Massage led to a erotic sexual experience

Hi everyone, I am giant from Delhi, working in Gurgaon in a MNC. I am 27yr old with 5'9 height, good physic and on a dark side. I am a big lover of Oral sex (Love to play with pussy) & give . The story is 3yr old. Its bit long but you will enjoy it.

I was working in a major IT company located in the IT hub of Bangalore. My life was very monotonous and involved traveling to work and back which took away 15 to 16 hours of my time. I wanted some excitement and I was thinking of my erotic thing to do. It was not that I did not have my share of eroticism in life. I was introduced to sex at a very early age by an aunt of mine and then perfected it with a neighbour. It was almost 2 years that I had stopped copulating with both of them. I had visited a couple of massage parlours in between. There were plenty of them in Bangalore. I was just browsing through the ads in Times of India to check if there was a new one. I chanced upon one in the outskirts of the city but close to where I worked. I dialled the number mentioned. The call was answered by a who spoke half Kannada and half Malayalam.

After the initial inquiry, I took the address and left office earlier than what I used to. I had to change two buses to reach the spot. The highway was being converted into a 4 lane. The road was dusty and congested. This place was off the highway amidst some houses. I located the building which was a 3-story building on a muddy narrow road. On reaching the gate, I dialled the number again. I was directed to reach the 2nd floor. The house was a small 2-bedroom house. The living room served as a reception area. On confirming that I was a genuine customer, the guy told me that I could have a massage for Rs.1500 and full service for Rs.3000. I opted for the massage but told him that I will select the girl, to which he agreed. I told him that I was looking for a South female and would not compromise on that.

He took me to another room where a few girls were seated on the floor. Some looking at their mobiles and some chatting with one another. My eyes fell on a fair chubby female and I opted for her. I was sent to an adjacent room where I was told to wait. I went into the room to find a single cot and covered by a colourful cotton sheet. The window had a curtain and the attached bath was neat but not great. I undressed completely and was sitting on the cot in my birthday suit. The girl I had selected walked in with a bowl of oil in one hand and a towel in the other. She smiled at me and asked me to lie down. I laid down and she asked me to lie down on my stomach. She started with the leg applying oil and slowly massage my leg starting from the toes and reaching up to the buttocks. She even started massaging the ass crack which I was not very comfortable with. I have always enjoyed sex but have never indulged in erotic stuff. (I have never had a blowjob also.) I asked her name and she replied that it was Salma and she said she was from Andhra Pradesh. To describe the girl, she was around 27 – 28 years with ample boobs and a round ass. She was wearing a t-shirt and jeans.

She kept massaging my back. She occasionally asked me if the pressure was enough. I just nodded as I was enjoying the touch and my dick was already standing in full glory. I have always taken chances at massage parlours by trying to move my hands on the girls without asking them. I did this here too. Salma was standing on my left massaging the back. I slowly lifted my hand and kept it on her stomach. I did not find any resistance and now I moved it inside her T-shirt just above her waist. I started pinching her navel. I lifted my head to see if there was any reaction from her. I saw a smile on her face and knew I had a nice chance. I slowly started moving my hand up. I reached till I could feel her cotton bra holding those lovely melons. I couldn't fondle them as I was sleeping on my stomach. I could only touch her boobs with my fingers.She finished with the back and asked me to turn over. She started massaging my legs reaching up to the crotch area. Then dragged her hands up to the chest. I am very hairy. She commented that I have a lot of hair to which I just smiled. I spoke to her in Telugu and asked her what she had studied.She said she had studied till 12th standard and then was married off. She said that she has a 5-year-old daughter who is with her parents in Andhra. I asked what her husband did and she said that he was an auto driver.

By now I had become more comfortable and put my hand again in her T-shirt. Now I had good access to her boobs. I started pressing her boobs over the bra occasionally pinching her nipples. She did not say anything but her eyes were glued to my dick. She held it once in her hand and said that it was long and nice. My dick is long and also very thick. She said it would be nice if I had it circumcised to which I simply nodded. I now had moved my hands inside the bra and had full access to her boobs. I was pulling her nipples and also mauling those boobs. They were neither hard not soft. They were just right to give you ultimate pleasure. I just lifted my head and indicated that I wanted to suck those balls. She just lifted her T-shirt without hesitation and stood without uttering a word. I was a little surprised. Usually, the girls who I have visited before ask if they would get tips. But Salma asked nothing of that kind.

I sucked to my heart's content and laid down again but continued to hold those lovely balloons. She finished with her massage and said she would do a handjob. I just lay down. She started shaking my dick with her hand moving up and down the shaft carefully but with a lot of eroticisms. I was about the cum and just made a moaning sound. She collected the cum and ensuring it does not spill on the ground. She wiped it on a tissue paper and she also wiped my rod with a tissue. She asked if I was ready for a shower. She went into the attached bath and turned on the tap. After ensuring it was hot enough for a bath, she called me into the bathroom. I went inside and she said she would bathe me. She poured the hot water and after pouring, she took a small soap and started applying to my body. Occasionally rubbing my dick also which was once again standing like a cannon. She gave me a wonderful bath and asked me to wipe myself dry. I became dry and neat and came out. She was waiting like a dutiful wife would do. I wore my dress and told her it was a wonderful treat to which she simply smiled. I hugged her and kissed her on the cheeks and handed over Rs.200. She accepted it with a smile and put it in her jeans pocket. I left promising I would come back.

After a month, one day I suddenly remembered about Salma. I had to go to the airport to pick up a relative. So, I left the office early. But I still had a good 4 hours before the flight would land. I dialed the number again and asked if it was open. To which the half Kannada, half Malayalam speaking dude said yes. I reached the house easily this time and asked if I can have the services of Salma. I was sent to the same room and within a few minutes, Salma arrived with a bowl of oil and a towel.

This time I didn't have to wait for her to start the massage, I pounced on her and started mauling those lovely milk jugs. She said that she would be there for an hour so why the hurry. I lay down again and the whole process started. I asked her what a full service meant to which she shyly said, “Sex.” I asked if she also did it. She said she never does that as she does not like it. I asked her if she would do it with me. She did not reply. I had bought a pair of artificial ear studs for her on the way. When I handed it over to her, she was elated. She said it was very nice and was very thankful. During the massage, I was again doing the same naughty things sucking and pressing those wonderful boobs. This time I squeezed her ass also but could not feel it properly as she was wearing jeans. After the massage, I asked her again if she would allow me to fuck her.

She didn't say anything but just pulled her zip down to expose an orange color cotton panty. She pulled the panty down and said I could. I never expected this and to be honest very surprised. I expressed my inability to do it as I did not have a condom. I did not want to take the risk. She said it was a pity that she could not get my lovely shaft inside her. I took her phone number and asked if we could meet somewhere. But where was the question? She solved my problem by saying, “Na illu,” which means my house. I asked her what about her husband and she said she will manage.
After a couple of weeks, I was on a mandatory off for 15 days when I called her. She was excited and said I could come and she gave me the address. Those days there was no google map or WhatsApp to share the location. So she told me the area name and the cross and the door number. I said I would reach in 2 hours. After 5 minutes she dialled again and I feared she had changed her mind. But it was to remind me to get condoms. I reached her place and called her. The house was on the first floor. She came out on the balcony and asked me to come up. I reached her house and was a little apprehensive. The area was new to me and the experience was also new. Till then I had screwed known people in a known environment. She offered me juice and showed me the house. She had a room that was set up like a beauty parlour. When I looked questioningly at her, she said she was a beautician. She led me to a room with a single cot and asked me to be comfortable. She dialled a number and spoke to someone in Urdu. She disconnected the call and said she had called her husband to tell him that there was a client for massage.

I was a little aghast wondering how a husband could allow his wife to do massage at home. She said that he was OK with it. But did not know that she would allow me to fuck her. She said he would not come back for 2 hours and that I can relax. I always fantasied about disrobing her but she had removed her pyjama. I stopped her from removing any clothes further as I wanted to do it. I first removed her churidar top and found her in a blue striped cotton bra. I then made her lie down in her bra and panty. I started kissing her starting from the forehead. I removed her bra and then slowly removed the panty also. She was now lying completely nude. I disrobed myself and started sucking her boobs while mauling the other one. I turned her around and started squeezing her ass. She was very fair and the sight of her lying on her stomach with that protruding ass was just mind-blowing. I turned her around and wore my condom. She wanted me to sleep on my back and offered to ride me. I told her I want to fuck her. She could do it in the next round but she said she has time for only once. I made her lie down and started inserting my dick in her wet cunt. It was clean shaved having no trace of hairs. I slowly started inserting it inside and started humping her. I have the habit of holding my dick in my hand as I fuck.

It was a practice I had developed with my neighbour aunt as she would hold it as I fucked her mostly in the standing position. I have hardly screwed aunty in the missionary position. Salma was enjoying the thrusts and occasionally lifted her ass to accommodate my pushes. She was also holding my back and occasionally scratching it with her nails in excitement. I almost reached the climax and started humping faster. I started ejaculating and it was a wonderful feeling. I lied on her for some time and then slowly got up. She too got up. And as I was removing my condom, she held her hand and took it from me. She asked me if I wanted to take a bath. I said no. She then asked me to sit while she took a bath. There was an attached bathroom. I was sitting on the cot and watching her take a bath.

I asked her if I can do it again. She said she would call me another day. She finished her bath. She wore a fresh pair of bra and panty but the same churidar which I had removed. I handed her a 500 rupee note and an artificial chain with a locket. She was very happy. She offered her neck and asked me to put the chain around her neck myself. I hugged her again, thanked her kissed her on the forehead. I headed back home. What I missed was a long session with a lot of foreplay and oral. But this was more like a quickie. But it was very memorable and still is. I never had a chance to meet Salma again.

If anyone wants to be my Salma, you are welcome. You can send your response, feedback or comments to my email id at [email protected]. I would be happy to reply.

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