you Neil.” Roger was dressed in an open neck shirt with slacks; we could have been brothers if it wasn't for the age gap I thought as he held out a bottle towards me in his left hand. “Nicole said you like a glass of wine, trust I chose well?”

“Mmm, Latour Montrachet. You certainly did.” I wondered whether Nicole had told him this was one of my favorites. “C'mon in.”

Closing the door behind us, I led the way through the house to the kitchen where I'd left my wine glass. “What can I offer you to drink?” I know that sounded plainly social but it was my best idea to circumvent the potential awkwardness of the two of us meeting for the first time.

“I'll take a glass of whatever you're having.” Roger nodded at the open bottle of Caymus Cabernet standing on the kitchen island. No doubt he was also attempting to be as relaxed as possible under the circumstances, I was liking him already.

We chit-chatted for several minutes, wine, cars, jobs, until the inevitable moment of awkward silence. We both sipped our glasses of wine simultaneously then looked at each other. Roger spoke “Where's umm…Nicole?”

I'll give him that he wan't afraid to tackle these small challenges head on. Well, I can be relaxed about it too.

“She's upstairs. She said that she wanted to take a but if I know Nicole, I'm guessing that she didn't want to be in the middle of any awkward moments like this and she'll let us figure things out…”

We laughed together like old buddies. Nicole is generally extrovert but I also suspected she was steeling her own nerves; she'd taken a glass of wine upstairs with her and I'd heard the shower shut off some time before Roger had arrived.

My phone pinged at the exact same moment as Roger's buzzed in his pocket.

“Talk of the devil! Wanna bet that's Nicole?' I said.

We laughed together again, and once more as we both checked our phones and indeed had a message from my wife.

The message was a selfie of Nicole's head and shoulders, she was laying on or in our bed as I instantly recognized the pillows framing her head; the room was clearly candlelit and she was clearly wearing her favorite dark green silk , it contrasted beautifully against her creamy skin and blonde hair, the sequined top of her breasts just peeking up in the bottom of the photo. It was followed by a four word text:

‘It's now or never!'

Almost in sync Roger and I read the text, looked at the photo and then at each other.

“Guess we have our marching orders?” I said.

“Lead the way Neil.”

We stood. I turned to Roger and confirmed “Just to be clear though. Whatever Nicole wants goes and if she changes her mind or says no then we respect that right?”

Roger extended his hand to shake mine. “Understood. I agree totally and respect you saying it.”

I smiled, led him around to the stairs and then pointed at the master bedroom double doors at the top.

“Listen. It's going to be awkward for Nicole if we both head in at once. How do we start? Who? Et cetera. So, you go on in and I'll give you a minute or two then be right behind you.”

“Are you sure?” Roger asked.

I nodded. “100% Go ahead.”

Roger headed up the stairs as I returned to the kitchen to pick up the wine and a bottle of water.


Nicole replayed back to me later how she had been mildly surprised to see Roger enter the bedroom alone, although she instantly knew what and why I arranged it like that. My interpretation of the photo and Nicole's nervousness had been absolutely spot on and she'd suddenly felt way more relaxed with just Roger there first.

Roger had walked straight over to the kingsize bed, placed his wine glass on the side table, looked Nicole straight in the eyes and told her “You look absolutely gorgeous.” Immediately kissing her passionately.


I didn't hang around too long, busying myself with the wine etc took no more than a couple of minutes, before I headed upstairs myself. I hesitated briefly wondering whether I should actually knock on the door; that would feel weird, but so would just barging into the room and on the other hand this wasn't an everyday situation.

Nicole wanted this. I wanted this. Deep breath.

Opening the bedroom door I walked in to the flickering light of the candles and the sight of Nicole's pale hands contrasting on the skin of Roger's tanned back; he was shirtless and shoeless as my wife and he made out, his hands roaming across her satin covered breasts.

I placed the wine bottle and my glass on the bedside table as Nicole broke the kiss with Roger and reached up a hand to me; she pulled me in to a long kiss, her mouth opening, inviting my tongue, moaning against my lips as Roger continued to caress her breasts. I stepped back slightly to tug my shirt out of my pants and started to unbutton it as Nicole's hands moved down to Roger's belt.

In that moment I got my first look at Roger's semi-naked body; damn, he has real abs. I'm not insecure but there's times when no human being can resist making comparisons and in that moment the sudden thought flashed through my head that I'd never seen another guy's erect cock in real life, never mind being as close as this was inevitably going to be. As he shucked off his pants Roger glanced at me and instinctively I knew he was having similar thoughts. I nodded towards Nicole and he turned straight back to her sliding his hands down her hips to the panties she was still wearing. My wife raised her hips and Roger's fingers rolled inside the top or the green fabric tugging her panties down her legs as Nicole leaned back swinging her knees up in the air allowing him to remove her panties completely.

“C'mon guys.” Nicole said, smiling as she tugged at each of our shorts. “You're going to have to take them off if you want to go further.”

My wife was always one to just come out and say what she was thinking and break the ice if necessary. Neither Roger nor I had hesitated but Nicole had guessed that there might be a hint of awkwardness and at this point her straightforwardness kicked in automatically. As I slipped off my shorts I looked at Nicole pulling her silk top up over crossed arms over the top of her head leaving her totally naked with an equally naked Roger, now kneeling between her legs, one hand stroking her shaved mound and the other stroking himself.

“Magnificent.” he whispered.

I could hardly believe what I was witnessing. This fantasy that Nicole and I had played out was actually happening; butterflies danced in my stomach as my rock hard erection jutted straight out below. Nicole reached over and took hold of me pulling me towards them; as I knelt on the bed Nicole released my cock and all of us shuffled over towards the center.

Roger leaned forward to kiss Nicole's breasts and I leaned forward to kiss her welcoming mouth once more and her hand slid between my legs and found my member again. My wife moaned loudly as Roger's fingers slid easily into her and as the two of us continued to kiss and caress her, Nicole ground her hips against his hand.

‘”I need one of you in me.” Nicole said with a soft urgency.

I remembered our fantasy game from a while back so when Roger looked at me and opened his mouth to speak I just indicated to go ahead. “It's Nicole's night, she's going to have both of us one way or another so we'll take turns making sure she's happy ok?”

Roger smiled. “More than ok.” he said as he shuffled forward on his knees, Nicole's legs either side of his hips. I looked down at Roger's cock for the first time, my first time seeing another man's erection just feet away and poised to enter my wife; I looked up at Roger's face as he looked up from glancing at my cock with, I imagine, the same almost surreal feeling.

“Give the lady what she wants Roger.” In my head I said it out loud, but my dry mouth caused the words to come out in a croaked whisper.

Roger placed the head of his cock against Nicole's glistening pussy lips, I had to admit that her previous description was accurate and the sight of the smooth handsome hardness gliding into my wife made me gasp. Nicole moaned, her eyes tightly closed, Roger threw his head back and groaned loudly.

Time seemed momentarily suspended, nobody moved.

As Roger slowly pulled backwards, Nicole tugged on me and I knelt up towards her head; she opened her mouth in invitation. As my wife closed her lips around my cock, I felt the vibrations of another moan in the back of her throat and Roger pushed forward into her once more. He continued to slide slowly back and forth, his hands caressing and squeezing Nicole's breasts, as she bobbed her head back and forth sucking on me. After a while, I moved back to watch a little and also to make sure I slowed myself down; the eroticism of the entire experience had me fit to burst and I wanted this to be all about Nicole.

I looked at Nicole as she lay on her back, her blue eyes indulging themselves in Roger's torso, her mouth gasping as he thrust in and out of her, her hands squeezing and pressing her beautiful breasts, his hands holding that magical curve where her waist narrows just above her hips. I leaned down to kiss her, I felt her hand on the back of my head as she held me tight as our tongues intertwined; my right hand caressed one of Nicole's breasts.

“If we want this to last, I need a break.” Roger said. he was clearly feeling the intensity as much as either Nicole or I.

“My turn.” I looked at Nicole as she gasped out a “Yes.”

As Roger pulled out of her Nicole breathed deeply and moaned gently; I kissed down her breasts and belly as Roger moved out to the side and I swung in between Nicole's legs. I kissed her mound and looked up my beautiful wife as I lay flat and my tongue slid across her clit; Nicole chewed on her bottom lip in ecstasy and her hands gripped bundles of the bedsheet, as I licked at her pussy Nicole's body shook and a shuddering breath escaped her. Nicole's hands ran through my hair and pulled my face hard against her then drew me up.

“I want you in me.” she said.

As I slid inside my wife's soaking pussy she reached out to Roger, grasping him and pulling him forward as she had me. The roles were now reversed as I slowly moved in and out of Nicole while she took Roger in her mouth and he gently gripped a handful of her thick strawberry blonde hair. I slowed my movements down; it was all I could do to stop myself coming there and then as I watched her sucking on his cock. Roger was also clearly on the verge himself and it wasn't long before he pulled back to just watch with me as we both marveled at Nicole's thrilling sexuality.

“I think it's time.” I told Roger, indicating that he should take over again. He shuffled around back between Nicole's thighs as I moved out of the way.

“I want it all now. Just fuck me.” Nicole's inhibitions were long gone as Roger plunged inside her once again. She slammed her hips up and forward, against his belly.

“Fuck me.” she repeated. I watched in awe as Roger took Nicole at her word and started to thrust back and forth, in and out, grinding against her, his hands now either side of her shoulders, his arms straight, supporting his torso; Nicole's fingernails dug into Roger's hips as she pulled and pushed him urging him to go even harder, faster.

The world seemed to no longer exist outside of this tiny bubble where my wife was fucking an arm's length away from me, I reveled in her pleasure afraid to touch myself that I might come just from the sight and sounds of her. In my memory infinite time passed, it may have been minutes or seconds; Nicole was shaking, her neck and chest flushed, crying out in ecstasy. I was almost in a trance, this incredible experience would never be matched again.

Roger roared, his head and body stretched high, a sheen of sweat on his shuddering torso as he exploded in time with Nicole; he collapsed down upon her swallowing huge gulps of air. Nicole lifted his head and kissed him deeply.

“Thank you.” she whispered.

They lay for a moment then my wife turned to look at me. “Now you.”

We each hesitated for a second, the mechanics of the situation new to all of us. Roger rolled away and Nicole pulled me down on her.

“You ok?” I asked.

“Oh yes, I'm ready if you are.” she giggled as my cock twitched against her thigh. I reached down to guide myself into Nicole's pussy.

“That was incredible to see.” I said. Nicole wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered ” I love you.” before I slipped my tongue into her mouth.

As I started sliding back and forth I pushed up to sit on my heels, I wanted to see her whole body as I slowly fucked my wife. Nicole then turned to smile at Roger, who still lay beside us recovering and beckoned him in for a kiss, he leaned over and she ran her fingers through his dark curls as he moved to feast on her breasts. They're always sensitive after she has orgasmed so it was no surprise that Nicole signaled to Roger to stop and held his head against her torso. Roger kissed under her breasts and across her stomach, his hands stroking her; he kissed her navel, his hand moving across the soft part of her belly he could certainly feel my cock pulsing slowly in and out.

Roger moved again and kissed where his hand had been. He kissed lower.

Nicole gasped.

As I pulled backwards Roger had moved further towards me and as I looked down his tongue flicked lightly against Nicole's clit. I pushed forward into her and Nicole moaned loudly again. Each time I pulled back Roger would lick and so we rocked in our newly discovered rhythm as my wife bit down on her knuckle to avoid screaming out in delight. Given all that had happened there was no way I could hold back, I started to move faster and faster, I could feel the pressure building, everything became a blur; Nicole was writhing and bucking, she cried out, I exploded inside her again and again, both our bodies shaking.

Roger moved back, I lay forward on Nicole as he had done.

“Oh my God. Intense isn't the right word.” I groaned in between kisses.

“Phew!” Nicole replied.

“Well that was a first.” Roger chuckled.

“For all of us.” I told him.

We lay for a while then mutually decided to clean up, we hadn't had any food yet this evening.

“You're staying for something to eat Roger?” I asked. He nodded through glass shower wall.

Nicole had a huge smile on her face, I imagined it would last for days, she looked at herself in the mirror. “Look at how flushed I am. I can't believe I just had .” she laughed out loud. Then “What's for dessert?”

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