Impressed Sam with my adorable style

My life is too romantic but it's a secret affair with a much older men , Hitesh ,my dad's friend as he is just double of my age but we both have an illicit affair as I lost my virginity also with Dipali ,a 18 years gal , height of 5'7 feet with white complexion have kept her figure fit ,as my busts measures 32 inches ,my waist is curvy of 24 inches but my squared shaped buttocks is 34 inches and I love to wear modern outfits as my thoughts have changed after I get physical with a men of my dad's age as he forced me for sex and than our affair got started as I starts enjoying physical relationship with him but it was up to only as i got his long thick penis in my mouth,I tasted his cum also and he have licked my glory hole as he sucked my boobs but lastly,he fucked me as I lost my virginity and again I took risk to know the real pleasure in getting fuck.

So I have matured lot in last 5-6 months as my mind is now too hot as I love to watch regularly but for a month,I have not given Hitesh uncle any chance to love me and so my eyes are on Sam ,a guy who is in illicit affair with my mom and I have seen their sexual activities twice but my mom have put me under control as she want to keep me aloof from sexual pleasure but she don't know my secret affair with my school classes are in process as I am looking for Sam's presence in home or on road as he is a neighborhood guy of 23-24 years and his tall figure of 6'0 feet with fair complexion as his strong thighs with arms are attractive.

So one morning ,as I walked out of home with my school bag ,I am looking nice but miniskirts covering my 2/3 portion of thighs as my lovely boobs are making me too hot and white stockings on thighs to legs are making me little as I am going towards bus stop to board a bus for school,I got look of Sam coming from opposite direction and his eyes caught my look as he came to me,so I stops near roadside as he came on his bike……………

“Hi Sam
(He)hello ,going to school
(Me)yes Sam and you
(Sam)going to university premises
(Me)o k ,I will board bus for my school
(Sam laughed)oh baby,you are so innocent or making me fool
(Me)so what Sam
(Sam)you don't know that I will go to university via civil lines.”

And I got the lift from my mom's lover Sam as I sit on bike with my both legs in same direction as i put school bag in the back of bike and my one hand is on his shoulder as I am sitting too closer and my right sponge boobs is touching his back ,so put my other hand on his waist as I am making him bit starts pressing my boobs on his back and as civil lines came ,I said……….”now please stop the bike.”as he stopped the bike and looking at me ,he smiled………

“when your school will be over?
(Me)at 03:15 pm Sam but why ?
(Sam)oh that's nice ,my classes will end at 03:00 pm and so wait for me as I will pick you from here ,now I walk to school premises as having a ride with Sam was like a nice morning and my classes are in process as I am thinking of him but will he propose me soon or not,let me flirt him with my adorable it's 03:15 pm as i walked out of classroom and reached near main gate of school,so waiting for him near roadside and looking towards busy path,so 4-5 minutes of wait turned into a nice meet as he came there and I sit on his he is driving his bike smoothly as I have kept my hand on his waist as other hand is on his shoulder , so pressing my boobs hard on his back and at speed breaker ,my boobs hits his back hard and my hand is going down to his bulge as like a bold gal ,I have put my hand on his bulge and rubbed for a showing my sexual desires with love and Sam is not in hurry as he is driving bike at slow speed but as I reached near Bus Stop ,I asked him………

“Sam ,now stop please
(Sam)ok baby.”and I left his bike as I said……..”thanks Sam for your lift
(He)oh don't say anything ,so I will wait for you tomorrow morning at same time.”

And I walked towards my home as I am feeling bit tired with day long as I frisked inside home,I am in my room as i starts removing my school dress ,now only in brassiere with panty as I took my shorts and tops, walked inside washroom as i urinated and took refreshment,so put my shorts with tops as I am in my dinning I can see mom coming out of his room as looking at me,she said………

“oh baby , reached home early
(Me)yes ,as I walked out of school premises ,I got bus ,so I reached early.”

And than both mom & daughter have a cup of coffee as I am feeling too tired,so moved to my bedroom as i slept on bed with my eyes closed.a nice morning with Sam on bike but it was a coincidence ,now he will wait for me next morning ,so is his wait a sign of flirting me or something special.

Evening as well as night passed normally ,so next morning, I left my bed on time as I took my refreshment and than a morning tea with my parents ,so have my bath and after my breakfast,as it's a last day of week ,we are free to wear informal I opened the wardrobe as I pick up a crop-tops with a miniskirts ,so have to cover my inners well and I put black push-up brassiere on my sexy boobs as I put a thongs on waist,little dress are vulnerable if you have to sit any where and than inners looks can be shown,so thongs is good as it covers whole buttocks with vaginal zone and thighs also. left home as I am thinking of class bunking but it's upon Sam to make some proposal and as i am walking on roadside towards bus stop,I am dreaming something romantic as sounds of horns is making some sort of extra loud in my ears,so I turned back to see Sam on bike and I smiled……..

“yes Sam ,you are stalking
(He)sure but stalkers can't get her smile,come on
(Me)sure.”and now I sit on back of seat as my one arm is on his shoulder while other is on his waist, so he is riding his bike smoothly and it's my closest position that's making my sponge boobs hot as I am rubbing it (right breast)on his back head,so my hand have also hold his bulge and I have shown my hunger for romance to him but now it's his turn to do something we reached near school,he stopped the bike……….

“dipali ,have enough time for a coffee
(Me)o k ,as you wish.”

And he moved his bike towards university's road ,lastly inside University premises ,now at a coffee shop ,he ordered for two coffee as we both are sitting on chair and after a while we are drinking it as his eyes are looking at my nude legs to thighs,no stockings on thighs to legs as I am thinking to move forward and ridge zone of campus is a love point of after our coffee drink ,he looked at his hand watch………”come on ,let me drop you to school
(Me bit hesitant)Sam ,not in mood to attend class today .”

And he took my school bag as he opened the dicky of bike and put it inside,he is looking smart in his blue denim jeans with a short shirt and now he left the bike at parking zone of we are walking towards ridge zone as my eyes are looking forward,I am bit shy also but as we both entered the ridge zone ,he hold my wrist and took me inside dense greenery as I am walking with him ,lastly he took me inside dense bushes as I am bit scared also but he have hold my wrist ,so as we both are in greenery zone ,he made me sit on a flat Rock .so he sit near me as I am looking forward but he put his arm on my shoulder and than as I turned my face to him,he took no time to kiss my face and i am bit shy as I starts showing my resistance but his tight hold have made me feel under his dominance and his lips are kissing my face to neck as my hand starts rubbing his back and my adorable way have impressed him as he is too hot and so I sit on his thigh ,my both arms have rounded his neck and than I put my lips on his lips as it's a stamp of love .

Sam than put his lips on my lips as he took my Rossy lips in his mouth to suck and my left breast is touching his chest as his one hand have hold my back ,his other hand is moving on my sexy bum as miniskirts have gone up and thongs have covered my sexual organs ,so as my hand is moving under his shirt ,he is more aggressive and now he opened his mouth to suck my long Sam is sucking my tongue hard as I came on his lap with my legs wrapped on his waist,so rubbing my both breast on his chest as his hand have made way to my sexy ass but it's rubbing it's outer surface only.later on ,I pushed his head back and freed my tongue ,now put my head on his shoulder and he is rubbing my back………..

“you are too hot and sexy
(Me)oh I see but never proposed me dear
(Sam)I was bit afraid of your behaviour ,if you complain about me to your parents was my thought.”

And now i sit on grass with him, so as my hand is moving on his bulge ,he put his one hand on my chest as he is squeezing it hard while his other hand moved inside my miniskirts and his hand is moving on my getting hotter and closer,I hold his buckles and starts removing it and now I want to show him my sexual desires,as his hand is rubbing on my thongs hard,his hard press on my boobs is bit paining but I love it.sam's jeans with briefs came down as his long thick penis is looking semi erected and dense pubic hairs have been there ,so I hold his penis and starts jerking it fast as his fingers are rubbing on my vagina on cotton thongs.we both are inside university's ridge zone as sitting on grass with dense bushes around made us safe and so Sam is too hot as he starts pulling down my thongs but I hold his wrist and giving him a tough resistance,but he put away my hand as he put my thongs to legs and I removed our sexual organs are nude as Sam is rubbing the hole with his fingers and my hand is holding his cock as it's in full hard jerk have made it a hot cock as I want to suck it but not going to swallow it soon ,want to get forced from him as want to put my image best infront of Sam have made my breast a hot organ as I am in fire”uh ah Sam ,it's not a safe place for love ,just put my thongs on waist
(Sam slowly pushed his long finger)baby ,I know your desires and I will fulfill it
(Me) Sam ,I don't know how I got attracted to you but sex within limit.”

And his finger is fucking my cunt fast as he is still massaging my breast hard and so as his cock is in my hand ,he starts pulling down the straps of my tops to shoulder and now I am too horny as my tops moved down to waist and my both brassiere have caged my Sam while fingering my cunt ,put his hand on my back and he is rubbing my back hard as I am bit scared now ,that my body is getting nude in his arms and so as he unhooked my brassiere ,my boobs are nude and he is a hungry wolf .now Sam took out his finger as I knelt down in his front and so he hold my breast as he swallows it in his mouth to suck but my lower portion of body is covered in miniskirts with no undercover there ,so he is sucking my breast hard as he fingered my vagina again and now his cock is getting masturbated ,sounding sexy “uh ah um Sam I will cum soon”and he left my right breast as he took my left one to suck and as I have seen him with my mom earlier on ,he always cums my body is in sensation as I am jerking his penis hard and there i screamed louder “uh Sam my cunt is now wet dear aah lick it “and he took out his wet finger as he put it in my mouth ,so tastes my vaginal cum as he smiled……….”baby ,it's a ridge zone ,so put your brassiere and tops on body.”as I put my brassiere on boobs ,now covered my sexy body with tops but thongs is on grass.He walked towards a large tree as he have hold a bottle of water also , so he came back as i have put my legs straight and have cleaned my cum with a he came back with his cock inside jeans and I thought that our sexual session have ended but I am dying for fuck but can't put my vagina on grass to get fucked ,so sucking his cock is in my mind.sam is drinking water as he asked……….

“dipaali ,I want to know one thing
(Me)sure Sam ,you can ask
(Sam)have you got physical earlier on ?
(Me)no but have dreamt about you .”and as my lower portion is nude ,he hold my wrist as he put my hand on his bulge and now feeling bit shy ,I tried to put my hand away but he kissed my face………

“baby ,don't leave me hot
(Dipaali) o k but what I have to do ?
(Sam)just make my tool love.”

And it was like a word moving in my mind ,so I unzipped his jeans but he helped me as he removed his jeans with undies but it's on his I hold his erected penis as i sit on his legs ,now bend down as my face is on his penis and now I starts rubbing it's glans on my lips ,so opened my mouth and swallow his penis but as my head is still ,I am sucking it hard and his one hand have lifted my skirts upto waist as his hand is slapping my sexy my head starts spinning as I got a hard cock to love ,I have sucked cock of a old men as I want to refresh my life with a young guy ,so his sound……..

“uh oh yes ,suck suck you bitch”is making me too horny and as i felt his cock growing bigger as well as harder in my mouth ,I took out his wet penis as my tongue is rolling on it ,like a gal eating an ice cream ,I am licking his cock but his finger touched my vagina again and I took his glans in my mouth to suck.He is a smart guy as he starts rubbing my hairs gently and now started fucking my mouth from below as I am feeling on top of the world ,his long and thick penis is hitting my throat ,so he is fingering my cunt fast as his penis starts ejaculating cum and I left his penis as i am masturbating it hard ,so his cock sprayed cum on grass as my hand got covered with it.sam is well exhausted as I walked towards a large tree , urinated there as I have cum in my cunt again ,so washed my vagina and walked to him.sam cleaned his penis as he put his undies and jeans on waist but my vagina is still getting fresh air and later on ,I wore my thongs as we both rested there for half an hour.our days passed nicely as both have lunch together in a restaurant ,than talks for hours in a park and lastly ,I am back home.

Added by Dipaali

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