Indian students rough sex in America

Hi friends, This is the real story and added some fantasy to make it more spicy to had enough for both men and women to get pleasure while reading, Readers this is just for pleasure just read and enjoy and leave it. And this an adult story is about sexual life if anybody doesn’t like … Read more

The party flavor

Last month my friends and I threw a birthday party for one of the guys in our group who was turning 40 and to him it was a big deal so we decided to go all out for it. This guy is one of the nicest and he always goes to great lengths to help … Read more

Living Again After Growing Old-15

Please read the previous part here ( Living Again After Growing Old-14 ). Now let’s continue I knew now that even at 41 I was definitely desirable to many men. To show to everyone that I only belonged to Putta, I stopped him and gave him a kiss on his lips in full public view. Some … Read more

Karen and the virgin

Here is another story of my wife Karen’s younger men adventures. Karen is 33 when she started this with me knowing. She had affairs for the first 4 yrs we were married. When I found out from her girlfriend I started wondering what is be like to watch. I setup the first encounter for her,then … Read more

Family Pictures with Mom

My mother was wearing a bikini by the backyard pool. She laid on a lounge chair with the sun shining down on her body. It was unusual, because mom rarely goes sunbathing, much less uses the pool. Now, for the last month, she’s by the pool every weekend. Proud to show her body and large … Read more

Spying on his mother, son gets shock of his life

How can one define innocence? Leaving your back-pack in the bathroom; is that an innocent act? Without a doubt. Leaving it just before your mom goes in there to take her shower? Well, it can certainly be seen as a coincidence. Innocent, surely. Letting your phone in it? Nothing more than a fluke. All innocent. … Read more

Lesbian sex under the shower….with 2 students

My name is Varsha. This incident happened some years ago when I was 27 years old. Of course, I was married then to a rich businessman Arun. We had a big bungalow,car,servants. But since my husband was always out on work, I started getting bored. So I decided to get a job and even got … Read more

A son surprises his mom in many ways

Although this episode occurred several years ago, in the late 1970’s, I have been moved recently to put it down in writing. It was only a one-time thing, and I have struggled over the years in dealing with it. Only lately have I begun to accept it for what it was; a careless and very … Read more

Son helps mother salvage her life

Son helps mother salvage her life, My mother had finally found a way to separate from my abusive stepfather after 11 years of bullshit. The first few years weren’t so bad, but then he eventually became a tireless tyrant and it was time for that show to end. During the last few years of the marriage … Read more

She was just relaxing in the pool

There were two things I liked about the house next door. The swimming pool and the daughter. The swimming pool was quite large, with a kiddie-pool at one end and a diving board at the other. The previous owner had been quite lavish in having it put in. It must have been a real disappointment … Read more