It was always his fantasy to have a stocking slut wife

It was always his fantasy to have a stocking slut wife

We have been married now for over ten years. We have had our good times and we are now going through the bad. Having had three children and working shifts have taken their toll on our relationship.

More to the point our sexual libidos have grown apart. Its true, where she has remained the same since I lost her virginity, I have not.

She would be happy to “make love” perhaps twice during the month, lights off, nightie on, foreplay a no go and strictly missionary… Where, I have now been banging my frustrated cock during most nights to images of perversion that would completely destroy our marriage.

You see, for over five years I have been trawling web sites for sluts in nylon stockings, Basques, 6 inch spiked heels with tight skirts, shaved pussy’s that have a wanton lust for cock. I fantasies that, for once, just once in my life, my wife would be such a woman. To take me in that way, to slut dress, to seduce, to order, to demand, to vocally orgasm and to fuck my brains out until I can no longer give her the sperm that she screams for.

Yes a nylon slut, huh, in my fucking wildest dreams…

But in the real world, I cannot remember the year when I last had a blow job from her. Or her desire to allow me to lick her clit or even the verbal acknowledgement that she has cum, that’s if she ever has. You see the endless apologies of “not tonight dear, I’m too tired” or the sigh of relief when she starts her period. Yeah, if I’m lucky I might experience her blank gaze at the ceiling with the silent look of “get it over and done with…”

Her frigidity is now destroying our once happy union.

I have tried desperately to revive all this. I have showered her with gifts of expensive jewellery, designer French lingerie and perfume even a brand new car, but these materialistic objects have never been the catalyst of any passion. I have given her so much love, wowed her, taken her out for meals, danced in romantic foreign settings, yet all the romance in the world could not change my innocent wife into the slut that I crave for.

So I regretfully allow myself to continue the porn surfing and the fantasizing. How sad, but I know if this alternative is not pursued, I know I would have to look elsewhere. I love her too much to have that affair…


It’s Friday, seven thirty and I am all set for work. “See ya love, I’m off shortly. Oh, do you want me to purchase the crystal today? I’m in town at lunch. I could nip into the store if you’d like?”

“Hang on babes, I’m just getting the kids dressed for school, oh I don’t know. I shall have to check the bank account; that crystal might take us overdrawn”

She struggles with her eldest son, “Hold still whilst I button your shirt, Mike”. I stand at the bottom of the stairs to hear her tussle with the school uniform, then she peaks around into the stairwell, “I shall call you later this morning to let you know, we might have to wait until I get paid…”

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