How i met my dream aunty

Hi, this is a real life story, I am Nitish from a small city of india, i am 5.9 athletic slim white body. i was 21 years old.

During Afternoon, i met her, when i was on my way to a shop to buy some product for my PC, as I was on my way slowly, enjoying the ride, i saw her asking for a lift on side of the road, wearing dark coloured saree, sweat on her face, hair cleanly combed (just like an school teacher do) height around 5:2, thick mature body, brown skin, age around 34-36 i stopped, decided to give her a lift, she sat on my scooty, placing her hand on my left shoulder for support so she can balance herself out and sit, she was so close to me that i can smell her sweat, her actual bodily smell, so mature, so raw, so lusty, it was an nasty but addicting womenly smell.

As we were on our way, we started conversation, and aunties becomes very open if you give them a sense of closeness through your conversation, she told me that she works on a government job (head post), she have money, but has no one in her life, her husband gave her divorce soon after few months they got married, she couldn't marry again because, in olden time's whenever a married girl becomes single again, either by divorce or husbands death, it was considered to be impure, people used to think ” her life is gone” so no one got her onto a second marriage and so on no one was willing to marry a divorcee.

That's why she's still single, goes to job – come back home,thats her daily routine. has no one except few of her relatives who lives in a different city, I saw loneliness in her eyes and the way she was talking about herself showed how much she needs someone in her life, she don't even have children, and daily she has to deal with the same old people in her office who lives a family life, but she was still at her young age, she never experienced love or making love with someone, her mind always revolved around these romantic, youthfull things.

As we reached our destination, I asked her for her number, she looked a little shocked because she never got asked out like this. I said ” maybe you give me your number and whenever you feel like talking, you can talk to me” it was a bold move, because I am a shy kind of person, who keeps things to himself, never even interact with someone bigger then me in age, because out of respect. I was always wanting a mature milf women like this, so I just went for it.

She gave, I saved it.

finished my work, came back home,

Evening, Around 7:30 – 9PM, I was on my terrace alone, I get a message from her on What's App, chatting casual stuff, then she asked ” are you free right now, can i call? ”

I replied “yes”

Call came, we started talking, our communication started to get little closer moment by moment, I was earning her trust, comforting her, conversation started to get deep, I was listening her carefully, she was talking, as she was expressing herself, she cried, she was crying and talking about her life, and her pains, now she truly let it out!,

Besides her pain and struggles, she was always wanting someone in her life, who can comfort her, satisfy her, love her, and be with her whenever there's a need.

as things started to cool down for her, i decided to have a little fun now, so she can laugh, feel good and happy.

I asked ” so you have been single for decades, how do you satisfy yourself ”

She “what you mean?”

I said ” you know.. like sex, do you get any or something else you do?”

She replied to me, comfortably, that she has been masturbating all these year's, as soon she comes back from office, she straight goes to the shower, take shower and masturbate, each day, even before sleep, she masturbates, she couldn't sleep without masturbating.

I asked ” you are going to do it today too”

She “haha yea”

Our relationship became a little naughty from here.

Late Night (i was on my bed), while chatting on what's app to say good night, i asked her for her pics, she sent me her selfies, but i wanted those kind of pics (nude pics) I told her to sent pics of her masturbating before going to sleep, she took pause, seen but didnt replied, I thought to myself “did I say something wrong?”

After few minute I got a video from her, in the video, Oh lord! she was masturbating, I can see her face, her big black mature vagina, her huge butterfly pussy lips, wet, driping as hell, she got her vagina red as a rose, masturbating very wildly, forcefully, hardcore, her body generating instant heat, she getting hot and warm, she looked absolutely amazing! on that video, i can see her stress and tension go away with each stroke. I wish i could show you the video but can't.

She was very hard on herself, it was like she didn't know the power of gentleness, so what else what i could do, i looked at them, said “love this” told her to keep sending me her photos on daily basis, she said “okay” with kissing emoji.

Later the next day, it was holiday for her work, she called me at the morning, i

didn't pick up because i was busy, then at afternoon i called her back,

Asked “what happened”

She “come over”

I knew why she was calling me, i got ready, took shower, ate some healthy food, drank enough water. And headed straight towards her house, i didn't knew her address so I have to call her, to tell me directions, finally i reached her home, her home was in the middle of the city, she lives on the second floor, no one lives on the first floor, she was looking for someone to give rent too. so i went up, got inside her house, as being a rich enough person, her home was simple, small and decent, i saw her eyes glaring at me, having a beautiful, unhideble smile on her face, i think shes feeling like that for the first time, special, beautiful, loved, comforted, at ease, and lively. She was smelling so good, omg! wearing sleeve less nighty, wearing red lipstick, looking fresh, she looked so.. beautiful, but what was amazing is that, i can see her boobs pumping hard from the nighty, not wearing any bra, i can smell her vagina, her desire, her womenly smell to mate with me, i can feel sitting next to her how warm she feels, we were sitting on a sofa, talking, complimating how beautiful she looks, she was feeling special, she gone inside her kitchen to make me some tea.

after few seconds i got up, gone inside the kitchen, she was standing her back facing me, and front the cabin, where she was preparing tea, i got close to her, tickled her on the stomach from back, she moved front, i was very close to her body, our front bodies were touching each other, i leaned in for the kiss, we kissed, we kissed very hard, full of passion, lust was pouring from us, inside us, the kiss was till that time when we forgot l that, we even have to breath, just like bring a drowing men to the surface, that's how long and passionate our kiss was.

While we were kissing, i pulled her night up from the downside, and started to rub my fingers on her pussy (clit) rubbing – penetrating finger, rubbing – penetrating finger, her pussy felt so good and warn inside, i was being gentle with her pussy and kissing first, but then i remember how brutal she is, i started going hard core! kissing to its extreme, rubbing to its extreme, penetrating my finger to its extreme! i didn't even gave her time to think whats even happening, she was just into it, she was having it! the greatest orgasm of all time, mouning, screaming silently,(she didnt want anyone to here it, outside) heavy breath, her mouth was always open during this moment, after 30sec she came, she got the orgasm, i had her cum between my fingers, i took my cumed finger towards her mouth she ate it, sucked it all, and even made me suck my own her cumed finger too, right after she had that same finger on her mouth, her cum tasted kinda sweet, she asked me to take my dick out and put it inside her vagina

She said ” go ahead”

I told her, you just came, gather up the energy and then i will penetrate in you after few minutes, till then i was just standing there at the cabin, close to her, touching her showing her love and compassion, she was doing the same, tea got prepared, she served it on a beautiful red cup.

In the Living Room, we sat on the sofa enjoying tea, finished our tea, she got on top of me, kissing me slowly, her hands on my neck and face, my hands on her ass, i took off her nighty, i saw her big brown melons, black nipple, so hard, i sucked her nipple, squished it, bite it, pressed her boops so hard till it becomes red!, her breasts were so smooth and soft to play with, it was like a stress ball, each time i press, i get released of my tension and stress, sucked her real good between her breast.

I tasted her mature milf body, i loved it, kinda salty.

She took off my cloth, then my pant, now we both were naked, only wearing underwears,

Just infront of sofa there was a tiny bed, i pushed her there to penetrate, she layed down, facing open and wide, legs apart, pussy streched, took off her green cum stained underwear, took mine off too, then i penetrated my 6 inch white dick, oh god! I felt so good, so soft and warm inside her vagina, she mentioned that this is her first time having sex with someone.

i penetrated in n out, in n out, in n out, in n out……

Continued it, sometimes slow, sometimes fast…

She was taking longer to cum these time, i have to control my ejaculation, so i can satisfy her, i pulled my dick out, decided to stop intercouse for a sec, so i do not ejaculate fast, i told her to bend over and show me your ass, i want to eat it, i ate her ass, she said she never felt like this before, she liked her ass getting eating by me, then i put my dick inside her vagina again, doggy style, she came, i came on top of her vagina, she took my cum between her fingers, squishing, showing me, playing and smiling, with my cum and then she ate it all. Wow

later then, when i was getting dressed she asked me if we could do it once again right now, i replied “yes”

While we were waiting for my energy to come back, i recieved a call from home for some urgency, so i had to go,

I told her ” if i get free, i will come ”

She became a little sad but said ” okay, come back soon, if possible”

Later that evening around 6:30 – 7:30PM

It was already night, moon was shining bright, i got free, called her asking if i could come over.

She replied ” yeah”

I got to her house, she opened the door, i got in, she was dressing normal, no lipstick, wearing normal loose nighty this time. she was preparing her dinner, and maybe doing some household work, so she was kinda looking sweaty and exhausted, smelling a little bad cuz of sweat, but that's what i like about her, nasty smell of her body, i got instant horny, she closed the door, i pulled her to the wall, placed her hand on top,

She refused, she was refusing that she is not in the mood, but i didn't stop, i kept kissing her, on mouth, her skin, her neck and pressing her boobs hard, fingering her vagina, just making her horny, after few minutes of me forcing her like this, she got horny and i started fucking her, we were so in the mood that we didn't even knew what was happening, didn't care about being responsible, she came in few minutes and then i came inside of her, not realising, she can become pregnant. later that we both realised what i have done.

After few moments of shock and regret,

I decided to go to the terrace, her terrace was dark, covered with trees, and little rays of golden yellow street light was coming, after spending few minutes she came there too, i saw her coming towards me, looking at me unwavering, she came close, and hugged me really tight, like she owns me

She said ” everything will be fine, don't worry”

she was crying a little, became emotional, almost like, she got everything in her life that she ever wanted, she saw it in me, her emotional baggage has been lifted, thats why she hugged me very tightly, i hugged her too, it felt so good, even better then sex, the after effect of emotional sex i guess, it became a very sweet romantic scenerio.

She asked me to stay, have dinner with her, i denied, i left for home,

Since that days, we have been fucking each other of regular basis, talking to each other, having fun, making love, trying out different – different stuff in sex, sharing our deep desires, exploring each other's body and life we understand that we can't be like this forever, because of our diferent lifestyle and age, so i made her understand, that if the day comes when we have to fall apart, we will accept it.

Till then, we fucking love each other, and like

explore each other's body, not a single day went of us talking or either fucking.

I got her permission to share, few pics of her body…

Hope you enjoyed my love story. Thanks for being a part of it now. Love you all!

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