Sex with my Bangalore milf

Thank u for all guys' n gals who replied me for the last two stories which I had shared with u. Hope I wud be getting the same responses even for this story as well. I am Nikhil aged 24 from Bangalore.

I was 18 years old when I started having an intimate relationship with my neighbour aunt Sheela. We are a middle class family. My aunt was married at the age of 21 to my uncle. She had given birth to a boy just a few months before it started. It was the baby that started our affair. My beautiful aunt, who was 22 years old at that time, used to breast-feed the baby. As a young boy of 18, I was attracted by her breasts, which were extremely big and shapely.

At home, I realized that she used to cover her body fully when uncle was around but when he used to go for work she used to be careless of her sari covering her body and blouse in particular, I found my aunt did not wear any bra and her big breasts would jiggle nicely inside her blouse as she walked her prominent nipples would be pushing the thin teri cotton material of her blouse and sometimes, her blouse will be slightly wet with milk from her breasts.

I developed the habit of watching her breasts as the baby sucked on her breasts. I could get only glimpses of her nipples and areola as the baby sucked. But those glimpses drove me crazy. Her areolas were rosy in color and her nipple was slightly reddish, because she was extremely fair in color. I knew the times she gave milk to the baby and I would position myself conveniently so that I can watch her breasts, even though pretending to read my books. I never imagined that she would be aware of what I was doing. It was after the baby started getting indigestions, that the first event happened. One morning, she said ” Nikhil, you must stop watching my breasts when I feed the baby”. I was scared out of my wits that she knows what I am doing. I could not say anything. But she continued, “Your watching is causing the baby stomach problems because the milk is spoilt. Are you jealous of the baby? ” I was extremely embarrassed, but I was glad she was not angry with me. “Remember, not to watch when I feed the baby”. I said, “Yes ” and I just sat quiet, simply nodded my head and ran out of the house to hide my embarrassment.

Afternoon, my aunts breasts looked more attractive to me than usual. I did not watch her when she fed the baby, but I kept looking at her left breast visible from sides as her sari never used to cover her blouse, I was thrilled and enjoyed the nice movements her breasts made inside her blouse as she moved about her nipples were prominently projecting from inside the thin material of her blouse. When she realized me looking at her breast, she smiled gently and adjusted her sari. Then while she was cleaning floor her sari's pallu fell and both her big breasts were exposed to my view. She immediately covered it. Suddenly she came near to me and said, “Look here, though you are pretty old but by relation you are also like my son. Do you want some milk? I do not mind to feed you from these breasts. You can suck my breasts and satisfy your desire when your uncle goes to office. But you must promise not to tell anybody about this. Ok?” ” Nikhil, come to the bedroom”. My heart was pounding with anticipation as I followed her to the bedroom. There she lay down and asked me to lie beside her. Then she unbuttoned her blouse and thrust her right nipple in my mouth.

I eagerly took her nipple between my lips and started pressing it. But milk was not coming.
Aunty laughed and said “Poor boy, you have forgotten how you had sucked your mother's breasts. It has been a long time. Here, take more of my breast in your mouth and suck on it. Then you will get milk.” I did as she told me, and her sweet milk started flowing into my mouth. She drew me closer to her and hugged me. After few minutes, when milk stopped coming from her right breast, she asked me to take her left breast in my mouth and I enjoyed milk from that breasts until it was also empty. She said, “Is that enough, baby? Come; let us go to the hall before housemaid comes. But I said, “Aunty, please let me continue sucking your breast a little more. It is so warm and soft in my mouth.” She said “Ok, Nikhil only a little while because she is likely to come soon.” and I again took her warm breast in my mouth and gently pressed it with my lips and tongue. Then I cupped her other breast in my hand and started caressing it. After a while, she said “You like my breasts. Don't you Nikhil?” and she hugged me closer to her.

Her voice was unsteady a little bit and I became aware of her heavy breathing. I do not know how long she let me suck her breasts, but I was disappointed when she said, “Come Nikhil, let us get up enough for now.” I also noticed that her nipples were more prominent than usual and that made my aunt look lovelier. After the housemaid had gone, aunty whispered, “Nikhil, let us do it. We lay down side by side and aunt opened her blouse for me. I hugged her tight and took her right breast in my mouth and sucked her milk. There was lot more milk than morning in both of her breasts.

After I emptied both her breasts, aunt said, “Did you have enough milk today, Nikhil? I gave the baby cow's milk so that you can have more milk” I was thrilled and hugged her tight. “Thanks aunt, your milk and your breasts are so sweet and thanks for showing me both your breasts”, I said. Aunt said, ” I am happy to show them to you, Nikhil. I was a little bit embarrassed because my nipples were erect the whole day and were pushing my blouse out yesterday” I said, “Aunty, those nipples have become more erect and make you look more beautiful today. But why have they become so erect Aunty?” She said, “All because of your sucking and fondling, Nikhil”. “Aunty, does my sucking and fondling hurt your breasts” “No, silly boy, I feel so nice about your sucking and fondling. That is why my nipples become erect. Now enough suck this breast and fondle the other one”. I simply obeyed her. I continued my courtship with my aunt's breasts for along time until we heard the baby crying. Aunty said, “Nikhil, let me go and feed the baby. Stay here. You can continue when I come back, Ok?” After fifteen minutes she came back.
This time, I unbuttoned her blouse and instead of sucking her breasts, I kissed them fondly. She was excited. I sat against the wall and asked her to lean on me and cupped her breasts from behind and gently fondled them. I caressed her nipples slowly and they became erect.
I kissed her neck moving her mangal sutra aside. I could feel her trembling against me. After a little while she said, I have some milk now in my breasts. Just suck it and let me finish housework before your uncle comes. Ok?” and gave me her breasts. I sucked all the sweet warm milk out of them and then she went to finish her household chores.

I was eagerly waiting for the next morning for uncle to go to office. That day, after my uncle had gone to office, she strictly limited our affair to one hour. But she continued to display her breasts for me during the day and also gradually stopped breast-feeding the baby and gave me all her milk to suck. Since there was too much milk for her to hold the whole day, she asked me to come home at lunchtime from college, so that she can feed me. In the evening, she asked me not to go for playing and I had a feeding in the evening too. This went on for a week. Of course my uncle never knew anything about our affair.

But my grandmother, my uncle's mother came on her regular visit to stay for a week. My aunty had warned me to keep away from her during grandma's visit. I was not going to get any milk. That was going to be a torture, but aunty said it is better to suffer a week rather than lose our affair forever. However whenever she could she slid her sari to show her breasts to me. The third day after grandma had come, aunty whispered me to come to the kitchen. I was surprised, with grandma having bath in bathroom, how can we play in the kitchen? By the time I got to the kitchen, she had her blouse already open and thrust her breast in my mouth.

The breast was of course swollen with milk and I had my stomach full of her delicious milk in fifteen minutes. So I again had my aunt's beautiful breasts to taste and fondle, now with the additional precaution due to presence of my grandma.
When I returned from college, she had cooked a nice food for us and we all ate heartily. In afternoon, grandma went to temple pujari to show her little grandsons kundali and would be back in evening. After she had left what seemed to me a long time (even though it was only fifteen minutes), aunty closed the door and came near me she was wearing her regular thin cotton sari and slightly tight blouse which accentuated her shapely breasts. She sat on my lap and lovingly opened her sweet mouth. Her sweet lips so near me intoxicated me very much and grasping her waist, drew her towards me and kissed her. Aunt gasped and struggled a bit but I held on to her waist and pressed my lips to hers strongly. She relaxed and put her arms around me and gave her lips to me to taste. We kissed for five minutes and then sank back into the bed breathing heavily. Aunt was silent and I was worried. “Aunty are you angry?” I asked. “No, you just surprised me. That is all”. “Then you will let me kiss you?” “Of course, if you cannot kiss me who else can”.
I was thrilled and again hugged her and kissed her passionately on her lips. When our lips parted, I said, “your lips are so sweet and soft”. Aunty said, “Nikhil, there is something else sweet waiting for you inside my blouse. Don't you want it?” It was then that I noticed that her blouse was all wet in the front with her milk.
“I have been heavy with milk from the morning. The thought that we are going to be together in this nice room for the whole afternoon made lot of milk in my breasts today. Please suck my breasts”. I cursed myself for being so inconsiderate and immediately unbuttoned her tight blouse. Her beautiful breasts jumped free showing me the lovely aureoles and the erect nipples. I cupped my aunt's breasts in my hands lovingly and said, “Aunty, your breasts are so beautiful”. Aunty did not let me finish my sentence. She drew my head to her right breast and thrust her nipple in my mouth. Immediately, her sweet milk started pouring into my mouth and for the next half hour, I sucked and fondled my young aunt's lovely breasts. She moaned with pleasure as I teased her sensitive nipples with my tongue and when I gently fondled her breasts cupping them nicely in my hands. “Nikhil, your hands and lips feel so nice on my breasts. I wish I can have you do that all day”. ” I wish so too.” “I think we can fulfill our wishes at least for a week, Nikhil. We can spend our time in this room all day, we are free to do what we want next week when your uncle goes to his hometown with his mother for a week”
I kissed her again on her lips and said, “I am so happy” and then asked her “Aunty, can I take your blouse off?” She hesitated slightly and then said, “You want me to be without blouse?” “I eagerly said, “Yes, please”. “Ok, take my blouse off with your own hands”, she said and sat up. My hands trembled as I pushed her blouse off her lovely shoulders and took it off. Then I showered kisses on her breasts and shoulders and neck. She hugged me and moaned with excitement. Then she said, “Nikhil, take your shirt off to. It is not fair if only I have to take off my blouse”. I was only happy and immediately peeled off my shirt and threw it on the floor. Immediately, she hugged me and kissed me.
She felt my muscles and said, “Nikhil, I am so happy to have such a strong bodied youngster”. We played with each other long that afternoon sucking her breast's delicious milk for half hour or so. Then she got an idea that she wanted to give me a bath. So I went with her to the bathroom where she poured water on me and started soaping me. I was only wearing underwear around my waist and when it became heavy with water, it slipped down. I hurriedly tried to wear it back on, but she snatched it away saying “It is as well, Nikhil. Anyway I have to apply soap to your hidden parts too”. Then she looked at my prick and exclaimed “Oh, Nikhil, I never imagined your cock would be so long. You know I enjoy fondling it when my child is sucking my breast”. I said “Aunty you can do that to me even when I suck your breasts”. “Then let me clean it up nicely”, said aunty and applied soap and with her soft hands cleaned the entire length of my prick.

Later, when we went up to bedroom, she gave me her breasts for sucking and as I lay beside her, she started fondling my prick. My prick grew large. But after she fondled it for several minutes, I had to ejaculate and let out several hot jets of my semen, pushing into her hand each time a jet came out. She directed my cock on to the floor and hugged me and said “Oh my darling, I forgot you are now a grown up young man with lot of semen in your balls.” Then I asked “Aunty you have been giving me milk for a month now. Do you want to taste my milk too”? She shyly shook her head to say yes. I was excited. “Aunty, just like I suck your nipples, you can take my cock in your mouth and suck it.

Then, soon, you will get the thick milk”. She did like I said and her soft lips encircled my prick and started massaging it. I held her head in position and slowly pumped my prick inside into her mouth. Soon, I reached my second climax and pumped hot semen into her mouth. She did not let a drop of it go waste. She gulped all the thick milk as I ejected it. She said “Oh, Nikhil, it tastes so nice. I want to drink it whenever you can give me”. I said, “Sure aunty, you can have all of it” and I drew her up and we kissed passionately for a long time. After a while, she wanted to go to the bathroom. While she was going, I noticed the swiveling moments of her ass all these days I had been also noticing that she used to scratch on her sari over her asshole. When she came back, I asked her, “Aunty, I want to rub you here, can I please?” cupping her ass with my palm. She was taken aback, but she did not take my hand away. Her face was slightly red with shyness. I slowly pulled her petticoat up to her waist revealing to me little by little her gorgeous legs and smooth creamy thighs and finally her beautiful pussy covered with soft hair. She did not have too much hair on her lovely womanhood and I could see the glistening petals of her love flower nestling sexily between her thighs.

She spread her legs a little and I caressed her pussy gently and lovingly. She closed her eyes and started moaning a little. I got between her legs and kissed her things and all around her pussy. She smelled very nice between her thighs and there was a fragrant warm aroma rising from her pussy. Finally, I hugged her around her thighs and put my lips over her soft love fruit and kissed it. She jerked a little when my lips contacted her sensitive pussy and pressed my head down on her pussy. Then I started licking her juices that tasted like honey to me. Then I put my tongue inside her pussy and touched her clit. She slightly raised her hips as I did that and I pressed my mouth closer and took her clitoris between my lips and gently pressed it. She jerked her hips several times as I did that and pressed my head down harder into her pussy.
Soon, she let out a long moan and warm sweet juice poured from her pussy. I sucked all of her juice as it poured and licked her pussy clean like a puppy. Then I moved up and aunty hugged me and kissed me passionately. We kissed for a long time with more intimacy than ever before.
When our lips parted, she said, “Nikhil, you are showing me so many pleasures which I never new existed. Will you do this to me often please? I feel so nice when you are between my thighs kissing my pussy”. I said, “Aunty, I am willing to spend my entire life between your thighs, drinking the sweet honey from your pussy. I don't think I need anything else except your sweet breast milk and pussy juice to live.” Aunty said, “That reminds me, dear, my breasts are heavy now with milk. Suck my breasts”, and pulled my head to her right breast. I took auntie's lovely soft breast, in my mouth and started drinking her sweet milk, hugging her tightly. After a while, aunty said, “Nikhil, play with my pussy, dear. I am having strange feelings there”. I was only too glad and immediately slid down between aunt's thighs and started showering kisses on her wet and warm pussy. I made aunt get climax two times that afternoon by sucking her pussy.

This continued during the rest of the week whenever we got chance to be alone. Next week, my uncle went to drop his mother to her native place. That night, I saw my aunt fully naked for the first time. She removed her blouse, sari and petticoat and stood before me like a goddess. She looked gorgeous with nice legs and thighs and wonderfully shaped breasts. I knelt before her and pushed my face into her pussy and kissed it passionately. Then we lay down on the bed and hugged each other tightly, with my penis pressing over her pussy. After a while, she put one leg over me and started making pushing motions pressing my prick more tightly over her pussy. I was excited and said, “Aunty, let us copulate, please. I have wanted to do that with you for so long”.

Aunty said, ” Nikhil, I have also been dreaming of that for the past three months.

I was immensely excited to hear that aunt and I are going to become a couple. Most of that night, aunt and I played love games with my aunt, sucking her breasts, kissing her pussy, licking her love juice from deep inside her pussy, teasing her clitoris with my lips and making her get climax and fucking her between her thighs. She sucked my cock several times, making me climax and drinking my love milk. With all our love making, at one point, auntie's mangal sutra got cut and all the beads and the gold fell on the bed. We picked up all of them and bundled them up in a piece of paper so that next day, aunt can put them on a thread again. For the rest of the night, aunt was without mangal sutra and she did not mind. In fact, she seemed to be feeling happy being without that mangal sutra. Next day morning, when I came back, I saw aunt dressed in a beautiful new silk sari, wearing lot of gold jewelry and flowers and looking like a bride.

I was feeling like a bridegroom marrying my own aunty. .
Then she took of her sari, blouse and petticoat and became naked. I also did the same and led her to the bed where she lay down and invitingly spread her hands and said, “Come, Nikhil, let us become a couple”. I fell on her and embraced her and showered kisses all over her golden body, including her lovely breasts and warm pussy. Then I asked aunty to lie on the bed with her legs dangling down and I took her legs and put them over my shoulder. Aunt spread her pussy with her fingers and I inserted my eager prick into my aunties waiting pussy. I slid my prick deep into aunt's silky pussy and slowly started fucking her. After ten minutes, aunty reached her climax, but I held on and I let myself have a climax only after aunt had reached climax. I wanted aunt to remember our first coupling all her life and I am sure she did have a heavenly time that day. Aunty was insatiable with her new found awareness of sexual pleasure, which she had not experienced.

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