My first Sex Shop adventure

So life after Craigslist has been a challenge to meet up with men for sex. It's been more than two years since I've got laid.

Just before CL closed out the men 4 men hookup, I was in contact with a guy looking for oral on a regular basis. I was excited – exactly what I wanted, and hoped he was also up to make me submit . We chatted on the phone, he told me his age, I knew he was a bout 20 years older – which older can be nice, in my opinion. When we finally met, I drove to him, and he was much older than he led me to believe, 30 plus years I'd say.

The first meet he wanted to talk. We did, but he talked so long he killed the mood, I went home. We met up again a month later, and he had been talking up during that time by phone how much he loved oral sex, and I let him know I needed him to be hands-on, aggressive, needed him to force my head up and down, deep throat me, face fuck me, and told him when he was ready to cum, not to say a word, to force his cock all the way down my throat and pump his load into the back of my throat and not pull out until he was absolutely certain I swallowed. He said he was down for all of that and he hoped I could keep up because he could take 40 minutes or more to cum.

Well, the next time we met, we undressed and I was ready to suck him off so hard, I was worried he may not have been able to last, and to my complete disappointment, he was unable to get hard, like not even a little. I tried, and tried – with my hand, but felt absolutely NO reaction. I wasn't going to put him in my mouth soft, because my very first adult experience was with an older guy, who was only able to get semi-flaccid, and unexpectedly came in my mouth – which wasn't supposed to happen, but he said I was good at what I was doing, and he just went with it – but he's another story for another day. (I loved getting unwanted cum in my mouth, made me feel so cheap and used – such a turn on).

So, he kept trying to force his cock in my mouth saying it might work. I got so angry, that I wouldn't let him, and apologized saying things just were not going as I expected. He was angry I left him all hot and bothered, but then was the wrong time to mention he sometimes had trouble getting it up. Had he at least mentioned it before, I could have been mentally prepared and responded accordingly. Under those circumstances, he killed the mood for a second time.

So for over a year following that, I have kept daring myself to go through some twenty-something planned trips to visit an adult and see whats up. I chicken out more than I can count. I'm in my late 40's now and, its kinda tough finding that kind of courage. Somehow, quite recently, in fact a month or so ago, I did manage to muster the courage.

I walked through the doors, no biggie, and the guy at the counter was very polite, explained the shop, and costs, and made me feel at ease enough to pay for theater access. I walked in to one of 4 theater rooms, and tried my best not to gawk. I found a seat on a bench, and relaxed.

Now there were straight sex screens, gay screeds, bi-screens and trans screens. I stopped at the straight screen, and very little action going on, then decided to head to the gay screen. After all, I was hoping to hook up with a guy looking for long term no strings attached sex only meets. I certainly wasn't going to get down in public.

I tell ya, about 2 hours passed, I was glued to my bench while other guys were in then out, very dim;y lit, so hard to see what was going on, but after 2 hours, I noticed one guy was servicing another with a .

Cool. I wasn't sure how any of this worked, so I kept observing. When I realized who's cock was being serviced, I was bummed out because as he walked into the room, I commented to myself, “I'd swallow his load.”

After while I began to realize, the chances of having a discussion with any guy, and asking is me, as a submissive bottom only could make myself available to him on a daily basis, checking in by text or phone, if he needed me to come by and service him. You see, I am up for it every single day, and if I ever had the fortune of having 2 or more guys on my route rotation, awww man – PERFECT. One load is never enough.

Anyway, I could see, long term n.s.a. was likely not going to be accomplished here. So I got up from my bench and walked in between and back and forth thru the different theaters. Now I started to see more guys hooking up with random acts of mostly oral. It was nice, I got turned on. But was still hoping for a non-public hook-up.

There were lots of guys there, many of them hooking up, more trying. There were 2 guys I was wanting to approach, but they came and went as best I could tell. I was about to leave when a third possible showed up.

He was maybe 5 or so years older than me. But I wasn't sold on him right away. After a few back and forth between theaters, we ended up in the the same room and where I was standing, he suddenly appeared about 3 feet away.

As I looked him up and down from the corner of my eye, I could see he had his cock out, and was stroking himself, looking at me. At first I inched backward, because it was unexpected. But ten the idea of a complete stranger just feet away from me with his cock out was too much to resist.

I leaned forward just enough to get my shoulder ahead of the wall partition separating he and I, by about 1 foot away now, I could hear him breathing. I even inched my hand forward and toward him by about 6 inches hoping he might put his cock in my hand. Instead, he rubbed it on my forearm.

I looked down at his cock, he was thick and hung, and it pointed downward – my favorite angle for a cock to bend,

Then I reached to take him in my hand, and began jerking him off. I cannot lie, the feel of his cock in my hand was incredible. Had he pulled my head downward on it, I would not have resisted. But he didn't.

He kept trying to get me to ease up on jerking him, I didn't understand why, because that's how I had always done it. But he asked me to go slower and massage it rather than jerk it. He motioned me to follow him. But he went to another room with more people than the room was just left. I wasn't sure I wanted to continue.

He then went back to the room with fewer guys, just 2. There I felt ok to put him in my hand again. I leaned in and asked if he was looking for long term n.s.a. and he said he was married. His cock was throbbing so hard in my hand.

He said he only got around to that shop a few months at a time. I knew tat if I was going to suck him off it was now or never. I leaned in again and told him i was here hoping to suck one off tonight. I then, took my hand off his cock and motioned for me to sit at the bench while he stood.

I looked around the room, the other 2 guys were watching, and I was a bit turned on by it. My first thought had always been, if I was in a place where there was more than just one guy, I would want to share myself to all of them.

I sat myself down, with my ass turned to one guy and did my best to try and motion to him to come closer, but I don't think I communicated it good enough. There was another gentleman just beyond the wall, who I had a brief small talk with earlier, who was older, and walked with a funny limp, but I thought to myself if became a group thing, I would certainly let him use me too.

So there I was with potentially 3 guys. 1 certainly wanted to get sucked off, the other 2, I wasn't sure but I was more worried about the place being so public.

As I sat, my hand jerking his cock, trying to be gentle and massage it had he put it to my mouth, I would not have resisted, not one bit, and I would have called for the other 2 to join. I knew once it touched my lips, face or tongue there was no going back. That's the thing with me, and I tell guys before we meet, “the best situation, is as soon as you close the door behind me, whip out your cock and force it in my mouth. No matter how much I might resist, I love having cock forced in my mouth – it's why I'm here in the first place, I want to be used, the harder the better. Give me any opportunity for second thoughts, and I may leave.”

I was stroking him, loving the feel of his cock in my hand like nothing else before. I scooted closer and as I did, the 2nd guy got up and walked toward us and pulled me from the bench and bent me over. I pulled my pants down for him and started jerking his cock. He was hung longer than the 1st guy, but not as thick, and I've always wanted my first threesome to have the longer cock in my ass. The 3rd guy came from around the wall, and started undoing his pants.

At that moment, I panicked and I wanted to leave immediately. I reached for the 3rd guys cock, because I had to know what he felt like, and he was thick and not as long as the other two.

I started straightening myself up to leave, and just as I said “I'm sorry…” the first guy pulled my mouth back down on his cock and I was seriously resisting, with my mouth closed, while guy #2 held my left arm, and guy #3 held my right hand onto his cock.

I was nervous about being caught, but so turned on by three cocks, that I submitted. I opened my mouth and engulfed his cock as he hot the back of my throat. I looked up at him to see his reaction of how much of his cock I was able to take, he closed his eyes, tilted his head backward, and thrust himself into my mouth with both hands forcing my head down onto him further.

I felt the second gentleman entering me from behind, pulling my hips toward him, as he eased himself further into me. I felt so full of him that I wasn't certain I'd be able to take him fully. He spread my legs apart, wile I stood bent over and eased completely into me as I moaned from his full girth spreading inside me.

Gentleman #3 must have been excited and aroused the whole night because what seems liked moments into everything, he shuffled his feet closer to me, saying he was cumming, but gentleman #1 was not yet ready to share my mouth. I opened my mouth trying to give my attention to gentleman #3, but #1 was able to scoot himself in between, and my mouth, made sloppy from #1's forcefulness oozed sloppiness as I tried to extend my mouth toward #3's cock.

Number 3 came trying to pull me closer to his glory, but I had to take hum on my face, until #1 realized #3 was puling for position so hard because he was cumming. Number 1 relented slightly, and I was able to get just enough of #3's cum in my mouth for him to groan ‘yes' a few times before slapping his cock onto my lips and saying “you walk around all night like you're too good to fuck anyone, now you're gonna fuck all of us.”

Number 2 was intensifying his thrusts deeper in and fuller out until he was completely in and out with each trust, and I with pointing my toes inward and heels out, as if to take him deeper into me. He was relentless and I had always told myself if I ever had one in my ass and one in my mouth simultaneously, whoever was in my mouth would get the blowjob of a lifetime, and was I ever right.

Number 2 was randomly thrusting between moderate and intense anal domination of my ass, as I was more than willing to take everything he could give. I pulled my mouth away from #1 several times to say to #2 “don't stop fucking me!”

Number 2 abruptly withdrew from my ass, and pulled me toward the opposite side of the bench so my ass was not as high up in the air, and penetrated me fiercely, as now he could thrust into me with more controlled intensity and leverage.

Number 1 stopped his facefucking, and began deepthroating me, holding himself deep in the back of my throat for what seemed like minutes at a time. I began trying to force my ass backward to deepen #2's thrusts into me. I didn't realize, but #3 had left, and I heard the door open expecting it was #3 exiting, only to see 2 more gentlemen enter the room. I was nervous, and wasn't sure if they were going to leave, but as 2 and 1 kept going at me without pause, it became clear gentleman 4 and 5 were there in the least to observe my pounding.

Number 4 and 5 were speaking to one another quietly and they began moving closer to us. Number 2 began thrusting quickly and as if he were about to cum, and he pulled out, breathed heavily for a moment and the slowly penetrated me again. He trusted slowly completely in and out for maybe a minute, and then punished me with a final full thrust cumming deep inside me.

Number 2 withdrew from me as I felt some of his cum flowing out from me, running along my inner thigh. He then edged it back upward with his still hard cock, collected it to the tip of its head, and plunged back into me. The feeling was so intense.

As he gathered himself I heard #4 and 5 unzipping behind me. Number 1 seemed determined not to relent from my animalistic instinct of sucking him off to completion in my mouth. Number 4 began running his head up and down my anal opening, already made raw and wet by the voracity of #2. I could feel my ass pulsing as I was physically pleaded for him to enter me.

Number 1 began to pump my throat with more vigor, and his hands tightened at the back of my head. I his thrusting became uncontrolled, he began to grunt as his loins tightened in anticipation of an epic release. He pulled my head so hard toward him that my hips slipped from the readying grasp of #4.

Number 1's thickness filled the widened walls of my mouth to their capacity, as he unleashed the orgasmic culmination of what I can only assume had been building up in him since his last visit here. He came so heavily, he oozed out of my mouth, which rarely happens, but I was quick to catch it with my hand, and return it to my eager mouth, looking #5 directly in his eyes.

As Number 1 quietly went about his way, I exhaled in exhaustion, trying my best to reach a second wind to rouse up the energy to service our new arrivals. Number 4, was gentle, taking his time in penetrating me. I had no idea what to expect, if he was hung long or thick or hung at all. Just as I was catching my breath, #5 quickly moved on me and forced his cock in my mouth, still trying for air. He was the thickest of all that night, and I squinted my face up as I tried to gather him all in, He talked alot, mostly saying that I was going to be his little cum whore, and that I was going to come with him to visit other sex shops so he could share me with his friends.

The truth is I was trying to catch my breath. I had just enough energy to keep up with #5's facefucking me, and I admit he was damn good at it. I got my mouth really sloppy for him, and after while I felt him break the threshold into my esophagus, and wow did it hurt for days after.

Number 4 did not last long is my ass. His thrusts were slow, but controlled, and filled me up with his fullness in every push. He made me feel I would break, I mean the pressure from his thrusting inside me felt extremely pleasurable, I would have loved hum to have maintained until I caught my second wind. When he was ready to cum, he pulled out, tapped me on the back, and I turned to take his load.

Honestly, it was the first time ever taking ass to mouth, I was very reluctant and yes, I did hesitate, but #5 saw this, and pushed my mouth down on #4's cock and held it down way beyond how long it took to swallow.

It did not taste as bad as I thought it would. I'm happy to be past that barrier now.

So there I was exhausted, down on the floor, yeah, the feel of strangers spent cum under me turned me on even more. Number 4 was collecting himself and #5 seemed to recognize I didn't have too much to offer. He was determined to wreck me one way or another, and I was determined to finish what I came here to do. He pulled me up bent me over on the concrete floor, banged up my knees, and then slowly entered me with the widest, thickest, I imagine seven and a half inches I've ever felt in my ass. I caved. I fell forward because of the pain of him entering me. He got real cocky about it too telling me he'd been waiting hours to break my ass.

I was on my stomach, and #4 spread my legs open and held them down. Not gonna lie, #5 fuck the absolute hell out of my ass. I passed out.

When I woke #5 was cumming in my mouth, and to my surprise, totally new stranger #6 was fucking my ass. I was done, I had nothing left, but it felt great to be used like that. Number 6 felt small indie me, maybe, but after # 5, anything would feel small. Everyone was gone but #6 and me. Number 6 took his sweet time, in fact I told him to hurry up and cum already because I need to leave. Just as he was about to cum, he pulled out of my ass and wanted to cum in my mouth. I said no. He begged and pleaded, and I was just worn down.

Enter stranger #7. A really old guy, maybe 70, I don't know. But he was so excited, he scooted over to us, whipped his cock out started stroking. He saw the cumfest on my face and asked if I would suck him off. As I was about to answer, #6 pulled my mouth towards his cock, forced himself in my mouth, and… friends, yes I absolutely took his load. He was a chubby guy, clean, and awkward, I suppose he didn't get laid much. After he came it was like he couldn't stop asking for my phone number. I stopped answering no to him, and then he gave me a piece of paper with #5's number on it, saying #5 was serious about taking to around to other sex shops to share me, and to call him if I was interested.

I was getting dressed and #7 was sitting in a corner, tooling off to the movies, asking me to please finish him off. I admit, I have pity on the old guys, cause they rarely get laid anymore. I walked over, reluctant but determined and after 30 seconds or so of seriously deepthroating the hell out of him, he came in my mouth, and I locked down on his cock like it was the last load I'd get. And, it was.

For that night, lol.

I'm always looking for a long term n.s.a. sex only thing, no more randoms, sex shops, or strangers. I lived all my fantasies at the sex shop that night. I love being used for sex. Love being facefucked, deepthroated and, love guys cumming where they want, and not asking if its ok. I'm clean and disease free, and if you're ever in the Phoenix, AZ area, and looking for long term N.S.A, hit me up.

I'm going to share more stories, but for now, the long term sex only N.S.A. thing is where it's at for me.

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