Mom and uncle sex in village

My name is Samsu .The story that, I am going to tell you is between and my uncle which I saw it with my own eyes .

My family consists of me , my mom and my dad . My dad was a businessman , for his business purpose he stays out of home most of the times . We get to see him once or twice in a month or sometimes in two months . My mom name is Nargis . She is 35 years old . She is very good looking , smart and maintain a very good figure . She goes to gym all the time and also follows a very strict diet .

Now let me introduce my uncle . His name is Aman . He is my dad . He is 29 years old . He is six years than mom .

Though we live in the city but uncle lives in and takes care of our village property . His complexion was dark and very thin in looking .

The story be-gain when my mom started feeling lonely due to the absence of dad . She didnot able to spend quality time with him . Which made her frustrated and
also very hungry for sex .

On the other hand, my uncle had a crush on my mom from the very first day . He always tried to impress her but mom never gave any importance . She also tries to avoid all possible eye contacts with him .

The story took turn during my summer . Since my mom was very bored in the house all alone , she wanted to spend the summer vacation in our village home . Our village home was like around 90km from our house .

Dad oblige with my mom decision so we packed and left very early in the morning next day . Mom booked a private car . It took us of hours to reach the destination. Everybody in the family was very happy to see us .
Specifically uncle , his joy was over the moon .

 From the day we reached their unclecontinuously tried to impress amma and get her attention. But as usual my amma did not gave him any attention what's so ever .
Failure in his attempt again and again made him frustrated . So he took a new strategy . instead of trying to impress her ,he now more concentrated on seducing her . So he started flarting with her ,strated cracking 18 plus jokes or even sometimes tried to touch her ass .

Though his this activities made mom annoyed but deep inside it was having affect on her , I could sense it . His activities forced mom to think about him all the times . 10 days passed by like this nothing happened . only 5 more days left then my school will reopen again still no success for aman uncle .

The very next day , mom was cooking all alone in the kitchen . It was very early in the morning . Everyone else were sleeping . Mom usually wake up early in the morning . She was wearing a black colour selwar kameez . Her dupatta was tied with her waist. Suddenly uncle entered in the kitchen from the back the door .

My mom didnot notice him but I saw him as I was standing outside of the kitchen beside the kitchen window . Uncle was mesmerized by mom figure as he got clear view of her from the back . This was also the he saw her in unready conditions.

So , he couldnot control and hugged her from the back . Mom was shocked and stunned by this move from uncle . She didnot say anything for couple of seconds .then she tried to push him away but uncle grip was to strong . Slowly he started press moms boobs and strated to kiss her on the neck . Which aroused her quickly as she was desperate for sex as-well . Mom started to comply with uncle moves . Then they both went for a deep smooch which
continued for atleast five minutes . Moms was eyes were completely closed and she was totally submitted to him .

After five minutes , mom broke the kiss and pushed uncle away . She was scared if anyone sees it then it would be a big problem . Uncle Understood mom concern and whispered something on her ears then left the kitchen . Mom quickly turned – off the stove and checked if everyone still sleeping .

She closed the back door andolon started following him . I also started following them though I didnot realize what's going on but i knew something was fishy . They both went into the empty store room at the back of the house . Which was separated from the main house . They both went inside , I also started looking them through a hole in the window .
I saw they both started kissing each other again and they were making kissing noise and also moaning slightly.

This continued for 10 minutes then they finally broke the kiss . Uncle strated saying “ bhavi I love you , I love you bhavi so much “ . Mom sush him and started unbuttoning his shirt . Mom took his shirt off then started sucking his both . Slowly mom went more down took his pant off and then his underwear. Uncle was now a standing completely nakend. Though he was very thin but he got a very compared to his size . It was around six inch long and two – half inch in depth . Mom was mesmerized to see such a big dick . She never saw a such a big dick before . Mom didnot waste any time , she bend down started giving him blowjobs .mom also started to suck his balls . Uncle was moaning and growling. This continued for five minutes at least then uncle cummed inside mom mouth and she swallowed it . Uncle was so horney he could barely stand . Mom started to kiss him all over the face .

Now it's uncle turn to remove mom's cloth . Uncle removed her selwar first then her kameez . Mom was standing only in bikinis . She was wearing a black bikini . Uncle quickly removed her bra started sucking/ pressing her boobs . Mom was moaning . She got a very nice boobs the both were round in shape .

Then uncle slowly removed her underwear . My conservative mom was completely nakend now . I could see , She didnot shave her pussy . Uncle slowly went down started licking it . He also inserted his middle finger into it . Mom was moaning very loudly . I could hare it from outside . Uncle stopped licking it , lifted her up and went to the next room . There was an old broken bed . He placed her on the bed . I quickly moved to the next window . Opened it slightly with my finger . Saw mom was laying on the bed all nakend and uncle was getting slowly on the top of her . Mom was so horney she started scratching his back with her nails and hugging him tightly .

Uncle slowly started push his dick inside her pussy . Mom made a loud moan as soon as it went in full . Uncle stopped pushing it and hugged her tightly with his hands and legs .

After couple of minutes mom got adjusted with size . He started to pushing it in and out . The both started moaning and old bad was making lots of noise . Slowly slowly uncle increased the speed . Mom was having time of her life . She was moaning and scratching him on the back . Due to the speed of their sex the bed broke . They both fall and started laughing at each other. Uncle also started to cum. He cummed fully inside mom pussy . Mom was also taking it without any hesitation . Then they got up . Both of them took a full nakend selfie together with uncles phone . Mom got her self dressed And left the room quickly . Uncle was still there trying to fix the bed and also removed the bed cover as their was sperm all over it.

I came back to the house and saw mom was taking .
As soon as she got out , she started charging me where was I ? Pretending like she couldnot find me for past one hour . I lied to her the way she lied to me .

Few days passed by , we went back to our house . Uncle keeps on trying calling mom but mom was filling Guilty so she didnot pick it up . Uncle left tons of messages but mom never replied . After a month mom found out that she got pagnent . She became very concern . She had no option , so mom shared the story with her best friend Anita aunty . Aunty was in deep shock .

Anita aunty could not believe mom could do anything like this as she was very religious and conservative. Mom told her she needs to do an abortion before it gets too late . Anita aunty arranged everything for amma . Aunties close Frnd was a doctor . So finally mom did the abortion and informed uncle about it . Uncle was very shocked but he wanted to keep the baby . He wanted to marry mom . Mom cursed him out and blocked him .

To be continued…

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