Sunday Sex

Hi All. I am KKD. Read Raging Sex With Rishi before starting this.

Next day we went to institution and everything is going normal. There is no special classes or extra classes scheduled for coming Sunday. We felt happy. All the week gone and Sunday came. I started to Sony house to Vandana and Sony all the day and took viagra tablets and went to Sony house. By the time I went there to my surprise Dhanu and Rishi are also there. They all came and hugged me at once by seeing me. They are kissing and licking on my face and squeezing all over my and dragged me towards sofa and thrown me on sofa and they all standing beside me and looking at me full of sex hunger. I understood that they are more horny than me. Actually they are preparing food for afternoon at that time. They are busy with that and Sony and Dhanu went back to kitchen. Vandana and Rishi are at sofa and Vandana came and sat on my dick and rubbing her ass to my dick and I squeezing her boobs and she is slowly coming to give liplock to me and by the time she is about to kiss me Rishi dragged her away and made her to come away from me and Rishi laid on me and started to give liplock to me. Vandana got anger but left her without saying anything.

After sometime we stopped kissing and laid Rishi on sofa and I sat on her and removed my t-shirt. Vandana came and hugged me from backside and kissing me on my back. I removed Rishi top and bra and squeezing her boobs. Vandana turned me back towards her. I given liplock to her and removed her top and I am smooching and licking her neck and cleavage. After sometime I removed her bra. I am seeing her bare boobs and I am about to squeeze them and immediately Rishi dragged me towards her from my back and immediately Vandana fell on me. Rishi is on my back and Vandana on my top and I am between them on the sofa. They both are kissing and squeezing me from both sides and I am squeezing Vandana boobs. Sony and Dhanu came out of kitchen and saw us. They are already horny and by seeing us like that on the sofa they came near to us and dragged me forcefully from between Rishi and Vandana. We all three feel down from sofa. Sony and Dhanu made me to stand and took my both hands each hand by each one and placed my hands on their boobs and asked me to squeeze them. I squeezed and hold their boobs tight and dragged them close to me and they started to give kisses to me on my face. In the same time Rishi and Vandana came and hugged me from backside and kissing on my body randomly.

I kept my hands inside Sony and Dhanu dress and squeezing their waist and lifting their dress. I lifted till boobs and squeezing their boobs over bra and immediately they removed their top. I am squeezing their boobs over their bra and smooching and kissing on their neck and cleavage. I have loosened and removed their bra. Now all the four are standing around me on their bare boobs by hugging me from all sides on their kurta pant and I am standing in between them without t-shirt and wearing only short. They are hugging me from all sides and all their boobs are touching to my bare body and they are kissing me randomly on my body and I am squeezing their bodies and we are enjoying. Suddenly they all kept their hands inside my short and rubbing and squeezing my dick. Sony and Dhanu kept their hands inside my shorts and rubbing and squeezing my dick and Rishi and Vandana kept their hands on my ass and squeezing. Suddenly they lowered my short and removed it and made me completely naked. Within the time I have already loosened all their kurta pants and they all removed their kurta pants themselves. I have inserted my hands inside their panties and started rubbing and squeezing their pussies. They removed their panties also and became completely naked. Now all become naked and kissing and smooching and licking. We all went into the bedroom.

After going into the room Dhanu and Rishi fell on the bed horizontally. I felt on them and squeezing and licking their boobs and squeezing their waists and rubbing their pussies They are moaning and enjoying. Their made me to turn around and lay on them. Now they both are laying under me and I am laying on them by showing my back to them. They placed their each hand on each side on my neck and wrapped them around and dragged me closer to them. They twisted my legs with their each leg from both sides. They locked me without moving anywhere and started to kiss me on my face. Slowly they started to expand my legs with their legs. I didn't understand what they are doing. I asked them and they are not replying and keep on expanding. Even my hands are free but I am not able to do anything rather than squeezing their boobs and rubbing their pussies. They stopped expanding my legs after it reaching perfect v shape. I am not understanding what they are doing and watching what is happening by lifting my head up as much as possible. I am able to see my erected dick standing between my legs and huge amount of space in between my legs. One person can easily sit in between the space of my legs. I am not understanding what they are doing and keep on asking what they are doing. They are not speaking anything and kissing me on my face. Suddenly I have noticed Sony is coming by running towards me by running nakedly. She came by running and fell on me and Rishi and Dhanu moaned Ushhhh…………. Ahhhh………….. Sony started to give liplock to me. After sometime she turned into 69 and placed her pussy in my mouth and she is giving blowjob to my dick. Vandana came and moved Sony pussy from my mouth and placed her pussy on my mouth and I am licking her pussy. They all are moaning umm, umm, umm, umm, umm………… After sometime Dhanu and Rishi came out from under me and laid me down on the bed and they all are kissing and smooching all over my body. I hold Vandana and made her to sit in position on my dick. Immediately Rishi pushed her away and came on to my dick by say I am first. Dhanu pushed Rishi away and came on to my dick by saying I am first. Sony came on to my dick by saying I am first.

They all are standing on their knees on the bed and started to fight among themselves and arguing by saying I am first, I am first………….. They are standing on their knees in a circle on the bed. I went in between them and only my head is there in between them. I am able to see all their pussies and boobs in that view. That view is very good. They are arguing themselves and I am seeing their pussies and boobs and enjoying without involving in their argument. Suddenly Sony shouted on all of them. Immediately Rishi got anger and inserted her fingers in Sony pussy and started to do her pussy. Sony is side to Rishi and Dhanu. Dhanu also shouted on Sony and immediately Sony inserted her fingers in Dhanu pussy and started to do fingering. Rishi said I am first and immediately Vandana started to do fingering to Rishi pussy and said she is first. Immediately Dhanu started to do fingering to Vandana pussy and said she is first. They are saying that they are first to each other and fingering each other. They are moaning umm, Aah………………. Repeatedly and fingering each other and saying I am first, I am first…………. I am viewing them by laying on the bed. They are looking very nice. Suddenly they released orgasm on my face. My face is completed drenched with their orgasm. They didn't stop and keep on fingering each other by saying I am first, I am first…………. They released multiple orgasm on my face and continued to do fingering to each other for long time by saying I am first, I am first…………… After long time they got tired and fell on bed horizontally. I laid vertically on them and applied orgasm on my face to their boobs and licking and smooching and squeezing and biting them. They are moaning and relaxing without saying anything. After sometime Dhanu pressed me to her boobs to lick and her boobs more and by seeing that Rishi dragged me towards her. Sony and Vandana also started to drag me towards them. They are randomly dragging me towards each other. They are playing with me like a toy. I got fed up with them and laid in between four of them. They again started to fight. Vandana got irritated and shouted on all and said to let's play a game. Whoever wins they are first. All accepted for that.

Vandana: Let's play a hide and seek game. Let's tie a cloth to his eyes and we all will stay inside the room in different places. He will try to catch us and tell our name. Who ever will be get caught last they are the winner and will get fucked first.

They all accepted for that and tied a cloth to my eyes and started the game. They are standing in different places in the room and changing their places randomly. Based on the sounds they are making I am tracing them and trying to catch them. I am able to touch someone hand and hold that hand and dragged that person towards me. I hugged her to confirm who is that. She is not making any sound and standing there. I checked her height and boobs size. I got a doubt it might be Vandana. To confirm I started to give liplock to her and I got clarity and said Vandana. Every one in the room laughed and said no. I left that person and went in search of another. I found another and did my things to find her name. But again they said no. I understood that they are saying no wanted even I am telling the correct name. The next person which I found is Dhanu. It is very clear she is the only tall and thin out of them. Before telling her name I rubbed her pussy and she is controlling her self without moaning outside. Suddenly I inserted my two fingers deeper inside her pussy and she moaned loudly Ahhhh……… Then I said name and she got caught. I bite on her ass cheeks and made a mark to find her easily if I caught her again. Next person is Rishi. As we already knows she is angry to confirm I hold her head in perfect position to my hand and slapped on her face. My confidence is if it is Rishi definitely she won't stay calm and try to slap me. As expected she tried to slap me and I caught her. I bite on her waist to catch her easily if I found next time.

Next I caught is Sony. She is the only one having big boobs of all of them. But she is not making any sound to confirm her name. I dragged her more closer and repeatedly slapped on her pussy and after sometime she is moaning Aah, Aah……………. and get caught.

My dick got shrink due to playing the game from long time. I took my dick in Sony mouth and make her to do blowjob. She is doing it very nice and after sometime my dick got fully erected and inserted my dick deep inside her mouth and slapped repeatedly on her ass cheeks and made them red. I bite on her boobs to find her easily if I caught her next time. Immediately Vandana came and jumped on me and hugged me and said her name and she is feeling happy to get fuck first and kissing all over my face. Sony came and hugged me from backside and slowly removed the cloth tied to my eyes. Dhanu and Rishi hugged me from both sides and kissing on my face.

We all fell on the bed like that and made Vandana to the position. Dhanu and Rishi are squeezing Vandana boobs and kissing her I am holding Vandana waist and inserted my dick into her pussy. I started to give strokes. Sony is slapping on my ass repeatedly to take revenge on me because I slapped her when we are playing the game. Due to that I am Vandana more deep inside with full force. She is unable to bare and shouting and moaning loudly Aah, Aah, Aah, Aah, Aah………………. After sometime I hold Sony hair and dragged her in front of and she is in doggy position. I hold her like that and inserted my dick into her pussy with one force and she moaned Ahhhh……………. I started to give strokes and her boobs are moving to and fro and I am slapping repeatedly on her ass by holding her hair. When I am fucking Sony Vandana went went under her and squeezing and licking Sony boobs. Rishi and Dhanu are trying to lick my dick and Sony pussy when I am fucking her and keeping their faces in between us. I laid down on the bed and Rishi came on to me and started to ride dick in cowgirl position. When she is riding my dick Vandana, Sony and Dhanu came and kissing and rubbing their boobs on my face and I am licking and biting their boobs and nipples. After sometime laid down Dhanu on the bed and fucking her and Vandana and Sony are squeezing and licking Dhanu boobs. Dhanu is squeezing Sony and Vandana boobs. Rishi came and stand on her knees in front of me and I am smooching her boobs. I am holding Dhanu waist and fucking her and Rishi is holding my head to her boobs and I am smooching and licking her boobs and she is enjoying it and moaning. Vandana and Sony and Dhanu are kissing each other and squeezing each other boobs and moaning. I fucked Dhanu for sometime and released sperm in her pussy.

After sometime we had our lunch nakedly and again came back to room and started to have sex and I fucked Rishi and released sperm in her pussy. After I took viagra tablets and fucked Sony and release sperm in her pussy and in last I fucked Vandana and released sperm in her pussy. We all got drained out and fell on the bed and relaxed for sometime and went into bathroom and did bath at a time by cleaning each others body and cleaned each other body and wear dress and arranged every thing normal in the Sony house and we all went back to our houses.

After that we used to meet every Sunday in Sony house and enjoy the sex whoever is available on that day. After that I had sex with many girls in the college and decided to don't love anyone and just enjoy sex with them. I have fucked many girls.

(Thanks for your feedback and messages in Gmail and Google chat)

If any girls, and women from Chennai are intrested to have sex you can mail me to [email protected] 100% privacy will be maintained.

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