Indian students rough sex in America

Hi friends, This is the real story and added some fantasy to make it more spicy to had enough for both men and women to get pleasure while reading, Readers this is just for pleasure just read and enjoy and leave it. And this an adult story is about sexual life if anybody doesn’t like … Read more

Maid from Heaven – Part 31

Please read the previous part here ( Maid from Heaven – Part 30 ). Now let’s continue Unable to control myself I asked another dumb question “where are you Uma”? She said “I am very busy in my room and will be with you in an hour”. I asked “is Aslam with you now”? She disconnected … Read more

Expect the Unexpected-6

Please read the previous part here ( Expect the Unexpected-5 ). Now let’s continue Nina feeling his cock ejecting his warm seeds deep inside her womb went into raptures too. With her eyes closed her body convulsed in violent spasms as if a giant tsunami had crashed thru her. Bunty looking at his mother trembling wildly, … Read more

Family Obligations

It was one of those beautiful Fall days we get in Ohio, with mild temperatures and lots of sunshine to highlight the October colors of the maple trees that lined the streets, but inside my boyfriend’s car — things were a lot more frigid. I was pissed off — beyond pissed off at Jonny Hollister, … Read more

Mom became fitness freak to fucking freak – Part 2

Hi All. I am KKD. I am 19 years old. After seeing the fucking session happened between my mom and dad yesterday night I am unable to sleep for long time in the night. I slept around sometime in the morning. Mom became fitness freak to fucking freak – Part 1 It’s being 8:00 O’clock. … Read more

Is my wife cuckolding me: Four Hours with him

The night before I leave for an out of town trip we meet up with a buddy before heading to a bar for drinks. They hug when he arrives. They always hug. She likes it. She likes him. They always hug, long and deep hugs in which he almost always reaches down and playfully starts … Read more