Threesome with ex wifes

Threesome with ex wifes…I have been asking my wife Liz to find someone to have a three some with for ages and the only person she said she would do it with was her ex fiancé Jim. One night when she was a bit drunk. I got her to send him a text asking him if he fancied a three some he did not reply for a few days it must of shocked him but after two days he did send one back asking if she was for really or just messing about, she sent one back saying it was really and a big fantasy of mine for us to have a three some and the only one she felt safe with was him, he was quit shocked but was kind of glad she had thought of him, a couple of messages and a few emails back and forth arranging a meeting. We agreed to meet at a local hotel called the daresbury. I picked this hotel because it was so close to where we live and was easy for me to book a room.. We were going to meet the following Friday night. We had arranged to meet at the hotel so I could get to know Jim better

The week dragged on and my wife was getting a little antsy and unsure. She talked about backing out but I encouraged her and said we could always drop it if things didn’t work out at the last minute

Wednesday rolled around and I came home from work and my wife had a devilish grin on her face. When we went to bed that night she showed me her pussy and I saw that it was completely bald. And one night when they was younger she had sex nine times in 24 hours with Jim, I was quit shocked nine times was a shit load I could not get anywhere near that record.

I went to go down and give her a good licking and she pulled away saying, “Sorry the next cock I get will be Jims” I went to sleep with a raging boner.

Friday night came and when I arrived home my wife was just getting out of the shower. She had a look of lust in her eyes sat on the bed spread her legs and said, “Do you think Jim will still like this after 10 years?”
I was very quick to tell her that he would love it. “You think you will enjoy his cock after 10 years?” I asked her. She replied with a groan and an, “Oh yeah, baby.”

She got dressed in a conservative black skirt with a top that revealed a nice portion of her breasts. She wore a nice push up to show them off. I wondered if she was wearing panties underneath. “You look fucking hot, baby,” I encouraged her.

She replied, “I feel even hotter than I look. My fanny is soaking. Could you grab some condoms babe, I asked her how many she replied at least 12 I said 12 fuck me that’s a lot. She laughed and said if we were going to do this she wanted to do it right and make the most of it and even 12 may not be enough.

We drove down to the hotel. I was trying to feel her pussy but she kept brushing my hand away and saying, “You’ll have plenty of time for that later.” She did flash me to show that me that she was indeed panties.

When we got to the hotel, she told me to check in and she will go to and get a table for us there was a disco on in one of the rooms they had there. I  checked in. And went to find her I was very surprised and pleased to see that Jim was already there and Liz was sitting beside him. They were both having a drink and chatting about old times.

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