A night with my aunt

Hi sex story lovers, if you are searching for a story of sexy then you are at the right place. I am a 20 year old guy. This is a real incident happened few years ago in our village.

I was staying with my dad and mom in a village. My dad is suffering from some kind of illness and mom spent most of her time in caring him. I felt alone but due to my busy academic schedule it was managed.

My dad needs for taking his medicine and mom walks a kilometer for it daily. Up to that day I have a strong doubt in mind that although we have two cattles giving enough milk why mom is taking the risk to bring it from other house? But on that day I was asked to bring milk from one of my mom's close friend's house.

It was non other than aunty who have more cattles in the cow-yard than ours. She was lot more younger to my mom, I think her age may be in the 30s. She came to our village nearly a decade ago by marrying one of my dad's friend and from that day she was like our own family member. She recently gave birth to a baby girl after struggling for it from years.

When I reached there that morning Pramila is busy in wiping the floor. Her clothes were completely disturbed and her cleavage welcomed me before her. My heart beats and erects up, I somehow controlled myself and greeted her. She was surprised to see me, and welcomed me with a great happiness. As I said before she is like one of our family member, she doesn't care for her misplaced saree even after greeting me.

She asked me about my family, dad, mom and my studies. I was always happy to talk with her because of her kind nature and unexplainable love towards me. I just handed over the milk container and waited outside. It was a long wait, she didn't arrived. I was curious that what she is doing inside keeping my container with her.

I walked towards their kitchen and surprisingly she was not there. I heard some noise from her room and my legs moved towards it. I was shocked, surprised and also felt nervous to see her. She had my container along her side and doing something with her boobs. When I go near, I found she is squeezing her boob with one hand holding a cup with the other. My legs shivered by the look. Although I am not seeing her breasts my cock stood up for her actions. She was turned the other side and didn't notice me early.

When my breath sound beats her ears, she said” Sorry dear, if you are getting late.. but what can I do.. I am not getting enough to fill your bottle.. I think she ate more than usual last night… ”

Yes!! She was talking about her , the thing that my dad take with his medicine, The thing which I drink when it is excess than required, the thing which is sweeter than our cattle milk, the thing which gives me more power. I was stunned to know it and felt pleasurable to have it often.

“It's okay aunty.. I will wait.. ” I like to wait as the scenery itself is giving me pleasure.

“No son.. there is no meaning in simple wait.. could you please help me out.. ” she asked what my mind is in need.

” Sure aunty… what can I do? ” I walked and stood in front of her. She rolled her saree pallu, her cleavage is still welcoming. Hooks of her blouse fully opened, and her left breast stood firm in the open air. Her red nipple was fully erect and feeling wet due to her milk and sweat of tiredness. I have no words to explain what happened to me at that time. I stood still untill she called my name.

“Suni.. my son… come here hold this cup under me.. ” she gave me the cup she held in hand. It only had some ounce of milk in it. I took it and placed under her nipple. She use her both hands now and started squeezing from the bottom of her breast, but the result was same. Apart from her greatest efforts she was only able to get out few drops.

” I was feeling tired, my hands lost their strength to squeeze.. could you please do it for me… I will hold the cup for you… ” she invited me to touch her soft and smooth milk melons.

I slowly moved my shakey hands on to her. I cupped her soft breast in hand, her nipples are hard enough to pierce my palm. When she hold the cup under her nipple I tried a lot to take her milk out. I also squeezed them from the base and result remains the same.

During my squeezing efforts my eyes fall on her other boob which looks full with the milk. I touched it intentionally for few times and felt the slight hardness due to filled up milk. “Aunty… why you are not trying this with the other one.. ?” I asked.

” It is reserved for the kid my son… she will need it soon after waking up… I can't control her hunger by other way… ” she told me her helplessness.

“But we need only few ml to fill half of the container.. I may come for the other half in the evening… If you feel okay.. !?” I gave some solutions.

She was silent for a minute thinking about it. She finally agreed and said Yes. She moved her saree pallu to other side and folded up her blouse to show me her right breast. It looks slightly full and hard. The nipple was more darker and the sweat widespread.

When she placed the cup near this one, I started squeezing them with both hands. As we guess we get enough milk to fill half of the bottle. She capped the bottle and handed over me back.

Although my work is finished my mind still fix there. I was not ready to leave the place. Aunt also surprised to see me like this. ” What happened… ? why are you still looking at me? go run.. your father is waiting for you… ” she shodded my shoulder.

” Aunty.. I am feeling hungry… I didn't have the breakfast… ” I want her milk to drink at that time
” Ohh my son… I had not prepared the breakfast yet… ” she feel cunning for me.

” No aunty… I don't need that… Can you give me some milk from this.. ” my index finger is pointing her milk tank.
” You naughty fellow… this is not good.. I will give you sweat and warm cattle milk… ” she tried to take my focus out.

” Your milk is sweeter.. !! I know it… I had drink it so many times when it is excess than required for the medicine.. ” I am convincing her.
” Ohh my god.. you are killing me emotionally… I might give you if I had more production… could you please leave me now.. I may afford to give you in the evening… ” she was literally crying for her helplessness.

I just left the place with a great disappointment living in mind. No matter what the situation I got relaxation by jerking off my cock several times the whole day. Our bathroom is fully wetted with my cum but still I get more to leak.

In the evening I prepared myself to go for getting the milk. I was eagerly waiting for the sunset and ran to aunt's house before the sun run to the shore. Aunt was busy in doing household work and when I reached she welcomed me with the same smiley face.

She filled the bottle with the milk she had already squeezed out.
“For me… ?” I asked innocently.
” I have lot of work to do my son.. could you please wait for some time.. ” she ran her hands on my face and caressed my hairs. Who the hell is going to say can't at this kind of situation.

I fallowed her wherever she goes. She milked the cattles, feed them and washed her face and walked towards the bedroom with me.

She sat on bed in a comfortable position and hold a cup with her. She swept her saree paloo aside and started unhooking her blouse. Her melon comes out with a burst and she placed the cup near one of her boob to collect milk. When she pressed from the base it oozes a drop of milk out. This continued for several minutes. I was watching with a thirsty feel and watery mouth.

“Aunt.. if you don't mind.. I will suck them by own.. ” I finally told her my need.
” You can… but… ” she was still in confusing state, but decided very early to say ” it's okay… you are like my son only, hence no problem.. come have it with your own.. ”

I just jump on her and rested my head on her lap near one of her breast. I was just few minutes away from the heaven as my cock was piercing my shorts. She slightly bent down herself to give her nipple in my mouth. When I chewed a little it shoots a warm, sweet milk in to my mouth. I finally reached the heaven in my mind.

In a few minutes I stop sucking her. ” What happened? is it enough?” she asked.
” No… but… but… your saree is smelling bad… I am not getting the taste of your milk.. ” I said my problem. Actually it was smelling like cow dung due to her work before getting in.

” You son of the prince… you may not feel comfortable with anything… ” she teased me and without wasting my time she removed her saree and throw it on the floor. I know she always loves me and make me feel good anytime.

Now she is only in her blouse and petticoat that too her blouse unhooked. The look is boosting my sexual feelings and also the urge of getting her under my cock. All I need is a perfect opportunity.

I was sucking her like a kid and she was caressing my head with love. I don't know exactly for how many minutes I sucked her both boobs, I emptied them completely. Even after finishing also I continued chewing, she made me to get up ” you naughty kid.. leave my nipple.. ”

I was full on my hardon and even unable to got up from her. If I moved a little bit also my tool may wet my shorts. I slept like that for another couple of minutes and when aunt pushed me up I don't have other way than leaking the cum. My shorts got wet and it is clearly visible. She noticed it and smiled, this made me shy and I tried to ran out to home.

“okay listen… Uncle will be not there in the house tonight… I am feeling lonely.. If you are free come here to stay with me… ” she shouted from the back.
It was a pleasant sound for my ears and my mind decided to use the opportunity without a second thought ” Yaa. I will be here in few minutes.. ” I said and ran out.

I washed my cock well, changed my shorts and said good bye to parents. I reached Pramila's house before the time she guessed. She was happy about my arrival and greeted me with a cup of tea. The baby was playing on the floor and I joined with it.

She was doing the household work and my mind tickled me to move further. As an initiation I started asking her some lame doubts. ” Aunty… how do these babies born?!”

“From our womb… didn't you know that. ”

“I know that… but how?”

“Do you really don't know the answer?”

“I know a little bit… is she born when uncle raped you?”

“Hey… it's not rape.. it's called sex.. ”

“Is every sex results in pregnancy?”

“Not so.. only when we decide to have.. ”

“Can we control that… how do you did?”

“You are a heck of doubts… pregnancy happens only if your uncle's sperm reached my womb.. ”

“If any other men's reached?”

“Ohh no… I can't tolerate you… if anyone shoot his sperm in me, it will results in pregnancy… ” she show some face anger.

“But how do you have sex daily.. what if you get pregnancy. ?”

” I may not.. because I didn't allow to shoot his semen in… ”

“What if you have sex now and semen shoots inside you?”

“No… certainly not.. but why are you asking this.. “she got a big doubt

“Tell me why don't you get pregnant?”

“Because I have periods just a couple of days ago.. ”

“Periods!! is it a type of abortion.. ?”

” Who the hell thought you all these?.. periods is just a absence of pregnancy.. ”

“Why… why you it is so…. ?” I continued asking doubts, but the playing baby starts crying immediately. Pramila took baby in to the bedroom while directing me” I have kept milk for boiling… turn it off when it is boiled… ”

I stood watching the boiling milk, my mind reached her bedroom imagining the scene of Pramila and having sex with me. I turned off the stove before the milk is completely boiled and ran to the bedroom where Pramila is busy in feeding the kid.

I go near her and the vision of her bare boobs gave me heated sexual feelings. I couldn't control myself and straightway hugged her from back. She doesn't gone serious or show anger. She cuddled my hairs “Are you feeling hungry my kid.. ?”

I just nodded my head to say her yes.
“Wait.. I will give you once the baby finishes off… ”
I kissed her on cheek and sat next to her waiting for the baby to finish.

The baby gone to sleep after few minutes and Pramila made it comfortable in the bed. She sat on bed in the feeding position and invited me with a smile. I jumped on her but stopped in the middle!
” Aunty… your saree…. ” I said with a disappointed tone.

” Hey.. don't worry.. it is a new one I just wore… it doesn't smell bad… ” she is not ready to take it off.

” But I won't feel comfortable with it… please remove… ” I requested innocently.

” You are really a smart guy… do you want me to look sexy?” she know my intention well but when I didn't reply to her question she herself tried to agree with me. She removed her saree and throw it on the floor. I now jumped on her and take the nipple with lot more eager and sexual starving.

I sucked them for few minutes and emptied very early. I continued chewing her nipples still there is no milk coming out. She also didn't stop me and instead started enjoying my actions. I think the time I am waiting for is finally arrived.

I slowly put my hands on the other nipple which free to air. Now also she doesn't change her expression and still enjoying my play with closed eyes. I pinched and chewed the alternate one and she just do my head massage.

I slowly move my one hand to my shorts to successfully push it down. My erect penis stood up facing the sky. My one hand slowly jerked it and all other actions remains same. Pramila was still in the state of closed eyes.

Nearly after half an hour she opened her eyes and shocked to see my actions.
” Hey what are doing… ?” she pushed me up closing her blouse hooks.

“Sorry aunty… I couldn't control myself.. I think you are enjoying me… ” I break the limits.

” I kept calm just to feel relaxed.. I have breast pain from the past one week and your suckling gives me good feel… that's all.. ” she is trying to say something which may not be the truth.

” Whatever it is aunty.. you are enjoying me.. and now I want to enjoy your body.. ” I asked what I wanted.

” Don't you dare to talk like this… I am like your mother… ” she is playing some drama.

” But see my cock… how hard it became just because of you… I may have emotions on you but not my cock.. ” I finally got the solution to convince.

She is continuously looking at my cock with her lips leaking the saliva. ” You are really hot… really hot like your dad.. ” she appreciates me.

Now I was totally confused with her words. “How do you know my dad… that too size of my dad's cock?” I asked.

“He is my god.. !! He gave me the gift.. the greatest happiness of my life.. ” tears dropping from her eyes while saying this. Her focus is on her kid and I realized what is the actual story. She told me an interesting story.

‘Although she was married to uncle he is not good at sex. She didn't get the pregnancy for nearly nine years. During that time she shared her feelings with my mom and mom allowed her to have sex with my dad. She really loves that and that also results in pregnancy. That's the reason why she is continuously providing her milk to dad to cure his disease, nothing but a return of debt during the hard time. ‘

Her look at my cock is really killing.
” Do you want it… don't worry take it in your hands.. ” I asked.
She slowly moved her shivering hands on towards my cock and finally hold it firm. She jerked it off for minutes.

Her actions made me more lustful and I asked her for the sex ” Can you show me your vagina.. ?”

“Why not!!” she first removed her blouse from the shoulder and starts untying her petticoat. I also take off my shirt, shorts and became nude well before her.

When her petticoat dropped to the floor my eyes got a heavenly warmness. As I guessed she didn't wear anything under it and become completely nude. I didn't see any woman like that before. I can't express that beauty in words. Her smooth pubic bulge got some light bushes on it. The clit is shining by oozing her precum. A stitch mark below her hip looks like her body is smiling at me.

I just lost my grip and hugged her tightly. She also hugged me back and both are kissing each other passionately. I slowly moved down kissing her parts one by one. When I reached her nipples and take them in mouth, she herself pushed me down till her pussy. Wow the fragrance itself take my tounge out, I reached her deep with my tongue and licked her madly.

My cock is slowly getting harder and harder to the extent that it is tearing my foreskin. I just got up and put my cock inside her. She lean back and rested on the bed so that I can reach more deeper. She spread her legs apart and hugged me tightly holding my buttocks in hands.

Initially it was hell tight and for some minutes she didn't allowed me to move a little. Once she released me from her arms I started fucking her. “hmm… ummm.. ummm… haaa…. me hard… good… good…. haaaa…. hmm…. ” she was moaning in the heaven.

When I increased my speed a lot she lost her control over the body, she scratched my back with her nails and locked me in her legs. My rod felt more tightness and a wet feel. She is screaming” hmmm… no…. I am done… ummm… ufff…. uff… ” she is breathing faster than usual and her legs are shivering in pleasure.

I never stop my actions even after she had the same expression two or three times. Finally I feel my cum ready to burst out ” Aunty where do I shoot my sperm.. ”
“Hey don't shoot it outside… I want to feel the heat.. “she requested.

” I want to know the taste of it… you should eat and tell me now.. ” I removed my cock suddenly from her.
” You idiot… I may do it other day.. now don't waste it outside… ” she slapped me a bit on my back.

I inserted my cock back in her hole and again started pumping. Due to a little gap I got more strength to make her cum once again. Finally I am at the edge, I hugged her tightly and loaded all my cum deep inside her pussy canal. I was totally tiered and slept on her boobs extracting milk from them.

She got me up and take me to the dining hall. We both are nude and had the dinner too in the birthsuit. During the dinner she asked me ” Could make me one more favor?”

” Yes.. it's my pleasure… tell me.. ” I was glad to know her request.

” Can you pierce my ass hole with your cock… your dad used to do it during my pregnancy… I tried it with your uncle but didn't get the satisfaction… I am missing it badly… ” she was asking me something interesting and also a need of mine too.

After finishing the dinner she went to washroom, may be in order clean her stool. She came back within a couple of minute with a disappointed face ” it may not be possible today… I am full.. ”

I was also disappointed to hear this but was ready to make anything ” Don't worry aunty… we should try to get a solution.. ” As I brought a new phone recently I googled the problem in it. It gives some good solutions and she also agreed to it.

I go in search of a funnel and finally found one in the bike garage. She again kept some litres of milk for warming. When both are ready we take them to the bathroom. We both are already nude and there is no question of taking off the clothes.

She sat on her knees and bent completely to rest her head on the bath stone. I gave a gentle slap on her tight buttocks and inserted the funnel into her ass hole. When I started pouring warm milk into the funnel hole she is enjoying the heat ” hmmm…. uhuhuh… hmmmm”

I was continuously pouring milk and she was enjoying it, suddenly she shouted ” move away…. I am shooting… it's coming out… ” She got up in a minute and sat in the stooling position to empty her rectum.

After washing properly we get in to the bedroom. I was so exited to tear her ass but the baby started crying loudly. She therefore takes the baby to breastfeed. I was so frustrated that I started kissing all over her.

She noticed my sex starvation and hence slept in the cross position latching the baby on her side. I slowly reached her pussy after kissing all over. She lifted and stretched her one leg apart. Now I got the look of her pussy in a different angle and in no time I started eating it's lips. She was in heaven as the baby also giving her good sucklings.

Once finished feeding she made the baby sleep. I think I drank as much pussy juice to fill my stomach and to gain energy. I pulled her on bed and asked her to stand like a dog.

She kneeled down and bent completely to make her ass coming up. Her boobs are hanging like the fruits on in a tree. She kept a pillow under her boobs to rest and bent even more to ease my actions.

I hold her hip and pointed my cock near her ass hole. I take her pussy juice by fingering and smeared it on my cock. She herself stretched her hole with both hands and I inserted with a big jerk. ” Hey.. slowly… your thing is not small… hmmm.. mummy….. ” she screamed in pain.

I kept my cock still until it feel free to move. Once I start jerking she was moaning louder and louder. I also enjoyed it a lot because of its tightness. Nearly after half an hour I unloaded all my cum inside her tiny hole.

I asked her to suck my cock but she refused to do on that night. So I once again fucked in her pussy and leaked my load inside. We both slept hugging one another.

Early in the morning I feel some warmness in my cock. I feel happy to see Pramila sucking my hard cock so early in the morning. I pulled her on me and fucked her pussy untill she gets satisfaction. I asked her ” Do you wanna taste my cum.. ?” This time she said ‘yes'.

I got up and she kneeled down. I placed my cock in her mouth and fucked until last drop of my cum reached her throat. We both bathed together and I went home with a happy face.

From that day it became my permanent duty to bring milk for dad. We enjoyed each day like couples and no doubt she became pregnant the next month. Uncle was so happy that he made his wife pregnant successfully, but we only know the truth. Now she is a mother of two baby girls and more happy living as a wife of three husbands.

Added by Sunil

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