Sex education with vallar teacher – 1

 Sex education with Vallar teacher Hello my lovely reader I’m Surya age 22 and I’m from Bangalore. I have the dirtiest desires for sex. I love traditional women a lot. I wanna tell you my beautiful story of Vallar teacher. About vallar She is 36 her structure is 36,34,38. She has beautiful boobs and a … Read more

Living Again After Growing Old-19 : Final Episode

Please read the previous part here ( Living Again After Growing Old-18 ). Now let’s continue When I turned around to face him, he had picked up a sauce pan and smashed my face with it. I fell unconscious and woke up later in the hospital. I saw my son was there with his wife, my … Read more

Living Again After Growing Old-18

Please read the previous part here ( Living Again After Growing Old-17 ). Now let’s continue He sarcastically asked โ€œSarita are you sure you are telling me the truthโ€? I knew a confidently said lie sounds as good as the truth. So I said โ€œI know what I was doing there and I don’t care if … Read more

Living Again After Growing Old-17

Please read the previous part here ( Living Again After Growing Old-16 ). Now let’s continue I said โ€œthank you Radhika, a lot has happened in my house too. I will tell you about it laterโ€. She said โ€œOh I forgot to tell you, you are looking gorgeous in this frock. Did Pramod get you thisโ€? … Read more

Living Again After Growing Old-16

Please read the previous part here ( Living Again After Growing Old-15 ). Now let’s continue With shame plastered across his face, he said โ€œI am sorry Sarita, it is all my faultโ€. I added โ€œsay that you are sorry that you were about to slap meโ€. He said โ€œyes I am sorry for that tooโ€. … Read more

Living Again After Growing Old-15

Please read the previous part here ( Living Again After Growing Old-14 ). Now let’s continue I knew now that even at 41 I was definitely desirable to many men. To show to everyone that I only belonged to Putta, I stopped him and gave him a kiss on his lips in full public view. Some … Read more

Living Again After Growing Old-14

Please read the previous part here ( Living Again After Growing Old-13 ). Now let’s continue Putta placed his hands behind my head pushing his big manhood deep down my throat depositing his full load straight to my stomach. I too enjoyed this and was past all my premonitions about anal sex followed by a blowjob … Read more

Living Again After Growing Old-13

Please read the previous part here ( Living Again After Growing Old-12 ). Now let’s continue I held his face and kissed his lips, I said โ€œPutta darling, you know I am still very hungry and so are you. So please let’s do it again. I am game even if you want to break your previous … Read more

Living Again After Growing Old-12

Please read the previous part here ( Living Again After Growing Old-11 ). Now let’s continue Now it was a no brainer and I too removed my saree and rest of my clothes. He made me lay on the quilt and got on top. Thanks to dark tints on the glasses I felt comfortable that no … Read more

Living Again After Growing Old-11

Please read the previous part here ( Living Again After Growing Old-10 ). Now let’s continue After all the shopping when we were driving back, I said โ€œdarling I cannot take all this home, I am sure you understand whyโ€. Putta calmly said โ€œI understand, leave everything except the inners at my place. I will keep … Read more

Living Again After Growing Old-10

Please read the previous part here (Living Again After Growing Old-9 ). Now let’s continue To make him happy I got between his legs and gave him a blowjob after which he was off snoring. I watched a few more porn videos fingering myself to another more intense orgasm and then went to bed. Next … Read more

Living Again After Growing Old-9

Please read the previous part here ( Living Again After Growing Old-8 ). Now let’s continue She got up to leave and Putta locked the door after her. By now even we had finished the snacks and coffee. Putta came to me and pulled me to my feet in another bear hug followed by crazy sensual … Read more

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