Horny MILF gets slutty as she is dared by random guys

Horny gets slutty as she is dared by random guys, Shannon stood, bent over, gripping the kitchen counter at the sink, naked save for a pair of black heels. Her 42Es hung under her and bouncing from the impact of the stud who was holding her at the waist, his thick throbbing cock pounding in and out of her horny MILF cunt. Shannon moaned at the sensation of being held in place and used in this manner, enjoying the action every bit as much as the stud behind her was.

This was Dale's fifth time in as many weeks to use her. The main difference this time was Dale had recruited several friends along turning this encounter into a crowded . Four horny studs watched as their friend tensed and, with a loud animalistic grunt, blasted his nut into Shannon, holding her tight as he unloaded to the cheers of his pals. One of them holding a high definition GoPro-like camera moved around to get a shot of the first load from the crew pumping into their whore's pussy.

This was not even her own kitchen, nor was it Dale's or that belonging to any of his friends. Shannon was, actually, Dale's realtor and weeks ago was showing the guy houses in the company of his heavily Sue. Sue was an attractive Asian-American girl 7 months along and was exhibiting the typical physical conditions. Her belly huge on her petite frame she was starting to do the pregnant girl waddle and her boobs were inflating to pornstar proportions in her trendy tops as her body changed in readiness for the coming baby. Sue was just starting to have difficulty getting in and out of Dale's four door sedan so the three of them had opted for Shannon's luxury SUV. This was to be Dale and Sue's fourth child. While their current residence was adequate for the five of them, a sixth pushed it over the edge. With that, they had sought out Shannon to scout a larger domicile.

Shannon could understand Sue's predicament as Dale was an insufferable horn dog. Attentive to his wife at every turn he was equally and unabashedly eager to ogle anything with tits. Dale made efforts to not gawk in front of his partner but, like most men, he failed miserably and Shannon shared smiles with Sue frequently as the two women tolerated him.

At one point, when the two women were alone together while Dale was off poking around the detached garage and shop of one of the properties Shannon was showing, the women had acknowledged Dale's proclivities and Sue had quipped that it would be a welcome change to have someone else take on the burden for a change. She had patted her swollen belly and the two girls had laughed.

Dale's gawking had started immediately upon entering Shannon's offices downtown. His head seemed to be on a swivel as he gawked, nearly drooling, on the women in the office starting with the receptionist and continuing right up to Shannon while his pregnant wife eased into one of the chairs in Shannon's office.

Shannon did not fault the guy. There were only two men in the whole office, the owner and his son. The practice had been built on employing attractive females and it had proven to be an effective strategy.

Shannon appreciated the attention as well and was actually quite used to it. With a pair of 42Es announcing her entrance to any room it was difficult for most men, and most women, not to stare. She usually smiled at the attention and found it entertaining to have a conversation with someone who only spoke to her tits. At 37 with children of her own, she knew that she still had it going on. Standing 5'10” tall she was something of an amazon. Her figure was curvy and she sported a mane of curly red hair. With the red hair also came the creamy white skin which was prone to easily burn in the summer. Over the years her skin had freckled on her shoulders, back, and face a little.

Proud of her carrot top Shannon went to lengths to keep her bush neatly trimmed but did not go bald. She would wax it into a tight strip for swimsuit season. Part of her pride in her pigmentation included a bit of naughty pride in always going commando. Shannon owned no panties and only covered her kitty when wearing a bathing suit. Shannon further thrilled in occasionally giving a client a little flash on the rare occasion he was not staring at her melons.

On that first encounter in Shannon's office she was wearing a pencil skirt and white transparent blouse over a chemise halter. The tight skirt did not afford the opportunity to show off her beaver but Dale clearly appreciated the view up top. Later, while touring the third property of the day, Shannon had caught him staring at her girls and had leaned in smiling and saying, “Maybe take a picture. It will last longer!”

At that Dale had chuckled and immediately scrambled for his smart phone, whipping it out and snapping a picture of Shannon while his wife Sue waddled along in front of them poking in closets.

Shannon had giggled then engaged him in response taking every opportunity to pose for her client while his wife wandered the house.

As the day went on, the three going from house to house on the list Shannon had drawn up, Shannon had made an effort to give Dale more to see, loosening the buttons on her sheer top and making an effort to angle herself by bending or stretching so he could get some good angles on her massive rack. Shannon really enjoyed the game and knew from experience in the property business what sales was really about.

As the day wore on Shannon gave Dale more and more to look at. At one point even leaning over in a hallway and pulling her top down giving him a three quarters view of her jugs. During all this horseplay Sue went about the houses and Shannon was nearly certain the woman was not oblivious to the flirtation. In fact, it seemed Sue was just happy to not have to entertain Dale so she could focus on finding the features she needed in a house.

The game continued off and on until they got to the last on the list for the day. Dale and Shannon were waiting in the kitchen, Sue upstairs somewhere looking at rooms. Both Dale and Shannon were fiddling with their smart phones. Shannon was reading emails and checking social media but Dale, was browsing the album of photos he took. Shannon looked up when he held up his phone and said, “Man, I would PAY to see those!”

Shannon smiled looking at an image of her posing in a hallway with her blouse half undone, chest thrust out.

“Oh yeah? How much?” She quipped back smiling standing striking another pose as he admired the real thing.

“I got a $20!” He offered excitedly.

Shannon stared, she had never had someone offer her money in this way before. While she had played this game before with other clients it had never come along this far. She was, actually, a little surprised in her response, and a little excited at the prospect. Shannon almost instantly, almost without thought, extended her hand out, palm up and made a beckoning movement with her manicured fingers. Dale gawked for a moment, but only one, and fumbled for his wallet, yanking a $20 out which he thrust into her palm excitedly. Shannon grasped the bill, wadding it into her fist, then, smirking the whole time grabbed the hem of her blouse with both hands and wiggled it up along with her halter top and bra, letting her twin 42E cup udders out in front of the man she had only met a few hours ago, his wife waddling around full of child upstairs. Shannon smiled and held herself in that position for a moment but Dale had caught her, angling the smartphone still in his hand fast enough to get a shot of her flashing him for $20 in someone's kitchen.

With that Shannon had gasped, yanked down her top and giggled, straightening herself and saying, “You delete that one!” She was half teasing, knowing full well Dale would not erase the image.

As it turned out Shannon did not have time to because Sue emerged from around the corner, her massive swollen belly leading the way with Shannon still tucking her blouse in.

Sue pretended not to notice but she smiled at Shannon and shot Dale a look. Dale shrugged and said, “What?” Sue just raised a hand in his direction for him to talk to and announced she had had enough for one day but wanted another go the next.

Shannon had dropped them off at her office where they had left their car and after plans to meet the next day were settled headed home. Before pulling out of the lit Shannon glanced back and noticed the two in passionate embrace. Sue's hands were down Dale's pants and his were up her shirt clearly groping her tits.

“Wow,” muttered Shannon as she got a look at the couple making out in the parking lot. Shannon, wanting to see more of this show, pulled out of the lot and hurriedly drove around just in time to see the two scramble into their car. Dale in the driver's seat he raced out of the lot and around the building to the behind it.

Shannon pulled into a spot on the street and hurried back up the block to the alley. She tried to duck in casually so as not to alert her clients to her presence and found a spot behind a dumpster where she could observe. By the time Shannon had moved into position Dale had parked. Shannon could see the car only a few yards away and both doors had been flung open. Dale was at the passenger side standing with his hips in his wife's face clearly enjoying an blow job from the woman.

Shannon giggled voyeuristically as she watched. Dale reached down and shoved his hand down the neck of the summer dress his wife was wearing, stretching it as he mauled one of the pregnant udders. He stood that way a moment more, then yanked the neckline down letting his wife's tits spill out, her head bee ceasing as she bobbed up and down on her husband's pole. Dale then yanked his wife to her feet and pushed her around the front of the car, bending her over the fender with one hand on his dick. With his free hand he hiked up her skirt and entered her, mashing her pregnant tits and stomach to the hood of his car while she moaned with each thrust.

Shannon suddenly felt the overwhelming need to masturbate. She had been stroking a breast with one hand unaware until the sudden desire had come to her. Unfortunately the pencil skirt she was wearing only went one way, down. She fumbled at the zipper behind her back to get access to her pussy letting the garment drop and pool around her ankles in the muck between the two dumpsters leaving her naked from the waist down. She immediately got to work on herself, her fingers stroking her trimmed bush, a hand on her tit, watching her clients fuck over the hood of the car a few yards away.

Sue was on her toes in her high tops as her husband fucked her against the car, her hands sliding for purchase on the hood as he urged her to cum on his dick. Sue grunted like a pig as her hips banged off the fender, cumming, almost on command, with her husband climaxing almost immediately after.

That did it for Shannon too and she clamped her thighs together on her hand and gripped her tit through her blouse, squirting a little as she got off watching the Sue and Dale rutting a few feet away.

Shannon watched, breathing heavily with her hand between her legs, her skirt still around her ankles as Dale pulled out of his wife helping her off the hood. The two kissing passionately in the alley after their tryst, Sue's rack still hanging from the neckline.

Shannon then became aware of her surroundings. Across the alley was another pair of dumpsters. Two men had settled in between them and were grinning broadly at the show Shannon and her clients had just given. Both had their filthy cocks out and were eagerly jerking off as they watched her. Shannon froze, staring at the voyeurs, a little disgusted by their presence, then a little turned on. One of the men grabbed his shirt and flapped it, Shannon immediately understood and hiked up her blouse then the halter and then pulled her melons out while her audience gawked. Smiling Shannon leaned back against the wall and spread again, caressing a naked tit with her hand and masturbating with the other as the two across from her jacked off. Shannon worked her kitty moaning softly, her nipples erect despite the summer heat. She looked over at the pair watching her their dirty cocks in their dirty fist then came a second time. Squirting harder this time Shannon moved her hand from her tit, spread her cunt open and frigged herself to a big orgasm. She climaxed with her eyes closed and when she opened them she saw the two homeless guys were continuing to stroke. When she smiled one of the men sat up and kicked a beer bottle in her direction, it rolled and clattered over to the toes of her high heels and she looked down at it a little confused then realizing the guy wanted to see her masturbate with the object.

Shannon eagerly obliged, grabbing the item and angling it up, sliding it along her labia and then working it inside, the smooth surface of the glass sliding along her slit almost making her cum again. Shannon leaned back against the alley wall and went back to work on herself while her audience masturbated watching, sliding the thick neck into her hole, showing off, as the two men smiled enjoying the show. In and out the bottle went as she masturbated in front of the men, working the tool into her deeper and deeper as she stood with her legs parted fucking the glass in and out of her horny mommy cunt. It did not take long and she came again, groaning loudly this time and clenching the object as she orgasmed then opening her eyes, making a show of sliding the glass out of her cunt, on hand on a naked tit as she enjoyed her own climax.

The guy who had suggested the bottle smiled and pointed to his dick and, while initially repulsed a little, the cock looked delicious to a woman who had been teased off and on all day. Shannon decided she didn't just want it, she needed it and so she pushed off the wall but the guy glared and put up his hand. Then he pointed down smiling while his friend sat there stroking his own boner. Shannon blinked then realized the guy wanted her to crawl. Having not backed down from a dare all day Shannon smirked and got onto all fours then crawled, bare assed with her tits hanging, across the alley up to the guy. The guy just sat there grinning and stroking his dick until her mouth was over it. She smiled up as she opened her mouth and gobbled his dick to the balls, shutting her eyes and ignoring the stink coming off the two men, the alley itself masking it pretty well, she began bobbing her red head on his tool.

Within seconds hands moved over her swaying udders and she continued to eagerly suck the homeless stud's meat, kneeling on all fours over him as he sat back getting a free blow job from some random office . Shannon started a little when she felt a pair of hands on her bare ass, opening her eyes and pulling back to object, moving the guy with his dick in her mouth grabbing her by her ponytail and pulling her back into place as his friend kicked her high heels apart and crawled up between her bare legs, running his dick along her now dripping pussy then sliding balls deep into her pussy as she groaned on the homeless man's dick in her mouth.

The two spit roasted her there in the alley, at one point swapping places as people walked by the entrance of the alley a few feet away, the two homeless studs eagerly pumping her at both ends. The guy she had started off sucking gripped her by her wide mom hips and drilled her deep, his filthy balls banging off her trimmed bush until he tensed then blasted his load into her. His friend yanked his dick out of her mouth and pulled her off his friend's still spouting meat plunging his throbbing dick into her cunt and contributing his seed to her horny pussy while his friend stood up over her with his dick dripping on her. Once both had finished they moved back to their spot between the dumpsters and thanked her with a smack of her bare butt.

Smiling Shannon hurried to get her skirt back up, zipped it and then slipped back out to the sidewalk. Sue and Dale had long since gotten into their car and driven out of the other end of the alley. She danced along the sidewalk in her heels, in the rapid short run women in high heels and tight skirts do. Shannon headed back to her SUV and, still excited from everything that had happened, drove home.

Shannon went through the usual weekday routine upon arrival home, kissing her husband Mike when he got in, checking up on the kids, dinner with the family, household chores and preparations for the day to come. It was not until she and Mike were getting ready for bed that she recapped her day. Mike was used to the flirting bit and welcomed it to some extent. He had told Shannon how he liked the idea of guys wanting his MILF. She had arrived at the flashing bit saying, “And then he goes and offers me a twenty to see the girls!”

Shannon watched Mike's reaction, she had been given to flirt and she was not sure if this crossed the line. Admittedly the more she thought about it the hotter she got. A man was desperate enough to fork over cash!

Mike's almost instant reply was, “you should have told him $50!” Shannon giggled and Mike got this queer look on his face as if he could not believe what had come out of his mouth.

Then she told him about the alley and about being watched. She lied a bit about the men's status not wanting a lecture from him on the risky nature of their fine city's homeless population. She was pleased with Mike's reply.

“You gave it away for free?” He had said grinning, he was already playing with himself as they talked.

“Oh! I need to charge now is that it? Well then sir, how much have you got?” She said alluringly and started peeling off her work clothes while Mike recovered from his response and watched his redhead vixen wife strip like a pro in front of him.

Mike had been eager and willing to oblige and the two wrecked the sheets trysting in their bed then passed out from the exertion. Mike was clearly turned on by the notion of his wife being the object of lust by strangers and Shannon excited and horny from the hours of flirtation and her husband's eager, hard and throbbing, response to her behavior.

The sexual olympics started with her striptease. Unbuttoning her blouse and sliding it off, tossing it aside then unzipping the back of her pencil skirt. Wiggling out of it and kicking it away. Then she peeled off her top to let her breasts free.

Mike was eagerly jerking off as he watched his wife undress and happy to see her move to the bed. Shannon paused at her nightstand, pulling open her top drawer and fishing around. She pulled out one of her favorite sex toys, and held it up. Mike loved seeing Shannon with the 10″ black onyx gel filled , and watched her crawl onto the bed. Shannon paused to pose for her husband smiling as he enjoyed the show.

“You wanna see me get fucked baby?” Shannon cooed as she moved into position with the toy.

“Fuck yeah you horny slut! Let me see that big black cock in your pussy!” Mike had replied encouraging her.

Shannon rolled into her back resting her shoulders against the headboard and brought the toy up to her lips. She teased it with her tongue, wrapped her lips around it and sucked while her husband watched. Horny and eager she pulled it out and moved it down her face and neck, sliding the dark object between her naked pale breasts, teasing a nipple with it before continuing down between her legs.

Shannon positioned the tool to lay on her mound, her husband jacking off as he watched her writhe naked in heels on the bed. Her hands moving to her big mother cow udders while the black dildo laid on her trimmed bush.

Mike eyed the object resting on his wife's stomach. Smiling at the thought of the tool filling her, using her, while he watched.

“That's it baby! Let's see it work! I want some sloppy seconds!” Mike said smiling and his wife obeyed, her hand moving back down to grip the dildo and slide it down to split open her well used cunt.

Mike watched as the bulbous head of the object opened her up and her lube oozed out to coat it. Shannon lay there legs splayed, her hand between them urging the black cock dildo into herself with one hand while her other groped a bare breast.

Then it was inside of her. It was inside of her and she was fucking it and it was fucking her. Eyes closed on her back on the bed Mike watched as Shannon took all ten inches of the thick black bone. Bucking her hips and pumping her gash with it while he watched. She lay there, fucking the black plastic, working herself up until she came.

“Fuck yeah baby! Get some! Fuck that cock!” Mike had encouraged, his hand in his own throbbing rod.

Shannon did as she was told, fucking herself to climax. Once her orgasm subsided she smiled up from between her spread legs leaving the cock hanging from her cunt.

“Ready for sloppy seconds honey?” She asked smiling and was rewarded by having Mike climb onto the foot of the bed and crawl, cock in hand, up to her.

He dove face first into her red box, eating out her honey hole while she squealed in pleasure, stopping only at her command and moving up to shove his dick between his wife's rack letting her suck the cock head poking between them as he thrusted.

He watched his wife work, admiring her talent as he moved a hand down to her cunt and toyed with the object buried ten inches into her.

“Yeah, that's a good girl! Suck that D bitch! Fuck!”

Mike pulled back and climbed on top of her, pulling her toy out and tossing it between her tits. He knelt between her thighs and eased into her familiar hot wet and still tight pussy.

Shannon counted four orgasms, Mike said he got out two and would have gone for a third had it not been so late and had they not collapsed, naked covered in their sex, in each other's arms and fallen asleep.

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