Exhibitionism – Adventures in village home with MIL and her sis

Hello readers,

My name is . The incident which I am sharing with you happened during early 90's, 1992 to be precise. That time I was 24 years.
That was the time I married VijayKumar. But the sad part was for about 8 months we had to live separate as my hubby was working in . So 2 options 1) Either he was planning to quit job and return back 2) If he continues in job then I go to London.

So, after marriage I had to stay in his mother's home i.e my mother-in-law. Her name is Bhagirathi. That time she would be late 40's. Her home was in a …..a village deep in South Karnataka. Her ancient village home was HEAVENLY!!!.

Ancient village home in the middle….surrounded by banyan groove ; mango groove ; ; fields ; wellside. Not even one house closeby. Of course, from one house to another house it used to be a 15 minute walk!!!

Bhagirathi atthe's house members were her 40 year old sister Shashikala. Bhagu Atthe was a widow. Shashi was unmarried. In such a heavenly place where houses were isolated…freedom was aplenty.

I observed very first morning…my atthe was wearing just a saree. No blouse, no underskirt, no bra. As for Shashi….she was wearing just a small skirt and a low cut blouse.

First few days I observed that whenever Bhagirathi atthe used to do chores…her bare back was visible…also her side breasts were always visible. As for Shashi….if she stood itself her cleavage was visible. When she bend down and doing chores….since she was wearing a loose low cut blouse….almost 70% of her boobs came out. Even atthe ….since she wasnt wearing a blouse many a times her saree used to slide giving a view of one of her breast. During lunch,dinner we used to sit down. Since Shashi was wearing a small skirt most of the time her legs,thighs were visible. In fact,when she used to get up…I could clearly see her pussy,hairs,asshole. Totally there was in this house and they cared a damn for it. Maybe there were used to seeing each others bodies.

(Another thing to be noted : In house we talked /Tulu…but here I have translated everything into English)

As for me, since I was from city and came to this house – I was wearing everything – saree,blouse,petticoat,bra…..atthe and Shashi observed this. One evening Bhagu atthe called me and asked me to sit with her. She told me “Beti..here no one will come. Be comfortable. See myself…just this saree…see Shashi….just that blouse,small skirt.

I told “Ayyo Atthe….I am not used to wearing such less clothes”….To which Shashi told “1 or 2 days you will feel uncomfortable.Then you will get used to it. Feel free. Here no one will scold you”. Then I thinked and thinked and finally decided to go with the tide.

Next morning I wore just a blouse and bermuda shorts and went to the kitchen where all 3 were there. On seeing me Shashi exclaimed “Akka, see this….your bahu too joins our dress code”…..Atthe looked at me and told “aah….beti….this is comfortable…be like this only”…..but somewhat I was feeling ashamed.

I used to join in the chores with atthe and Shashi. Initially this half embarassed me but slowly I got used to it. Especially I and Shashi became good friend-like. In fact,she was also naughty. Once when I was bending and washing utensils…..Shashi told atthe ‘akka…your bahu has also started exposing her mimmi's (breasts)”…When I looked down I could clearly see my breasts popping out of blouse…..when I tried covering them up….atthe patted me and told “dont worry beti…she is teasing you…you be casual” Even I used to hit back. Sometime later I told ‘atthe…see your sister…her almost entire mimmi is exposed”…to which atthe,shashi laughed and laughed. Shashi told me “Good..Good….slowly you are tuning to our way of things”

As I told Shashi was a naughty woman. Liked to expose a lot. Once I and she were sitting in the coconut groove doing some some chore. All of a sudden she saw maid lady Rangamma,a lower class woman,walking towards us. Shashi told me “see the fun now”….Saying so, Shashi silently removed 3-4 hooks of her blouse,spread it open a bit and continued working. My God…..I told Shashi “akka, what is this…..almost your entire mimmis has come out…even your aerola is visible….Rangamma is coming…quick….cover your breasts”.

But by that time Rangamma came near and told “Shashi akka, you forgot to put blouse hooks….here let me help you”…saying so Rangamma hooked Shashi's blouse. After she went Shashi laughed and laughed. ( This was clear – Shashi liked exhibiting )

The shocking thing came for me was,when once I and Shashi were washing clothes and from afar she saw Rangamma's 8 year old son Hari coming towards us.This Shashi quickly removed her blouse hooks and continued washing. I quickly understood her intention and told her “akka…that is a small boy..pls cover up….your full breasts are visible…your tits too…pls cover” . She didnt. Hari came near and for about 10 minutes was staring and staring at Shashi's breast…to keep him there…Shashi was simply talking and talking with him. In between she told me in English “Varsha, see that boy….his cock….has erected”….I saw that nude Hari. Yes! He had an erection. After he went she laughed and laughed.

Then came Deepavali. The day where I lost my total shame about nakedness. Early morning all 3 of us assembled in the big Pooja room where atthe was to do “Oil Shaastra” to both of us. Atthe entered the room with oil, leaves…she and Shashi lit lamps. Then atthe told “Get ready…..both of you”…..To my horror….I saw atthe remove her saree and keep it aside becoming completely naked. Shashi too removed her blouse and skirt. Both naked!!!.Shashi told me “Varsha….this is deepavali…akka will do oil shaastra; give us oil massage and head bath. Come…remove your blouse,shorts”

I shyingly told “Ayyo..no…I cant go naked”. But will atthe leave me? She told “arey….on this day atleast shed your shame”. On seeing that I was still reluctant atthe herself came near me and while telling “come on beti…we are family…what shame between us” . While saying so atthe started to remove my blouse hooks….though I was saying No..No…..she so casually opened my blouse….Shashi helped atthe in removing my blouse off my shoulders and quickly downed my shorts and made me completely naked. Shame set on me and I did cover my breasts n pussy with my hands but both made sure they draw my hands away. There I was stark naked in front them. Shashi and atthe has lovely voluptuos breasts…..to be honest,Shashi had wonderful breasts.

Me and Shashi sat naked as atthe did the “oil shaastra”. Then have an oil massage to us. In fact,atthe massaged me all over…..entire body…she poured oil…..massaged my shoulder,neck,hands,waist,breasts,thighs,legs,back,bum….to be honest…I got aroused a bit…obviously a naked atthe moving her hands all over my body. Arousal will happen. At the end of it….All of us looked oily..oily….like Naked Pailwans. BY THEN MY SHAME WAS GONE!!!

All of us headed to the wellside…..buckets and pots of hot water were kept….atthe gave bath to us. First my turn. In fact,when atthe was pouring water on me….Shashi too helped her….by washing my head,back…and as I told..she's naughty….Shashi even moved her hands all over my breasts and on the pretext of washing my breasts…squeezed and fondled it…when I screamed….she laughed and laughed. Then when atthe was giving bath to Shashi on the pretext of helping her I too started to wash Shashi and in the process of washing her breasts…. tit for tat…squeezed her breasts harder, pinched her tits…she screamed and jokingly told atthe “akka…your bahu is sexually molesting me….i will go to Police”. Then when it was time for atthe's bath ,me and Shashi helped her. As expected Shashi teased her sister by moving her hands over atthe's breasts, squeezing it…making atthe scream…..but as for me,I dint have guts to play around with atthe. So I just helped atthe in washing her head,back. Then stark naked all 3 of us walked all the way from the wellside to the house. Great feeling – Strolling naked thru the woods. From Hereon EXHIBITIONISM of me and Shashi peaked !!!

What I and Shashi used to do was – EXPOSE as much as possible. For ex, when we were doing chores in the coconut groove, if we saw Rangamma or Hari coming towards us…quickly Shashi used to remove her blouse hooks and ask me to do same thing. By then shame was gone from me. Even I used to remove blouse hooks and pretend to be working. That Hari used to stare and stare at our 90% exposed breasts. However Rangamma used to say “Ayyo..both of your blouse hooks have come off…your mimmi's have come out”….Then after she left i and Shashi used to laugh and give high five as though we did some achievement.

Evening I and Shashi used to go deep into woods. Remove our blouse….she her skirt , me my shorts….get naked and roam around,,,,run around the woods shouting. If we saw some tribal women whom we know coming that way….we used to purposely go to them and on the pretext of talking we used to be naked in front of them. Even those women were improperly dressed…..just a cloth around them. However once there was a scare. When I and Shashi were roaming naked in Mango groove…from a distance we saw an elderly couple of faraway house coming that way. We were heavily scared. What will they think if they see us naked. Our clothes too were far behind. Quickly we dashed towards the wellside and hid behind it. As they passed by we were praying that they not see us. Thank God. They didnt see us as they were hurrying to the temple by this shortcut route. Whew! What a scare. After they went we laughed and laughed at our plight.

Best time was summer. Shashi told me about another experiment which I accepted. So when summer came one morning I and Shashi after bath just put on a komanam(loin cloth) and went to the kitchen. Yes…just a komanam….covering pussy….rest of the body was naked. On seeing us atthe exlaimed “Oh My God! What is this?”……I winked at atthe and told “We are getting ready for summer”…..Atthe asked “then does that mean next 2 months you will be like this only”…..Shashi told “Not only us….we will prepare you also for summer”…Saying so,slowly we moved towards atthe. I held atthe's hand. Shashi started to remove her sister's saree….Though atthe said “No…No…Dont want”….Will we leave?….we removed the one and only cloth which atthe wears and made her naked. Then I handed her a komanam and told “atthe..you also wear this”…..

Atthe pretended to cry and told “meri beti aur behen milkar mujhe nanga kardee”…..haha….. For the rest of summer, all of us were in just a loin cloth.

( Note : Readers, you might ask “What if guests/relatives came to house”…..Very rare…anybody would come to that deep village. Even if they did, they had to stand at the Main gate and press bell. Main gate itself was one km away from the house….lol….Atthe would wear saree and go to let them in whereas here we both ladies would dress up…..saree.blouse,petticoat.]

When me and Shashi were in Komanam….it was treat for that boy Hari…purposely he used to be with us…staring at our nude body. Evenings all 4 of us used to go to Mango groove. There in the middle was a grassy patch where we used play badminton. When I and Shashi used to play, Hari used to sit and watch our bouncing balls and bums. While playing purposely we used to make our komanam fall and Hari used to get excited.

However one evening all 3 of us were relaxing naked on the grassy patch. At about 6 pm, atthe left to the house. I and Shashi were still lying naked…talking,laughing,teasing…when all of a sudden….Shashi mounted on me and started to kiss me….she kissed my forehead,my cheeks..I was astonished by her behaviour…..by the time I opened my mouth to say something to Shashi….she kissed my mouth. I liked Shashi so much that I didnt feel like retreating. Her lips on mine….Her fresh breath was so refreshing that I gave in. Slowly Shashi took my lips in her mouth and started to chew. Even I too responded to her by taking her upper lip into my mouth and chewing…..for about 5 minutes we were involved in a passionate lip kiss. Then Shashi went further down….kissed my neck,shoulder,armpit…kissed my breasts,tits….very soon started to lick my breasts….softly she started biting my tits….Just when I started moaning….she let me go….saying “sorry….you are vijju's wife….I shouldnt be using you like this”….

But I had lost my senses as I was aroused. I hugged Shashi and kissed her mouth. Since I had taken a liking to her breasts I went down and started sucking and licking it. For 5 minutes I sucked on her tits. Then she laid me on the patch and mounted on me and made love to me. We both were indulged in almost a 30 minute love making session. Finally when both of us were cuddled up naked ….Shashi told me “Now you know why I am unmarried”. Yes. Shashi was a Lesbian!!! Also an Exhibitionist.

Remaining days me and Shashi were highly closer. Both used to have bath together at wellside. I used to pour water on her and wash her shoulder,neck,hands,breasts. She also used to wash me. She used to lip kiss me a lot. Evenings we used to go to the woods and cuddle up with each other talking,kissing,caressing each others breasts.

All good things must come to an end. When summer was ending my husband called me over to London. I didnt want to go from that village home. On the day of leaving I was almost sad.In fact, when the time came for me leave the village home….I and Shashi went to a room and hugged each other and cried and cried. Shashi and I even had a lip kiss. Then to clear the sad moment….. Shashi told “I love your breasts”….one last time I opened my blouse to her….she slowly held my breasts in her hand, caressed it, fondled it, squeezed it, kissed it …then again leaned on my shoulder and cried and cried.

When the auto left the house….I was seeing the house till the last gaze. Memorable stay for me. Feedback : [email protected]

Added by Varsha

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