Little sister’s vagina – part-07

Little … In the last part of my story as i have described that our parents are out of station for 2-3 days to enjoy weekend trip to nearby areas,i am with my younger sister Lili,as she is in sexual relationship with me for last couple of months and we both are enjoying our physical affairs in a regular basis as my sister Lili ,a 17 years teenager gal is a class 11th student ,her tall figure of 5'7 feet with lovely pair of tits and squared dome shaped buttocks are too wild,so her sexy physique always makes me hot and she loves to wear shorts in home as her modern thoughts have made her personality too bold and she loves to run in the evening in a nearby park as she work hard in her studies also but for last two months,as she is in illicit relationship with me,Garry is a year elder to him as his strong arms with a nice physique is attractive,he is addicted of porn either reading incest stories or watching porn videos as we both is living an independent life with our birth giving mom have been divorced,so a 28 years lady,Cathy have took as we both have oral sex after our parents left home,it's an afternoon and both are nude as she asked me…………

”Garry,have you seen inside kitchen,is there meals prepared for us
[Garry]o k ,let me see otherwise i will arrange for it.”and i wrapped a towel on waist as i walked towards kitchen,so it looks like gas burner have not been used today and than i came to my sister……..”Lili,i am going to nearby market as i will have some foods packed for us and i will buy canes of beer also
[Lili] o k ,but come soon.”and than i put my clothes as i walked out of my home,so lili locked the door and after reaching to roadside,i hired an auto rickshaw as market is 500-600 meter far from home,so i have hired it for both side and after a while,i reached the market area as i ask auto driver to wait for a while and than walked towards a food plaza as i ordered some items for meal to get packed,staff assured me ………..”it will take more than 20 minutes
[Garry]oh i see,but have it on time.”and than i walked towards a wine shop as i asked four canes of chilled beer and as i have it in a carry bag,i moved towards a shop as i bought a packet of cigarette and there i lit one of it to smoke,so as time is moving slowly ,my mind is on my lonely sister but it will take half an hour to reach as i smoked the cigarette ,i walked towards food plaza and i can see auto driver looking to me and i waved my hand to wait for some time,so as i moved inside i took a chair to sit and my mobile started ringing,so i can see my dad calling ,i am bit afraid as i am still thinking of receiving his call or not,so as mobile stopped ringing,i put my mobile in silent mode and as i got packet of food,i walked towards auto rickshaw,so driver moved it as he said………

”sir,i have to wait more than expected
[Garry]oh i see,you will get additional fare also.”and after some time i left auto as i paid him money,so i moved inside my home as i started knocking the door and after a while,lili opened the door as she have put a long gown and i moved inside as she locked the door,now i put carry bag as well as packet of food in kitchen and now sits on sofa in dinning space as i called my dad………….

”hello dad,how are you
[dad] fine ,you were not able to pick my call
[Garry]sorry,i was in washroom.”and our brief conversation ends soon ,so i started removing my jeans and shirt as i am sitting on sofa,now walked to my bedroom with my removed clothes as i am in my vest and briefs i walked to kitchen as i took out a cane of chilled beer with a packet of cigarette and than walked to dinning space as i have lit the cigarette and while smoking,i sit on sofa as i opened the cane of beer,started drinking beer and as i am drinking it my eyes are searching my beloved sister Lili,so i walked with cane as well as cigarette to her room,so she is not there and than i thought to see him inside washroom ,so i pushed it's door and she have not locked it and as door opened,i can see my Lili sitting on her legs under cascade as she is nude while having her bath and i frisked inside as i have finished my drinks while it's tough for me to be cool,so i moved to him and looking at me,she stand on ground and i kisses her face as she hold my briefs and as she removed my inner,we are nude and now i hold my sister in arms as i put my lips on her neck,while kissing it my hand is moving on her sexy ass as she is rubbing my back while pressing her boobs on my it seems to be second session of love as i put my lips on her lips and she have hold my semi erected cock as she is just pressing it while holding in her palm,we are getting hot and than i started licking her lips with my tongue and she opened her mouth as i pushed my tongue inside,she started sucking it hardly as i love to be dominated with gals or lady,she is bit shy in love but as we both are regular in sex,our hesitation have turned into desires,so as she is sucking my tongue with her hand jerking my cock,i slowly pushed my long finger in her vagina and starts fingering it fast but she is a novice in love,so she left my tongue as i am still fucking her cunt with my finger.
Garry and Lili are nude as well as wet under cascade as she have made my cock harder,i ask him…….”now sit on your legs baby
[Lili] sure have to suck your cock
[Garry] yes may be i will urinate also in your mouth
[Lili sits on her legs as she hold my cock] sure but if you love to drink my pee also than i will have it.”and i responded while smiling as she hold my cock and removed it's skin,now looking at me she starts licking my soft round glans as her tongue is making it love,my legs starts shivering and now she opened her mouth as she took my cock inside her mouth ,she is sucking it as my hand is on her hairs and now as i hold her hairs tightly,i starts fucking her mouth with my penis an she is looking at me,her face turned reddish as she is in fire and i am fucking her mouth fast with my 5-6 inches long cock and as i am going hard,her sexy voice”uh ah um”,and as i felt my cock in fully erection,i took it out as she is licking it with her tongue just like tasting ice cream,as i am feeling horny and hot,i hold her hairs as i pushed my long cock in her mouth,so he can suck and this time,she have hold my waist as she is moving her face fast while giving my cock a nice and hard jerk,so i am enjoying my sister's love as she is sucking it hard and now i feel like it i will cum but it's not going to happen soon but i will urinate and than i screamed”yes drink drink my pee aah”and penis poured urine in her mouth as she drink it but lastly left my cock ,soon she have some water in her mouth and now…………

”oh it tastes bitter
[Garry]sure now i will lick your hole and will drink your pee.”as i sits on my legs and than she is standing with her legs wide,now i put my lips as i am kissing it's labias and like a matured gal,she widened her hole as i starts licking it ,so she have ejaculated cum in her cunt and i am tasting it,so as my tongue is fucking her glory hole,she have hold my hairs as she is pushing my face towards her vagina and than i took my sister's cunt in mouth and lastly ,she shouted”oh ah uh drink drink you dog,yours sister's pee”and her cunt flowed lot of urine in my mouth as i drink our bath turned into a sex as we both have drink of each other's urine and now lili have hold my cock as she is jerking it hard,so i asked him to let move out of washroom and than we both rubbed each other's body with we both walked to dinning space in nudity and as i sits on sofa,she is on her legs in front of me as she took my cock in her mouth to suck and i hold her boobs to squeeze,so as i am massaging her breast hard,she is sucking my cock hard and i am screaming in joy”uh ah suck suck hard,you bitch enjoy my cock i will cum soon”and she is sucking it hard as well as fast and lastly i shouted”uh yes it will cum have it my bitch sister” and she got my cum as she drink it quite comfortably an our second session of love ends……..wait for it.

Added by Garry

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