Helping a Couple to become Parents

Hi friends, I am a middle aged man from South India. I gave an ad in some dating site that I would like to help unsatisfied women, widows and childless to become parents. After some days I got a reply from a Marwari couple Sachin and Shraddha(not real names) from Bangalore and they needed my help to them to become parents. He is an IT employee in a big company and she is a home maker. They were married for six years and no child yet. They needed a child very badly. No matter a baby boy or baby girl, they needed a baby very badly. The husband of the couple told that he has a medical problem due to which he can not make his a and they can not go to IVF as it is a costly affair which they can not afford. They thought that they will have the help of an unknown person and the female of the couple will have natural one/two time sex to become pregnant. When they were having an idea like this, they had seen my ad and they gave a reply to me.

I too replied them that I can really help them in this regard and they have to keep this absolute secret and confidential. They also wanted the same and gave some instructions to me how it has to be executed. Before my confirmation, they also asked about my potency. I was not shy, I shared my daughter photos. They were absolute happy to see my daughter photo as she is like a doll and looks like a small angel. After seeing my daughter photo, the couple were really happy and expected the same type of baby. I gave my confirmation from my end and they were also ready for going ahead.

We both have agreed to a mutual terms that we should not meet each other ever in life and this will be secret forever. They also told that this will be the affair in dark and will be in dark forever.

The husband of the couple told me time to time instructions to be followed as it was a risk free way to make his wife a pregnant. I again confirmed with him that his wife also gave her acceptance or not for this. He confirmed me that she gave her acceptance as she is very much eager to miss a month as she cannot really bear the pressure from her family and her husband's family as a childless couple. They both told me that it has become their dream to get a baby for them to get the life going happy and they needed my help for achieving it. I gave my full consent to them as I am convinced that I am doing a good thing to a helpless couple and filling their life with some happiness.
Then this is how it went….

Sachin told me to visit their home in Bangalore for 2 days and they will introduce me as a cousin brother of his wife to anyone if any one notices.

Those 2 days will be 13-14 days of her menses which will be fertile days for impregnation. They told me the dates and I took a leave for those 2days to travel to Bangalore. Luckily the 2 days were coming at weekend (Saturday and Sunday). I landed in Bangalore as decided on Saturday morning and I went to their home in a cab booked by them. It was a 2 bhk flat and they welcomed me very well and the lady was absolutely beautiful. She was an absolute Marwari beauty looking like heroine of a Hindi film. I was talking to them and checking her in the gaps. She wore legging and top and no inners inside. Her breasts were dancing and my dick too was dancing inside and she was smiling as if she understood. Husband of the couple told me to wait till night and take rest. I had lunch and took rest and woke up in the evening. Evening I was served tea and I was given their album.

I checked photos of their marriage and tour of Ooty and Mysore. She was stunning beauty in all her costumes and I was thinking without costumes how much beautiful she will be. I was praying the time to move a little bit fast to enjoy her beauty. Sachin came there and started chatting with me and telling how their marriage went on and how their life has been in Bangalore also how much pressure they have on their shoulders for a baby in their home as their marriage took place 6 years back. He felt little sad about his impotency and he told that his impotency should not be a curse to his wife. They also tried for IVF which was very costly in Bangalore and they cannot afford it. So they decided to take this step rather than going for IVF. He thanked me for coming front to help them. He told that around 9'O clock he will go out of home and comes at 11'O clock and that time should be sufficient for us as his presence may not give freedom to his wife. She also had the same opinion. Soon the time was reaching 9pm and he came to my room again and said to me that he was going outside and told me all the best. I greeted him to be happy. Everything will be fine. He told me that his wife is waiting in their bedroom for me and went out.

I started towards their master bedroom with a lot of enthusiasm and she was sitting on bed. She was little nervous too. I just went in and sat near to her and started conversation. I told her that she was very much beautiful like Hindi heroines. I was praising her beauty very much so that she can open up mentally and physically too as I knew that Mental preparation is a compulsion for a fantastic copulation. I said that she was so beautiful in all her marriage photos and in their tour photos too. Her husband is a lucky person to have such a beauty beside him. Her husband must have done very good things in his last incarnation due to which he got such a beautiful wife. By telling this, I took her hand in my palm and kissed her. She received my kiss and put her hand in my hand only. I gave near about 20 kisses on her both hands. She closed her eyes and enjoying my kisses.

Immediately I leaned towards her cheeks and kissed on her cheeks. She blushed little bit. Next Immediately I kissed on her lips. She started giving kisses to me too. Her lips were very soft and tasty. We were kissing madly each other. In between I removed her T-shirt and legging too. She was not wearing inners actually so her naked beauty appeared in front of me and it was twinkling in front of me. I was mesmerized to see her beauty. It must be the combination of 1000 full moon days' moonlights beauty. I told the same to her and she was clean bowled with my appreciation. I was kissing her so passionately and in between I was telling “Oh woman, You are so beautiful. You are making me mad. Your beauty is killing me. I am just becoming crazy to you. I just want to give the infinite love to you. Today I will give all the maximum sexual happiness a man can give to a woman. Today I will introduce you to yourself in a new way. Today I will give all the happiness your beauty deserves and you have been deprived off. Today I Promise you that this would be a wonderful day in your life. You would not forget this beautiful moment in life forever”.

She was also telling “oh man, give me all the happiness I needed and I deserve and let me see how much happiness you can give to a woman just give me your lovely seed too which can generate a little angel (she wanted a baby girl).I have been waiting for a little angel to come into my lap and would like to show all my motherly love to her. I just really can not wait any more. Just make me a mother please”. I could see how much eager she is to have a baby. Two drops of tears also came from her eyes which I took and kissed. I promised her that I will fulfill her dream. Her words were also motivating me to explore her further.

We had our kissing for almost 10 minutes and slowly and I came down to her breasts. her breasts were in Pure white color. I took her left breast in my mouth and started sucking her and tickling in between. My other hand was pressing her right boob. She was enjoying and moaning like anything. I played almost ten minutes with her left breast and biting her tit and then took her right tit into mouth and left breast into palm. I was squeezing the breast and sucking the right tit. It was making her on to cloud nine. I was master in making a woman happy and I was applying those tricks which give immense pleasure to a woman. After another 10 minutes of sucking her breast, I came down to her belly button. It was really meaty sponge like belly. It was twinkling like a milky way came to earth, It was like a pure milk butter put in bowl and given to me to enjoy and lick. I told the same to her. I was never missing any opportunity to praise her beauty. She was happy to hear to my words and giving herself to me as gift and she too was enjoying as a gift. I kissed and licked it almost 20 minutes from left to right and from up to bottom till the golden . Her golden pussy by then was oozing with pussy juice.

She was completely wet down there. I went down to her pussy and kissed on it. Her cunt was smelling like honey and it was really like gold treasure. It was like a honey bottle ready to be licked. I told the same to her and she was blushing completely and pulling me towards her pussy to lick her completely. It was actually my dream to kiss her pussy, Ever since I saw her in the morning, I was imagining her golden pussy. I was not really able to control myself when I saw her lovely pussy. There was little pubic hair but still, I was able to see the shining pussy lips. They were really like rose petals, so soft and so delicate. They were absolutely like Piper betel leafs. I also felt like they might go into her body with my touching and licking. I started licking her beautiful cunt and telling, “Oh beautiful pussy, Oh soft pussy, how delicate and beautiful you are! Oh my honey, how tasty you are” I was telling her “Oh my dear, your pussy and its juice are killing me. Your pussy is inviting me to worship. Your pussy is giving me welcome to the treasure of sexual pleasure. Your pussy is inviting me to a great licking and sucking. Your pussy is making me crazy. Your pussy is giving a challenge to my manhood. Your pussy is giving an invitation to happiness which I have never accomplished. Your pussy is like a moon and inviting me touch it, to taste it, to suck it, to lick it”. I was all licking her pussy and sucking her pussy lips, biting in between and making her to reach the sky of happiness. I was drawing circles on pussy around the pussy lips and chewing the cunt lips as a bubblegum to which she was absolutely dancing.

My thick tongue was doing miracles on her pussy and her pussy juice was coming like water from ocean. I made her to attain all the sexual pleasure she was not aware. I made her to taste the highest happiness in sex. She told the same to me. I licked all her juices and still more was coming out of her golden pussy. It was like an Akshaya Patra( Never diminishing/stopping). I told the same and told the meaning of Akshaya Patra to her. She blushed completely and pulled my again to her pussy. I again said “Your pussy juices are like sweet lime honey. The more I was tasting it, the more my heart, mouth and stomach were expecting. The juices too flowing out like infinity”. I was drinking her juices and licking her completely and suddenly she pulled my face to her cunt and kept there only for some time and gave a large moan and put her both hands around me. She pulled my face more into pussy as much as possible. She was getting orgasm. I saw her experiencing orgasm and stayed stable on her pussy. I could give her the great orgasm which not many men will be able to give to a woman. I could give the orgasm which she was not aware at all. She felt so exhausted and was taking some rest as she reached the heights of sexual happiness and felt like need something more. I was also resting on her pussy and laid there for another 10 to 15 minutes till she came into this world. She thanked me for giving great sexual happiness, She pulled me towards her lips gave me a kiss one more time and a big hug too as we both felt like there is no better way than to give a kiss to thank specially when you receive a greatest gift/happy feeling.

I was actually falling short of words. I just wanted to be silent for some time. Maybe my silence could give the best words to her. I accepted her thanks and kissed her too. We laid there for some time on the bed. We both were tired a little bit and took a break of 15 minutes.
After 15 minutes, we came back to natural state, with full energy and getting ready for the great fucking. Before going for a fucking, she took my manhood in her arms and astonished to see my beautiful dick. It was pink color on top with 7 inches long and 2.5 inches girth, she took it near to her mouth and kissed and licked it. It was giving a unique smell and she liked it very much. She told that her husband's dick smells bad and she does not like to taste it much.

But mine is beautiful and a big one to satisfy any woman. It was smelling so good and standing like a pole. It was fully erect and standing like saluting her beauty. I told the same to her and she blushed one more time. She started kissing and licking it. I told her not to suck it as I wanted to store the semen to inject into her vagina. She also opined the same and did only kissing and licking my dick and balls too. She appreciated my dick very much as she likes pink color very much. My dick was like a pink pole ready to enter pink world of her pussy through the pink pussy lips. I murmured the same in her ear and she smiled for it. She played with my dick, licked and kissed my dick and balls for 10 minutes and then she wanted my dick to inject into her vagina. She positioned herself into traditional position and I came on top on to her. She took my penis into her right hand and positioned at the entrance of her pussy. I just gave push of my penis into her vagina. It entered slowly into her beautiful cunt like a rat entering a hole. She was moaning a little bit and making ah sounds. I pulled back my penis and again gave a little push. Now this time it entered a little further. She was enjoying my pushes very much. Again I pulled back my dick and give push again. This time it went further more deep inside her pussy. Her love juices were flowing like anything and with my thick penis she was getting extra pleasure. She was giving continuous moaning. Meanwhile I adjusted a pillow under her buttocks so that the penis can enter so smoothly and also the semen should not be coming outside. I kept my penis in her pussy for some 8- 10 seconds.

She was experiencing high pleasures and putting her hands around my buttocks and pulling towards her pussy. Again I pulled back my penis and pushed deep. I started doing it continuously at after some pulls and pushes, I discharged all my semen in her pussy when my dick was very deep in her pussy. She kept my penis in her pussy itself and pulling my dick into the depth of her pussy. My semen went into her pussy like a fountain and like a bullet into her body. She accepted all my semen with happiness and was praying to god to become pregnant this time. I also gave her all my love juice till last drop so that it can enter into her womb and form an embryo. She rounded my buttocks with her legs and pulling me into her. My penis was touching very deep inner walls of pussy and I felt that she really did not wanted to leave me. I just gave all my semen into her pussy and laid on her. She also tightly hugged me for some time so that all the semen could go completely into depth of her vagina. She really wanted nothing to come out.

After few minutes we departed and I placed myself just beside her and told her to fold her legs so that all semen could reach her womb. She told me thanks in my ears for giving lovely seed so that she can become pregnant soon. She told me that she really wanted a baby girl like my daughter. I remembered that sent my daughter photo to the couple for getting idea of my potency. After seeing my daughter photo only she accepted for this fucking to have same angel like baby girl. I told her that it will happen surely and all her dreams will be fulfilled. She just gave a kiss again to me and said thank you, I took the thanks by kissing her back and then I went to my room. I told her to be in that position only for another 20 minutes so that my semen can reach the egg in her womb. She said ok for it. After some time, her husband came and went into their master bedroom and he told me thank you and went for a sleep. Next day morning we woke up around 9 am in the morning and I got ready and went out to forum mall in Bangalore for some shopping and did time pass till evening. After reaching their home, I had a coffee and a little chit chat with sachin. I was checking shraddha too.

She was blushing whenever coming in front of me and giving smiles too. I knew she was eagerly waiting for today's session too. As I already mentioned, my stay was for 2 nights and my flight was Monday morning 7am to my hometown. I already told them that it will be a two days planning of fucking so that the pregnancy chances will be at maximum and they also wanted the same. We had dinner and immediately after dinner sachin went out again and I went into their bedroom. Shraddha was ready for today's session eagerly. She was ready for great fuck again. She told me that she really had wonderful and beautiful fucking and cunnilingus yesterday and it was her best fucking till date. She told that Her husband was not that much romantic. She appreciated my pussy licking skills and foreplay session very much. I told that not many men actually know the art of foreplay and making a woman to reach orgasm. I have mastered those important skills which I was using. I also told her that she was beautiful like angel and her beauty is making me to give her more. She thanked a lot and she started kissing me this time. We started from kissing again to cunnilingus. She pulled me immediately on to her vagina and rubbing my face on to her pussy. I told her that today we try 69 position. She also liked the idea and soon my penis was in her mouth and her pussy was in my mouth. I was giving great oral session again and she was licking my penis.

She really liked 69 position and I was showing my great licking skill yet again. She was moaning a lot and kissing my dick. I was drinking all her love juices like there is no tomorrow. She was making huge sounds and thrusting of her pussy to my mouth. I was making her pussy empty as much as possible. She too was licking my balls and penis very much. We had great and beautiful oral sex session for another 15 minutes and she ended up again with one more beautiful orgasm. We laid In same position for some time and I let her feel the orgasm little more time. After sometime I came on top of her and put my dick in front of vagina and gave hard pushes of 7 to 8 into her pussy and discharged whatever semen I had into her pussy. She accepted it again and rounded my buttocks with her legs. My semen was reaching her womb again. We stayed stable for some time by hugging each other. After few minutes I placed myself beside her. She was making same activity as previous day so that not even a single drop of semen could come out so that she can become pregnant. I assured her that she will definitely miss her period this time and she will only tell me the good news. She was happy to hear those good words.

She again kissed me and thanked. I too kissed her back and came back to my room. I felt happy for helping a couple who were child less as I knew the pressure of becoming pregnant on a woman. I closed my eyes and slept for the day and woke up in the morning. I got ready returned back to my home. 20 days passed and as expected, I got the good news of her period missing and pregnancy test as positive. They thanked me a lot and I accepted their thanks. Shraddha made a call over phone to me personally and thanked me and gave a kiss on phone and told me there is no better way than a kiss to tell thank you from the bottom heart. Tears dropped from her eyes. I understood her situation and I too gave her a kiss on phone told to be happy as pretty soon the little angel would be in her lap. She promised me that she will have a oral session again with me after the baby birth and she will be eagerly waiting for those precious moments again though they wanted not to meet me again, she will have 2-3 oral sessions again and she will be definitely missing her orgasms. I told her that I also will be waiting to serve her again for another 2-3 times but not more than that.

So that was the great experience to help a lovely couple to become parents.
Please do share your comments at my mail: [email protected]
If any couple or woman is looking for same kind of help or happiness, they can mail me too. Happiness and secrecy is assured.
Please ignore if any mistakes are there in my writing.
Thanks and signing off for the time being….

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