Mom catches son masturbating and surprises him

It was nice to get off work early for a change. I stopped at the store and picked up some items to cook for dinner to surprise my husband since he did most of the cooking due to my schedule at work.

When I got home I noticed that my oldest son, Luke's motorcycle was there which surprised me as he would normally be at his girlfriends house at that time of day.

I walked in the house and went to the kitchen to put things away and heard his tv on upstairs in his room. After putting the things away I grabbed a wine cooler and walked upstairs to see him and say Hi.

I have always had an ‘open' door policy in our house…doors are never to be locked (this included mine). They could be closed for privacy but not locked. When I got to his door it was open and Luke was laying on his bed, watching some porn flick and masturbating. He couldn't see me and had obviously not heard me come in.

I was surprised to catch him masturbating but seeing his hand slowly stroking a very nice and thick cock, while he watched some girl getting screwed by some guy, actually made me hot to watch. I knew I should just turn around and walk away, but I couldn't take my eyes off his hand and cock. I watched how he stroked a few times then ran his thumb over the top of his cock, spreading his precum around the head then would stroke some more. I couldn't believe I was getting turned on by watching my son masturbate, but I was. So much so that I actually reached down, pulled up the skirt of my dress and ran my hand over my mound. I stood there watching Luke masturbate while I rubbed my clit for a couple of minutes.

Luke must have heard something and he quickly turned his head to look toward the door. I stood there, caught in the act of rubbing myself while watching my son masturbate. Luke threw his sheet over his cock and said “Uhm Hi mom…did you need something?”

I smiled, embarrassed but said “Well uhm, actually I uh…that's a nice thick cock you have there and I was just admiring it.”

“Really” Luke said, throwing the sheet off and exposing his still hard cock. As he stood up he grabbed his cock and stroked it. “I could tell” he said looking pointedly at my hand still on my mound.

“I…uh…well…” I stammered my voice faded as Luke walked toward me, still stroking that lovely thick and long cock.

“Here, mom, take a stroke of what your were admiring” Luke said, as he reached for my hand and put it on his cock. I couldn't believe I was standing there with my hand touching my son's hard cock, and watched as I slowly wrapped my fingers around it and started stroking it.

Luke reached over and rubbed his hand over my mound pressing against my clit through my panties. “I know you keep yourself shaved, I have seen you sun bathing a couple of times and have even masturbated thinking about that shaved mound of yours” Luke said as he rubbed his hand over my panties.

“You have?” I said as I looked up to his eyes. I stood there stroking my son's cock while he slid his hand into my panties and found my clit and started rubbing it in a circular motion.

“I have always been proud of how ‘hot' my mom is” Luke said as he slide a finger between my lips and into my wet pussy.

That was it the point of no return…I closed my eyes and reaching over I put my wine cooler on the dresser and told him “Then I guess you should see just how ‘hot' your mom really is.”

I knelt down in front of him and licking my lips I then flicked my tongue against the tip of his cock head. Slipping my lips around the thick head I slowly slid it into my mouth. Luke put his hands on my shoulders and took a deep breath. I flicked my tongue on the underside of his head, then slide his cock even further into my mouth. I slide his cock in until he reached my throat, it was only half way in! I swallowed and his cock slid into my throat stretching it a bit. I moaned as I continued forcing his cock down my throat until my nose was against his stomach.

“Fuck mom! oh fuck no one has ever taken all of me like that…” Luke said as he moved his hands to my head. I swallowed and moaned again as he pulled back a bit and then pushed forward again into my throat a couple of times. “Fuck I will lose my load if we don't stop.”

I slid his cock out of my mouth, licking the precum from it and told him “Control son, it's all about controlling yourself.” I stood up and told him “Kiss me, son, taste yourself on my tongue.” He leaned in and ran his tongue across my lips and as I parted mine he slid his tongue into my mouth. I moaned as our tongues swirled around each other.

Breaking the kiss I told him, “unzip my dress for me” as I turned my back toward him. Luke unzipped my dress and I let it slide down my body to pool on the floor. I turned around and stood proudly in front of my son in a lacy black bra and panties.

“Damn Mom you are so hot” Luke said as he reached out and cupped one of my breasts, running his thumb over my nipple through the lace.

I reached up and ran my finger nails lightly over his chest and lightly pinched his nipple. Luke hissed as I did so, and I leaned forward and flicked his nipple with my tongue. “You like that too don't you son?” I asked.

“Yes” Luke said as he slipped his hand inside my bra and returned the favor pinching my nipple.

I moaned and sucking his nipple into my mouth I grabbed it with my teeth and lightly tugged on it. I then moved to his other nipple and repeated the nibble. I straightened up and told him “You must get your sensitive nipples from me.”

“Oh really, let's see just how sensitive yours are.” Luke reached behind me and unhooked my bra, His pinching and our play had brought them to full erection and they stood out proudly as I dropped the bra to the floor. Luke hummed and said “Damn mom you have some nice tits!”

“Thank you son!” I answered and reached down to take his cock in my hand as he bent his head toward my breast. Luke flicked his tongue over one nipple and then sucked on it gently. I curled my fingers into his hair and pressed his head to my breast. Luke grabbed my nipple and pulled on it, then removing his mouth blew air across it. “Oh my gawd son that feels sooo good.”

Luke switched to the other nipple and did the same then straightened up and said “Let's move this to some place a bit more comfortable” and grabbing my hand off his cock pulled me toward the bed.

I followed him and as Luke sat on the edge of the bed he said “First lets get these off of you” as he reached for my panties. Luke slid his fingers inside the top of my panties and slowly slide them down. “Mmmm, gawd your pussy is so hot shaved!” he murmured as he leaned forward and ran the flat of his tongue along my slit. “Gawd and you taste fantastic.”

Luke slid the tip of his tongue between my lips and across my clit. I jerked and grabbed his head to steady myself “oh yes son…that's the spot! Oh gawd that is sweet!” I he continued to flick his tongue over it.

Luke scooted back on the bed and pulled me down beside him. “I want to taste more of you Mom. “Lay back and let me taste you more.” I laid down and Luke moved between my legs. He licked my slit from bottom to top, flicking his tongue over my clit before sliding it between my lips and burying it in my pussy. He moaned and licked eagerly, stroking his tongue in and out of my pussy.

“Oh gawd Luke…Son…Oh gawd that feels so good.” I cried as I grabbed his head and pushed my mound into his face.

“Cum for me momma…let me drink your cum from you.” Luke coaxed as he sucked my clit into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah Oh My Gawd YES! Son!” I cried as I felt my orgasm beginning.

Luke continued to suck and lick my clit as he slid a finger into my pussy and curling his finger tapped on my g-spot. I exploded. I came hard and actually squirted which didn't happen often. Luke to his credit lapped and sucked and took it all. He gently flicked my clit once and I jerked. “No…to sensitive!” I cried as I tried to pull his head away.

Luke chuckled and licked my slit again this time avoiding my clit. “Damn I would never have taken you for a squirter mom.” Luke teased. He raised himself up and slid up my body bringing us face to face. “Now you taste yourself on me,” he said as he lowered his mouth to mine. I eagerly kissed him, sliding my tongue across his lips and into his mouth. Out tongues swirled around each other and I could feel his hard young, thick cock between my legs twitching as he deepened the kiss.

He reached down with one hand and rubbed his cock head against my pussy. “I have fantasized about this mom. I want to fuck my hot momma tlll she cums again,” he whispered as he kissed me again.

I wrapped my legs around his hips and my arms around his back and pulled him toward me. He pushed against my pussy and his cock head slid inside of me.”Oh my gawd son…yes come fill your momma” I moaned.

“Fuck mom you are so tight” he groaned as he slowly but steadily pushed further into me, spreading and filling me more than I had ever had before. He moved his hand and gently circled my clit as he continued to slowly slide his young hard cock into me. When it was finally buried all the way in me he stopped and let me adjust for a minute. “Do you like your son's big cock momma?”

“Yes,” I whispered “You fill me like no one else ever has son” I answered.

Luke slowly started sliding his cock back and forth. He leaned in and grabbed my bottom lip with his teeth and nibbled on it for a second, before sliding his tongue in my mouth and kissing me passionately. He rocked his hips and was sliding his whole length in and out of my soaked tunnel. I knew I wouldn't last long before cumming again. I broke our kiss and told him “I won't last long son, I want you to take me from behind while I cum.”

“Oooh I love that idea” he answered and pulled out of me as he knelt on the bed.

I rolled over and got on my hands and knees spreading my legs wide for him. “Damn you have a sexy ass mom.” Luke said as he rubbed it and ran a finger over my soaked pussy and up the crack of my ass. “Do you like anal too?” he asked.

“Uhm, I am not sure I would be able to handle you that way, but yes I have enjoyed it.” I replied truthfully.

Luke rubbed his cock against my slit and then slid his cock head in and out of me a few times. I pushed my ass toward him wanting more. He grabbed my hips and slide it to the hilt in me. “Oh gawd! YES Son!! That's it, fill me with your hard young cock!” I cried.

“Yes momma” Luke said as he started sliding his cock in and out of me faster and harder. Pulling my hips hard, his balls slapping my clit. “Cum for me momma, cum on my cock.” he groaned. He reached around with one hand and started rubbing my clit. “I won't last much longer momma. Cum for me” he begged.

I felt it building, almost there…'Yesssss, Yesss son…” I cried as I went over the edge and came. Squirting cum all over my son's cock and balls I softly screamed “Cum for me son!” as I felt his cock pumping me full of his hot cum. My pussy muscles milking him as I came hard and long.

Collapsing my upper body on the bed I panted trying to catch my breath. Luke leaned against my hips, still buried in me his hands on my hips. “That was even better than my mom. Better than I could have ever imagined.” Luke panted.

I chuckled and said “Well it's not everyday you have a fantasy fulfilled. I am glad I was able to exceed your expectations.” But now we better get cleaned up before someone else comes home!

Luke slid out of me and I rolled over on the bed. “Maybe next time we can do it outside by the pool,” I said. Leaning over to kiss him once more.

Luke pulled me against his chest and kissed me thoroughly. “I'd like that!” he answered.

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